Baby food and beyond
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The definitive 'baby food' cookbook: Quick and easy foods for different ages and stages; Tips to help make healthy food more appealing; Learn how to modify family recipes for babies and toddler.
Other cookbooks by this author
- 100 Favourite 20 Minute Dishes
- 100 Favourite Cakes and Biscuits
- 100 Favourite Muffins and Slices
- 100 Favourite Ways with Chicken
- 100 Great Ways to Use Slow Cookers and Crockpots
- 20 Minute Desserts and After Dinner Treats
- 20 Minute Finger Food and Starters
- 20 Minute Quick and Easy Meals
- Alison Holst Cooks
- Alison Holst Cooks Cool Food for Warmer Days
- Alison Holst Cooks Warm Food for Cooler Days
- Alison Holst: The Ultimate Collection
- Alison Holst's Best Baking
- Alison Holst's Bread Book
- Alison Holst's Breakfasts & Brunches
- Alison Holst's Chocolate Temptations
- Alison Holst's Complete Cooking Class
- Alison Holst's Cooking Class
- Alison Holst's Cooking Class, Book II
- Alison Holst's Cooking Class, Book III
- Alison Holst's Dollars and Sense Cookbook: Eating Well for Less
- Alison Holst's Family Favourites: Everyday and Special Occasion Recipes
- Alison Holst's Food for Young Families
- Alison Holst's Good Food: Top Recipes, Tempting Ideas
- Alison Holst's Meals Without Meat: Vegetarian Recipes
- Alison Holst's Microwave Book
- Alison Holst's New Kitchen Diary Volume One
- Alison Holst's New Zealand Recipe Notes
- Alison Holst's Quick & Creative Microwave Cooking
- Alison Holst's Sausage Book: Sensational Ways with Sausages
- Alison Holst's Soup Book
- Alison's Pantry: The Wonderful World of Bulk Self Selection Foods
- Best Mince Recipes
- The Best of Alison Holst
- The Best of Alison Holst
- The Best of Alison Holst: Over 1000 of Her Favourite Recipes and Tips
- The Best of Alison Holst
- The Best of Alison Holst: Over 1,000 of her favourite recipes and tips
- Best Potato Recipes
- Bread Machine Recipes: Everday Easy
- Children's Step by Step Fun-to-Cook Book
- Comfort Food: Simple Soups, Stews, Casseroles, and More
- The Complete Home Baking Collection
- The Complete Slow Cooker Collection
- The Complete Vegetarian Collection
- Cooking for Christmas
- Cooking for Christmas: Christmas Baking and Edible Gifts
- Delicious Dishes without Red Meat: Chicken, Fish and Vegetarian Recipes
- Delicious Slow Cooker Recipes
- Dish It Up: Good Food, New Food, Fast Food
- Dollars and Sense Cookbook: Eating Well for Less
- Easy Chicken
- Easy on the Pocket: Inexpensive Family Meals
- Everyday Cookery: Over 500 Recipes & Tips
- Family Favourites (A New Collection Of Everyday And Special Ocasion Recipes)
- Fast & Fantastic: Food for Family & Friends
- Fast and Fun Family Food
- Food to Go: Packed Lunches, Light Meals, After Sport Snacks, Weekend Treats and Much More
- Food Without Fuss
- Gluten Free Baking
- Gluten Free; Deserts and Baking
- The Good Food Cookbook: Appetising Recipes for Everyone
- The Great Little Australian Sausage Book: Sensational Ways with Sausages
- Healthy and Delicious Muffins
- A Home-grown Cook: The Dame Alison Holst Story
- Kiwi Favourites: New Zealand's Most Popular Recipes
- Lighten Up - Simon Holst's Great Ideas for Delicious Healthy Food
- Marvellous Mince and Sensational Sausages: 100 Easy and Delicious Recipes
- Marvellous Mince, Sensational Sausages & Popular Potatoes: 200 Easy and Delicious Recipes
- Marvellous Muffins
- Meals for 1 or 2
- Meals with the Family
- Meals Without Meat
- Meals Without Meat
- Meals Without Meat
- Meals without Red Meat: Chicken, Fish and Vegetarian Dishes
- Meals without Red Meat: Chicken, Fish & Vegetarian Dishes
- Meals without Red Meat: Chicken, Fish & Vegetarian Dishes
- More Food Without Fuss
- More for Less Cookbook: Best Ever Mince, Sausage and Soup Recipes
- More Marvellous Muffins
- My Own Kiwi Favourites: Family Recipe Collection
- My Own Kiwi Favourites: Family Recipe Collection
- New Zealand Barbecue Cookbook
- The New Zealand Bread Book
- The New Zealand Diabetes Cookbook: Deliciously Healthy Recipes for the Whole Family
- The New Zealand Radio & Television Cookbook
- The New Zealand Radio and Television Cookbook
- Pasta, Rice and Noodles: 50 Delicious Meals: Simple to Prepare, Quick to Cook
- Popular Potatoes: 100 Easy and Delicious Recipes
- Quick Dinners
- Recipes to Remember
- School Lunches and After School Snacks
- Sensational Salads: Year-Round Salad Options, from One-Dish Meals to Side Salads
- Simon Holst's Pasta Cookbook
- Simon Holst's Pasta Cookbook: Pasta and Noodles for Today
- Simon Holst's Pasta Cookbook: Pasta and Noodles for Today
- Simon Holst's Pasta Cookbook (New Zealand Fine Food series): Pasta and Noodles for Today
- Simply Delicious One Dish Recipes
- Slow Food Fast: Quick to Prepare Slow Cooker Recipes
- Soup Recipes: Everyday Easy
- Time Saving Fast Food
- The Ultimate Recipe Collection: Over 1200 Tempting Recipes for All Occasions
- The Ultimate Vegetarian Collection
- Very Easy Vegetarian Cookbook
- Very Easy Vegetarian Cookbook
- Year-Round Recipes for Crockpots and Slow Cookers
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A Guide To Baby Food Stages and Beyond
Introducing new foods to your little one for the first time is an amazing journey—but it’s a confusing one, too. At Little Spoon, we’re all about making your life easier, and that means helping you navigate the overload of information that comes with parenting a newborn.
For the first few (exhausting) months of your little one’s life, all they need is breastmilk or formula to stay healthy and happy. But starting at around 4-6 months, your baby may start showing signs that they’re ready to transition to the exciting world of solid foods…and this is where the real fun begins.
Many families choose to follow the baby food stages, starting with single-ingredient purees and then moving on to more textured blends. Progressing through the baby food stages can help ensure your baby is exposed to the nutrients they need for each developmental stage and is exposed to a broad and varied diet to set them up for a lifetime of health.
Little Spoon takes the guesswork out of navigating this process with a rotating menu of blends developed by experts for each baby food stage, from single to multi-ingredient puréed Babyblends, to healthy, nutritious big kid Plates.
So, if you’re ready to start your baby’s solids journey, let’s walk through the three main stages of baby food, and bring on the good stuff!
Stage 1
Most babies are ready to enter the first stage of baby food at around 4-6 months. You’ll know your baby is ready to move into Stage 1 when they start showing interest in foods that their family is eating, can close their mouth around a spoon, and can hold their head up on their own when sitting in a high chair. While most families introduce solids at this time, it’s always best to check with your pediatrician before making any changes in your little one’s diet.
In Stage 1, you can start your babe on single-ingredient, simple, smooth foods. Think: thin, smooth purées, with absolutely no chunks. At Little Spoon, we’ve developed a whole line of single-ingredient, whole food Babyblends for this exciting first step in the solids journey. Some of our favorite Babyblends to start with: apple, pear, butternut squash.
Something to keep in mind: at this stage, these puréed solids should act as more of a supplement—your baby should still receive about 24 to 32 ounces of formula or breast milk each day. Remember: babies’ tummies are tiny! You shouldn’t feed them more than a few spoonfuls of solids (around 3-4 tablespoons—or half of a Babyblends container, 1-2x per day) at a time.
Stage 2
Between 6-9 months, most babies are ready for a bit more texture, but aren’t quite ready to chew solid chunks (even mushy ones!). This means it’s time to graduate to Stage 2.
Foods at this stage should still be mostly smooth and puréed, but you can now start introducing thicker consistencies and a bit of texture. Your baby is also ready to start getting introduced to a wider range of flavors and foods, including spices, so you can start combining more than one ingredient,
This means it’s the perfect time to graduate to Little Spoon’s more textured, puréed offerings, like our Carrot Apple Ginger, Sweet Potato Apple Blueberry Flax, or Kale Avocado Green Apple Chia Babyblends.
It’s actually advised to start introducing your baby to as many new food groups as possible at this stage, so this is a fun age where we like to get more creative with Little Spoon’s blends. Doing this early on can help prevent those pesky picky eating phases that tend to pop up amongst toddlers.
As your little one becomes more comfortable with eating more textured solids, you can increase the frequency and variety of their meals. By 8 months, this means your baby will likely be eating up to two meals per day. In terms of quantity, at this age, your baby should be eating around 4 ounces of solid food (conveniently, the size of one Little Spoon blend!) at each of their meals.
Stage 3
By 10 months, you can feed your baby nearly any food, as long as you make sure to cut it up into small, soft, chewable chunks (the mushier the better—this is not the time for al dente cooking!)
Some of Little Spoon’s tasty, more textured blends include Carrot Apple Buckwheat Cinnamon Pumpkin Seed Flax Oil blend or Quinoa Raspberry Pear Coconut Milk Vanilla Date Wheat Germ Oil blend.
At this stage, babies will be up to three meals per day, with snacks in between, so there will be plenty of opportunities to experiment with new foods, flavors, and preparations.
By the end of Stage 3, your baby will likely begin picking up food and other objects with a pincer grasp (using their thumb and forefinger), and may even try to use their spoon by themselves. These are usually signs that your little one is moving up to “big kid” status, and is ready to move into more finger food transitional foods—another exciting step, because it means they might be ready to try Little Spoon’s tasty and nutritious Plates.
Baby-Led Weaning & Transition Foods
Once your baby has mastered Stage 3, it’s time to begin considering the transition to finger foods. You may also end up skipping the spoon-fed purées and heading straight to mushy, cooked solids if you’re going the route of baby-led weaning, which involves letting your baby feed themselves (properly prepared, single-ingredient) finger foods like sweet potato, banana, or avocado at around 6 months old.
Little Spoon’s Plates are perfect for baby-led weaning and transitional, post-Stage 3 finger foods alike, with a little bit of modification for each case. For example, ever-popular Chicken Super Nuggets With Sweet Potato Carrot Tots are a perfect transitional food when the nuggets and tots are both chopped into small, baby bite-sized pieces.
If you’re looking for a more veggie-forward transitional meal, Little Spoon’s Broccoli Bites and Cauli Croquettes Plates are great for both baby-led weaning and as a way to transition from Stage 3 into more complex meals, because both veggie bites are already quite soft and easily mashable.
Parents also love the Mac and Three Cheese Plate as a way to sneak in some hidden veggies (there’s butternut squash and carrots in there!) with little ones transitioning to more textured solids—the soft, squishy nodules are perfect for baby-led weaning, too.
Overall, this will be a special time for you to learn more about your baby, and bond over exploring new flavors, textures, and combinations. We’re excited to help you set your baby up for a lifelong love of good food and sharing meals around the table—even after they graduate from the high chair.
Looking for more tips on parenting, nutrition & all the WTF moments of this life stage? Sign up for our weekly Is This Normal by Little Spoon newsletter.
rating of the top 10 Russian and foreign brands with reviews according to KP
Goods for children are always under special quality control. Including food. After all, food for a baby is not only a way to satisfy hunger, but also acquaintance with different tastes and a guarantee of healthy development (1). Today there are many different brands. Among them, we selected the best manufacturers of baby food, based on the reviews of parents and expert opinions.
Rating of the top 5 Russian baby food manufacturers according to KP
There are many popular brands among Russian manufacturers of baby food. Basically, various purees, juices, cereals and dairy products are presented on the market. There are also formulas for babies, but in smaller quantities. The popularity of food is due to high quality and rather low (in comparison with foreign analogues) price.
1. "Agusha"
"Agusha". Photo: Agusha is one of the most popular manufacturers of baby food in Russia. The trademark appeared in 1992 and has a wide range of products for children of all ages. Newborns are offered powdered milk formulas, babies from 4 months - a variety of purees, sour-milk products, water, older children - ready-made cereals (both dairy and non-dairy), juices, fruit drinks, compotes and fruit bars for a snack.
Thanks to the availability and variety of products, the manufacturer is confidently holding onto the Russian market. The safety and quality of Agushi is also confirmed by some neutral studies. For example, fruit cottage cheese, as well as kefir from this brand, received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (2, 3).
However, some parents are confused by the rather high price of certain items.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | Pepsico Russia | |||
Assortment | puree, Dry Milk mixes, porridge, fruit bars | , recommended ages | C Founded | 1992 |
Pros and cons
There are mixtures in the product line; a wide range of.
High price for some items.
2. FrutoNyanya
FrutoNyanya. Photo: FrutoNyanya baby food brand products are distinguished by a wide range and wide distribution in stores. Among the products of the brand you can find: a variety of cereals (with additives in the form, for example, pieces of fruit or without them), vegetable, fruit and meat purees, water, dairy products, juices, fruit drinks and nectars, snacks. For children prone to acute reactions to certain products, a special line of hypoallergenic food is offered.
Some of the brand's products have received high ratings from Roskachestvo, for example, biocurd, buckwheat porridge (4, 5).
Nutrition from this brand is designed for both the first complementary foods and for babies after a year. The composition contains salt and sugar, which are not recommended for children under one year old.
Main characteristics
Manufacturer | Progress |
Assortment | purees, drinks, soups, snacks, cereals, snacks, water |
Recommended age | from 0 months |
Founded | 2000 |
Pros and cons
May contain allergenic ingredients (eg sugar).
3. "Grandmother's Lukoshko"
"Grandmother's Lukoshko". Photo:
The manufacturer has been present on the Russian market since 1999. The main product is a variety of purees, which are available in glass jars and soft packs. For example, apple puree from this brand received the highest rating from Roskachestvo in all analysis criteria and was awarded the Quality Mark (6).
For older children, prepared meals, meatballs, healthy snacks such as fruit lozenges and biscuits are available. Also, "Babushkino Lukoshko" produces children's herbal teas. Salt in some products is not always welcomed by parents.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | "Sivma" |
Assortment | puree, finished lunch, drinks, fruit pastures |
Recommended age | from 4 months |
Founded | 1999 |
Pros and cons
Relatively low price in the segment; varied products.
There may be undesirable auxiliary components in the formulation (eg salt).
4. "Subject"
"Subject". Photo:"Theme" offers products for children from 4 months to 3 years. The assortment includes a variety of meat, fish and vegetable purees, dairy products, ready meals and juices. But fruit purees are not presented. Packaging 一 is one of the distinguishing features of the brand. Thanks to special tin cans, the products are reliably protected from sunlight, which prolongs the shelf life. Also, many products of the brand are available in non-spill packages, so it is convenient to take them with you on the road. According to the results of the research, cottage cheese and juice "Theme" received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (7, 8).
5. Diaper
Diaper. Photo: ingredients for production are supplied from our own farm. The manufacturer claims that thanks to this, it is possible to set fairly low prices for products.
The potential buyer is offered fruit and vegetable purees (some with cottage cheese), soups, various juices and fruit drinks, as well as water. Some of the products are hypoallergenic. The composition does not contain unnecessary components: salt, sugar and preservatives. Meat and fish products are not represented in the product line.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | "Gardens Podonya" | ||
Assortment | puree, cream-soups, cereal | ||
Recommended age | C 40 months of | ° Cite. | 2005 |
Pros and cons
Low price in the segment; simple and clear structure.
Lack of meat and fish products in the assortment.
Rating of the top 5 foreign manufacturers of baby food according to KP
There are many foreign companies that produce baby food on the Russian market. A century of history, many years of experience and a good reputation helps to supply the market with quality products, which are preferred by many parents.
1. Gerber
Gerber. Photo: yandex.
The assortment of the American manufacturer includes products for children from 4 months. In supermarkets and online sites, you can find vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, healthy snacks, juices, and desserts (cottage cheese treats, smoothies, and others). Hypoallergenic food is also provided. For example, dairy-free buckwheat porridge of this brand is highly appreciated by Roskachestvo experts, who noted the safe composition of the product without dangerous and harmful substances, including no added sugars (9).
The manufacturer claims that the high prices are due to the corresponding quality, which is ensured by strict standards and adherence to technology.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | Nestle | ||||
Assortment | puree, porridge, snacks, desserts | ||||
Recommended | ° | from 4 months | from 4 months | СО 4 months of | from 4 months of | 0022
Founded | 1927 |
Pros and cons
Hypoallergenic products; natural composition; high quality.
High price in the baby food segment.
2. HiPP
HiPP. Photo: manufacturer's products are suitable for children from birth. Infants are offered hypoallergenic powdered milk formulas enriched with vitamins. For feeding - various purees, cream soups, cereals, and as a snack for older children - snacks and dairy desserts.
Meals are made exclusively from natural ingredients, without added sugar. The high price, according to the manufacturer, is due to the use of special technologies and high-quality products.
The main characteristics
manufacturer | HIPP |
Assortment | puree, cereals, drinks, snacks, dry dairy mixtures |
Recommended age | 9 months 9 months 9 months 9.0025|
Country of origin | Germany |
Founded | 1957 |
Pros and cons
Natural composition; There are baby formulas in the assortment.
High price of products.
3. Fleur Alpine
Fleur Alpine. Photo: baby food of premium quality. The range includes purees, cereals, cookies and juices - both regular and for children prone to allergies or intolerant to gluten. In addition to the usual products, the manufacturer offers olive oil (from 6 months) and sauces (from 3 years).
From time to time, the products of this brand come under the attention of experts from Roskachestvo and Roskontrol. For example, Three cereals porridge showed excellent results: a good composition with dietary fiber and no foreign impurities, the appropriate taste, color and smell (10), and buckwheat porridge meets the advanced standards of Roskachestvo, except for the increased protein content (11).
Not all products on the official website can be purchased in a regular store. However, they can be purchased on marketplaces.
High price; Not all brand products are easy to find on offline sites.
4. Semper
Semper. Photo: Swedish company offers a wide range of products for children of all ages. Dry milk formulas are suitable for newborns, and there are even specialized ones that are best used for constipation. Some of them are designed for babies older than six months. For crumbs older than 4 months, the manufacturer offers a variety of vegetable, meat, fish and fruit purees, cereals, juices and children's tea with vitamins. In addition to the usual products for children, there are wellings — oatmeal and multi-cereal porridges with natural additives, cookies, and meatballs.
Roskachestvo examined this brand's applesauce and, apart from its high carbohydrate content (higher than indicated on the package), found no drawbacks (12). In addition, some purees contain starch.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | Hero Group |
Assortment | Dairy mixtures, puree, cereals, drinks, cookies |
Recommended age | ° 0 months | ° 0 months0025
Country of origin | Sweden |
Founded | 1963 |
Pros and cons
There are mixtures in the product line interesting combinations of flavors.
High price in the segment; the presence of starch in the puree; the product according to BJU may differ from that stated on the package.
5. Heinz
Heinz. Photo: food company offers a wide range of products at affordable prices. There are fruit, vegetable and meat purees, cereals (dairy and non-dairy), soups and drinks. As a healthy snack for babies from 5 months, special cookies are suitable, and fruit and cream puddings will be a great dessert for older children. You can also find a special vermicelli that will suit crumbs from 6 months. The manufacturer's porridges received the highest rating from Roskachestvo (13). However, some products contain sugar and starch, which many parents of babies do not approve of.
The main characteristics
Manufacturer | Heinz |
Assortment | puree, soups, vermichel, pudding, cookies, tea |
Recommended age | C C C 9 months .USA |
Year of Manufacture | 1869 |
Pros and Cons
Product contains prebiotics; affordable price in the segment of baby food from foreign manufacturers.
Some products contain sugar and starch.
How to choose the right baby food
A child's menu may differ from another baby's diet, not only because of age, but also due to health conditions (for example, a tendency to constipation or a dairy allergy) and personal preferences. However, the first thing to consider is age. It’s also important to keep in mind that your baby’s diet should be free of added salt and sugar (14). Certain positions deserve some explanation.
Milk formulas
Designed for feeding babies. In fact, they are designed to become an alternative to mother's milk. For the full development of the crumbs, it is necessary that vitamins and trace elements are present in the composition.
Canned puree
Introduced from 4 months. There are fruit, vegetable, meat and fish options. Combinations are also possible. For the first feeding, it is recommended to choose one-component purees from vegetables or fruits.
Porridges, as well as mashed potatoes, are recommended to be offered to a baby from 4 months. Thanks to the special processing of cereals, baby porridge is easily boiled, which significantly saves cooking time.
Nectars, juices
You can give your baby juice or nectar from the age of 4 months. As long as it doesn't contain sugar. If available, it is better to wait at least up to 1 year.
Reviews of doctors about manufacturers of baby food
一 Baby food is becoming an object of special attention on the part of the state and parents, 一 says pediatrician Ekaterina Mikhaltsova . - The main advantages of industrial products and dishes are ease of use, balanced composition and minimal cooking time. However, you must strictly follow the age recommendations and cooking rules indicated on the labels.
- Dairy products and baby food in particular are complex production products where quality control is essential at all stages. Therefore, it is better to trust large manufacturers, - explains sanitary doctor Nikolai Dubinin . - It is important to pay attention to the composition and, before offering the child, taste the food yourself. In general, doctors agree that commercially produced baby food is no worse than home-cooked. And some are even better, due to supplements in the form of vitamins and trace elements.
Popular questions and answers
We answer the most common questions about baby food together with pediatrician Ekaterina Mikhaltsova and sanitary doctor, epidemiologist Nikolai Dubinin.
How to choose food for the first feeding?
Pediatricians recommend starting the first complementary foods with vegetable puree. Fruits contain a large amount of fructose, which can irritate the lining of the stomach and other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Of course, the parent himself can boil and grind vegetables to a puree-like consistency, but it is easier to purchase products in the store, since baby food is made in compliance with special technologies, taking into account all the rules and regulations.
Another question is how to choose a brand among such a variety of baby foods. The best solution is to stick with a well-known brand. Large companies care about their reputation, and therefore strictly follow all established quality standards and do not violate production technology.
The next step is to study the information on the label, make sure the quality, evaluate the following indicators:
• Natural composition. Preservatives, salt, sugar and other ingredients should not be present in the composition (at least in products for children under 1 year old).
• Consistency (grinding quality). A good puree should be smooth and without lumps.
• Multi or single ingredient . The first puree should contain only one ingredient. The child should get used to a certain vegetable, after which it will be possible to introduce others, adding each one in turn, so that the baby gets used to everything separately.
• Hypoallergenic product. Formula must not contain ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.
• Package integrity . It is important to inspect the container in detail for dents, scratches or cracks (chips). Tightness must be observed. Don't forget to check the production date.
• Appropriate for the age of the child . The age for which this or that product is designed is usually indicated on the packaging in compliance with the recommendations of pediatricians.
When all these factors are taken into account, it can be said that the product is really suitable for the child and will not cause side effects (15).
Which of the Russian manufacturers should I pay attention to?
Baby food brand Agusha has been producing products for over 30 years. The assortment has everything you need for a complete diet for kids: dairy products, cereals, fruit, vegetable and meat purees, juices and compotes. The company produces safe, hypoallergenic, complete nutrition for children of all ages. High-quality substitutes for breast milk and subsequent complementary foods are also produced. It is also recommended to pay attention to the manufacturers "FrutoNyanya" and "Theme".
What composition should healthy baby food contain?
When choosing puree in jars, pay attention to the composition. The ingredients should be natural, a good option (especially for younger kids) if the puree is a one-component puree - a fruit or vegetable plus water. Please note that the product does not contain salt, flour, starch, dyes and preservatives, and is not too diluted with water. The vegetable itself may contain starch, but its additional additives are very undesirable.
- Once again about baby food.
Ladodo K. S. 2003.
- Roskachestvo rating. Children's cottage cheese "Agusha". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Children's kefir "Agusha". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "FrutoNyanya". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge "FrutoNyanya". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Apple puree "Babushkino Lukoshko" URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Biocurd "Theme". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating.
Apple juice "Theme". URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Gerber. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Porridge "Three cereals" Fleur Alpine. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Fleur Alpine. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Applesauce Semper. URL:
- Roskachestvo rating. Buckwheat porridge Heinz. URL:
- Baby food safety. Zakharova I.N., Aisanova M.R. 2019.
- Classification of baby food products, requirements for their quality and safety. Georgieva O.V., Pyrieva E.
A., Kon I.Ya. 2018.
Is it possible for adults to eat baby food: benefits and harms
- Photo
- Natalia Kurzova / Adobe Stock
Now we will talk about the benefits and harms of products made specifically for children. These include fruit and vegetable purees, juices and nectars, yoghurts and curds, cereals and various snacks for the little ones.
Pluses of baby food
No harmful components
It is clear that baby food is made specifically for babies. Therefore, they do not add harmful additives, dyes, flavors, a bunch of sugar and salt. Not a single ingredient in the composition should cause an allergy or any disorder in a baby - which means that such food is safe for an adult. Moreover, manufacturers are strictly looked after - all children's products undergo a thorough check, and only then they get on the shelves in stores.
Tasty and convenient
Children's curds, cereals and purees with a sweet fruity taste can easily replace high-calorie cakes and other "adult" desserts. Some may also like cookies in cute little packages.
Speaking of packaging. Kids are not physically able to eat a lot, so for them everything is laid out in small portions. And these jars and packaging are very convenient to take with you for a walk, to school or university.
Low Calorie
Children's fruit and vegetable purees, and in such tiny portions, are very, very few calories! Some stars even specifically switch to only baby food in order to lose weight. So, for example, did Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon.
Ready to follow suit? Well, slow down. Now let's talk about why you shouldn't do this.
Disadvantages of baby food
Not enough essential nutrients
Yes, these tasty purees contain only useful things and nothing harmful. But do not forget that this is still baby food. That is, it is made specifically for babies - taking into account the peculiarities of digestion of young children. And the body of an adult, you know, is very different. An adult needs a lot more fiber and dietary fiber - otherwise problems with the intestines will begin.
Sometimes it's not so tasty
Taste is both a plus and a minus of baby food. Sweet foods really look like a delicious dessert, but mashed vegetables and meat? We are used to cooking with all sorts of spices, which will definitely not be in the composition of dishes from a jar. In general, "adult" and "children's" food is very different in taste. You can, of course, get used to eating baby food all the time ... But why?
Is it useful or not?
There is nothing wrong with occasionally snacking on baby food. It can be quite healthy, tasty and without extra calories. But you definitely can’t replace all breakfasts, lunches and dinners with them - in this way you will deprive yourself of important components and harm your health.