Babies dressed as food
8 Baby Halloween Costumes - Kids Dressed as Food Halloween Costumes
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Warning: The amount of cuteness in this slideshow is ridiculous and will definitely overwhelm you.
By Kayla Keegan
Media Platforms Design Team
Warning: The amount of cuteness in this slideshow is ridiculous and will definitely overwhelm you.
Media Platforms Design Team
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Sushi baby
Rejoice! The search for twin costumes is officially over. These itty-bity sushi bites come in five different varieties.
The Costume Café sushi baby costume, $60; Etsy.
Media Platforms Design Team
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Doughnut baby
Media Platforms Design Team
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Carrot baby
This is one veggie you really can't get enough of. Plus, you can easily throw a coat underneath if it's chilly on Halloween.
The Costume Café Halloween carrot costume, $50; Etsy.
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Cupcake baby
Even the world's best baker couldn't make a cupcake look this amazing.
EZorangeDesign cupcake costume, $123; Etsy.
Related: The Ultimate At-Home Kids Party Planner
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Cookies-and-milk baby
Dress up your semisweet baby in this aww-worthy costume and take that chocolate chip cookie obsession to new heights.
The Costume Café chocolate chunk cookie costume, $60; Etsy.
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Candy corn baby
No matter how hard we try, we can't quit these sugary Halloween candies. After acceptance comes dressing your baby in this fuzzy costume.
That's Simply Adorable candy corn baby costume, $65; Etsy.
Related: 12 Boo-tiful Cakes for the Scariest Time of the Year
Media Platforms Design Team
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Cherry pie baby
No ingredients are needed for this scrumptious recipe. If you prefer blueberry, pumpkin, strawberry, or lemon, this costume comes in those flavors, too.
The Costume Café kids cherry pie costume, $75; Etsy.
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Toostie Roll baby
This cuddly candy wrapper scores major bonus points for being easy to wear and keeping your baby's feet nice and warm for trick-or-treating.
Infant Tootsie Roll baby costume, $24.99; Mr. Costumes.
14 Crazy-Amazing Recipes Using Canned Pumpkin
Kayla Keegan Senior Editor, Editorial Business Development Kayla Keegan leads Good Housekeeping’s editorial growth strategies in the partnership, news, social, branded, membership and newsletter spaces.
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15 Super Simple Halloween Nail Designs
32 Easy Halloween Crafts for Kids
Adorable DIY Baby Halloween Costumes
The Best Halloween Costume Ideas For Kids
Babies Dressed as Food: Martha Stewart's BabyBanquet
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Why does a baby dream: interpretation from dream books
Sleeping baby: Unsplash / Chiến PhạmA dream in which a small child appears is tender. The image is very eloquent, therefore such a signal of the subconscious and the Universe cannot be ignored. Why is the baby dreaming, how to decipher the dream in which he is present? Interpretation of ten popular dream books will help decipher the riddle of sleep.
Muslim dream book
What does a baby dream about in a Muslim dream book? This dream is favorable, because it predicts to the dreamer a period of happiness and success. Of particular benefit is the dream of a baby boy who looks healthy and happy. nine0005
According to Imam Ibn Sirin, when interpreting a dream about babies, it is important to take into account the following predictions:
- To see a baby in a dream moving towards you - expect an unexpected visit from an old friend.
- Put your child to bed - you will reach a high status.
Why is the baby in your arms dreaming? If a man had a dream, he speaks of his maturity and wisdom. If a woman, then she is ready for conception and motherhood.
Man holding baby: Unsplash/Kelly SikkemaVanga's dream book
What does the dream about a baby mean according to Vanga's dream book? If a lot of babies dreamed at once, then the dreamer will have a lot of trouble and minor troubles that will take all his time and attention.
Vanga gave the following interpretations of this symbol:
- The baby is crying - problems with the dreamer's children.
- A small child with serious health problems - it's time to give up bad habits.
Why is the baby boy dreaming? According to Vanga's dream book, a newborn boy dreams of success in business. The dream is favorable and will come true in the coming days. nine0005
Dream Interpretation of Felomena
Why is the baby dreaming about Felomena's dream book? Such a dream means the beginning of a new stage in life, happy and productive. The dreamer is on the right path and will discover new talents and abilities in himself, directing them to achieve the goal.
The following interpretations are given in Felomena's dream book:
- A woman sees a baby in a dream to pleasant surprises and surprises.
- A boy dreams about money.
- A girl is dreaming - fortunately in her personal life. nine0014
- A pregnant woman dreams of a baby - this is a reflection of her worries about her own baby.
Twins dream of double financial and career success. If a boy and a girl dream at the same time, then the person is faced with a choice on which his future fate depends.
Juno's dream book
What does a dream about a baby mean according to Juno's dream book? This is a dream about care, love and peace, which the sleeper will soon experience. Probably, a person will appear in his life who will surround him with attention and shift household chores onto his shoulders. nine0005
Some interpretations from Juno's dream book also need to be taken into account:
- Breastfeeding a baby - new ideas will be implemented.
- To see yourself as a breastfeeding baby - get help.
- Newborn baby - new beginnings.
If a sleeping baby appeared in a dream, then the dreamer is too shy and suspicious. If the baby is crawling, then soon you will have to quickly make an important decision.
Baby crawling: Unsplash/Sandra SeitamaaMiller's dream book
What does a dream about a baby mean according to Miller's dream book? It is favorable and portends a pleasant surprise. A dream with a boy is considered especially happy. It promises a period of prosperity, material stability and a pleasant environment.
Miller also has the following interpretations:
- Playing with a baby means an early job change.
- Bathing a baby is a solution to a difficult problem.
- Kissing a baby means longevity.
- Noisy baby - to minor failures. nine0014
- A sick child means problems in the family.
If a happy girl dreams, the dreamer will receive a monetary reward. If the baby is naughty, then there is a high risk of encountering problems at work.
Freud's dream book
What does the baby dream about according to Freud's dream book? The father of psychoanalysis believed that the image of a baby is a symbol of the genitals, and his appearance in a dream means a need for intimacy. If in everyday life the sleeping person does not have a permanent partner, then a dream about playing with a baby means a craving for self-satisfaction. nine0005
Freud interprets the image of a baby as follows:
- To see a happy baby will improve relationships with loved ones.
- Crying baby - conflicts in the family and at work.
Why does a newborn child dream of a nulliparous girl? This means that soon she will find out about the pregnancy and become a mother. This is an auspicious dream that symbolizes the successful bearing and birth of a healthy baby.
Dream book of Nostradamus
What does the dream about a baby mean according to the dream book of Nostradamus? If the child is healthy and looks happy, then this is a symbol of hope, the fulfillment of a cherished desire. A sleeping baby means a need for rest and relaxation, which will soon be satisfied. nine0005
The following interpretations are presented in the dream book of Nostradamus:
- To see a healthy child - a loved one needs help.
- Holding a baby in your arms means finding a way out of a difficult situation.
The cry of a newborn baby portends danger. If the dreamer dreamed that he had become a baby again, then it was time for him to reconsider his life values and change his life.
Crying Baby: Unsplash/Zachary KadolphLoff's Dream Book
Why is the baby dreaming according to Loff's dream book? Seeing his own baby in a dream, the dreamer must realize his desire to continue the race. If a baby is dreamed of by a man or woman who is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to pay attention to relationships with the family and correct mistakes.
Loff can also see the following interpretations of a dream about a baby:
- One little boy - there is a conflict between members of the dreamer's family.
- Two or three babies - uncertainty about the future and colossal fatigue from life. nine0014
If the dreamer sees many babies, then he needs to buy a lottery ticket. Such a dream portends a win.
Tsvetkov's dream book
What does a dream about a baby mean according to Tsvetkov's dream book? In his interpretation, he portends incredible success in work and promotion. Those who dreamed of becoming a leader will become one.
In Tsvetkov's dream book there are several more interesting interpretations:
- An ugly baby - to tears and disappointment.
- A handsome and smiling boy is a happy and joyful period of life.
The dream portends whims and mood swings, if the baby is either crying or laughing. If a woman dreamed that she was gently hugging a baby, then a period of harmony and mutual understanding would come between her and her partner.
Hasse's dream book
What does a dream about a baby mean according to Hasse's dream book? Such a dream portends health problems. Such a risk is most likely if the dreaming child behaves restlessly, cries, is naughty or screams loudly. nine0005
To reveal the essence of the dream, you need to use the following interpretations of Hasse's dream book:
- A baby in the arms of a man - a rival will appear.
- Playing with a child in a dream - news about pregnancy or the birth of a baby.
Those who dream of having their own baby in their arms will be forced to abandon their plans, reconsider them. For childless people, a dream about a baby portends the beginning of a successful and important business. nine0005
Babies who appear in a dream symbolize pleasant changes, prospects and plans that are destined to come true. There are not so many negative interpretations of sleep involving children. In order not to miss the important details of a dream that affect its interpretation, one can compare the explanations of popular dream books and draw a general conclusion.
Original article: nine0005
Chinese New Year traditions
Chinese New Year traditions
Chinese New Year traditions
There is no fixed date for the celebration of the Chinese New Year, it is calculated according to the Far Eastern lunisolar calendar. In 2016, the holiday falls on February 8th.
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References, China, Chunjie (Chinese New Year)
References, China, Chunjie (Chinese New Year)
Spring Festival (Chunjie) is a traditional Chinese New Year according to the lunar calendar, the main holiday years in China. nine0005
The country celebrates the New Year twice: on January 1 according to the solar calendar, as in most countries, and during the new moon. However, the Chinese people, according to tradition, celebrate the Spring Festival more solemnly and with more joy than the New Year according to the solar calendar. This is due to the fact that most of the country's population are peasants who, by tradition, continue to live according to the lunar calendar, and all field work and holidays are closely intertwined with the lunar calendar.
Chinese New Year is also celebrated as a public holiday in a number of countries and territories where a significant number of Chinese live, primarily in East Asia. nine0005
There is no fixed date for the Chinese New Year, it is calculated according to the Far Eastern lunisolar calendar.
The beginning of the Chinese year falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice and therefore shifts between January 21st and February 21st.
February 18, 2015, 16:54
Chunjie, or How China celebrates the Lunar New Year This year, the Lunar New Year fell on the night of February 18-19. According to the Eastern calendar, this year is the Year of the Ram. nine0005
The beginning of 2016 (4714 years according to the Chinese calendar) falls on February 8, 2016.
Chunjie is a family holiday. Millions of Chinese are returning to their hometowns to celebrate the New Year with their families. The New Year travel season in China has received a special name "chunyun" and is considered the world's largest migration phenomenon.
According to scientists, the history of the holiday has more than a thousand years. It has always been rich in various customs, some of which have survived to this day. nine0005
On the eighth day of the last month according to the lunar calendar, in many homes fragrant porridge - "labazhou" is prepared, which includes 8 types of products: glutinous rice, chumiza, grains of Job's tears (beans), dates, lotus seeds, red beans, fruits "longyan", ginkgo seed.
The twenty-third day of the last month according to the lunar calendar is called by the people "Xiaonian" (i. e. "Small New Year"). People who strictly follow the traditions make a sacrifice to the deity of the hearth. After celebrating "Xiaonyan", the Chinese are preparing for the New Year. nine0005
East in anticipation of the New Year
Before the holiday, the country literally blooms with red. Everywhere there are posters with the hieroglyphs "fu" (happiness) and "si" (joy) gracefully written on them, garlands of lanterns and other decorations, and all of them are exclusively red, meaning prosperity, luck and prosperity.
Before the holiday, it is necessary to do a general cleaning in the house, wash and clean all clothes and blankets. After the house is cleaned, all panicles, scoops, rags are put away in a place where no one could see them during the holiday. The reason for this strange behavior lies in the legend: during the celebration of the New Year, the gods fly around the houses of the Chinese and give them dust, which symbolizes happiness. Therefore, if you clean up during the New Year, you may accidentally sweep all the happy moments of the future out of your house along with the dust. nine0005
Houses cleaned to a shine take on a festive look. All door frames are affixed with paired calligraphic inscriptions made in black ink on red paper. The content of paired inscriptions is reduced to expressing the life ideals of the owner of the house or good wishes for the new year. Images of guardian spirits and the deity of wealth are pasted on the door in the hope that they will bring happiness and prosperity to the house.
Two large red lanterns are hung in front of the entrance to the house, and the windows are decorated with paper patterns. The walls of the rooms are decorated with bright New Year's paintings, which symbolize the wishes of happiness and wealth. nine0005
Chinese New Year's Eve is also called "the night of meeting after parting". For the Chinese, this is the most important moment. The whole family gathers at the festive table for the New Year's dinner, which is distinguished not only by the abundance and variety of dishes, but also by numerous traditions. For example, a New Year's dinner is not complete without dishes of chicken, fish and "doufu" - bean curd, called "tofu" in Russia, because in Chinese the names of these products are consonant with the words meaning "happiness" and "prosperity". nine0005
January 23, 2012, 03:53 PM
Chinese New Year is a bright and noisy holiday
Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, people stay awake until the morning so as not to miss their happiness. If someone still lies down on New Year's Eve to rest, then he should get up early. There is a popular belief among the people: "If you get up early for the New Year, you will get rich too early."
With the onset of New Year's morning, people put on smart clothes. Young people congratulate the elderly on the holiday and wish them longevity. It is customary for children to give red envelopes with pocket money. This money in the new year is supposed to bring them happiness. In ancient times, money was given not in envelopes, but in the form of necklaces, which were made up of a hundred coins. It was a kind of congratulation, wishing a person to live up to a hundred years. One hundred coin necklaces are still very popular in China today. nine0005
In the north of China, dumplings are eaten on New Year's Eve, while in the south, niangao (sticky rice slices) is eaten. Northerners prefer dumplings, because, firstly, in Chinese the word "jiaozi", i.e. "dumplings" is consonant with the words "seeing off the old and meeting the new"; secondly, dumplings resemble traditional ingots of gold and silver in their shape and symbolize the wish for wealth. For the same reason, southerners eat "niangao", symbolizing the improvement of life every year. nine0005
A joyful festive atmosphere fills not only every house, but also reigns in every street of every city and village. On the Spring Festival, noisy festivities and fairs are held for several days in a row, where lion and dragon dances are performed.
The dance of the lions, according to legend, traces its history back to the events of the era of the Southern and Northern dynasties, when in the decisive battle one of the parties disguised themselves as lions (which were never found in China) and won the battle, because the enemy’s war elephants were afraid of terrible masks and ran, dropping their riders. Since then, Chinese soldiers have performed the lion dance on solemn occasions. In the 14th-16th centuries, this dance spread throughout China and began to be performed during the Chunjie festival. It is designed to scare away all evil forces that can bring misfortune in the coming year. nine0005
Encounter of the Fire Monkey
The Dance of the Dragons also has a long history. It was included in holiday ceremonies as early as the 12th century and expressed people's admiration for the dragon and requests to him to tame the wind and pour rain for a good harvest. The dragon, made of paper, wire and wicker, can reach 8-10 meters.