Baby food recipes for 1 year old philippines
23 Meal Ulam Ideas for Filipino Babies and Kids
| happypinaymommy
Looking for Meal Ulam Ideas for Filipino Babies and Kids? Here are almost two dozen ideas!
We try hard to be super moms but at some point we will lose ideas on what to feed our families, especially our babies. I realized that the struggle is indeed real when Achi started becoming a picky eater, and feeding time has been more of a torture instead of a happy time for all of us in the family.
Enter Shobe whom I decided to introduce to solids via the BLW approach. And I have noticed that she is not only adventurous in terms of the food that she eats, she also gets to finish most if not everything I put in her plate.
And while I have already learned to adapt to Achie’s eating habits and try hard to make it healthier, and at the same time incorporate it with our family meals, I still run out of ideas. And the best way to gain more ideas is to research and experiment on what they will eat.
As Filipinos rice is a staple for us in all of our main meals, and so, ulam or viand will be something that has to have variety.
So, here are some —
- Tinolang Manok – Never fails to satisfy my kids! It is also a very complete and nutritious ulam for babies, young kids, breastfeeding moms, and everyone in the family! When one of us is not feeling well, I just add more ginger to the soup, for that extra soothing soup and healing properties.
- Sinigang – Be it fish, pork, or shrimp, sinigang will always be a hit. Well I do not serve Sinigang na Hipon, because my kids have shellfish allergy, but I remember that as a child this is one of my favorite ulams.
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- Bulanglang – Is a super easy “sinabawang gulay” to make. It also encourages you to make use of left-over food like frieed fish, or even fried chicken.If you will be eating this soup as a family, set aside an unseasoned version for the kids. Yum!
- Nilagang Baka or Baboy — Is super yummy and soothing! My kids go gaga over the corn on the cob I usually put in on the soup, plus of course the saba slices.
Super yummy!
- Menudillo – Is perfect on top of rice because you will no loger have to himay he veggies and meat for the kids because you will have to make use of diced potatoes and carrots, and of course ground meat. Yummy!
- Suam – This Filipino Corn Soup iis a great ulam especially for kids who would only eat their rice when it is swimming in soup!! There’s corn, a bit of meat, and of course, soothing broth. Yummy and affordable too! Here’s a recipe from Panlasang Pinoy.
- Munggo Gisado – Is super affordable and protein rich! If your kids dislike Ampalaya ops, you can always use sili tops as an alternative. You may use tinapa flakes or left over fried fish if you do not have minced pork or shrimps for sahog.
- Misua Patola – Is a great ulam for babies and kids, and could even be a stand-alone meal. It is super easy to cook as well and will definitely not bore a hole on your budget.
- Fish or Chicken Fingers – Ditch the over-priced and preservative-laden chicken nuggets and just make your own for the kids.
This is easy to make using fish or chicken fillet, and you can even make some in advance and just freeze it until you are ready to cook.
- Lumpiang Shanghai or Fish Lumpia — is a perfect finger food and ulam for babies and kids. You can also make a big batch and just freeze the other portions until ready to cook.
- Almondigas – Is my dad’s ultima favorite soup! Well it is not really very easy to make because you have to make some meatballs or bola-bola but it will definitely earn raves from your family – not just your babies! The comforting soup, with the soft misua, and the illing meatballs is definitely a great stand-alone meal, or even ulam for the babies and the whole gang!
- Chicken Afritada – Is something the kids will enjoy. It is very easy to make too and has veggies that are great for them like potatoes, carrots, and bell peppers.
- Menudo – Is just like afritada with the extra iron content – thanks to the pork liver it contains! This is relatively easy to make and you can actually do a shortcut by buying pre-cut pork in the grocery.
In the morning, adults can spread some left overs in their hot pandesal! Yum-oh!
- Daing na Boneless Bangus – For some reason, my kids are die-hard fans of Daing na Bangus. They just love this semi sour and crispy fish recipe that is ultimately very pinoy!
- Ginataang SItaw and Kalabasa – Is yet another great food for BLW babies. Super yummy and nutritious and can be a stand-alone ulam for the whole family! It is not so expensive to make too! Here is my past post on stand alone veggie recipes under P100.00
- Chicken Curry – Is yet another yummy chicken recipe – you just have to be wary of the coconut milk that you use, and make sure to refrigerate the left-overs ASAP to avoid spoilage. Add some Pineapple Chunks and you’ve got yummy Pininyahang Manok for the Fam Bam!
- Crispy Fried Tilapia – Is another yummy favorite of my children. As parents we will also not have a hard time flaking or deboning this fish because it is fleshy and it is completely unlike heartbreakers out there who are so MATINIK.
- Ginisang Upo and Ground Pork — Is yet another affordable and nutritious meal to serve to your children. The upo is nutritious and at the same time filling. The minced or ground pork is also very easy to eat and you will not need to assist your children as much when they are eating this because upo is soft and of course the ground pork is already prepped for baby’s consumption.
- Chinese Chopsuey – Is Shobe’s ultimate favorite. It is so yummy and has a variety of textures and tastes! Here’s a great recipe to follow.
- Fish Tokwa – Is yet another great yummy and nutritious recipe that kids will love. As long as you make use of fleshy fish or fish fillet per se, this will be a perfect ulam for babies and kids. It is also nutritious thanks to the tokwa component. Check out this recipe.
- Sweet and Sour – I really did not grow up eating this, but I have observed that in the times we ordered this from a Chinese restaurant, Shobe tends to like it.
Why not give it a try? You can use either fish or pork for this recipe that has been breaded prior to the pouring of the sweet and sour sauce.
- Sarciadong Isda – Left over fried fish? No problem! Turn it into Sarciado, and your kids will thank you for it!
- Tinolang Shellfish – is a very nutritious after palengke ulam! Just ensure that everything is fresh and it is definitely a go! Your kids will love playing with the shells after the meal so encourage them to eat more so they could collect more! For young babies, the soup and the leafy vegetable – malunggay or sili tops – is a perfect rice topper!
So there you have it, I hope I was able to augment your repertoire of Filipino breakfast meals for your baby or toddler. If and when you run out of ideas, do not hesitate to serve what your kid what you also eat for breakfast because sooner or later she also has to eat wat you eat (as long as these are healthy of course!)
Please drop by my facebook page for our album on BLW Meal Ideas, plus feedbacks, comments or recipe suggestions
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Leaving you with this video on breakfast recipes:
Breakfast Ideas for Filipino Babies
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Cooking Pinay Resources recipes meal iideasRecipesulam ideasulam ideas for babies10 Easy Homemade Baby Food Ideas (No-Cook, Super Fast, Stage 1)
Learn how to make the EASIEST homemade baby food recipes (stage 1) for your little one with these super simple no-cook ideas. Plus: I have the best tips for making them ahead and freezing them so you can batch cook and simplify your days!
Homemade Baby Food
As a mom to three kids, I know firsthand how the urge to make homemade baby food can be both exciting and a little daunting. And if you have a busy schedule or other kids in the house, finding the time to actually do it can seem impossible. But, there are so many healthy foods that you can transform into stage 1 baby food purees with hardly any work or special equipment at all!
TIP: I use a regular blender for all of these recipes, so you don’t need to buy a special baby food maker unless you want to.
Baby Food Recipes for 6, 7, and 8 Month Old Babies
These homemade baby food ideas are designed for younger babies who are still eating thinner purees, but you can of course use them for older babies and toddlers too. Each can be served as is, or you can combine more than one together to create new flavors if you’re feeling creative!
TIP: If you want to add fat or protein to any of these fruit or veggie purees, simply stir in a little whole milk yogurt, coconut cream, or Avocado Puree.
Best Way to Make Baby Food
I’ve found that the easiest and most approachable way to make baby food is to simply use a blender. With fresh ingredients and a little water, breastmilk, or formula to thin it as needed, you can easily make your baby meals without investing in equipment you may not use very long.
TIP: You’ll want to start with at least 1 cup of any base ingredient to ensure that there’s enough in the blender to fully blend up.
Tools You Need to Make Homemade Baby Food
To make these baby food recipes you’ll need:
- Blender (you could also use an immersion blender if yours is very strong)
- Water, formula, or breastmilk to thin as needed
- Knife for chopping produce
- Spoon
- Bowls
- Ice cube tray
- Freezer bags for storage
- Baby food storage containers
Stage 1 Baby Food
These baby foods are meant for early eaters as they are typically very thin and easy for a baby to move around in their mouths. I follow the recommendations to wait until 6 months to start solids, so I personally don’t worry excessively about this distinction as I like babies to experience some texture in their purees. (The ones you find at the store are low allergenic foods and are meant for 4+ months. )
Stage 2 Baby Food
These baby foods are typically a little bit thicker, sometimes include more than one ingredient, and offer a wider variety of ingredients. Most babies are ready for these sorts of purees around 7-8 months, or once they’ve mastered thinner purees. (Again, since I like to do a combined baby feeding approach with both baby led weaning and purees, I don’t worry too much about following the calendar to decide when to introduce these.)
TIP: As a backup to my homemade baby foods, I love the options from Amara Organic Baby Food (paid affiliate link) since you simply need to stir it together with breast milk, formula, or water and it’s ready to serve.
And now, for my ten go-to homemade baby food purees that you don’t even need to cook!
1. Avocado Puree
To make avocado puree for a baby, you just need a fresh avocado, a blender, and some lemon juice if you plan to store it for later. I sometimes even do this with just a fork if the avocado is super soft! It’s a perfect way to introduce a low allergenic food that’s rich in healthy fats.
TIP: Get the full recipe for Avocado Puree here.
2. Bean Puree
Baby’s early foods don’t have to be all one food group and beans are a great food to have in the mix. You can do this easy bean puree with chickpeas, pinto beans, black beans, or even white beans, thinning it as needed with water, formula, or breastmilk. This is a great puree to mix with a little sweet potato or butternut squash.
TIP: Get the full recipe for Bean Puree here.
3. Blueberry Puree
Using fresh or frozen blueberries, this easy berry puree is loaded with fresh flavor and antioxidants. It’s delicious on its own or stirred into plain whole milk yogurt or baby oatmeal. (Note that it thickens up as it sits in the fridge, so you’ll need to stir it well to serve.)
TIP: Get the full recipe for Blueberry Puree here.
4. Kiwi Puree
With a bright flavor, this puree is great for babies who seem to love flavor—and it’s a fun one to make and store for later. You’ll want to make sure that you choose very ripe and sweet kiwi and taste it before you make the puree to ensure that it’s not too tart. (If it seems tart, you can mix with banana or applesauce.)
TIP: Get the full recipe for Kiwi Puree here.
5. Mango Puree
Using fresh or thawed frozen mango, this baby puree blends up in seconds. It’s bright, flavorful, and a great source of immune-boosting vitamins. Taste your mango to be sure that it’s sweet and not too tart. (If it’s tart, you can add Applesauce or ripe Banana Puree.)
TIP: Get the full recipe for Mango Puree here.
6. Peach Puree
Turn fresh or frozen and thawed peach slices into a super smooth Stage 1 baby food with this easy blender method. You’ll want to strain out the skin since it’s hard to blend up smooth, even with a high powered blender, but that’s so easy to do! This baby food recipe is a nice alternative to applesauce.
TIP: Get the full recipe for Peach Puree here.
7. Whipped Peanut Butter
This may not have occurred to you, but whipped peanut butter is a great baby food! This is a perfect way to introduce baby to peanut butter and to offer it safely there after. You just need to stir water into unsweetened creamy peanut butter until it forms a whipped consistency like yogurt. It’s smooth, not too sticky, and packed with protein.
TIP: Get the full scoop on introducing peanuts to baby here.
8. Pineapple Puree
Blend up fresh or frozen pineapple chunks into a tropical baby food puree that’s smooth and creamy. This is yummy on its own or paired with whole milk plain yogurt. Taste your pineapple to ensure that it’s not too tart. (If it’s tart, you can add Applesauce or ripe Banana Puree.)
TIP: Get the full recipe for Pineapple Puree here.
9. Strawberry Puree
Fresh strawberries blend up into a perfectly smooth homemade puree without the need for any additional liquid. You can serve this as is, or mix with applesauce if desired. The flavor of your berries will determine the flavor of your puree, so be sure to taste them for sweetness.
TIP: Get the full recipe for Strawberry Puree here.
10. Banana Puree
Ripe bananas make great homemade baby food with the help of just a blender. This is a super simple baby food to make at home and it’s easy to digest as a Stage 1 baby food. Use ripe bananas with brown spots to ensure that the puree tastes sweet and is easy for baby to digest.
TIP: Get the full recipe for Banana Puree here.
Homemade Baby Food Storage
The easiest way to store homemade baby food is to add fresh purees to an ice cube tray and freeze. Once frozen, simply pop out the cubes and store in labeled freezer bags for up to 3 months. These are a perfect way to make it easy to send homemade baby food to daycare or to simply get ahead for the coming week.
TIP: Find more information about storing baby food—including the best small food storage containers—here.
Tips for Making the Best Homemade Baby Food
- Use at least 1 cup base ingredient to ensure that a blender has enough volume to blend well.
- Thin any homemade puree with water, formula, or breast milk.
- Freeze any baby food you won’t use within 3 days in an ice cube tray. Transfer frozen cubes into freezer storage bags for up to 3 months. Thaw these frozen baby food recipes in an airtight container in the fridge overnight before you plan to serve.
- Taste all fresh foods for sweetness and to ensure that your puree isn’t too tart. To tame tartness, mix any puree with Banana Puree , Avocado Puree, Applesauce, or Mashed Sweet Potato.
- If you want to add fat or protein to any of these fruit or veggie purees, simply stir in a little whole milk yogurt, coconut cream, or Avocado Puree.
- Use breastmilk or formula in place of the water if desired.
- Mix two purees together for more complex flavors.
- Add texture to any puree by stirring in baby oatmeal or hemp seeds.
- For more details on each of these, find them here: Avocado Puree; Banana Puree, Bean Puree; Blueberry Puree, Kiwi Puree, Mango Puree, Pineapple Puree, Peanut Butter Puree, Peach Puree, Strawberry Puree
I’d love to hear your feedback on this way of making simple baby food, so please comment below. I so appreciate hearing your experience with my recipes!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 0 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Author Amy Palanjian
Cuisine American
Course Baby Food
Calories 42kcal
Servings 4
- ▢ 1 cup blueberries, diced strawberries, diced peaches (peeled), diced kiwi (peeled), diced pineapple (peeled), diced banana (peeled), diced mango (peeled), diced avocado (peeled), OR beans (rinsed and drained)
- ▢ water, formula, or breast milk (as needed)
Choose one fruit, the avocado, or beans and add to a blender.
If making the puree with blueberries, strawberries, peaches, kiwi, pineapple, mango, or beans, add ¼ cup water and blend, adding more water as desired to make a thin, very smooth puree. If making avocado or banana, just blend (without water) until very smooth.
Serve or store in an airtight container for 3-5 days in the fridge, or up to 3 months in the freezer.
Vitamix Blender
Storage Containers
Silicone Ice Cube Tray
- Use at least 1 cup base ingredient to ensure that a blender has enough volume to blend well.
- Thin any homemade puree with water, formula, or breast milk.
- Freeze any baby food you won't use within 3 days in an ice cube tray. Transfer frozen cubes into freezer storage bags for up to 3 months. Thaw these frozen baby food recipes in an airtight container in the fridge overnight before you plan to serve.
- Taste all fresh foods for sweetness and to ensure that your puree isn't too tart.
To tame tartness, mix any puree with Banana Puree , Avocado Puree, Applesauce, or Mashed Sweet Potato.
- If you want to add fat or protein to any of these fruit or veggie purees, simply stir in a little whole milk yogurt, coconut cream, or Avocado Puree.
- Use breastmilk or formula in place of the water if desired.
- Mix two purees together for more complex flavors.
- Add texture to any puree by stirring in baby oatmeal or hemp seeds.
- For more details on each of these, find them here: Avocado Puree; Banana Puree, Bean Puree; Blueberry Puree, Kiwi Puree, Mango Puree, Pineapple Puree, Peanut Butter Puree, Peach Puree, Strawberry Puree
Serving: 0.25cup, Calories: 42kcal, Carbohydrates: 11g, Protein: 1g, Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g, Monounsaturated Fat: 1g, Sodium: 1mg, Potassium: 57mg, Fiber: 2g, Sugar: 7g, Vitamin A: 40IU, Vitamin C: 7mg, Calcium: 4mg, Iron: 1mg
Tried this recipe?Rate in the comments and tag @yummytoddlerfood on IG!
What to cook for children, menu from 1 to 7 years old: 350 recipes with photos
Recipes for meals that can be prepared for a child with step by step photos. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, afternoon snacks. Dishes like in kindergarten. Proven recipes with cooking times
Thinking out what to cook for a child is another quest, because food should be both tasty and healthy, and meet many more children's whims.
Here you will find many suitable recipes for children to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Read more
Openwork pancakes with milk will decorate the table for Maslenitsa like no other.
One of the best soup options for children is, of course, with meatballs.
An airy and infinitely delicious cake made from the simplest ingredients, easy and quick to prepare - this is a cake with sour cream and raisins.
Incredibly tender, tasty and healthy chicken liver pancakes are obtained according to this PP recipe.
Donuts according to the classic recipe are cooked on kefir and from the simplest ingredients.
Salad with carrots, apples and dried fruits - a great option for a children's menu from 2 to 6 years old.
Mannik is one of the simplest and most economical types of baking. It is the easiest to prepare.
The recipe for a cake with raisins in milk is very simple. You don't need to beat anything for him.
An excellent low-calorie no-bake dessert for the New Year is panna cotta.
The low-calorie version of the Potato cake will never replace the original.
Quince has a pleasant aroma and delicate fruity taste, and can be used to make a variety of dishes, including delicious desserts.
These fragrant yeast-free dough tarts with juicy apple filling bake very quickly.
Sweet braided yeast dough with cinnamon - soft inside, spectacular, with caramelized crispy edges.
Royal cheesecake, despite its name, is more like a sweet pie with crumbly crispy dough and a delicate cheesecake-like filling.
A wonderful recipe for meatballs for children is hedgehogs, I cook them in a pan.
Cheesecakes with cottage cheese from yeast dough - a wonderful weekend breakfast.
Funny hedgehogs with gravy will surely please your kids. Light sour cream sauce goes well with unusual meatballs.
The recipe for the most delicious cake - this, of course, sounds subjective. But yes, I have it.
This simple and delicious cheesecake recipe uses only available and inexpensive ingredients.
Curd cake with raisins bakes quite quickly in the oven and will become a lifesaver for the arrival of guests and home tea drinking.
Carrot cake according to the classic recipe is prepared quite simply. And the products for him are also simple.
Meringue is a sweet, crunchy dessert made with minimal ingredients.
This grated cottage cheese pie always pleases my family with its aroma and taste, I bake it in the oven.
Many people remember from childhood the taste of tender cake Mishka in the north. Thin shortbreads soaked in fragrant sour cream with vanilla and a light crunch of walnuts.
Thinking out what to cook for a child is another quest, because food should be both tasty and healthy, and meet many more children's whims.
Here you will find many suitable recipes for children to prepare for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
For your convenience, we have divided the recipes into categories: breakfasts for children, soups for children, side dishes for children, dinners for children, desserts for children.
There is also a category of recipes “how to hide vegetables for children in baking” – for those mothers whose children cannot stand everything healthy and prefer to eat only sweets. :)
All recipes are suitable for children's menus, tested by our authors and their children, so feel free to choose what suits you!
You will also be interested in our training “How to teach a child to eat right in 2 weeks”.
What dishes to include in the children's menu so that it is tasty and healthy
In winter, children's vulnerable immunity needs to be strengthened by any available means. And for this, you should add as many healthy dishes with a shock portion of vitamins to your daily diet as possible. Mostly it is vegetables in all possible variations. They are good to bake and stew, serve as a side dish, make soups and even delicious desserts based on them. This topic is dedicated to our selection of recipes.
Soup classic
Chicken soup with vegetables is the perfect embodiment of a balanced vitamin meal for a child. To prepare it, take 2 chicken thighs, pour 3 liters of water and leave to cook over low heat for half an hour. In the meantime, we will make a ruddy frying of the onion, carrot and celery stalk in a saucepan. Just don't overcook the vegetables. As soon as they soften, pour 3 potatoes into cubes and fry for another 5 minutes.
Strain the finished broth and pour the contents of the pot. When the potatoes are completely cooked, lay 50-60 g of egg noodles, salt and pepper the soup to taste, add fresh herbs. Grind the cooled chicken thighs and also pour into the pan. It remains to bring the soup to readiness and let it brew under the lid.
Peppers with a surprise
For the second, offer your child hearty stuffed peppers. Let's start with the filling first. To do this, cook until half cooked 100 g of rice. While it is quietly boiling in a saucepan, we pass the onion into cubes and grated carrots until golden brown. We mix the frying with semi-cooked rice and 300 g of any minced meat, which the child likes best. Add a little salt and dry herbs, knead the mass with your hands. We cut off the caps of 4-5 medium-sized bell peppers, remove the seeds and partitions, fill with minced meat and put upright in a wide pan.
Now let's fill it. Stir in 300 ml of hot water, 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste and thick sour cream, put salt and black pepper. Pour the stuffed peppers in a saucepan, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat under a lid for 40-45 minutes. At the end, put the bay leaf and keep the peppers without fire under the lid for a quarter of an hour.
Fish delicacy
In winter, it is especially important to alternate meat in the children's diet with seafood. Grilled red fish with sauce is just what you need. We rub the lime zest on a fine grater, squeeze the juice from the fruit and mix everything. Shred 5-6 sprigs of cilantro. We cut the onion into a small cube. Mix citrus juice with zest, herbs and onions. Lubricate 5 portioned pieces of salmon with marinade, leave for 15 minutes.
It is better to cook such fish in a grill pan in order to preserve the maximum of nutrients. Fry the salmon on both sides until golden brown stripes appear. Light yogurt sauce is perfect for it. Chop as finely as possible 1 tbsp. l. capers, a clove of garlic, 2-3 sprigs of tarragon. Add 100 g of natural yogurt, juice of half a lemon, season with salt and black pepper. Little gourmets will be pleased, especially if you serve fish on wooden skewers.
Potatoes with vegetable vitamins
Experience shows that children prefer potatoes to many other vegetables. And therefore, you won’t have to persuade them to eat baked potatoes for a long time. We wash 4 oblong tubers in water, wipe dry, grease with oil and bake whole with the skin in the oven at 220 ° C for 45-50 minutes.
Let's make the salad while the root vegetables are ready. Cut 6-8 cherry tomatoes into slices, fresh cucumber into half circles, red onion into half rings. Do not forget to pour boiling water over the onion to remove unpleasant bitterness. We chop 5-6 sprigs of parsley, mix with vegetables, salt to taste, season with Greek yogurt.
We cool the finished potato tubers, cut off the side part and remove part of the core, we will also mix it into the salad. We fill potato boats with salad and decorate with lettuce leaves.
Curd breakfast
All food for children in the cold season should be healthy, and desserts are no exception. In this regard, the traditional cottage cheese casserole is a win-win option for all occasions.
Whisk the egg vigorously with 1 tbsp. l. sugar and a pinch of salt. Add 300 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%, 1 tbsp. l. semolina, 0.5 tsp. baking powder and a pinch of vanilla. We knead the resulting mass well and leave it for 10-15 minutes so that the semolina disperses. If desired, you can put a grated apple, a handful of raisins, banana slices or dried berries here.
Lubricate ceramic molds with oil, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs and fill with curd mass. We put them in the oven at 180 ° C for about half an hour. This cottage cheese casserole can be prepared for breakfast. Just let it cool down properly, garnish with mint and serve with sour cream.
Cake with an orange mood
Even homemade cakes can be loaded with vitamins and made extremely healthy. Spicy carrot cake is just such a case.
In one container, mix 130 g flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, 70–80 g of sugar, 0.5 tsp each. cinnamon and ground ginger, a pinch of vanilla and nutmeg. In another container, beat 2 eggs with 80 ml of vegetable oil, pour 300 g of grated raw carrots. We combine dry and liquid bases, carefully knead the dough until a homogeneous consistency.
Fill buttered muffin tins with it and bake in the oven at 180°C for 40-45 minutes. When the carrot muffins cool down, they will taste even better. Serve a healthy dessert with whipped cream, and there won't be a crumb left.
Cocktail for health
Almost all children drink milk with pleasure. Why don't we make a strawberry and banana milkshake?
Grind 200 g of fresh strawberries in a blender and rub the resulting mass through a sieve to get rid of small seeds. Mash a large ripe banana with a fork into a thick gruel. We combine strawberry and banana puree, add honey and vanilla sugar to taste, beat everything until a smooth consistency is obtained. Pour in 400 ml of milk and continue whisking until a fluffy foam appears. Pour the cocktail into tall glasses, decorate with mint petals and treat the children. Don't forget the colorful straws. It is much more pleasant to sip a thick fragrant cocktail through them.