What to feed baby koi

What Do Baby Koi Fish Eat?

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What do baby koi fish eat? This is a question that many people have, and the answer can vary depending on the age of the koi fish. In this blog post, we will discuss what baby koi fish eat as well as what older koi fish can eat. We’ll also explore the best food for koi fish and provide some tips on keeping your koi healthy and happy!

What do baby koi fish eat?

Baby koi fish are typically born with what is called a yolk sac. This sac contains all of the nutrients that the baby koi needs to grow and develop.

The yolk sac will eventually disappear as the koi grows, and at that point, the koi will need to start eating solid food. You can begin feeding your baby koi small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets. As your koi grow, you can increase the size and variety of their meals.

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Baby Koi Fish Eating

Can koi fish eat cucumbers?

Older koi fish can eat a variety of foods, including cucumbers! In fact, cucumbers are a great treat for koi fish because they are low in calories and high in water content.

Cucumbers also contain essential vitamins and minerals that can help keep your koi healthy. Just be sure to wash the cucumber before feeding it to your koi, and cut it into small pieces so that they can easily digest it.

What is the best food for koi fish?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best food for koi fish will vary depending on the age and health of your koi. However, some general tips include offering a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as high-quality koi food pellets. You should also avoid feeding your koi fish foods that are high in fat or salt, as this can cause health problems.

Baby Koi Fish Eating

If you’re looking for the best food for koi fish, talk to your local pet store or koi breeder. They will be able to give you specific advice based on the needs of your individual koi.

Tips for keeping your koi healthy and happy

In addition to providing a healthy diet, there are a few other things you can do to keep your koi fish healthy and happy.

First, make sure that they have a clean and spacious pond to swim in. Koi prefer water that is between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, so you may need to use a pond heater to maintain the perfect temperature. You should also regularly check the water quality and clarity, as koi are sensitive to changes in their environment.

Finally, don’t forget to give your koi plenty of love and attention! They will enjoy being petted and will even learn to recognize their owners over time.

Baby Koi Fish Eating

Do you need to feed baby koi?

Yes, you need to feed baby koi. Baby koi fish are born with a yolk sac that contains all of the nutrients they need to grow and develop. However, this sac will eventually disappear, and at that point, the koi will need to start eating solid food. You can begin feeding your baby koi small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets. As your koi grow, you can increase the size and variety of their meals.

How often should you feed adult koi?

Adult koi fish should be fed once or twice a day. The amount of food you give them will depend on the size and age of your koi fish. A good rule of thumb is to offer them as much food as they can eat in about five minutes. You can also talk to your local pet store or koi breeder for specific advice on how much to feed your adult koi fish.

Baby Koi Fish Eating

What do baby koi fish need to survive?

Baby koi fish need food, clean water, and a comfortable environment to survive. You can provide them with food by feeding them small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets.

It’s important to keep their water clean and at the right temperature (between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit), as koi are sensitive to changes in their environment. Finally, make sure they have plenty of space to swim and explore. By providing these basic needs, you’ll give your baby koi the best chance at a happy and healthy life.

How do you take care of baby koi fish?

You can take care of baby koi fish by providing them with food, clean water, and a comfortable environment. You can feed them small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets.

Baby Koi Fish Eating

Will baby koi survive in a pond?

Yes, baby koi can survive in a pond. However, they will need clean water and a comfortable environment to thrive. You should also make sure to feed them small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets. If you provide these basic needs, your baby koi will have a good chance at surviving in a pond.

Can koi eat boiled eggs?

Yes, koi can eat boiled eggs. In fact, many koi owners report that their fish enjoy eating boiled eggs as a treat. However, you should not give your koi fish too many eggs, as they are high in fat and salt. Too much of either can cause health problems for your koi fish. If you want to give your koi a boiled egg as a treat, make sure to remove the shell first.

Baby Koi Fish Eating

Do baby koi need oxygen?

Yes, baby koi need oxygen to survive. They will get the majority of the oxygen they need from the water in their pond or tank. However, if the water is not well-aerated, it can become stagnant and low in oxygen.

This can be harmful to your koi fish, so it’s important to make sure their environment is well-aerated. You can do this by using an aquarium bubbler or installing a pond aerator.

Do koi eat algae?

Yes, koi fish will eat algae if it is available. However, they are not primarily herbivores and should not be fed a diet of only algae. A healthy diet for koi fish includes both plant and animal material. In addition to algae, you can feed your koi small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets. As your koi grows, you can increase the size and variety of their meals.

Baby Koi Fish

How fast do baby koi grow?

Baby koi fish can grow up to two inches per month. However, their growth rate will slow down as they get older. A healthy diet and a clean environment are important for helping your koi fish reach their full potential.

How do you keep baby koi fish alive in a pond?

You can keep baby koi fish alive in a pond by providing them with food, clean water, and a comfortable environment. You can feed them small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets.

How do you raise a baby koi fish?

You can raise a baby koi fish by providing them with food, clean water, and a comfortable environment. You can feed them small amounts of cooked rice, chopped-up vegetables, or commercial koi food pellets. As your koi grows, you can increase the size and variety of their meals.

Baby Koi Fish


To thrive, baby koi fish require a steady supply of food, fresh water, and a safe haven. You can give them cooked rice, chopped veggies, or commercial koi food pellets in tiny amounts. Koi are quite sensitive to changes in their environment, so it’s crucial to keep their water clean and at the appropriate temperature (between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit).

As a final precaution, ensure that your children have plenty of room to play and swim. Your young koi will have the best chance of a long and healthy existence if you provide it with the following essentials. If you have any questions about what do baby koi fish eat or how to take care of them, feel free to leave a comment below! Thanks for reading!

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Koi Fish Feeding Tips & Recommendations For Healthy Koi — Koi Story

/koi-feeding-dinners-ready -> /koi-fish-feeding 301

The best part about raising koi fish is feeding them! Seeing them come to the surface and even eating from the palm of your hand is the best bonding experience between growing koi fish and their owners. And while it may be fun to watch your fish friends flop over one another to get a glimpse of you, koi feeding needs to be regulated and monitored to ensure the health and wellbeing of your koi.

What should you feed your koi fish?

It depends on their age, size and the season. And then of course, there’s always how much you’re willing to spend to get the good stuff.

Generally, you can feed koi anything you can feed goldfish. Both fish species are technically carp and will eat just about anything organic–koi food, vegetables, krill and plankton, breakfast cereal, dead leaves. You name it. They’ll eat it.

If you’re buying koi food, things are always cheaper when you buy in bulk. Some formulas boast color enhancing properties while others are fortified with vitamins to promote good immunity in your koi fish. Beyond that, it’s often matter of preference.

It's said that koi have a memory of around three minutes, yet they can learn to recognize their feeders. Talk about selective memory! We've assembled ten great tips to help you become a become your koi's favorite face, even if they forget your name.


  1. Feed your fish up to four times per day. Only feed them as much as they can eat in about a five minute period.

  2. Koi fish eat just about anything, from small bugs and insects, to plants and algae at the bottom of the fish pond, to store-bought koi fish food. 

  3. Koi will even eat people food. They love cereal, lettuce, shrimp, rice, peas, watermelon... pretty much anything we like, koi fish consider food.

  4. Avoid feeding your koi fish before storms. Fish need more oxygen when digesting food. When it rains, oxygen levels in the air dip down, so you can see why it's a bad koi fish feeding time.

  5. Your growing koi will remember you as their feeder after only a short amount of time. Consistently feed them and they will begin to greet you as you approach the pond.

  6. Your smaller koi fish will need to eat flake or small koi food. Larger koi fish prefer pebble food

  7. Your koi fish prefer more carbohydrate-rich foods early in the spring and late in the fall while protein is better in early summer when mating is in the air (er, pond).

  8. Koi fish feeding time is fun. Enjoy your special time with your beloved growing koi!

  9. Koi fish can go all winter without eating because their metabolism slows to a crawl

  10. Koi fish feeding is not recommended if your pump breaks because your koi need oxygen to digest their food.


There are a few different kinds of food you can be feeding your koi: fresh foods, freeze-dried foods, and prepared foods. Prepared pellets are the most convenient because they are created to meet all of the nutritional needs of koi fish, but fresh and freeze-dried foods can be added as a supplement.

When it comes to prepared foods, they vary in shape and size. They also come in floating or sinking varieties. Floating pellets are recommended because they let you see if you’re overfeeding your fish. You also get to watch your koi come to the surface to feed – one of the joys of koi ownership!

As for fresh and freeze-dried foods, they vary from blood worms, brine shrimp, clams, and chopped vegetables. All are acceptable for supplemental feeding.


When feeding your koi, disperse small amounts of food at a time. Watch as your koi come up to eat the food. Only feed your koi as much as they can eat in five minute sessions. Feed your koi three times a day: early morning, early afternoon, and late afternoon. Stick to this schedule to avoid overfeeding.

Overfeeding not only harms the health of your koi, but also pollutes their water. Koi will overeat when overfed, so make sure you stick to the 5-minute feeding schedule. If any extra food remains after twenty minutes, clean it out of the tank.

Your koi fish will gradually become more and more comfortable with you as you feed them everyday. Make sure you stick around when feeding them so they can see you. This will build the trust between fish and owner. Soon, they will be practically leaping out of the water to feed from your hand!


Did you know that your koi have different nutritional needs throughout the year? This is because they are a cold-blooded animal: they’re affected by their water temperatures. A koi’s metabolic rate is much faster in warmer temperatures than in colder ones. In fact, when water temperatures drop below 50˚ F (10˚ C), koi do not need to be fed at all if they are in healthy condition; they live off their own body fat. The temperature that is recommended for best growth is between 73˚ F and 86˚ F.

While there are some specific nutritional needs that should be met when feeding koi, these vary throughout the year. Start feeding your koi again once the water temperatures reach 60˚ F (15.5˚ C). Ease them back into an eating regimen by serving small portions. When koi begin to eat again in the spring, they need foods that are easily digestible, such as wheat germ, rice, or vegetable protein.

As temperatures warm up, koi need food that will support their growth and development. Feed them more protein and lipids during the summer. Come fall, return their feeding to the spring’s regime: more easily digestible foods.

Check Out KOI Story’s FOOD & Nutrition recommendations

These are our favorite koi foods whether you're budget-conscious or looking to spoil your koi. (Note: We get a a small commission for any sales resulting from clicks on the products seen here. Thank you for checking out our product recommendations!)


If you want to buy the same food pellet that America’s leading koi breeders use in bulk at a fraction of the price, then look no further. Blue Ridge fish food pellets feature a balanced diet and color-rich formula.

Danichi All-Season Koi Food

Danichi’s all-season koi fish food is enhanced with a special coating of vitamins and minerals and an easily assimilated protein that keep your fish healthy and happy all year long, but especially in colder months.

Hikari Staple Daily Koi Food

Rarely does a product get all 5-star reviews on Amazon, but Hikari’s Stable blend is an economical daily diet for koi and other pond fishes. It’s especially high in vitamin C to promote stress/disease resistance.

API Koi/Pond Fish Food

API Fish Food for koi and goldfish round our our top four koi fish food recommendations. On the more economical side of the higher-end foods, API is high in protein to help fish produce less ammonia waste.

Tetra Pond Koi Vibrance

The ever-popular Tetra koi fish food line is perhaps the most well-known brand because it’s available in most retail outlets. While it’s a great option, it can often cost more than 2-4x the competing brand listed above.

Tetra Pond Koi Food Sticks

Sometimes you want pellets, but sometimes it’s fun to mix it up and give your koi fish their food in stick format instead. Packed with all of the same nutrition you’d expect in pellets but just in a different shape for funsies.

Tetra Spring & Fall Diet

This special diet is ideal for colder months in the spring and fall when your koi fish’s bodies and digestive systems slow down. These easy-to-digest sticks include wheat germ and taste great (so our fish tell us).

Tetra Pond Color & Vitality

This premium blend of three separate foods: Pond Sticks, Koi Vibrance, and Spring & Fall Diet, which helps enhance color and vitality in your koi and ornamental goldfish. Ideal for all seasons and contains wheat germ.

Koi/Goldfish Color Flakes

Do you have baby koi fish that need to eat but can’t fit their mouths around pellets or sticks? Try Tetra Pond’s flakes instead. This clear-water formula won’t cloud water, is easy to digest, and promotes ideal koi growth.

Fluker’s Freeze-Dried Shrimp

Koi fish eat just about anything they can get into their mouths. That said, freeze-dried shrimp might just be one of their favorites. Fluker’s brand is high in protein and amino acids and make the perfect treat for your koi.

Tetra Pond Jumbo Krill

Tetra’s blend of jumbo krill packs a protein, fat, roughage, and vitamin E-rich punch that your koi fish will love. Plus, shrimp are high in carotenoids, which promote the natural pink and orange colors in your koi fish.

Eco Labs Summer Koi Food

Eco Labs makes a blend of koi fish food that is perfect for summer months. This pescaterian blend of fish, fruits and greens promises to be rich in vitamin C, won’t cloud water, and can be fed up to four times per day.

broodstock and fry photo, caring for roe fry koi feeding lighting disease treatment, parasitic infections costiasis spherosporosis diphyllobothriasis, koi breeding

What we often do not pay attention to is the beginning of spawning. At this time it is essential to make sure that the fish are healthy and free of parasites. Also, don't forget to check the belly of the fish, as damage to the anal fin and belly can be easily missed.

Koi need a proper diet during this period , namely more protein, so that the reproductive function works correctly. Fats are no less important, they are deposited in the liver. Fats are needed by females for caviar production and by males, as they spend a lot of energy. Therefore, you need to provide your fish with a balanced diet of 8% fat (minimum) and 35-40% protein. If all of the above is not provided, which may not spawn well, the amount of caviar will be much smaller and of lower quality.

Caring for eggs and fry

After the eggs are swept away, they must be fertilized within 30-60 seconds (the sperm remains viable for about 2 minutes). Often up to 40% of the eggs may not be fertilized, to reduce this figure try to plant at least 2 males with each female.

Further in the process of maturation, the eggs absorb water and inflate, this process is called hardening. This is provided by osmosis - water penetrating a relatively concentrated egg from a dilute environment. nine0005

In very hard water, with a high level of dissolved salts (some spring waters), the difference between the amount of minerals dissolved in the water and the substances in the eggs may cause the osmosis process to not start and the eggs not to harden.

Related article Koi ulcers

Other causes of high egg mortality and poor hatchability may be lack of oxygen and incorrect water temperature (deadly low 16°C, over 25°C stimulates hatching, but fry may not develop fully or develop with defects , over 30°C - deadly high temperature; sudden changes in temperature can cause death in the fetal stage). Bacterial and fungal infections can also cause high fetal mortality. nine0005

Treatment: Fungal infections of roe - malachite green, as in baths 5 mg/l per hour or constant concentration in water 0.2 mg/l.
Bacterial calf infections - various antibiotics required. Erythromycin at a concentration of 50 mg/l is absorbed by eggs.

After two to six days (depending on the temperature of the water in the reservoir), the larvae hatch. At this stage, the larvae avoid light, hiding in dark places, where they absorb their yolk sac. nine0005

After two or three days, the development of koi fry reaches the stage where they can swim freely. With a quick jerk to the surface, the fry capture atmospheric air into the swim bladder and look for illuminated places, obeying their instinct in search of food.

Too much light or too much shade during the first days of fry life can cause them deep stress, opening the way to secondary infections along the way. Too high or too low water temperatures can also kill koi fry. The same applies to sudden changes in temperature. Further development of fry at elevated temperatures can lead to loss of color. nine0005

Both after hatching and at the next stages of development, fry require a lot of oxygen. Factors that can affect the oxygen requirements of fry are: overfeeding, overcrowding and high temperatures.

Poor water quality can also lead to the death of fry. Especially dangerous is water with a high content of ammonia and nitrites. In some cases, with poor water quality, a protein film forms on the surface, preventing the filling of the swim bladders of fry. nine0005

Excessive overpopulation of the reservoir with fry will lead to a slow growth of the latter. Koi are similar to ordinary wild carps and therefore are able to grow amazingly fast, often depriving their brothers and sisters of food, some individuals become stronger and larger than others, and it should be noted that cases of cannibalism are no exception.

Let's pay attention to the feeding of fry. Improper diet and lack of amino acids such as arginine and valine can also slow down the growth of fry. nine0005

Young koi are still developing their immune systems, and this, together with their not yet fully formed structure, makes them very susceptible to various kinds of fungi and infections.

Some types of parasitic infections

Bone blight (Ichthyobodo necator) - affects eggs and hatched larvae. An overcrowded reservoir and high temperatures can cause an outbreak of a disease that usually ends in high mortality among fry. nine0005

Spherosporosis caused by the parasite Sphaerospora renicola causes inflammation of the swim bladder. Infected fry lose their appetite, problems with orientation appear, and at elevated temperatures of 25-30 ° C, mortality increases.

Related article Koi problems that can occur in summer

If koi survive the season, certain signs may appear, such as anemia (pale gills), enlargement of the renal pelvis. Secondary diseases of the swim bladder are as common as inflammation of the swim bladder and thickening of its walls. nine0005

Diphyllobothriasis in koi fry is caused by Bothriocephalus cestodes. The fry are growing, their diet is also changing, now it includes small crustaceans such as daphnia.

Treatment: Praziquantel preparation at a concentration of 10 mg/l, bath for 3 hours at a temperature of 22°C.

Translation from English: Zooclub portal (www.zooclub.ru)
When reprinting this article, an active link to the source is OBLIGATORY.

Tags: fish, aquarium fish breeding, fish diseases, koi

Food for Koi at Low Water Temperatures - "Fish Food"

Blog, Koi

  • Published KormRybOK

23 Feb

Contents of the article

  • 1 Preparation of Koi for wintering and feeding habits
    • 1. 1 Food characteristics for Koi in the cold season
    • 1.2 Special composition of foods for koi at low water temperatures
    • 1.3 Foods with wheat germ and their benefits to koi?
  • 2 Overview of easily digestible dry feed for KOI
    • 2.1 Hikari Wheat-Germ (Hikari Vetgerma)
      • 2.1.1 Hikari Wheat Germ
      • 2.2 SAKI -HIKARI MULTI SEASON Hikari Multi Season
  • 3 Frequently asked questions about feeding koi at low water temperatures. nine0084
  • 3.1 What is the biggest problem with koi feeding before winter?
  • 3.2 How does the body digest koi foods containing animal proteins?
  • 3.3 Can koi be fed the same food all year round?
  • 4 How to properly feed koi in spring?
    • 4.1 Scheme for a smooth start of the koi digestive system in spring
  • 5 What kind of food to take - ''cheap and cheerful'' or ''more expensive, but high quality''? nine0088
  • 6 Where can I quickly buy original Hikari food?
  • With the onset of cold weather, pond owners have many questions about feeding koi at low water temperatures. What is the best food for fish in the cold season? How to feed correctly? What do feed manufacturers offer? You will find the answer to these and other questions in the article.

    Tips shared Futoshi Maruyama is a second generation professional koi breeder. He has his own farm, named after his father. nine0146

    The Maruyama basins mainly contain Koi of the Kohaku, Sanke and Showa breeds. The pride of the farm is the breeding carps Maruyama Kohaku and Kagura Kohaku.

    Preparation of Koi for wintering and their feeding

    As the water temperature in the ornamental pond decreases, the metabolism of koi slows down. The fish are preparing for hibernation. This is a crucial period of the annual cycle, until which the carp must stock up on fat for the duration of the winter torpor, during which it will not eat. nine0005

    At a water temperature of +10 C, the processes in the body of the fish begin to slow down. The pronounced symptoms of hibernation appear in fish from +5 degrees. This state will continue until spring.

    If water heaters are used in the ornamental pond, it is desirable to avoid sudden changes in water temperature. This can negatively affect the health of the fish: disorientate in time, provoke a violation of the annual and reproductive cycles.

    Sudden and significant change in water temperature (by 5°C or more) can lead to thermal shock and even death.

    In the run-up to winter, you can continue to feed your koi until they have been without food for several days in a row. If they eat, easily digestible food should be fed 1-2 times a day, changing the amount of food depending on the appetite of the fish.

    Futoshi Maruyama recommends stopping carp feeding even earlier - at a temperature of +15 degrees of water. This way the koi will stay in hibernation longer and it will help them to be better prepared for the reproductive period. nine0146

    Koi cold food characteristics

    Koi are omnivorous fish. In the natural environment, their menu includes a variety of animal products: worms, larvae, insects, etc.

    Therefore, food for koi in the cold season should have a combined composition, and along with cereals, include animal components. Most often they are represented by fishmeal, anchovy or krill. Looking ahead, we can say that Japanese koi food at low temperatures meets these requirements. nine0005

    Special formula for koi at low water temperatures

    During the cold months, at low water temperatures, koi digestion slows down. Since the needs of the fish organism are significantly lower, the composition of feed consumed by koi in summer and autumn is significantly different. Easily digestible food contains easily digestible ingredients, making digestion easier and more even.

    The best way to restore nutrient stores is to consume cereals . Therefore, feed for koi at low water temperatures must contain a significant mass fraction of the grain component. It is also necessary that the diet includes a complete balanced vitamin complex and fiber.

    Experts agree that wheat germ , which contains the necessary set of vitamins, fatty acids and other substances, is an indispensable component of ready-made nutrition for Koi in the off-season.

    Wheatgerm foods and their benefits to koi? nine0186

    Wheat germ is the reproductive part of the grain. It is he who germinates in the spring, giving life to a new plant. Wheat germ is a natural concentrate of vital substances, primarily polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins (their mass fraction is from 20 to 30%).

    The germ also contains complex carbohydrates, which are digested and release energy more slowly than simple saccharides. This has led to the widespread use of wheat germ as a staple in koi diets in low or unstable water temperatures. nine0005

    Futoshi Maruyama is especially sensitive to the issue of protein content in feed: “It is unacceptable that its proportion be below 30% or above 44%. As a rule, it should be 30 - 37%, and only during the period of intensive weight gain can it reach an extremely high rate!

    Koi Digestible Dry Food Overview

    Hikari Wheat-Germ

    0003 wheat germ . It's worth pointing out that there's a big difference between a food that "contains wheat germ" and that actually does include enough of it, like Hikari Wetgerm.

    The protein value of the feed is 32%. The proteins come partly from the wheat germ, partly from the ingredients of animal origin (including fishmeal).

    Hikari Wheat-Germ contains a wide range of vitamins: A, D, E, C, also folic acid, biotin, zinc, copper, manganese. nine0005

    Garlic extracts and brewer's yeast extract have been added to strengthen the immune system and protect against parasites.

    The fat content of Hikari Wetgerm is relatively low - 4%. For a period of koi's life when the water temperature is low or unstable, this is quite enough. The food is easily digested, perfectly absorbed, does not create excessive loads on the digestive tract.

    It is important to note that this food is the choice of koi breeders both in Ukraine and all over the world, as they can be fed almost all year round without regard to water temperature. nine0005

    Available as floating and sinking pellets small (3.5-4.0 mm), medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and coarse (8.0-9.0 mm) sizes that perfectly absorb koi of different ages.

    The pellets soften in cold water, making them more attractive to fish. There are no dyes and flavors.

    Packages 500, 2 and 5 kg have a ZIP-lock, which allows you to squeeze the air out of the package by creating a vacuum, thereby preserving the flavor of the feed and not spoiling the vitamins. nine0005

    Large bags 15 and 20 kg are soldered with polyethylene from the inside, which also has a positive effect on the preservation of the properties of the feed.

    “Feed your carp the best food you can afford. Do not forget that vitamins are quickly destroyed by environmental factors.

    Store food in a cool and dry place in airtight containers or vacuum bags. Protect from sunlight”

    Futoshi Maruyama

    Key Features Hikari Wheat Germ

    • Type: granules (pellets)
    • Behavior of food in water: floating/sinking
    • Pellets size: Mini (3.5-4.0 mm), Medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and Large (8.0-9.0 mm)
    • Types of packages: 0.5, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 kg
    • Season: all-weather (up to +5С water) nine0088
    • Protein: 32% (wheat germ meal and fish meal)
    • Fat: 4%
    • Fiber: 4%
    • Ash: 12%
    • Vitamins: A, C, D, E and P
    • Immunostimulator: Yes - brewer's yeast and garlic
    • Color Enhancer: no nine0088

    Saki-Hikari Multi Season

    All-season premium koi food rich in protein. Made from the best selected raw materials . It softens in water, but does not dissolve and does not lose its shape. Contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals, as well as branded probiotics Hikari Germ .

    Uses high quality fishmeal and wheat germ meal as protein source. Guaranteed protein portion - 37%. nine0005

    Fat content of feed 5%. This makes it possible to recommend food to older fish when they are not gaining weight. For young fish, fish in the breeding season or actively increasing mass, it is worth choosing a food with a high fat content.

    Diet contains algae spirulina - this ingredient is not only a powerful source of vitamins, but also has a positive effect on the color of koi, giving them brightness and saturation.

    The effect of spirulina feeding is long-lasting, and its use has no side effects and contraindications. nine0005

    Special attention should be paid to Hikari's policy regarding the low content of synthetic color enhancers (eg astaxanthin) in Saki-Hikari Multi Season, which can color faster, but are nowhere near as useful as spirulina.

    It is worth mentioning that the high content of pure cultured spirulina is the main factor in determining the cost of this food.

    Since not every koi breeder can take the time to feed separate foods for growth, color and immunity, it will be much easier and more beneficial for the fish to use one complete food Saki-Hikari Multi Season.

    Saki-Hikari Multiseason combines all the best from the Saki-Hikari food line and is the optimal solution for feeding koi all year round, even at low water temperatures.

    “Do not use artificial color enhancers. Let the carps be healthy: it will make them beautiful”

    Futoshi Maruyama

    Key features Saki Hikari Multi Season

    • Type: granules (pellets)
    • Behavior of feed in water: floating
    • Granule size: Mini (2.7-3.0 mm), Medium (5.0-5.5 mm) and Large (7.5-8.5 mm)
    • Packaging types: 2, 5, 15 kg
    • Season: all season
    • Protein: 37% (wheat germ meal and fish meal) nine0088
    • Fat: 5%
    • Fiber: 2%
    • Ash: 15%
    • Vitamins: A, C, D and P
    • Immunostimulator: Yes - brewer's yeast and garlic
    • Color Enhancer: yes - spirulina and krill

    Koi feeding Saki-Hikari Multi Season

    * Attention! Russian subtitles can be included in the video

    Frequently asked questions about feeding koi at low water temperatures.

    What is the biggest problem with koi feeding before winter?

    You will be surprised, but this is not even the choice of food, but its dosage. Any food that hasn't been eaten and has fallen to the bottom can be a problem in the winter in the pond.

    Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of food that you offer carps. This applies to those breeders who do not plan to move koi to aquariums during hibernation. nine0005

    You can order a FREE individual calculation of the daily allowance of Hikari food for your Koi. To do this, contact the KormRybam manager and tell us the number of fish in your pond and its length.

    The main thing is to understand the three main conditions for growing great koi: the best water quality, the right food and genetics .

    If in the morning you notice that foam collects on the surface of the pond, the filtration system may not be able to cope with the load. nine0005

    How does the body digest koi foods containing animal proteins?

    Is it true that the slowdown of digestive activity deprives koi of the ability to digest animal proteins?

    No. Koi can still digest any natural food. It's just that the need for it at low water temperatures decreases.

    Can koi be fed the same food all year round?

    Yes. Both Hikari Wheat-Germ and Saki-Hikari Multi Season are suitable for this purpose. Using the first one will ensure a healthy and long life for your koi. Using the second one, your koi, in addition, still get harmonious growth, rich color, as well as a decrease in the excretion of waste products of fish in the pond, due to the presence of beneficial bacteria (probiotics). nine0005

    How to properly feed koi in spring?

    Breeders need to remember that they are not dealing with biorobots following orders, but with rational beings in their own way. The forerunners of the purebred koi once lived in the wild and provided for their own needs.

    In particular, they could decide when, how much and what to eat. And modern Japanese carps are by no means devoid of this vital wisdom. You need to give them the opportunity to use it. Therefore, the main task of the breeder during the release of koi from hibernation is to observe and provide food of the right quality and composition. nine0005

    Chart for soft start of the koi digestive system in spring

    Two conditions must be met in spring to re-feed koi:

    1. The water temperature must rise to 5-10 degrees.
    2. Koi must search for food at the surface of the water.

    Koi's digestion during the period of coming out of hibernation is slow. Nothing to overload. Therefore, it is better to use easily digestible food specially designed for low water temperatures. nine0005

    Koi can be fed 1-2 times a day in spring. The food should be eaten within 2-3 minutes, if this is not the case, the dose should be reduced at the next meal.

    It is better to give food closer to noon, when the sun is at its zenith and the water has warmed up a little. At night, the fish sleep and do not take food.

    Complete restoration of all body functions of carp occurs approximately 4-6 weeks after leaving hibernation. From this we can conclude how important the correct wintering and awakening after it in the spring are. nine0005

    When the water reaches a temperature of +21 degrees about a month and a half after the end of winter sleep, koi can take any food in the usual way.

    What kind of food to take - ''cheap and cheerful'' or ''more expensive, but high quality''?

    Wonderfully beautiful fish - Japanese Koi need the attention and love of a breeder. If your fish's health is important to you, and their unique beauty (no two koi are the same) inspires you every day, you need to do everything possible to ensure their comfort and prosperity in an ornamental pond. And the choice of food here is a task of paramount importance. nine0005

    The difficulty of feeding colored carp lies primarily in the cost: they eat more guppies), and this can result in a round sum. However, attempts to save on feed never justify themselves: with poor nutrition, which grow more slowly, turn pale, can get sick, and the water in the pond is saturated with soluble organic matter faster, which leads to the development of algae.

    Numerous problems with water blooms , changes nitrite balance and acidity , a decrease in the amount of oxygen , the multiplication of disease-causing microbes and parasites , the fading of the color koi come from this source.

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