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Introducing Solids to Your 6 month to 8 month old Baby
Introducing solid foods to your 6 month – 8 month old babyIf your 6 month – 8 month old baby is just starting solids at this stage, start slowly, preparing a very small amount of whatever food you have chosen to begin with. Nurse or bottle feed your baby first and then offer your little one solids. It’s important to remember that baby’s milk continues to be more important than solids at this age – don’t worry when baby won’t eat more than a few bites. Suggested Solid Food Chart for the 6 month old – 8 month old baby below:Click to Print What to Eat at 6 to 8 Months of Age?AGE & STAGE – 6 months to 8 months oldThe AAP recommends that an infant not be started on solid foods until after 6 months of age. Many pediatricians still start babies on solids around 4 months of age. Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s) – Brown Rice and Oatmeal with Pear Sauce for example. FRUITSBegin making your own fruit combinations once baby has had several fruits without any reaction(s). After 8 months old – you may wish to try offering raw ripe fruits. Soft cooked fruits make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods; Learn about Introducing Baby Finger Foods. VEGGIESVeggie combinations are great to offer now. Ensure that all veggies have been previously offered without any reaction(s) prior to mixing & matching. After 8 months old – you may wish to try offering soft cooked veggies in dices or tiny chunks and bits. Soft cooked veggies make for great beginner Baby Finger Foods. PROTEINOnce your baby has reached 8 months old, try offering tofu finger cubes dusted with Cheerio “dust” or other cereal “dust”. Around 8 months old, you should be able to offer plain whole milk yogurt and mild cheeses to your baby. Many pediatricians even suggest yogurt as a great first food as early as 6 months of age. Mix some yogurt with a favorite fruit puree for a breakfast offering. Visit our Offering Your Baby Yogurt page for more information on introducing Yogurt and Cheese. Baby Led WeaningMore and more parents are opting to skip traditional baby food purees and choose Baby Led Weaning as a method for introducing solid foods. Baby Led Weaning means offering your baby (age appropriate) foods that soft-cooked and cut into small easily manageable pieces. These foods are then given to your baby to eat. You do the cooking, the dicing and the offering of the foods and your baby does the rest. If your 6-8 month old baby is just starting solid foods, you will probably only manage to have baby eat 1/2 of the tablespoon sized portion the very first times you begin solids. If you are using a Baby Led Weaning approach, your baby may only manage to get a few pieces of food into his or her mouth. Don’t fret if your baby does not “finish” a meal. Remember this is a new experience for your baby. As your baby becomes accustomed to eating solids, you will gradually increase the portion sizes. Read How Much Food Should My Baby Eat page for more information. Many parents find their babies will push the food out of their mouths on the first few tries. This is normal however it may also indicate that your baby is not yet ready for solid food.Only you know your baby and will be able to decide if baby is truly ready for solids. I have also compiled a sample schedule that you may find useful. This table gives you an idea of how and when to begin introducing baby to solid foods. Please keep in mind that this table was created from various medical authorities such as private pediatricians, the AAP, the AAFP and the WHO as well as our own experience. This table should be used as a guide only. Always consult your baby’s pediatrician about solid foods Download the new 6 to 8 month old food diary chart! Want to keep track of the foods baby likes and dislikes? Download the free PDF above to keep track of what baby likes to eat, the date of introduction and any allergic reactions baby may have had.
Click here for a printable version of the condensed solid food introduction chart
New Breast-Fed Baby Growth Charts from the World Health Organisation – Reflecting Breast-Fed Babies Growth Patterns The charts presented are general guidelines with solid baby foods that are age appropriate. They may seem somewhat conservative in nature compared to guidelines from other sources. We show age-ranges for different foods and we have researched and compiled these charts from various medical authorities such as private pediatricians, the AAP, the AAFP and the WHO. Feel free to print the chart and ask your Pediatrician about the listings and recommendations. Our visitors say their pediatricians are impressed with our Chart’s suitability and accuracy of listings. Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby. SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON PINTEREST |
Introducing Solids to Your 8 month to 10 month old Baby, Solid Food Charts for 8 to 10 Months old - Introducing Baby to Meats, Spices, Fruits, Vegetables and Meat
Your 8-10 Month old baby might be crawling and trying to pull herself up. and she may not have a big interest in eating. As noted in the Is my Baby a Picky Eater page, your baby may suddenly begin to refuse to eat because she has more important things to do – like pull on the cat’s tail or munch the scrap of paper she just found. click to print At this stage, your little one may also start to Refuse to be Spoon Fed. Bring on some spices (8 months old)and softly mashed, or chopped into fine pieces, fruits, vegetables, meats, pasta and dairy such as yogurt and cheeses. Pasta, veggies, and fruit should all be soft cooked and possibly mashed with a fork or masher. (Bananas need only be mashed.) Meats and proteins such as egg yolk, should be cooked and pureed or chopped into small soft bits. If offering Tofu, you need not cook it first. Remember, your baby will not have molars until sometime around the 12-18 month age range so all foods should be easily mashed between the gums. How much will your 8 month – 10 month old baby eat?Your 8 to 10 month old baby may seem to be starving herself at some point. Because you are likely offering her more finger food selections or thicker/chunkier foods, the amount of food eaten appears smaller. At this stage, your baby may be eating 3 “meals” a day and possibly enjoying a snack or 2 in between. There are some babies in this age range who will still be eating only 1 “meal” of solids so don’t feel pressured to have your baby eat 3 solid food meals per day. Visit the Baby Menu to see an idea of some meals for this age range.
Stages of Solid Foods – 8 months and older – Baby Let’s Eat!8 Months – Give me it all! Bring on some spices (8 months old) and the softly mashed, or chopped into fine pieces of fruits, vegetables, meats, pasta and dairy such as yogurt and cheeses. Click here for a printable “no ad” version of the complete solid food introduction chart New Breast-Fed Baby Growth Charts from the World Health Organisation – Reflecting Breast-Fed Babies Growth Patterns The charts presented are general guidelines with solid baby foods that are age appropriate. They may seem somewhat conservative in nature compared to guidelines from other sources. We show age-ranges for different foods and we have researched and compiled these charts from various medical authorities such as private pediatricians, the AAP, the AAFP and the WHO. Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby. SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON PINTEREST |
Proper nutrition for children - the basics of a healthy diet for every day
Many parents are much more responsible for organizing the nutrition of their children than they are for their own diet. And it’s completely in vain, because the formation of a culture of healthy nutrition for children is formed not only by compiling an ideal menu for a child. The eating behavior of the whole family is extremely important, which the baby pays attention to and which in the future forms his own eating habits and preferences.
The importance of proper nutrition for children
The development of the child's body is influenced by a combination of factors, but the most important role belongs to food. The development of the child, the formation of basic skills, not only in childhood, but also in adulthood, depends on a diet that is correctly compiled in early childhood.
Proper nutrition improves mental acuity, memory, mood, promotes proper growth and development of the body, helps maintain weight and metabolism. With a balanced healthy diet, you can prevent the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, arterial hypertension and a number of others.
Proper nutrition is one of the main ways to maintain health and a high quality of life for a long time. Most human eating habits are formed in childhood and remain with him for life. Therefore, it is very important that the baby eats properly from the first days of life.
What is the right diet for a child
A healthy diet for a child every day is food that contains all the necessary nutrients. Unfortunately, today many children make their choice in favor of fast food, and parents do not limit them in any way. Yes, it is quite tasty and such dishes are prepared quickly, which means that you can quickly feed the child without wasting your time preparing food.
But the fact is that fast food is extremely unhealthy, not only for children, but also for adults. It leads to the development of obesity, disrupts metabolic processes, affects the digestive organs, which does not fit into the idea of healthy nutrition at all.
Here are the basic principles of proper nutrition:
- every day on the table there should be products that completely cover the body's need for nutrients;
- nutrition should be balanced;
- food is recommended to be boiled, baked in the oven, steamed, but it is better to refuse fried, smoked, pickled, canned food, as well as fast food;
- if the child has intolerance to certain products, then the menu should be adjusted accordingly.
When to teach a child to eat healthy
It is important to teach your child to eat healthy from an early age. This will help shape your eating habits. A study was conducted in which nutritionists observed the eating behavior of one and a half thousand children from birth to the age of six. It turned out that children who were given little fruits and vegetables in the first year of life refused to eat them at 6 years old. The best age for teaching a child to proper nutrition is from 6 months.
By the way, the baby gets acquainted with many tastes even before his birth. While in the mother's abdomen, he swallows amniotic fluid. The taste of this liquid depends on what a woman eats during pregnancy.
After birth, the baby is breastfed and the taste of milk also depends on the mother's diet. This may be why breastfed babies transition to complementary foods much more easily than formula-fed babies.
It has been proven that the child's perception of new foods is highly dependent on whether they were present in the mother's diet during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, a woman needs to be extremely careful about her diet at this time. It should be hypoallergenic, balanced and rational.
Some food preferences are noticeable in a child in the first months of his life. For example, he may enjoy eating salty and sweet foods, while refusing sour or bitter foods. In part, this is a protective function of the body, which, just in case, tries to avoid bitter foods, as they may contain toxic substances. However, not all bitter foods are unhealthy.
Healthy diet for children
The formation of healthy eating habits in children begins with the right diet. Most of all, the body of children and adolescents needs protein. It is a building material for a growing organism, and also compensates for energy losses. The younger the child, the more protein he needs. The most valuable and useful protein product for babies is mother's milk. Also in the children's diet should be vegetable proteins, which are found in legumes and grain products. Many legumes in terms of protein content can be compared with products such as meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish.
In addition, the child's body needs essential amino acids that are not produced by the body and must be supplied with food. Amino acids play a huge role in the metabolic processes occurring in the body, and perform many other functions.
The diet must contain fats. These are more concentrated sources of energy than carbohydrates. In addition, the composition of fats includes vitamins A and E, important for the child's body, as well as phospholipids, PUFAs. For children, the best sources of fats are milk, butter, eggs. But the abuse of fats is highly discouraged, as this leads to metabolic disorders, digestive disorders, decreased appetite, and the development of obesity. In addition, excess fat leads to a violation of the absorption of proteins.
Young children need less carbohydrates than fats and proteins. An excess of carbohydrates (especially sugar) impairs the development and growth of children, reduces immunity, and increases the likelihood of developing caries. Useful sources of carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables, fresh juices, berries.
The children's body is also in dire need of vitamins (especially A and D). With a lack of vitamin D, rickets develops, hypovitaminosis A leads to disruption of the endocrine system. The most important minerals are calcium, iron and iodine.
The key to health for children is to limit the consumption of sweets. Cookies, jam, marshmallows, sweets can be given, but in small quantities and not every day.
Basic Rules
Here is a brief guide for parents on the rules of healthy eating for children:
1. The best example for children is their parents. Therefore, deciding to instill in your child the habits of proper nutrition, start with yourself.
2. Don't let your child snack on the go. The process of eating should take place at the kitchen table, without a phone, TV or tablet. It is necessary that the child was completely focused on eating, the only way to ensure the normal absorption of food.
3. When compiling a menu for every day, consider not only the benefits of the products, but also the tastes of the child, as well as the individual characteristics of his body (allergies, the presence of chronic diseases, and so on).
4. Set a clear diet. The baby should eat at certain hours. There should be at least four meals a day.
5. Buy only fresh and high-quality products in stores. Pay attention to the expiration date and composition.
Remember that by teaching your baby to eat right, you are laying the foundation for his future health.
Possible problems
If a child constantly eats improperly, abuses fast food and other junk food, then the following health problems may develop over time:
- lagging behind peers in development and growth;
- obesity;
- lack of iodine, iron, vitamins and other nutrients in the body;
- gastritis;
- deterioration in general well-being, lethargy, weakness, lethargy.
Some teenage girls start to go on a strict diet to fit the ideals imposed by the fashion world. This negatively affects their health, leads to disruption of the cycle, which in the future may cause the development of infertility.
Boys have other problems. Some of them, in an effort to find a beautiful muscular body, begin to get involved in hormonal drugs, and also eat improperly, which can also lead to health problems over time.
Thus, proper nutrition is of decisive importance for children, starting from birth. And the task of parents is to provide them with fresh, high-quality products and make the right diet. This will help you avoid many health problems in the future.
Is it necessary to force children to eat
Quite often, children refuse to eat healthy food, citing the fact that they do not like it. Should they be forced to do it against their will? Of course not. But it is quite possible and even necessary to convince the child to eat calmly and reasonably.
Remember how our mothers and grandmothers told many of us in an ultimatum form that until we had eaten all the food on the plate, they would not let us out from the table? And how did you feel about it? Surely, such a statement did not add motivation.
Many mothers take the fact that the child does not eat the food prepared by them as a personal insult. They believe that the child neglects care and does not appreciate the time spent on him. In fact, this position is selfish. Up takes a sense of resentment for the fact that the children rejected their care and love.
But this is absolutely not true. The child still loves them very much, and the reasons for the lack of appetite usually lie in a completely different plane. You just need to confidentially and calmly discuss the situation and understand what's going on.
Scientists have found that there is a link between forcing a child to eat and eating disorders in adulthood. In Western countries, a child is often forced to eat healthy food, motivated by the fact that it is fashionable, healthy, tasty, expensive. And, for example, in some Third World countries, a mother will be ashamed if her child is thin, since in this case the neighbors will consider that the family is poor.
In general, motivation can be very different. Unfortunately, the total control of parents regarding nutrition often leads to negative consequences in the adult life of the child. The same applies to the ban on fast food, chips and other junk food. The forbidden fruit is always sweet, and the child begins to perceive such food as an inaccessible pleasure, which further increases the desire to eat it.
And vice versa, forcing the baby to eat wholesome food against his will, parents achieve the exact opposite effect. The child simply ceases to perceive this product as food, which will inevitably have a negative impact on his eating habits in the future.
Article sources:
- Nutrition of young children. Netrebenko O.K. Pediatrics. Journal them. G. N. Speransky, 2007.
p. 73-80
- Nutrition for preschool children. Inoyatova Kh.B., Nuriddinov Sh.F., Mamadiyarova M.A., Rakhmatova D.G. Academy, 2020. p. 4-7
- Analysis of the habitual diet of children aged 7-9 years. Bondarenko A.A., Makhankova E.A. FORCIPE, 2021
- Rational nutrition of young children. Lundina G.V., Yakovleva T.V., Vyatka Medical Bulletin No. 2, 2015. p. 70-73
Greek Elena Anatolyevna
Higher qualification category
Specialty: Gastroenterologist
Experience: 25 years old
We think you know without a doubt, That not everything you eat is beneficial. Let's remember and explain to everyone very clearly: The stomach should not be offended in vain. | |
In the MBDOU of the city of Kostroma "Kindergarten No.![]() | |
resistance to infections and other adverse environmental factors. Principles of nutrition for preschoolers Nutrition for preschoolers should follow the following principles: First, the energy value of foods should be appropriate for their age. So, in the preschool period, 25% should be breakfast, lunch about 40%, afternoon tea around 10%, dinner about 25%. Sanitary standards must be observed when feeding a preschooler. It does not matter whether it is organized by parents or a preschool. Hours of intake should be constant, and the number of meals per day should be no more than four times (the most optimal is 4). All food taken should be completely balanced. Products Mushrooms and hot spices should be banned at this age. Spicy dishes can be made with garlic, onions, or by adding a very small amount of pepper to sauces.
Hot and warm food should be three quarters of the daily ration. And the basis of nutrition should include such products as fish, meat, pasta, dairy products, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Foods containing protein are the main factor in the preparation of a diet for a preschooler. It is mandatory to use meat: chicken, turkey or veal. If you need to cook fish, then it is best to give preference to low-fat varieties, such as pike perch, cod, hake, pink salmon or pollock. Do not give your child such delicacies as smoked meats or various caviar. Indeed, because of them, problems may arise in the form of irritation of the delicate mucous membrane of the child's stomach. And the body will not receive any benefit for itself. More detailed recommendations, therefore, and many other issues can be obtained on the website: http://www.detskiyvopros.ru/. In addition, you can use fried foods, but you should not overdo it with butter.
Remember that your child's daily diet should consist of dairy products. It can be sour-milk - kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese no more than 5% fat, milk. Add dairy to desserts, casseroles, cereals, and sandwiches. | |
Kindergarten meals: from toddlers to graduates Catering for kindergarten students includes instilling cultural and hygiene skills that children learn in kindergarten. In the first younger group, the child is taught to eat independently and neatly, to hold a spoon in his right hand, to chew food thoroughly, to use a napkin with a reminder of adults, to thank after eating. In the second younger group, it is necessary that children get used to chewing food well with their mouths closed, use a fork, wipe their lips and fingers with a napkin without reminding adults, leaving the table, thank and quietly push the chair, and rinse their mouths with water after eating. Further, in the middle group, children learn to properly use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, take little food while eating, eat silently, and rinse their mouth with water on their own. For children of older preschool age, the tasks are more complex, along with hygiene skills, preschoolers get acquainted with the rules of etiquette. In the older group, the child sits down at the table in a neat appearance, combed, with clean hands, eats carefully, knows how to use a napkin, skillfully uses cutlery, maintains the correct posture at the table, does not interfere with neighbors, and, if necessary, helps them. Further, in the preparatory group, all these skills are improved and consolidated. | |
FOR YOU PARENTS! 1. If you are nursing your baby at home after kindergarten, take a look at the menu of the day before leaving. Don't cook food or dishes that he has already eaten. 2. The main products for daily nutrition were listed, but such as hard cheese, sour cream, eggs, fish - not for daily intake, 1 time in 2 days. 3. Cook food that is safe, for example, meat not in a whole piece, but chopped, so that the child does not choke. 4. The same applies to fish: take out everything down to the bone, or make minced meat.. 5. It happens that a child refuses to eat this or that food. Don't persuade, don't force. Ask why he doesn't want to, try it yourself. You don't eat everything either. Change the recipe. Or add the same product to another dish. 6. Child can drink clean drinking water as much as he wants, but sugary drinks should be controlled and limited, especially store-bought drinks. At this age, the norm of sugar is 50 g per day. In sweet sparkling water, this is an excess of 7 times! Think twice before buying this drink. 7. The total calorie content of food is approximately 1800 kcal, and by weight a child should eat about 1.5 kg of food per day. Yes, it's troublesome to prepare healthy meals for preschoolers separately, but you can also prepare proper healthy food for yourself, an adult, without spicy, fatty, sweet. 1. Recall with your child the names of fruits: apple, pear, tangerine, plum, lemon, orange, grape, apricot, peach, banana, pineapple. Draw them in a notebook or stick their images, sign them (.. read more ) | |
PUBLIC CONTROL Kindergarten catering unit (kitchen) that reminds parents of a real separate kingdom with fragrant smells and so fragrant smells their kindergarten childhood. Kindergarten meals are subject to strict rules. Each product entering the preschool educational institution is accompanied by three mandatory documents: - waybill, - quality certificate, - veterinary certificate. Containers with prepared food products will not be assigned to the group until the quality and quantity of the product are controlled by a representative of the administration of the preschool educational institution. |