Baby announcement with food

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5 Fun Pregnancy Announcements You Can Eat in Dec 2022

When you find out you are expecting you want to make your announcement special, and these are 5 Fun Pregnancy Announcements You Can Eat!  Making this exciting time in your life even more spectacular is easy when you celebrate and share your good news with a fun treat that everyone will enjoy.   From cookies to cakes and fun things in between you are sure to find just the right way to announce your pregnancy with these ideas.

  • Great Free Pregnancy Announcement Cards

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Custom Cookies:  There are tons of baby themed cookie cutters out there to buy.  Grab some in the shapes of rattles, babies, bottles and pacifiers.  Make up your favorite batch of sugar cookies, cut them out and bake.  Ice them with pink and blue and your prospective due date.  “Baby X Due X” is a great way to ice these cookies.  Load them into boxes, tins or bags and take to your friends and family as a fun and tasty way to share your joy and pregnancy announcement you an eat.

Custom Cake or Cupcakes:  If your family is throwing a party for any reason, this is a great choice.  Having a special cake made with the announcement is so fun and easy, but cucpakes are even more fun.  You can add fun sprinkles, various colors and of course the due date to them to share your excitement with everyone.

Custom M & M’s:  Did you know you can order these classic candies with nearly any message you want printed on them?  This is a great and fun way to announce to your friends and family.  Have them put into special gift containers, or bagged like any regular candy would be.  Hand them out and watch the reaction as they notice your special news printed on these chocolate treats!

  • Insanely Awesome Pregnancy Announcements

Custom Fortune Cookies:  Whether you order a box of the regular classic fortune cookies with your announcement, or you grab one of the larger deluxe specialty fortune cookies to make the big announcement with, this is a super fun way to share your news.  This fun pregnancy announcement you can eat is great for casually sharing at the end of a meal with friends and family.  Serve up some dim sum like wontons, potstickers and similar and have a fun dinner party that ends with a special announcement tucked into this crunchy cookie.

Custom Lollipops: Use baby themed candy molds to make your own custom lollipops.  Announce by sharing these suckers with a small note attached saying, “Baby X Due X”.  This is a fun and cool treat that everyone will love receiving.

No matter what you choose, these fun pregnancy announcements you can eat will please a crowd.  From homemade treats to specialty ordered items, you are sure to make everyone thrilled to find out your special surprise.

Have you ever given pregnancy announcements that you can eat? What did you give out?

Eating with hands: why is it for a baby

The author of the article Keshishyan Helena Solomonovna


December 24, 2021


Whatever happens to a child at the age of 1-2 years of their life, these are steps in the growth of their skills, knowledge of the world and, as a result, in their development. Cognition occurs through the development of all the senses, but nevertheless, in the first months of life, the most important are tactile sensations - the child pulls everything into his mouth and feels with his hands, calms down from touch.

Food as a tactile sensation

The main tactile sensation is food - first, the feeling of the skin of the mother's breast (or bottle) when sucking, during which there is an extraordinary pleasure from the sensation of warm milk, and then the blissful state of satiety. Even if then pain occurs when digesting food (flatulence, spasms), in the mind of the baby they are not associated with bright positive emotions from feeding. nine0005

The development of taste sensations is a gradual process, and we are well aware of situations when a baby who is breastfed perceives any type of complementary foods very poorly - he does not like them, since taste buds "know" only milk and give a negative taste response to other types of food .

That is why it is advisable for the baby to offer already from 4-5 months, before the introduction of complementary foods, trial introductions of products through a nibbler and similar devices. nine0005

"Introduction" to food

But now the child is already receiving complementary foods, sitting at the table, and the mother feeds him from a spoon - a perfectly correct picture. The child's hands are not busy, and they require constant tactile familiarity with everything around. And the food offered to him is of the greatest interest. In his mind, “one link is missing” - here he gets delicious food - he feels it, it is associated with certain dishes and a spoon, with the sounds of the voice of a loved one who gives this food. But… what is she like? And the child reaches for a plate or a jar with his hands, wants to take a spoon, kneads the food in his hands. From the outside and from the point of view of an adult, it is very ugly, dirty, not aesthetically pleasing, and not hygienic. From the point of view of the child, this is the knowledge and associative connection of the product, its taste, smell, appearance and sensation. The sooner the child masters all these connections, the sooner he will lose interest in “getting dirty and being washed hands and faces by adults”. nine0005

Why touching food is important

Understanding this, as well as the fact that the process of eating is one of the main in the formation of various developmental skills, parents should not only allow the child to feel the food, but also offer during the snack, or even the main meal, products that can be eaten with hands - pieces of fruit, vegetables, cookies, not to deprive the right to suck on a chicken leg, and so on, bringing more variety to these options as the child grows older. nine0005

What does it give the baby:

  • Association between taste, appearance and tactile sensation of different foods (this will allow you to eliminate the desire to touch food in the future, easily switch to the use of cutlery and teaching beautiful eating behavior).
  • Interest in food and its diversity (which reduces the long-term conservatism and monotony in the diet characteristic of a number of children).
  • Desire to chew food (which is important for the development of speech and communication). nine0042

This simple method of satisfying tactile interest in a child of 4-8 months will allow him to form the correct eating behavior by 16-24 months.

Author of the article Keshishyan Helena Solomonovna

Pediatric neonatologist, pediatric neurologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Pediatrician, JSC Ilyinskaya Hospital

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Child plays with food | Newspaper Vestnik

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Home Special projects Children's world Child playing with food

For us, fruit puree is a means of satiety, and for a baby, it is an excellent material for construction, drawing and other types of creativity! And how beautifully you can smear cottage cheese or porridge on a jacket - a feast for the eyes! And what should a mother do when a child plays with food? Encourage the artistic inclinations of the baby or teach to take food seriously?

If a child begins to indulge in food instead of eating, then he has already eaten. Noticing that the baby shoots peas at those sitting at the table or sculpts figures from bread, immediately remove the plate, even if he did not have time to eat. The child must understand: food exists in order to eat, you cannot play with it. nine0005

From childhood, the baby should know that it is forbidden to throw food, turn over the dishes and put your hands into the plate to mom or dad. After all, if a child does this at home, he will do the same at a party or in a cafe. And parents will have to blush for their child. But under no pretext should you raise your voice, you need to explain quietly and calmly. But if the kid does everything right, you need to praise him, let him know what a great fellow he is!

If parents are not ready to accept eating games, then there are a number of rules that will help in "inculcating the right manners." nine0005

  1. As already mentioned, it is possible to play with food when the child is not hungry. That is, the first rule: do not force the child to sit over the plate in the hope that he will “change his mind” and finish eating three or four spoons. If the games begin, then it's time to finish the meal!
  2. Tell an older child about the reasons why you do not accept his experiments. Here you need to deal with your feelings! I don't like it when my child plays with food because... Why? Because it seems blasphemous to you? After all, all this is the result of human labor, including your own! You do not want to scrub the soup from the floor and furniture? Tell your child about it! And even better, after the conversation, show or tell about where, for example, bread comes from, and also involve in cleaning the room in which the child left traces of his games. nine0042
  3. For younger children (6 months to 3 years), it is important to touch food, not just look at it. If you are not ready for the child to climb into the plate with his fingers, try to introduce the baby to cooking. Having tasted the dough by touch, soaking a piece of it in water, and then rolling it into a pancake, the child will satisfy his sensory hunger and cognitive interest!
  4. Learn to behave properly at the table at home or in a cafe. Knowledge is not given from birth, but acquired. It is best to do this in advance, and not when the whole family has already gathered for dinner. For example, explain and show the baby at the “tea party” (with toy dishes and toys as guests), in which hand you need to hold the spoon, how to make sure that the food does not fall out of the plate onto the table, why you can’t eat with your hands, what to say when you have already eaten and want to get up from the table, etc. nine0042

Finally, don't lose your temper and don't give up. Food games can make you feel disgusted and angry, but try to control yourself. The child will most likely perceive your shouting and irritation as an interesting addition to dinner, giving it spice. Preschoolers see themselves as the center of the universe, and playing with food becomes a way to get attention, so try to ignore harmless table pranks.

If a child breaks a rule and deserves to be punished, be consistent and don't soften your decision despite cries and tears.

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