Baby food that helps gain weight
7 tasty high calorie foods for baby weight gain
Weight gain is a vital part of a baby’s development and many concerned parents want to incorporate the right types of food into their baby’s diet to enable a healthy long-lasting life. An average full-term Indian baby weighs 2.8 kg. According to the baby weight gain chart, the optimal weight for a baby ranges from 2.4 to 4 kgs. A few months after birth, a baby must consume foods that contain a high-calorie count, so that rapid weight gain can take place. Babies who are 6 months and older should ideally consume around three meals per day along with two snacks each day. Baby food recipes to gain weight must include all three dietary categories: proteins, fats or lipids and carbohydrates. These components should be given in varying amounts; a meal should contain 15 percent protein, 30 percent fat and 55 percent carbohydrate.
Also read Are Probiotics Safe for Babies? What to Know Before Feeding Them to Your Child.
Growth percentiles can be used to measure your baby’s weight gain through each month. Baby weight gain can be measured using the growth percentile chart which will give a range of weight readings for each month of the baby’s weight gain and development. The range can tell you if your baby is within the average weight of a baby their age. The type of food your baby will eat can affect the way they gain weight. You must pay careful attention to the food they consume. The following foods are wonderful additions to your baby’s diet as they are packed with all the nutrients your growing baby needs to put on weight. So if you want to know how to make baby gain weight fast, use these baby food recipes to gain weight!
1. Breast Milk
From 1 month to 4 months, a baby is primarily breastfed milk. The calcium component in milk increases the bone density in the baby’s limbs. It is important to breastfeed your baby as it contains nutrients that can help a baby gain weight and meet their average growth requirement. Breast milk regularly changes its composition and consistency to meet the baby’s needs. Babies who are regularly breastfed have shown a consistent growth pattern in the growth percentile chart, and are usually in the 90th percentile range.
Also read our blog on How to Help Your Child Grow Taller Naturally?
After the 5th month, the baby will transition to semi liquid-based food, so you can start including baby food recipes to gain weight. The best food to give your baby at this age would ideally be mashed or pureed fruit. The fruit of choice would either be bananas or apples. Apple contains a significant amount of fiber which will prevent constipation. Applesauce provides Vitamin C which is required for immune sustenance and will help the baby absorb iron more efficiently. Iron is an element in the red blood cells which transports oxygen to cells. Mashed bananas contain large amounts of potassium, which can help normalise heart functions and muscle contractions. One small banana or apple contains 90 calories, making them one of the best high-calorie foods for baby weight gain. Babies can typically eat these soft fruits for breakfast or as a mid-morning snack. Following a comprehensive baby food chart can help you decide the right quantities of these fruits to feed your baby and at what time.
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3. Mashed Lentils
Lentils like urad dhal or khichdi along with boiled carrot and potato is one of the baby food recipes to gain weight. It is essential that your baby eat the right proportion of vegetables to maintain a fully-functioning digestive system. Lentils have a high protein content. They also include EFA (Essential Fatty Acids) which is a type of fatty acid that will improve brain development. They are known to strengthen teeth and bones as well. You can use our baby food recipes for 6 month olds to discover new ways to cook lentils for your baby.
Also read our blog on How Can I Help My Baby Learn to Walk?
The yolk of a hard-boiled egg is an ideal way for a baby to gain weight. The yellow yolk contains high levels of cholesterol, which increases the calorie-building muscle. A higher number of calories per serving will drastically improve your baby’s weight gain. It will also make the baby stronger and healthier. Egg yolks are rich in Vitamin D, B6, and B12. These vitamins will help the baby gain weight faster in a shorter period. In the first few months after birth, the baby will need to gain 1 ounce per day. The yolk has more beneficial fat building abilities as compared to the albumen. It is also a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids as it includes multiple blood lipids and helps maintain higher cholesterol levels which will show a higher reading on the baby weight gain chart. In a nutshell, egg yolks are one of the top high-calorie foods for baby weight gain that will help boost your child’s health. Our baby food recipes for 8 month olds includes easy ways to prepare eggs and help baby gain weight faster.
Fish is a great food for baby weight gain and can be included in your baby food recipes for 10 month olds. It is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which increases the neural pathways in the brain and the blood lipid content. The fats from the fish get stored in the cells which increases weight. However, recent studies have shown an increased level of mercury production in fish, so pick varieties that are wild-caught or typically have lower mercury levels. Salmon is known to contain the lowest mercury content. A small serving of fish once in a while is good for the baby’s overall health and help baby gain weight faster.
Cheese or paneer can help baby gain weight faster. 50g of cheese is equal to two whole glasses of milk, making it one of the best high-calorie foods for baby weight gain. Babies above eight months old can digest solid and finger food, so you can start feeding them these foods when they reach this age. You can give cheese or paneer to your baby as a delicious snack at any time of the day or mix it with a leafy green salad. Paneer is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B12 and is also one of the best calcium-rich foods for babies. In paneer, the protein, casein, is broken down, so babies with lactose intolerance are able to digest it easily.
7. Butter or Ghee
Butter or ghee (clarified butter) is a central component in a high-fat diet for weight gain in babies. The butter must be unsalted because a high salt content could lead to high blood pressure. Since a baby’s taste buds are still undeveloped at this stage, introducing salt to them until they are older is not advisable. Butter is the most abundant source of fat and has all the essential fatty acids. Babies that lie in the 25th percentile range in the growth percentile chart are required to eat more food with butter to increase their weight. The consumption of butter must be limited to one teaspoon to avoid abnormal baby weight gain.
You can utilize different high-calorie foods for baby weight gain in different proportions to create a balanced diet. However, don’t force your child to eat certain foods for the sole purpose of gaining weight. Weight is a variable factor and can differ from baby to baby. There are several environmental aspects that can also affect a baby’s weight. Always check with your paediatrician before introducing new foods into your baby’s diet.
If you are still wondering how to make baby gain weight fast, don't hesitate to reach out to a pediatrician. Download the mfine app and book an instant consultation with your city's top pediatricians!
15 Foods to Make Baby Gain Weight – Cafe Baby®
- by Jeannie Marrugo
- Mar 10, 2022
If you need to add foods to Baby’s diet to help them in gaining weight, be sure to add these to your grocery list or to your next Café Baby order. Sometimes every extra calorie counts in their tiny bellies.
If your child needs to be on high calorie fortified infant formula or breast milk, please talk to your pediatrician first. You need to know the right recipe to prevent an excess intake of nutrients to prevent constipation and dehydration.
1. Avocado
Avocados are a sugar-free healthy choice that contributes 2.5 grams of monounsaturated fat and 0.5 gram of polyunsaturated fat per 25-gram serving to Baby's diet.
2. Kidney Beans
Kidney beans are a plant-based protein, or non-heme iron source, rich in most B-vitamins, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. They also contain two that are commonly deficient in babies: folate and iron.
3. Eggs
Not only are eggs a prime source of the best-quality proteins after breast milk, but one egg contains thirteen essential minerals like copper, zinc, selenium, calcium, iron, cholesterol, fat, fatty acids, and vitamins like vitamin D, B12, E, choline and folate.
4. Bananas
Bananas are loaded with nutrients like potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, folate, niacin, and vitamin B6 and can help babies gain weight by increasing calorie density.
5. Mango
Mangoes are rich in fibres and digestive enzymes, which means Baby won't have any trouble going number two. Mangoes are very low in fat but contain lots of good calories which can help Baby gain weight.
6. Lentils
Lentils are low in sodium and saturated fat, and high in potassium, fiber, folate, and plant chemicals called polyphenols that have antioxidant activity.
7. Ground Meat
Did you know it's important to add iron- and zinc-rich foods to Baby's diet? At about six months of age, Baby starts to run out of their natural iron stores that they were born with. Ground meats are an important source of heme iron, which is more easily absorbed into the body than non-heme iron (plant-based protein).
8. Whole Milk Yogurt
The best option is plain, unsweetened, pasteurized yogurt (regular or Greek) made from whole milk and containing "live cultures." Yogurt made from whole milk is best for Baby because they need the calories and fat in full-fat dairy products.
9. Full-fat Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese has plenty of healthy fats and protein, plus some B vitamins, calcium, selenium, and zinc. To avoid loads of salt, look for options that are:
- Pasteurized
- Low in sodium (ideally less than 100mg sodium per serving)
- Made from whole milk
- Without added preservatives or sugars
10. Mashed Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes provide nothing but good calories, making it a healthy food option for Baby. The high amount of calories in sweet potatoes help in weight gain and physical development in children.
11. Mashed Potatoes
Potatoes might be mostly white, but that doesn’t mean they don't contain nutrients. They are are a source of fiber-rich carbs, which are one of the best sources of fuel for Baby’s brain.
12. Mashed Butternut Squash
The Omega-3 fats that are found in butternut squash are present in the form of alpha-linolenic acid, and this is what helps to reduce inflammation.
13. Peanut or Almond Butters
Nut butters can be a source of fibre, protein and healthy fats, as well as minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamin E. If you're worried about food allergies, check out our blog series about starting solids and allergies.
14. Fresh Goat Cheese
Fresh goat cheese has lots of protein and healthy fats, plus calcium, copper, iron, and vitamins A, B2, and B6—essential nutrients to power your baby’s growth. When selecting goat cheese for Baby, look for a cheese that is:
- Pasteurized
- Low sodium (less than 100mg per serving)
- Whole fat
15. Cooked Quinoa
Quinoa is a good source of calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. It's also a great source of Omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids, which are good for Baby's brain and eye development.
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Gain weight with baby food
Gain weight with ...
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#2 September 16, 2015, 04:45 PM
I want to gain 7 kg, I heard that baby food quickly gets fat, please advise what to buy and how many times a day to eat
going to buy porridge and can not decide?!
Of course. There are only five of us on the forum)
don't you have money for normal food?
Why inadequate? It is high-calorie and at the same time useful, I myself use it for weight gain. 16 September 2015
What is the inadequacy? :-) Many bodybuilders eat the mixture, communicate in whole forums.
jure oh how pret))))))) )))))))))))))))))
don't be ridiculous
yeah, from applesauce oh how rushing))) )))))))))))))))))))))
don't be ridiculous
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17 08014 11:06#4
Author I have the same problem with a weight of the weight, at 20 years old was 46 kg now I’m 24 and I weigh 53 but I go to the gym and gained weight there) and baby cereals, mashed potatoes and even brewer’s yeast didn’t help, although I ate them and only my stomach grew, saggy skin went to the gym, everything tightened up
Author I have the same problem with weight, at 20 I was 46 kg now I am 24 and I weigh 53 but I also go to the gym I gained weight there) and baby cereals, mashed potatoes and even brewer's yeast did not help, although I ate them and only my stomach grew, the skin was sagging and went to the gym, everything tightened up
I ate and didn’t do anything because of this, everything went into my stomach , this is how people get fat, and do not acquire a beautiful body shape) if there is no time to go to the gym, then every morning make a vacuum and pump the press every 3 days, you can still squat and plank for sure! Then the body will be toned, the main thing is to force myself to do it, it was very difficult for me, but still I gained weight and acquired a beautiful body shape) and now at least I’m not embarrassed to wear skirts 😊
Author I have the same weight problem, at 20 I was 46 kg now I am 24 and I am 5 I went to the gym and gained weight there) and baby cereals, puree and even brewer's yeast did not help, although I ate them and only my stomach grew, the skin was sagging and went to the gym everything tightened up
I ate everything and not only baby cereals I read on the Internet, What else can you eat and gain weight! I had rolls, fat cottage cheese, baby cereals, brewer's yeast, soup, borscht, etc. I did everything to get better, and then I realized that I had to go to the gym 😃
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