Baby food for grown ups
Adult Pureed Meals and Special Diets – Bambinos Baby Food
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All Protein Variety Pack - 24 meals — $ 99.65
Breakfast Cereal - 24 meals — $ 75. 99
Googly Carrots - 24 meals — $ 71.95
Hali Halibut - 24 meals — $ 110.05
Happy Peas - 24 meals — $ 77.90
Hearty Stew - 24 meals — $ 99.70
Hungry Munchkin - 24 meals — $ 99.70
Omega Pack - The Ultimate Brain Food — $ 107. 95
Oodles of Noodles - 24 meals — $ 89.95
Sockeye Salmon Bisque - 24 meals — $ 107.95
Surprise Variety Pack - 24 meals — $ 93.95
Sweet Spring Veggies - 24 meals — $ 88.95
Vegetable Stew w Filet Mignon - 24 meals — $ 99.70
Veggies with Chicken - 24 meals — $ 95. 70
Yummy Yams - 24 meals — $ 71.95
Sign up to our mailing listAdults, Please Stop Eating Baby Food Out of Squeeze Pouches
I'll admit it: the squeezy pouch of baby food is an amazing feat of technology. You've probably seen these shelf-stable, lightweight packets of puréed nutrients in the grocery store. Maybe you marveled at the product's ingenuity. Maybe you felt resentful that these squeezers weren't around when you were growing up and instead you were fed weird green goo from a plain old jar. Or maybe you decided that you weren't too old to get in on this pouchy action and bought a package of mango-applesauce to give it a try.
If you did, you'd be in good company. According to publications like Extra-Crispy, The Wall Street Journal, and The Kitchn, many grown-ups are buying—and consuming—these little packages of puréed fruits and vegetables. Like, on purpose.
That's right, adults are eating baby food. And they need to stop.
How to Freeze Baby Food Without Going Crazy
Don't get me wrong, these packaged baby foods are great for, you know, babies. On a family vacation last year when my then 6-month-old brother, Townes, was transitioning to solid food, the squeeze-y pouches played an invaluable role in keeping him happy and fed throughout the trip, whether we were at the hotel breakfast table or a fancy sushi restaurant or on the beach. Convenient, lightweight, readily available, these packets also usually contain some totally virtuous combination of fruits, vegetables, and the occasional whole grain. Every nutritional need you could have, perfectly sealed in a tiny, science-y, pouch. This is the eating of the future, right? I sure hope not.
The thing is, unlike Townes, you've fully learned how to masticate and ingest solid food. (And even Townes is well on his way these days, enjoying scrambled eggs and berries and lots of banana pancakes. ) You have teeth and a jaw that unhinges for a reason. Congrats! Proud of you. Use the incredible set of resources afforded to you by nature. Rejoice in the pleasure of chewing delicious solid food—it's truly, in my opinion, one of the few true joys we're afforded on a daily basis.
Of course, there are plenty of situations and real medical conditions that make eating solid food difficult. But, in that case, there are also plenty of totally delicious foods you can make that are infinitely more delicious than weird tube goo. In fact, there are whole categories of food devoted to this: Soups! Smoothies! Ice cream and milkshakes! Mashed vegetables! All glorious, soft, liquified foods you—an adult—could happily enjoy instead of resorting to sucking room-temperature food out of a tube marketed to babies. In fact, these are actually some of my favorite foods. I used to almost look forward to getting my braces tightened so my mom would make me vichyssoise. Have vichyssoise, not tube goo. You're worth it.
Craving some food but too tired to chew? Try soup!
Hirsheimer & Hamilton
Is it possible for adults to eat baby food: benefits and harms
- Photo
- Natalia Kurzova / Adobe Stock
Now we will talk about the benefits and harms of products made specifically for children. These include fruit and vegetable purees, juices and nectars, yoghurts and curds, cereals and various snacks for the little ones.
Pluses of baby food
No harmful ingredients
It is clear that baby food is made specifically for babies. Therefore, they do not add harmful additives, dyes, flavors, a bunch of sugar and salt. Not a single ingredient in the composition should cause an allergy or any disorder in a baby - which means that such food is safe for an adult. Moreover, manufacturers are strictly looked after - all children's products undergo a thorough check, and only then they get on the shelves in stores.
Tasty and convenient
Children's curds, cereals and purees with a sweet fruity taste can easily replace high-calorie cakes and other "adult" desserts. Some may also like cookies in cute little packages.
Speaking of packaging. Kids are not physically able to eat a lot, so for them everything is laid out in small portions. And these jars and packaging are very convenient to take with you for a walk, to school or university.
Low Calorie
Children's fruit and vegetable purees, and in such tiny portions, are very, very few calories! Some stars even specifically switch to only baby food in order to lose weight. So, for example, did Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon.
Ready to follow suit? Well, slow down. Now let's talk about why you shouldn't do this.
Disadvantages of baby food
Few essential nutrients
Yes, these tasty purees contain only useful things and nothing harmful. But do not forget that this is still baby food. That is, it is made specifically for babies - taking into account the peculiarities of digestion of young children. And the body of an adult, you know, is very different. An adult needs a lot more fiber and dietary fiber - otherwise problems with the intestines will begin.
Sometimes it's not so tasty
Taste is both a plus and a minus of baby food. Sweet foods really look like a delicious dessert, but mashed vegetables and meat? We are used to cooking with all sorts of spices, which will definitely not be in the composition of dishes from a jar. In general, "adult" and "children's" food is very different in taste. You can, of course, get used to eating baby food all the time ... But why?
Is it useful or not?
There is nothing wrong with snacking on baby food occasionally. It can be quite healthy, tasty and without extra calories. But you definitely can’t replace all breakfasts, lunches and dinners with them - in this way you will deprive yourself of important components and harm your health.
Ekaterina Migacheva, Elena Bugay
- food
- healthy food
Children's food for adults. Useful or not? ⋆
Many adults love baby food: small jars of purees can be a great snack, they are convenient to take with you. Some even prefer baby food in their diet, limiting the consumption of "regular" food. Is it useful to include various jars of mashed potatoes in your menu? Let's figure it out.
Benefits of baby food
There are several undeniable advantages in favor of buying baby purees. First, there is no need for cooking. It is enough to buy a couple of jars and dinner is ready. No need to invent a gourmet dish or in desperation go to lunch at the nearest Burger King near work. Secondly, the variety of baby food provides a great choice. On the shelves of stores you can see more than one box of porridge, as well as many different and mixtures from “mashed apple” to “beef with cauliflower”. Take two jars and you will have a full meal and dessert to boot. And thirdly, it is, of course, low calorie content and composition. It is this point that persuades most girls to switch to baby food. Its low calorie content (and also fractional nutrition) allows you to "eat and not get fat." The composition of baby purees is strictly controlled, so there are no GMOs, dyes, various harmful additives and everything that manufacturers love to add to adult products.
Deficiencies in baby food
Unfortunately, everything has its drawbacks. And children's food for adults is no exception.
Eating large amounts of baby food may cause difficulty digesting regular, solid foods. Baby purees and formulas do not have enough fiber and dietary fiber, as they are designed for the still undeveloped digestive system of young children. Therefore, the adult body will not receive the substances necessary for the normal functioning of the intestine.
The composition of baby purees is strictly controlled, so there are no GMOs, dyes and various harmful additives
Baby food may also not be the most joyful discovery for gourmets. The fact is that mashed potatoes with the name "chicken with vegetables" do not contain all those spices and additives that give the well-known taste of an ordinary dish. Therefore, such mashed potatoes will taste very different from the very spiced fried chicken served with steamed vegetables.
Individual contraindications may also eliminate baby purees from the diet. It can be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pregnancy or anemia.
The money issue can also be a significant disadvantage for switching to baby food. One jar does not exceed 100 calories, and this is not enough for a person (an adult is recommended to consume at least 1000 calories per day). If you want to make baby purees and mixtures the basis of your menu, you will have to buy more than one jar, which at current prices can hit your pocket.
Baby food can be a useful addition to an adult's diet. However, you should not severely limit or completely exclude ordinary food. The features and needs of an adult organism differ from those of children, therefore, in principle, mashed potatoes and chicken breast cannot compete.
Learn more
- When to start baby food for breastfed babies
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