Baby animal feeding bottles
Vintage 1930s to 1940s Clear Glass Baby/animal Feeding Bottle
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Tips on Bottle Feeding Calves, Lambs and Goats | Brazos Feed & Supply, Inc.
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No matter what type of livestock you raise, bottle feeding hungry youngsters is occasionally necessary. It doesn't have to be a hassle, however, and there are many ways to make bottle feeding calves, lambs and goats easy and enjoyable for both you and the animals.
Why Bottle Feed?
While regular nursing will be best for your livestock, there are several instances where the extra work and effort of bottle feeding is desirable. Young calves, lambs and goats may be orphaned when the mother dies in a difficult birth or from post-partum infections, or a female may lack nursing or mothering instincts and could reject her offspring. Some breeders prefer the bonding experience they can have by bottle feeding livestock, especially if the animals are destined to be around for years, such as a working ox team or animals that will be used for wool or milk rather than raised for meat. Bottle feeding livestock can also be a great project for kids, as part of 4H or scouting work or even for a science fair or other school project.
By bottle feeding young livestock, it is easier to ensure each animal receives the proper nutrition critical in those first few hours and days of life, especially the rich colostrum filled with essential antibodies. If an animal naturally nurses it will receive that nourishment, but if bottle feeding is the alternative, the animal's weight, health and nutritional intake can be more closely monitored to help it grow strong and thrive along with its naturally-nursing peers.
Tips for Bottle Feeding Livestock
While different types of nursing livestock have different needs, these basic tips can help you be sure you are feeding any hungry animals appropriately.
- Always use species-appropriate nipples for each bottle. The size and shape of animals' mouths vary, as well as their sucking actions. The right nipple will feel more comfortable to the animal and will help them nurse more easily. Check that the opening is clear and does not stick, and hold the bottle at the right angle for the animal to nurse best.
- Opt for the right milk replacer to offer the proper nutrition. Different animals have different dietary needs, especially when very young. Choosing a milk replacement formula specially geared toward the animal's needs will help give it the proper nourishment for strong, healthy growth even without natural mother's milk.
- Warm the milk replacer before each feeding. Baby animals will nurse most easily when the milk is close to the body temperature of their mother, but it should not be so hot that it can cause burns to sensitive young mouths.
Warm formula will also be more palatable and will flow more easily for good nursing.
- Feed young animals the proper amount and frequency for their nutritional needs. The exact amount of formula they need through bottle feeding will depend on the animal's species, weight, general health and whether or not the feeding is their only nutrition or is supplemental to weak nursing. Local climate and temperatures can also affect the amount of food needed to ensure the animal has enough calories to maintain adequate body heat.
- Keep all bottle feeding equipment clean, and sterilize bottles, nipples and other tools after each feeding. This is essential even if the gear is only used to bottle feed a single animal, as young nursing animals are especially vulnerable to bacteria and infections from dirty tools.
- Be firm but gentle when bottle feeding animals, especially as they get stronger and more insistent with head butting, pushing and other behaviors. Correct them consistently to prevent these behaviors from developing into problems that will be difficult to solve as the animals grow.
Do not, however, overreact to their instinctive behaviors, or you risk creating a sense of fear associated with bottle feeding that can lead to undereating.
- If you must bottle feed several animals, consider a multi-station feeding trough or similar feeding "bar" with several nipples. This can be a faster, more efficient way to bottle feed a number of animals once they are nursing well and no longer need as much individual encouragement to eat.
- Provide good socialization for the animal outside of feeding time. While baby calves, lambs and goats are adorable and may seem like members of a human family, they need to learn to be proper animals and to get along with their species herd. Allow them to socialize with other animals whenever possible so they can learn to use their native instincts more appropriately.
Bottle feeding livestock can be a very rewarding and enriching experience as you help an animal go from a weak, hungry newborn to a fat, bouncing toddler. By taking the proper steps to bottle feed calves, lambs and goats appropriately, every newborn can have a good chance for that happy youth.
Buy Trixie My Mammy - Anniversary recruitment: cubs, op.
The set is made up of 57 ml baby cups and three replacement nipples. The kit includes a yorzhik for cleaning the little plyashki from the surplus sum for the anniversary. The bath and nipples are made from non-toxic high-acid material. The nipples are made from silicone, the high quality of the preparation includes the possibility of injury to the lower children.
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The set is made up of 57 ml baby cups and three replacement nipples. The kit includes a yorzhik for cleaning the little plyashki from the surplus sum for the anniversary. The bath and nipples are made from non-toxic high-acid material. The nipples are made from silicone, the high quality of the preparation includes the possibility of injury to the lower children.
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Since the publication of the article on nutrition for teenage pets, we have received many questions about feeding newly born babies. We have already published an article about "baby" kittens, and today we will talk about puppies.
If a mother dog is nearby, then the problem is solved by itself, but, unfortunately, it happens differently. Feeding newly born puppies has its own specifics and, first of all, depends on age.
Newborn puppies (0-2 weeks old)
At this tender age, there is nothing better for a puppy than mother's milk. Feeding meat or other "adult" food can kill a pet, even if the cub eats the food offered to him with appetite. If the mother is not around, try to find a nurse dog (ask your friends: perhaps someone in the house has recently had puppies). Another option is to look for a bitch with a false pregnancy. Such a deviation sometimes occurs in dogs, and one of its symptoms is the production of milk in the absence of puppies.
If you can't find a wet nurse, buy dry dog milk substitute. Remember that puppies (like babies) have their own feeding schedule. So, immediately after birth, puppies need to be given food every 2 hours (both day and night), by the end of the second week, the number of feedings can be reduced to 6-8 times a day, and by the end of the first month of life - 5-6 times (look for details on the package of powdered milk). By the way, not only the mixture should be warm, but also the feeding bottle itself (so it will more resemble a puppy's mother).
After eye opening (2-8 weeks)
By this time, the puppy begins to take an interest in what is happening around. The milk diet must be continued, gradually introducing other foods into the pet's diet. For starters, wet puppy food is optimal, diluted with warm boiled water to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Remember that this is just complementary foods: at first, such food should be given little by little, carefully monitoring the well-being and stool of the puppy. Another option is soaked dry food. The restrictions are the same: we introduce new food little by little, we monitor the reaction to complementary foods.
What brand of diet should I use? Obviously it should be holistic puppy food. When choosing a particular brand, keep in mind that taste preferences are formed early in life. In other words, what kind of food you teach your puppy to, this is how he will eat when he grows up.
Feeding low-quality food during the training phase can lead to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, which will affect the health of an adult dog.
Already big… (over 8 weeks)
By this age, the puppy should completely give up liquid nutrition (whether it be mother's milk or a substitute). His diet may consist entirely of canned food or soaked dry food. By this time, you can begin to give the baby dry granules "in its original form" to introduce him to a new type of food. We remind you that at first you need to monitor whether the puppy chews them well. Also be sure to provide constant access to clean water.
In conclusion, it is acceptable to give cow's milk to newborn puppies, although this is not the best idea. Despite the fact that dogs tolerate such food better than other animals, a mismatch in the composition can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract in a pet. But what to do when it comes to life and death (this happens, for example, if a puppy appeared in the house suddenly, and dry milk replacer will be brought only tomorrow)? You will have to make do with hand tools. Use whole cow's milk or unsweetened infant formula (but they have less fat and protein than a puppy needs, so start supplementing as soon as possible).
Remember, there are two main dangers for newborn puppies: dehydration and constipation. So first of all, it is important to water the pet. A large (10 ml) plastic syringe with the needle removed is perfect for feeding animals. It can also be used to give a puppy a milk replacer (although it is still better to purchase a special bottle).
The second problem is that the mother dog licks the puppies to promote defecation. In the absence of the mother, this function will have to be taken over by the owner.