When should i feed baby after vomiting
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Vomiting (throwing up) is most often caused by a virus or stomach bug. Some serious illnesses may also cause vomiting. Vomiting caused by a virus usually lasts only a couple of days. It can often be treated at home.
The main danger from vomiting is dehydration. This means that the child has lost too much fluid and does not have enough electrolytes (salts) in their body for it to work the right way. It is most important for your child to drink plenty of liquids to prevent dehydration.
Do not lay your baby on their stomach to sleep after they have vomited. They are still safest sleeping on their backs. Toddlers may sleep on their side or stomach with their heads turned.
Liquids You May Give- Older children often do well with water or clear liquids to prevent dehydration.
Clear liquids include lemonade, fruit juices without pulp (cranberry, cranapple, or apple juice), and popsicles. The popsicles must be free from cream, pudding, yogurt, or bits of fruit.
- Your child may need to drink an oral rehydration solution (ORS) like Pedialyte®. An ORS helps replace the electrolytes and fluids that your child needs.
- You can buy ORS in liquid or powder form or as popsicles at most pharmacies without a prescription. ORS store brands are just as good as a brand name.
- Do not water down (dilute) or mix an ORS with formula.
- Offer your child other things to drink. ORS should not be given as the only fluid for more then 6 hours.
Children Younger Than 1 Year of Age:
- Breast milk or formula mixed the normal way if they can drink it
- No water except when used to make formula
- Do not give fruit juices or liquids that are high in sugar, such as Hawaiian Punch®, Hi-C®, Kool-Aid®, sodas, or syrups.
Do not give teas or broths. These liquids could make your child feel worse.
Children Older Than 1 Year of Age:
Same as above and:
- Water
- Clear liquids
- Ice popsicles made from ORS
- Milk, if tolerated
- Flavored gelatin cube
When your child is vomiting:
- Offer clear liquids after your child has not vomited for 30 to 60 minutes. This gives the stomach time to rest.
- Breastfeeding should not be stopped. Try to nurse your baby more often.
- If needed, you can stop giving formula if you are giving ORS. Try to restart formula as soon as possible.
- Start slow (Picture 1). Give small sips of liquids often. This may reduce the vomiting.
- For children under 1 year: use a spoon or syringe to give 1 to 2 teaspoons every few minutes (5 to 10 mL).
- For older than 1 year: give ½ to 1 ounce (1 to 2 tablespoons or 15 to 30 mL) every 20 minutes for a few hours.
- For children under 1 year: use a spoon or syringe to give 1 to 2 teaspoons every few minutes (5 to 10 mL).
- When your child can drink without vomiting, gradually increase the amount. If they still vomit, wait 30 to 60 minutes, and start again.
- Do not force your child to drink or wake them up to drink if they are sleeping.
- Do not give any kind of milk or yogurt drinks until the vomiting has stopped for 8 hours.
Amount of Liquid to Give to Prevent Dehydration
Child’s Weight | Minimum Goal to Give Every Hour* |
7 to 10 lbs. | At least 2 ounces (4 tablespoons or ¼ cup) |
11 to 15 lbs. | At least 2½ ounces (5 tablespoons) |
16 to 20 lbs. | At least 3½ ounces (½ cup) |
21 to 40 lbs. | At least 6½ ounces (¾ cup) |
41 to 60 lbs. | At least 10 ounces of liquid every hour (1¼ cups per hour) |
* Minimum fluid goals per hour may increase if vomiting, diarrhea, or fever are present.
Solid Foods- When children are vomiting, they usually don't feel like eating solid food. It will not hurt them to miss a few meals as long as they can drink enough fluids.
- After about 6 to 8 hours of giving clear liquids and your child is no longer vomiting, try to get them to start eating some food.
Starchy, bland foods like cereals, crackers, or bread are easier to digest. Avoid foods high in sugar and greasy, fried foods. Do not give them red-colored foods that might look like blood in vomit.
Medicine: Some medicines used for vomiting in older children or adults are very dangerous for young children. WARNING: Do not give your child any medicine unless their doctor or health care provider tells you it's safe for them.
Sleep: It's important that your child gets plenty of rest. Sleep helps the stomach finish digesting any food in it. It may calm your child’s vomiting.
Preventing the Spread of InfectionYou can help stop the spread of viruses and protect others by:
- Make sure your child washes their hands with soap and water after using the toilet and before eating.
- Wash you hands often and after touching your child, their eating utensils, or anything that might have vomit on it.
Use soap and water or a hand sanitizer.
- Keep the things your child uses, like toys and dirty clothes, away from others. Wash them in hot, soapy water.
- Clean the toilet and hard surfaces often with disinfectants or alcohol wipes. Let dry for 15 seconds.
- Use clean wipes or washcloths for each diaper change. Put the used diaper in the diaper pail or trash right away.
Call your child's doctor or health care provider if you think they're getting worse, do not get any better in 24 hours, will not breastfeed, or show these signs:
- Vomiting gets worse or happens more often. Vomit is bright green or has blood or dark specks that look like coffee grounds in it.
- Your child shows signs of being dried out (dehydration) (Picture 2).
- Urine is very dark
- Newborn (0 to 4 months) has less then 6 wet diapers in a day
- Child (4 months or older) has less than 3 wet diapers in a day or pees less than 3 times in a day
- No tears when crying
- Dry or sticky mouth
- Hard or fast breathing
- Sunken-looking eyes
- Soft spot on baby’s head is flat, sunken, or pulls in
- Hard to wake up (lethargic), acts confused or does not know what they are doing
- Urine is very dark
- Your child has a high fever.
Use a digital thermometer and wash it after each use.
- Younger than 3 months of age - 100.4° Fahrenheit (F) or 38° Celsius (C) or above
- Older than 3 months of age - 104°F (40°C) or above, above 102F (38.9C) for more than 2 days or keeps coming back, or they have been treated to bring their fever down but it hasn't worked.
- If your child has a fever and:
- Looks very ill, is fussy, or is drowsy
- Has an unusual rash
- Has a stiff neck, a bad headache, or sore throat
- Has immune system problems that make them more likely to get sick, such as sickle cell disease or cancer, or takes medicine that weakens the immune system
Vomiting (PDF), Somali (PDF), Spanish (PDF)
HH-I-71 ©Copyright 1977, revised 8/22 | Nationwide Children’s Hospital
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How to Know Whether You Should
Your baby just threw up all the milk they’ve chugged down so far, and you’re wondering if it’s OK to continue feeding. How soon should you feed your baby after vomiting?
It’s a good question — just about every parent has likely pondered this. Spit-up is almost a rite of passage for babies (and parents). Baby vomiting is also common and can happen for many reasons. Most of the causes aren’t serious.
The short answer — because you may have a very fussy baby on your hands and want to get back to them ASAP — is yes, you can usually feed your baby after they vomit all over your favorite sweater, sofa throw, and rug.
Here’s just about everything you need to know about feeding your baby after vomiting.
Baby vomit and spit-up are two different things — and they can have different causes. Spitting up is common in babies under the age of 1 year. It typically happens after feeding. Spit-up is usually an easy flow of milk and saliva that dribbles from your baby’s mouth. It often happens with a burp.
Spit-up is normal in healthy babies. It can happen for several reasons. About half of all babies 3 months and under have a type of acid reflux called infant reflux.
Spit-up from infant reflux is especially bound to happen if your baby has a full stomach. Being careful not to overfeed a bottle-fed infant can help. Spitting up typically stops by the time your baby is a year old.
On the other hand, vomiting is typically a more forceful throwing-up of milk (or food, if your baby is old enough to eat solids). It happens when the brain signals the muscles around the stomach to squeeze.
Vomiting (like gagging) is a reflex action that can be triggered by a number of things. These include:
- irritation from a viral or bacterial infection, like the stomach bug
- fever
- pain, such as from a fever, earache, or vaccination
- blockage in the stomach or intestines
- chemicals in the blood, like medicine
- allergens, including pollen; very uncommon in babies under 1 year
- motion sickness, such as during a car ride
- dizziness, which might happen after being twirled around too much
- being upset or stressed
- strong smells
- milk intolerance
Vomiting is also common in healthy babies, but it might mean that your baby has caught a bug or is feeling a bit under the weather.
Too much vomiting can cause dehydration and even weight loss in very serious cases. Milk feeding can help prevent both of these. Offer your baby a feeding after they’ve stopped throwing up. If your baby is hungry and takes to the bottle or breast after vomiting, go right ahead and feed them.
Liquid feeding after vomiting can sometimes even help settle your baby’s nausea. Start with small amounts of milk and wait to see if they vomit again. Your baby might vomit the milk right back up, but it’s better to try than not.
If your little one is at least 6 months old and doesn’t want to feed after throwing up several times, offer them water in a bottle or a spoon. This can help prevent dehydration. Wait a short while and try feeding your baby again.
In some cases, it’s better not to feed a baby right after vomiting. If your baby is throwing up because of an earache or fever, they may benefit from medication first.
Most pediatricians recommend pain medications like infant Tylenol for babies in their first year. Ask your doctor about the best medication and dosage for your baby.
If giving pain medication based on your doctor’s advice, wait about 30 to 60 minutes after doing so to feed your little one. Feeding them too soon might cause another bout of vomiting before the meds can work.
Motion sickness isn’t common in babies under the age of 2 years, but some babies may be more sensitive to it. If your baby vomits from motion sickness, it’s better not to offer a feeding afterward.
You’re in luck if your baby likes to nod off in the car. Wait until you’re out of the car to feed your baby milk.
Baby vomiting can be worrying, but it usually goes away by itself — even if your baby has the stomach bug. Most babies with gastroenteritis don’t need medical treatment. This means that most of the time, you’ll have to bravely wait out your baby’s vomiting.
But sometimes, throwing up is a sign that something’s not right. You know your baby best. Trust your gut and call their doctor if you feel your little one is unwell.
In addition, take your baby to a doctor immediately if they’ve been vomiting for 12 hours or longer. Babies and children can dehydrate quickly from too much vomiting.
Also call your baby’s pediatrician if your baby can’t hold anything down and has signs and symptoms of being unwell. These include:
- constant crying
- pain or discomfort
- refusal to feed or drink water
- diaper that hasn’t been wet for 6 hours or longer
- diarrhea
- dry lips and mouth
- crying without tears
- extra sleepiness
- floppiness
- vomiting blood or fluid with black flecks (“coffee grounds”)
- lack of smile or response
- vomiting green fluid
- bloated tummy
- blood in bowel movements
You won’t usually have any control over when or how much your baby vomits. When it happens on occasion, repeat this mantra to help you cope: “Healthy babies sometimes vomit.”
However, if your baby often vomits (or spits up) after feeding, you may be able to take some preventative steps. Try these tips:
- avoid overfeeding
- give your baby smaller, more frequent feeds
- burp your baby often between feeds and after feeds
- prop up your baby so they’re upright for at least 30 minutes after feeding (but don’t prop your baby up for sleep or use anything to position them in their crib or elevate their mattress)
If your baby has a tummy bug and is old enough to eat solid foods, avoid feeding solids for about 24 hours. A liquid diet can help the stomach settle after a bout of vomiting.
Vomiting and spit-up are common in healthy babies. In most cases, you can milk feed shortly after your baby vomits. This helps to prevent your baby from getting dehydrated.
In some cases it’s best to wait a little while before trying to feed your baby again. If you’re giving your child medication like pain and fever relievers, wait a bit so the meds don’t come back up.
If your baby is vomiting a lot or seems otherwise unwell, call your pediatrician immediately. If you’re unsure if your baby’s vomiting or spit-up is cause for concern, it’s always best to check with your doctor.
How to feed a child with vomiting: principles of gentle nutrition
During and after a child's vomiting, parents should review the diet. This condition disrupts the electrolyte balance, microflora, and causes dehydration. The body does not take food well - the rich taste and smell of the dish can provoke nausea, in addition, appetite often decreases. What to feed the baby?
Contents [ show ]
- Why children vomit
- What to do after vomiting and what to feed the child? nine0008
- Sample daily menu for a child older than one year
- What foods not to eat when vomiting
- Tips for parents when a baby vomits
- Drinking regimen for vomiting
Why children vomit
The following problems can provoke vomiting06 disease;

Vomiting accompanies diseases more serious than ordinary food poisoning: appendicitis, helminthiasis, kidney failure, intestinal obstruction. But in this case it is combined with other characteristic symptoms. nine0003
In addition, vomiting is a natural human reaction to feeding against will. Don't be surprised if you run into her when you try to feed your baby when he doesn't want to. This is not a whim of a child. So his body reacts to the excess portion size. Another situation in which vomiting can begin is exposure to a new, most often exotic food with an unusual smell, taste or texture.
What to do after vomiting and what to feed the baby?
In case of poisoning, the digestive organs begin to suffer. The mucous membranes become inflamed, nausea and diarrhea occur. The body loses a huge amount of water, dehydration occurs, which can lead to serious consequences. nine0003
First of all, you need to compensate for the lack of liquid - give weak, slightly sweet black tea, you can also green, dried fruit compotes, pharmacy (for example, Regidron) or a salt solution prepared by yourself.
For newborns, follow the following feeding schedule :
- When breastfeeding: before the condition returns to normal, do not breastfeed the baby for at least 3-6 hours - this may provoke a new attack of vomiting. Drinking is allowed. When the vomiting has passed, you can return to the usual feeding pattern. nine0008
- When formula-feeding: with the approval of a pediatrician, stop feeding, give the newborn only water. When the condition normalizes, start offering the mixture at first in small portions, gradually returning to the usual ones.
If complementary foods have already been introduced, on the first day after vomiting, offer:
- first courses: chicken broth, rice soup, soups with broccoli or homemade noodles;
- biscuits;
- boiled round rice porridge (mucilaginous). nine0008
A day after the baby has been poisoned, second courses can also be included in the diet. Buckwheat or rice porridge will do. Cook them with water, formula, breast or cow's milk diluted with water.
Gradually, as with the introduction of complementary foods, return to the menu the dishes familiar to the child in accordance with his age - meat soufflé, vegetable / fruit puree, fish, cottage cheese, eggs.
Older children (from 8-12 months) can include in the diet not very fatty fish, lean broth with chicken, boiled rice, and a baked apple will not harm. Introduce fruits later - they contain acids that can irritate the stomach lining already damaged by vomiting. Bananas, pears and apples are suitable, preferably boiled or baked, wait a while with sour berries and fruits. nine0003
Sample daily menu for a child older than one year old
If the child has already become familiar with the main complementary foods and almost switched to a common table, after vomiting, you can make the following menu for the day:
2. Oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge

2. Cooks prepared from white bread
222 9,
What foods not to eat when vomiting
The baby's diet during the recovery period after poisoning is not very diverse. Contraindicated:
- barley, barley, millet groats and all legumes;
- pasta;
- fatty meats, smoked meats, lard;
- raw vegetables (rich in fibre) and berries and fruits, except baked apples, bananas and pears;
- biscuits, cakes, soft white bread;
- candy, chocolate;
- fast food, carbonated drinks, chips.
With a therapeutic diet, the child will receive all the important nutrients, relieve the gastrointestinal tract as much as possible. In addition, the correct diet after suffering vomiting contributes to the speedy recovery of the body.
Tips for parents in case of vomiting in a baby
By following simple rules, you will alleviate the child's condition and speed up recovery:
- Appetite can normalize after 3-5 days. At this time, the baby should be fed often, but in small portions. Breaks between meals - no more than 2-3 hours. This mode improves the regulation of the functions of the liver, pancreas, improves intestinal motility. nine0008
- It is important to reduce portions, especially on the first day, when all energy reserves are aimed at cleansing the body of toxins.
- Foods are best cooked, stewed, steamed, baked in the oven. Eliminate spices, marinades and sauces.
- Puree or grind food. In this embodiment, it is absorbed faster, which reduces the risk of a new attack of vomiting.
- No hot or cold food should be given, it should be warm.
- When dehydrated, it is important to drink more - often, but in small portions, literally in a sip. nine0008
- Separate power supply. When forming the menu, do not mix different products. Some of them are incompatible, they can be poorly absorbed if they are not combined correctly.
- Do not force feed. Even a 2-3-day sparing regimen, during which the child will eat at a minimum, will not cause health problems - curative fasting is practiced by official medicine.
Refusal to eat during vomiting is a defensive reaction of the body. He throws all his strength into the fight against infection or toxins, so do not interfere with him, but help him with light food and drinking regimen. nine0003
Drinking regimen for vomiting
Drinking regimen is a necessary component of the diet when the child has been poisoned . The body spends a huge amount of water during diarrhea and vomiting. You can compensate for the loss by drinking plenty of water.
It is ideal to drink 1-2 tablespoons of water every 10 minutes. It can be water, saline (ideally), but if the child agrees to drink, for example, only dried fruit compote, let him drink - it is important to make up for the loss of fluid at any cost. nine0003
Permitted drinking:
- still mineral water;
- weak, slightly sweet black/green tea;
- dried fruit compote, raisin decoction;
- ordinary purified or boiled water.
Do not drink freshly squeezed or store-bought juices, strong tea, carbonated drinks.
Be sure to consult a doctor! In case of severe vomiting and the inability to drink the baby, intravenous solutions are used to replenish fluid losses. nine0003
Rotavirus in a child
Rotavirus in children: symptoms, treatment, prevention.
Rotavirus infection is an acute infectious disease with fecal-oral transmission, characterized by lesions of the gastrointestinal tract by the type of gastroenteritis with the development of dehydration (dehydration) syndrome.
Rotavirus is the leading cause of gastroenteritis in children under 5 years of age. .In Russia, it is most often recorded in the winter-spring period. nine0003
Causes of infection:
The causative agent is rotavirus, belongs to the family
RNA viruses. Types 1-4, 8 and 9 of the virus are considered infectious for humans.
The source of infection is a person (a patient or a virus shedder). The number of asymptomatic carriers of the virus among children can reach 5-7%. The virus is able to remain viable in the external environment for several months, is stable at low temperatures, and quickly dies when heated. nine0003
In general, in the Russian Federation, the proportion of sick children under 1 year of age is 20.6%, at the age of 1–2 years - 44.7%. By the age of 2, almost every child has at least 1 rotavirus infection and more than 2/3 fall ill again. Given the high contagiousness (infectiousness), it is a common cause of outbreaks in organized groups (kindergarten, school) and hospitals.
The mechanism of transmission of rotavirus is fecal-oral: it is realized by food, water and household contact. Given the extremely high contagiousness of rotavirus and the resistance of the pathogen to household chemicals, even very strict hygiene measures (including washing hands after each contact with the patient) can often be ineffective. The incubation period is only a few days - on average from 1 to 3 days. nine0003
Clinical picture
The main symptoms of rotavirus gastroenteritis are general intoxication (fever, lethargy, vomiting, headache) and changes in the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, frequent loose watery stools. Rotavirus gastroenteritis is characterized by two variants of the onset of the disease: acute (about 90% of patients), when all the main symptoms appear on the 1st day of the disease, and subacute, when 1-2 symptoms (usually abdominal pain and intoxication) for 2-3 days diseases are joined by diarrhea, vomiting, fever. nine0003
General infectious syndrome. Most cases of rotavirus infection begin acutely with a rise in temperature to febrile numbers (38.0 degrees) or even hyperthermia, but the duration of fever, despite its severity, rarely exceeds 2-4 days. Fever is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite up to the development of anorexia and adynamia in severe forms of the disease. In older children with mild forms, the disease can occur against the background of subfebrile temperature with moderate symptoms of intoxication or their absence. nine0106
Syndrome of local changes (gastritis, gastroenteritis and/or enteritis). One of the first, and often the leading manifestation of rotavirus infection, is vomiting. It can occur simultaneously with diarrhea or precede it, be repeated or repeated in nature for 1-2 days. The gastrointestinal tract is affected by the type of gastroenteritis or (less often) enteritis. Diarrheal syndrome in rotavirus infection is one of the most important and persistent manifestations, in some cases determining the clinical picture of the disease. The chair is plentiful, watery, frothy, yellow in color, without visible pathological impurities, or with a small amount of clear mucus, sometimes there is a characteristic sour smell of stools. The frequency of stools on average does not exceed 4-5 times a day, but in young children it can reach 15-20 times. The duration of diarrhea on average ranges from 3 to 7 days, but it can persist for a longer time (up to 10-14 days, more often in young children). Rotavirus infection is characterized by a combination of diarrhea with flatulence, which is most pronounced in children of the first year of life. Painful abdominal syndrome with rotavirus infection appears at the onset of the disease. Abdominal pains of varying severity may be diffuse or localized in the upper abdomen, and there may also be episodes of cramping pains. nine0003
Dehydration syndrome. The severity of the course of rotavirus gastroenteritis is determined by the amount of pathological fluid loss with vomiting and diarrhea and the development of exsicosis (dehydration) I-II, less often II-III degree. The degree of exicosis in patients depends not only on the severity of pathological losses of fluid and electrolytes, but also on the adequacy of the ongoing rehydration therapy (adequate fluid replacement). The following signs signal the development of dehydration: constant thirst, sunken eyes and a large fontanel, dry skin, sclera and mucous membranes. The skin becomes earthy-gray, the lips become bright and dry, the skin turgor decreases, and the amount of urine decreases. The most dangerous condition is the stage of dehydration, in which thirst is replaced by a complete refusal to drink and there is a pronounced decrease in urination up to its complete absence. nine0003
Syndrome of catarrhal changes. In 60-70% of patients with rotavirus infection, upper respiratory catarrh occurs, which may precede bowel dysfunction. It is characterized by moderate hyperemia and graininess of the posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate and palatine arches, nasal congestion, coughing. However, the presence of catarrhal phenomena in some cases may be due to a concomitant respiratory viral infection, especially during the period of a seasonal increase in the incidence. nine0003
Extraintestinal complications:
- dehydration
- secondary infection
- possible development of seizures
- improper water regimen RVGE can cause cerebral edema, DIC, acute renal failure and other life-threatening conditions
The most disturbing signs! (Need to call SMP )
- severe weakness and lethargy, almost constant sleep, or vice versa, incessant anxiety
- incessant vomiting
- the inability to drink the child
- no urination or very rare concentrated urine
- in children under one year old - retraction of the fontanel nine0003
- blood in the stool
Disease prognosis:
The prognosis of the disease with adequate hydration is usually favorable, the duration of the disease rarely exceeds 5-7 days. After a history of rotavirus gastroenteritis, a child may become re-infected due to seasonal changes in circulating rotavirus serotypes, but a history of natural infection may reduce the severity of subsequent infections. nine0003
ELISA feces and OKI test (also includes PCR testing for other types of viruses that cause acute intestinal infections, salmonellosis and dysentery)
First aid:
- Abundant fractional drink. For this, it is preferable to use specialized saline solutions - Regidron, Regidron - Bio. In the first hours, in order not to provoke vomiting, you can give 1 tsp. or st.l. every 5 - 10 minutes. nine0003
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER! For a day, depending on age, the child should drink at least 1 - 1.5 liters of water. Therefore, especially in the first knocks of the child, you SHOULD continue to drink in a dream, controlling that the child does not choke.
- Place a small child on its side so that in the event of an attack of vomiting, it does not choke on vomit.
- Antipyretics - only if the temperature is above 38.5.
- the first 3 hours after vomiting do not feed, then in small portions. nine0003
Breastfeeding must continue!
- In the acute period, for the accelerated normalization of stool and removal of the virus from the body, astringent and adsorbing substances are used (carbolene, polyphepan, smecta, enterosgel, etc.)
In the treatment of intestinal infections that provoke the development of fermentopathy, special attention is paid to the diet. Since during the development of the pathological process, the activity of a number of digestive enzymes, in particular lactase, is disrupted, in the acute period of the disease, whole milk and dairy products should be excluded from the child's diet and the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates (sweet fruits, fruit juices, pastries, legumes) should be limited. culture). Also, in the acute period of the disease, it is not allowed to feed children with meat, broths, meat products, fatty and fried foods. Food is given to a sick child often, in small portions. The list of allowed products includes mucous porridges, vegetable purees and soups, white crackers and baked apples. nine0003
Breastfeeding in the presence of an intestinal infection is not stopped, since breast milk contains antibodies that neutralize rotavirus and immunoglobulins that facilitate the course of the disease.
Common errors:
- Giving antibiotics. In this case, the culprit is a virus and any antibiotic is completely powerless against it. It will not bring any benefit, only increase the likelihood of complications. nine0003
- with profuse diarrhea, the use of any antidiarrheal drugs such as loperamide (without consulting a doctor). Their intake can increase intoxication, lengthen the recovery period.
There is specific prevention against rotavirus - vaccination
Vaccination (Rotatec).