Baby coughing while feeding bottle
Bottle-feeding problems and solutions | From Tiny Tot to Toddler
Babies can sometimes have trouble feeding. Usually, the problem is temporary. The first thing to do is observe your baby. Try to get a feel for her temperament as well as her feeding and sleeping routine.
Your baby sleeps a lot
If your baby sleeps a lot, you probably wonder whether you should wake her to feed. Knowing what’s best isn’t always easy. You can follow her routine and let her sleep if she
- Wakes up on her own to feed
- Is an active and effective feeder
- Pees at least 6 times and passes at least 3 stools a day
- Is calm and seems satisfied after feeding
- Has regained her birth weight and continues to put on weight
In this case, there is nothing to worry about. Babies each have their own routine that develops over time.
You may need to wake your baby up to feed her if she sleeps a lot.
Photo: Marie-Ève Bolduc
Some babies sleep so much they may skip some feedings, especially during the first 2 to 3 weeks. This means they will have a hard time getting all the milk they need. If your baby sleeps a lot and doesn’t show the signs described above, you need to stimulate her to drink more.
What to do?
- Keep an eye out for signs that she’s sleeping lightly (she’s moving, making sucking motions, or moving her eyes beneath her eyelids) when it will be easier to wake her up.
- Stimulate her: talk to her, massage her back, legs, arms, etc.
- Leave her in an undershirt or diaper: babies drink less when they are warm.
- See a professional if you’re worried or see no improvement after a few days.
Your baby drinks very slowly
Babies can’t always suck effectively at the start. This is more common among babies who were born a few weeks prematurely (between 35 and 37 weeks of pregnancy). Even full-term babies may need a few days or weeks to get the hang of things. This situation usually improves with time. Be patient: your baby is learning. Some babies, however, will continue to drink slowly even as they get older.
What to do?
- Change to a faster nipple.
- Stimulate your baby as she feeds by rubbing her feet and tickling her back and sides.
- Run your finger under her chin and across her cheeks to stimulate her.
- Change her diaper or change her position for a few minutes.
Your baby often chokes while drinking
If the nipple you are using flows too quickly and your baby has too much milk in her mouth, she may choke (i.e., she swallows noisily, coughs and spits up a little milk).
What to do?
- Change to a slower nipple.
- Take short feeding breaks.
- Avoid laying your baby on her back during feeding since milk will flow into her mouth even when she’s not sucking. Try to feed her in a near-sitting position so that the bottle is tilted only slightly downward (just enough for the nipple to fill with milk and not air).
Your baby will then be able to drink at her own pace.
Your baby regurgitates a lot
As long as your baby is happy and putting on weight, regurgitation (“spitting up”) is generally nothing to worry about (see Regurgitation).
Some babies drink very fast, and their stomachs expand too quickly. This makes it easier for them to regurgitate, especially if they are very active and start moving around right after feeding.
If milk is coming out of the bottle too quickly, your baby will drink too much just to satisfy her need to suck. If she regurgitates a lot, the nipple on the bottle may be too fast.
What to do?
If your baby is in good spirits and gaining weight, there’s nothing to worry about. You don’t need to do anything.
If regurgitation seems to be bothering her, watch her drink. If necessary, try these strategies:
- Change to a slower nipple.
- Take short feeding breaks.
- Try to burp her more.
- Avoid laying your baby on her back during feeding.
Try to feed her in a near–sitting position so that milk will flow into her mouth more slowly.
- Try to keep activity to a minimum right after feeding.
It’s best to see a doctor if your baby
- Seems to be in pain
- Projectile vomits several times a day
- Wets fewer diapers
- Isn’t putting on enough weight
Your baby refuses the bottle
Your baby normally breastfeeds, and you want to bottle‑feed her? If she has trouble bottle-feeding or refuses to altogether, see the tips on Combining breast and bottle.
Bottle Feeding
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Newborns should be fed every 2 to 3 hours. There may be a longer time between feedings as your baby gets older. Feedings are more positive when babies are calm. Make sure your baby is dressed comfortably, and their diaper is dry before you start feeding. Feedings help you bond with your baby, so take your time and give them your attention.
- You can warm human milk or formula that’s in a bottle by putting it in a bowl of hot water. Let it reach lukewarm or room temperature. It should not be warmer than room temperature because it could burn your baby. Do not heat bottles in the microwave.
- Test the temperature of the human milk or formula by shaking a few drops on the inside of your wrist. It should feel warm, but not hot.
- Do not cut the nipple.
- Wash your hands before feeding your baby.
- Sit in a comfortable position. Hold your baby in the curve of your arm close to your body. Hold their head and back tilted up (Picture 1). This position will:
- Help keep them from choking.
- Keep your baby comfortable so they can enjoy their food.
- Help keep them from choking.
- Hold the bottom of the bottle at an angle, so the human milk or formula fills the nipple. This keeps your baby from sucking in air.
- Feed your baby and stop as needed for breaks. Let them eat until they show signs that they are full. The amount your baby eats depends on their age.
- Burp your baby 2 or 3 times during the feeding to get rid of any swallowed air. When burping them:
- Put a towel or burp cloth under their chin.
- Hold them in a sitting position on your lap and support their chin and chest or hold them up against your chest.
- Gently rub their back with your other hand. Do this until they burp.
- Sometimes a little human milk or formula can come up.
Wash the bottle, nipple, rings, and cap in a bowl of hot soapy water or in a dishwasher (follow package instructions). Rinse completely and let air dry. Clean the bottle brush and basin or bowl with hot soapy water.
- Do not change how you feed your baby before checking with your doctor or health care provider.
- When feeding your baby, they should be held with their head and shoulders up. They should not be fed while they are lying flat.
- Never prop your baby’s bottle. This can lead to choking and possible ear infections.
- Do not let your baby fall asleep with a bottle. The milk around the teeth can cause cavities.
- Throw away any human milk or formula left from the feeding within 1 hour.
- Do not put honey, corn syrup, cereal, or other foods in your baby’s bottle.
- Do not feed water, juice, or honey to infants under 1 year of age.
- Newborns only need human milk or formula. Adding foods can lead to choking and/or overfeeding.
If you have any questions, please ask your doctor or health care provider.
Bottle Feeding (PDF)
HH-IV-5 | ©1980, revised 9/2022 | Nationwide Children's Hospital
The child chokes when feeding: what to do?
Nikulina Anastasia Anatolyevna
A newborn chokes when feeding for various reasons. Some of them the mother can eliminate, while others depend on the health of the baby. The pediatrician Anastasia Anatolyevna Nikulina will explain the causes and solutions to this problem.
— Anastasia Anatolyevna, at what age do children most often choke while feeding?
— In the first weeks of life, when the swallowing reflex is still very weak, it is difficult to dose milk supply from the breast. From the bottle, the flow of formula is controlled by the opening in the nipple and the tilt. If the hole in the nipple is not age appropriate, it is tight, then the newborn swallows air. Excess air with the mixture will enter the intestines, causing discomfort to the baby.
Why does the baby choke while breastfeeding or bottle feeding
- Baby position or bottle angle not optimal. in the optimal position. In the right position, the hand of the woman who holds the child lies on the support. Hold the baby by the back and shoulders, directing the head to the chest. You can’t press hard on the head - the baby will recline it back reflexively.
- Anatomical features of the mother's breast, in which a woman produces enough breast milk, but it is difficult for a child to suck it out, to eat. Before feeding, the mother needs to express some of the milk or massage the breast: it will become soft, and it will be easier for the baby to suck.
- Large nipples are difficult for a baby to grab - to solve the problem, there are special nipple covers through which newborns are fed. You can feed your baby with expressed milk through a bottle and a nipple that is correctly selected for age.
- Hyperlactation. Pressurized breast milk squirts into the baby's mouth.
Before feeding, some of the foremilk is expressed, and the following, more fatty, does not form a strong flow. Breaks in the sucking process also help.
- Frequent breastfeeding. The absence of long breaks between attachments to the breast prevents children from hunger and, with it, the rush to feed.
- Incorrect bottle delivery method. The neck of the bottle must be completely filled with milk: this way there will be no air in the milk. The nipple is selected taking into account the age of the baby.
- Disease. Nasal obstruction or cough interferes with feeding. Relief of the symptoms of the disease will improve nutrition. For some children, problems can be caused by improper swallowing or reflux.
- To understand why the baby is having difficulty swallowing, you need to gradually eliminate each of the possible causes. Even the environment matters. During feeding hours, it is desirable for a woman to be alone with the child, nothing should distract him from the process.
If the mother finds it difficult to identify the cause, a pediatrician will help her.
— What should I do if my child chokes on milk or formula?
- Spontaneous cough is the main symptom that appears when the act of sucking and swallowing is disturbed. The baby is crying and refuses to eat.
First aid for choking children
If you can’t cough up excess milk on your own or the baby chokes on saliva and starts to choke, you need to do the following, dosing the force of your actions:
- Place the baby on one hand with the belly down, with your free hand apply pressure on the area above the navel (on the area of the baby's stomach), supporting the chin.
- Tilt the child slightly forward, lightly pat on the back. This will increase the cough and help restore breathing.
- Can I continue feeding after the baby clears his throat, or should I take a break?
- Feeding can be continued after the baby clears his throat. It is advisable to vilify it with a column for two to three minutes, so that excess air comes out, and then resume feeding.
- Does increasing the interval between feedings help with the problem?
- On the contrary, the prevention of flooding will be frequent feeding. With numerous attachments, less milk accumulates in the woman’s breast, it becomes easier for the mother to feed.
If the child is choking, feeding should be interrupted. The baby will cough, rest and continue to suck. If the situation recurs frequently, be sure to consult your pediatrician. Your doctor can help you find the best breastfeeding or formula-feeding method for you.
* Breast milk is the best food for babies. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a child's life and continued breastfeeding after complementary foods are introduced until the age of 2 years. Before introducing new products into the baby's diet, you should consult with a specialist. The material is for informational purposes and cannot replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For feeding children from birth. The product is certified.
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How to breastfeed - Tips for feeding with and without a bottle from Philips-Ukraine
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Like all the best things in life, breastfeeding can be both exciting and daunting. Preparing for breastfeeding brings many delightful moments, but for many mothers-to-be, they are overshadowed by thoughts about the problems that breastfeeding can bring. Understand that concerns are part of the process, but clear answers to questions about breastfeeding will help you calm down and gain confidence and peace of mind.
Is your baby not latch on? Are your nipples cracked? Are you experiencing pain while breastfeeding? Know you are not alone. On this page you will find tips and tricks to help you solve these problems. We are always there and ready to help, but our advice does not replace the advice of your doctor. If you are concerned about problems with breastfeeding, be sure to consult with a specialist.
1. "My baby can't latch"
Baby needs time to learn how to latch on properly. Don't be too hard on yourself, you'll be fine. A baby's inability to latch on properly is one of the most common breastfeeding problems and one of the reasons why breastfeeding sometimes hurts.
If your baby does not latch on, you may have problems. When, despite efforts, you are unable to achieve proper fixation of the nipple, you need to seek help. How to understand that the baby takes the breast incorrectly?
- You feel pain in your nipples while feeding.
- Baby only latch on to the nipple.
- The baby draws in his lips.
- Baby makes clicking noises or smacks loudly.
- Baby is nervous after trying to feed.
- Your milk supply decreases over time even though you feed regularly.
- The baby is losing weight.
Here are some breastfeeding tips to help your newborn learn to latch on properly:
- Create a calm atmosphere. The secret to successful feeding is to always stay calm and relaxed. Lie down on a bed with pillows under your back, or sit in a comfortable chair.
- Make skin-to-skin contact with baby . Place your baby on your bare chest so that his skin touches yours. Body contact will help both of you relax.
- Don't force your baby to breastfeed. Let him take the initiative while feeding.
You will want to guide and support the child in his efforts, but in no case force this process.
- Find a comfortable position. Sometimes it's all about position. Some positions work, others don't. Try to vary them during feeding and find one in which it will be easier for your baby to latch onto the breast.
- Use correct technique. Place your nipple on your baby's nose and lightly tickle it to activate his instinct. Then the baby will open his mouth wide and will be able to capture most of the areola.
"My nipples hurt"
You may experience sore nipples in the first few days after giving birth. But that doesn't mean you have to endure the pain. Breastfeeding pain can have several causes, from skin sensitivity to uncomfortable nursing positions. The following tips will help you solve the problem in the first few days:
- Express milk. It is very important that the baby emptys the breast completely during feeding.
If you feel that after feeding you have milk left, it is better to express it.
- Get into the correct starting position. Make sure your baby latch on properly during feeding. With proper feeding, the nipple and the lower part of the areola are in the baby's mouth.
- Try hot and cold compresses. Use a gel pad to cool your breasts or apply a warm compress. Compresses combined with massage will help relieve inflammation of the nipples.
If the pain persists, seek the advice of a lactation specialist who can help you choose the right treatment. Don't let the problem run its course. If timely action is not taken, milk production may decrease or mastitis may develop.
3. “My nipples are cracked”
Another problem well known to breastfeeders is cracked nipples. It often occurs as a result of a shallow latch on the breast, when the baby does not latch on enough breast tissue and instead sucks only on the nipple. As a result, the nipples become inflamed and cracks appear on them. Measures should be taken in a timely manner to relieve pain and eliminate the risk of infection.
Our recommendations will help relieve sore nipples and make breastfeeding comfortable for you and your baby:
- Wet nipples with expressed breast milk. Don't be surprised! Breast milk can be successfully used to heal cracked nipples. Apply a few drops of breast milk to sore nipples and let it dry naturally.
- Stimulate milk flow before feeding. Apply a warm compress to the inflamed area and express before feeding. This will stimulate the flow of milk.
- Protect your sore nipples with a protective pad. During the treatment of sore nipples, wear special pads. They can help relieve chest pain while breastfeeding. In addition, nipple shields will relieve any discomfort you may experience while breastfeeding. After each feeding session, apply a special cream to the nipples, it will moisturize the nipples and help relieve inflammation.
- Protect your nipples between feedings. Use special pads to protect sore nipples from chafing on clothing between feedings. Place pads in your bra cups to help prevent nipple irritation. In addition, the pads will collect excess milk. Bra pads can be used to avoid stains from breast milk.
- Choose the best feeding position . Usually, in order to keep the baby at chest level, it is enough to put a pillow. You can choose any other position, as long as it does not cause pain and cracking of the nipples.
- Feel free to ask for help . If the cracks don't heal or you have other problems, don't hesitate to ask for help. Talk to your doctor.
4. “My baby is coughing while breastfeeding”
New mothers usually experience a strong flow of breast milk during lactation. If the flow is too strong at the time of feeding, the baby begins to choke, cough or spit up milk. Usually this problem goes away on its own when milk production stabilizes, but it's good to know a little trick to help control the situation:
- Scissorhands technique. Control the flow during feeding by gently pinching the nipple between your index and middle fingers and applying pressure to the areola.
- Reclining position or pumping before feeding. To reduce milk flow, try feeding your baby in a semi-recumbent position. Expressing a small amount of milk before feeding will also help reduce flow
5. "I have flat or inverted nipples"
Every woman's body is beautiful in its own way, and no two pairs of breasts are the same. Women's nipples come in many shapes and sizes. For some they are flat, for others they are retracted, for others they are large.
It is important for successful feeding that the baby latch on well. Extra effort is required to help the baby latch on to an inverted or flat nipple. If you are the owner of such nipples, know that in fact you are not alone: up to 10% of women have a similar feature 1 . Here are some helpful tips for breastfeeding moms with flat or inverted nipples.
- Help yourself with your fingers . Try to grab the nipple with your fingers and pull it back.
- Consult a doctor. If you are concerned about the condition of the nipples, do not hesitate to contact a specialist.
Take good care of your breasts
If you feel pain or discomfort when breastfeeding, know that it happens, but this is not a reason to endure gritting your teeth. Whether it's your first breastfeeding or your fourth, the mother-baby duet sounds different each time, and each new feeding experience is unlike the last. If you learn how to properly care for your breasts, the process of feeding will bring you real pleasure.
Getting to know your baby every day is part of the amazing journey of motherhood. Breastfeeding will allow you and your baby to experience many precious moments together, enjoying intimacy and well-being.
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