11 week baby feeding
11 Week Old Baby | Milestones, Sleep and Hunger
At nearly three months, your little one is no longer a newborn.
Your 11 week old baby is growing up quickly and you’re probably settling into life as a mother by now.
Baby’s personality is really shining through and she will be responding to all the family members with those wonderful facial expressions and smiles.
Your 11 week old baby
As your baby approaches the three-month milestone, you’ll begin to see a more mature infant than the newborn you birthed.
She has grown rapidly and is laying down fat stores and growing her brain – both in preparation for what’s coming up next.
Her hands are no longer clenched in a fist and she might even have worked out how to get her fingers in her mouth.
Paid parental leave and return to work
You might be thinking about your return to paid work – depending on where you live and how much paid parental leave is available in your country.
In Australia, mothers receive 18 weeks paid parental leave, so this is a good time to start planning and preparing for it. If you live in the US, the reality is you might already be back at work due to no paid parental leave guarantee.
Find out more about breastfeeding and returning to work and see our article Going Back To Work – 5 Tips For A Smooth Transition.
Breastfed babies at 11 weeks
You will be spending much less time breastfeeding than in the early days. Your 11 week old baby is more efficient now and sometimes feeds might only take 5-10 minutes.
You might find she now wants both breasts at each feed, but continue to let her stay on the first side as long as she wants. You can offer the second breast once she shows signs of being dissatisfied with the flow.
Never be fooled into thinking the breast is empty, though – there’s always more milk there. As she feeds, the milk becomes creamier and flows more slowly; an impatient baby often can’t be bothered working for it.
Swap to the other breast and she will show appreciation as the flow is faster again. When she is really growing fast, she might even come back to the first side again – to get the rest of that high-calorie, rich and creamy milk that’s still waiting for her.
Some mothers have little or no support to breastfeed from family and friends. Some feel their occupation or workplace would make it very hard to continue breastfeeding once they return to work.
If you’ve stopped breastfeeding earlier than you hoped, it’s normal to feel disappointed, resentful, or even angry about the circumstances which led to that happening. You might even experience post-weaning depression.
When you feel you’ve done everything you could to reach your goal to fully breastfeed your baby, it can be hard to see breastfeeding information constantly.
The purpose of articles about breastfeeding is to support women who are breastfeeding, or hope to breastfeed. They aren’t intended to judge those who have made the decision not to begin or not to continue to breastfeed.
Find out why these articles are so important in Bellybelly’s Why There Are (A Lot) More Breastfeeding Articles Than Formula Articles.
Formula feeding babies at 11 week old baby
By 3 months of age, more than 60% of Australian babies are partially or fully formula fed. The move from the breast to the bottle might have been part of your plan from the start, or you might have made this change reluctantly, due to overwhelming problems with trying to breastfeed.
Most, but not all, breastfeeding problems can be overcome.
For that to happen you need good support and access to health professionals who are well-trained in modern management to teach you to breastfeed.
If you’re mixed feeding, you might be tempted to increase feeding at bedtime to get a longer stretch of sleep, or perhaps your partner is giving formula during the night to allow you some extra sleep.
It’s really important to follow the directions when it comes to mixing. Don’t be tempted to add an extra scoop or some rice cereal or solid food into the baby’s bottle to make her sleep longer. Modern formula does not need anything added – it’s already a complete food, unlike the mixtures your mother or grandmother might remember.
Read more in our article 7 Things To Avoid Putting In Your Baby’s Bottle.
Sleeping and settling
As she approaches three months, your 11 week old baby might begin to show signs of developing her circadian rhythm: the control system that regulates waking and sleeping, in response to day and night. Up until now, your baby has been unregulated by hormones like melatonin, which causes sleepiness when the day comes to an end.
In the womb, she shared your hormones and your circadian rhythm by proxy. Once she was born, she was able to feed and sleep freely, without any input from her body clock. This probably ensured she would wake when she needed to feed, maintaining your milk production and fueling her rapidly growing body. It will be at least two years before she has a mature circadian rhythm.
You can read more about this period in our article Baby Has Night And Day Mixed Up? Here’s What To Do.
Most babies will still be feeding during the night; very few sleep through at this age, despite what you might be told.
See BellyBelly’s article, 8 Reasons Why Nighttime Breastfeeding Is So Important, to find out more.
If your 11 week old baby is sleeping for longer stretches at night, enjoy it for now, because there are several developmental stages ahead which disrupt sleep.
Brain development, mobility, and teething all mean interrupted sleep will continue, and what are sometimes called ‘sleep regressions’ will also occur when a baby hits one of these stages after previously sleeping longer.
These are normal stages and do not mean your baby isn’t getting enough milk. Your baby might want to feed, however, after she has woken due to other reasons. Those extra feeds will help fuel the rapid development your baby is going through, as well as soothe and settle her.
Playing peek a boo and baby’s development
Your 11 week old baby is starting to make some regular sounds now, and will continue to be interested when you speak to her. Peek a boo is hilarious and she will usually giggle when you play. If you’ve made story time a regular part of your day, she will also enjoy the rhythm of words in simple stories.
Nursery rhymes have been acknowledged for their value in helping children learn to read; several studies support their importance in children’s pre-literacy learning.
You might not remember all the words, but a quick visit to your local library will set you up with a reading list to share. Choosing books with bright illustrations will visually stimulate your baby as well.
As your 11 week old baby works more and more on her goal to make intentional contact with the toys on her mobile or baby gym, you can help by centering those toys above her chest, rather than at eye level. This makes it easier for her hands to connect as she waves them in front of her. Your growing baby will also develop that hand eye coordination with a baby safe mirror.
Check toys aren’t higher than an arm’s length away from her body, so she actually can reach them. As with any toys, never leave your baby unsupervised while she plays with such toys, and stop the session when she starts to lose interest, or gets frustrated or fatigued. This is completely normal.
Find out more in Baby Cues – How to Identify 4 Important Cues.
Should baby have tummy time at 11 weeks?
She is more than ready for tummy time at 11 weeks of age. Most babies like lying on their stomachs after diaper changes or after waking from daytime naps.
Your baby can have Tummy Time spread out through the day – maybe two to three times per day. Aim for around five minutes each time, as she might start to tire after this; she will certainly let you know.
Growth and baby’s development at 11 weeks
Baby’s growth, as measured by weight, is a cause of great worry for many mothers. Regular visits to your healthcare provider can feel like you’re taking an exam, where the numbers on the scale determine whether you pass or fail.
The majority of babies grow normally, though, and obesity in children and adults is a much greater risk for this generation than failure to thrive as infants.
Average body weight of baby at 11 weeks
Baby at 11 weeks you can expect that she will weigh anywhere between 5. 8kg (12 pounds) and 6.4kg (14 pounds).
You might ask: what is normal and when should you really worry?
Find out more in our article Baby Weight Gain – What’s Normal? 5 Questions Answered.
11 week old baby poop
You will notice that baby will poop pretty much after every feed. If breastfeeding, you will also discover the poop is a yellowish mustard color, with little white bits in it. This is the fat content and perfectly normal.
If your baby is formula fed, the poop is usually a lot more formed and will not have the little white bits in it.
Read about this in Baby Poop: What’s Normal And What’s Not?
The fourth trimester
Enjoy your fourth trimester! Watching a baby’s facial features develop, and noticing when baby starts to try talking and eating mostly fills parents with wonderment.
This time seems to speed by, so enjoy each moment of her picking up a new skill.
A few things to make life easier:
- Have some meals prepped or get friends and family to bring some
- Sleep any time you can
- Get quality advice postnatally (at home if you can)
- Don’t stress about housework.
11 week old baby development | Baby
Your baby is almost three months old, where has that time gone! By now you must have a lot of questions about what development milestones your baby should have reached, or what you should expect as they go from 10 weeks old to 11.
Of course every baby is different, but there are some milestones to look out for, so here's everything you need to know about their week-by-week development, how much they "should" be sleeping and eating and anything else you may want to be aware of.
11-week-old baby physical development milestones
• Baby growth at 11 weeks old: By now your baby will have grown almost three inches since birth. They should have also gained about 2-3 pounds if not more. They’re probably outgrowing all of their newborn clothes and are on their way to sleeping in a cot as opposed to a Moses basket. Their legs and arms should be straightening out a bit as they grow, and they’ll be filling out too, with fat pads developing in their cheeks.
• Movement milestones: As they start kicking and punching more, you’ll notice they’re gaining more control over their muscles and improving coordination. They may even have enough control to push up now during tummy time.
• Reaching and grabbing: As your baby is getting used to reaching and grabbing, try helping their development at playtime by placing toys within their reach when they lie on their stomach. This will help them practice reaching from a more complex position, and is great if they’re already pushing themselves up. Try this when they are sitting in their chair too, although don’t make it too difficult or your baby will soon lose interest.
• TOP TIP! Start to baby proof your home now: If you haven't already, it’s time to clear away all those tiny or unsanitary objects that could be choking hazards – babies explore first and foremost with their mouths so your baby is likely starting to chew almost everything it finds. Don’t be alarmed by this new-found habit, it's completely normal for babies to discover new objects in this way and they'll probably keep it up until they’re around two years old. There’s also a positive to this new trait – it can actually help your baby develop chewing muscles for when they move onto solid food in a few months’ time.
11-week-old baby cognitive development milestones
• Cause and effect: While their co-ordination won’t be fully developed for months, they should be improving their movements so as to be less jagged and a tad more controlled. You’ll notice this when they reach out to hit something dangling above them. This early playtime is an important part of their cognitive development and helps them understand cause and effect – when they hit something, it moves.
• Hand-eye co-ordination: Early play is a great time to test to hand-eye co-ordination, so keep them stimulated with hanging toys. Try hanging them over your baby’s chest, not eye-level, as this will be easier for them to reach for as they play. It’s also beneficial to use noisy toys, as they help your baby understand where sounds come from. You may notice they’re much more engaged with different types of music.
• Cooing: While they won’t be talking for a while, by 11 weeks, you may notice they respond to your chatter in their own little way, cooing when you leave them time to reply. It’s a great start to developing language, as well as chatting to them when they’re happy and excitable, as your voice is by far their favourite to hear.
• Your baby’s personality: As your baby starts to make regular faces and sounds, you’ll notice them developing a little personality. This is an adorable, special time when you’ll start to see your baby’s characteristics coming to life. Allow them to watch your facial expressions and respond to theirs, it will help them understand social interaction better.
11-week-old baby jabs
You're one week away from your second immunisation appointment, as they should have had their first vaccinations at eight weeks old.
At their first appointment, they received their first dose of the 6-in-1 injection against diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, whooping cough, polio and Hib (haemophilus influenza type B). The 12-week immunisation will call for a second dose of this plus a second dose of the Rotavirus vaccine.
Your baby will also have their first dose of the PCV vaccine, which will protect them against pneumococcal infections. Sometimes referred to as the pneumonia vaccine, it is designed to prevent potentially serious infections caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae which can lead to pneumonia, blood poisoning (sepsis) and meningitis. They will receive their second dose of the PCV vaccine once they've turned one.
Don’t worry, you still have a week to wait before you have to worry about their immunisations, but it may be best to start preparing yourself now, especially if you found the experience tough last time round.
11-week-old baby sleep
You’ll notice your baby is sleeping a lot less than they did ten weeks ago, usually around 15 hours over 24 hours. By now, you'll hopefully be having more restful nights, with your baby sleeping ten hours (fingers crossed), the remaining five will be spread out over three or four naps throughout the day.
Finally, those sleep routines you started a few weeks ago should start to pay off. Your baby is starting to understand the difference between nighttime sleep and daytime sleep. If they still wake at night for feeding, take advantage of these nights of restful sleep if you’re lucky enough to be getting them. If you’re not, do not panic – you’ll get there eventually.
Also don’t worry if your baby is not fitting into one particular sleep routine, every baby is different and they’ll still be waking up to feed during the day and night.
If you’re worried their daytime naps aren’t frequent enough or long enough, follow this advice from baby sleep expert Jo Tantum: "Watch for his tired signs – rubbing eyes and ears, staring into space, getting grumpy, yawning, then take him into his room. Total blackout, sleeping bag and cuddles, try wave sounds to help calm him, too. Try giving him a comforter to hold – I suggest a muslin square knotted in the middle as this helps as his motor reflexes are wanting to grab things so this can really help comfort him."
If your baby is waking you up in the night when their dummy falls out, it may be time to stop using it at bed time. Although they find it comforting, you want to try and avoid your baby becoming dummy dependant. You’ll have a few sleepless nights at first, but it will be worth in in the long run.
How much should an 11-week-old baby be eating?
By 11 weeks, your baby will be taking more at each feed and therefore feeding less frequently. About 5-6 feeds over 24 hours is average at this age, but if they’re feeding more or less than this do not worry – as long as your baby is at a healthy weight, everything is fine! If you need a good guideline for feeding if you’re using formula or if you’re expressing, try 150-200ml per kilo of their weight.
11-week-old baby crying: Dealing with colic
Good news, if you’ve been dealing with colic, it should be starting to settle down.
How much should an 11-week-old baby be pooing?
Worried about what you’re finding in your baby’s nappy? Our baby poo colour chart should ease your mind.
As your baby is feeding less, you may notice they’re not pooing as often. Some babies can go days without pooing – it might sound worrying, but is completely normal as long as the stool they pass is soft and painless. The only time to worry is if your baby seems constipated, or in pain while pooing. Check out these signs of baby constipation if you’re concerned, and head to the doctor for some medical advice.
What problems should parents of an 11-week-old baby be aware of?
Flat Head Syndrome: If your baby doesn’t like spending time on their tummy (which is very normal – a lot of babies don’t), you may notice the constant time on their back is causing a flat spot to appear on their head. This is Flat Head Syndrome and can be managed by reducing the amount of time your baby spends on their back and doing more tummy time.
Crying with purpose: Your baby’s crying may be louder and more purposeful now. They’re starting to understand they can get what they want, be it soothing or something else, by crying. You’ll start to tell the difference between what each cry means with time. Don’t worry if you’re finding this difficult, babies usually settle down with their crying around three months.
Postnatal Depression: Postnatal Depression can occur at any time in the first year of your baby’s life. Are you overwhelmed by guilt or feelings of failure? Do you feel like everything could go wrong and it’s all your fault? You may want to visit your doctor and talk about the possibility of postnatal depression. With it affecting between 10 to 15 in every 100 women who have a baby, you’re definitely not alone.
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Rules for the introduction of complementary foods for a child 4 - 12 months: the first complementary foods, menus, diagrams, tables, principles of nutrition for a baby
Modern principles of complementary foods for children is a kind of fusion of practical experience and the latest scientific developments. They are based on the recommendations of the European Association of Pediatric Gastroenterologists, Hepatologists, Nutritionists ESPGHAN , the American Academy of Pediatrics AAP and national recommendations of relevant ministries and associations.
Baby food: online course
on indicators of physical and mental development. Timely introduction of complementary foods contributes to the optimal development of all systems and organs of the child, physical parameters, psychomotor development, and the activity of the nervous system. The period of introduction of complementary foods is very important for the growth and development of the child, as well as an outstanding stage in the transition of the child from breastfeeding to feeding from the general table.
- It is inappropriate to develop separate recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods for breastfed or formula-fed children, the approaches in these cases are the same
- Breastmilk mothers remains the gold standard exclusive breastfeeding for at least 4 months (17 weeks) of an infant's life, up to 6 months (26 weeks), the standard of exclusive or predominant breastfeeding
- The digestive tract and kidney function are mature enough for a baby to accept complementary foods at 4 months of age, and between 5 and 6 months the baby develops the necessary motor skills to consume solid foods.
Therefore, at this age it is important to give food of the right consistency and in the right way
- A well-nourished mother can provide all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals her baby needs through exclusive breastfeeding up to a maximum of 6 months of age
- Some children may need iron supplementation earlier than 6 months
- It is important to continue breastfeeding in parallel with the introduction of complementary foods. This has been shown to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, as well as hospitalizations in a child
- When comparing initiation of complementary foods at 4 or 6 months of age, no significant differences were found in the effect on infant growth and body weight, development of obesity during the first 3 years of life
- At the same time, a high risk of developing overweight and obesity has been established with the introduction of complementary foods before 4 months of age
- Complementary foods (solid or liquid food other than breast milk or infant formula) should be started no earlier than 4 months and no later than 6 months
- With age, when introducing complementary foods, the child should be offered food varied in texture, texture, taste, smell
- Children have an innate tendency to distinguish and prefer sweet and salty foods, reluctantly eat bitter, which we cannot change.
But we can shape and adjust the child's taste preferences through training, systematically offering the child foods with different tastes, including sour, bitter green vegetables
- Whole cow's milk Not recommended for infants under 12 months of age. The use of cow's milk is associated with the intake of an increased amount of energy, protein, fat, and lower - iron. Therefore, children who consumed large amounts of cow's milk at an early age had a higher risk of developing iron deficiency anemia
- Eating more protein when complementary foods increase the risk of overweight and obesity, especially in individuals with a predisposition to this, so protein intake should not exceed 15% of energy intake during the day
- The baby's need for iron is very high during the entire period of complementary feeding, so it is necessary to ensure the provision of iron-rich foods, especially for breastfed children
- Allergenic products can be administered from the age of 4 months at any time, since it is during this period that immune tolerance to the allergen is formed.
For example, children at high risk of developing allergic reactions to peanuts should be administered at 4-12 months of age under specialist supervision. No relationship was found between the timing of the introduction of allergenic complementary foods and the development of allergic or immunological diseases. However, this does not mean the need for early introduction of allergenic products to everyone, but it emphasizes that there is no need to postpone the introduction of allergenic products after 4 months for a longer period;
- Gluten may be offered to a child aged 4-12 months, however large amounts of gluten should be avoided during the first weeks after initiation of its introduction, thereafter a safe amount has not been established. The type of feeding (breast/artificial) was not identified with the introduction of gluten to reduce the risk of developing celiac disease, type 1 diabetes;
- Sugar or salt should not be added to complementary foods, and sweetened drinks and juices should be avoided.
Sugary drinks are liked by babies in the first months, but if they are not given, but after 6 months, the children no longer like them very much. Sugar affects future eating behavior. Sugar is an important factor in the development of caries - it contributes to caries, as glucans can be formed, which increase the adhesion of bacteria to tooth enamel, disrupt the diffusion balance of acid and buffer systems, which ultimately contributes to damage to the enamel.
- Vegetarian diets are contraindicated in young children due to the risk of vitamin B12, iron, zinc, folate, long chain fatty acid, protein and calcium deficiencies, which can lead to irreversible adverse effects and impaired cognitive development;
- Vegetarian diet can be used only under the close supervision of a doctor and nutritionist, with the obligatory additional administration of vitamins B, D, iron, zinc, calcium, proteins, PUFAs, which can ensure the appropriate growth and development of the child.
It is important that parents should be aware of the risk of irreversible harmful consequences (mental disability, death of the child) that may develop if they do not follow the recommendations of specialists.
The General Rules for the introduction of complementary foods for children of the first year of life:
- Introduce the first feeding It is better in the morning feeding 9-11 in the morning to trace the reaction of the child to the new product.
- Without added sugar and salt .
- Give the first complementary foods to the child when he is calm and not tired .
- Start with 0.5-2 teaspoons. If the child refuses, do not insist, try to give later or the next day.
- If the reaction is normal - no rash, no skin changes, no stool changes, double the dose the next day.
Gradually bring the baby's first complementary foods to the age norm 80-200 g
- If there is an allergic reaction or other intolerance reaction - refuse to introduce this complementary food for three days, if the adverse reaction occurs again - do not give this product, contact your pediatrician.
- Each subsequent new complementary food must be one-component only: marrow, cabbage, broccoli, buckwheat, meat, etc.
- Mixed food dish give when the child has already become acquainted with all the products separately.
- It is not advisable to introduce new products three days before and after vaccinations.
If you are thinking about introducing complementary foods, then your child should already have certain signs of readiness for this:
- Holds head
- Able to stand on its own, practically without support, sit on a special high chair with side support
- Opens mouth when a spoonful of food is brought
- Turns away from a spoonful of food when not hungry
- Closes mouth with spoon in mouth holds food in mouth and then swallows rather than pushing or spitting it out
The first complementary foods at 4 months
The age of 4 months as the minimum for the introduction of complementary foods was also chosen because at 4 months the child's gastrointestinal tract becomes more mature: the initially increased permeability of the small intestine mucosa decreases, a series of digestive enzymes, a sufficient level of local immunity is formed, the child acquires the ability to swallow semi-liquid and thicker food, associated with the extinction of the “spoon ejection reflex”.
Therefore, to the question whether it is necessary to give complementary foods to a 3-month-old baby , one can unequivocally answer: no, it's too early!
But 4 months, this is the time when you can think about the introduction of complementary foods. At the same time, it should be remembered that at the age of 4 months, the child has enough mother's milk or a highly adapted milk formula for its full development. In addition, when they talk about complementary foods at 4 months, they usually mean the end of the 4th month of life. It is important to continue breastfeeding in parallel with the introduction of complementary foods.
9000 , then it can be gluten-free porridges: rice and buckwheat . It is better to start with vegetable puree. Kids are smart and if he tries a sweeter fruit puree, he can refuse vegetable puree for quite some time and you may have difficulty introducing this very healthy dish.
What is useful in vegetable supplements and what is the best way to prepare it?
Vegetable puree - for the first feeding can be prepared from cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli - these are low-allergenic foods, are among the ten most useful vegetables in the diet of children, contain a large amount of healthy proteins, fiber and vitamins, microelements ! Fiber helps move food through the digestive tract and promote beneficial microflora in the gut. Pectins absorb and remove toxins from the baby's body. Vegetables have a positive effect on the acid-base balance of the body, creating conditions for the proper functioning of all organs and systems.
Cauliflower - is a good source of fiber, protein, minerals and vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3 (PP), B6, as well as a small amount of vitamins K, D and tocopherol (vitamin E). In the inflorescences of cabbage there is a lot of magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron. It contains twice as much iron as green peas, peppers and lettuce. Cauliflower protein is easily digestible and its content is quite high. Cauliflower protein contains essential vitamin U (methionine). It is one of the essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body. Other essential amino acids are also present in a small amount: arginine, tryptophan.
Zucchini - rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins C, B1 and B2 and others, folic acid. Which plays an important role in the processes of hematopoiesis. Zucchini is rich in such important trace elements as iron and copper. They are necessary for the formation of nervous tissue, normalization of metabolism, as well as for the formation of hemoglobin, which is a good prevention of anemia.
Broccoli is a very healthy vegetable that is a type of cauliflower. Pleasant soft taste and good digestibility of the product, unique composition have a beneficial effect on the health of both adults and children. Eat unopened cabbage inflorescences. This is also a low-allergenic vegetable, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, iron, trace elements and even phytoncides. The content of calcium and magnesium is sufficient to balance the functioning of the nervous system, ensure the normal regulation of the child's sleep and wake cycle, and good stress resistance. A child with such nutrition becomes calmer, less excited and naughty.
Broccoli is the leader in choline and methionine content. Only 50 g of broccoli provides the baby with a full set of nutrients for a day.
Pumpkin - the largest vegetable on Earth. It is one of the ten most useful vegetables in the diet of children, contains a large amount of useful proteins, fiber and vitamins, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, K, iron, potassium, magnesium, trace elements that are indispensable for children's nutrition, as they strengthen immunity and help fight inflammation, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. By the content of carotene, pumpkin exceeds carrots by 5 times.
Vitamins and microelements contained in pumpkin help the child grow, provide healthy sleep, are responsible for the condition of the skin and eyes, improve metabolic processes, and accelerate the removal of harmful substances from the child's body. Due to its beneficial qualities, pumpkin can be one of the first types of complementary foods for an infant.
All vegetable purees have a specific vegetable smell, this is absolutely normal
Introduction of vegetable puree
Vegetables should be introduced into the child's menu gradually. Start giving each new vegetable in the form of a monocomponent puree in the amount of ½ teaspoon, preferably at breakfast, so you can track the manifestations of food allergies or intolerance reactions to this product. If all is well, then the next day, offer him a teaspoon. So gradually you need to bring the portion to 50-100 grams. A serving of vegetable puree per day for an 8-month-old baby is approximately 80 grams. In a year, you can increase up to 150 grams. The next product can be administered no earlier than 4-5 days later. If a child has skin rashes, his stool has changed, then you need to remove the product from the diet and consult a pediatrician.
If the child does not like the dish, for example, broccoli, do not give up and continue to offer this vegetable in small quantities - 1-2 spoons a day, maybe not even once, but 2-3 times before meals, and after 7 - 10, and sometimes 15 days, the baby will get used to the new taste. This diversifies the diet, will help form the right taste habits in the child.
Fruit puree introduction
Fruit puree is a definite alternative and addition to vegetables. It can be made from apples, bananas - by the way, do you know what a berry is?, sweet varieties of pears. These fruits contain substances useful for babies, vitamins and minerals, including iron, which is extremely necessary for children. Prune puree is somewhat separate, it has a good effect on the baby's digestion, especially with a tendency to constipation, and, of course, also contains many useful substances.
Porridges in the nutrition of a child in the first year of life.
Porridge can be introduced into the baby's diet at the end of 4 months or at the fifth, sixth month of life. As a rule, they go as a second food after vegetable or fruit puree. But if your child is not gaining weight very well, or you have been feeding your child with breast milk or infant formula until almost the end of 6 months, then complementary foods can be started with the introduction of cereals.
It is important to start with one-component, low-allergenic cereals which does not contain gluten : this is buckwheat, rice, corn porridge .
gluten-containing cereals include: wheat, oats, rye, barley, millet .
According to modern data , the period of introduction of gluten into the child's diet is not of fundamental importance, but the latest recommendations draw attention to the fact that its amount in the baby's diet should not be large. Therefore, it is better to add semolina and oatmeal to other porridge in a limited amount, and not to give it on its own. No relationship was found between the timing of the start of complementary foods that contain gluten and the development of celiac disease in a child. If your child hasn't tried porridge yet, start with a dairy-free, gluten-free, one-ingredient buckwheat or rice porridge.
Rice - very useful for growing baby. It has a low content of vegetable proteins, therefore it is easily digested and is especially useful for toddlers with unstable stools. Rice has a high nutritional value and, to a certain extent, protects the delicate intestines of the baby due to its enveloping effect. This is a hearty and nutritious dish with a good content of carbohydrates and proteins, potassium and magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, beneficial amino acids and vitamins. It replenishes energy costs, energizes and gives strength. Rice is not recommended for overweight children and those who suffer from severe constipation.
Gluten-free buckwheat porridge - very nutritious and rich in iron, fiber, rich in various vitamins and microelements. This is also a good option for starting a child's acquaintance with adult food. These porridges can be prepared with water, breast milk, milk formula, which your child is used to. No need to add salt and sugar.
Rules for introducing porridge into baby food
If the child already eats porridge from 5 months, then at 6 months you can offer a more complex porridge - for example, rice porridge with apricot or raspberries, rice porridge with banana (this is very successful a combination both in taste and in its properties) or even more complex porridge - corn-rice with banana.
Over time, you can start adding apple, banana, pear, plum and prunes, apricot and dried apricots, broccoli, carrots, berries to porridge, , provided that the child is not allergic to them.
The rules for introducing cereals are the same as for vegetable puree. In order for the child to get used to the new product and its consistency more easily, first prepare 5% porridge (5 g of cereal per 100 g of water), if you make it yourself. Porridge is usually cooked with water, but can be made with breast milk, infant formula. First, give the baby one teaspoon, then, within 7-10 days, bring the volume of porridge of the same percentage to the full volume of feeding (150 g). If all this time the porridge is well tolerated, i.e. there are no skin rashes, the child has stable stools, they switch to a gradual (starting from 20-30 g) introduction of porridge of the same cereal, but already at a 10% concentration (10 g of cereal per 100 g of water). In other words, a thicker porridge is administered no earlier than 7-10 days from the beginning of the introduction of porridge. The complete introduction of 10% porridge to the baby is also carried out in 7-10 days. The third week falls on the complete addiction of the child to a new dish. Only after that you can introduce a new cereal (in the form of 10% porridge) or the next complementary foods.
Video: feeding porridge
You need to give porridge from a spoon, better in the morning for breakfast. After porridge at the stage of its introduction, the child should be offered breast or milk formula. With artificial feeding, the volume of the mixture after a portion of porridge should be such that, together with porridge, it is 200 ml with five meals a day.
Norms for the introduction of cereals
In the future, the volume of the portion of porridge gradually increases, amounting to:
- 7-8 months - 160-170 ml
- 8-9 months - 170-180 ml
- 9-12 months - up to 200 ml (there is a complete replacement of one feeding of the child with complementary foods.
Cereal schedule
- Day 1 – 1 teaspoon (5 g)
- Day 2 - 2 teaspoons (10 g)
- Day 3 - 3 teaspoons (15 g)
- Day 4 - 4 teaspoons (20 g)
- Day 5 - 50 ml (50 g)
- Day 6 - 100 ml (100 g)
- Day 7 - 150 ml (150 g)
Meat complementary foods - the rules for introducing meat into the child's diet
Meat is usually the third, very important product of complementary foods, after vegetables and cereals. The meat contains amino acids, complete animal protein, B vitamins (B1, B2, B6 and B12), heme iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, which are necessary for the growth and development of the child. It is very important to understand that mashed meat contains iron, which is easily absorbed. And the addition of meat to vegetables improves the absorption of iron from them, from vegetables.
Iron deficiency can seriously affect the intellectual development of a child, his immunity, hematopoiesis. Since your task is to raise a healthy and intelligent child, meat complementary foods must be introduced without fail and in a timely manner.
Heme iron - found in meat products and easily digestible (red meat-veal, liver), absorption is about 25%.
Non-heme iron - found in plant foods (beans, beans, lentils, peas, nuts, tomatoes, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables, apples, dried fruits, but it is absorbed much worse from plants - only 3-5% Iron absorption from other animal products (eggs, fish) is 10-15%.0013
It is important to know that human milk enhances , while cow's milk reduces iron absorption .
Timing of the introduction of meat complementary foods
It is advisable to introduce meat puree to a child aged 6-8 months . This, to some extent, depends on when cereals and vegetable/fruit purees were introduced. if your baby has been eating vegetables and cereals since 4 months, meat can be introduced at 6 months. From 7 months it can be administered if the child is not gaining weight. From 8 months to children who started complementary foods at 6 months.
For children at risk for the development of anemia, an earlier introduction of meat at the age of 5 - 6 months is recommended.
It has been proven that only daily use of children's enriched porridge and meat puree can fully meet the needs of children in iron, zinc and other micronutrients.
You can start meat complementary foods with lean beef, veal , but better with less allergenic poultry meat ( turkey, chicken ), or rabbit, these are the most easily digestible meats.
Goose and pork are fatty for the baby, and the meat of duck and other birds of the reservoirs is also not suitable for the first feeding. They are recommended to give only after 3 years;
Horse Meat is perfect for your little one. The product is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, but it is almost impossible to find horse meat for sale.
Meat should be introduced into the child's diet gradually, at lunchtime, first a quarter of a teaspoon and, gradually adding, bring it up to the daily norm: At 8 months, about 50 g, at 9months-60-70 g.
Video: L food meat
Scheme for the introduction of puree
- 1 day ¼ of the vegetables
- Day 2 - ½ teaspoon
- Day 3 - 1 teaspoon
- Day 4 - 2 teaspoons
- Day 5 - 3 teaspoons
- Day 6 3-4 teaspoons + vegetables
At first, it is better to give meat with vegetable puree, which the child has already eaten, so that he adapts better to the new product, and iron is better absorbed. Children at the end of the first year of life can already be given 3 varieties of mashed meat.
Baby menu at 7-8 months
At 7-8 months you can start giving children 0 baby cottage cheese 9000 Start with 1/2 teaspoon. Within a month, the daily volume of cottage cheese consumption by a baby can be increased to 30-40 g. In addition, a child of 8 months is recommended to give sour-milk infant formula. But ordinary yogurt from the store should not be given. At this age, the child should receive 5 g of butter and 5 g (1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil, ¼- yolk - 2-3 times a week.
Baby's menu at 9 months
At the age of 9 months Your baby is already familiar at this age already usually familiar: , egg yolk . You may have already met meat . Therefore, at this age, they usually give already more complex purees and porridges, less homogenized, of various tastes , gradually preparing him for adult nutrition, increasing the variety and quantity of complementary foods. It is desirable to feed the baby at the table with other family members, he must see how his parents eat with pleasure, he learns from them. The amount of food offered should be based on the principles of actively encouraging the baby to eat, it is necessary to continue to gradually change the consistency and increase the variety of complementary foods, adhering to the recommended frequency of introducing complementary foods.
At this age, the child usually gets complementary foods 3 times a day . His diet depends on the age of the start of complementary foods. If the baby began to give new food at 4-5 months, the list of allowed foods will be much wider than if this happened at 6-7 months. Therefore, all this is very individual, there are no absolutely rigid frameworks and recommendations. On the Internet you will find a lot of different advice on baby food, if you are not sure about something, it is better to consult your pediatrician.
From vegetables the baby can be given what he ate before, mixing them: pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots and others, adding 1 tsp. vegetable oil . If the baby does not have skin reactions, then you can give beets . It is also possible to give two-, three-component vegetable purees and soups , but only on condition that he is already familiar with these products and he has not had a reaction to them.
If you have introduced complementary foods, then you need to remember that water is an important part of baby food. You can use purified water or special water for children .
In addition, at 9 months you can give special baby wheat cookies , which the baby will be happy to eat on his own as an adult, white wheat bread, this improves hand motility, improves eating skills, but at the same time he must be supervised.
At this age, you can start giving fish puree from low-fat varieties: river perch, pollock, hake, haddock, zander, pollack - start with ½ teaspoon, bringing up to 40-50 g , watching the reaction of the child , give at lunchtime instead of mashed meat, 1-2 times a week. But a number of pediatricians do not advise giving it up to a year, it is a useful, but highly allergenic product.
Baby menu at 10 months
B 10 months usually 2 times a day the child receives the mother's breast or special milk formulas . Various cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, wheat, semolina porridge . add 5-10 g of butter to cereals. At this age, it is already possible to make complex cereals from 2-3 cereals with which the child is familiar, add various fruits, vegetables: apple, banana, pear, plum and prunes, apricot and dried apricots, broccoli, carrots, berries , provided that the child is not allergic to them, or use ready-made cereals with fruit.
From vegetables the baby can be given what he ate earlier, mixing them: pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, beets and others, adding 1 tsp. vegetable oil . It is also already possible to give two-, three-component vegetable purees and soups, but only on condition that he is already familiar with these products and he did not have a reaction to them.
At this age, the baby already usually eats about 40-50 g of baby meat puree from chicken, turkey, rabbit , with good tolerance to cow's milk proteins from veal or beef. If he has been eating meat for a month or more, you can start giving him two-component meat purees , for example from chicken and turkey.
At this age, fish puree from low-fat varieties is usually started: river perch, pollock, hake, haddock, pike perch, pollock with ½ teaspoon, bringing up to 40-50 g, following the reaction of the child, it is better to give at lunchtime instead of mashed meat, 1-2 times a week .
At 10 months, children's cottage cheese should be given 2 times a week. Start with 1/2 teaspoon if you have not given it before, the daily amount of cottage cheese at this age is 40-50 g .
It is recommended to give special sour-milk baby formulas.
At this age, a child can receive 5-10 g of butter and 5 g (1 teaspoon) of vegetable oil, and 2-3 times a week½ - yolk .
Child's menu at 1 year old
The child is one year old. He has already grown up, he already has 6-10 teeth, with which he gnaws everything he sees, he is interested in chewing food, his digestive enzymes already work well and he has already become acquainted with various products: vegetable and fruit purees, various cereal cereals, meat and fish, sour-milk mixtures. In fact, he is already prepared for the transition to a more adult diet. In a year, changing the diet involves turning to new products and gradually changing the way they are prepared and the degree of grinding.
You need to eat 5 times a day with an interval 3.5-4 hours .
semi-liquid dishes should still remain the basis of nutrition, but not only mashed dishes, but also containing small pieces of food . Too dry food should not be given to the baby yet, as he may have difficulty swallowing.
In the year the child already tries to eat with his hands and he should be encouraged to do so. Finely chopped, soft foods can be given eg: small pieces of soft fruit, vegetables, cheese, well-cooked meat, pasta , etc. and foods that dissolve quickly, children's biscuits, children's crispbread - as food with the help of hands.
It is necessary to avoid products that can enter the respiratory tract and cause asphyxia - sausages and other hard meat products , nuts (especially peanuts), grapes, raisins, raw carrots, popcorn, round candies . Hold off on this for now.
In a year, part of the children are without mother's milk. But if your baby is still not weaned - do not rush, if possible, give him a breast before bed at night. You can also breastfeed between main meals. At this age, the child receives all the main vitamins and minerals from food, but he can get a number of biologically active components from breast milk.
Dairy products
Dairy products still occupy an important place in the child's diet, it is a source of calcium, B vitamins, protein, milk sugar and fat. It is better to use special baby milk (marked with a triple on the packaging), baby fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt in total 500-600 ml per day .
Cottage cheese
The child should be given cottage cheese. The daily dose of cottage cheese after 1 year can be increased up to 70 g per day . It can be given pureed or combined with fruit puree, pudding, casserole. This contributes to the development of chewing skills.
Butter can be added to cereals or smeared on wheat bread, cookies in a dose of up to 12 g per day.
Low fat sour cream and cream
After 1 year, you can give low-fat sour cream and cream in small quantities.
Every year a child must be given various vegetables , it is good to combine them with protein products, meat . The vegetable diet can now be diversified with green peas, tomatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, spinach in the form of mashed potatoes. Legumes are still better not to give.
Fruits and berries
After 1 year, you can gradually introduce the baby to new fruits and berries: strawberries, cherries, cherries, kiwi, currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, sea buckthorn, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries and even citrus fruits . But do it gradually, watching the reaction of the child. Berries with a dense peel (gooseberries) are best mashed, while soft juicy fruits (peaches, strawberries, apricots, kiwi) can be offered to the baby in pieces.
Daily dose of fruits - approx.
Meat products
Meat products can be given in the form of steam cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, meat soufflé and pudding in an amount up to 100 g daily - beef, veal, lean pork, rabbit, turkey, chicken.
Fish can be given once or twice a week for 30-40 g per meal as a substitute for meat dishes
Chicken, quail eggs give boiled or in the form of omelettes in milk, you can try with vegetables.
Porridge can be cooked from rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, corn, millet, semolina. At this age, they should still have a uniform consistency, so it will be easier for him to swallow. You can use ready-made industrial, children's instant cereals, for example, various multi-cereal cereals, in which fruits, crackers, cereals have already been added. Give 1 time per day.
Be sure to give the child clean water to drink, better bottled water for children, as much as he wants . In addition to her baby can drink vegetable and fruit juices, dairy products, compotes, weak tea.
No need to give:
no need to give confectionery and sweets to a child 0005 . From sweets at this age, you can sometimes give marmalade, dried fruits and cookies.
Do not give sausages and sausages , they are rarely prepared from high quality meats and are rich in various food additives
Calorie content and volume
0003 1200 ml .
Table for complementary foods by months: Download
All videos: Putting a child for a child from 4 to 12 months
Let your children be healthy and successful!
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WHO recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods
Readiness of the child to complementary foods According to the WHO recommendation, existing for 2018, it is optimal to introduce complementary foods to an infant at 6-8 months. Until six months, the baby's gastrointestinal tract is still not sufficiently formed, all the necessary enzymes are not produced for the assimilation of food other than mother's milk or formula. A to 9-10 months old, the child can already form stable stereotypes to eat only liquid food, and overcoming them will be painful and difficult for the baby.
Thus, WHO defines the following signs of a child's readiness for the introduction of complementary foods: the maturity of the digestive system; extinction of the solid food ejection reflex; the appearance of the first teeth, making it possible to chew; the readiness of the baby to be stable in an upright position; emotional readiness for new tastes and sensations.
Complementary feeding system WHO has developed recommendations for three complementary feeding options: cereals, vegetables, and meat.
Fruit complementary foods are not recommended for cereals and vegetables. This is due to the fact that up to 8-9 months the gastrointestinal tract of the baby is not ready for the absorption of raw fruits and fruit juices. It is vegetables and cereals that will populate the intestines with the necessary bacteria for the absorption of fruits.
Kefir, according to the WHO, is not considered complementary foods because it is not a solid food. The WHO complementary feeding scheme includes kefir only as an additional food from 8 months. The introduction of cow's milk is recommended by WHO only from 12 months.
Any complementary feeding scheme assumes that portions of complementary foods will systematically increase from half a teaspoon to 100-200 g. The first dishes for complementary foods are prepared exclusively with one-component. Each next component is introduced only after complete addiction to the previous one (6-7 days).
Product sequence
The following sequence of introduction of complementary foods is proposed.
- Vegetables at 6 months.
- Porridges on the water (oatmeal, buckwheat, corn) at 6.5 - 7 months.
- Fruit puree, yolk at 8 months.
- Milk porridge at 8-9 months.
- Meat puree at 9 months.
- Meat by-products at 9-10 months.
- Kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt at 9-10 months.
- Fish at 10 months.
- Juice at 10-12 months.
- Berry puree at 12 months.
- Meat broths at 12 months.
The introduction of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) in puree and porridge is allowed from 6 months: a scheme with 1 drop with a gradual increase to a volume of 1 teaspoon. The introduction of butter begins at 7 months: the scheme is from 1 g to 10 g in porridge.
For formula-fed babies, the first feeding schedule is similar, with a few exceptions. For these babies, it is better to introduce complementary foods from 5 months, because the milk mixture does not give the small body all the “building material”. The introduction of complementary foods differs only in terms: vegetable purees and cereals are introduced a month earlier.
First cereals
If the child's weight is significantly less than normal, WHO recommends starting complementary foods with non-dairy cereals. For babies, cereals are prepared only with non-dairy, unsalted, semi-liquid, absolutely homogeneous in consistency. The first cereals are prepared from cereal flour (the sorted and washed cereals are carefully ground and crushed).
The following sequence of introduction of cereals is proposed: buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, semolina. It is recommended to cook semolina porridge only once a week, because it contains practically no nutrients, but it is rich in gluten, which can cause problems in the intestines. Proportion for the preparation of the first porridge: 5 g of cereal flour per 100 ml of water. After slightly cooling the finished porridge, chop again. In the finished porridge, you can add 1-2 drops of vegetable oil or a little expressed breast milk.
From 9 months, the baby's nutrition system involves multicomponent cereals, from products already well known to the child. You can already add vegetables and fruits familiar to the baby to cereals. At 9 months, it is allowed to cook barley and millet porridge for babies. And by 10-11 months, cereals on the water will be a great addition to meat and fish meatballs and steam cutlets.
Vegetable food
The first purees are made from one vegetable.
The sequence of introducing vegetables into complementary foods for babies suggests the following order: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, green peas, beets. These vegetables are introduced within 6-9baby months. After 1 year, you can give your child cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, sweet peppers, white cabbage. After preparing the puree, make sure that the mass is completely homogeneous, there are no fibers and small particles, the consistency is semi-liquid. Don't salt. Add 1-2 drops of vegetable oil or expressed milk.
If the child refuses vegetable complementary foods, cancel this product for 1-2 weeks. Try to temporarily replace it with another and return to it after a while.
Meat supplements
From 9 months old, the first meat purees are recommended for babies.