What to feed a baby water turtle
Feeding Aquatic Turtles | VCA Animal Hospital
For the purpose of this discussion, the common red-eared slider will be used as a representative animal in describing how to feed aquatic turtles.
What do red-eared sliders eat?
An improper diet is likely the most common cause of health problems in captive turtles and other reptiles.
"Red-eared sliders are typically voracious eaters and are omnivorous, eating both animal and vegetable matter."
Red-eared sliders are typically voracious eaters and are omnivorous, eating both animal protein and vegetable matter. As juveniles, they are mainly carnivorous (eat animal protein) and become more omnivorous as they age. All aquatic turtles eat and swallow with their head under water and will not eat out of the water. To help facilitate optimal cleanliness of their tanks, aquatic turtles can be fed in a separate, small aquarium of warm water. That way, they will soil this water, and not their main aquarium. When feeding turtles, offering a variety of food is important. Changing the types of food fed on a regular basis helps stimulate the turtle to eat and provides nutritional balance.
What are some acceptable animal-based protein foods I can offer my red-eared sliders?
The carnivorous portion of their diet should consist of commercial turtle or fish pellets, as well as a variety of invertebrates and vertebrates. Pelleted foods come in several sizes. Larger pellets tend to float well and are attractive to large turtles, whereas smaller pellets tend to sink quickly and are generally accepted by juveniles and small turtles.
"The carnivorous portion of their diet should consist of commercial turtle or fish pellets, as well as a variety of invertebrates and vertebrates."
Aquatic turtles in the wild eat fish, and "feeder fish" may be purchased from pet stores or bait stores to feed pet turtles. Depending on the size of the turtle, fish such as goldfish, guppies, or minnows may be offered. Feeding live fish can provide your turtle with the mental stimulation and exercise that comes with the challenge of chasing and catching its dinner. Fish also can be a good source of calcium for turtles, as long as they eat the entire fish, bones and all. However, recently feeder fish have been implicated as carriers of parasites and bacteria that can infect the pet turtles that eat them. Therefore, if feeder fish are fed to turtles, they should be offered infrequently. Smelt, mackerel, and other oily fish should be fed sparingly or avoided all together, as their high fat content may upset nutritional balance and lead to vitamin E deficiencies. A predominantly fish diet may also lead to a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency, so fish should only be offered as a small portion of aquatic turtles’ diets.
Depending on the size of the turtle, amphibians such as tadpoles and frogs can be offered, as can earthworms, snails, slugs, beetles, grasshoppers, moths, crickets, mealworms, wax worms, and other insects. Feeding wild-caught fish and amphibians is not recommended, as they may contain parasites and other infectious organisms that may affect the turtle.
Raw meat, fish, or chicken from the grocery store does not contain a balance of calcium and phosphorus for a turtle and is not recommended as a food source for turtles. Regardless of the protein source, the carnivorous portion of a turtle’s diet should make up no more than two thirds of the diet of juveniles and about half of the diet of adults.
What types of plant material can I feed my red-eared slider?
The plant portion of the diet should be made up of vegetables, preferably ones that float and can be left in the water for the turtle to nibble on throughout the day. Leftover food should be scooped out of the tank daily to promote proper hygiene. Desirable vegetables to offer include dark leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, collard greens, mustard greens, carrot tops, endive, Swiss chard, kale, parsley, green beans, dandelion greens, turnip greens, and clover. Iceberg or head lettuce should not be fed, as it is comprised mostly of water and contains very little nutritional value.
"The key to feeding turtles is to provide variety, as many turtles get bored and stop eating if they are fed the same foods over and over."
The key to feeding turtles is to provide variety, as many turtles get bored and stop eating if they are fed the same foods over and over. Many red-eared sliders are drawn to the color red, so shredded vitamin-A rich red bell pepper is also good to offer. Safe, non-toxic aquatic plants, such as water hyacinth, water lilies, Elodea, or duckweed, can be placed in the tank. Always check the safety of plants before offering them to your turtle to be sure they are non-toxic.
How often should I feed my red-eared slider?
The frequency of feeding depends on the age and size of your red-eared slider. Smaller or juvenile turtles will eat heartily every day. As they get older, adult turtles may be offered a good-sized portion of food every two or three days.
Do I need to give my red-eared slider vitamins and minerals?
The key to proper nutrition for a red-eared slider is a diverse and varied diet containing a balance of vegetable and animal protein, depending on the pet’s age. Some veterinarians suggest adding a balanced, commercially available multivitamin once per week with an additional source of calcium, such as a calcium block or cuttlebone, twice per week.
What about water?
Aquatic turtles, of course, swim in water and drink all day; therefore, the only water requirement for an aquatic turtle is to keep their tanks clean and at an appropriate temperature. Having a well-functioning filtration system that is cleaned regularly is key to ensuring good water quality.
If you have any other questions about nutrition or care of your red-eared slider, make sure you seek the advice of a veterinarian familiar with turtles. Remember, turtles and other reptiles commonly carry Salmonella bacteria on their skin or in the gastrointestinal tracts, so it is important to always wash your hands thoroughly after feeding, cleaning, or handling turtles.
What Do Baby Water Turtles Eat?
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A Wild Water TurtleIf you’re thinking about adopting or buying a baby turtle, it’s important to understand how to properly care for one until it reaches maturity. A proper diet is an essential aspect of the baby turtle’s upkeep. Let us determine which foods are best for tiny turtles.
Slow-going turtles that may be just as entertaining to watch as cats and dogs may live in an aquarium. They are rather easy to keep, especially compared to most reptiles. They can survive a long time, especially if you feed them properly.
You could also want to make sure your baby turtle is eating the correct kinds of food or raise them on a diet as close to a wild turtle as possible, being a turtle parent. We’ll go through what baby and adult turtles eat in the wild, as well as what you can feed them if they’re kept as pets.
It is very simple to acquire a baby turtle from a pet shop. However, caring for a newborn turtle is a demanding task that must be handled with great attention because it depends on the requirements and desires of each individual. Adult tortoises are more susceptible to external factors and strains than juvenile turtles, which is why it’s critical to provide them with extra attention. They’re also prone to a variety of illnesses and contain germs that can cause disease. As a result, you must provide adult turtles with customized care in order for them to reach adulthood.
Baby turtles need to be fed on a regular basis. They will not grow into robust and healthy turtles if they are not fed properly. We’ll go through how to feed a newborn turtle as well as the best food options.
What Do Baby Water Turtles Eat? Baby Water Turtles Can Be Fed VegetablesTo ensure that your baby turtle grows and develops properly, you must feed it healthily. Flakes are one of the greatest diets for juvenile turtles. Baby turtles may be fed with tiny fish, food sticks, and pellets. Fortunately, these foods are available in a range of sizes, ranging from jumbo to medium to small.
Sometimes, it’s difficult to get baby water turtles to eat. Depending on the temperature outside, they will eat their yolks for the first few weeks. The hotter it is outside, the more they’ll feed on their yolk. Immediately after, you may feed your baby turtles live insects and worms, such as wax worms, bloodworms, mealworms, or blackworms. Try feeding your newborn turtle with commercial foodstuffs as well as veggies and fruits once it has gotten used to the former.
The secret to giving your baby turtles moving foods is to start feeding them as soon upon birth as possible. If there are no live, frozen, or freeze-dried animal-based meals available, you can offer lunch meat to your hatchling in an emergency. Turtles will eat it, but don’t offer them lunch meat if you have other options. The more pure and organic the meat is, the better for your baby turtle. Chicken or turkey flesh is preferable since ground beef becomes mushy in water and creates a mess.
When they’re a few months old, they can eat diets. Commercial turtle pellets or flakes, tiny live bugs like roaches and crickets, small fish such as baby minnows, mollies, and guppies, tiny live shrimp, vegetables, and fruits should all be added first. The type of food you feed your infant turtle is determined by its species, water temperature, and size.
Water turtles are omnivorous, consuming both animal and vegetable foods. They are primarily carnivorous as youngsters but become increasingly omnivorous as they grow older.
Aquatic turtles eat and swallow with their heads submerged, so they won’t eat out of the water. Aquatic turtles may be fed in a separate, tiny aquarium of warm water to help ensure the cleanliness of their tanks. This way, the turtles will defecate in this water rather than their main aquarium. When feeding turtles, it’s important to give them a range of foods. Feeding turtle food in different forms on a regular basis helps encourage them to eat and provides nutritional balance.
Wild aquatic turtles eat fish, and pet turtles may be fed with feeder fish from pet shops or bait stores. Goldfish, minnows, and guppies are some examples of fish that may be offered to the turtle depending on its size.
Live fish may provide your turtle with mental stimulation and exercise, as well as the thrill of catching and eating its food. Fish is also a good source of calcium for turtles if they consume the entire fish, bones, and all.
Feeder Fish Can Also Be Given To Baby Water TurtlesFeeder fish, on the other hand, have been shown to carry parasites and germs that can infect pet turtles if they eat them. As a result, feeder fish should be fed only rarely if given to turtles. Feeding oily fish such as mackerel, smelt, and other fatty fish in large quantities or at all may cause vitamin E deficiencies. A thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency may result from a mostly fish diet, so aquatic turtles should only be fed in tiny amounts.
Turtles, earthworms, and frogs can all be fed to baby turtles as well. Snails, beetles, slugs, grasshoppers, crickets, moths, waxworms, mealworms, and other insects may also be offered. Feeding flesh from wild-caught fish and amphibians is not suggested because parasites and other potential infections may infect the turtle.
Worms Can Be Given To Baby Water TurtlesMeat, chicken, or fish obtained from the supermarket does not have a proper ratio of calcium and phosphorus for a turtle and should not be fed to turtles. The carnivorous component of a turtle’s diet should make up no more than two-thirds of the diet of juvenile turtles and about half of the adult turtles’ diets.
How To Feed Baby Water Turtles? A Water Turtle in The SeaIn the wild, young turtles obtain their nutrients from traveling about in the woods, walking about in shaded areas, and swimming in deep swimming pools. They consume everything from insects to tiny fish to aquatic plants and grasses to fruits on rare occasions. At their age, they prefer a diet that is more omnivorous since they like to eat a diverse range of animals and plants.
Land baby turtles may eat different things than aquatic baby turtles. Land turtle food, for example, is more vegetable-based than that of water-dwelling creatures. As a result, you must offer land baby turtles a balanced diet that includes both fresh leafy greens and commercial foods. To make meals simpler to digest, try feeding them in tiny pieces. Aquatic baby turtles are picky eaters who frequently defecate in the middle of their meals, therefore they should be fed in smaller tanks. As a result, if they feed in their aquarium, it will become filthy.
Baby turtles generally require a gel capsule or pellet supplement that you can buy from a pet store or online. However, keep in mind that the species, age, and nutritional demands of your turtle will have an impact on its diet. It is also well-known that adolescent turtles should consume more proteins than mature ones since it aids in the growth of their bones.
Feed your turtle on a regular basis, at least twice a day. Overfeeding them may cause them to overgrow their shell and become unsightly, so keep an eye on how much they’re eating. Local pet shops typically sell most turtle diets. However, you should double-check the labels to ensure that your baby turtle is eating the best diet possible. For the greatest outcome, pick a formula that has been authorized for your newborn turtle by its manufacturer.
It’s crucial to provide mineral and vitamin supplements, particularly Vitamin D and C, to your turtle hatchlings since they need them for healthy shell development. It also aids in the assimilation of vitamin D, which is required for the formation of strong as well as healthy shells and bones.
What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Water Turtles?Turtles, including saltwater sea turtles, coastal brackish terrapins, and terrestrials tortoises, have been on Earth for a long time. They even interacted with the dinosaurs!
These extraordinary creatures can thank one of the most efficient natural defenses in existence: hard, boney shells.
Turtles, like many other reptiles and amphibians, are susceptible to a variety of predators. While their defensive anatomy may protect them from most attackers, you might be surprised to learn that turtles are frequently preyed upon by a variety of determined hunters. Adult turtles have few predators, but turtle eggs and emerging youngsters are extremely vulnerable.
RaccoonsRaccoons, in particular, enjoy the opportunity to ransack a turtle nest or devour newly hatched turtles. They’ll actively seek and dig up potential nest sites. Raccoon predation is actually the greatest cause of sea turtle fatalities in Florida.
OpossumsAnother common omnivore is the opossum, which will often consume hatchling turtles and turtle eggs. Because opossums get most of their nutrition from insects and invertebrates, these encounters are mostly random in nature.
SkunksAll mustelids, including skunks, fishers, weasels, badgers, mink, and other species in the Mustelidae family are able to and eager to consume a turtle egg meal. There’s also no doubt that they have the jaw strength needed to break into a hatchling turtle’s shell!
Turtles, being reptiles, are easy prey for dogs and cats. Foxes, wolves, coyotes, and domestic dogs will feed on turtle hatchlings and eggs when they occur by chance. Foxes are well-known for detecting buried food, such as turtle nests.
BobcatsTurtles and turtle eggs aren’t much of a meal for felines, since they are predators that are drawn to movement. They may see a small, active turtle as more of a toy than a food source, especially in tiny house cats.
Bobcats have been known to attack and consume sea turtle eggs, despite their reputation as egg-eaters.
LizardsAll voracious lizards, as a rule, consume turtle eggs or any other prey as soon as they become accessible. Monitor lizards and tegus, in particular, are expert nest-raiders and egg-eaters.
Although crocodilians are one of the few predators that can and frequently do consume even fully grown turtles, they aren’t the only ones. Their strong, snapping jaws are capable of crushing the largest aquatic turtles into tiny pieces.
People have reported seeing snakes eating turtle eggs and tiny turtles! Rat snakes are notorious for attacking chicken nests, but they’ll eat eggs from any species, including turtles. The Formosa kukri snake has adapted to eat only reptile eggs, and sea turtle eggs are among its favorite foods.
Snakes will consume anything that they can swallow, whether it’s a hatchling turtle or an adult. With their unhinging jaws, smaller turtles aren’t safe from snakes, especially large snake species like the anaconda.
Other Species of TurtlesCannibalism does occur, as evidenced by the fact that adult turtles have been observed to consume their own species’ hatchlings. Snapping turtles snap off the heads of other turtles before eating them. It’s unclear if this behavior is territorial or strictly predatory in nature.
Birds of PreyHatchling turtles are frequently preyed upon by predatory wading birds and water birds while foraging for fish, amphibians, and aquatic vegetation. Crows and other similar species are aware of any adult turtles that appear to be nesting. They’ll either observe and wait or return later to consume the freshly laid eggs.
Birds of prey, such as eagles and hawks, will pick up small to medium-sized turtles and carry them high into the air before releasing them to the ground, where the hard shell will shatter and the flesh will be exposed.
FishGar, largemouth bass, catfish, and other big, carnivorous fish species consume hatchling turtles in freshwater settings. Adult sea turtles are preyed upon by a variety of the world’s largest fish, including sharks! Adult sea turtle adults are the only natural predators of adult sea turtles.
Are Baby Water Turtles Healthy To Eat?Eating sea turtles isn’t as pleasurable as those who advocate for it would have you believe. Turtles are hazardous meals due to the fact that they include a slew of disease-producing chemicals, such as pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental contaminants. A turtle meal might swiftly return to haunt its consumer with severe consequences that necessitate rapid medical treatment.
If the biological hazards aren’t enough to deter you from eating turtle meat and eggs, consider the microbiological risk. Sea turtles host a diverse range of germs. They are completely safe for animals but can be extremely dangerous to humans.
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What should I feed the little red-eared turtles?
The main question that arises in the newly minted owner of the red-eared turtle: what to feed such an exotic pet? Providing a young individual with food requires a serious approach. From how correctly you make up the diet of your pet, its activity, health and life expectancy directly depend. Let's look at what you need to feed a small red-eared turtle at home.
Juveniles are usually given only food of animal origin. Approximately 70% of the diet should consist of small, lean fish and 30% of:
- offal
- insects
- small snails
- crustaceans
- earthworms
- squids
- shrimps
- crabmeat
- tubifex
- minced beef
If possible, treat your pet to live guppy aquarium fish. In general, fish is very useful for the growing organism of the red-eared.
What is the best fish to feed the little red-eared turtle?
As already mentioned, the fish should be lean. It can be pollock, blue whiting, hake, cod, navaga, perch and carp. Give the fish finely chopped and with small bones. For large fish, remove the costal bones. Raw or boiled fish to give reptiles? Here experts have not come to a consensus. Some believe that the fish should only be raw, while others insist that it should be boiled. In our opinion, it is not necessary to boil the fish. It is enough to pour boiling water over it.
Twice a week, it is recommended to add bone meal (available at the pet store) or crushed eggshells to the red-eared food.
Dry food for small red-eared turtles
Dry food for turtles cannot get enough nutrients. It can be given to turtles from time to time if it is not possible to organize a natural meal. But in no case should a reptile's diet consist of store-bought food alone. The red-eared must receive vitamins and microelements from natural food. Constant feeding of a pet with semi-finished products negatively affects digestion, metabolism, which can eventually lead to various diseases.
What not to feed small red-eared turtles
It is not recommended to give large quantities of fatty fish and fatty meat (lamb, pork). It is strictly forbidden to offer turtles food from the human table (boiled and fried food, sausage, bread, etc.). It is forbidden to give reptiles dry food and vitamins for cats, dogs and other mammals.
Little red-eared turtles, like adults, should not be fed hot or too cold food. If the turtle dinner has been stored in the refrigerator, let it sit at room temperature for a while. You can not give food directly from the refrigerator.
Feeding schedule
If adult turtles are fed 1 time in 2-3 days, young turtles under the age of two years - 1 time per day. Feed is given in the morning or afternoon. The amount of food depends on the activity of the young reptile. The serving volume is recommended to be calculated so that the red-haired woman eats food within 15-20 minutes, leaving nothing uneaten. An approximate portion is 2-3 pieces (for example, fish) of 1 cm3.
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How and what to feed red-eared, marsh and other aquatic turtles
Aquatic ornamental turtles are frequent inhabitants of home aquariums. These cute reptiles are very fond of children and adults. In order for the turtle to live a long and fulfilling life in a closed tank, you need to create appropriate living conditions for it and pay special attention to the right diet.
In this article, we will look at popular brands of complete food and treats for aquatic turtles, how many times a day, at what time and how to feed them correctly, whether turtles need mineral and vitamin supplements, differences in the diet of adults and small pets, as well as depending on from the type of turtle.
Peculiarities of feeding aquatic turtles
Aquatic turtles eat plant and animal food. During the period of growth and formation of the body, turtles need food rich in protein. Natural products can be added to the diet in combination with ready-made dry food designed specifically for aquatic turtles.
Natural products are served to turtles in small pieces. A single portion is determined so that in a 30-minute snack, the turtle can completely eat the entire piece of food served. For young reptiles, 2-3 pieces of 1 cm3 are usually enough, and for feeding adult turtles, the size of the pieces should be slightly increased. If after a snack there is a half-eaten piece in the aquarium, the portion can be reduced at the next feeding.
A few more important rules for feeding aquatic turtles:
- natural food should be thermally processed before feeding the reptile;
- food served must be at room temperature;
- food can be placed in the aquarium in a special feeder located on the ground in order not to pollute the water;
- feeding with tweezers is allowed;
- To create a balanced diet, it is allowed to combine ready-made food with natural food.
Overview of artificial food for turtles
Dry food is recommended not as a main food for aquatic turtles, but as a supplementary food that goes well with natural food.
Dry food for aquatic turtles offers a wide range of products from different world manufacturers. We will briefly review the types of artificial food and other healthy treats for pet reptiles.
Complete dry food
Complete dry food can be given to baby and adult turtles every day. The composition of such a product includes useful components of plant and animal origin, selected taking into account all the requirements of the reptile's body.
Popular brands:
- Sera;
- Zoomir;
- Tetra ReptoMin;
- Dajana.
Non-complete foods are included in the Treats category. They can only be given to adult turtles and no more than once a week.
Popular treats:
- JBL Tortil;
- Tetra ReptoDelica Snack;
- Sera Raffy Royal;
- Zoomir "Tortila M" Strong shell, etc.
Vitamin and mineral complexes
At home, turtles cannot get all the microelements necessary for their body, which they extract in the natural environment. So that the reptile does not get sick and feels good, it must be periodically fed with special vitamin and mineral supplements. You can buy ready-made complexes in pet supply stores.
Vitamin and mineral supplements for turtles:
- MIX – mineral supplement with calcium;
- MIX - general strengthening supplement;
- mineral block "Tortila";
- Beaphar Turtle Vitamin - vitamin complex;
- FIORY Tarta Vigor - feed supplement with vitamins;
- mineral block Ca+D3 "Tortila M";
- Sera vitamins;
- Dajana - mineral stone for aquatic turtles.
Adult tortoise and small pet diet
The diet of aquatic turtles must be combined - natural food in combination with artificial food. Consider what foods can and cannot be given to aquarium reptiles.
Useful and harmful natural products for aquatic turtles:
- You can give low-fat river fish in crushed form with chopped bones. You can not feed turtles with bony and oily fish.
- May be fed with live gammarus and small crustaceans.
- Raw shrimp and crabs are allowed.
- Turtles should not be fed squid, although they love them very much.
- It is strictly forbidden to give reptiles the meat of terrestrial animals and factory meat products (sausage, canned food, etc.). The digestive system of reptiles does not absorb such food.
- Occasionally, you can treat the turtle with pieces of beef heart and liver. These products feed the body with vitamin A.
- It is allowed to feed the reptile with food mice and frogs.
- Natural plant foods for turtles include carrots, lettuce, apple pulp, herbs, sprouted oats and barley.
- Non-poisonous grassland plants as well as algae and some aquatic plants can be included in the diet.
- Limited quantities of pear, watermelon, melon, banana, apricot and raspberry pieces.
- Do not give turtles citrus fruits, nuts, soybeans, beans, cabbage, bread, flour products, cereals, fish waste, dairy products, chicken eggs.
- Foods high in phosphorus, stromagenic substances and oxalates are harmful to reptiles.
- With pleasure and benefit, turtles eat various insects and larvae living in the water. They can be fed with coretra, bloodworms, locusts, crickets, fly larvae, earthworms and moths. The insect must first be decapitated. Can be given dried, frozen, or live.
- Live and thawed mollusks, land snails, snails, marizas, etc. are well absorbed by the reptile organism. But it is better not to treat a turtle with slugs without shells.
Turtle menu specifics depending on their species
Water turtles are more often predators, so the basis of their diet is food of animal origin. If your aquarium has a semiaquatic or marsh reptile that prefers vegetarian food, the diet will be based on plant foods. In any case, the nutrition for the turtle must be balanced and varied so that the body of the domestic reptile fully receives all the necessary substances and trace elements.
Features of the diet of turtles of different species:
- The red-eared turtle prefers fry, small fish with bones, insect larvae, chicken fillet, gammarus and shrimp. From plant foods, you can give apples, lettuce and slices of fresh cucumber.
- Chinese amphibian Trionix enjoys beef liver, heart, lean fish, fry and small frogs. From plant foods, she will like fresh herbs and slices of tomato.
- The European bog turtle loves lean meats, fish with small bones, and plant foods.
- Musk turtle prefers to feed on algae, fish and aquatic insects.
How often and at what time to feed the turtles
It is recommended to feed the turtle at the same time. The first three years of life they are fed once a day, mainly food of animal origin. As they grow, the need for such food is lost, so plant foods and dry food become the main part of the diet.
Adult turtles are fed once every 2-3 days. In summer, turtles eat more often, but in small portions, and in winter they may not eat for several days, and then gladly absorb the increased portion. In the cold season, it is recommended to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the turtle's diet.
After the turtle has been fed, the remains of food are removed from the aquarium. In the subsequent feeding, fresh food is served. You can not feed the reptile with spoiled foods, they can cause poisoning of the body.
Major Owner Mistakes
New pet turtle owners often make feeding and diet mistakes that can cause serious health problems for the reptile.
The most common owner mistakes are:
- feeding the turtle food from his table - salty, fried, smoked and seasoned dishes are very dangerous for the body of turtles;
- regular feeding with vitamin and mineral supplements - such complexes should not be given to turtles more than once a week;
- make up an unbalanced diet, for example, they regularly treat a reptile with fish, forgetting about the need to feed other healthy foods, which leads to an excess of vitamin B and a lack of other microelements in the body.