Baby beagle food
How to Properly Feed a Beagle Puppy, Adult or Senior Dog
8 Weeks to 6 Months Old - When first obtaining an 8 week old Beagle puppy, it is best that he is fed the same brand that he is used to receiving. A changeover to your preferred brand should be done in steps to avoid stomach upset.
This can be done over the course of 3 to 4 weeks. Both old and new food should be mixed together well, with the ratio of newer food increasing every few days.
Appetite should be good with the Beagle very hungry and eager to eat at meal times. Scheduled feedings should now be done. You will want to feed your new Beagle puppy 3 meals per day. Free feeding is not recommended. When you have set meal times, this helps with housebreaking. In addition, when a dog has a firm schedule, he is better behaved.
6 Months to 1 Year + - Starting at about the 6-month mark, work your way down to 2 meals a day; 1 in the morning and 1 in the early evening.
If your Beagle is home alone, offer a light breakfast, and then leave a good portion of food in a treat release Kong.
Snacks and treats will be needed for many training techniques; having your Beagle down to 2 meals will allow room in his or her diet for the extra treats that will be given as rewards.
1 Year and Older - Your Beagle is now transitioning to the adult phase. Weight gain is slowing quite a bit. Stay aware of how many snacks you feed your Beagle since these calories can add up.
What You Do Want in Your Beagle's Food
When it comes to a really good food, the list of qualities to look for is not all that demanding; and it's really a shame that so few brands out of the many out there can actually offer this:
Real meat - Beagles do great on a wide variety of meats, from lamb to pork, chicken to turkey, fish and even bison. The key is that the meat needs to be real and wholesome. It should be listed simply as the meat that it is, or as 'meal'. Chicken meal, beef meal, etc. means that the meat has been condensed (water and moisture removed), which offers more protein gram for gram.
No fillers, or artificial chemical additives - This will ensure that your Beagle is only eating real food ingredients and is not ingesting agents that can have terrible consequences to his health.
A leading brand, that takes in millions of dollars per year and advertises as being “natural and wholesome”, has corn as their #1 ingredient. So, never fall into the trap of grabbing a bag of food because you've heard the name before or have seen commercials.
Proper nutritional balance. There should be no generic animal fats. You'll want a protein to carb to healthy fat ration of 25 - 35% each. There should be a substantial amount of meat-based protein, and adequate fiber by way of wholesome vegetables.
Fat levels are important; while humans want to watch their fat content, dogs need a good amount of healthy fats. Dietary fat is the most concentrated source of energy for dogs, and are necessary for proper development and function of body cells, nerves, muscles, and body tissues.
Cheap foods low in animal fats lead to terrible skin and coat health, and low energy levels for the dog.
Taking all of the aforementioned information into account, our picks for the top 3 best foods are:
Orijen - Orijen is a 5-star food with varieties for puppies, seniors, and adults (original, tundra, six fish, regional red). Their top ingredients are real meats: chicken, turkey, yellowtail flounder, Atlantic mackerel, chicken liver, turkey liver, chicken heart, turkey heart, whole Atlantic herring, etc.
There are healthy beans (pinto beans, chickpeas, green lentils) and some great ingredients such as pumpkin, butternut squash, carrots, apple, pears, collard greens, sunflower seeds, juniper berries, and chicory root.
Protein is 36%, healthy fat is 41%, carbs are 23%, and fiber is 4.5%.
Whole Earth Farms - Whole Earth Farms is a good 4.5-star food, which several varieties, including grain-free. There is no corn, wheat, soy, by-products, artificial colors, or artificial preservatives.
They also include ingredients such as sweet potatoes, alfalfa, and blueberries, and extras such as rosemary, sage, and thyme.
Protein is 26%, healthy fat is 31%, carbs are 43%, and fiber is 3.9%.
* Wellness Core - Wellness Core is a top 5-star food, and is now our #1 pick. Dog food cannot get much better than this. There are varieties to meet every stage and need, including for puppies, a reduced fat formula, and a grain-free.
There is the orignal formula with turkey, chicken, broccoli, carrots, spinach, apples, blueberries, kale, and sweet potatoes. Along with healthy ingredients such as flaxseed oil, salmon oil, chicory root, yucca extract, rosemary, green tea extract, and spearmint extract.
The wild game variety has wholesome real duck and lamb. The ocean formula has whitefish, herring, and salmon.
The average ratios are 34% protein, 29% healthy fats, 37% carbs, and 6.7% fiber.
Making food at home is relatively easy if you like to be in the kitchen, and in some cases, less expensive. Buying in bulk can save you money.
The important, base ingredient should be fresh, wholesome, real meat. Roughly 35% of the mixture should be one or a combination of:
- Lean, white breast chicken
- Lean hamburg
- Turkey
- Lamb
- Veal
- Fish - Tuna, Mackerel
Now for vegetables. This should make up about 25% of the meal. This can include wholesome, fresh veggies which you can mix in raw or steamed including:
- Carrots (raw baby carrots are great as snack too)
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
- Sweet peas
- String beans
Now for starch, which is important as an energy source, this can be from rice, pasta and/or potatoes, with a ratio of 25%.
Fruits and extras: You'll want your Beagle to have some fruits as these provide not only vitamins but also antioxidants. 15% of the meal should contain blueberries, raspberries, some banana, mango and even orange slices are great food additions. Some whole white yogurt and also some cottage cheese are good items to mix in as well. Adding fish oil will bring in some healthy fats if you are not adding fish as one of the main proteins.
Finally, a good daily dog vitamin and mineral canine supplement should be mixed into a meal each day or given in tablet form. This needs to be added when home cooking, because with commercial brands, this is pre-mixed into the kibble. When you prepare meals at home, you must add this yourself.
Molly, Photo courtesy of owners: Chris & Mary Ross
How Much Food to Feed a Beagle
While many owners want to know exactly how much to feed a Beagle, to say 'one cup' would not be helpful. Each type of food (wet, dry, chicken vs bison, etc.) will have varying levels of calorie dense ingredients.
If you are offering a high-end brand, certainly read the recommended serving sized, which are based on weight. These are pretty spot-on.
In regard to calorie requirements, in general, growing puppies need to have roughly 55 calories per each pound of body weight, per day.
This can vary by 20% depending on activity, age, health and individual metabolism.
Full grown adults will need approximately 45 calories per pound and senior have slightly lower metabolisms, needing a bit less at 42 calories per pound, give or take that 20%.
How Much To Feed A Beagle Puppy
Beagles are great dogs! They’re clever, friendly, curious, and full of love. Perhaps what’s most special about them is how expressive they can be, with those floppy long ears and dark pleading eyes.
In order to maintain that cuteness and personality, beagle dogs require proper care, which means that you would have a lot of responsibilities.
One of your main duties is finding out how much to feed a Beagle puppy.
They need fiber, protein, good fats, calories, and fewer carbs. You could get this from commercially made foods or food that you make at home. Having a balanced diet is what is most important.
Many people prefer commercially made foods because it saves time and some of them are quite good with the right balance of nutrition needed by your beagle at every age.
This article will reveal vital information about your beagle puppy, like how he should be fed, stages of growth, and the pros and cons of foods currently on the market.
How Much Should A Beagle Puppy Eat?
When making the decision about how much food you should feed your beagle puppy, you need to think about how active he is. It goes without saying that an active dog will burn more calories and therefore require more food.
However, it’s also important to know that beagles are more likely to suffer from obesity so you need to be strict about food portions.
You can do that is by ensuring that you have a consistent Beagle puppy feeding schedule with the right amount of food.
Even though beagles are prone to obesity, it is also possible to under-feed them, so having the correct knowledge about how they should be fed will help you out.
You should be able to feel your puppy’s spine or rib cage with slight pressure. You will know that your beagle is underweight if the bones are visible.
Beagle Puppy Feeding Chart
The amount of food you give your beagle each day depends on the type of food you intend to feed him, his activity level, and also his age.
Generally, beagle puppies require 55 calories for every pound of their body weight.
If you’re feeding your beagle with store-bought food then the packaging would make this pretty easy.
But if you’re preparing homemade food then you would need to average the amount of calories and make adjustments according to your puppy’s needs.
Studies show that beagles are better behaved when they have a strict schedule for meals, and they are less likely to dig around for garbage in the daytime when they are fed properly.
Between 8 weeks and 6 months, puppies are best fed 3 times per day but after 6 months you should feed them twice a day. Feed them in the morning and evening so that they would be full all day.
The main thing you should know is that one size doesn’t fit all, so always monitor your beagle puppy and adjust as necessary during the growth process.
It may cost you a bit more to give your puppy wet food, but when he is teething, wet food is better for him. If you have any doubts, you can always consult your veterinary doctor for a suitable diet plan.
2 Week Old Beagle Puppy
At 2 weeks old your adorable little beagle puppy will need more care from his mother than you. She will give him the nutrition and warmth he needs during this stage.
However, one of the pups may be rejected (most likely the youngest) and it is then your responsibility to take over his care.
You can place a heating pad (set to medium) under a blanket in order to keep the little beagle’s core temperature warm.
You can feed the beagle pup with a bottle of canine milk replacer or a tube if the puppy is too young to be fed via a bottle.
4 Week Old Beagle Puppy
At 4 weeks old your beagle puppy will go through many developmental changes. One of these changes is the weaning process. This is when your puppy begins to make the transition from a fluid diet to a solid one.
To make the transition smooth for your puppy, you should give him wet food that is more soup-like in texture or the consistency of mashed potatoes with too much water.
This is because your puppy has not learned how to chew properly. It should be ½ – ¾ cup of nutrient-filled food and this could be either store-bought or prepared at home.
You can then gradually reduce the amount of liquid you add to his food until he is able to have solid meals. It is also better to stick with one brand of food because abrupt changes can lead to a condition called hypoglycemia.
6 Week Old Beagle Puppy
At 6 weeks old, your beagle puppy will reduce the amount of time spent nursing from his mom, and will be doing well on solid food. This could be store-bought puppy food or food you prepared at home.
At this stage, you can also increase the amount of food you give to your puppy as he will be more active in exploring his environment.
At 6 weeks old, beagle puppies should get about 1 cup of food a day, spread over three meals, so you give them around 1/3 cup of food three times per day. Make sure that the food is high in nutrients that they need to grow.
Exploration is good but you also need to be careful and keep an eye on your puppy to make sure that he doesn’t ingest harmful substances.
He will be using his nose to examine and learn about his surroundings, so you should make sure that the house is puppy-proof with small objects away from reach.
8 Week Old Beagle Puppy
When your puppy is 8 weeks old, solid food is now a normal part of their day. At this stage, they are also stable enough to thrive without their mom.
Since she will no longer be feeding and grooming them, this task lies squarely on your shoulders.
By 8 weeks old, puppies should get about 1.5 cups of food a day, spread over three meals (1/2 cup per meal). This food should be high in calories, proteins, and other nutrients that they need to flourish.
Your puppy should have a cute round shape and will be playful and active. The amount of food you give him should compensate for this increased activity.
You may also find that your beagle puppy sleeps a lot; this is because he is growing in height. When he is up, he will be increasingly active and may get into mischief around the house.
10 Week Old Beagle Puppy
At 10 weeks old beagle puppies should be fed 3 times per day but you can reduce this as they grow older.
It may be better to feed them in the morning and then throughout the day so that they will not be hungry. If they are fed at a set schedule they will behave better in the long run.
At 10 weeks old, beagle puppies should still be getting about 1. 5 cups of food a day, spread over three meals (1/2 cup per meal).
It is not a good practice to overfeed beagles because of their smaller stature. This food should be high in all the necessary nutrients that so they can develop.
This is a good time to train your puppy so giving them some form of treat or snack may be a good idea. But be sure not to over-feed them because you don’t want them to be overweight.
12 Week Old Beagle Puppy
At 12 weeks old your beagle puppy should have a healthy appetite. They should be eager and hungry at their scheduled feeding times.
You should be constantly monitoring your puppy’s progression and development so that you can adjust the amount of food you give them to suit.
You should be feeding your beagle puppy 1.5 -2 cups of nutrient rich food spread over 3 meals per day when they are 12 weeks.
Focus on preparing food with quality proteins, calories, and other nutrients and take into consideration his activity level. A less active dog needs less food.
If you need to change the type of food you give your puppy and then it is better to use the same brand of puppy food he is used to. In order to prevent an upset stomach, you should make the change in food gradually so that he will adjust.
How Many Calories Does A Beagle Puppy Need
If you have ever counted your own calories, you know that there are a lot of factors that affect the amount of calories you need a day, including your diet and activity level. Dogs are just the same.
When trying to work out how many calories that your dog needs a day, you will need to calculate your dog’s Resting Energy Requirements, also known as the RER.
To do this, you need to multiply your dog’s body weight in kilograms to the ¾ power by 70.
If your puppy is under 4 months old, the number that you get needs to be multiplied by 3. If your puppy is older than 4 months old, you need to multiply it by 2.
For example, if your 6 month-old Beagle puppy is 22 pounds, he will need 800 calories a day.
Feeding Your Beagle Puppy Raw Food
Raw food diets have come about again, making dog owners everywhere wonder whether it is important to feed your dog raw food or if you should stick with the kibble. There are pros and cons to both.
- You get to see all of the ingredients that your dog is getting.
- There will be no fillers
- You can personalize it based off of your dog.
- Costs a lot more money than kibble
- Requires more calorie calculations
- Raw food can carry bacteria
If you do want to opt for a raw food diet, only do it for one meal a day to make sure that your dog is eating well.
Should You Feed Your Beagle Puppy Dry Or Wet Food?
The debate between giving your puppy wet or dry food has been going on for a long time. Both types have their purpose in the world.
Looking at the pros of wet food, you will first have that dogs generally like the flavor, making it a great choice for picky eaters. It is really a great way to help your dog gain weight as well.
The pros for dry food are also good. The kibble is a lot less expensive than wet food is. It will also help clean their teeth, which wet food cannot do.
Unless your pet is really picky, it would be best to stick with the kibble.
Can You Free Feed A Beagle Puppy?
The concept of free-feeding comes up now and then for many dog owners. The idea is that you set your dog’s daily allotment of food out for him to eat in the morning and he grazes on it throughout the day.
While this might work for some dogs, the Beagle breed is not one of them.
Unfortunately, Beagles really enjoy their food. It is very easy for them to become overweight, but difficult to get them to lose the extra pounds.
If you free-feed your Beagle, he will devour all of his food right away and be starving and scrounging the rest of the day.
What Human Foods Can A Beagle Puppy Eat
While we all buy kibble or wet food for our dogs, there are some foods that are perfectly safe for them to eat. Even with their different digestion, dogs can eat these foods:
- Carrots: Carrots are incredibly healthy for dogs and most dogs think they are treats. Carrots will remove any built-up plaque off of a dog’s teeth, and they are also really rich in Vitamin A.
- Apples: Apples are rich in both Vitamins A and C. They also have a good amount of fiber. Be careful though; rotten apples can make dogs sick.
- White Rice: If your dog is unwell, white rice is a great addition to his diet. It is easy to digest, but it will cause a diabetic dog’s sugar to spike, so be aware.
What Human Foods Are Dangerous For A Beagle Puppy
Unfortunately, many human foods are dangerous to Beagle puppies, including the following:
- Avocado: Avocados have persin in them, which is poisonous to dogs.
It might not kill your Beagle but can give him diarrhea.
- Cherries: Cherries contain cyanide, a well-known poison that can kill your dog.
- Caffeine: It is really important that you know that you can’t ever give your dog coffee, chocolate, or anything else with caffeine. The chemical makeup of coffee is incredibly toxic to dogs.
- Onion and Garlic: Dogs generally have an intolerance for these two.
- Grapes/Raisins: Unfortunately, grapes and raisins are on the “no” side as well. Both are very poisonous to dogs.
Best Dog Food For Beagle Puppies
#1. Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Healthy Development Dog Food
Editor’s Choice
Hill’s Science Diet Puppy Healthy Development Small Bites Dry Dog Food gives your puppy well-balanced nourishment that will make him happy and healthy. It fosters proper development needed throughout their lives and is made with real ingredients.
With its smaller kibble size, this food is easy to digest and made from natural DHA for healthy brain development, eye development, and immune system.
- Easily digestible small kibble size
- Natural DHA from fish oil for healthy development
- Antioxidants and vitamins for a healthy immune system
- Natural, high-quality ingredients
- No artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives.
#2. Purina ONE SmartBlend Healthy Puppy Dog Food
With Purina ONE SmartBlend Natural Healthy Puppy Formula Dry Puppy Food, your puppy benefits from natural ingredients and added vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Your puppy enjoys a delicious taste and meaty texture.
The Smartblend also boasts high protein with no fillers. It’s also loaded with vitamins A and E for a strong immune system and omega-6 fatty acids for a healthy coat.
- Real chicken for protein
- High-quality ingredients with vitamins and minerals
- DHA to help support vision and brain development
- Antioxidants to help maintain a healthy immune system
- Calcium and phosphorus to help support bones and joints
- Protein may be hard to digest
#3. Taste of the Wild High Prairie Puppy Dog Food
Your puppy’s nourishment needs will definitely be met with Taste of the Wild High Prairie Puppy Formula Grain-Free Dry Dog Food. It contains real proteins like buffalo and bison and boasts a grain-free recipe of peas and sweet potatoes that give highly digestible energy.
It also has essential minerals and amino acids to improve their absorption and ensures supreme nutrition.
- Real protein-rich ingredients
- Natural grain-free recipe with added vitamins
- Powerful antioxidants from real fruits and vegetables
- Omega-3 and 6 for healthy skin and coat
- Nutrient-rich and highly digestible recipe

With Wellness CORE Natural Puppy Food, your puppy has the benefit of grain-free food with meat, vegetables, and fruits. It is made in a reduced kibble size so that your dog will have an easy time eating it.
It contains taurine, minerals, vitamins probiotics, antioxidants, glucosamine, and omega fatty acids like DHA.
- Smaller kibble size for easy eating
- Formulated with real protein
- Advanced nutrition for a balanced diet
- Supports healthy growth and development
- Fortified with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals
- Not the best packaging
#5. American Journey Active Life Formula Puppy
American Journey Active Life Formula is a wholesome puppy food created to fulfill the nutritional needs of developing puppies. Its first ingredient is real chicken so it is packed with protein for healthy muscle development.
For brain development, it has DHA and ARA, which are naturally occurring fatty acids. It also has a great balance of calcium and phosphorus for bone development.
- Balanced puppy food for healthy development
- Real chicken for delicious flavor
- Calcium and phosphorus for bone development
- Supports healthy brain and vision development
- No artificial preservatives, colors or artificial flavors
- Protein may irritate the stomach
2 Month Old Beagle Puppy Weight
A beagle puppy’s weight always depends on its size. A female puppy of about 2 months old, would weigh approximately 7 – 9 pounds. On the other hand for a male beagle puppy, at 2 months, they could weigh 9 – 10 pounds.
3 Month Old Beagle Puppy Weight
At 3 months, your puppy is still growing rapidly and you can expect your female beagle to weigh between 11 and 13 kg and your male beagle to weigh approximately 14 – 16 pounds.
4 Month Old Beagle Puppy Weight
At 4 months, you can expect your female beagle to weigh between 12 and 14 pounds and your male beagle to weigh approximately 15 – 17 pounds.
It’s important to note that dogs have growth spurts, just like humans so making comparisons may not be helpful or accurate. You should always check with your vet.
How Much Do Beagles Grow Each Week?
Beagle puppies aren’t all the same because every puppy would have a different level of metabolism and growth rate, so that it may be difficult to predict your puppy’s exact weight at a certain age.
However, the deciding factor for a puppy’s weight usually lies in their food schedule as well as the amount of food they are given.
You can also look at your puppy’s level of activity because this will determine how many calories are burnt.
Switching From Beagle Puppy Food to Adult Food
You would need to switch to adult dog food when your beagle puppy is around one year old. Keep in mind that every dog has its own unique growth rate so this time frame should be adjusted slightly at your discretion.
When you do decide but it’s time to switch from puppy food to adult food, you need to do it gradually said that your puppy can adjust. You should use around half a cup at first and incrementally increase it as time goes by.
What If My Beagle Won’t Eat
If you realize that your beagle puppy is not eating, you should monitor him carefully to try to figure out what is actually going on.
And this could be serious because it may point to a health-related condition that is beyond your scope of care.
If your puppy begins to look under-weight or sick, you definitely need to seek the help of a vet, as soon as possible. Even though the loss of appetite may not be that serious in every case, it may be indicative of severe disease.
What Nutrients Does A Beagle Puppy Need?
Beagle puppies require food that is high in protein so look for foods that list an animal protein as its first ingredient.
After this, low to moderate amounts of healthy fat and digestible carbohydrates should follow. Other supplements are also great for your dogs.
It’s important to feed your dog well but remember to track their eating as you don’t want to over or under feed them.
Whether you prepare homemade food for them or you buy food commercially, you need to control what they eat ensuring they get the proper nutrients. Also, keep track of the treats they eat.
Should You Feed A Beagle Puppy Supplements?
It may be beneficial to have daily vitamins for your puppy so that you can ensure that he is getting proper nutrition. A mineral canine supplement can be infused with meals or taken in the form of a tablet.
The best way to do this is by adding it to homemade meals. This is because commercial puppy food usually has vitamins added to the pre-mixed kibble. But homemade food would not, so you need to add it.
How Much Water Should A Beagle Puppy Drink?
In general, young puppies should drink approximately a half cup of water every 2 hours. You need to monitor your puppy to ensure that he’s getting enough water. Also, make sure that he is not drinking too much water.
For older puppies that have been weaned already, you should give them around one cup of water for every pound of their body weight per day.
How Much Exercise Does A Beagle Puppy Need A Day?
A healthy beagle puppy would need around one and a half hours of exercise every day. Running and walking work best and at this stage they are playful, so they need a secure area where they can play and explore their surroundings to strengthen their limbs which are still developing.
What to feed beagle dogs, what kind of dry food to choose for beagle
About the breed Food Health
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The Beagle is a small breed of dog that belongs to the small beagle. It was bred to hunt hares and rabbits and other small animals. Dogs of this breed are active and playful, lend themselves well to learning and training. They love to eat very much, they beg and even steal food from the table. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the pet's diet, choosing a balanced dog food with high-energy and easily digestible components.
Dry food or natural beagle food
The diet of a hunting dog should be designed in such a way that the pet's body receives all the necessary useful components, but without excess calories. Nutrition should be balanced, contain proteins (23-28%), fats (10-14%), carbohydrates, essential vitamins and minerals.
You can feed your beagle with natural products, selecting components according to their nutritional value and calorie content. To save time, you can give your dog ready-made dry food for the beagle, which contains the optimal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as fiber, amino acids, vitamin complexes, useful trace elements. It is impossible to mix dry ready-made food and natural products, because. it can cause digestive problems.
Best match for your pet:
Only one option can be selected:
All Super premium class With brown rice with chicken For medium breeds For small breeds For puppies For older dogs Guabi Natural x Clear
Guabi Natural Puppy Medium Breed - medium breed puppy food, chicken with brown rice
medium breed puppy food
1586 r.
Out of stock
ISEGRIM - reindeer dog food with berries
dry dog food
6828 R. %
Out of stock
1884 R.
Out of stock
ISEGRIM - salmon puppy food with berries
dry puppy food
7583 r. %
Out of stock
2196 r.
Out of stock
Guabi Natural Senior Small chicken with brown rice 2.5kg
2.500 kg.
1342 rubles
Out of stock
What should be included in the beagle's diet
Pets are ready to eat everything and always, because of which they can develop obesity and, as a result, problems with the limbs and spine.
- Cynologists and breeders recommend feeding the dog at the same time, at regular intervals - this approach contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system.
- When feeding twice a day with natural products, it is better to leave the more “heavy” and difficult-to-digest components for the evening, and the light ones for the first half of the day, so that the food is better absorbed.
- Feeding time should be no more than 15 minutes, after which the food bowl is removed.
- If the dog does not eat well (which is unusual for beagles), then the cause of this may be worms, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory or infectious diseases.
What not to feed the beagle
- food from your table,
- fried and salted foods,
- smoked meats,
- sweets,
- pasta and white bread,
- fish and bird tubular bones.
Food allowance
Daily food intake for a dog depends on the age and weight of the pet, special conditions (pregnancy, lactation, illness or recovery from illness, etc. ). The quantity is indicated on the manufacturer's packaging, depends on the energy value of the product.
On average, a pet weighing up to 15 kg needs 150-250 grams of premium food, 300-400 grams of economy class food. Puppies are fed 4-5 times a day, adult dogs aged 1 to 8 years - 2 times.
How to choose dry food for beagle
In the Zooolegenda online store you can buy dry food for beagle from the world's leading manufacturers. The pet store catalog contains such popular brands as Acana, Royal Canin, Hill's, Nutram, Best Choice, Pronature, Purina, Pro Pac, Eukanuba, Monge, Our Mark and others.
For beagle dogs, ready-made rations designed for small breed dogs (if the pet weighs up to 10 kg) are suitable. For animals weighing more than 12 kg, you can order food for dogs of medium breeds. Universal complexes are also suitable. When choosing a menu, it is better to give preference to feeds with a small amount of ballast substances, giving preference to low-grain or grain-free formulations.
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rating of the best food for your dog
Anastasia Ignatieva Author and editor of the project "I love animals, especially my kitty Josie. Together with you, based on the opinions of experts, we will figure out which products are best for our pets."
3608 0
The Beagle is a medium-sized hunting dog breed. Their weight reaches 10 kg, height - up to 40 cm. Dogs of this breed have a big appetite, but they are not picky about food and eat everything. However, not all products are useful for them, and some can cause the development of dangerous diseases. To avoid this, it is necessary to properly feed the beagles and select food taking into account physiological characteristics.
Best choice (price/quality)
Royal Canin Beagle Adult
Don't have time to browse and compare products?
We have selected for you the best product in our rating according to our experts. In 99% of cases, this is the best choice according to this rating. Product overview Prices in Yandex.Market
Category 10 / 10 | ||
2 | Royal Canin Medium Junior | 9,8 / 10 |
3 | GRAND PRIX | 9,7 / 10 |
4 | Karmy Medium Junior | 9.6 / 10 |
Feeding Adult Dogs
Beagle's diet can consist of regular natural foods or dry food. Mixing them is not recommended. The advantage of special nutrition is that it contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the animal. Modern feeds are able to provide a complete diet for the beagle. The owner does not need to add anything to it.
The use of food has its advantages:
- no need to calculate portions - each food package contains a table of the ratio of weight, age and amount of food;
- saving the owner's time - no need to cook food;
- long shelf life - dry dog food is not perishable;
- providing a complete diet - the composition contains all the substances that a beagle needs for normal nutrition and growth;
- no special requirements for storage conditions - it is enough to close the bag with food and leave it in a dark place to which the dog does not have access.
Royal Canin Beagle Adult
- This food has no therapeutic effect.
Farmina N&D Chicken and Pomegranate Adult
Prices on Yandex.Market
9.9 /10
- composition of only natural products, including preservatives;
- no cereals;
- high total percentage of protein content.
- food not suitable for small breeds;
- lack of therapeutic effects. Brit Premium Adult Medium
- is 28% crude protein;
- does not contain fragrances;
- includes dehydrated meat that is easy to digest.
- New packages do not have a seal;
- price.
Monge Specialty Line All Breeds Adult Monoprotein
Prices on Yandex.Market
9.6 /10
- a large number of calories per kilogram;
- antiallergic effect;
- medicinal properties - normalization of digestion.
- low percentage of fresh meat;
- Preservation with non-natural ingredients.
Eukanuba for skin and coat health
- food not suitable for large dogs;
- contains non-natural preservatives.
Purina Pro Plan Optiderma
Prices for Yandex. Market
9.4 /10
Note! When choosing a feed, you should pay special attention to the percentage of meat in the composition. If it is not enough, the dog will not eat up.
- skin and coat health care and support;
- hypoallergenic composition;
- pet weight control.
- rice and gluten included.
Grandorf 4 Meat & Brown Rice
Yandex.Market prices
9.3 /10
- absolute naturalness of the composition;
- food is hypoallergenic;
- presence in the composition of a complete set of vitamins and minerals.
- lack of medicinal properties;
- small size pieces - will cause difficulty in eating in large dogs.
Feeding puppies
Beagle puppies differ from adult dogs in that they grow very quickly. In a year, they can increase in size several times. This should be considered when choosing a diet.
Veterinarians recommend that puppy food should be 70% protein and 30% vegetable.
Monge BWILD Feed the Instinct
Prices for Yandex.Market
10 /10
Important! Diet mixing is not allowed. Feeding a beagle puppy both regular food and special foods at the same time can lead to the development of diseases. In particular, obesity.
- high energy value;
- height and weight control;
- hypoallergenic.
- small percentage of fresh meat in the composition;
- lack of medicinal properties.
Royal Canin Medium Junior
Prices for Yandex.Market
9.8 /10
- puppy immunity support;
- strengthening bones and joints;
- acceleration of the removal of harmful substances from the body due to antioxidants.
- contains phosphorus - the food is not suitable for sterilized pets;
- lack of medicinal properties.
Yandex.Market prices
9.7 /10
- variety of meat types in the composition;
- reduced amount of carbohydrates - allows you to control the weight and growth of the puppy, prevents obesity;
- high percentage of meat content.
- low energy value;
- lack of therapeutic effects.
Karmy Medium Junior
Prices on Yandex.Market
Classic dry food for puppies of medium breeds. It differs from other products in high calorie content (3,930 kcal/kg) and sufficient meat content (35%). The basis of the product is dehydrated turkey meat, supplemented with rice and salmon fat. The food is produced in Russia.
9.6 /10
- improved immunity;
- strengthening bones and joints;
- composition balance.
- large size of kibbles - puppies aged 2-3 months will be uncomfortable chewing pieces of food;
- the presence of rice in the composition.
Feeding Rules
When feeding, the owner must:
- observe the frequency - the dog must receive food according to the schedule at the same time, preferably after a walk;
- always feed the same size portions;
- provide constant access to clean fresh water;
- observe the duration of feeding - if the pet has not eaten the food offered to him in 15 minutes, then the leftovers should be removed before the next meal;
- place the bowls on special supports at such a height that the dog does not have to bend - this will prevent the curvature of the spine;
- Completely eliminate table feeding.