Baby not taking feeder
Why is my baby refusing the breast? 8 tips that help | Baby & toddler, Feeding articles & support
Whether your baby refuses the breast as a newborn or when they’re older, it can be very stressful. Here’s why it might happen and what to try…
Why won’t my newborn baby breastfeed?
Sometimes, newborn babies struggle to latch on to breastfeed after they’re born. It can be worrying for new parents when this happens – you might think something’s wrong.
There may be a simple explanation. This information could help you find your own solution, or decide if you need further support.
Some of the more common reasons for newborn babies finding it difficult to latch onto the breast could be:
- a difficult labour or birth – your baby might feel sore or have a headache if the mother has had interventions in labour or if they were born very quickly
- medication used during labour – anaesthesia, epidural or pethidine can make your baby sleepy or groggy
- your baby being separated from you after birth – even for a few minutes
- discomfort due to a birth injury or bruising
- swallowing mucus at birth can make your baby feel congested, nauseous or uncomfortable
- an early unpleasant experience of attempting to breastfeed, such as being forced onto the breast
- the baby might have tongue-tie
(LLLGB, 2016)
Why won’t my baby breastfeed anymore?
Sometimes, older babies seem to refuse to breastfeed when they’d been breastfeeding just fine until then. This is known as a 'nursing strike.' They might refuse to breastfeed for 2-4 days, but it can be up to 10 days (Mohrbacher, 2013).
Reasons that your older baby might refuse to feed at the breast could include:
- something has changed that makes it difficult for baby to latch
- a strong or fast flow of milk, which your baby is struggling to take
- a painful mouth, due to an infection like thrush or because they’re teething
- being more aware of their surroundings and being easily distracted, for example by noise
- a change in the taste of your milk, such as that due to your menstrual cycle
- the introduction of more solid food
- a small number of babies might struggle because of severe or persistent reflux, known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), so they may link feeding with pain.
(Mohrbacher, 2013; Gonzalez, 2014; BellyBelly, 2016; NICE, 2017; Public Health England, ND)
What can I do when my baby refuses to breastfeed?
8 top tips to help your baby who’s refusing to breastfeed:
1. Try to identify what’s going on for your baby. Knowing the cause can help not only with a plan but it can be reassuring to understand what is happening and know there’s a solution. You could think about the following:
- Do they have a cold or an infection?
- Was there something that might have caused them to not want to feed?
- Talk to one of our Breastfeeding Counsellors or contact our Infant Feeding Line on 0300 330 0700 (option 1) for further support. It can be a great way to get some help to find out what’s happening.
- You could also contact a health professional to investigate any medical reasons why your baby might not be feeding.
2. Try to stay calm and not force a feed. Instead, allow your baby to take the lead.
3. Especially for young babies, many mums find skin-to-skin contact in a laid-back position helps to take the pressure out of the situation. It allows your baby to use their own natural instincts to feed (Burbridge, 2017).
4. Don’t worry if your baby bobs their head or moves it from side to side, they’re not rejecting the breast as it might appear. These are your baby’s natural ways of finding your breast (Coulson, 2012).
5. Try a different feeding position to see if you can get your baby more comfortable. Some babies find a laid-back breastfeeding (also called biological nurturing) position helpful if they are struggling to get a deep latch or if you have a strong let-down of milk (Coulson, 2012).
6. Sometimes, feeding your baby while they’re sleepy or even asleep can be helpful. Many mums say that these ‘dream feeds’ can be very effective for a baby who is uninterested when awake (Pitman and Bennett, 2008).
7. You could try feeding your baby while rocking them or walking around, singing or playing with them or playing white noise or background music to them (Australian Breastfeeding Association, 2017).
8. You might want to try feeding in a quiet room, away from distractions, as some babies are so keen to be involved that they limit their feeds (Gonzalez, 2014).
What can I do if I’ve tried everything but my baby still won’t breastfeed?
One of the key things to consider is maintaining your milk supply. You might need to consider expressing, either by hand or with a pump. You can find more information about expressing and storing your milk here.
Another consideration is making sure your baby is getting enough milk. How might you know how much milk your baby is getting, you might ask. The answer lies in their dirty and wet nappies. You can expect six wet nappies in 24 hours if your baby is over a week old (UNICEF, 2016). If you’re unsure, it’s best to ask for support from your health visitor, GP or NCT breastfeeding counsellor.
In the short term, you might need to look at alternative ways to feed your baby if you think they’re not getting enough milk. A newborn baby needs to be fed regularly and parents can use syringe or cup feeding as an alternative to a bottle in the early days (Flint et al, 2016; NHS, 2016).
If you decide to use a bottle, it might be helpful to feed with plenty of skin-to-skin contact (UNICEF, 2018). Gently offering the bottle to your baby by tickling their top lip, waiting for the wide-open gape might also help mimic a breastfeed (UNICEF, 2019). That can support the transition back to the breast.
Taking frequent breaks during the bottle feed, and perhaps swapping sides, can be helpful (UNICEF 2018). Continuing to have skin-to-skin time with your baby and allowing them access to the breast will help this. It’ll also be a bonding and calming experience for you both.
How can I deal with the stress of my baby refusing to breastfeed?
When a newborn refuses the breast, or an older baby goes through a nursing strike, it can be very upsetting for both you and your baby. You’re definitely not alone in struggling with the emotions of breastfeeding problems. So here are some tips that might help:
- Try to take time to enjoy plenty of extra cuddles and quiet time together.
- Many mums find a ‘babymoon’ helpful for allowing their baby access to the breast in a non-pressurised way. A babymoon means spending some hours together in a relaxed setting, such as lying down snuggling in bed. This can allow you to enjoy your baby without worrying about feeding.
- For older babies, some mums find that having a bath with their baby or bringing their baby into bed with them helps their baby to latch.
- Try to find some support from other mums and trained breastfeeding supporters. Chatting with other people about this can help to unburden the stresses and worries you might be feeling. Breast refusal is not uncommon and you might find that chatting to someone who understands is invaluable while you’re struggling.
- For many mums, time and patience can help the situation. Your baby’s instincts and behaviour can change and develop, especially in the early days.
- If you’re struggling, do contact the NCT Infant Feeding Line and speak to a breastfeeding counsellor.
They’ll listen, offer you information and will support you to find your own path.
This page was last reviewed in August 2019.
Further information
NCT supports all parents, however they feed their baby. If you have questions, concerns or need support, you can speak to a breastfeeding counsellor by calling our helpline on 0300 330 0700, whether you are exclusively breastfeeding or using formula milk. Breastfeeding counsellors have had extensive training, will listen without judging or criticising and will offer relevant information and suggestions. You can also find more useful articles here.
National Breastfeeding Line (government funded): 0300 100 021.
NHS information on mastitis.
Best Beginnings - Bump to Breastfeeding DVD Chapter 7 'Overcoming Challenges'. Managing Breastfeeding – dealing with difficult times.
Australian for Breastfeeding Association (2017) Breast refusal. [Accessed 22nd February 2019]
BellyBelly. (2016) Breast refusal – 13 tips for a baby that refuses the breast. [Accessed 22nd February 2019]
Burbridge A. (2017) Nursing strikes. La Leche League GB. Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2019]
Coulson S. (2012) Biological nurturing: the laid-back breastfeeding revolution. Midwifery Today, 101 Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2019]
Flint A, New K, Davies MW. (2016) Cup feeding versus other forms of supplemental enteral feeding for newborn infants unable to fully breastfeed. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (8):CD005092. Available from:… [Accessed 1st August 2019]
Gonzalez C. (2014) Breastfeeding Made Easy. London: Pinter &Martin
LLLGB. (2016) My baby won’t breastfeed. Available at [Accessed 1st August 2019]
Mohrbacher N. (2013) Is your formerly nursing baby refusing to breastfeed? Breastfeeding Reporter Blog. Available at [Accessed 1st August 2019]
NICE. (2017) Breastfeeding problems. National Institute for health and Care Excellence, Clinical Knowledge Summaries. Available at:!scenario [Accessed 1st August 2019]
Pitman T, Bennett H. (2008) 0-1 year: nursing strikes; breastfeeding while baby’s falling asleep may help end a nursing strike. Today’s Parent. 7:137.
Public Health England. (ND) Breastfeeding challenges. NHS, Start 4 life. Available at: [Accessed 1st August 2019]
UNICEF. (2016) Breastfeeding checklist for mothers – How can I tell that breastfeeding is going well? UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative. Available at [Accessed 1st August 2019]
UNICEF. (2018) Skin-to-skin contact. Available from: [Accessed 1st August 2019]
UNICEF. (2019) Responsive bottle feeding. Available from: [Accessed 1st August 2019]
What to do when baby won’t take a bottle
When your breastfed baby won’t take a bottle, it can be stressful and even a little scary. Babies are not always onboard when transitioning from breast to bottle. Whether you’re going back to work or want others to help feed your baby, you might start to wonder: “What if my baby never takes a bottle?”
Don’t panic. Usually when your baby won’t take a bottle, they’re just struggling with the learning curve. They’re new to the world so they have a lot to learn. Sometimes there may be some motor skill or medical condition making it more difficult. But no matter the reason, we’re here to help.
Keep reading to learn the most common reasons why your baby may be refusing a bottle, tips for helping them get used to a bottle, and what may be going on if bottle feeding doesn’t start to improve.
Not all bottle refusal looks the same. There can be a range of signs that your child is struggling to take a bottle, including:
- Turning away from the bottle
- Gagging or fussing as the bottle’s nipple nears their mouth
- Being unable to latch/compress the bottle’s nipple and express milk
- Chewing on the bottle’s nipple
- Sputtering or coughing while feeding
- Not being able to completely swallow their sip of milk, so that some drips from their mouth
Why do many babies have problems when switching to a bottle after breastfeeding?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. In most cases, bottle feeding problems aren’t due to abnormal oral motor function, nor are they usually due to an underlying medical issue.
Actually, one of the most common reasons breastfed babies won’t take a bottle right away stems from not being introduced to one early enough in their growth. In fact, the number one mistake families make is offering a bottle too late.
Why timing is so important when introducing a bottle to a breastfed baby
Babies are born with an automatic sucking reflex. But at 2 to 3 months old that reflex becomes voluntary. In effect, that gives babies the ability to turn down a feeding if they’re not comfortable with it.
If a baby hits this stage in their growth and has only fed from their mother’s breast, they may have developed a “preference” for that method of milk delivery. Babies establish a suck-swallow-breathe pattern that works for them and lets them handle their mother’s milk flow.
When given a bottle, not only is the milk flow different, a baby has to adapt to a different nipple shape and texture. They also need to slightly adjust their posture from what they’re used to. For someone so new to the world, making these kinds of changes can be hard and overwhelming, leading to fussing, tears and why your breastfed baby won’t take a bottle.
When to introduce a bottle to a breastfed baby
There’s an ideal window of time for introducing a bottle to a breastfed baby. You want to avoid doing it too late, but you also don’t want to do it too early. It’s important to make sure your baby gets the hang of breastfeeding and is getting enough milk before introducing a bottle.
We usually recommend waiting about 2 to 4 weeks after your baby is born before trying to bottle feed. Unless they were born early, most babies are ready by then.
How to get a breastfed baby to take a bottle: 5 helpful tips
1. Switch back and forth between breastfeeding and bottle feeding
You give your baby the best chance at developing their feeding skills if you regularly switch between bottle and breast in the midst of feedings.
2. Try giving the bottle when your baby is waking up
No matter the time of day, babies are more likely to take a bottle when they’re just waking up. The instinct to eat takes over when babies are still a little sleepy. Don’t let your baby get overly hungry before feeding. That can result in fussiness and crying (a late feeding cue), and make it harder to initiate feeding either by bottle or breast.
3. Create a relaxing environment each time you offer the bottle
Play soft, calming music – like classical or folk. Sit down someplace where you can gently rock back and forth. And swaddle your baby with their hands near their face. Having a quiet, dark room with few distractions can help, too.
Doing these things will relax your infant – in part because they will also relax you. Children sense and feed off the energy of the adults around them. And it’s no different when you and your baby are adjusting to bottle feeding. If you can be at ease with the varied routine a bottle brings, your baby will be more content, too.
4. Have a family member other than mom offer the bottle whenever possible
Each person will hold your baby a little bit differently for feedings. When your little one can get used to these differences early, it helps them learn how to adjust their posture so it’s less likely to be an issue when their sucking reflex becomes voluntary.
5. Try giving your baby a different type of bottle or nipple
Sometimes, the solution to bottle feeding problems is as simple as finding the right bottle or nipple. While there are nipple levels associated with age, every baby has their own feeding style, which may not match their age or size. There are many different nipple and bottle types out there – trying to figure out the best choice can be an overwhelming process. Finding the right fit is something that your baby’s doctor or a lactation specialist can help you with.
6. Experiment with baby’s bottle-feeding position
Your baby may also prefer to eat while in a certain position, which typically differs from breastfeeding positions. Try different angles and placements to see if there is one they favor. For example:
- Cradling them in your arm at a 45-degree angle while keeping their head and neck aligned.
- Sitting upright so that their back is against your stomach.
- While sitting or lying down, bend your legs and position your baby so they face you with their head resting against your knees, their back against your thighs and their feet on your stomach.
No matter what position you use, remember to angle the bottle so that milk only comes out when your baby sucks, and never prop the bottle in their mouth. Also remember to never lay your baby completely flat while feeding.
What to do when an older baby is refusing to take a bottle
The breast to bottle transition is certainly easier if you introduce a bottle at the right age. But even if your baby is already 2 to 3 months old, it’s still possible. In addition to the tips above, you can help your baby practice with a pacifier.
A pacifier can help babies form and strengthen their sucking ability. Consistently offer a pacifier to help soothe your baby when they’re fussy, if you’re not already. This helps your baby learn to organize their mouth movement, which will calm them. Once that becomes routine, begin offering your baby a pacifier for 20 to 30 seconds when you go to make a bottle. Doing so will help them more calmly prepare for bottle feeding.
Gently pull on the pacifier as your baby sucks it. Make sure to do this at least 3 to 5 times a day, including when your baby is using the pacifier to prep for a bottle feeding. These slight tugs will help your baby learn how to resist releasing the seal they’ve formed on the pacifier’s nipple. And that can strengthen their latch on a bottle’s nipple, too.
When the above tips don’t work, there may be another reason your baby is refusing a bottle
If you’ve been trying at-home strategies for a few days and your baby doesn’t seem to be getting more comfortable taking a bottle, call your baby’s doctor. They can help determine whether a medical issue may be present or connect you with a specialist if needed. Other reasons why your baby is refusing a bottle can include:
Reflux issues can cause pain with eating
Babies can get heartburn, too! When a baby has reflux, food and stomach acid flow from the tummy back into the esophagus (the tube the carries food from the mouth into the stomach).
Reflux causes babies to feel discomfort or pain when eating, which understandably affects feeding. Symptoms that may point to reflux issues include:
- Arching or stiffening their back when feeding
- Crying, fussing and getting red or watery eyes while feeding
- Coughing regularly during feedings or right after them
- Refusing to drink or accepting only 1 ounce of milk or less
- Falling asleep while feeding
- Having poor sucking and breathing coordination
- Taking a long time to eat or drink
It’s important to know these actions can occur and not be related to reflux. It’s common for babies to have a fussy time of day or be more tired some days than others. If symptoms are ongoing, a baby can be evaluated and treated for reflux.
Facial or oral structural differences can make latching difficult
If reflux doesn’t appear to be the problem, your baby’s doctor may refer you to a rehab specialist like me.
I’ve been helping moms and families who struggle with the transition to bottles for almost a decade. It’s part of my work as a speech therapist at Park Nicollet. You might think, “My baby’s problem is with eating – not talking. What does speech therapy have to do with that?” The answer could be, a lot!
The shape or structure of a baby’s cheeks, mouth, tongue or jaw can impact their feedings. That’s because these body parts affect how they’re able to latch both to the bottle, as well as to the breast. For example:
- Thin cheeks with little to no fat pads make it hard for a baby to hold their tongue in place to feed
- A tongue-tie(where the tissue that attaches the tongue to the bottom of the mouth is too short) can limit a baby’s ability to move their tongue from side to side in their mouth or past their lower lip to feed
- A tongue-tie that’s been clipped requires a baby to relearn how and where to move their tongue to feed, and create new muscle memory
- A “vaulted” palate (where the roof of the mouth is higher and narrower than the typical flat U-shape) causes additional space in a baby’s mouth that can make it harder for their lips to form a tight seal
Weak oral muscle tone or lack of oral stimulation can make it hard to get enough milk during feeding
It’s possible that a baby just doesn’t have the strength to get what they need during a feeding. This could be the case even if they have very normal oral motor actions.
If your baby is refusing to take a bottle, we’re just a phone call away
Always feel empowered to call your baby’s doctor or make an appointment with them. They can connect you with different types of breastfeeding support, including drop-in breastfeeding support groups and lactation consultants who help with both bottle and breastfeeding issues. They can also refer you to a pediatric rehabilitation specialist.
Our incredible nursing staff is also here for you. HealthPartners patients can call 800-551-0859. Park Nicollet patients can call their clinic directly during regular business hours, or 952-993-4665 if it’s after hours. For questions and advice on new baby care, you can also call our 24/7 BabyLine at 612-333-2229.
Find a doctor who can help
Are you still looking for the right doctor for your new baby? We have hundreds of doctors and clinicians across the Twin Cities, central Minnesota and western Wisconsin, that can help you with all your questions.
While you may be wondering how to get them to take a bottle today, you’ll get it figured out. Then the question will be: How can I get my child to eat their vegetables?
How to make a bird feeder with your own hands - Articles and reviews - Ekonomstroy
In winter, it is important to help animals and birds, because due to sub-zero temperatures and lack of food, many of them may not survive. Installing feeders will help birds survive the cold. This useful and exciting activity will teach kids mercy, compassion and care for our smaller brothers. Arrange a joint workshop on making a feeder yourself with explanations and explanations.
We offer to consider cool ideas for creating crafts for feeding birds, visual instructions are available even for beginners without carpentry experience.
A wide roof will protect food from precipitation
General principles
By making a feeder, you help the birds survive the cold. A bonus is the daily observation of birds by the window. Children will see how tits, sparrows, bullfinches, blue tit feast and peck grain. Let's move on to the rules for creating a durable feeding house:
- Do not give up on the drawing, then the design will be thoughtful and accurate.
- It is recommended to add a crossbar to the feeder, on which the birds will sit, so as not to float in the air while eating.
Calculate the design of the feeder for several individuals so that there are no fights between the birds for a place in the queue.
- Consider the required structural elements - the roof at the top and the sides on the sides. These elements will protect the grains from precipitation. Melt water often spoils the food, leads to the formation of mold and turns it into poison.
- The sides and superstructure on top will be useless if the wrong material is chosen. Economstroy store consultants recommend choosing a moisture-resistant building material for the design of the feeder that can withstand precipitation and wind.
- Safety is also important - avoid protruding pointed parts.
- Carefully consider the dimensions of the structure. For example, pigeons easily find food for themselves, it is much harder for small birds in winter. Make the design of the feeder convenient for sparrows, bullfinches, tits and inaccessible to pigeons, crows. If large birds find it inconvenient to receive food, they will stop trying to get into the feeder house.
Important! Place the finished structure outside the window or in the yard. Place feeders on tree branches or building facades, at a height out of the reach of dogs and cats.
Wait for the birds to arrive. Fat without salt, fixed on the top of the product, will help speed up the process.
After the appearance of the first birds, regularly add seeds to the bird house, replenish the supply. Do not move the house as the birds remember where it is. Remember, birds travel long distances in search of food.
Plywood feeder
Plywood is a budget building material that is also suitable for arranging a bird house. The stores sell ready-made models and kits for self-assembly from parts. The frame of such products is made of plywood, complete with clear instructions for assembly.
Even a child will assemble such a building without the help of an adult, all that remains is to place it in the yard or park.
Alternatively, you can make a birdhouse on your own by purchasing building materials and the necessary tools.
Prepare a drawing or sketch of the future feeder with parameters, determine the required amount of lumber for parts. There are many ready-made drawings available on the Internet.
Mark the details on the surface of the plywood, then proceed to sawing with a manual or electric jigsaw. To avoid splinters, sand the edges of the parts.
Plywood FK 6 mm 1. 525x1.525 m grade 4/4
Decide on the design of the roof - a gable roof is best, but making a shed is easier. The main thing is that the shed should be with a slope - this is achieved by 2 short bars out of 4.
It is undesirable to make a roof without a slope, as snow will accumulate on it. Soon, such buildings fail due to precipitation, melt water.
Supports are attached to the bottom of the feeder, and sides are attached to them. The parts are fixed in stages: first, moisture-resistant glue is applied, after which the structure is reinforced with self-tapping screws. The top is installed on the supports. A metal ring or hook is mounted on the top.
The application of a moisture-resistant polymer composition will make the building durable and extend its service life. However, keep in mind that such paints and varnishes should not emit toxic substances.
Wooden bird house
The use of natural wood for the frame of the feeder is a guarantee of a reliable building service. Thick and durable bars retain their original appearance longer without the application of chemical and polymeric compounds. The steps for making a wooden feeder are similar to the instructions for plywood, the differences lie in the arrangement of the roof.
Self-feeding wooden trough
The bottom and the roof are made of plywood, for the sides and supports they take blocks of the same size 5x2 cm. Prepare parts of the structure of the desired size according to the drawing, after sawing, sand with sandpaper to smooth and eliminate roughness. Connect the sides, using glue and fasteners in stages. Then attach the bottom of the structure to them and fix the supports.
Original automatic feeder
Important! A distinctive feature of the assembly of a wooden bird house is the arrangement of the top. First, make the carrier system of the future pitched roof, fasten the beams so that a right angle is formed. Attach the third side from below - you get a triangular design. Such parts are needed in duplicate, they are connected using a log. The finished roof frame of the truss type is installed and fixed on the supports.
Moisture-resistant plywood for a gable roof is attached to the carrier system. If there is a corner made of wood or metal, make it as a roofing ridge. Install a homemade birdhouse on a windowsill, on a tree or on an elevated support.
We use scrap materials
Sometimes you want to help the birds during the frost period, but you can’t make a fundamental building from building materials. Then improvised parts from household use will do. If such a building lasts at least one autumn-winter season, you can easily recreate it in the future.
Original birch bar feeder
Pumpkin feeder
Natural, eco-friendly and bird-safe material for making a feeder in winter, and pumpkin pulp will expand the diet of birds. Another such building will decorate the adjoining or suburban area. It will please the eye and attract attention, and children can also participate in decorating such a bird's dining room.
Twisted jute twine will come in handy when the moment comes to hang up the pumpkin feeder
Here is one idea to create: a half pumpkin with a cut-out core and through passages will become an open feeder, to which only the roof remains to be added. The closed design is made from a whole pumpkin with one spacious entrance cut out and the pulp removed from the fruit.
Tetrapack feeder
The moisture resistance of birdhouses made from juice or milk packaging is higher than that of similar cardboard structures. The grains inside are not affected by precipitation, and the service life is longer.
Tetropack designer feeder
PET bottles as base for the feeder
Give a plastic bottle a second life by making it a bird house for eating. A five-liter canister is suitable for this purpose, it will be spacious inside for the birds, and the grains will not get wet. The simplest design is made by cutting two rectangular holes.
The feeder can be additionally decorated, wrapped with a jute cord, stylized as a forest hut.
PET bottle feeder
A reliable but complex construction is made of two one and a half liter bottles, with the organization of automatic feeding. It is easy to make a bunker feeder from a medium-sized plastic bottle. A spoon is pulled through the holes in the bottle. A hole is made above the spoon for feeding grains. Fill the bottle with grains that will flow freely from the bottle into the spoon. Spilled food will remain on the spoon.
Important! The main convenience and safety: you should do without pointed parts, a cut edge, it is better to glue it with adhesive tape or tape. Also equip the structure with crossbars for sitting birds.
A small hole in the feeder prevents large birds from ruining the feeder
There are many interesting workshops on making bird houses, but turn on your own imagination, look for ideas on the Internet. Combine useful work with pleasure - follow the birds with your children from close range, helping the birds survive in the cold.
Colds are coming, and we traditionally begin to feed the birds, laying out food in feeders and hanging lard on trees. THE BOTANICAL GARDEN-INSTITUTE ACCEPTS BIRD FEED AND PROTEIN. We have a lot of feeders in the Arboretum, and in winter we regularly monitor their fullness. Well-fed birds survive the cold more easily and are more likely to survive until spring.
Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is poor.
A handful of grain is needed,
One handful - and they will not be afraid of winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there are
And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away,
And they stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window,
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring!
Alexander Yashin
What can you feed the birds in winter
In winter, each type of bird eats a certain type of food. The species composition of visiting birds will also depend on what you pour into the feeder. The following are the main foods that can be used in winter top dressing:
The favorite food of some birds are the seeds of various plants, especially cereals. Sprinkling millet or oats into the feeder will attract sparrows, goldfinches and other grain-eating birds. Birds in winter can be fed with wheat bran, hard oatmeal, poppy seeds, pearl barley. Some birds eat corn and watermelon seeds, which must be crushed beforehand. If you are interested in breeding useful birds in your garden, then in the fall prepare weed seeds - nettles, quinoa, burdock, thistles, and pour them into the feeder in winter. But keep in mind that this will be only an insignificant addition to the main feed. it is more correct to plant mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, buckthorn, bird cherry and other berry trees and shrubs on your feeding area.
The most versatile food for wintering birds. It can be eaten by both granivorous birds and tits, nuthatches, woodpeckers. The large amount of vegetable fats inside sunflower seeds makes them an important source of energy in cold winter conditions. If there is monotonous food in the feeder, sunflower tits will look for additional protein animal food.
These products can also be used for winter bird feeding. They are very fond of tits, nuthatches and some other species of birds. But it is worth remembering that only unsalted lard or meat can be offered to birds. As a rule, pieces of bacon are strung on twine, which is hung on tree branches. Top dressing from fat or meat should be placed in such a way that it does not go to crows, magpies, jackdaws, as well as cats and dogs.
You can put a small piece of butter in the feeder. On especially frosty days, this product will help the birds survive.
Berries of mountain ash and hawthorn attract the most beautiful winter birds - bullfinches and waxwings, mountain ash.
Dried berries and fruits. Make a bunch of dried fruits and berries. Using a needle, put pieces of dried apples, pears, plums, apricots on a strong thread, form a lump and hang near the feeder. You can offer the birds the pulp of a pumpkin. Cut through "windows and doors" in it, so that the birds can get inside. They themselves will choose what to try - seeds or pulp. Tie a small pumpkin by the tail with a strong rope and hang it from a thick branch.
Apples that start to spoil should also not be thrown away. Cut the apple in half, put it in a feeder or hang it on a wire.
The seeds of these trees are also called lionfish. Most of them fall from the trees and become inaccessible to birds. Lionfish are harvested in autumn and hung on feeders. Bullfinches, waxwings and some other visitors to bird canteens like to eat them.
Cones are the main food of crossbills and woodpeckers in winter.
Jays have been stocking acorns since autumn, hiding them in secluded places. In winter, hidden food is a good help. Having prepared cones, nuts and acorns since autumn, you can attract not only woodpeckers and jays, but also squirrels to your feeder.
During the nesting period (not necessarily in winter), garden guests still need to be fed foods that contain calcium.