6 week old baby feeding times

6-Week-Old Baby Milestones – Happiest Baby

By Dr. Harvey Karp, MD, FAAP

Have you ever seen a sweeter smile? I think not. After giving some glimpses of gassy grins early on, this is the point when your baby is likely beginning to smile for the first time from true joy, especially when you enter the room and your baby hears your voice (after all, you are their favorite person!). You may be treated to that delicious expression just by entering the room, singing a silly song, stroking their head—or any other number of things that make your baby alert and happy.

6-Week Mental Health Check-In

Speaking of “happy,” it’s totally normal for you to feel a mix of emotions these days. Did you know that moms—and dads!—go through a bit of a hormonal rollercoaster after the birth? Stack that on top of other life bumps—exhaustion, baby fussing, financial pressures, feeding issues, and so on—and it’s no wonder why many parents fall into “the baby blues. ”  

What is the difference between the blues and full-on postpartum depression (PPD) and/or postpartum anxiety (PPA)? It’s pretty much a matter of degree. The more upset, exhausted, and anxious you feel, the more you want to run away, feel tearful, paranoid, and hopeless—like you are failing—the more you have shifted from blue to dark blue to shades of black. Remember, none of these feelings are a measure of your parenting. It usually feels like you’re the only one with these doubts and struggles, but over 20% of new moms go through this!

The great news is that this is temporary and treatable and there are lots of places that can help you! You can start by speaking with the people you love and trust. Your healthcare provider should be asking you how you’re feeling and should give you a PPD questionnaire to complete. If you have concerns that aren’t addressed, reach out to your doctor or people in your support network. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your baby. Finally, you can also call a free hotline, like the very caring counselors at Postpartum Support International: 1-800-944-4773. Here are some more mental health resources for new parents. 

Your 6-Week-Old Baby’s Development 

Look Who’s Learning to Self-Soothe!

When it comes to mastering baby calming, the responsibility has been pretty lopsided to this point. You’re the one who’s doing the 5 S’s (swaddling, side/stomach, shushing, swinging, and offering something to suck). Of course, in return you get more peace and contentment from your baby…and the joy of meeting your baby’s needs and feeling like a successful (even, expert) parent. 

One of your baby’s early milestones—blossoming around 6 weeks—is your baby’s ability to self-soothe. These days, you may notice your baby’s increasing skill at getting the thumb (or entire fist!) into the mouth for a slobbery, satisfying suck! Taking a pacifier is a wonderful way for babies to learn to self-calm.

Please don’t worry about finger or pacifier sucking becoming a bad habit. Most babies love it and most give it up by 3 to 6 months. Research shows that paci-sucking is so soothing that it lowers babies’ heart rates, blood pressure, and stress level. By now, the feeding is well established and nipple confusion from a pacifier shouldn’t be an issue. (Pacis are just a problem when used too much before breastfeeding is well established.)

If finger sucking goes past 6 to 8 months, there’s a good chance that you—or one of your siblings—was a sucking aficionado, too. In this case, it is best to substitute a pacifier for the finger. They are easier to stop and are much less likely to cause a serious dental issue. (Learn more about when to worry about thumb-sucking.)

How Much Does a 6-Week-Old Baby Eat?

By now, your breastfed baby is probably getting the hang of nursing! Though your 6-week-old is probably eating less frequently than they did as a newborn, offer breastmilk as often as your little one needs it, which will still be at least 8 times a day for many babies. A formula-fed baby is likely taking in 4 to 5 ounces every three to four hours at this age. 

Your 6-Week-Old Baby’s Health

6-Week-Old Baby Poop

By 6 weeks, your baby’s poops may have gone from loose to pasty (formula can sometimes cause hard little stools). And, it gets even more bizarre for breastfed babies. Their poops can go from several yellow squirts a day…to one big deposit every two to three days…or even once a week!

Infrequent poos are not a cause for concern unless you notice:

  • Constipation: Signs of baby constipation include hard, pellet-like stools. This is more common with babies drinking formula or when you add solids, like cereal and bananas.

A couple more poo-pointers:

  • Dealing with diaper blow-outs? Make sure the diaper is the right size. Sizing up can help.
  • Diaper rash can be caused by too much moisture, acidic poop, and sensitive skin. Using a thick cream can help a lot to keep the skin healthy and smooth. But if there is a rash, some doctors recommend using fresh aloe gel and lots of diaper changes to keep the area dry. 

< Your 5-Week-Old Baby | Your 7-Week-Old Baby >

About Dr. Harvey Karp

Dr. Harvey Karp, one of America’s most trusted pediatricians, is the founder of Happiest Baby and the inventor of the groundbreaking SNOO Smart Sleeper. After years of treating patients in Los Angeles, Dr. Karp vaulted to global prominence with the release of the bestselling Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. His celebrated books and videos have since become standard pediatric practice, translated into more than 20 languages and have helped millions of parents. Dr. Karp’s landmark methods, including the 5 S’s for soothing babies, guide parents to understand and nurture their children and relieve stressful issues, like new-parent exhaustion, infant crying, and toddler tantrums.

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.

Six-Week-Old Baby Feeding Schedule & Amounts

By Motherly Updated April 6, 2022

With a six-week-old baby, the feeding schedule can still feel like it’s dictating where, when and what you can do. While some baby feeding conditions are optimal—like that comfy rocker in your baby’s nursery—there are simply other times when you need to break out the bottle or breast while on-the-go. The more you get out of the house with your baby, the easier it gets. We promise!

How much should a six-week-old baby eat?

The American Academy of Pediatrics and La Leche League recommend the following feeding schedules and amounts for 6-week-olds.

Breast milk: 2 to 3 ounces every 2 to 3 hours

Formula: 4 to 5 ounces every 4 hours

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also recommends that parents should follow the responsive feeding method, also known as feeding on demand, which looks to the infant’s hunger cues for when to feed. The schedules below are just examples—be sure to follow your baby’s hunger signals to know when your little one is ready for the next feeding. As babies get older, their hunger cues and feeding times start to become a little more predictable.

Related: 2-month-old baby milestones

What’s a good feeding schedule for a six-week-old baby?

Remember, it’s more important that you follow your baby’s cues than adhere to a set schedule, so schedules outlined are general guides of how frequently you’ll feed your baby—not hard-and-fast rules.

These guidelines also apply primarily to infants born full-term and without any underlying medical conditions. For preterm infants, babies with certain medical conditions or for any specific questions pertaining to your child, be sure to consult your child’s pediatrician for a more customized feeding schedule.

Can six-week-old babies sleep through the night?

In the beginning of your baby’s life, you were probably advised to wake them up every two to three hours for breastfeeding or every three to four hours for formula-feeding. That didn’t leave an opportunity for much sleep, did it? Now that your baby is rounding the corner to 2 months old, they may be naturally sleeping longer stretches. If they are gaining weight and you have the sign-off from their doctor, you should be able to let them sleep longer stretches between feedings at night.

Related: Baby Sleep Guides & Schedules

Is your six-week-old baby feeding constantly?

Let’s face it: There is a lot to enjoy about feeding times for babies. It’s not just about filling their bellies, but also about getting snuggles and comfort—which is something they crave during the fourth trimester. Cluster feeding is also common at this stage, which can help fill their tummies so they can sleep longer stretches at night. However, if it seems like your 6-week-old baby is feeding constantly and they are gaining a healthy amount of weight, you can explore other reasons for why they are fussing (like a wet diaper or discomfort) or stage a distraction (like some play time on the floor or offering a pacifier) before feeding.

If you are breastfeeding, you may notice your milk supply regulating at this point—as evidenced by less tender, full breasts and reduced leaking. If you are formula-feeding, you’re probably also becoming a pro at eye-balling how much formula your baby needs for any session. It’s amazing the things we can quickly become so skilled at, isn’t it?

Read more about wellness for mama and your 6-week-old:

  • How much sleep does a 6-week-old need?
  • Motherly’s Postpartum Wellness Class is here!
  • Subscribe to the Becoming Mama podcast
  • The self-care checklist that will refresh new mamas

A version of this story was published October 17, 2021. It has been updated.

Daily routine for a child under 1 year old

Daily routine is a system for distributing periods of sleep and wakefulness, meals, hygiene and health procedures, activities and independent human activities throughout the day.

Compliance with a rational daily routine corresponding to the age characteristics of the child contributes to his healthy growth and development. Getting used to performing various types of activities at the same time, the child is prepared for the upcoming type of activity at every moment of time, which ensures their easier and faster implementation. Compliance with the correct daily routine provides a good mood for the child and maintains a keen interest in the study of the world around him, contributing to his normal motor and psychoverbal development.

The child's daily routine includes the following obligatory elements: diet, time spent outdoors during the day, frequency and duration of sleep, mandatory classes to develop skills in accordance with age, free time.

In the first months after birth, a healthy newborn baby sleeps for most of the day, since all external stimuli are very strong for the nervous system of a child, accustomed to a cozy intrauterine environment, and cause its rapid exhaustion. As the child grows older, the duration of sleep gradually decreases and the time of wakefulness increases.

Age Daytime sleep mode Night sleep Wake mode
From birth to 2 months 6 x 2.5 hours 6 hours During feeding
2-4 months 5 times 2-2.5 hours 6.5 hours 4 x 1.5 hours
4-6 months 4-5 times for 2 hours 7 hours 4 times 2 hours
6-9 months 3-4 times for 1.5-2 hours 8 hours 4 x 2.5 hours
9-12 months 2 x 1. 5-2 hours 9-10 hours 4 times for 3-4 hours

Closely related to the sleep-wake mode is the feeding mode of the baby. The sleep of a child in the first months of life is very sensitive and is easily disturbed under the influence of various extraneous stimuli, including hunger.

Age Mode Example
From birth to 2 months 7-8 times, every 3 hours 6,9,12,15,18,21,24 (no night feeding)
From 2 to 6 months 6-7 times, every 3.5 hours

6, 9.30, 13, 16.30, 20, 23.30 (without night feeding)

6, 9.30, 13, 16.30, 20, 23.30, 03 (with night feeding)

From 7-12 months 5 times, every 4 hours 6,10,14,18,22

A child's stay in the fresh air is essential in the daily routine. The total duration of stay in the open air for children under 1 year of age should be at least 5-6 hours a day. Fresh air has a calming effect on the baby, improves metabolic processes, and increases the body's defenses. In the summer, all games and activities should be held outdoors; in the cold and transitional seasons, two one-time walks of 1.5-2 hours are provided.

Fresh air also has a beneficial effect on sleep. By acting on the skin and mucous membranes of the nose and upper respiratory tract, it provides a faster fall asleep of the child and a higher quality of sleep. Sleeping outside can replace a walk, especially during the cold season.

The child's daily routine is generally individual, but ideally, one should strive to ensure that the child eats after waking up, and then stays awake until the next sleep. A well-slept baby eats with appetite and then calmly and actively plays or engages, and tired of games, easily goes to sleep.

When your baby is awake, try to keep him active and cheerful. It is necessary to dress the child in loose clothing that does not hinder movement, provide access to toys appropriate for his age, and most importantly, actively participate in games and activities with the baby as a whole family.
Author - Physiotherapist - DMITRIENKO T.G.

child development from 0 to 1 month



The long-awaited day has come and we finally arrived home with the baby from the hospital. And now, in place of the hospital calmness, where everything seemed so clear, a wave of emotions swept over me. When and how often should I put him to bed? How to combine sleep and feeding from the first days? Should a child have a regime or should not organize a clear schedule?

All the knowledge was in theory, but it was not easy to put it into practice. Therefore, I share recommendations that it is good for a young mother to know in order to survive such a difficult first month!

Baby's routine

Before we talk about the baby's daily routine, it's useful to remember a few facts about the sleep of babies of this age: Yes, all children are different - some sleep more, others less. But in general, babies need to sleep about 16-18 hours a day.

  • The baby's sleep in the first weeks of life is not organized in any order due to the physiological immaturity of the brain.
  • Now it is more important for parents to create suitable conditions so that the baby will quickly get used to the new world and new environmental conditions. Therefore, all actions to organize the child's day regimen will be directed to this.
  • Before 4 months, the child's neurological maturation takes place, which is necessary to adjust sleep processes in the future.
  • Focus on the planned date of delivery (PDR), and not on the actual age, when you want to make an approximate regimen for the day of the baby.
  • The baby will sleep in any conditions.
  • Use different methods of calming: swaddling, motion sickness, sleeping on the chest, in a stroller, a pacifier (when breastfeeding only after lactation is established).
  • Considering these facts, we can say that it is difficult to create a clear day schedule of 1 month.

    Daytime sleep

    Daytime dreams will not differ from nighttime. During the day, a newborn baby can sleep both 3-4 hours and 20-40 minutes in one dream.

    The longest period of sleep can occur in a day.

    How do you know when a baby wants to sleep again? Focus on signs of fatigue in a child: if he rubs his eyes, looks at one point, sucks his thumb, then it's time for him to sleep. It is also recommended not to exceed the awake time for more than 50-60 minutes if the previous sleep was more than an hour. If the sleep was less than an hour, the period of activity of the crumbs will be the same amount of time. Overworking the child leads to long bedtimes, restless sleep at night and an incomprehensible daily routine.

    Sleep at night

    Sleep can be about 7-10 hours at night. The baby will wake up for feeding. If in the evening your baby began to cry non-stop for several hours, it may be colic. The period of colic lasts up to 6-8 weeks. After feeding, hold the baby upright - this will help his digestion, do a light massage of the tummy.

    If you suspect that crying is not related to colic, be sure to contact your doctor. If you are formula feeding, talk to your pediatrician - it is possible that changing infant formula will improve the baby's condition.

    Confusion of day and night

    Until 6-8 weeks of age, babies may confuse day and night due to an immature biological clock.

    Take your baby out to bright light during the day and dim the lights at home in the evening. Use a night light with a warm, low light at night during feedings and diaper changes.

    How to make it clear to a child of 1 month of age that it is time to start the day or go to bed?

    Rituals will come to the rescue - daily repeated actions after waking up or going to bed. In the morning it can be hygiene procedures, and in the evening - bathing, quiet games, swaddling and a lullaby.

    Baby bed

    To prevent SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), certain rules are followed when organizing a baby bed.

    1. Always place your newborn on their back. This is the safest position for a baby right now.

    2. Avoid overheating the baby - it is more dangerous for him than the cold. Therefore, pay attention to the temperature in the room: it should not exceed 21-23 degrees in winter and 25 degrees in summer.

    3. The child needs to sleep on a flat, firm surface, without blankets, pillows, bumpers, toys or other things.

    4. A separate nursery is not needed for up to six months, and sometimes up to a year - a crib in the parents' room is an ideal option for a child to relax. You can remove one wall of the crib and attach it to the bed of the parents. So the baby will be as close as possible to mom at night, but at the same time on a separate surface.

    Tips to help your newborn sleep

    Feeding your newborn

    Feeding on demand is considered to be the best way to manage your newborn's diet.

    In the early days, breastfeed as often as possible. This stimulates milk production. We feed from 15 to 90 minutes. Prolonged feeding allows a newborn baby not only to satisfy hunger, but also to survive the stress after childbirth and get used to the new world. After the baby is likely to fall asleep. Night feedings are equally important for both the baby and the mother. They will mostly occur every 3-4 hours.

    To improve lactation, also try to feed in the early hours of the night.

    If a breastfed baby is eating well and gaining weight, he does not need additional food and fluids until 4-6 months of age.


    An important part of the daily routine of a newborn this month.

    Learn more