Baby food game instructions
How to Play "Name that Baby Food" Baby Shower Game
Name that baby food is an awesome baby shower game that requires some set-up, but is totally worth it! In this baby shower game, your guests will taste different selections of baby food and try to guess what it is. The person with the most baby food friendly palate wins the game.
- Jarred Baby Food - 6-12 flavors
- Wastebasket
- Container - where guests can put their completed answer sheets
- Permanent marker / pens / pencils
- Paper to cover the jar labels
- Answer Sheets - these can be blank or pre-numbered so guests will just write their guesses about the flavors that correspond with the number
- Tasting utensils - plastic spoons or popsicle sticks (enough so that guests don't reuse the utensil for each flavor)
Prepping for Name that Baby Food Baby Shower Game
To prepare for this game, you will need to purchase some baby food jars in advance. To keep the game fair and simple, it's best to choose baby food jars that only contain one type of fruit or vegetable.
There are a lot of combo flavors (like apples and bananas or mangos and pears, etc...), but that may really stump your players, so just sticking to one ingredient per jar is best.
To keep things interesting, you may look for baby food that look somewhat alike - it's tricky but not too tricky. For examples, apple baby food and pear baby food may look very similar in consistency and color, so that might be a good choice for a couple of flavors. Carrots and sweet potatoes also look similar, so that could also be a nice couple of flavors that you can choose.
Once you have the baby food jars purchased, make a note of which flavors are in which jars (you'll need to know this for the answer key as the labels will be removed). A quick numbered list with the flavor and numbering the bottom of jar with a permanent marker can be a quick way to keep track.
Once you have the baby jar flavors noted, you can take off the wrapper (or you can always cover the wrapper with some patterned baby to hide the flavor). If you choose to take off the wrapper, there might be a little bit of adhesive left, so you might need some adhesive remover to get those last bits of stickiness off.
Now with your "naked" jars, you can number them with a permanent marker or get some colorful construction paper and make a new label for the jar with just the number.
For the game, your guests will get a blank numbered piece of paper and they will write their guesses that correspond to the number on the jar.
Baby Shower Game Set-up
To set-up the game, you will need some space where you can put out all the materials - jars of food, game sheets, pens, popsicle/spoons, wastebasket, etc... You should opt for a dedicated space so the stuff doesn't get mixed up with other things. A small table or countertop should be fine.
How to Play Name that Baby Food
There are a couple of ways that you can play the game. You can have the game be passive, meaning the guests can play it throughout the baby shower event and drop their answer sheets in a container and you can tally up the correct answers later and announce the winner. Or you can make the game a main event and ask for volunteers to play while the rest of the guests become the audience.
If you choose to play the game passively, you might consider having the instructions out on display so guests know what it's all about - the last thing you want is guests thinking you're serving appetizers!
If you are expecting guests of all ages to attend, then you might think twice about letting the game be passive - depending on the age of the kids, they may not quite understand the game and the results could be...messy.
The other way to play this game allows for everyone to enjoy the action. You'll need to carve out some time to play the game during the event. At the time, you can ask for volunteers who want to play - not everyone will feel comfortable tasting baby food in front of an audience, so asking for volunteer players will just make things easier.
Once you have the volunteers, have each of them taste one baby food at a time, then write down their guess. When they've had a chance to taste each one, you can announce the type of food, the person with the most correct wins!
It may be more fun to play this game with an audience as everyone will be able to see the reactions of the players as they taste those mushy peas and squashed carrots. It will also be fun to announce the winner right away.
Baby Shower Game Prizes
For this game, you may want to prepare a few prizes just in case you have a tie. As the game is all about food (albeit baby food), it might be fun to have your prizes be food-related too.
Here are some food prize ideas that you might consider:
- Homemade Jars of Jam: If you love canning, then consider making some special treats for your winners. A cute label "Adult Food: Apricot Jam" or something that ties the prize back to the game can be a clever and memorable baby shower game prize. If you're not into making jam, then buying a few fun flavors and relabeling them with cute labels is an option.
- Mason Jar Recipe Kits: A recipe in a jar prize is always fun and can be a play on the baby food jars. There are tons of recipe in a jar kits you can find online and if you think you might have more than one winner, then this is an easy prize to duplicate.
- Food Cooking Kits: As this baby shower game is all about flavor, consider some food kits for your winners so they can add more flavor to their next dish! A collection of exotic salts, a variety pack of BBQ sauces or salsas. Some nice oils or spice mixes can also work.
- DIY Food Gift Basket: A little themed food gift basket is another option. A small container filled with goodies for a movie night, breakfast in bed, or a picnic would make a great baby shower prize.
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Baby Shower Games That Will Entertain Your Guests
Nowadays, you can find many different and modern baby shower games, but others are just classic. These are some of the most popular baby shower games, and for good reason!
Bobbing for pacifiers
This is probably one of the most hilarious baby shower games!
What you’ll need:
- A plastic tub
- 10-15 pacifiers
How to play:
Fill the tub with water and place the pacifiers in the water. Give each of your guests a certain amount of time (a minute or 2 will do) and have them try to bob for as many pacifiers as possible. Players must keep their hands behind their back. You could also try tying guests’ hands for added fun. The player who catches more pacifiers wins a prize!
Guess the baby food
This easy baby shower game is also one of the classics. It’s very simple to pull off, and it can provide tons of fun!
What you'll need:
- Different types of baby food
- Spoons
- Pens and paper
- Blindfolds (optional)
How to play:
Place different kinds of baby food in unmarked jars and number the lids. You’ll have the list that states which food is in each jar. Try using mashed peas, applesauce, and different vegetable purees.
Then, have guests try each the food in each jar and write down what they think they’re tasting. You can also have them put on blindfolds if you want to make this game harder. The person who guesses more foods wins!
Dough babies
This simple baby shower game will be a favorite for crafty moms!
What you'll need:
- Several cans of play dough (it can be homemade or store bought)
How to play:
Give a can of play dough to each player and ask them to model a baby from the dough. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Once the time’s up, mom and dad will get to choose which is their favorite play dough baby.
Who knows mom and dad best?
This is a great game for a co-ed baby shower. And if you’re having an all-female shower, you can switch it up to “Who knows mom the best?”
What you'll need:
- A list of questions and answers provided by mom and dad-to-be
How to play:
Before the shower, ask the expectant parents to come up with a list of questions and answers about them or their relationship. Some examples include “Where did we meet?”, “Where was our first date?”, and “How long have we been together?”.
Then, create 2 teams of guests and have them try to answer the questions. The teams will take turns, and if one team doesn’t know the answer to the question, the other team will get to answer it.
If neither team knows the answer, mom and dad can share it. The game is over when all questions have been answered, and the team that gets more questions right, wins!
There are plenty of simple baby shower games and activities that you can plan for your guests.
(Baby item) price is right
What you'll need:
- Different baby items (a list of baby items with pictures works, too)
- Pens and paper
How to play:
Distribute pens and paper to each player. Show your guests each baby item and ask them to guess their price. Each player will write down how much they think the items cost. Once you’ve shown all the items, go through the players’ guesses. The player with more correct guesses wins!
What item am I?
What you'll need:
- Several baby items (pacifier, baby bottle, amongst others)
- Bag
- Blindfold
How to play:
The players will be blindfolded. Have them take turns holding each item in the bag. Without being able to see the items, they’ll have to guess what they are. The player who guesses more items, wins.
Guess mom’s belly size
This is another cheap baby shower game that’s still lots of fun! It’s no wonder that this one has become a classic.
What you'll need:
- Some yarn or ribbon
How to play:
Each guest will take a piece of yarn or ribbon. Then, they’ll try to guess how long the yarn has to be to fit around mom’s bump. Once everyone has measured their yarn, have them go up to mom’s belly and try their luck. Whoever’s yarn is closest to the size of mom’s bump wins this one!
If you’re hosting a large baby shower, these funny baby shower games will keep everyone happy and laughing!
Don’t say baby
What you'll need:
- Bobby pins
How to play:
As each guest arrives, place 5 bobby pins on their lapel or top. Warn them that the word “baby” has been banned from the baby shower. Whenever someone says the forbidden word, anyone who hears them can take one of their bobby pins. The person who has the most pins at the end of the party wins!
Guess the baby
What you'll need:
- Baby pictures
How to play:
When you invite your guests, ask them to bring a baby picture of themselves each. During the baby shower, stick all the photos to a wall or board. Then, ask guests to guess who the babies in the photos are. The person with more correct guesses wins!
Baby bingo
What you'll need:
- Bingo te mplates (you can search online and print them)
- Pens
How to play:
Create your own “baby bingo” by writing down traditional baby shower gifts in each slot. Make each bingo card a bit different by including different gifts. Then, as mom - and dad! - open up their presents, hand out the bingo cards and pens to each guests. They’ll cross out each gift from their cards as it’s opened, and the person who fills the card first wins!
Dirty diapers
Some consider this to be an inappropriate baby shower game, but we think it’s loads of fun!
What you'll need:
- Baby diapers
- Different candy bars
How to play:
Number each diaper and smear a candy bar onto each one. Keep a list to track which candy bar is in each diaper. Then, have guests try to recognize the candy bars by looking, smelling, and even tasting them! Players can also team up to create a baby shower game for couples.
Mom can’t drink during her baby shower for obvious reasons. However, there are still some fun drinking games that can spice up a baby shower!
My water broke!
What you'll need:
- Small, plastic baby figurines
- Ice cube trays
How to play:
Before the shower, place a baby figurine into each slot of an ice cube tray. Make enough “pregnant” ice cubes for all your guests to get one. Then, place one “pregnant” ice cube in your guests’ drinks. The first person to have their ice cube melt must scream “My water broke!” to win a prize.
Drink up, baby!
When you use beer, this is one of the most popular baby shower games for men!
What you'll need:
- Baby bottles
- Alcoholic drinks (such as beer, wine, or a cocktail. If pregnant women want to play, you can make them a mocktail, too!)
How to play:
Place different alcoholic drinks into the baby bottles. Then, have your guests try to chug their drinks and finish their bottle first. Having to suck the bottle will make this harder! Avoid hard liquors or spirits - we don’t want our baby shower to get too rowdy!
Gifts for baby shower games
If possible, handing out small prizes to each of the winners of your baby shower games is a nice touch. Some great ideas for gifts for baby shower games include:
- Bags filled with candies or cookies
- Scented candles
- Face masks
- Lip balms
- Small makeup items (lipstick, nail polish)
- Bath bombs
Final thoughts
Hosting a fun and creative baby shower doesn’t have to break the bank. Baby shower games can create lots of fun and laughter!
You can come up with many other games, from word games to baby shower paper games. These activities are also versatile, and you can use them as games for a baby shower after the baby is born, too. They even work if you need baby shower games for twins.
At the end of the day, your baby shower is about your loved ones coming together to celebrate you and your new baby. The most important thing that day is for you - and your guests - to have fun and enjoy yourselves!
From 4 to 6 months
Breast milk is the best food for your baby.
It is very important that the baby consumes breast milk for as long as possible.
The right age to start complementary foods
It is recommended to start introducing complementary foods into the baby's diet no earlier than 4 months, but no later than 6 months*. At this age, the baby is in the active phase of development and reacts with curiosity to everything new! Some babies at 4 to 5 months of age can no longer satisfy their appetite with breast milk alone and need complementary foods for healthy growth. Other children have enough breast milk, and they are ready for the introduction of complementary foods only after 6 months. The decision to start complementary foods should always be made according to your baby's development. Do you feel like your baby is not getting enough breast milk? Does your baby hold his head on his own, show interest in new foods or a spoon? Then it's time to start feeding. If in doubt, consult your pediatrician.
If your baby spits out the first spoonfuls of puree, be patient. After all, he must first learn to swallow it. Start with a few scoops and give your child time to get used to the new form of feeding.
*Recommendation of the Nutrition Committee of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN)
Why is complementary food important for the baby?
After 4-6 months of life, mother's milk or milk formula alone is not enough to supply the child's body with all the nutrients and necessary energy. In addition, the transition to solid food trains the muscles of the mouth. And finally, with the introduction of complementary foods, the child will get acquainted with the variety of taste directions, which is also important for his development.
When to start complementary foods?
Gradually replace one breastfeed with complementary foods. First for lunch, then for dinner and finally for lunch. The mouse eats breakfast with the usual dairy food.
Starting complementary foods with HiPP products is easy. The first spoons will be vegetable or fruit purees HiPP:
First step: lunch
We recommend that you start complementary foods at lunchtime with HiPP vegetable puree (for example, "Zucchini. My first puree", "Cauliflower. My first puree" or "Broccoli .My first puree"). Then, for satiety, feed your baby as always: breast or bottle. The amount of vegetable puree can be increased daily by 1 spoon. Be patient if your baby does not immediately love vegetables. Try repeating the vegetable puree in the following days. In the following week, you can expand your diet with other varieties of HiPP vegetables (for example, "Carrots. My first puree" or "Potatoes. My first puree").
If your baby tolerates vegetables well, in the third week you can introduce grain porridge into the diet, and as a dessert, offer a few spoons of fruit puree enriched with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to better absorb iron in the body.
Once your baby starts eating a whole serving of mashed potatoes for lunch, you can eliminate breast milk or formula during that meal.
Tip: Reheat as much puree as needed for feeding. Store leftover puree in a sealed jar in the refrigerator. Use the contents of the opened jar within a day.
Important! If you are using a microwave, please remove the lid before reheating puree. Stir after heating. To prevent damage to the jar, please use only a plastic spoon. Always check food temperature before feeding.
from 6 months
HiPP product groups can be recognized by the following color coding:
Learn more: Advice
Video: Weaning introduction - OB tips Video: Baby massage Diet
From birth to 4 months From 4 to 6 months From 6 months From 7 to 9 months From 10 months to 12 months
Food and drinkDigestion of the babyOn holiday with the babyAllergySleepCrying of the babyMotor skills and speech
Choice of complementary foods
No age restrictions from the first daysfrom 1st monthfrom 4 monthsfrom 5 monthsfrom 6 monthsfrom 7 monthsfrom 8 monthsfrom 9 monthsfrom 10 monthsfrom 12 months
puree from 4 months - Vegetable puree from 5 months - Vegetable puree from 6 months - Vegetable puree from 7 months - Vegetable puree from 8 months Fruit puree - from 4 months - from 5 months months - from 6 monthsMeat purees - Meat pureesMeat and vegetable menu - from 8 months - from 12 monthsFish and vegetable menu - from 9Soups - from 6 months - from 7 months - from 8 months - from 12 months - From 18 months "Good night" in jars - Cereal porridge with fruits in jarsDrinks - Health drinks - Granulated teas - Tea bags - JuicesCookies - Cookies
For future counselors.

« Mop-slide-path»
The players are divided into groups of 6-10 people. Each, holding hands, form a circle. The game starts by running to the right in a circle. On signal: Path! - the players should line up in a chain and sit down. When the counselor calls out: Kopna!, each circle is divided into two subgroups, the players join their hands and raise them up. At Gorka's signal! - the guys are again built in a chain, but at the same time the first ones stand up to their full height, and the ones following him squat, forming a slide. The group that completes the task earlier and better than the others receives one point, after which the game resumes. The ones with the most points win.
"Impulse" or "chain reaction"
Instructions: Please stand in a circle (preferably a boy - a girl). I will gently shake the hand of a neighbor on the right or left. He also shakes hands with his neighbor. The shaking goes from one to the other until it comes back to me. (Tried).
And now let's complicate our exercise: if I send an impulse to the right, then the one who receives it says Eh!. And if to the left - Oh!. But it will be possible to transfer the momentum to the right and to the left. On whom these impulses meet, he says Ha-ha!. (Tried and usually more than once). Practical significance: improves mood, helps to overcome maladjustment, develops attention.
Hand in hand everyone walks in a circle and sings:
“We dance boogie-woogie, turning in a circle, and clapping our hands, we sing.”
(The players clap their hands). Next, join hands again, walk to the center of the circle and sing:
Boogie-woogie, hey!,
raising one foot forward. Coming from the center of the circle:
Boogie-woogie, hey!
Raise the leg forward again. Further, all movements are accompanied by this song:
“The right hand forward, and then back, and then forward again and shake it a little. ”
The dance is repeated:
We are dancing boogie-woogie…
Continuing the dance game, the underlined words are replaced by: left arm, leg…, ear… etc. (as long as there is enough imagination and strength). This is a dance game, so it's good if it is accompanied by music.
"Santiki - candy wrappers - limpompo"
Participants stand in a circle. Two leaders are chosen. One of them, according to the conditions of the game, shows various movements that everyone simultaneously repeats, imperceptibly changing movements (let's call it conditionally - “dancer”). The second driver is taken to another room, his task is to identify the "dancer". The game begins with all participants with the words "santiki - candy wrappers - limpompo". Then the “dancer” shows various movements, the group copies them, as before, accompanying them with the words “santiki - candy wrappers - limp-po”. The task of the driver: from three attempts to determine the "dancer". Thus, the participants must look anywhere but at the “dancer”! If the driver guessed correctly, then the “dancer” automatically takes the place of the driver. Game continues.
“Four steps forward…”
Participants stand in a circle, join hands and sing, following the named movements:
Four steps forward,
Four steps backward,
9000They blinked their eyes,
And now they jumped (around themselves)
With each repetition, the tempo accelerates.
Participants in the game choose two drivers, preferably a boy and a girl. The first is Masha and speaks in a thin voice, and the second is Yasha and speaks in a bass voice. Both are blindfolded. Sometimes they will also circle so that they lose their bearings. The rest of the players join hands and form a closed chain around the leaders. Yasha is taken away from Masha and offered to find her. Stretching his hands forward, Yasha begins to search and call:
- Where are you, Masha?
“I'm here,” Masha replies loudly, but she herself is in no hurry to meet Yasha and, sensing his approach, runs off to the side. The movements of the drivers are comical and sometimes unexpected. It happens that Yasha takes one of those standing nearby for Masha and rather grabs him. They explain the error to him. Finally, Yasha finds Masha, and they are replaced with a new pair of drivers. People around should not tell drivers who is where. Drivers are not allowed to leave the circle. To catch Masha, just touch her with your hand.
“Physical school”
We sing a song:
We stomp with our feet,
We clap with our hands,
We nod our heads,
We raise our hands,
We give our hands,
,We serve and run around.
“100 Pioneers”
Participants stand in a circle and repeat the following words and movements after the leader.
We have 100 pioneers in our detachment,
We have 100 pioneers in our detachment.
They play, they laugh
And they just do it like this!
The squad is divided into 2 teams. We take 2 sheets of A-2 format (or a regular poster). Children choose 1 player from each team and blindfold both. The counselor thinks of an animal or something else and invites the child to draw only one part, the trick is that the team members know only the word (hidden), but do not see how others draw and take turns approaching the poster and completing the missing part, and those who have already drawn open their eyes and are silently present during the whole procedure to the end. Whoever got the most original drawing, that team won, and the losers sing a song or perform some kind of camp procedure (cleaning, etc.
"Dwarf Giants"
Players stand in a circle. The host calls: dwarfs or giants. At the word, the dwarfs all squat, the giants all stand up. Those who made a mistake stand inside the circle, and then perform some task.
To play, you will need a small item: a ring, a key, a button, a keychain, etc. The participants stand in a circle, their arms are stretched out to the sides: the palm of the left hand - with a ladle, the palm of the right - as if they are holding something with their fingers. Simultaneously repeating the words: “to oneself - to a neighbor”, all players transfer a small object from their left palm to the left palm of a neighbor on the right. The task of the driver is to guess who has it in the palm of his hand.
Participants stand in a circle, stretch out their arms, while the palms must be held vertically, placing their right palm on the left palm of the neighbor on the right. All players take turns pronouncing one word from the rhyme, for each word they make a move - a clap on the left hand of the neighbor on the left. "Flew - a swan - in - blue - sky - thought - number - ...". The person on whom the word "number" fell out calls any number out loud and makes a clap. Claps are counted out loud in turn. The task of the player on whom the named number “falls out” is to quickly remove his hand from under the cotton. Who did not make it, is out. Thus, it turns out the most dexterous in the detachment.
One of the players thinks of a word and says what letter it begins with. Everyone else must guess the word. For example, the host says that the word begins with the letter "l". In order for the presenter to open the second letter, it is necessary to choose a word with the letter “l” and give it a small description. For example, one of the players says: "This is at night in the sky." Who guessed, says "contact" and together with the player who gave the characteristic, they count up to 10 and call the word. If the words turned out to be different, then the players continue to select words starting with the letter “l”. If the words matched, then the host calls the next letter, for example, the letter “a” and then the syllable “la” is formed. Now they begin to select words for this syllable, characterize them, count to 10, etc. The host can also guess the words that the participants characterize. If he guesses correctly, then he will have to pick up new words. In this game, it is important for the leader that his word cannot be unraveled for as long as possible.
Knead-Knead Dough
Participants stand in a circle, holding hands and repeat the words together: “Knead, knead the dough, knead, knead the dough”, while converging as tightly as possible. Under the words: “Inflate the bubble and don’t burst, inflate the bubble and don’t burst!”, they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle. Two people, whose knot has broken, stand in the center of the circle, and they are already "kneaded". Those in the circle have the right to help break the “bubble” with their backs. The strong and the smart win.
Participants stand in a circle, hold hands. In the center of the circle is the driver. One of the players starts: "I'm sending a greeting card to Katya, in which I wish her well." As soon as he pronounces the words, with a light shake of the hand of any of the neighbors, he “sends” a postcard. Along the chain, the postcard must reach the addressee. It is important to lightly shake hands with each other so that the driver cannot intercept the mail. As soon as the addressee receives the card, he immediately says the word "received" and, now he sends his card to someone in the circle. You can send letters, parcels, parcels, telegrams, etc. If the driver noticed where they shake hands, i.e. where the mail passes, that player becomes the driver.
All participants pronounce the words, accompanying them with movements. “Tyr - tyr, machine gun, (hold the handles of the “machine gun” with both hands) Higher, higher, the plane, (the hand moves from the bottom up obliquely) Bam! - artillery, (clap) Cavalry galloping, (with one hand they wave an imaginary saber over their heads) Hooray! The game continues, but each time you need to speed up the pace, try to keep up and speak, and correctly show the movements.
All players stand in a circle. Players must be at least 6-7 people. First, the host calls the name of any player. The named must sit down. And his neighbors to the right and left start a duel. Its principle is very simple. It is necessary to extend a hand in the form of a pistol towards the enemy and say: "Bang-Bang." The one who does it a little later than his opponent or instead of “Bang-Bang” says, for example, “Ptyzh” (which happens very often) loses. If the person whose name was called did not sit down in time, then he was killed, because. he finds himself between two shooters. The killed (loser) leaves the circle. The winner of the duel calls someone's name and everything repeats. You can't name your neighbors. The winners are the two remaining in the circle. If desired, you can arrange a duel between them. Controversial moments (if shot at the same time) can be solved as follows: if there are a lot of players, both are killed, few are replayed.
“Lavata” (cohesion)
The players stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to move in a circle, singing loudly: “We dance, we dance, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta- ta, our merry dance is lavata. ” Then everyone stops and the leader says: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor’s is better” - everyone takes their neighbors by the elbows and starts moving again, singing. Then waist, shoulders…
Guys sit on chairs so that a circle is formed. Behind each person seated on a chair there must be a player, and one chair must be free. The player standing behind him must wink discreetly at any of those sitting in a circle. All seated competitors must face the player with the free chair. The seated participant, seeing that he was blinked, must quickly take a free place. The function of the players standing behind those sitting is to keep their charges away from empty seats. To do this, they only need to put their hand on the shoulder of the seated person. If the "watchman" did not release the "fugitive", they change places.
Who? Where? How many?
Duration of the game: 10 minutes. Estimated number of players: any. You can play in two squads (especially when meeting with another squad) The leader is selected. Everyone is standing in a circle. The driver closes his eyes. The facilitator points to someone and says "His?". The driver answers either yes or no. The one to whom the driver gives a positive answer becomes his back to the driver. The host shows the parts of the body (nose, ear, head, etc.) where the driver should kiss the selected player, says “Here?”. When they have decided on a place, the presenter shows a number on his fingers and says “So many”. The driver turns. The host says where to kiss the partner and how many times. He sees his partner and kisses!
The guys form a circle, put their hands on each other's shoulders.
PIZZA (right foot step)
KETCHUP (left foot step)
COCA-COLA (twist hips)
Done once, take a step to the center of the circle and repeat all over again, as soon as the circle becomes, everything is already added .
POPCORN (2 jumps)
I - Never...
Group members open their palms and say in turn: "I never ... (did something)" The one who did the proposed action bends his finger. The one who has bent all the fingers is out of the game.
(Leader - children) pronouncing the words, the participants depict what they are talking about.
We are funny monkeys,
We play too loud.
We all clap our hands,
We all stomp our feet,
We puff out our cheeks,
We jump on toes.
And even to each other
Let's show the tongues,
Let's stick out the ears
Tail on the crown,
Let's jump together to the ceiling,
Let's raise a finger to the temple,
Let's open our mouth wider,
Let's make grimaces.
I'll just say the number 3 -
Everyone freeze with grimaces.
Moth, moth, moth is a poisonous insect. Moth, moth, moth - a poisonous cockroach. Moth, moth, moth is a small bug that eats everything up and down. Moth, moth, moth ate daddy's pants, Moth, mole, moth ate mom's coat, Moth, mole, moth ate a teddy bear, Dressed and went to the movies.
on the right knee of the neighbor, and the right knee on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. If the circle is not closed, then the first and last put one hand on their knee. During the game, you need to quickly clap your palm, without breaking the sequence in your hands. If someone clapped out of turn or simply raised his hand, then he removes the “erroneous” hand behind his back. To increase interest, you need to keep a high pace in the game.
“Four steps forward…”
Participants stand in a circle, hold hands and sing, following the named movements:
Four steps forward,
Four steps backward,
Stamping with feet,
Clapping hands,
Winking eyes,
And now jumping (around themselves)
With each repetition, the tempo speeds up.
The squad is divided into 2 teams. We take 2 sheets of A-2 format (or a regular poster). Children choose 1 player from each team and blindfold both. The counselor thinks of an animal or something else and invites the child to draw only one part, the trick is that the team members know only the word (hidden), but do not see how others draw and take turns approaching the poster and completing the missing part, and those who have already drawn open their eyes and are silently present during the whole procedure to the end. Whoever got the most original drawing, that team won, and the losers sing a song or perform some kind of camp procedure
Irish Duel
Instructions: Please choose a partner. You must stand opposite each other so that there is enough free space around you so that you can move around each other during the game. Please place your left hand on your back at the level of your sacrum, palm facing out. This palm is your weak spot, your Achilles' heel.
Extend your right hand forward with your index finger - this will be your Irish sword. Your task is to touch your partner’s open palm with your outstretched index finger, while at the same time preventing him from touching your “vulnerable spot”. During this duel, you have no right to hold a partner. Since the Irish are a very peaceful people, the duel will last only one minute. Please pay attention to the fact that there is enough free space in the room - otherwise the participants may hit something “in the heat of battle”. After the first duel, you can invite participants to duel with new partners.
A fly and a hamster
Everyone stand in a circle. The counselor artistically says, “Children, I brought a hamster with me today (takes it out of my pocket), it needs to be walked, but the problem is that my hamster does not see anything at all. Let's help him get lost!" The kids naturally agree. In order for the hamster to pass in a circle and stay alive, the children need to jump, but only after their neighbor has jumped. (along the chain). This must be done very quickly so as not to crush the hamster. Of course, the first 3 hamsters are doomed to death. But then everything will be fine . Then the counselor says: “Guys, I also have a fly with me (takes it out of my pocket). She also wants to take a walk, but she is blind. In order for the fly to fly around the whole circle, the children need to clap, but only after their neighbor (along the chain) does it. Then the counselor says, since you are such great fellows, let's take both the fly and the hamster out for a walk at the same time! and lets them go in different directions, and it is possible in one direction. Here the outcome of events is not difficult to predict
Participants stand in a circle holding hands. In the center of the circle is the driver. One of the players starts: "I'm sending a greeting card to Katya, in which I wish her well." As soon as he says the words, he sends a postcard with a light shake of the hand of any of the neighbors. Along the chain, the postcard must reach the addressee. It is important to lightly shake hands with each other so that the driver cannot intercept the mail. As soon as the addressee receives a card, he immediately says the word "Received", and sends his card to someone in the circle. You can send letters, parcels, parcels, telegrams, etc. If the driver notices where they shake hands, that is, where the mail goes, that player becomes the driver.
Children stand in a circle, the leader goes to the middle. The task of the players is to establish contact with a friend on the opposite side of the circle only with a glance. You can not make sounds and make movements to attract attention. Once the two have made eye contact, they switch places simultaneously, running across the middle of the circle. The host, in turn, carefully observes the players and tries to guess about the change of places. When someone starts to change places, the host tries to take one of the empty seats. One of the players who did not have time to stand in a circle becomes the new leader.
Little Red Riding Hood
Spectacular game. The host, who is also the director, calls all the participants in the performance in turn to the roles. Roles: Christmas tree, birch, stump, squirrel, clearing with flowers, bird, bunny, wolf, hunters and little red riding hood, all the rest are wind.
After calling the next participant to the role, the presenter shows and plays with him his role from the beginning of the tale. The text of the story can be changed. Here is one of the options:
The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, the oak creaked, the birch tree with the Christmas tree rustled, the bunny jumped, the birds fly and sing, the squirrel cracks nuts, the little red riding hood went, singing the song: “La-la-la”, after her a wolf is sneaking, hunters are on the trail, a hat is sniffing flowers, a wolf is sniffing a hat, opening its mouth “ah-ah-ah”, the hunters grab the wolf. Thanks a lot, everyone!
Telephone operators
Two groups of 10-12 players seated in two parallel rows. The leader selects an unpronounceable tongue twister and tells it (in secret) to the first in each team. At the signal of the leader, the first in the row begin to pass it on to the ear of the second, the second or third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received a “telephone message”, must stand up and pronounce the tongue twister loudly and clearly. The winner is the team that will quickly pass the tongue twister along the chain and whose representative will pronounce it more accurately and better.
Tongue twisters:
- Tell me about your purchase. - About what kind of purchase? About the purchase, about the purchase, about your purchase;
- Forty-forty ate cheese with a beautiful red crust, forty-forty flew together in a short time and sat down under a hill;
- She traded Praskovya carp for three pairs of purebred piglets, the piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them;
- Our chebotary is a chebotary for all chebotary, no one can change our chebotary.