Baby food recipes for 1 year old filipino
23 Meal Ulam Ideas for Filipino Babies and Kids
| happypinaymommy
Looking for Meal Ulam Ideas for Filipino Babies and Kids? Here are almost two dozen ideas!
We try hard to be super moms but at some point we will lose ideas on what to feed our families, especially our babies. I realized that the struggle is indeed real when Achi started becoming a picky eater, and feeding time has been more of a torture instead of a happy time for all of us in the family.
Enter Shobe whom I decided to introduce to solids via the BLW approach. And I have noticed that she is not only adventurous in terms of the food that she eats, she also gets to finish most if not everything I put in her plate.
And while I have already learned to adapt to Achie’s eating habits and try hard to make it healthier, and at the same time incorporate it with our family meals, I still run out of ideas. And the best way to gain more ideas is to research and experiment on what they will eat.
As Filipinos rice is a staple for us in all of our main meals, and so, ulam or viand will be something that has to have variety.
So, here are some —
- Tinolang Manok – Never fails to satisfy my kids! It is also a very complete and nutritious ulam for babies, young kids, breastfeeding moms, and everyone in the family! When one of us is not feeling well, I just add more ginger to the soup, for that extra soothing soup and healing properties.
- Sinigang – Be it fish, pork, or shrimp, sinigang will always be a hit. Well I do not serve Sinigang na Hipon, because my kids have shellfish allergy, but I remember that as a child this is one of my favorite ulams.
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- Bulanglang – Is a super easy “sinabawang gulay” to make. It also encourages you to make use of left-over food like frieed fish, or even fried chicken.If you will be eating this soup as a family, set aside an unseasoned version for the kids. Yum!
- Nilagang Baka or Baboy — Is super yummy and soothing! My kids go gaga over the corn on the cob I usually put in on the soup, plus of course the saba slices.
Super yummy!
- Menudillo – Is perfect on top of rice because you will no loger have to himay he veggies and meat for the kids because you will have to make use of diced potatoes and carrots, and of course ground meat. Yummy!
- Suam – This Filipino Corn Soup iis a great ulam especially for kids who would only eat their rice when it is swimming in soup!! There’s corn, a bit of meat, and of course, soothing broth. Yummy and affordable too! Here’s a recipe from Panlasang Pinoy.
- Munggo Gisado – Is super affordable and protein rich! If your kids dislike Ampalaya ops, you can always use sili tops as an alternative. You may use tinapa flakes or left over fried fish if you do not have minced pork or shrimps for sahog.
- Misua Patola – Is a great ulam for babies and kids, and could even be a stand-alone meal. It is super easy to cook as well and will definitely not bore a hole on your budget.
- Fish or Chicken Fingers – Ditch the over-priced and preservative-laden chicken nuggets and just make your own for the kids.
This is easy to make using fish or chicken fillet, and you can even make some in advance and just freeze it until you are ready to cook.
- Lumpiang Shanghai or Fish Lumpia — is a perfect finger food and ulam for babies and kids. You can also make a big batch and just freeze the other portions until ready to cook.
- Almondigas – Is my dad’s ultima favorite soup! Well it is not really very easy to make because you have to make some meatballs or bola-bola but it will definitely earn raves from your family – not just your babies! The comforting soup, with the soft misua, and the illing meatballs is definitely a great stand-alone meal, or even ulam for the babies and the whole gang!
- Chicken Afritada – Is something the kids will enjoy. It is very easy to make too and has veggies that are great for them like potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers.
- Menudo – Is just like afritada with the extra iron content – thanks to the pork liver it contains! This is relatively easy to make and you can actually do a shortcut by buying pre-cut pork in the grocery.
In the morning, adults can spread some left overs in their hot pandesal! Yum-oh!
- Daing na Boneless Bangus – For some reason, my kids are die-hard fans of Daing na Bangus. They just love this semi sour and crispy fish recipe that is ultimately very pinoy!
- Ginataang SItaw and Kalabasa – Is yet another great food for BLW babies. Super yummy and nutritious and can be a stand-alone ulam for the whole family! It is not so expensive to make too! Here is my past post on stand alone veggie recipes under P100.00
- Chicken Curry – Is yet another yummy chicken recipe – you just have to be wary of the coconut milk that you use, and make sure to refrigerate the left-overs ASAP to avoid spoilage. Add some Pineapple Chunks and you’ve got yummy Pininyahang Manok for the Fam Bam!
- Crispy Fried Tilapia – Is another yummy favorite of my children. As parents we will also not have a hard time flaking or deboning this fish because it is fleshy and it is completely unlike heartbreakers out there who are so MATINIK.
- Ginisang Upo and Ground Pork — Is yet another affordable and nutritious meal to serve to your children. The upo is nutritious and at the same time filling. The minced or ground pork is also very easy to eat and you will not need to assist your children as much when they are eating this because upo is soft and of course the ground pork is already prepped for baby’s consumption.
- Chinese Chopsuey – Is Shobe’s ultimate favorite. It is so yummy and has a variety of textures and tastes! Here’s a great recipe to follow.
- Fish Tokwa – Is yet another great yummy and nutritious recipe that kids will love. As long as you make use of fleshy fish or fish fillet per se, this will be a perfect ulam for babies and kids. It is also nutritious thanks to the tokwa component. Check out this recipe.
- Sweet and Sour – I really did not grow up eating this, but I have observed that in the times we ordered this from a Chinese restaurant, Shobe tends to like it.
Why not give it a try? You can use either fish or pork for this recipe that has been breaded prior to the pouring of the sweet and sour sauce.
- Sarciadong Isda – Left over fried fish? No problem! Turn it into Sarciado, and your kids will thank you for it!
- Tinolang Shellfish – is a very nutritious after palengke ulam! Just ensure that everything is fresh and it is definitely a go! Your kids will love playing with the shells after the meal so encourage them to eat more so they could collect more! For young babies, the soup and the leafy vegetable – malunggay or sili tops – is a perfect rice topper!
So there you have it, I hope I was able to augment your repertoire of Filipino breakfast meals for your baby or toddler. If and when you run out of ideas, do not hesitate to serve what your kid what you also eat for breakfast because sooner or later she also has to eat wat you eat (as long as these are healthy of course!)
Please drop by my facebook page for our album on BLW Meal Ideas, plus feedbacks, comments or recipe suggestions
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Leaving you with this video on breakfast recipes:
Breakfast Ideas for Filipino Babies
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Cooking Pinay Resources recipes meal iideasRecipesulam ideasulam ideas for babies12-18 Months Baby Food Chart
12-18 Months Baby Food Chart -Now your tiny little bundle of joy is one year. I am sure you have thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful journey with your baby:) You have watched as your baby grows from first smiles to first steps. By now, your baby is ready to enjoy a variety of family foods.
What kind of foods should I give my 12-18 months old?You can give all the foods you cook for your family with fewer spices. Offer a variety of food each day. Your child may have few front teeth now, can chew some foods. But it is still a good idea to mash or cut into small pieces (½ inch or less) while giving the meat or any hard foods if it is tough to chew.
Now your child is one year, she can drink cow's milk. Cows milk is a readily available source of calcium, and it also provides essential vitamins and proteins for your child. Also, you can continue breastfeeding as long as you and your baby are comfortable.
How to introduce cow's milk to my baby?Prefer whole milk until three years as toddlers need fat in their diet for growth and development. Give only 200 - 300 ml (at the max) of cow's milk (in a cup) per day. Anything beyond the recommended amount of cow's milk leads to less appetite in toddlers. Also, don't dilute the milk with water as it reduces its nutrition content.
If your baby is not interested in taking plain milk, you can try to flavor the milk with natural homemade flavors, or add milk to porridge's/kheer/desserts or include dairy products such as curd/yogurt, paneer, cheese, etc.
By now, your toddler might be ready for self-feeding, though she might not be able to do it perfectly. She should be able to hold and drink from a cup with little help and may be interested in eating with a spoon/fingers. Foods can be cut into pieces so she can feed herself with her fingers. Encourage self-feeding if your toddler is ready, and eat as a family whenever possible. It helps in developing good eating habits.
What finger foods can I give to my toddler?Finger foods such as chunks of soft-cooked vegetables, fruits, cheese, toasted paneer, homemade cookies/crackers, and boiled eggs are easy to prepare and loved mainly by children of this age, and they can experiment on feeding themselves.
What changes can I expect in my one-year-old baby's appetite?After one year, your baby's growth rate naturally slows down, and hence, your baby's appetite might have decreased than before. Also, your toddler might be interested in exploring the world around than eating. The quantity of food consumed on each day may vary from large to small amount depends on the appetite of your child. Be assured that your child knows when she is hungry, and they won't stuff needlessly.
Here are some tips for the fussy eating toddler
- Never force your baby to finish the meal. Let them take their own time and enjoy the food. If your baby refuses food, try again a little later on.
- Encourage self-feeding by offering plenty of finger foods.
- Let your baby experience the food even it is more of playing and a mess.
- Offer a variety of nutritious small meals.
- Reduce sugary foods and avoid processed/junk food as much as possible.
- Be an example for your child in food habits.
For a 12-18 months baby, you can offer three meals, two snacks, and cow's milk. If you are a breastfeeding mom, You can continue breastfeeding whenever your baby demands. Choose the timings for meals and snacks according to your child's preference. Try to give food at regular intervals. If your child refuses food, try again a little later on.
To ensure your child gets a balanced meal, aim for a variety of foods from four primary food groups, as listed below. For the quantity of food, always be guided by your child's hunger as appetite varies from baby to baby, and most babies change from day-to-day. Here is an approximate amount. Offer a serving from within these portion size ranges at each meal and snack.
- Whole Grains, Cereal & Carbohydrates - ¼ cup to ½ cup
- Fruits & Vegetables -¼ cup to ½ cup
- Milk & Dairy Products - 1 cup
- Meat/Protein/Meat Alternatives - ¼ cup
Here is a sample food chart with recipes (please click on the hyperlink to get the recipes) for a 12-18 month old baby. Please consider the below points before using this food chart:
Notes:- Never introduce more than one food when adding new food to your baby.
- Check for allergy symptoms when introducing new food to your baby, and stop feeding your baby if you find any signs.
- This food chart is prepared to give an idea of what foods can be included in a baby's diet. It should not be considered medical advice.
- Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
Also, Check out the food charts for 6 months to 3 years of Homemade Baby food recipes
- 6 month old baby food chart
- 7 months Baby food recipes
- 8 months Baby food recipes
- 10 months Baby food recipes
- 11 months Baby food recipes
- 12-18 month baby food recipes
- 2-3 Years old food chart
150 dishes with step by step photos
Recipes according to GOST for children in kindergarten from 1 to 7 years. Proven recipes with step by step photos, calories and cooking time. Breakfasts for children, lunches, dinners
Children are often reluctant to eat in kindergarten. The food is unusual, not homemade, “strange”.
But it often happens the other way around: “I want it to be like in a kindergarten!”. If this is your case, then this collection of kindergarten-style recipes is perfect for you and your child. Read more
Quince has a pleasant aroma and delicate fruity taste, and can be used to make a variety of dishes, including delicious desserts.
With or without apples, with jam or sour cream, these pancakes are good for everyone.
Sauerkraut soup like in kindergarten is recommended for older children.
Kindergarten-style cheese omelette is a wonderful breakfast for the whole family. Due to the presence of cheese in the recipe, the omelet is not bland, so parents will also like it.
Oranges are citrus fruits that we see on the shelves of shops all year round.
Fish baked in an omelette like in a kindergarten - a dish that is absolutely predictable in taste.
Too many parents experience their children's dislike for vegetables, and this is often frustrating.
Adding another great soup to my kindergarten recipe box. Bean dishes are always hearty and healthy, and green peas, moreover, not only cook quickly, but also please with their beautiful green color.
After a year, the children's menu expands significantly and one of the first dishes that are introduced into the diet of babies is puree soups.
Pretty hearty, thanks to potatoes, and fresh, thanks to cucumber, the salad will surely appeal to children.
In winter and spring, it is recommended to introduce dried fruits into the children's diet, since fresh fruits at this time of the year contain much less vitamins and nutrients.
Another salad in the piggy bank of recipes according to the kindergarten's technological maps.
From the age of about a year, fruits are introduced into the child's diet. Of course, if a child has few teeth and still cannot chew pieces, then we can only talk about fruit purees.
I would never have thought that rabbit meatballs like in kindergarten can be so tender and juicy!
Carrots stewed with rice and prunes, like in kindergarten - hearty, tasty, slightly sweet and, thanks to prunes, very fragrant dish.
Almost everyone remembers this pasta and cottage cheese casserole, it was a frequent guest on the tables in many kindergartens.
Boiled pasta baked with eggs, as in kindergarten, is suitable not only for a children's table, but can also be an interesting side dish for people on a diet (suitable for diets No. 3, No. 4c, diets No. 6, 7, 8, 10 , 11 and 15).
Soup-puree from zucchini, like in kindergarten, turns out to be very tender, calm, pleasant to the taste.
How many children love cauliflower? I don't know them :) Usually, the very smell of boiled cauliflower already drives the children out of the kitchen, but not in this case.
Fish patties with vegetables baked like in kindergarten - quite an interesting dish.
Delicious and fragrant garnish with a golden crust is potatoes baked in sour cream, like in a kindergarten.
Now even small children know that it is healthy to eat vegetables, but few people realize that the color of these vegetables is also of great importance.
Tasty, hearty and healthy chopped chicken fillet with scrambled eggs and vegetables, cooked like in a kindergarten, the whole family will like it.
Using the most common and familiar products in every kitchen, let's cook krupenik like in kindergarten.
Children are often reluctant to eat in kindergarten. The food is unusual, not homemade, “strange”.
But it often happens the other way around: “I want it like in a kindergarten!”. If this is your case, then this collection of kindergarten-style recipes is perfect for you and your child.
In addition, all the recipes from this collection are prepared according to technological maps for preschool institutions and are ideal for organizing baby food.
If your "Nehochuha" eats mostly pasta and refuses to eat anything else, you will find suitable options here to diversify your child's diet.
For example, if a child eats semolina porridge in kindergarten, but refuses to eat it at home, you can find here a recipe for semolina in the form in which the child eats it in kindergarten.
The same applies to recipes for other breakfasts, as well as soups, second courses and side dishes. The taste and appearance of the dishes is the same as in kindergarten. Suitable for children from 1.5 to 7 years and their parents. After all, we often have to eat up for our "Nehochuhs", don't we? :)
By the way, you will probably be interested in our training “ How to teach a child to eat right in two weeks? ” .
From 1 to 3 years old
A balanced diet is the key to the health of a baby aged 1 to 3 years. At this age, the menu should be varied, and recipes for a one-year-old child, a 1.5-year-old child and 2-year-old children should include foods such as poultry, eggs, fish, cottage cheese, bread, fruits, and vegetables. Based on all the above products in this section, recipes for a delicious and complete children's menu are proposed. Clear step-by-step instructions and colorful photos in each of the recipes for kids will give you the opportunity to realize many ideas, diversifying baby food with high-quality, beautiful and mouth-watering food. Let your little one take every meal as a fun adventure filled with magical flavors.
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