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If you’re thinking about what's a baby pacifier, a pacifier is a rubber, plastic, or silicone nipple substitute which you can give to your baby to suckle upon to stop them from throwing tantrums. It helps satisfy their need to suck to something when it does not need to be fed. Pacifiers are formed with 3 parts, a mouth shield, an elongated teat and a handle. It’s also another one of heaven sent products for mothers. These help mothers to stop babies from getting irritated and crying all the time because however cute your baby is, their crying is not. It’s tiresome. That’s why the baby pacifiers are the best solution for this. But if you’re wondering, “where can I get the best baby pacifiers near me”, then Dccbazar is the place you’re looking for. It gives you options to choose from: different designs, different colours and different quality. It has also been reported in different scientific studies that the use of a pacifier reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Baby pacifiers are also one of those baby care goods that are on the cheaper side of the aisle so it’s very affordable for everyone to purchase as well. So, get the best “baby pacifiers near me” from Dccbazar and help satisfy your kid and keep them irritable free.
Symbiosis Law School In Firestorm For Evicting Two Students After They Alleged Harassment by Professor
- Campus
On Friday, October 26, Snigda Jayakrishnan and Y. K. Apoorva, two students at Symbiosis Law School’s new Hyderabad campus were evicted from their hostel after they posted on Facebook alleging harassment by assistant professor Srinivas Methuku, including “constant ogling and causing discomfort.” While the college has cited different reasons for their eviction, students, and now alumni from the Pune campus are demanding answers from the Symbiosis management.
The college for its part has released a statement alleging that their actions are based on the two students’ “disciplinary misconduct” in the past. Notably, the statement mention “Defaming the Faculty Members, Institution and Symbiosis System in Social Media” as one of the reasons for their eviction.
The post that Apoorva and Jayakrishnan believe was the trigger for the college penalising them refers to a case in 2015-16 when 60 students unanimously complained about Methuku, Firstpost reported.
Unhappy with the university’s response to those allegations, the students had then filed a formal complaint with the National Commission for Women and Child Development, Ministry of Human Resources Development and the State Women’s Commission on April 1, citing institutional mismanagement of sexual harassment complaints, according to a LiveLaw report.
The letter stated that “an Internal Committee (IC) has never been properly constituted and there [was] no victim-centric mechanism on campus,” Apoorva told Firstpost. Although an Internal Complaints Committee took up the complaints against Methuku after the ministry reached out to the institution, however students said that the ICC posed demeaning questions to the complainants and trivialised their allegations.
While the administration, in a response to the ministry, said that they had “severely reprimanded” Methuku, Apoorva and Jayakrishnan told Firstpost that Methuku was promoted to the head of the examination department soon after this reprimand was issued. A Facebook post by Apoorva claims that Methuku was also made a member of the Symbiosis Law School grievance committee for 2018-19.
A joint statement by the evicted duo posted on Facebook on Sunday states:
On October 25th, Dean of Symbiosis Law School met us and told us we will be rusticated unless we take down our Facebook posts and give an undertaking saying that we won’t repeat it in the future.
We didn’t do that. The next day, our parents were called and we were given eviction notices effective immediately. However, no suspension or rustication letters were given to us and we are still unaware of the details of the disciplinary committee action that is said to be taken against us.”
Symbiosis law school alumni from other campuses have also come together to put forward their concerns. On October 30, a group of 606 alumni sent the university’s administration a letter expressing concern about the recent media reports and saying they wanted to open a dialogue with Symbiosis. They have not heard back from the university yet.
Tags#metoo, Hyderabad, icc, internal complaints committee, sexual harassment, sls, symbi law, symbiosis law school
Bird feeders: sizes, types, selection rules
- Why do we need feeders?
- Types of feeders
- Selection and installation guide
- Things to remember
- Which feed can be used
- Useful findings
"Small little birds are chilled,0022
and Blizzard with a roar frantic Knights Svetnoy 9000
Remember these lines from Yesenin's poem? In winter, birds have a hard time. Lack of food becomes a problem. Food is needed in order for the body to produce heat. Ornithologists have calculated that in frosts 90 percent of birds die from lack of calories. The task of a person is to come to the aid of birds. One feeder , hung behind a window or on a tree, provides food for several hundred birds.
Why do we need feeders?
1. This is to help flying friends get the food they need for life.
2. Making or attaching feeders together is an excuse to spend time with your family.
3. Children will be happy to follow the replenishment of food . This will teach a responsible attitude towards our smaller brothers.
4. Knowing that there is a feeder on your site, the birds will fly in in the summer and protect the trees from insects
5. Feeders can become a beautiful element of decor in the garden.
6. For pecking feed Birds are interesting to watch for both children and adults.
When we were kids, we made bird feeders out of milk cartons. Today, it can be made from a variety of materials or you can choose a ready-made version that will decorate your backyard or apartment window.
Possible materials are wood, metal, cardboard, plastic, plywood.
Basic types feeders :
1. Suspended. Such models are hung on a tree branch. They have an elongated shape and mesh sides, from which it is convenient for birds to get food . It is desirable that feeder be wide enough to accommodate several birds.
2. Platforms . They are a flat plane on which feed . Such feeders have a number of disadvantages - the grains get wet in the snow and rain, scatter from the wind.
3. Trays. Pallets with sides and a roof are not only a place to eat, but also protection from the weather.
Feeders-trays and trays are large, so a dozen birds can eat on them at once.
4. Peelers. Designed for small birds. In such feeders it is better to put bread, which will be held by a metal mesh. Birds will peck out food from the cells.
5. Hoppers. They are small in size, so feathered friends will have to queue up to peck at the grain. There are models with automatic grain feeding, which is practical, since the feed will not scatter.
6. Cottages. A suitable option for a summer cottage. These are flat areas with a roof, so the bird's meal will not be spoiled by moisture.
Selection and installation guide
1. Decide where feeder will be installed. Small options are suitable for the apartment window - peelers, bunkers, hanging ones. Large ones will look good on the plot - houses, trays, platforms.
2. Locate the "refectory" in a place where food will not get wet from snow or rain. If this is not possible, consider options with a roof.
3. Birds can be easy prey for cats and small predators. Feeder must be installed so that the animals cannot reach it.
4. The product must be well reinforced. You can screw it to a tree, but there is a chance of damaging the trunk. Much more efficient to attach feeder to a free-standing pole, which must be well dug into the ground.
5. If you are going to install a feeder in the forest, but do not have the opportunity to add feed daily, choose models with automatic grain feeding.
Things to remember
1. Birds find food thanks to their sharp eyesight. Feeder must be bright. Another way to attract attention is to hang a bright ribbon on it.
2. When making a "dining room" on your own, give preference to safe materials. Staining is permissible only on the outside - lacquer or paint contains toxic substances.
3. It is more difficult for large birds to find food than for small ones. Sparrows love to swoop down on food in a flock and quickly peck everything. If you do not have time to constantly replenish feeder , choose smaller models, such as hoppers. Only one bird can eat at a time.
Which food
can be usedIt is recommended to feed the birds with grains and some types of natural food.
- wheat, millet, oats;
- frozen or dried berries;
- bread crumbs;
- fat - for tits;
- pumpkin and watermelon seeds;
- sunflower seeds.
Not recommended:
- moldy bread;
- rice, buckwheat;
- chips;
- fruit and vegetable peel;
- certain types of nuts;
- fried and smoked natural food.
If you are afraid of making a mistake with the choice of ingredients, you can purchase ready-made bird food . A mixture of grains, dried vegetables and fruits contains all the necessary nutrients that will saturate the body of birds.
Useful conclusions
- in winter it is difficult for birds to get food without human help;
- feeder you can make yourself or choose a ready-made option;
- "dining room" for winged birds must be protected from predators, snow and rain;
- Not every kind of food is good for birds. Opt for prepared foods containing grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts.
We also recommend
Dear parents, the contest "Bird feeders" is held in kindergarten
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MKDOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Svetlyachok"
612920 Kirov region, Malmyzh St.
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Main → News
November 19, 2019
about the competition " Bird Feeders".
1. General provisions
Competition "Bird feeders" is held in MKDOU kindergarten No. 1 "Svetlyachok" in Malmyzh, Kirov region (hereinafter referred to as the competition)
2. Goals and objectives of the competition
2.1 Purpose: involvement of parents (legal representatives) in the educational process of the kindergarten
ecological culture of preschoolers in the creative union of educators, children and their parents.
3. Participants of the competition:
Families of pupils can take part in the competition.
Production of collective works is possible.
4. Deadlines:
The competition is held from November 18 to December 2, 2019.
5. Procedure and conditions:
5.1. The competition is held in the following nominations:
original feeder;
functional feeder;
ecological feeder;
feeder made of unusual materials;
parental award
5.2. The size of the feeder, its type, shape and materials used are not limited by the conditions of the competition.
5.3. The work technique is not limited.
6. Competition evaluation criteria:
- strength,
- aesthetics,
- originality of ideas,
- functionality (practical use),
- compliance with safety requirements.
7. Jury of the competition
Senior teacher Trukhina G.B., music director Faskhutdinova E.N., teacher-speech therapist Dovbak E.M.
8. Rewarding:
The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas.
The results of the competition will be presented on the website of the MKDOU Kindergarten No. 1 "Firefly" in Malmyzh, Kirov Region.
DIY bird feeder!
It's time to think about our smaller brothers - birds.
Birds especially need feeders in winter, during severe frosts and snowfalls, when it is much more difficult to find food than in summer.
In winter, as you know, birds do not die from cold, from hunger. Out of ten titmouse, for example, only one survives frosts. On average, out of ten wintering birds, only three will meet spring. Showing concern for others is one of the hallmarks of a successful person. Feeding wintering birds will teach children how to take care of those who need help, help bring together different generations in the family and bring you a lot of joy. Your feeder will help save the lives of many birds! The more feeders there are, the more birds will live until spring. And this means that the plants on the territory of the kindergarten will have reliable protection against insects, our site will become even more attractive, bird trills will be more diverse and beautiful! Let's help the birds together!
How to build a feeder?
The process of creating a solid wooden bird feeder is quite laborious. If you know how to work with wood, then your feeder can become a unique product, decorated with drawings, carvings or burnt patterns.
You can build a simple feeder from any material at hand: from plastic bottles or cardboard bags for juices or milk, cutting holes in them. Nowadays, many liquid products are sold in plastic containers, and any of them can be used for crafts, and even some unusual ones. Imagine and be creative - this way you can turn the bird feeder into a real work of art that will decorate our site or window.
When creating feeders of any design, follow the main rules:
1. The feeder must have a roof, otherwise the feed will be covered with snow or rain, and it will become unsuitable for birds.
2. The design must allow birds to freely enter and leave the feeder.
The active bird feeder is a joy to watch birds, a research ground, a great object for photography or drawing.
During walks, you can observe the birds visiting the feeders, their names, tell the children why the birds are called that, what kind of food they like. Conduct conversations about the benefits of birds, about the rules of careful handling and attitude towards them, captivate children with the work of helping birds in winter, bring a variety of food (seeds, grains, cereals, lard) from home and do not forget to pour it into the feeders every day.