Baby food diary chart
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Printable Baby Food Chart: BLW, Purees, Finger Foods
Make feeding your baby easier with this free, downloadable baby food chart. It has straight forward ideas for what to feed baby from when they start solids on up to one year—including purees, baby-led weaning style foods, finger foods, and more.
Baby Food Chart
Starting solids with a baby can be so fun and often a little challenging—but this baby food chart will help. I’ve compiled my best ideas for which foods to serve based on age and development of the baby to make it easy for you to make decisions in the kitchen.
This infant feeding chart is meant to help remind you of options you have at each age. It is not meant to add any pressure or function as a checklist of foods you have to serve (unless you want to do that!).
TIP: Download your free printable baby food chart here.
What baby foods should you start with?
Whether you start with purees or baby led weaning, starting with flavorful and nutrient-dense foods is a simple way to think about introducing foods to a baby. I love simple foods like roasted sweet potato, avocado, banana, and apple puree as first foods for a baby.
Remember that a first food is just that—a first food. It is not going to be the sole thing that determines how your child likes all foods. It can be sweet or savory, or from a variety of food groups. I would do your best to make sure that the food is easy to eat, has some flavor, and that the environment in which you offer it is free from pressure and, maybe even joyful!
What age should baby start eating foods?
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting to start solids until a baby is 6 months, and to go with wide variety of foods, introduced one at a time. But many pediatricians still say it’s okay to start rice cereal at 4 months.
If your pediatrician recommends this at the 4 month check up, ask their thoughts on the recommendation from the AAP.
TIP: Learn more about starting solids here.
How much food should I feed my baby?
The best way to know the right amount of food to give to a baby is to follow their lead. It should be very clear when a baby is done eating—they will close their mouth, turn their head, and generally make it very hard to feed them. (They may also play with their food, which is a fine way for them to interact with the foods at this early stage.)
It’s okay if baby eats very little to start. It’s also okay if they surprise you by being very interested in food!
TIP: Download your free printable baby food chart here.
6 Month Baby Food Chart for Purees
If you’re ready to start solids with a baby, here are some foods you may want to start with. This list is perhaps more broad than you expect, but more recent research shows that it’s a good idea to introduce potential allergenic foods earlier and that lots of flavor is a great way to set baby up for eating a range of foods as they grow.
Don’t feel like you need to serve all of these foods (you 100% don’t!), but it should give you a range of ideas to consider based on season, availability, and your own preference.
- Almond butter puree
- Apple Puree
- Avocado puree
- Banana puree
- Baby oatmeal
- Bean puree
- Butternut squash puree
- Egg yolk, hard cooked mashed with water
- Green bean puree
- Melon puree
- Pea puree
- Peach puree
- Peanut Butter Puree
- Pear puree
- Pumpkin puree
- Sweet potato puree
- Whole milk plain yogurt
- Single ingredient baby food
TIP: Find more in depth details on how to know if your baby is ready to start solids here.
6 Month Baby Food Chart for Baby Led Weaning
If you decide to use the baby led weaning method of feeding, you’ll want to cut these foods into the shape of a finger or larger. The foods should also be soft and easily squishable between two fingers—like the texture of a roasted sweet potato wedge or ripe avocado.
You don’t need to feel like you have to serve all of these foods by any means, but it should give you a range of ideas.
- Apple, roasted wedge
- Avocado spears
- Banana
- Beef, ground (large piece)
- Beef hamburger patty (sliced)
- Beet, steamed or roasted
- Broccoli florets, roasted/steamed
- Cauliflower florets, roasted/steamed
- Chicken, dark meat shredded
- Cucumber
- Green bean
- Egg, hard cooked
- Egg in omelet, sliced
- Figs, halved
- Lamb
- Mango slice
- Meatball
- Melon slices
- Peach, very ripe slice
- Pear, very ripe slice
- Potato, roasted wedges
- Steak slice
- Sweet potato, roasted wedges
- Toast with mashed avocado
- Toast with mashed sweet potato
- Toast with light smear of peanut butter
- Toast with mashed hard cooked egg
- Watermelon slice
- WiId salmon
TIP: Find my Ultimate Guide to Baby Led Weaning here.
7 Month Baby Food Chart
With a 7 month old baby, you can add in a few more foods including those with more acid like citrus. Continue serving the foods on the 6th month list, or introduce ones that you didn’t get to in that first month.
- Baby rice crackers
- Bean puree
- Beet puree
- Brussels Sprouts, pureed (or large piece for BLW)
- Guacamole
- Kiwi puree (or large piece for BLW)
- Hummus
- Mango Puree
- Mixed ingredient baby foods
- Orange segment for BLW
- Pineapple puree (or large piece for BLW)
- Prune puree
- Strawberry puree (or large strawberry for BLW)
- Spinach puree
- Smoothies (simple)
- Tomato sauce
- Tomato sauce with ground meat
TIP: Try my 10 easy No Cook Baby Foods.
9 Month Baby Food Chart
As a baby nears the 9 and 10 month mark, they will begin to be able to pick up small, pea-size pieces of foods with their fingers. This development of the “pincer grasp” means they are ready to start sampling table foods.
A good rule of thumb is to cut foods to about the size of a pea and to serve them very soft and easily squishable between your fingers.
Bread-like textures in foods like pancakes and muffins may be difficult for your child, so you may want to moisten them with water, applesauce, yogurt, breastmilk, or formula.
Remember that babies learn to eat a variety of paces, so follow the lead of your baby and avoid pressuring them to eat foods or amounts of foods that they aren’t ready for. If a baby turns their head away, closes their mouth, shakes their head, or cries, they are done with food and it’s okay to end the meal.
Continue serving foods from the previous months. And try adding:
- Banana, diced and mashed slightly as needed
- Barley, cooked until very soft
- Beans, slightly mashed
- Beef, ground
- Blueberries, diced
- Cheese, shredded
- Chex cereal
- Chia seed in smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal
- Chicken, ground
- Chicken, shredded and chopped into small pieces
- Clementines, diced (you may want to remove the slightly tough membrane)
- Cottage cheese
- Corn
- Flaxseed in smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal
- Goat cheese, soft crumbles
- Grapes, diced (never whole)
- Kefir, plain
- Meatball, diced
- Muffins, diced (moistened if needed)
- Millet
- O cereal
- Oatmeal
- Overnight oats
- Pasta
- Peas
- Potatoes, roasted or mashed
- Puffs
- Raspberries, diced
- Pancake, diced (moistened as needed with applesauce)
- Quinoa
- Rice
- Salmon, small pieces
- Tofu, diced
- Tomatoes, fresh
- Tilapia, small pieces
- Turkey, ground
TIP: Find my best Early Finger Foods, which will cover this stage and early toddlerhood.
Best First Finger Foods for Baby
I put together my go-to first finger foods for babies, which may help you narrow down which foods to start with. Each of these is a nutritious whole food that’s soft and easy for baby to eat. It’s helpful that many of these foods are ones that us grownups like too, so it should make meal planning and prep for the little ones easier on you!
Printable Baby Food Chart
Grab your free copy of my downloadable Baby Food Chart with access to my entire Resource Library of Printable charts by signing up for my newsletter.
You May Also Like
- ABC Baby Muffins
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- Master List of Baby Food Recipes
I’d love to hear your feedback on this chart, so please comment below! I always love to hear from you guys.
This post was first published Jan 2019.
Child's food diary - what is it for, what to write there
07/29/2020 10019
Article content
- What is a food diary
- What exactly should be recorded in a child's food diary
- Why this information is needed
- What is useful to write in a diary additionally
- What information is useful for the doctor from the baby's food diary
- Sample food diary
We all want to see our babies like in the fairy tale about the Cat walking by itself: pink, plump and actively exploring the world. Even if the mother does not manage to redo all the affairs because of the active baby. nine0008
But children don't always grow up fabulously perfectly. They put something wrong in their mouths, break out in a rash from who knows what, or embarrass their mother with stools of the wrong color and consistency. And the worries about a sudden, but rather ordinary ailment, are also tiring. When a baby sprinkles or his tummy hurts, I want to know why this is and how to avoid it. Answering such questions is much easier if you imagine how events unfolded. And it is better to write down - to keep a diary. nine0008
What is a food diary
A child's food diary is a journal with a table in which you make entries every day. You note everything that the baby ate - even unplanned - and what happened next: nothing special or some kind of unwanted reaction. Write down the menu for the whole day in the morning, mark the “response” to food immediately - in the evening there is rarely time for this, and the little things are forgotten. Come up with a simple notation for repeating entries, write down the transcript on the cover. So you save time. The easier it is to fill out a diary, the more likely you will write in it regularly. nine0008
What exactly should be recorded in a child's food diary
In your food diary, write down:
- date;
- time of each meal;
- what the child ate, from what initial products it was prepared, with what additives;
- brand of purchased products;
- composition of prepared meals, if eaten for the first time;
- how much he ate;
- how he felt during the day, how he slept at night; nine0013
- if he started taking medicines or vitamins, the name from the label and dosage;
- scheduled vaccinations - to give new food not earlier than 3 days after vaccination;
- if the child ate or put something in his mouth that you did not intend to give him. So that he does not drag something dangerous into his mouth, create a safe environment for him at home: household chemicals and medicines - under lock and key;
- sudden "treats" from relatives whom you did not have time to warn; nine0013
- changes in your diet if you are breastfeeding - even one-time and "wrong".
A food diary helps to record everything that enters the child's body. Although such meticulousness seems boring, there are advantages to the habit of taking notes regularly.
Keeping a food diary is useful practically and psychologically:
- When you regularly write down what and how much your baby eats, and how he feels during the day, you will track down inappropriate meals for him. You will appreciate how varied his menu is. You will be able to clearly check the potential allergen - and do not forget to exclude it for the required period. nine0013
- If your baby is having trouble picking up solid foods, a diary can help solve that problem. You will draw up an action plan and follow it if you are allergic to “everything in a row” or if he “eats nothing at all”. You will feel that the situation is under control.
- Some children find it difficult to keep to a schedule. The diary will help to establish a diet for the child.
What is useful to write in a diary in addition
Not only eaten affects the condition of the skin and intestines of the child. The rash can be from contact allergies, childhood diseases, or age-related features - for example, infantile acne. Diarrhea can be a manifestation of intestinal infections. nine0008
Note additionally:
- if you change to a different detergent for his clothes;
- changed baby cream;
- using a different soap, shampoo or bath;
- bought a different brand of diapers, a new carpet, or something else that comes into contact with the baby's skin;
- if the weather turned out to be uncomfortable during the walk: too hot or icy wind; nine0012 if ill;
- an important or stressful event has occurred;
- took the baby to the dacha: it is easy to quietly eat earth or grass there.
Most of these situations will go unnoticed. Think of yourself as an observer, but take care of the child.
If the baby has a rash or weight deviates from the norm, the doctor will be interested in information from the child's food diary. A neatly filled out table about what and how much the child ate will help the doctor correctly diagnose if an allergy is suspected. If you need to check which complementary food product the child reacts to, then it is easier to write a check scheme with a diary. nine0008
Underweight or overweight? The doctor will assess whether the child is getting the right amount of nutrients by reviewing the recorded menu.
Don't forget to include delicious Nutrilak Premium PROCEREALS in your baby's diet. They do not contain unnecessary ingredients and retain the beneficial properties of whole grains.
Is it difficult for your baby to find complementary foods? From your food diary, the doctor can easily see what you have given and can suggest other foods. nine0008
If, after a new type of feeding, the baby has swelling or it becomes difficult for him to breathe, his voice becomes hoarse - first of all, you need to call an ambulance, and not write it in a diary. This condition requires immediate medical attention.
Sample food diary
To make it easier for you to start keeping a food diary, here is a sample page.
You can print the pages and collect in a folder or draw in a notebook. nine0008
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Nutrition diary for a child up to a year: diary template, explanations of specialists
Published: 02/10/2021
Reading time: 4 min.
Number of reads: 11928
Author of the article: Ponomareva Yuliya Vladimirovna
Pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, allergist-immunologist
Each stage of a baby's development corresponds to a certain type of food. This is due to the gradual maturation and functional activity of the main organs and systems, primarily the gastrointestinal tract. So, in the first months of life, a child is able to absorb only mother's milk, the composition of which ideally matches the capabilities of the baby's body and dynamically changes in accordance with its needs. nine0008
The nutrition of a nursing mother should be varied and complete, but she needs to adhere to some restrictions that are associated with the possibility of penetration of many substances into breast milk, and hence into the baby's body. It is undeniable that alcohol, smoking and coffee are incompatible with breastfeeding, as they can harm the baby. But often, ordinary foods, such as milk, nuts, honey or chocolate, can cause deviations in the baby's health. nine0008
Contents: Hide
- Food is not always healthy
- Prevention is better than cure
- Food intolerance
- What is a food diary?
- Food diary template
Food is not always healthy
Mother's milk is the best food for a baby, but in some cases, due to various reasons, breastfeeding has to be abandoned. Scientific and technological progress, advances in pediatrics and dietology allow the development and production of formulas for artificial feeding that are most adapted to the child and replace mother's milk. nine0008
However, even the best of them are still very far from the “gold standard”. Therefore, formula-fed babies may experience reactions to the mixture being administered. This is primarily due to a food allergy to cow's milk protein. In addition, with a further expansion of the diet and the introduction of new complementary foods, deviations in the health of the baby are also possible. They are associated with individual intolerance and the development of allergies, or with the age-related unwillingness of the body to perceive and assimilate new food. nine0008
Prevention is better than cure
All of these factors explain the need to gradually expand the baby's diet and introduce foods in accordance with the child's readiness to digest certain foods.
This is important! According to current national recommendations for feeding children in their first year of life, complementary foods are introduced no earlier than 4 months. Experts recommend starting to include in the menu each new food group from low-allergenic foods. nine0008
So, for example, in the line of baby food Bebi Premium "Porridges for the first feeding", low-allergenic products based on buckwheat, rice and corn groats are specially developed. These cereals do not contain cow's milk proteins, gluten, lactose and sugar. The dish can be prepared on the basis of breast milk, adapted formula or baby water. The composition is enriched with prebiotics, which is very important for the formation and maintenance of your own intestinal microbiota and the prevention of allergies.
Food intolerance
Food allergy is one of the most common diseases in young children. Every second child aged 3-6 months living in large cities has manifestations of food intolerance. What symptoms suggest an allergic reaction? Most often, these are skin rashes and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Skin rashes with bright redness and peeling (often also with severe itching) appear on the face, buttocks, arms and legs of the baby. The child often has stool disorders, regurgitation and intestinal colic. In some cases, there is a delay in weight gain and growth gains. nine0008
Find the cause
Diagnosis of food allergy is not difficult, any mother will immediately pay attention to the characteristic changes in the child. It is much more difficult to find the "culprit" of an allergy - a food product that triggered and maintains this condition. A successful search will be the most effective treatment for the baby, because by removing the causative allergen from the diet, we can stop the allergic reaction. In order to establish a relationship with the reactions that have occurred and the products introduced, parents need to keep a diary of the child's nutrition. nine0008
What is a food diary?
It is a regular detailed record of all the foods that the baby has tried or eaten, and his individual reaction to them. The food diary is filled out daily, it indicates the time of eating, a detailed description of the product with all its ingredients, cooking and serving size.
Other obligatory columns include information about the change in the state of health of the baby, indicating the time of occurrence of the reaction and its nature. Parents need to note any changes that occur when a new product is included in the diet. In the "Notes" column, you need to write down new events in the child's life that are not related to nutrition, but which could also affect the occurrence of the reaction. This can be a change of washing powder or skin care products, vaccination, medication. nine0008
It is convenient to present these data in the form of a table, individual columns of which include the above information. At the end of this article, an approximate template for filling out a food diary is presented. If the child is breastfed, then the mother also needs to keep a food diary.
Important task
Perhaps many parents take these recommendations lightly, believing that special tests will be more informative. However, with a responsible attitude, when adults carefully and timely record absolutely all the foods that were present in the baby’s diet even in a minimal amount, this will be very valuable data. The pediatrician will be able to analyze the information and build a safe individual diet for your crumbs. Ideally, any baby needs to keep a food diary throughout the first year of life, tracking reactions to the introduction of all new complementary foods, but this is especially important for children with allergies or babies with a high risk of developing allergic reactions. nine.00
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