Babies in chinese food
Chinese Eating Babies & Planned Parenthood Abortionists
China Eating Babies
On the menu of some exclusive Chinese restaurants is an item that goes by the name of Spare Rib Soup. Very expensive, it is usually served only in the back rooms to known customers, who are willing to pay to premium for this delicacy. So what is Spare Rib Soup?
Brace yourselves.
Spare Rib Soup…. is actually a human soup, made from the bodies of aborted babies. It is regarded by the Chinese—at least some Chinese—as a rejuvenating potion. A kind of fountain of youth that will fix sagging wrinkles, grow back missing hair, and generally put a spring back in your step.
All of which is quite simply nonsense.
But I thought of Spare Rib Soup when I watched the video of Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services, Planned Parenthood, describing how her organization is harvesting and selling parts and pieces from aborted babies.
You’ve all seen the video by now, so I needn’t describe it in detail. If you haven’t, join the 2 million others who have. Prepare to be revolted.
I’m sure the picture of Nucatola calmly masticating her food as she discusses the importance of not crushing the organs so she “can get it all intact” will stay with you a long time. Or the thought of her sipping her cabernet sauvignon as she brags “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver.”
How the abortionist can manage to keep down her lunch while casually revealing that she did a “seventeen-weeker just this morning” is beyond me. She is talking about taking the life of a child who is about 12 inches long, can suck his thumb, can sense light and can feel pain. The thought makes me want to vomit. Apparently it stimulates her appetite.
Federal law prohibits the commercial trafficking of fetal tissue for profit and carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison and a $500,000 fine. That’s why Nucatola is careful to say that Planned Parenthood abortionists “want to come to a number that doesn’t look like they’re making money. … If they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that.” [italics added]
Nucatola skirts the law a second time when she explains that Planned Parenthood’s abortionists sometimes do a manual version to keep the baby’s head intact so it can be sold. The baby is delivered feet first and killed in the process. This is, of course, akin to an illegal partial-birth abortion, following a 2003 law passed by the Congress and signed into law by President Bush.
The fetal soup sold in China is nauseating to any normal human being, but are Planned Parenthood’s actions any less so?
And reflect on this difference: In China, the only people responsible for this human cannibalism are the paying customers themselves. But in the United States, because of the huge subsidies that Planned Parenthood receives from the American taxpayer, we are all “paying customers.”
Planned Parenthood Statistics
According to Planned Parenthood’s FY 2013-2014 annual report, the supposedly non-profit organization received a whopping $528 million. The U.S. taxpayer is the single largest contributor to Planned Parenthood, providing some 41 percent of its total revenue.
Planned Parenthood committed 327,653 abortions in the FY 2013-2014, an estimated one-third of all abortions committed in the U.S. that year. To put this number into perspective, Planned Parenthood abortionists are stopping a beating heart 37 times every hour, night and day, week after week, month after month.
And there is another reason why we can make no claims of moral superiority over China. Unlike the People’s Republic, we are a democratic country. We elected the men to Congress who appropriated our money and gave it to abortionists like Nucatola. We elected the President—Barack Obama—who keynotes Planned Parenthood fundraising events. So we are all—collectively—responsible for doing something about Planned Parenthood’s dirty business.
Because of its trafficking in baby body parts, Planned Parenthood is already under investigation by the U. S. House of Representatives and in several States, including Georgia , Indiana, Louisiana, Ohio, and Texas. More states need to follow—including your state.
It is past time to cut off all funding to the Planned Parenthood killing fields. Contact your Congressman and Senators, your governors and state legislators, your mayors and your city counselors. Tell them to defund Planned Parenthood once and for all.
Viral post uses art photos as evidence of false claim that Chinese eat 'human soup'
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By Tom Kertscher February 10, 2020
If Your Time is short
See the sources for this fact-check
With the world focused on a coronavirus outbreak that appears to have started in Wuhan, China, some social media posts are now spreading falsehoods about Chinese culture.
One viral post being shared on Facebook builds on xenophobic stereotypes:
"Chinese people eat human baby soup to improve health" reads the headline. The Jan. 30 post, which had been viewed on Facebook more than 46 million times as of Feb. 10, features images of a man seated at a table preparing to eat what appear to be parts of a baby.
This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
These pictures are from a 20-year-old controversial work of performance art.
The post links to an undated article on, an India-based website that says its "aim is to promote creative thoughts, Ideas online which are yet to be discovered and deserves recognition."
The article carries essentially the same headline as the post as well as more gruesome images that include a hand grasping what appears to be an infant by its arms and legs. The article attributes the claim to "an email report received by The Seoul Times," and describes a town "in the southern province of Canton (Guangdong)" where "Chinese folks there are enjoying baby herbal soup to increase overall health and stamina and the power of sexual performance in particular" at a price tag of $4,000 U.S.
This article also appears on the website of The Seoul Times, an English-language newspaper, under the heading "Letters to the Editor."
But there is no evidence to back this claim.
The photos with the post are from Chinese performance artist Zhu Yu. He staged a performance called "Eating People" at a Shanghai arts festival in 2000. The photos showed Zhu Yu appearing to eat a stillborn or aborted child.
AFP Fact Check on Feb. 6 debunked another Facebook post that uses a photo from the exhibit. It also reported that images from the exhibit have been used in hoax reports about cannibalism in China.
What’s more, experts we spoke to described such cannibalism rumors as ridiculous and misguided.
"This sounds like complete bull----. And if it is true, I’ve certainly never heard of it," William Schutt wrote to us in an email. He is a professor of biology at Long Island University, research associate at the American Museum of Natural History and author of the 2017 book, "Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History."
He Bian, a China historian at Princeton University, was more direct: "It’s misinformation at the most malign level," she said.
"Medical traditions in both Europe and China had records of consuming human body parts, ranging from hair, urine, to semi-magical use of human remains. It seems to me (the post) is a malicious manipulation of this fact to make a sweeping racist statement in the present tense, which is categorically false."
Fabio Lanza, a professor of modern Chinese history at the University of Arizona, agreed. "Blood libel has a long and sordid history in China, one that does not seem to ever end," he said.
Our ruling
A post circulating on social media said: "Chinese people eat human baby soup to improve health. "
Photos with the post are from an art exhibit in 2000.
Experts say the claim is a false one that is commonly repeated.
We rate it Pants on Fire!, post, accessed Feb. 6, 2020, "Chinese People Eat Human Baby Soup To Improve Health & Boost Sexual Performance," accessed Feb. 6, 2020
The Seoul Times, "Chinese Eat Baby Soup for Sex," accessed Feb. 6, 2020
Email, He Bian, a Princeton University historian of late imperial and early modern China, Feb. 6, 2020
Snopes, "Are Human Fetuses ‘Taiwan’s Hottest Dish’?" June 19, 2001
Email, William Schutt, professor of biology at Long Island University, research associate at the American Museum of Natural History and author of "Cannibalism: A Perfectly Natural History," Feb. 6, 2020
Email, Fabio Lanza, a professor of modern Chinese history at the University of Arizona, Feb. 6, 2020
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Features of Chinese cuisine or how the Chinese eat children » Perunitsa
"...First of all, we will have emigrants from China. Chinese..."Zhanna Zaionchkovskaya
Head of the Migration Laboratory of the Institute
of National Economic Forecasting of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Well, did you order? - Let's tell!
What will be discussed in this article is true, no matter how some readers refuse to believe it. And the one who wishes it can check all the facts stated.
When communist China's economic growth has been on record for many years, some of our politicians are tempted to urge us to follow the "Chinese path of development." So let's talk about the Chinese.
The Chinese are a people with whom we quickly establish close relations, both through trade and through immigration (illegal, in the overwhelming majority), and who are so successfully mastering our Siberia and the Far East that experts predict a complete "sinification" these territories in 50-100 years and their natural accession to China.
And a properly conditioned official propaganda lemming will even tell you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. The Chinese are, after all, exactly like us, except that they speak a different language, are a little darker, and have slanted eyes. With their presence in Russia, they will enrich our culture and economy.
But, in fact, they are not quite like us. They have different customs, originating from a different view of the world, a different attitude to life, and this different attitude has been formed over thousands of generations who lived in conditions that were different from those in which our ancestors lived. For example, the Chinese eat babies and see nothing wrong with it. And what they do to cats and dogs is much worse than just eating them. But more on that below, but now back to babies.
For a modern nuclear superpower, the Chinese have very strange ideas about health. These concepts have almost wiped out a number of species of wild animals from the face of the earth due to the insatiable demand of the Chinese for their organs, who believe that the crushed rhinoceros horn enhances sexual feeling, and the genitals of a tiger increase potency. Rhinoceros horn is in such demand that it has pushed rhinos to the brink of extinction. The same kind of demand exists for the penis of tigers and various parts of bears, which has also put the tigers of the Far East on the brink of extinction.
Human babies are harder to get for food, and I believe there are laws in China regarding the killing of babies for this purpose. But there doesn't seem to be a law against eating aborted human fetuses and miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.
Small fetuses boiled for soup. Late uterine fruits are eaten like roasted suckling pigs.
It is understandable that the Chinese government would be somewhat embarrassed if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese do with cats and dogs. But it is needless to worry: Russian journalists understand that it is in no way possible to publish such information; this would have a negative effect on public enthusiasm for a closer rapprochement with the Chinese.
Despite efforts on both sides to prevent these specific Chinese practices from becoming known in Russia, there is information for the persistent seeker. Our article contains photos taken in a restaurant in China; these photographs show a Chinese man eating a distinct late human fetus. To me these photos are shocking and disgusting, and I think they will be shocking and disgusting to the average Russian lemming as well. Of course, they will not be shocking to the Chinese. Eating fetal fruit is no more strange to them than, say, a Frenchman eating snails in garlic sauce.
The significance of this Chinese custom of eating fetal fruit - even if only wealthy Chinese can afford it for now - is much more than a simple difference between us and the Chinese in terms of culinary inclinations or in terms of what is healthy. A society that sees nothing special in the eating of babies, a race that considers this habit acceptable, is profoundly different from us. These differences run much deeper than language, skin color, or facial features.
I don't hate the Chinese for being yellow. I don't hate them for being different from us. I don't even hate them for not seeing anything special about eating aborted babies. It's their business. I care about what they do with cats and dogs, and if it was in my power, I would depopulate China to end it.
But I don't care if they want to eat Chinese fetuses - as long as they do it in China and not here in Russia. But they will do it here if we allow the criminal frenzy of creeping Chinese immigration, Judeo-democracy and multiculturalism to continue.
If there is demand, Jewish-Chechen organized crime organizes supply. 4.5 million abortions are performed in Russia annually (in 2000). When, on the one hand, millions of Russian babies are cut out in the womb every year, and on the other hand, there are millions of Chinese "gourmets" who want to consume them, then the human market embryos are present. And it won't be just the Chinese. Think how much the traditions and moral principles of Russians have changed under the influence of foreigners.
I'm not saying that if enough Chinese come to Russia, we'll all start eating babies. I believe that most of us, even among our lemmings, will retain an instinctive block against this sort of thing. But the Chinese will still change our culture. More fundamentally, they will change our attitude, our morality.
If we have a lot of fetal eating Chinese in Russia, then you can bet your last ruble that any Russian who publicly expresses his disgust, his disapproval of this habit, will be condemned by our Jewish media with familiar labels such as "xenophobe", "racist", "fascist", "Nazi", "inciting national and racial hatred", etc. Christian priests will call for greater tolerance. Prosecutors with political ambitions and police officials will announce in the media that they are studying the possibility of initiating criminal cases under the notorious Art. 282 (which successfully migrated from the arsenal of Judeo-communism to the arsenal of Judeo-democracy, which once again emphasizes the continuity of these two phases of Zionism) against the Russians who dared to express their attitude.
You know this will happen because it has always happened at other stages of the Zionization process in Russia. Lemmings will adapt to this in the same way that frogs in a cauldron over a fire adapt to rising water temperatures. But for the time being, the thought of eating children will still shock Russian lemmings, just as a frog would be shocked when taken from a cauldron of cold water and thrown into a cauldron of boiling water.
The photograph in our article shows a Chinese man in a restaurant in China carrying a tray of large, late human fetuses. Another photo shows him sitting at a table eating a dismembered fruit. The fetal head is still attached to the body, and all features are clearly visible. These are scary, shocking, disgusting photos.
I want to emphasize again: I don't hate the Chinese because some of them eat babies and others think it's normal. I don't hate blacks or Azerbaijanis because I find some of the things they do in Africa and Azerbaijan disgusting. This is their business - as long as they remain respectively in China, Africa or Azerbaijan. I just don't want them to be here in Russia. I don't want to see them. I don't want to hear them. I don't want to smell them. I don't want to hear how liberals and Jews come up with excuses for them. I don't even want to think about them.
We noted above that what the Chinese do to cats and dogs is much worse than just eating them. Some readers may ask: "What can the Chinese do with cats and dogs that is worse than eating them?". The worst is the way the Chinese treat cats and dogs before and during their slaughter for food - and also before and during the time they are skinned for their fur.
The fact that there are Russian people who are cruel, heartless and indifferent to the suffering of animals, however, does not mean that in this respect we are the same as the Chinese. There are significant differences. In general, it can be said that among the Chinese and other Asians, there is absolutely no feeling whatsoever towards animals.
For the Chinese, an animal is simply an object that may or may not have economic utility (it's not for nothing that the Chinese are called "yellow Jews"). If it has economic utility, then it must be used in any way for profit or benefit.
In addition to this general inability to empathize with animals, the Chinese have peculiar culinary habits and peculiar notions of diet. The consequence is that cats and dogs destined to be eaten or skinned for fur are treated in an unthinkably inhumane manner.
Cats are usually suffocated or drowned before being skinned so as not to damage the fur. Some dogs, which are unable, like cats, to harm their tormentors with their claws, are skinned alive.
There is a peculiar opinion among Chinese gourmets that the more painful death an animal dies, the more juicy and tender its meat will be. Therefore, in order to please the client, the dog or cat is taken from the cage in the restaurant, brought to the kitchen and there they first break all its bones and spine before finally killing the animal. And the client, sitting at the table waiting for his meal, can enjoy the nightmarish sounds of agony coming from the kitchen.
These are the cats that the Chinese eat. Read more here.
The website of the Humane Society (Society for the Protection of Animals) USA has a lot of very unpleasant information about this kind of thing. The website address is The Humane Society has even sent covert investigators with video cameras to China to film some of the terrible things being done to cats and dogs there.
As far as evidence for all this is concerned, there is much evidence on this subject, but linguistic differences, along with the characteristic Chinese suspicion of strangers, do present certain difficulties in collecting evidence. For this reason, we will confine our evidence to a Chinese source in English, the Hong Kong newspaper Eastern Express. All excerpts quoted are taken from a long article that appeared on 12 April 1995 issue of Eastern Express. A newspaper reporter visited several clinics in mainland China looking for aborted fetuses to eat and found them freely available.
Quote from Eastern Express: Reports that dead fetuses are being used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Physicians defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses are good for skin condition and overall health.
It wasn't long before people in town were talking about doctors in town recommending fetal fruit as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought each other for the right to take home valuable human remains. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, went to Shenjiang to check on the rumors. On March 7, the reporter went to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick, asking the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they ran out of them in their department, and asked to come another time.
The reporter came to lunch the next day. When the doctor finally left the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle full of thumb-sized fetuses. The doctor said, “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a government clinic and donate them for free.”...
The reporter found out that fetal fetuses are currently priced at $10 each, but when the supply of goods is insufficient, the price could rise to $20. But this money is pennies, compared to the prices in private clinics, which are reported to make a lot of money on fetal fetuses.
The Bong Meng Lao Street Clinic charges $300 per fetus. The director of the clinic is a man of about 60 years old. When he saw the ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked if the fetuses were edible, she enthusiastically declared, “Well, of course. They are even better than the placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they're good for your kidneys. When I was in Jiangti Province Military Hospital, I often brought the fetuses home.”...
A Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong states that he has been eating fetal soup for more than six months. He is in his 40s and often has to travel to Shenjiang on business. Friends introduced him to the fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of the fetuses. “At first I felt uncomfortable, but the doctors told me that the substances contained in the fetuses will help me get rid of asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” Cheng said...
Zou Keen, a 32-year-old woman with perfect skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a diet of fetals. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses very nutritious and claims she has eaten over 100 in the past six months. She takes out a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria.
“Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; the best fetus to eat is the firstborn boy. They'll be uselessly lost if we don't eat them. The women we have abortions don't need these fetuses. Also, fetuses are already dead when we eat them. We don't have abortions just for the sake of having fetuses..."
Dr. Warren Lee, President of the Hong Kong Food Association, is aware of these unpleasant rumors. “Eating fetal fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and is deeply rooted in Chinese folklore…” he says.
An article dated April 12, 1995 from The Eastern Express, an English-language newspaper in Hong Kong, has much more information. If this is not enough for you, you can try to dig into Chinese folklore yourself. As the man said, eating fetal fruit is deeply rooted in Chinese tradition.
S. Sergeev. (Courtesy of the National Alliance)
In 2001, a series of images of an Asian man devouring a small human body began to be popularized on the Internet. This image was used to show the decay of man and to fuel rumors that human fetuses were a popular dish in China.
Like much of the shocking information commonly circulated on social media, it sparked rumors and the image went viral. The scope of the photographs and the rumors that accompanied them were such that the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard (London police) began investigating the case. They discovered that the photographs are part of a play called "Eating People" by Chinese artist Zhu Yu.
The artist was the victim of intense pressure from the media and society in general. But his interest in showing the act of eating to another person prompted him to perform the staging, knowing that it was contrary to a taboo that had taken root around the world.
Before creating the images, the artist conducted an investigation, which consisted in finding out whether the consumption of human flesh was prohibited by law or religion. But he could never find any prohibition against the act of consuming human flesh.
There have been many attempts to discredit the images by claiming they were false and the alleged fetus was actually a simulated chicken. However, Zhu Yu said that the fetus was the real and that he had stolen it from medical school. He also said that during the performance he was very disgusted when he ate the meat of the fruit, even holding back more than once vomiting, but it was all just art.
Zhu Yu's work has always been very controversial, it is based on the anatomy of mutilated bodies, their decomposition, the goal is to criticize non-human processes in humans and animals.
How to feed a child in China. Holidays with children at sea in China
Are you going on holiday with a child abroad for the first time? Why not choose China, which will definitely be of interest to children of all ages. Both adults and kids will be happy with the warm sea, exciting excursions, national cuisine and great shopping.
By the way, for adults, China provides great opportunities to earn extra money for the family budget, for example, fashionable dropshipping. Dropshipping, what is it? You can profitably buy Chinese goods and resell them - it's easy and does not require a lot of effort. So think on vacation and about the opportunity to profitably replenish the family piggy bank.
The sea in China
The sea in China has a gray-yellowish hue. It's hard to collect shells here as a memory of the trip, but the children enthusiastically build castles of the finest sand on the shore.
In addition, the Yellow Sea is very warm, and even the smallest can bathe in it, and this is its main advantage. Right on the beaches, hardworking Chinese sell various souvenirs for mere pennies, and you and your children can buy something to remember the Yellow Sea. The sea is very calm, gentle, and only sometimes there are small waves on it. Adults will not be bored either - various water entertainments and attractions are provided for them.
What to feed children?
Chinese national cuisine is specific, and therefore many mothers are worried about what they will feed their children with. But the cunning Chinese have long adapted to the abundance of Russian tourists with small children. Therefore, mothers do not have to worry about food for their child.
You can easily order boiled chicken, duck, rice dishes in almost every restaurant. In many cities in the country there are Russian restaurants, in which, of course, the dishes are slightly different from what we are used to, but, nevertheless, are quite suitable for children's food during your trip to China.
There is an interesting feature in China - children up to 120 cm tall go on a tour absolutely free of charge. Children between 120 and 140 cm tall pay half price for the tour. Well, children above 140 cm must buy an adult ticket. Therefore, with kids, in some respects, going on excursions is even beneficial.
There is something to see in China - there are wonderful zoos, various attractions, and botanical gardens. And what is the most beautiful Chinese architecture, historical monuments, monasteries! In China, everyone will be interested - both adults and children.
The long-awaited summer has already come into its own! Some people are only dreaming about a vacation and making plans, while others have begun to feel like a suitcase - preparations and packing are in full swing. Now many people prefer "overseas" Asian countries to rest in Kazakhstan. Fertile and very cheap Asia is a real paradise for the traveler. For family holidays you can choose colorful Thailand, vivid Vietnam, exotic China, progressive Japan or any other country. But a trip with young travelers has its own specifics. And the most important question is how to feed children away from their native land.
Do not be tempted by fruit abundance!
Without exception, all warm Asian countries are a fruit Eldorado. There are watermelons, bananas, tangerines, melons, pineapples familiar to us, and exotic species: mangosteen, pitahaya, rambutans, lychee, lam-yai, noina, sapodilla and several dozen more items. It seems, well, what else is needed for a child - here they are, coveted vitamins! However, do not be tempted by such a simple and convenient (at first glance) solution to the problem of nutrition - such a fruit diet is harmful and even dangerous for children!
Juicy and sweet southern fruits contain a lot of carbohydrates. This is actually sugar in its pure form, the excess of which will not bring any benefit.
Fruit is a rather heavy food for a child's body, it can cause flatulence and diarrhea (fiber stimulates intestinal activity).
Limes, citrus fruits (and other fruits) are high in acid, which irritates the stomach lining.
Bananas are high in magnesium and sugar, so children shouldn't eat too much of them either.
It is also worth remembering that any fruit (especially red and orange ones) can trigger food allergies.
Do not rely on the fact that you "vitaminize" children in a couple of weeks for a whole year - such an emergency absorption of fruits will not bring any benefit at all, vitamins will not be absorbed. But the harm will be very noticeable - you can simply “break” the child’s stomach with fiber. Therefore, do not tempt fate - children should eat fully.
Why is ice cream dangerous?
Children's favorite treat is unhealthy and completely unhealthy food for them. Ice cream contains a record amount of sugar, flavor stabilizers and dyes. If it is milk or cream ice cream, then it is also very fatty and high-calorie.
And in many East Asian countries, vegetable milk is preferred to animal milk - soy. It can be high quality or low quality. Soy has the ability to absorb exogenous substances harmful to our body from the soil: mercury, lead and other biomicroelements. Also, soybeans can be transgenic, that is, modified, and not natural. Soy milk negatively affects the endocrine system of children, it contains a lot of phytic acid, which binds calcium and iron. Doctors do not recommend giving children soy milk, this is a very controversial product.
That's why ice cream is a delicacy, you can buy it for children after a meal. But you can not replace ice cream with a full breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Child nutrition and immunity
“It's easy to talk about healthy eating at home. And where will I look for healthy food on vacation?! Yes, and nothing will happen to the children in a couple of weeks - let them eat plenty of fruits, and eat cereals at home, ”- this, unfortunately, is how many parents argue. It is unacceptable to feed a child on vacation adult spicy Asian food, fruit and ice cream alone! When moving, immunity decreases, even if acclimatization passes completely unnoticed. Therefore, 7-10 days will be enough to thoroughly undermine the health of children.
It is clear that in this case there is no need to talk about the benefits of rest. But the main purpose of a trip to the sea is to improve children's health, increase their immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the issue of nutrition of small family members with all responsibility.
Choose a healthy diet!
There are specific nutritional requirements for children for each age. But the general rules are not much different. A healthy diet is varied and healthy food. Every day the child should receive carbohydrates, fats and proteins with food.
Don't try to give your child a hearty meal immediately after arriving at the spa, and don't worry if they have a poor appetite for the first couple of days. A long road and a change of familiar environment is stressful, so let him get used to a new place and adapt. Children can be overexcited, tired and even scared, don't let that put you off. After a while, they will get used to it, and everything will return to normal if you take care of a healthy diet.
General rules for feeding a child on vacation:
Every day the child needs to eat porridge. In Asia, there is no such variety of cereals as in Kazakhstan. But on the other hand, there you will be offered more than 30 varieties of rice and a lot of dishes from it. Asians also eat oatmeal (look for it in the muesli section), lentils, rice noodles, wheat pasta. Therefore, there will be no problems with such food. If your child only eats buckwheat, then take a couple of bags with you.
Children need dairy products. In Asian countries, you can buy milk in tetra packs and yogurts with fruit additives in the supermarket. In Vietnam, in jars like yogurt, you can buy a fermented milk product called Kefir. The Vietnamese cook it according to their own recipe, but it really tastes like our kefir. And in Thailand there is sour cream (called Sour cream) and salted cottage cheese (Cheese). Thais themselves practically do not eat cheese, but they are in supermarkets.
Don't think that Asians eat only cockroaches and bugs - there is plenty of meat here too. In Thailand, as in the Philippines, fatty pork with lard is sold everywhere. But for children, such meat is not worth buying. Chicken is sold everywhere, you can buy fresh meat in the supermarket (if you are going to cook yourself), and order chicken rice (the second course) or meat noodles in a cafe - something like our traditional soup.
All Asian resort countries have a lot of fish and seafood. They are sold in the market, in supermarkets, just on the street and in restaurants. It is quite possible to give such dishes to a child. The cheapest fish is in the Philippines, but it is also inexpensive in other countries. This is a wonderful prevention of iodine deficiency, which many of our children have in one form or another.
Vegetables are sold both fresh and frozen (carrots, zucchini, cabbage and even potatoes, although they are expensive). But Asians have a bit of their own preferences in this regard. For example, in Vietnam they prefer "tops" - beet tops and zucchini flowers. And Thais eat a lot of legumes and corn. But if you want, you can buy any vegetables.
In supermarkets you can buy quail or chicken eggs, and in cafes you can order an omelette.
Little children - little problems
There are no specific nutritional problems for babies who eat formula milk in Asia. It sells mixtures, cereals and purees of European and local production. You can buy Nestle, Danon and Wyeth Nutrition milk formulas, Baby Natura and Nestle Cerelac oatmeal, rice and wheat porridge. Purees are more fruity, but you can find vegetables and vegetables with meat. If you don’t have a kitchen at your disposal (in a hotel), then buy an inexpensive blender and rice cooker - this is the same multicooker, just called differently. In it, porridge with vegetables or seafood is cooked in an hour, soup is cooked. It costs 700 baht (about $20).
Food for big kids
Toddlers eat what they are given, but older children have their own preferences and often ask to buy anything they see. But you can always find a way out. For example, in Thailand there are enough European cafes that prepare dishes familiar to us and even have a children's menu - everything here is designed specifically for tourists with children.
If you go to a Thai cafe, then say that you need no spicy (not spicy). Everywhere you can order "kau man gai" - rice with chicken and broth. For breakfast, “khao nyug ma muang” (rice with coconut milk and fruits) is suitable. You can order just boiled rice for a child, and bring a jar of vegetable puree with meat with you. Noodle soup is a pasta soup that is quite edible and quite tasty. But fried noodles are noodles fried in sauce, usually generously flavored with spices.
There are many mobile express cafes on the street - trolleys on wheels. They sell boiled rice and a variety of food on sticks: sausages, fish and meat. You should not get carried away with such products, but if the children ask, then you can buy - there is nothing wrong with them, meat sausages and very tasty. Just tell them not to pour sauce on your food - almost all of them are very spicy.
Grilled and deep-fried fish and squid are sold on the streets. The first option is also suitable for children, but it is better not to buy deep-fried children. Here, in general, everyone likes to fry: squid, noodles, bananas, rice. Food is sold on every corner, because many Thais do not cook at home at all, but eat on the street, buying breakfast, lunch and dinner in those same express cafes on wheels.
In most hotels in Vietnam - a buffet, where you can find scrambled eggs, butter and muffins from the usual European cuisine. Supermarkets always have food courts, where there are not only hamburgers with pizza, but also ravioli, pasta with bolognese sauce, chicken broth. National Vietnamese cuisine is not too spicy, but in the south all dishes are seasoned with herbs, so picky children may refuse such food. Many cafes have cream soup in different interpretations and the famous pho soup - meat broth with noodles.
As you can see, food in Asia is not as exotic as it is traditionally believed. Everywhere there are a lot of tourists who prefer European cuisine, so there are any cafes. If you are not going to get into the most remote province, then you will surely easily find tasty and healthy food for children.
Even within the same country it is difficult to find parents who feed their children in exactly the same way. However, some trends can still be traced. The climatic conditions and cultural traditions of each country have a great influence on the diet of children.
Asia: seaweed porridge
India, Japan, Southeast Asia wheat is hard to find, but rice grows well there . Therefore, at 4-6 months, the child is introduced to rice porridge, to which new ingredients are gradually added. In India, these are mainly seasonings - cumin, cinnamon, in Japan - seaweed, dried fish and vegetables.
Japanese children also try traditional miso soup almost from birth. Older children are given natto (fermented soybeans), vegetables fried in soy sauce, fish and seafood, lotus dishes, burdock root, carrots. But sushi from raw fish is not included in the diet for children under a certain age.
In China, Vietnam, Thailand and neighboring countries, rice is also the basis of the children's diet, as well as local varieties of pumpkin, green beans, bamboo shoots, seaweed, fish, shrimp, coconut milk , which is added to . Meat - chicken and pork.
It may seem that our diet is much more varied, because in addition to rice we have buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, oatmeal. But in Asian countries there is such a variety of various varieties of rice and its combinations with other products that you definitely cannot call a boring children's menu.
Africa and Middle East: breast milk with papaya
, a little later - a pumpkin. During weaning, milk is mixed with papaya. They say that children like the taste of this fruit, and they are more willing to refuse in favor of it.In Israel many mothers from breast milk transfer the child immediately to solid food, bypassing the period of mashed potatoes and smoothies. And there they are very tolerant towards small children: forcing a child to eat by cunning, or even worse - by force, is considered unacceptable.
USA and Canada: sweet potatoes and sandwiches
It is difficult to talk about the peculiarities of food in all states, after all, they are very different, but the preferences are towards what we call fast food (sandwiches, burgers, nuggets, hot dogs, pizza, pancakes, cereal) are very noticeable. Of course, we are talking about children older than 3-4 years.
Babies, just like ours, are given, in addition to breast milk, cereals (barley, oats, rice), which are specially enriched with iron and other necessary microelements. Vegetables popular with American children - pumpkin, sweet potato (sweet potato), carrots and green peas. But there are practically no children's dairy products (kefir, curds, children's yoghurts) in the USA.
Once a friend from the USA came to visit me. She was the first time in Russia and was very surprised at how I eat. She flatly refused to try the morning oatmeal, scrambled eggs and vegetable salad and generously smeared a piece of loaf with chocolate paste. Then I asked what her children eat. “Usually cereal with milk (it’s good), sandwiches, pasta, pizza, hot dogs. Once a week they are required to eat vegetables, although it can be difficult to force. Of course, the experience of one mother is not indicative: in the USA, the movement for healthy eating is stronger than anywhere else, however, as we can see, everyone has a different idea of healthy eating.
In Russia, as a rule, the opposite is true. The main food is soups and salads, but from time to time parents spoil the child with fast food. By the way, it can be home. Try to cook healthy. The fillet for it is fried in a pan without adding oil in special frying sheets, and pita is used instead of buns.
Canada are less loyal to fast food. Children are fed with cereals, vegetable purees and fruit cocktails. Of meat, turkey is especially popular.
Western Europe: snails and lasagna
Vaud France cereals and cereals are not considered healthy food, so babies are fed mainly light soups and vegetable purees, and after a year soft cheeses appear in the diet. If porridge is prepared, then from quinoa or amaranth rich in vegetable proteins. No one will be surprised by oysters and snails in the diet .
Children's menu in Germany is not much different from ours. Unless local mothers prefer lean types of meat, such as rabbit and even pigeon. Oddly enough, rice is also popular among German women.
Swedes has its own unique children's product - welling . This is a milk-grain mixture, similar to liquid oatmeal, which was invented almost by the Vikings.
Italians very early offer children what they eat themselves - pasta and lasagna, and some parents even allow you to drink coffee . Few people bother with vegetable purees, here it is believed that the child should be accustomed to adult food as soon as possible. But the advantages of the Italian menu can be called an abundance of soft cheeses - ricotta and mozzarella, which are rich in proteins and easily digestible.
In UK and Iceland one of the main children's dishes, of course, is oatmeal. It is cooked in milk or water, and in the finale, maple syrup, fruit and butter are added. Much attention is paid to foods high in vitamin D: due to cloudy weather and the constant lack of sunlight, it is this vitamin that is most often lacking in the children's body.
Latin America: coffee with milk
At 2-3 years old, many parents allow their children to drink coffee with milk. For us it sounds a little strange, but at Brazil believe that coffee is rich in antioxidants and helps the child focus. Even children in Latin America love banana bread, soft cream cheese and chocolate milk.
Greetings, friends!
This summer my husband and I decided to take a joint vacation abroad with our child. For our daughter (2.5 g) everything was for the first time: an airplane flight, an endless sea, and people speaking a different language.
But the most important and dearest was invariably: mom and dad were there, and this is the most important thing for a child. Moreover, we have kept the routine of the day familiar to our daughter.
We rested in China, on the yellow sea in Beidaihe. Why China? The decisive factor for us was the distance: to the resort in Beidaihe - 2 hours of flight by plane + 30-40 minutes by bus.
Residents of the Far East are unlikely to be surprised by holidays in China, although some still said: “how to go to China with a small child?”. Today I want to tell you a little about the features of holidays in China with children, sharing our experience.
Beidaihe is a resort area in Qinghuangdao, located near Beijing (4 hours by bus) on the coast of the Yellow Sea. The climate is temperate continental, similar to our Far East, but only milder. There are sandy beaches, picturesque park areas, many amusement parks, the best safari park in Asia, the Great Wall of China begins here.
The Yellow Sea is not like the azure sea depicted in beautiful photographs. It is grey-yellow, due to the countless amount of light suspended sand in the constantly swaying sea space. It is very difficult to collect seashells here as a souvenir, because very, very early in the morning, hardworking Chinese collect them and make all kinds of souvenirs from them that you can buy right on the beach.
The sea is warm and calm during our stay: only twice in 14 days it pleased us with good waves.
What to eat?
The traditional question of parents with children traveling to China: "What to feed the child?". Chinese cuisine is very specific, it has many different unusual sauces and flavor combinations. Nevertheless, the Chinese have already adapted to a large number of Russian tourists with children, and in almost every restaurant you can order dishes suitable for children, for example, boiled chicken, Peking duck, rice. Some restaurants prepare a good shish kebab, without an abundance of seasonings, reminiscent of ours.
There are many Russian restaurants in Beidaihe where you can taste borscht, our Russian soups cooked in Chinese style, mashed potatoes with cutlets, pilaf, Olivier salad, etc. Of course, all dishes are different from our traditional Russian ones: for example, a lot of coarsely chopped onion in half rings and chicken meatballs float in the soup with meatballs. In supermarkets you can buy children's yoghurts, milk, cookies.
Our particularly picky eater Anya ate rice, meat, Chinese soups (she didn't like Russians), yogurt, vegetables and fruits. By the way, the prices for fruit here are twice as low as in our country, however, everywhere you have to bargain a lot. Anyutka always ate quickly, and then ran to the aquariums with marine inhabitants: octopuses, fish, shrimps, mussels, and watched them for a long, long time, while we dined slowly.
Almost all hotels in Beidaihe are three-star hotels. We stayed at the Friendship Hotel. We chose it because of the vast territory surrounded by a forest park and the presence of a children's playground. There are many flowers, flowering trees and pine trees everywhere, creating a heady pine aroma on the territory of the hotel. Pines are not ordinary: low, spreading and with large needles.
The rooms have everything you need: refrigerator, air conditioning, two single beds, wardrobe, TV with Russian channels and shower…. with water going straight to the floor. Only some Baidaihe hotels have baths. And so, even in new cottages (such as ours, after renovation), after taking a shower, the floor is half filled with water. True, thanks to a good hood, it dries quickly.
A separate issue is the cleaning of the rooms. Travel agencies warn all tourists in Baidaihe about this sensitive issue in advance. The cleanliness of the room is not important. We had to monitor the regularity of changing towels and bed linen ourselves, and before going to the beach to show the “kun” (Chinese girl) what and where it was necessary to clean. By the way, the hotel staff does not speak Russian or English. But we remember this with a smile, because. Initially tuned in to a positive vacation.
Excursions: where to go with a child?
We did not set ourselves the goal of actively attending excursions, although there is something to see in Baidaiha. Nevertheless, we still visited several local attractions (we chose what would be interesting for my daughter). Separately, I want to say about the cost of excursions for children. Height meters hang everywhere at the entrance: if a child is less than 120 cm, he passes for free, from 120 to 140 cm - for half the price, over 140 cm - with an adult ticket.
With small children in Baidaiha, you can go to the safari park, botanical garden, lantern park, Olympic park and hot springs.
It takes a lot of time to visit the safari park and the botanical garden (you can devote the whole day to the botanical garden). These days, we had daytime sleep in the bus/taxi: Anyutka slept while we were driving back and forth.
At the safari park you can see many animals, almost in their natural habitat: tigers, lions, bears, wolves, wild boars walk freely through the forest, and tourists pass by them by bus or train.
Almost all animals (except predators) can be fed. The Chinese make good money on this - small bags of food are sold everywhere. For Anyutka, this was real entertainment: she fed the monkeys right from her hands, which ran freely around the “city of monkeys” - a huge aviary with a lake, rocks, a waterfall; peacocks walking around and waiting for food; miracle fish, with huge mouths that sucked on the nipple and pulled water from the bottle with small larvae; giraffes, ostriches and goats.
In the Botanical Garden in addition to strange long cucumbers hanging overhead, and other beautiful plants, there is also a butterfly valley, a tropical garden, a pet park (where Anya finally saw live geese) and many children's attractions. Therefore, we alternated the excursion with riding on carousels, catamarans and electric cars.
Hot springs is best visited in bad weather. While it is raining outside and there is no opportunity to swim in the sea, you can have a great splash in the pools with mineral water. Two pools are under the roof, and one is right in the fresh air, surrounded by picturesque mountains. Whether your child likes the springs depends on how much he loves the water. All pools are deep (so that an adult can stand in them), and the child must be in a circle or in the arms of a parent. Our Anya is a big fan of splashing, but the water seemed too hot to her indoors, and we spent all the time outdoors, swimming and admiring the high mountains around.
To the lantern park and it is better to go to the Olympic Park in the evening, when it gets dark. Fortunately, in China it is already dark at 7-8 o'clock. Lantern Park is a fairy-tale park with mysterious lakes, a roaring dragon and a fairy-tale castle with many passages, passages and interesting rooms. There are many different lanterns in the park, and even adults begin to feel like children, getting into a fairy tale.
Olympic Park is famous for its singing fountain and beautiful laser show. A huge dancing fountain with illumination impressed Anyutka so much that she told us about it for a long time afterwards.
You can go on almost all excursions on your own (except for hot springs). This option is best for parents with children. This way you can explore the local sights at your child's pace and not be in a hurry. The main thing is to have a business card of the hotel with you (to return back by taxi).
This concludes my brief account of our journey. . Although in fact, for each item, I could write an entire article. If interested - ask questions . And next time I will tell you more about the rest of the sea.
The beautiful tropical island of Hainan is very attractive for residents of post-Soviet countries, especially Russians. And no wonder - luxurious sandy beaches, amazingly beautiful azure sea (like on postcards, you can’t even believe that it really is!), palm trees with coconuts (you can buy fresh and enjoy its juice right there, without leaving the cash desk) and, in After all, it's exotic. In Hainan, we often meet former compatriots, including children, who do not know what and where to look. And no wonder - the Chinese practically do not speak English or Russian (with rare exceptions), and local inscriptions, if they have a Russian translation, are often misleading or do not make any sense at all. In general, it is not always easy. We will figure out how to relax comfortably in Hainan and where to rush in case of an unforeseen situation.
When is the season in Hainan?
The traditional holiday months of May-September on Hainan Island are considered unfortunate for a trip. Nobody will like the tropical climate at this time - rains and unbearably humid air, even when there is no rain, spoil the whole impression of the rest. And clothes (which children get dirty at the speed of light) do not dry at all. It's hard to breathe, and besides, it's very hot here. Add to that the occasional typhoon (read flight cancellations and non-beach weather).
The optimal season will be October - the end of April. In December and until the end of January, the water temperature for children is still not very favorable, although it all depends on the year - sometimes one winter is colder / warmer than another.
Where to stay?
Our choice is Yalong Bay, which is proudly called the National Resort, it is here that you will have at your disposal beautiful and clean beaches, not oversaturated with Chinese tourists. Although, there are exceptions. Here, as in Egyptian resorts, there is the concept of the first and second lines. If you decide to spend a vacation with children in Hainan, namely in the Sanya city area, choose a hotel that has direct access to the sea and its own beach (technically, it still will not be private, due to the lack of private property in China, but it will fenced and clean). Plus, you will not need to study the schedule of the bus that takes you to the sea from the "second line" and plan trips to the beach according to transport. With children, this is never convenient.
Taxi, by the standards of many countries, has low rates, but it is not always possible to catch one as quickly as possible.
We tried to rest on the first and second lines. Of course, in all respects, the first wins. Huge savings in time and effort. And it costs extra money. If the hotel does not have a conditionally private beach, this means that you will have to wander in search of a place that is not too "overpopulated". On a public beach, there is usually nowhere for an apple to fall, and young children rarely like it.
The comfort of your holiday with a child will also depend on the availability of a children's corner, especially for children over the age of 1 year. Usually they are equipped with a couple of indoor slides, a lot of interesting toys and even video games for older children. It would be nice if there was also a children's pool. This is what many kids remember when they are on the beach - a room full of toys and other children and a children's pool. Believe me, if you have a child aged from one to 5, this room will save you in the hot part of the day, when the baby will rush to the street, wanting to have a good time. We liked the children's room at the Marriott hotel. It is worth noting that they have the largest walking area among hotels of the same class, which is also nice.
What about food?
The issue of nutrition for children is quite acute. First, the vast majority of establishments serve Chinese cuisine. Which, by the way, are very sharp (on the menu this is often and densely - not a word). There are also establishments close to European cuisine. Among them are KFC, Pizza Hut on Yalong Van Square. There is also a Russian restaurant, Petersburg, where you can taste dishes close to Russian cuisine (one of the waitresses, originally from the city of Harbin, speaks Russian quite well). At KFC, which specializes in fried chicken dishes, for lack of better options, you can find more or less suitable food for children from the age of one and a half years: nuggets (remove the crust and lean chicken fillet comes out), soft corn on a stick, soup with vegetables and egg, mashed potatoes. In Pizza Hut, due to the high content of oil and Chinese spices, little is suitable for children of this age. You can eat exclusively on site if the food is to your taste and budget.
Since we are familiar with the situation in restaurants, hotels and shops, we bring a slow cooker with us and prepare baby food ourselves. Rice for porridge can be found in any local supermarket, and French-made milk for dairy dishes can also be found there. If your child loves soft and tender pasta and noodles, then you can buy them in a supermarket in Sanya (read in the section Shops).
Local products worth trying - fresh coconut juice (straight from the coconut), local mango, coconut powder and thin strips of coconut flesh (dried) can be brought as a tasty souvenir.
Supermarkets here are purely Chinese. Inscriptions in English are rare, almost all products, even in Sanya, are purely Chinese-made. There are several supermarkets in Yalong Wan: La Floret, Crown Plaza (located at the Huayu Resort and Spa) and another, newer and less well-known, not far from KFC.
Want to save some money? Go to Sanya to the supermarket and do a global grocery shopping. One of the cheapest supermarkets is Wanghao, Chinese name 三亚旺豪超市 (save for the taxi driver, the trip from Yalong Wan will cost about 60-80 yuan depending on the location of your hotel and traffic). In Wanhao, there are vegetables (they are not for sale on YalongVan), fruits, pasta (a huge selection, but all Chinese), milk in large packages, yogurts, meat (the freshness of this product did not inspire confidence in us, so we passed by), cereals ( rice, corn, millet, wheat), diapers of all sizes (again, on YalongVan there are only diapers for very small children (up to 9kg), household utensils, beach toys (you can also buy in Yalong Wan, the difference in price is insignificant) and so on. In the same place, next door, there is a Watsons store where you can buy cosmetics and household chemicals, a souvenir-pearl street where you can buy jewelry and all kinds of tourist trinkets.
Brace yourselves, there are no hospitals in Sanya that speak at least more or less understandable English. With Russian, as you already guessed, it’s completely bad. You will have to speak either in Chinese (download the Google translate app or any dictionary that will translate without access to the network), or go home. In addition, almost all hospitals in this city (and there are not so many of them) are crowded and have a Chinese approach to treatment. Namely, droppers for everyone! So do not be alarmed if you see crowds of people sitting in the hallway or on the street with a needle in their forehead (in children) and in their hand (in adults) and a bag of intravenous solution ...
There is no point in calling the hospital unless you speak Chinese.
We hope that you will not need this information, but still, you should save the addresses of hospitals.
Hospitals in Sanya:
- one of the largest is The People's Hospital of Sanya (三亚市人民医院), address 32 Jiefangsan Lu, Sanya City (in Chinese 三亚市解放三路32号). There is a branch, working 24 hours a day.
Service prices are low, long queues, everyone speaks only Chinese.At the entrance (ground floor), fill out the form (First name, last name, date of birth, phone number), pay the registration fee, get a map and start the quest to find the right doctor and additional funds to which you will pay premiums for medicines or doctor's services.0455
- Hainan Nongken Hospital of Sanya 海南农垦三亚医院, Jiefangsi Lu, Sanya City
- The PLA 425 Hospital 三亚市解放军425医院 , Youyi Lu, Sanya City, Hainan Province (三亚市友谊路).
What to bring?
Of course, you should have a good supply of sunscreen for the whole family. In Hainan, the prices for this cosmetic product are sometimes simply cosmic. It makes sense to bring them from home. Of course, a standard children's first aid kit and sanitizers (hand sanitizers can be bought at the Watsons store, about 7 yuan apiece). Anti-mosquito products should also be on hand.
I also take a set of shampoos and skin care products, since local products are formulated for Asian hair and skin, which is not suitable for everyone.