Big sister feeding baby brother
Big sister melts hearts feeding herself & baby brother at snack time
Do you know what is the highest form of love? It is when a toddler sister feeds her little baby brother with her own hands.
In this duo’s case, big sister is overly fond of her younger brother, whom she loves to be around.
But seeing a toddler elder sister, who is barely older than her little bro, feeding him by her own hands is a rare sight to behold.
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No wonder it is the best example of cuteness and adoration.
The video which we are sharing with you today shows exactly this kind of heavenly bond between a brother and sister, and from a very young age.
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Posted by the UK-based paper Metro on Facebook, the video shows a toddler sister eating cereal – one teaspoon for herself and one for her brother – which has made the internet awe in adoration.
Here are the thoughts of some of the top commentators on this cute video:
@Charlotte Ebel – “That is so cute big sister is getting two spoon fulls too little brothers one!! And she does a good job feeding him.”
@Sudsawad Sooksri – “So cute..thank you you make me happy…. big smile.”
@Linda Borg Edelstein – “Awwwww so adorable!”
Metro - Facebook
However, there were some commentators on the video who were critical of the sister’s behavior just because she sometimes eats more than her little brother.
See for yourself:
@Patricia Harding – Thinnes – “She didn’t share Equally with bother tho but very cute.”
@Denise Collinson – “So cute but don’t think it was shared equally lovely.”
@Aisha Lynne – “It’s cute, but shouldn’t they both have their own?”
Wow! That is just wow! I mean, how can somebody even think of rationalizing between two little toddlers. The video should be taken for what it is, which is simply a sweet video showing love and care between two toddlers.
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But anyway, I am happy to see that many hundreds of commentators have seen the purity and innocence in the video and felt at peace with it.
While the toddler sister did take some extra bites for herself, she was never weary of sharing the very next bites with her young brother.
And after taking each teaspoon from the hands of his sister, the baby brother giggles and waves his hands in joy.
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During intervals when his toddler sister does not share with him, the young baby brother gives his sister a signal to not forget about his fill as well.
That is one collaboration between brother and sister that is just too sweet to see.
If you are stressed out or having a rough day, I encourage you to take a peep at this video and I am sure your spirits will be rejuvenated.

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I assure you that you will find this cute brother/sister love at such a tender age the most beautiful thing in a long time.
Please be sure to share it with others who, just like you, appreciate the innocence and purest of love with deep respect.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Toddler feeds her baby brother
Adorable 😍
Posted by Metro on Monday, December 9, 2019
To learn more read our Editorial Standards.
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Jibran Ahmed is a contributor at SBLY Media.
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von 12The eldest child in the family: why some children grow up earlier than others
Someone runs from school to walk or go to clubs, and someone - to look after younger brothers and sisters. We spoke with 22-year-old Leroy, who has taken on most of the responsibilities of caring for her younger sister since the age of 10 and believes that she has experienced a full-fledged motherhood experience. The family psychologist commented on the girl's story.
Will you help your mother to babysit Kristinochka
Sixteen years ago, I was returning home after school and thinking about how to tell everyone about the second deuce in a week in literary reading. But when I opened the front door, I heard whispering in my parents' bedroom. I knew that we had many guests because of the holiday: my mother brought my little sister from the hospital.
I went into the room, everyone turned to look at me, putting their index fingers to their lips in concern. Only my mother did not notice how I entered: she was too busy admiring the child. I wanted to hug her because we had not seen each other for several weeks, but instead she handed me a baby wrapped in diapers and offered to hold it. Just be careful. Under the strict supervision of my grandparents, I sat on the bed and took my little sister, Christina. This picture aroused the delight of the relatives: “Will you help your mother to babysit Kristinochka?”, “You are now the elder sister, mother’s right hand”, “Well, with your help, it will be easier for your mother.”
At that moment, I almost didn’t hear anyone: I only had images of parents who would stop loving me and devote all their time to Christina. I cried, returned the child to my mother and went to my room. One thing was good about what was happening: they never asked me about the deuce. I was only 9 years old, but even then it became clear that a new stage of life was beginning. And I'm unlikely to like him.
Vita Malygina, psychologist :
When the second child is born, the older children seem very grown-up to their parents, even if these older children are one and a half or two years old. Therefore, it is useful for parents to remind themselves that elders need love, care and attention just as much as before. Only parents can influence how the experience of caring for children will affect an older child: whether it will be developing and fulfilling - or difficult, disappointing.
The worst hours of my life
Gradually Kristina grew up and they started to leave us alone. Mom put the stroller in the living room, asked me to "look after the little one" and went on business or to the beauty salon. I didn't understand what to do. The very idea of lisping with children is disgusting to me. Even now, years later, I can make faces at dogs or kittens, but when it comes to children, my face becomes stone. So I just stood in front of the stroller, trying to force a smile out of myself. Naturally, such company quickly tired my younger sister, she began to scream. Then mother and grandmother were already running, asking what kind of filth I was showing to the child, and, groaning, they carried Christina into another room.
Sometimes my mother “allowed” me to lie down next to the sleeping Christina
I say “allowed” because she always pretended that I was burning with the desire to be with my younger sister and they generously do me a favor. Those were the worst hours of my life. Just imagine: you return home, swinging your shift, after playing snowballs with a parallel class to drop your backpack and return to the street, life seems like a continuous adventure, and you are asked from the doorway not to laugh and go lie down next to the baby while mom is in the bathroom.
According to the Big Sisters study by a group of American scientists, older sisters are more likely to take care of the younger children in the family and are more involved in the process than older brothers, and usually care less about themselves than about their relatives. In developing countries, older sisters may spend more time with their children than their own parents or other relatives. Researchers are confident that the availability of kindergartens directly affects the quality of education of older children in the family. Children whose younger siblings cannot receive preschool education have less time for study and recreation.
While Kristina was very young, our grandmother helped us, but soon she left, and the cares were distributed between me, mom and dad. When Kristina went to kindergarten, her mother was still at home, but after about a year she went to work. “How cool,” Mom said. “Your lessons are just about to end, and you can pick up Christina from the garden.”
I was overcome with anger: while my peers were playing consoles, gathering at someone's house, I ran to the kindergarten to pick up my younger sister, take her home, feed her and wait for her parents. Life has become like a prison.
When my classmates and I played dolls or daughter-mothers during breaks, we had to choose imaginary characters we would play, and I was ready to play anyone, just not a woman with a child. I had enough of this horror and at home. Over time, my mother only became more demanding of me. She scolded me for things I didn't know: when and what to feed Christina, what to wear for a walk, what cartoons she shouldn't watch. As soon as I did something wrong with my younger sister, my mother screamed in annoyance that she could not trust me, that she was disappointed in me.
We didn't speak for almost two days after I accidentally hit Christina on the crib and left her with a scratch
Now I remember it with a laugh: how can an 11-year-old child know how to take care of children? After all, he has not yet spent his childhood. Phone calls with my grandmother, who used to be my main support, only made things worse. Now she asked me in a soft but strict voice to help her parents and be careful with Christina, she called me "second mother". No one ever asked how I feel, if I want to spend my time with another child. One thing was good: they stopped being interested in my grades at school, and I realized that I was left to my own devices. Soon I learned to lie. I told my mother that I had a few more lessons than I really did, that I needed to finish the English project, that they left me after the lessons - just to find excuses and not sit with Christina.
Vita Malygina :
If the older child does not want to take part in the process of caring for the younger one, you should not force him to do so. Parents should be happy when older children do help, and actively praise them. It is also important to show your older child that you love him: discuss his infancy and early childhood, look at photos together, tell how glad you were to see him. A child will be able to directly tell his parents about his unwillingness to devote much time to his younger sisters or brothers, if the relationship in the family is good enough and the children are confident in parental love. If there is no such deep confidence, then the elder will either remain silent about his feelings, or will express them in another way: aggression, problems at school. If there is trust in the family between the eldest child and the parents, he will be able to tell them directly and honestly that he is not ready to devote so much time to his brother or sister: “Dear parents, I don’t want to help you and your brother so much, I get tired, I don’t have time to do their affairs." Parents, especially mothers, need help in connection with the appearance of a younger child, and often only an older child is next to them.
Perhaps if fathers were more involved in the everyday life of the family, older children would suffer less from the extra load.
Helper, friend, psychotherapist
With the advent of Christina, my mother stopped perceiving me as a child: she saw me only as an assistant, friend, her psychotherapist. You could come to me to sigh about a hard day or a quarrel with dad and discuss Christina's nascent talents. When I tried to share my feelings with my mother about the lack of personal time, she asked: "Aren't you glad that we have such a small miracle?" I did not want to upset my mother, so I was silent. For several years I begged my mother in tears, almost on my knees, to hire a nanny, but my mother did not trust them or said that we had no money.
I don’t know which of these is true, but the fact is that already at the age of 11-12 my childhood ended ” to participate in family discussions, and on the other hand, they leave the baby in my arms and believe that I should know what to do with it and behave responsibly. Classmates, trying to console me during stories about household chores, said that I was very lucky: in the future they only have to learn how to change diapers, and I already know how to do everything.
In English there is a term "parentification" - the process of changing roles, when a child takes the position of an adult in relation to a brother, sister or the parent himself. Children who have gone through this are usually much more responsible than their peers, however, scientists describe many negative consequences of this phenomenon: increased anxiety, depression, a predominantly anxious type of attachment in relationships. Children who had to act as adults at an early age may transfer the habit of caring to their environment and patronize peers, friends, romantic partners. Psychiatrist Alfred Adler, author of the birth order theory, believes that older children are more likely than others to become "people pleasers" - people who sacrifice their own needs and desires for the comfort of others.
Second mother
What can I say for sure about my early experience of "motherhood" - it taught me to care and be indifferent to others, to present a different point of view. When you are the only child, everyone dances only around you and worries about your desires, but as soon as there are several of you, you have to think not only about your comfort, but also about the comfort of another person: you need to remember to buy ice cream not only for yourself, but also for your sister , honestly allocate time at the computer, check her lessons first, and then your own. I hope that in the future Christina will grow up and take care of me the same way when needed.
A study in the journal Child Development shows that children with siblings develop better empathy as they gradually learn to care through each other. This applies to both seniors and juniors. Older children become an example for younger ones, and they, in turn, better understand the emotions of others and worry about the comfort of loved ones.
It's scary to think about my own children
I love my sister and will never hurt her, but because of this experience, I was left with the feeling that my childhood was taken away from me, that I had to grow up too soon. It sounds really funny: while my girlfriend was running for the first date, I went home to look after the child. This situation seems to happen to people over forty, but not to teenagers.
Photo: Shutterstock / MNStudioI have been overprotective all my life: I always watch how others feel, and only then I think about how comfortable I am. And I can not think about myself at all. I usually listen to the problems of my friends and act as a psychologist for them. Everyone is used to the fact that I am the elder sister in life: I can help everyone and be responsible for everything, I can be trusted with anything. They consider me a great friend and they assure me that I would be a great mother.
I don't know about the distant future, but for now I'm even scared to think about my own children. It seems to me that only girls who did not have younger sisters or brothers dream of them, or who grew up the youngest in the family and were always surrounded by care, but never cared for anyone themselves. They still have no idea how many dirty diapers, soiled shirts and sleepless nights are behind the word "children". I imagine this very well and I know how much strength and energy is needed, and therefore I will not rush with my decision.
Photo: Shutterstock / Galileo30
Children will receive a "fraternal" benefit when enrolling in a school
Nadezhda1906 / istock
older children of the family. Now the Ministry of Education has distributed a letter "On the procedure for admission to educational organizations in 2020", which explained how this benefit will work.
The most important thing is that brothers and sisters should live together. As emphasized in the department, "the right of preferential admission of a child to study in the main general educational programs of preschool education and primary general education is provided only if his brothers and (or) sisters with whom he lives in one family and has a common place of residence.
If the parents divorce and separate the children, the benefit disappears. Even if brothers and sisters live in neighboring entrances, the younger ones will have to go to school on a common basis.
"The provisions of the law are aimed at developing a system of state support for families with children, should help strengthen the family, develop the institution of having many children, and also ensure the realization of the rights of children to decent conditions for maintenance, upbringing and all-round development," the department says.
The introduced benefit also applies to kindergartens. So if one child already goes to some "Topolek" or "Solnyshko", then the youngest goes there too. By the way, according to the latest data from Rosstat, there are 47.8 thousand kindergartens in the country. They have 7.5 million kids. In total, 67.2 percent of children under the age of 6 are covered by preschool education.
Another interesting figure: according to Rosstat, 26. 8 percent of families have two children under 18. Statisticians also counted more than 5 million single mothers in the country. Of these, almost 860 thousand are raising two children, and 157 thousand are raising three or more. For single mothers with many children, accordingly, many family and domestic problems become more complicated. For example, how to send children to different schools, especially if the schools are in different parts of the city, and even get to work in time. It is also not easy for a complete family to build logistics in this case, but what about a million mothers with many children?
One of the authors of the adopted law, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov, noted that in many regions younger children have difficulty enrolling in the school where their older brothers and sisters study. But, according to him, the right of a child to go to school together with his brothers and sisters is inextricably linked with his right to live and be brought up in a family, with the right to communicate with his family members.
According to experts, each ordinary school has its own district: a list of streets from which children will be admitted to school on a mandatory basis. But it happens that the family moved to some other house nearby, the older children remained in the same school, and the younger ones, having changed their registration, ended up in the area assigned to another school. In this case, it was possible to try to negotiate and arrange for the younger ones to go to school with the older ones, but it was not always possible to reach an agreement.
And there are also schools where students are not registered. These can be lyceums, gymnasiums, etc., that is, schools where, it is believed, they teach better. Therefore, parents try to place their children there. Often, these schools set their own admission rules, and the child will have to pass some kind of test.
The Ministry of Education explained that the admission rules, which are established by the educational organization independently, should ensure that children living in the same family and children enjoy the "fraternal" benefits. In other words, if an older brother or sister goes to a lyceum, then the younger one should be given an advantage in admission.
"For children who do not live in the designated area, applications for first grade will begin on July 1 of the current year until the places are filled, but no later than September 5 of the current year," the letter says.
Orders clarifying the procedure for enrolling children in schools in accordance with the latest amendments to the law will be adopted a little later, but the "fraternal" benefit is already in effect.
Attorney Viktoria Danilchenko agrees that if we are talking about an ordinary school, then the “fraternal” benefit is very necessary. The elders will be able to take care of the younger ones, intervene if necessary. And it will be easier for parents to build logistics: take, bring, pick up.
However, when it comes to specialized schools, this is where the brothers are likely to part ways. If it so happened that one is a physicist, the other is a lyricist, then everyone chooses a school for themselves.