Baby food recipes 10 months indian vegetarian
10 Months Baby Food Chart with Indian Recipes
| | by Dr Hemapriya
This is the time many Moms complain about a decrease in baby’s appetite. Let’s fix that by changing up your baby’s diet with our 10 Months Baby Food Chart!
10 Months Baby Food Chart with Indian Recipes
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
As your baby completes 10 months, you notice that she seems more and more disinterested as mealtime approaches. Most Moms see this as a sign of decreased appetite and immediately start to panic! Then come the doctor calls, appetite-inducing tonics and all kinds of home remedies.
The truth is that it isn’t the baby’s appetite that has reduced – it’s her interest. Your baby’s not a helpless creature stuck in a crib anymore – she’s now a curious adventurer, exploring new things everywhere. It’s only natural that she’d want something new in her food too!
So what’s the solution? Just this – continue to offer familiar foods, but keep inserting new varieties as well. Here are some new foods you can introduce at this stage:
- Cauliflower
- Whole Eggs
- Fish
- Meat
- Berries
- Brinjal/Egg Plant
- Mushroom
You can also try changing cooking methods of the same food – it’ll appear new to baby. With these points in mind, we’ve put together a 10 months baby food chart, complete with Indian recipes.
Here are a few things to remember during this month:
- Stop pureeing baby’s food from now on
- Offer lots of finger foods as meals and snacks
- Try a schedule of 3 meals and 2 snacks in a day, but give priority to baby’s hunger cues
- Continue to breastfeed – it is still an important source of nourishment for baby
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
No time to prepare baby food at home? Don’t worry, we prepare it hygienically and ship it to your doorstep. All food products are made FRESH only after the order is placed
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Use these food charts and plan your baby’s meals using a Printable Meal Planner. You can also keep a “Baby Food Diary” to track your little one’s favorite recipes and food allergies if any.
Here are our most popular baby recipes:
- 10 Easy Khichdi Recipes
- 10 Easy baby Porridge Recipes
- Dry Fruit Powder Recipe (Weight Gaining Food)
Check out baby food charts for other months here:
Have you downloaded our Free E-Book on 50 First Food Recipes for babies? Click here to download.
Disclaimer: The information presented here is meant as a guide and does not replace professional medical advice. You should always discuss your baby’s dietary requirements with your doctor.
Stay updated with all our latest recipes and posts on parenting by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Google +.
Post updated on – 25 October 2019
Post first published on – 5 November 2014
Buy Healthy Nutritious Baby, Toddler food made by our own Doctor Mom !
Shop now!Recipes for 10 to 12 Months Babies, Indian Weaning Food
बच्चों का आहार (10 से 12 महीने के लिए) भारतीय - हिन्दी में पढ़ें (Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months) recipes in Hindi)
બાળકો નો આહાર (૧૦ થી ૧૨ મહીના માટે) - ગુજરાતી માં વાંચો (Recipes for Baby (10 to 12 Months) recipes in Gujarati)
baby recipes for 10 to 12 month babies. Time will fly by and before you even realize it, you will be getting set to celebrate your baby's first birthday. By now, in addition to breast milk, 4 to 5 supplementary feeds per day are necessary for your growing baby.
There are no hard and fast rules about when your baby should progress from one stage to the next. However usually most babies adjust to semi-solid and solid supplements with real gusto, by the tenth month. They may have already graduated to eating porridge, mashed fruits and vegetables, unstrained soups, khichdi and will be ready to try something adventurous. Grab this opportunity! This is the right time to add more combinations and textures of food to your baby's diet. Moreover, as they approach their first birthday, they begin to show interest in eating all those foods that other family members around them are eating and they are willing to experiment with them.
This is the best time to gradually accustom your baby to eat with the family and also to eat the same meals as the family does. Try and enjoy at least one family meal everyday with your baby.
These meal times are also a good way for her to learn to feed herself and also encourages her to be independent. She will learn to eat quicker and be more motivated to be self-sufficient by watching others at the table. Give her a clean baby spoon to eat on her own and serve food cut into tiny ‘bite-sized’ pieces so she can handle it easily. You can fill the spoon for your baby, but leave the actual feeding to her. Even if it is slightly messy in the beginning, she will soon learn her table manners.
Like most adults, babies also eat with their eyes first, so their meals should look appealing. Make her meals more appealing by making foods into different shapes and sizes so that the food looks fascinating, adding different coloured fruits and veggies to make it appealing. You can also serve the food in colourful plates and bowls thus making meal times into happy times for you and your little one.
1. Liquid Food for 10 to 12 months Babies
Bulgur Wheat and Paneer Pulao
Dairy Products: Continue adding fresh curds and paneer to your baby's diet at 10 months. Serve curds with parathas. Paneer can be added to roti and rice delicacies like Bulgur Wheat and Paneer Pulao.
Fruit and Vegetable Juices and Soups: You can continue to serve one unstrained vegetable soup and/ or fruit juice as appetizers before meals or in the evenings. Fruit juices are great sources of a natural sugar called fructose that provides instant energy to keep your baby perked up. This will also take care of your baby's hunger until meal times. Most paediatricians are against giving juices and soups during meal times, as they can affect your baby's appetite and she may not be so willing to eat her meal after that. Again, do remember that there are no hard and fast rules and if your baby is happier with a 'soupy' dinner, just go ahead with it.
2. Semi-Solid and Solid Food for Babies
Cabbage Moong Dal Khichdi
This is a period of transition and exploration for your baby; especially where her diet is concerned. She is most likely to be ready for a switch from mashed and semi-puréed foods to finely-chopped and lumpy foods. However, some babies are reluctant to accept this transition and may just be really happy gulping mashed foods. Include a variety of chopped vegetables like carrot, potatoes, spinach etc. to your baby's meal. Your little one is going to be extremely attracted to colourful and 'feel-good' dishes so do pay attention to the colour and texture of her meals. Colourful dishes like Jowar and Bajra Vegetable Roti and Cabbage Moong Dal Khichdi and Spring Vegetable Risotto will be accepted easily by your baby at this stage.
3. Helping the teething process
As your baby grows older and continues teething, encourage her to have whole fruits and vegetables like banana, chickoo, apples and cucumber, which are soothing for the gums. Chewing food is also great exercise for your baby’s gums when she is teething and helps to strengthen the new teeth that are emerging. Peel and cut the foods into bite-sized pieces. Fruits and vegetables provide bulk in the diet and aid in the baby's bowel movements too. But always keep a watch, to avoid choking.
4. Getting used to home food
The good news for you is that you may no longer need to prepare special meals for your baby. By the end of the first year, your baby can start eating everything from your family pot. Just keep her portion aside before adding spices and seasoning to the food for the other family members. In fact, a wonderful way to acquaint your baby with your 'ghar ka khana' is to mix a spoon or two of your regular food to the portions you have kept aside for her. This will gradually help your little one to adjust her palate to these new and wonderful tastes of your home cooking.
5. Fermented foods, Babies Recipes for 10 to 12 months
Vegetable Idlis
At this age, you can also introduce fermented foods to your baby's diet, as these are nourishing and easy for your baby to digest. Curd is an example of fermented food that is commonly eaten on a daily basis. However, curd is introduced to your baby at eight months itself because it is easier to digest. Idlis, dosas, dhoklas, etc. made with a combination of cereals and pulses are also good examples of fermented foods, which can be added to your baby's diet from the tenth month onwards. Vegetable Idlis is a fermented dish which your baby will definitely relish!
6. Tougher foods for Babies
Some foods like whole nuts, raw peas, corn, etc. should be avoided till your baby is a year old as they can cause choking. For that reason, they’re not safe for your baby to eat at this stage in their whole form. However, as they are nutritious, you can mash or purée them before giving them to your baby. Corn Sambhar is an example of such a food.
You can start adding restricted amount of salt to your baby's diet at this stage as they are getting used to regular home-cooked food. However, some paediatricians recommend avoiding it till your baby turns one. So it is advisable to consult your paediatrician before adding salt to your baby's meals.
Enjoy our collection of Baby Recipes for 10 to 12 months other baby recipes articles below.
1. Recipes for Toddlers (1-3 Years)
2. Recipes for 8 to 9 months Babies
3. 7 months baby food
4. Recipes for weaning, 6 to 7 months
5. Teething Recipes for Babies
6. Babies Recipes
Children's vegetarian menu. Vegetarian recipes for children
Vegetarianism is not a diet, it is a philosophy of life. A child can be a vegetarian if that is the philosophy of the family. If parents have embarked on this path, they should know that with a high degree of probability the child may be deficient in a number of vitamins and minerals.
Things to know about vegetarian diets
Vegetarian diets are high in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C, carotenoids, and magnesium. At the same time, these diets are low in protein, saturated fat, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, retinol, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and iron.
How to avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies?
Vegetarian diets that include dairy products and eggs do not generally carry a risk of malnutrition in children. Exclusively plant-based diets, on the contrary, are deficient in certain nutrients.
Particular attention should be paid to the intake of products containing protein. The two main sources of protein are grains and legumes. Among the first: wheat in all its forms (pasta, various cereals), refined or whole grain rice, corn grains or cereals (polenta or hominy), rye, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet. From legumes, you should pay attention to lentils, beans, all types of peas, beans, in the absence of an allergy to soy (soy tofu). Iron will also come with these products.
Choose foods fortified with iron
Known to be the leaders in iron content:
To improve the absorption of zinc, soaking and sprouting legumes, grains, and seeds is recommended. Calcium with a relatively high level of absorption is found in green vegetables with a low content of oxalates (broccoli, Brussels sprouts). Adequate dietary sources of alpha-linolenic acid are nuts, flaxseed, soybean, canola, hemp and linseed oils. Vegetable oils, nuts, and soy milk are valuable food sources of vitamin D.
Children and vegetarianism are compatible, but such children need to be regularly examined, their diet adjusted and shown to a doctor to determine the sufficiency of vitamins and minerals.
It is worth adding that the diet should be focused on products that are as useful as possible and saturated with essential substances. These include whole grains and cereals, leafy vegetables, legumes, sesame seeds, nuts and wheat germ, and soy milk. Such measures will effectively serve to fill the needs of the baby's body.
Only carefully planned and well-balanced vegetarian diets can ensure the normal growth and development of children.
Chana gave, a step -by -step recipe for 1296 kcal, photo, ingredients
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Spicy Indian chickpea soup. Excellent vegetarian dish.
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The food value of the portion
Squirrels | 14 g |
Carbohydrates | 45 g |
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4 %
2 %
9000 3 %is based on your age, weight and active and active. It is a reference information.
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0002 Main
chickpeas TM National | 250 g |

tomatoes |
cooking oil | 1 tbsp. l. |
garlic | 3 cloves |
coconut flakes TM National | 1 st. l. |
ginger root | 1 tbsp. l. |
1 pc. 1 pc. |
fresh cilantro | to taste |
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Soak chickpeas TM "Natstonal" overnight. Next, pour water and cook for 2-3 hours without salt over low heat.
Cut a tomato, put in boiling water for a couple of minutes.
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