When does baby start eating finger foods

Finger Foods for Babies (for Parents)

When babies begin feeding themselves — a new task most really enjoy — they'll find that they like trying new tastes and textures.

By the time they're 9 months old, most babies have developed the fine motor skills — the small, precise movements — needed to pick up small pieces of food and feed themselves. You may notice that yours can take hold of food (and other small objects) between forefinger and thumb in a pincer grasp. The pincer grasp starts out a little clumsy, but with practice soon becomes a real skill.

Let your child self-feed as much as possible. You'll still help by spoon-feeding cereal and other important dietary elements. But encouraging finger feeding helps your child develop independent, healthy eating habits.

Finger feeding — and using utensils a little later — gives babies some control over what they eat and how much. Sometimes they'll eat the food, sometimes not, and that's all part of the process of learning self-regulation. Even little kids can tell when they're hungry or full, so let them learn to recognize and respond to these cues.

What Should a Baby Eat?

Now that they're joining the rest of the family for meals, older babies are ready to try more table foods.

This means more work for whoever makes the meals for the family, but dishes often can be adapted for the baby. For instance, your little one can have some of the zucchini you're making for dinner. Cook that serving a bit longer — until it's soft — and cut it into pieces small enough for the baby to handle. Pieces of ripe banana, well-cooked pasta, and small pieces of chicken are other good choices.

Before giving your child a finger food, try a bite first and ask yourself:

  • Does it melt in the mouth? Some dry cereals and crackers that are light and flaky will melt in the mouth.
  • Is it cooked enough so that it mushes easily? Well-cooked veggies and fruits will mush easily, as will canned fruit and vegetables (choose ones without added sugar or salt).
  • Is it soft? Cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and small pieces of tofu are good examples.
  • Can it be gummed? Pieces of ripe banana and well-cooked pasta can be gummed.
  • Is it small enough? Food should be cut into small pieces. The sizes will vary depending on the food's texture. A piece of chicken, for instance, needs to be smaller than a piece of watermelon, which even a pair of baby gums will quickly smash.

If your child doesn't like a food, don't let that stop you from offering it at future meals. Kids are naturally slow to accept new tastes and textures. For example, some are more sensitive to texture and may reject coarse foods, such as meat. When introducing meat, it's helpful to start with well-cooked ground meats or shreds of thinly sliced deli meats, such as turkey.

Present your baby with a variety of foods, even some that he or she didn't seem to like the week before. Don't force your baby to eat, but realize that it can take 10 or more tries before a child will accept a new food.

Finger Foods to Avoid

Finger feeding is fun and rewarding for older babies. But avoid foods that can cause choking and those with little nutritional value.

Choking Hazards

Parents and caregivers can help prevent choking by supervising the baby during eating. Foods that are choking hazards include:

  • pieces of raw vegetables or hard fruits
  • whole grapes, berries, cherry or grape tomatoes (instead, peel and slice or cut in quarters)
  • raisins and other dried fruit
  • peanuts, nuts, and seeds
  • large scoops of peanut butter and other nut or seed butters (use only a thin layer)
  • whole hot dogs and kiddie sausages (peel and cut these in very small pieces)
  • untoasted bread, especially white bread that sticks together
  • chunks of cheese or meat
  • candy (hard candy, jelly beans, gummies, chewing gum)
  • popcorn, pretzels, corn chips, and other snack foods
  • marshmallows
Hold the Sweets

At first bite, your baby probably will love the taste of cookies, cake, and other sweets, but don't give them now. Your little one needs nutrient-rich foods, not the empty calories found in desserts and high-fat snacks, like potato chips.

It's tempting to want to see the baby's reactions to some of these foods, but now is not the time. Grandparents and others may want to rush your baby into trying triple-chocolate cake or some other family favorite. Politely and firmly explain that the baby isn't ready for those foods. You can blame this tough love on your child's doctor — the doctor won't mind.

Giving Baby Finger Foods at 7-8 Months

Written by Rebecca Felsenthal Stewart

In this Article

  • Month 7, Week 3
  • Month 7 Week 3 Tips

Month 7, Week 3

Once your baby is a pro at eating soft mashed foods, they may be ready to move on to finger foods around 8 months. They have the dexterity to pick the food up and release it or mash it, and will become more efficient and independent as they master the pincer grip around 9 months. At that point they'll be able to use their thumb and forefinger to pick up the small chunks of food.

Your baby may grab at everything on your plate, but follow these guidelines for healthy and safe feedings.

  • Start with menu items like pieces of soft cheese; small pieces of pasta or bread; finely chopped soft vegetables; and fruits like bananas, avocado, and ripe peaches or nectarines. These foods should require minimal chewing, as your baby may not yet have teeth. Do NOT let them have hot dogs, raw vegetables, nuts, meats, hard candy, or sticky textures such as nut butters that have increased choking risks at this stage.
  • Introduce new foods one at a time in case there are any concers about allergies.
  • Chop all foods into soft, bite-sized pieces, 1/2 inch or smaller.
  • Watch out for choking hazards: Avoid round, firm foods like carrots, grapes, and hot dogs and skip anything like raw veggies and peanuts. Raisins and popcorn are dangerous for babies.
  • Keep up your formula or breastfeeding schedule, but as your baby eats more solids, they’ll naturally start to take less milk. Your baby needs to start eating more solids and drinking less milk for the nutritional value at this stage.

Your Baby's Development This Week

Your baby is getting stronger and may even be moving around, whether they are sliding around on their belly in reverse, scooting on their behind, or actually crawling forward. If you haven’t childproofed your house already, don’t wait any longer!

You may notice these growing signs of motor development:

  • Your baby is probably now able to sit on their own for several minutes, without using their hands for support and they may be able to get up into a sitting position all by themselves.
  • While you offer them support, they should be able to bounce up and down, and possibly even pull up to a stand.
  • Their little hands are increasingly agile -- they are getting better at passing a toy back and forth from one to the other.

You might wonder about:

  • Their vision. Your baby should be able to see nearly as far as an adult by now and can track moving objects with their eyes.
  • Stranger anxiety. You’re not imagining it: They may fear new people and situations. So give them time to warm up and reassure them if they are upset.
  • What they can understand. Your baby might comprehend more than you realize, so it’s important to keep talking to them about everything you’re doing and try to be consistent about the words you use for familiar objects.

Month 7 Week 3 Tips

  • If food allergies run in the family, talk to your pediatrician about introducing highly allergenic foods like peanuts and eggs.
  • Fried foods are not good choices for babies. If you offer them at all, do so rarely.
  • Avoid feeding your baby juice unless it is fresh-squeezed.
  • By now, your baby’s diet should include grains, fruits, vegetables, and meats, and they should be eating two to three meals a day.
  • In addition to rice, barley, or oat cereal, you can introduce grain products your baby can grab, such as toast, crackers, and dry cereal. Avoid any colorful, sugary cereals.
  • Sit baby in their high-chair for feeding time. If they eat finger foods while crawling around, they are more likely to choke.
  • You’re not done with breast feeding or bottle feeding. Your baby is starting the transition, but breast milk and formula are still key.
  • Pureeing or mashing vegetables may make them easier for your baby to eat when they are first transitioning from a liquid diet to solids.

table of the introduction of the first complementary foods by months, input scheme, the correct menu of the child on the IV, what can be given to the artificial

Contents: Hide

  • When to delay complementary foods
  • Basic rules for introducing complementary foods
  • Complementary feeding schedule
  • How to choose complementary foods
  • Introduction of complementary foods to formula-fed premature babies
  • Answers to frequently asked questions of mothers
  • Formula-fed complementary foods

    Inexperienced mothers of newborn babies are concerned about many problems: fighting colic, establishing a daily routine, performing hygiene procedures. However, time goes by and acute issues gradually become irrelevant. Inexorably, a new crucial stage is coming - the introduction of the first complementary foods begins. We will tell you how to properly introduce complementary foods with artificial feeding. nine0005

    Why does a baby need complementary foods

    Both natural and bottle-fed babies are usually equally full of energy, active and inquisitive. The introduction of complementary foods allows you to gradually accustom the baby's gastrointestinal tract to new food, as well as give the growing body the vitamins and minerals that it needs at a particular stage of physical development. Also, with its help, you can gradually adapt the baby to the diet of adult family members and then painlessly transfer it to the common table. There are no exact norms and rules for the introduction of complementary foods. It is necessary to focus on the needs of the child and follow the recommendations of the pediatrician. nine0005

    When can complementary foods be introduced with artificial feeding

    Teaching children to adult food should be timely. The fact is that the gastrointestinal tract of an infant at a too early age (for example, 2-3 months) is not able to process certain foods. The mucous membrane of the digestive system is irritated, and this can provoke gastritis and other serious health problems.

    IMPORTANT! At what age can you introduce your baby to new products? For children in good health, WHO recommends that complementary foods be introduced at 6 months of age. But for some babies, if there are certain medical indications, the doctor may advise you to do this earlier. nine0005

    The recommendations do not provide a specific menu for each age, which must be followed. Much depends on the socio-cultural characteristics of different peoples and the individual pace of development of children. In most cases, the timing of the start of complementary foods varies from 4.5 to 6 months. Specialists distinguish the following signs of a child's readiness to try something new, in addition to the usual artificial mixture:

    • the baby is not quite full of the mixture and asks to continue the meal; nine0047 • his first teeth have already erupted, he tries to chew them, takes and tries to taste food from adult plates;
    • if you bring a spoon to the baby, he will begin to examine its contents and want to try it;
    • the child sits confidently, can turn his head and control his body;
    • The tongue thrust reflex fades so baby can drink water from a spoon without it dripping back out.

    It is not necessary that all of the listed features be present at once. If several of them are observed, then it is quite possible to try to introduce the first complementary foods. nine0005

    Read also: How much does a newborn eat per feeding?

    When to delay feeding

    It is better to delay feeding if:
    • the child is ill;
    • less than three days have passed since vaccination;
    • the baby is teething, he does not sleep well and is naughty;
    • there have been some changes in the family's lifestyle, such as moving to a new home, mother going to work, traveling to another city or country;
    • the crumbs have manifestations of allergies, upset of the gastrointestinal tract; nine0047 • The weather is too hot outside.

    Therefore, complementary foods should only be offered to a child when he is completely healthy, calm and in a good mood.

    Basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods

    Anna Levadnaya, pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, explains that the principles of introducing complementary foods on natural and artificial feeding are similar: it is recommended to focus on food interest, signs of a child's readiness for introducing complementary foods. The only thing is that with exclusive breastfeeding, it is not recommended to supplement the child with water, while bottle-fed children can be offered water. nine0005

    Video: 10 rules for complementary foods
    Author: pediatrician, Ph.D. Komarovsky E.O.

    The rest of the principle is the same: for both breastfeeding and formula-feeding, offer your baby a new food before feeding, and then supplement with breast milk or formula.

    In order for new products to bring benefits to the baby on artificial feeding and not harm his health, you should follow a number of simple recommendations.
    1. Complementary foods are usually given in the morning before the main formula feeding. This allows you to track the reaction to unfamiliar food during the day and take action if necessary. nine0047 2. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of children's dishes, pots and blenders. The gastrointestinal tract of an infant is very sensitive to infectious agents.
    3. New food is introduced into the baby's diet from a quarter of a teaspoon. If he tolerated the product well, then within a week the portion is brought to one or two tablespoons. Then you should look at the desire of the child and his well-being, and also take into account the recommendations of the pediatrician.
    4. The first dishes should be of a liquid consistency, then they are made into a puree, and only closer to a year can you give soft pieces to chew. Pediatricians advise adding butter and vegetable oils to them as vegetables and cereals are introduced into the diet. nine0047 5. In order to protect the child's body from pathogens that may be contained in unprocessed food, complementary foods should first be boiled, stewed or baked. The baby is offered slightly warm food: the optimum temperature is 36-37 degrees.
    6. It is advisable to try the products immediately from a spoon. If the baby gets used to the bottle, this will slow down the formation of the skill of chewing food and may subsequently affect diction.
    7. A food diary can help you reliably identify what your child has an allergic reaction to. It should record everything that the baby ate during the day, in what quantity and at what time. You can also record in a diary whether he liked the new dish or not. nine0047 8. Complementary foods should be introduced only from mono-products. Only after making sure that vegetables, cereals, juices, fruits or protein products are well tolerated by the child, you can offer their mixes.
    9. The interval between introduced and new complementary foods should be at least a week. Such a period of time will allow the child's body to adapt to the expanded diet and perceive other dishes without unpleasant surprises.
    10. If an allergy occurs to any product, it should be immediately removed from the menu and consulted by a pediatrician. It will be possible to return to this complementary food no earlier than in a month. nine0047 11. It is desirable that with the introduction of complementary foods, the infant receives a sufficient amount of liquid. It can be both ordinary water and compotes.
    12. Do not offer your child foods that are considered highly allergenic as first foods: full-fat cow's milk, citrus fruits, gluten-containing cereals, chicken eggs, etc.
    13. Do not force-feed a child, even if you think that he is hungry. A small person has the right to defend his opinion in the choice of dishes.
    14. Feed your baby exclusively in a sitting or reclining position to avoid the risk of aspiration. Very convenient for this purpose are special highchairs made of easy-to-clean material. nine0005

    From 7–8 months, formula-fed mashed or pureed food, such as a banana, can be used as complementary foods. If semi-solid food is not introduced into his diet in time, problems may arise with the intake of solid food in the future: after a year, the child will refuse it completely. From 8–9 months, the child should be offered the so-called finger food: cut soft fruits and vegetables into pieces, such as boiled carrots, potatoes, and offer them to the baby. If you follow this scheme, by the year the child will be ready to eat solid food from the common table, Levadnaya explains. nine0005

    Complementary Feeding Schedule

    We provide a suggested complementary feeding schedule for up to a year to guide you unless advised otherwise by your doctor. As a standard, formula-fed babies with normal weight gain are offered products in approximately the following order:
    • vegetable puree;
    • cereals;
    • fruit puree;
    • kefir;
    • butter and vegetable oil;
    • children's biscuits and bread;
    • meat puree;
    • fish puree. nine0047

    The earlier introduction of vegetable puree rather than fruit puree is due to the fact that the former has a more insipid taste. Having fallen in love with sweet apples and bananas, the child may subsequently refuse to eat zucchini, pumpkin, etc. However, if the infant is underweight, the doctor may recommend porridge as the first complementary food for him. They are more high-calorie and allow you to gain the missing kilograms faster. Each type of complementary food is described in the table.


    They are usually offered to children in the following order:

    • marrow;
    • cauliflower;
    • broccoli;
    • carrots;
    • pumpkin;
    • green peas;
    • potatoes.

    Tomatoes, white cabbage and cucumbers are recommended to be included in the menu already after a year. nine0005


    Seasonal fruits are recommended. The approximate order of their introduction: apples, pears, peaches, apricots and bananas. If the baby suffers from constipation, you can carefully and with the permission of the pediatrician offer him plums.


    To start complementary foods, choose gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn grits. After the child is 8 months old, you can gradually give him a taste of oatmeal, wheat and barley porridge. It is better to refuse semolina altogether, since it contains very few useful substances and at the same time it is very high in calories. Cereals can be ground in a coffee grinder or mashed from ready-made cereals in a blender.

    Protein products

    Fermented milk products do not need to be introduced earlier than 8 months, since only by this time do children begin to produce the enzymes necessary for their processing. From meat, children under one year old should be given rabbit, chicken, turkey and veal. Sea fish is more suitable - hake, cod or flounder. Meat and fish are offered to kids in grated form as part of vegetable dishes and cereals.

    Cottage cheese can be prepared for the baby yourself. This will require pasteurized milk 2.5% fat and sourdough. After the milk turns sour, it is placed in a water bath and heated over low heat until the whey leaves. Then it remains only to drain the liquid through a colander or gauze and grind the resulting curd to make it more tender. nine0005

    IMPORTANT! It is undesirable to add salt, sugar and spices to food for a child. His taste buds are not yet accustomed to strong stimuli, so it is better for him to appreciate the natural taste of the food offered. Soup should be boiled only on vegetable broths, and meat should be added to an already prepared dish. Meat broth may be too heavy for the baby's kidneys.

    How to choose complementary foods

    The main recommendations for choosing specific foods to start complementary foods are as follows:

    1. It is recommended that your baby's diet be based on products grown in the region where he/she lives. If the period of the first feeding falls on the winter, it is advisable to stock up vegetables, fruits and berries from your garden in advance, putting them in the freezer for safekeeping. In the event that this is not possible, you can give preference to ready-made canned mashed potatoes. They undergo mandatory certification confirming the quality.
    2. It is advisable not to buy store-bought juices for your child in large quantities. Compotes will be much more useful for him. You can also offer decoctions of dried fruits. nine0047 3. If you decide to buy ready-made food for your baby, then pay attention to the label and the release date. The product must be age appropriate and fresh. The composition should not contain salt, sucrose, dextrose and other extraneous additives.

    In general, it is worth remembering that the first food offered to a child should be puree-like, not too viscous products, consisting of one ingredient, soft consistency, without added sugar, salt and spices, says Andrey Mosov, head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol, doctor on nutritional hygiene of children and adolescents. He insists that preference should be given to industrial prepared meals, as such products have been tested and certified. There are no guarantees with mashed homemade vegetables. nine0005

    Introduction of complementary foods to formula-fed premature babies

    The question of the correct introduction of complementary foods to a premature baby should be discussed individually at a pediatrician's appointment. In order for the body to be able to process a new product, organs and systems must be sufficiently mature and prepared. The quality of food digestion largely depends on the production of special enzymes, so you should not be self-motivated in compiling the baby's menu. nine0005

    The schedule for the introduction of complementary foods will be determined by the presence or absence of anemia, the rate of weight gain, the tendency to allergies, and some other nuances. Formula-fed premature babies are usually advised to start introducing meat and egg yolk earlier. It is advisable to cook porridge on a vegetable broth or mixture, and not on water, since then they will be more nutritious and healthy.

    IMPORTANT! However, the course of complementary foods must be monitored by a pediatrician. The doctor monitors the child's reaction to new products, evaluates the dynamics of growth and general physical development. The scheme may change if any deviations from the norm are detected during routine inspections. nine0005

    Answers to frequently asked questions for mothers

    • What foods should not be given to babies under one year old?
    It is forbidden to give cow's milk to babies under the age of one, as it can cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders. It is perfectly replaced by adapted mixtures from modern manufacturers. In addition to milk, it is not recommended to include nuts, citrus fruits, exotic fruits and vegetables, red fish and honey in the menu of the crumbs of the first year of life.
    • What should I do if my child absolutely does not want to eat complementary foods? nine0004
    Wait a while and try to offer food again, but don't insist on another refusal. Perhaps the baby did not like the new dish because of the unfamiliar taste. Children are big conservatives and are often wary of change. Be patient, do not rush to introduce complementary foods. Show your child with what appetite you yourself eat from your plate, and then he may have a desire.
    • What should I do if my baby has problems with stool while weaning? nine0004
    If a child has a stool retention of more than three days during the introduction of complementary foods, then we can talk about constipation. In this case, you need to visit a pediatrician, as well as immediately exclude fixing foods from the menu and give more fluids to drink. If the stool has become too frequent (more than 5 times a day), then this may be due to indigestion or an intestinal infection. Be sure to consult your doctor about this.
    • What should I do if I have an allergy to complementary foods? nine0004
    It is advisable to take care of this issue even before the introduction of complementary foods, asking the pediatrician observing the child to prescribe an antihistamine drug that is optimal for his age. You should also carefully fill out the food diary at first. With it, it will be possible to identify a possible allergen and exclude it from the baby's menu, preventing more serious health consequences.
    • How do you know if a baby tolerates complementary foods well?
    Normal weight and height gain, regular bowel movements, and the absence of allergic skin rashes indicate the successful introduction of complementary foods. If the baby is cheerful, active, he has a good appetite and a good sleep, most likely, this means that you are doing everything right and the selected diet suits him. nine0005

    However, it is impossible to completely refuse artificial formula when introducing complementary foods, even when the infant eats complementary foods with appetite. His body is not yet ready for a complete change in the type of food and may malfunction. This often manifests itself in the form of allergies, stool disorders or growth retardation. Remember that the baby should enjoy the new food. Only under this condition will he form the correct eating behavior.

    #Nutrition for children up to a year #Complementary food 9Baby food outside help and any difficulties.

    Finger food is a fun way to encourage the development of motor coordination and skills needed for biting, chewing and self-feeding. Food in pieces should be easy to grasp by children's fingers and long-term storage, and should not contain bones or seeds. nine0005

    As soon as the child begins to take food with his fingers and put them into his mouth with reasonable hand-eye coordination, then the fun begins! Let your child experiment with soft snacks such as a banana or peach that can be “hand-mashed” to the right consistency. The more a child experiments with finger food, the faster he will masterfully feed himself.

    Finger food helps keep a child's food interest. As soon as he begins to feed himself on his own, then new taste horizons open up for him. What child refuses to try to bring the product to his mouth on his own, even if he didn’t really like it before. nine0005

    Table of Contents:

    Mothers often wonder at what age they should give finger food to their babies.

    Honestly, even for me it's a difficult question. It's just that sometime between eight and nine months, the baby began to eat small pieces of food. The change in the consistency of food by age is very well described in the WHO recommendation, so it should be guided by.

    Food consistency up to a year. Click on me!!!

    However, you should not do it blindly and try to feed the baby in pieces at a certain age, perhaps he will not be ready yet. Children are all different, some want food in pieces, almost from the beginning of complementary foods, others are not ready for lumpy food for up to a year or more. Therefore, any decision on finger food is made based on the child and his readiness. An excellent preparation for finger food is a nibbler, which will prepare the child for lumpy food. nine0005

    The child has no teeth

    Click on me!!!

    A child's gums are incredibly strong, as is the tongue, so the number of teeth is not an indicator of whether to give finger food or not. If the decision has been made to start complementary foods and the baby is doing well with mashed foods, then you can safely start giving small pieces of soft food when the baby is ready for it. At this stage, it is important to let the child try to eat food of a different consistency, more complex, in order to train the maxillofacial apparatus. Thus, the child gradually prepares for the full chewing of food with the help of the entire jaw, teeth and tongue. nine0005

    How to know if finger food is safe for a child

    A good rule of thumb to help prevent choking is to avoid anything hard (e.g. raw carrots), round (e.g. whole grapes), sticky (e.g. , spoon of nut butter) or too much gummies (such as gummies). At first, the child is given pieces of food in the form of sticks, which can be easily clamped in the child's chick, later, when the child begins to control the finger grip better, you can move on to cubes. At first, finger food should be soft, boiled and melt in your mouth. As a child learns to manage with such products, it is possible to complicate the task and switch to fresh soft foods, etc. nine0005

    Foods that are easy to squeeze between fingers are good for older children and for younger children. Around 16-18 months, many babies are ready for more complex textures. During this period, cutting food into pea-sized pieces is also a good idea - many babies tend to put large pieces of food in their mouths, so small cubes are used to avoid choking. We always adjust the sizes of products according to the age and eating experience of our own child. nine0005

    Usually the first finger food is biscuits or baby biscuits, which are very soft and dissolve easily in the mouth. The baby first sucks it, procrastinates, and learns to roll pieces of food in the mouth with the help of the tongue. A little later, when the teeth appear, you can give the product a little harder, for example, a soft apple, some parents play it safe and give a baked apple without a peel. Later, as new foods, vegetables and fruits are introduced into complementary foods, they are offered in the form of finger food, such as boiled broccoli or cauliflower. In general, the child can be offered almost all products in the form of finger food, which is introduced into baby food. nine0005

    Should the product be peeled or not?

    We give an apple to a child without a peel.

    The first finger foods in the form of vegetables and fruits are given without skins. Yes, the skin of many fruits and vegetables contains valuable nutrients. It is often recommended to leave the skin on in order to take full advantage of the nutrients contained in the product. But removing the top layer from fruits and vegetables helps reduce the amount of pesticides that may be in the product. Peeling fruits and vegetables helps avoid choking hazards due to the rough texture of the skins. The peel also usually sticks to the palate in the child’s mouth, thereby hindering him, and can be there for a long time, and when the child swallows, the probability of choking in the absence of an adult nearby is higher. Getting rid of the skin at the beginning of complementary foods also helps prevent disorders

    Banana is convenient to eat with a small hand

    digestion. And we also take into account that there are some vegetables and fruits, such as pumpkin and avocado, which need to be peeled, because their peel is really inedible. It is not worth getting rid of the product from the peel for a long time, only at first. Usually the first couple of months of complementary foods and exposure to finger food. Then the product with the peel is given to the child in the presence of an adult, after which it is advisable to check the baby's mouth to see if he swallowed everything. Forcibly open your mouth should not be, play the game "Show your tongue or where are your teeth." By the age of 1.5, the child copes well with the peel of fruits and vegetables, if it is too rough, then it easily spits it out. nine0005


    The presence or absence of teeth does not mean that a child can chew. Sometimes children can bite off a piece of food, try to swallow it whole and choke, so never leave a child alone while eating. Some children can store food in their mouths like hamsters, so we always check to make sure the child has swallowed everything before leaving the kitchen. You can read the article on suffocation here.

    Our finger food

    At first I gave biscuits to my first child, later I switched to a fresh apple, mostly fresh fruit, he sucked and procrastinated more than he ate. Later, food appeared in the form of a toy, i.e. we crumbled it, crushed it, and sometimes something got into our mouths. However, since breast milk is always given at the end of complementary foods, I was not too worried about whether the baby was full or not. nine0005

    With the second child, finger food was a gradual transition from the nibbler. We used it for about a month, then I ventured to give the first pieces of food. But to be honest, the child himself tried the first pieces of food, namely, he stole an apple and took a bite. The first experience of finger food is always scary, because at first the child often coughs and spits out food, he is learning, so it is important to be with the child, if something goes wrong, then the parent will be able to provide first aid. I remind you that the child is suffocating quietly, not a single sound. If he coughs, clears his throat, then everything is within the normal range, you need to help get rid of the food that interferes. nine0041 Rules for helping with choking know before introducing finger food into complementary foods. It is imperative to look and study, and then give a new consistency of complementary foods.

    Of course, at first, only one type of finger food is placed in front of the baby, later a plate is bought, divided into three to five sections, which is filled with finger food. The baby is already given a choice of what to eat, so you can easily determine the taste preferences in nutrition.

    Finger food quick hacks

    • The first finger food should be well kneaded between the gums.
    • Snacks should be age appropriate - do not offer 8 month old baby whole eggs .
    • If the child cannot raise his head and sit up without help, do not offer him finger food.
    • The child should always sit in an upright position, not walk, especially at the first meeting, when he is offered baby food in the form of pieces, to avoid suffocation. nine0008
    • NEVER leave your child unattended when serving finger food.

    Examples of finger food

    The first finger food is a biscuit or a baked apple. Those. food that does not need to be chewed, it melts easily in the mouth without additional help from the child. You can start with foods that have been well received by the child in a pureed form on a spoon, serving them in convenient cubes or pieces - the size of a pea for harder items, the size of a stick or wedge for softer foods. nine0005

    Examples of finger food are:

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