Baby food ice cube trays
Homemade Baby Food Purees | Ice Cube Tray Method
Dairy Free
Egg Free
Gluten Free
Nut Free
Jump to RecipeThe Easy (and Realistic) Way to Make, Store, Serve Homemade Baby Food Without Spending All of Your Free Time Doing It.
Disclaimer #1, for those of you with babies: I’m not a pediatrician or a medical professional of any kind. This post is for informational purposes only, since so many of you asked me to share my experience & tips for homemade baby food puree.
Disclaimer #2, for those of you without: I promise this is not the start of a downward spiral into the realm of Kid Food. There are plenty of other blogs out there that do it, and do it much better than I ever could! But so many people have asked about my baby food system, that allows me to make my own without going bananas-insane from the extra work. So, here we go! But rest easy: this is only one of 2 planned “kid food” posts, and that’s all I have planned.
The thing they most don’t tell you about parenting – because you’re totally informed about the whole labor-sucks-sleep-deprivation-sucks-but-just-wait-until-they-smile-and-you-forget-all-the-rest part – is how hard it is to feed a baby. At least it is for my baby.
I mean, he’s healthy, he’s growing, I’m not looking for pity, etc. But I was surprised. First, nursing didn’t work. He had severe tongue and lip ties that prevented him from learning to nurse properly and it was just not in the cards once we finally had the ties corrected. So, we switched to bottle feeding a mixture of pumped milk and formula (#fedisbest).
After months of patiently (sometimes not so patiently) fighting to get every last ounce into Baby Bake, and painstakingly tracking his intake, it was finally, mercifully, time to introduce purees.
All of a sudden, things were easy/er. He ate! Reasonably volumes! In one sitting! (That, of course, changed drastically and abruptly, as things do – but more on that later. ) He was back on his weight curve, which we’d been fighting to keep him anywhere near for months. And, I have to be honest, it was fun to see him try one food after another and invent combinations.
And, yeah, of course, I made my own homemade baby food. But wait! I’m not some crazy lady with too much time on my hands. It’s easy – so much easier and cheaper, in my opinion – than jarred and bagged food.
I go to the grocery store. I buy food. He eats some of it. Everyone is happy.
But enough sleep-deprived rambling! My goal today is to answer all of the questions that I’ve gotten over the last couple of months about making and feeding your child homemade baby food without losing your mind.
Introduction and First FoodsWe waited until 6 months to introduce purees, even though our pediatrician said that it would be ok anytime after 4 months. Some recent research has indicated that babies’ guts may not be fully sealed until 6 months, and that the leaky gut effect could, possibly, result in an increased risk of food intolerance.
Whether or not that turns out to be true, the possibility was enough for me to avoid the risk. Having endured and gone through the long, challenging process of healing my gut (and still going through it), I wanted to avoid any risk of putting Baby Bake through that, no matter how minute.
So, 6 months was right for us. Go with what’s right for you, per your pediatrician.
(This seems like a good moment to remind you that whenever you are introducing purees, and whatever you choose as the first food(s), make sure you are following the Four Day Rule! Talk to your child’s doctor for more info about this.)
Many people said rice cereal “should” be the first food, but, well, that wasn’t right for us. While I have no issue giving Baby Bake grains, I neither wanted to start with grains, nor give him processed nutrient-stripped cereal just to fill him up when real, whole foods (that also, incidentally, filled him up) were an option. So we went with:
- Avocado.
First pureed with milk, formula, or water until it was almost liquid. Then, gradually, reducing the liquid until you need almost none and you’re just pureeing the avocado alone. Eventually I stopped pureeing it altogether and just mashed it with a fork. If you’re just mashing it, make sure you are using a very soft avocado. If you can completely mash a piece easily with your tongue against the roof of your mouth without using any teeth, it’s probably the right consistency.
- Sweet Potato. Steamed until soft enough to mash with a fork, then pureed with milk, water, or formula until it is almost pourable, but doesn’t run off of the spoon. Make sure it is completely smooth and no lumps remain. I find that the Magic Bullet with the flat blade and small canister are the best tools for achieving a really smooth puree easily. Since sweet potatoes are so starchy, you’ll definitely need a little liquid to puree it, even if your child is used to very thick purees.
- Carrot.
Peel and cut them, then prepare them like sweet potatoes.
- Green Beans. To make life easier, I bought these frozen. I also wanted to use organic and frozen organic green beans are typically more affordable than fresh. Plus they’re already cleaned and prepared, so it’s a win/win, if you’re looking for ways to save time. All you have to do is defrost them in the microwave or on the stove. Either way, make sure you are submerging them in water while they defrost and cook them a little longer than you might for yourself, so they will soften. Then puree with a tiny bit of liquid until smooth.
- Banana. Bananas are a tricky one because, by the time they are ripe enough to get them very smooth, they are very high in sugar and may upset your child’s stomach. So we had a couple of false starts before Baby Bake could tolerate them. It may be fine right away for your child.
I started by offering each food separately to make sure I was adhering to the 4-day rule. But once Baby Bake had tried enough foods to start mixing and matching, and I didn’t want to give him the same food a few times a day for several days in a row, I developed a system for batch cooking and storing a variety of purees, so that I could mix and match, thus feeding him something a little different every day without a ton of work.
There are several variations of this method floating around the internet, but this is mine.
Here’s exactly how to do it:
- Choose a fruit, veggie, grain, legume, or even meat.
- Prepare it: wash, trim, peel, rinse, etc – whatever it needs.
- Chop it into small pieces. This isn’t necessary, but aids in cooking it quickly and evenly. Obviously skip this if you’re cooking grains.
- Boil it until very soft.
- Transfer to a small blender or food processor with a little liquid (unless you are using a high water-content food, like zucchini).
- Puree until smooth.
- Freeze the puree in ice cube trays. When you’re just starting out, fill the compartments in the tray halfway, or use small trays. If you know your child eats the food well, fill the compartment of a standard ice cube tray all the way. You can add several different foods to the same tray.
- Transfer the frozen cubes to a cold-proof container. Put each type of puree in its own airtight container. You can use a glass jar, plastic container, or zip top bag. Write the type of food and the date it was made on the container label (I keep these labels and a Sharpie in a kitchen drawer so I never have to hunt for labeling supplies).
- Remove a cube or cubes for each meal and defrost on the stove or in the microwave.
- Mix and match flavors to create an endless variety of combinations.
- Stop wasting your money on jars and pouches!
(keep scrolling for some of my favorite flavor combinations!)
Now that you have a freezer full of puree cubes, the sky is the limit! You can, of course, stick to one food at a time, but once your baby’s palate has adjusted to each food on its own, it’s fun to mix it up.
I even add a (teeny tiny) pinch of spices to some mixtures. If you want to do the same, stick to the teeniest, tiniest pinch – so little that you can’t possibly imagine it is detectable. Trust me: your baby will taste it!
Here are a few of my favorite puree combinations:
- A cube of carrot + a cube of butternut squash + a pinch of nutmeg
- A cube of apple + a cube of GF oatmeal + a pinch of cinnamon
- A cube of peas + a cube of zucchini + a sliver of fresh basil or mint (optional; you’ll have to puree this mixture again to incorporate the herbs)
- A cube of GF oatmeal or quinoa + a cube of apples + cube of zucchini (optional: punch of cinnamon)
- A cube of sweet potato + a cube of apple + 1-2 Tablespoons whole fat plain yogurt
- A cube of broccoli + a cube of spinach + a cube of green beans
- A cube of sweet potato + a cube of chicken (or turkey) + a cube of cauliflower
- A cube of lentils* + a cube of rice + a pinch of cumin (optional – it’s a very strong flavor, so proceed with caution!)
- A cube of carrots + a cube of sweet potatoes + 1/2 tsp unsalted tahini (you can make your own if you want)
- A cube of spinach + a cube of zucchini + a drop or two of fresh lemon juice
*Rinse your legumes (and grains, for that matter) well before cooking them, and consider soaking them overnight, which aids in digestion. To do this, put the beans in a small bowl, and add enough water to cover about 1″ above the beans. Place the bowl in the fridge for about 12 hours. Then drain and cook the beans.
A Note About Allergen Foods
When to introduce purees, and what to introduce in which order varies greatly from child to child, based on their own health history and the family’s. Baby Bake’s pediatrician advised us that, unless there is a family history of an allergy to something, it should be fine to introduce without concern. That’s why you see legumes, grains, and dairy in some of the combinations.
But make sure you are checking with your doctor before adding any new foods, especially high allergen foods, and double especially if there is a history of food allergies in your family!
The combinations above are just examples of what how you can mix and match, and of what I’ve tried with Baby Bake. So feel free to get creative with your combinations!
- Fruit, veggie, grain, legume, or even meat of choice
To prepare and store:
- Choose a fruit, veggie, grain, legume, or even meat.
- Prepare it: wash, trim, peel, rinse, etc - whatever it needs.
- Chop it into small pieces. This isn't necessary, but aids in cooking it quickly and evenly. Obviously, skip this if you're cooking grains.
- Boil it until very soft. Or steam, covered about 1/3 - 1/2 way with water. Use more liquid for starchier foods, and less for waterier foods. (see note)
- Transfer to a small blender or food processor with a little liquid (unless you are using a high water-content food, like zucchini).
- Transfer the puree to a clean ice cube tray.
- Freeze the puree in ice cube trays.
- Remove cubes from tray and transfer to an airtight container of choice. (e.g. mason jar, or zip top bag)
To serve:
- Defrost as many cubes as needed on the stove or in the microwave.
- Mix and match flavors to create an endless variety of combinations.
- Cool before serving.
- When pureeing, be conservative about the water to start.
You can always add more, but if your puree turns out soupy, it can be a real mess. If you're using starchier fruits and veggies like root vegetables (carrots, potatoes), squash, bananas, peas, or grains or legumes (oatmeal, lentils, etc), you'll need a little more water than if you are using waterier fruits and veggies (e.g. broccoli, zucchini, apples, pears, plums, etc).
- If you end up putting too much water in the mixture, don't throw it out! Just serve it mixed with a starchier vegetable (potatoes are my go-to) or a grain to absorb the excess water. If you want, you can also strain some of the liquid out before freezing, but to be honest, I never do that. It just means more dishes!
- If you're looking to add some calories and nutrition to your purees, replace the water with milk or (prepared) formula. Please consult your child's doctor before doing this, though!
- Portioning note: when you're just starting out, fill the compartments in the tray halfway, or use small trays.
If you know your child eats the food well, fill the compartment of a standard ice cube tray all the way. You can add several different foods to the same tray.
- Storage note: I use mason jars or (new, clean) zip top bags labeled with the type of food and the date it was made. Just cross out the date and write the new one when you make a new batch of food.
- In fact, make sure to consult your child's doctor before starting purees, and before adding any new foods to his or her diet. Don't forget that certain foods should never be given to infants, including honey, corn syrup, and salt. Your pediatrician can give you a more specific list of foods to avoid tailored to your child's needs and age.
- I am not a doctor, so - again - make sure you clear any new feeding behaviors with your pediatrician before starting!
3 Reasons Not to use Ice Cube Trays – Mummy Cooks
3 Reasons Not to use Ice Cube Trays – Mummy Cooks Skip to content Back to Advice Siobhan BerryThere is a lot of misinformation available surrounding storing baby food in ice cube containers. Whether or not it is ok to do so, along with how to store it in the freezer. Some suggesting not covering it at all and others advising the use of cling-film (plastic wrap) to cover it.
I have met countless Mums who are doing this right now because it has been suggested to them. In this article we write down three reasons why it is not safe to store homemade baby food in ice cube trays.
1. BPA Free Plastic
Ice cube trays can actually be dangerous if they are plastic because certain plastics have been found to be incredibly toxic. This toxicity can seep into the frozen food you put into them, especially over a long period of time. You should check your ice cube tray to make sure it is BPA free. On all plastics you should see a recycle mark; if it is a 5 or a PP, then the plastic is safe to use.
2. Cover your food in the freezer
Keep your food in air-tight containers in the freezer to prevent freezer burn, which degrades the quality of your food. Most ice-cube trays do not come with a cover and unless you can cover the food safely the quality of the food will diminish over time.
3. Do not use cling-film to cover warm food
The most obvious answer to covering food in the freezer is to use Cling-film (plastic wrap). Cling film again is not made from a safe plastic and so when you place it over warm food the chemicals can leach into the food.
Our advice is to use safe BPA free containers to store your baby food in the freezer. Our Portion Pots are BPA free and come in 10 different sizes to suit all storage needs. The 4-6 Month Weaning Pot is equivalent to the size of an ice-cube and is perfect for stage 1 weaning.
As this stage is short your best option is to only purchase a few of this size, the Starter Weaning Set gives you 10 of each size weaning pot in a pack of 50. When your baby has moved on to larger portions you can use the 4-6 Month Weaning Pot for single purées that can be mixed with others to add variety.
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Decided to buy an ice mold?
The Epicenter online store presents many different accessories for freezing water. Plastic or silicone cubes, hearts and other shapes are very popular among users in the preparation of cocktails. Thus, if you want to surprise your guests with beautiful pieces of ice in a glass, you should purchase original molds for making them. Also, with the help of a couple of cold cubes, you can cool hot tea or coffee, thereby surprising visitors.
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China Silicone Ice Cube Tray, BPA Free Ice Cube Trays, Manufacturers and Supplier of Ice Cube Trays
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High Quality Materials: All of our silicone molds are made from 100% pure professional quality food grade. Meet us and the European safety standards LFGB. BPA, PVC and phthalate free. No special smell....
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These ice cream pharma molds are made of food grade silicone, which is durable and reusable. So our baby popsicle mold won't do any harm to your body. Children can use them at will, and adults and...
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Silicone Large ice cube trays are made of food grade silicone. Durable for making it yourself with any ice cube recipe. Silicone commonwealth can make big square ice, giant ice cube...
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Silicone ice molds are made of premium food grade silicone. It's free, reusable and durable. Quick Freeze and No Mess Design Let You Contain Perfect Ice Pop. Our silicone preferential molds accept customization...
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Brand: Yds
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Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements coloring, chemicals or fragrances. You can make homemade iced ice however you like. Home...
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Packing Details: OPP Bag or Customization
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements You can make a different flavor of mini popsicle for kids with a separate cavity. Easy Clean: good material makes it easy to mold...
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Brand: Yds
Packing Details: OPP Bag or Customization
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements as a freezer tray for baby food, ice cream mold and baby pop molds;...
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Product Grade Small Silicone Ice Cube Tray
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Unit price | |
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10000 Piece/Pieces | USD 2.46 / Piece/Pieces |
3000 Piece/Pieces | USD 2.56 / Piece/Pieces |
Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements
Silicone ice cubes create mini size cubes, perfect for sports bottles and blenders. Each small ice tray makes 60 mini ice balls great for coffee, smoothies, shakes, wine, coconut oil,...
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Reusable Heart Shape Silicone Ice Cube
Unit Price: USD 1.28 - 1.68 / Piece/Pieces
Unit price | |
30000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.28 / Piece/Pieces |
10000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.58 / Piece/Pieces |
3000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.68 / Piece/Pieces |
Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements
Cube Silicone Ice Trays create heart shaped cubes perfect for sports bottles and blenders. Each small ice tray makes 60 mini ice balls great for coffee, smoothies, shakes, wine, coconut oil,...
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Silicone Ice Pop Mold Homemade Manufacturer Popcicle
Unit Price: USD 1. 35 - 1.55 / Piece/Pieces
Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements
Popsicle molds are made of high quality silicone. The silicone is soft and the mold surface is smooth. Due to the special materials, you can use ice pops in the oven or freezer. Our product is not only in summer, but can also be...
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Food Grade Premium Silicone Cube Ice Tray
Unit Price: USD 2.69 - 2.99 / Piece/Pieces

Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements cubes provide a high surface area for perfect cooling, which provide drinks that do not dilute...
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Food grade cat shaped silicone ice cube trays
Unit Price: USD 1.3 - 19.59 / Piece/Pieces 2 902 0002
Min.Order Unit price 10000 Piece/Pieces USD 1.3 / Piece/Pieces 5000 Piece/Pieces USD 1.49 / Piece/Pieces 1000 Piece/Pieces USD 1.59 / Piece/Pieces
Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements
, 100% BPA and odorless. 6 Large round ice cubes, convenient for making ice, can be used...
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Destructible Diamond Silicone Flexible 4-Ice Trays
Unit Price: USD 1.3 - 1.59 / Piece/Pieces 240 225 03
Min.Order | Unit price |
10000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.3 / Piece/Pieces |
5000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.49 / Piece/Pieces |
1000 Piece/Pieces | USD 1.59 / Piece/Pieces |
Brand: Go
Packing Details: OPP bag or customize
Supply Ability: Satisfy customers' requirements
Diamond ice cube lots are made with 100% food grade silicone, safe use. Easy release and easy to clean, also dishwasher safe. With a removable lid, avoid well living, and make beautiful cubes and...
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Long Silicone Ice Cubes Water Bottle Cubes
Unit Price: USD 1.