Baby proof dog food bowls

7 Tricks to baby proofing your dog’s food and water bowl

So, you think you completely baby-proofed your house, huh?

Let’s see…

  • Electrical outlets… Check
  • Bathtub… Check
  • Stove… Check
  • Dog bowl…

Dog bowl…?

Yep, I know it sounds strange, but your dog’s bowl is dangerous. Well, to your child anyway.

But don’t worry! I’m here to help.

Today, I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about baby proofing your dog’s bowl to keep your little bundle of joy safe and happy.


Why do you need to baby proof your dog bowls?

7 simple tricks to baby proofing dog bowls

Say no!

Separate your baby from the dog bowl

Buy a baby-safe dog bowl

Change your dog’s feeding time

Feed your dog throughout the day

Distract your baby

Use an elevated dog feeder

Why do you

need to baby proof your dog bowls?

It’s a fact: Your dog needs to eat and drink.

Because of this, you likely leave bowls of food and water on the floor, within easy reach of your dog.

Just one problem…

If your dog can reach it, then so can your baby!

And trust me, that’s something you don’t want.

As you will soon learn: Both your dog’s food and water bowls are dangerous to babies, but for very different reasons.

1. Food bowls

It doesn’t matter what it is. If it’s small, then it’s going to end up in your baby’s mouth. This is normal behavior – it’s how young children test new things.

And that’s exactly where those pieces of kibble are going to end up if you are not careful.

But it’s not the ingredients that will hurt your baby – at worst, those will give your little one a tummy ache.[1]

It’s the size and shape of the pellets that make kibble so dangerous. Larger pellets, those aimed at big breeds of dogs, are a choking hazard.[2]

Not only that, but dry dog food poses a serious salmonella risk.

But even an empty dog bowl can be deadly to your baby.

A study conducted by NSF International found that pet food dishes are the 4th germiest product found in the average home.[3]

During eating, bacteria from your dog’s saliva is transferred to the bowl, creating a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to build up.[4] This is why you should regularly clean your dog bowls.

If your baby touches the dog bowl and sucks on his fingers, then that bacteria could make your little one sick.

Those are compelling reasons for baby proofing your dog’s food bowl, right?

Well, your dog’s water bowl is just as dangerous…

2. Water bowls

Water is like a magnet to babies, who love to splash around and make a mess. Unfortunately, the two don’t mix.

You see, your baby can drown in less than 2 inches of water.[5]

Have a look at how much water is currently sitting in your dog’s water dish. Go on! I’ll wait…

Too much for a baby, right? Well, that’s why you need to baby proof it!

If you’re thinking:

That will never happen to my baby

Then please, reconsider. There are many reported incidents of babies drowning in the shallow waters of dog bowls all over the world.[6][7]

In fact, the last reported incident happened just this year![8]

As you see, baby proofing your dog’s water bowl is extremely important.

7 simple tricks to baby proofing dog bowls

Does your baby have an odd obsession with dog food?

Maybe you are sick and tired of cleaning up after your toddler splashes in the water bowl.

These simple baby-proofing tricks are just what you need – tried, tested and approved by moms across the world!

1. Say no!

I’m going to start with the most obvious solution:

Teaching your baby not to go near the dog bowls.

Every time your baby speeds toward the dog bowl, remind him that those are not toys, pick him up and move him to another area.

Be mindful that this method requires a lot of patience. Your little baby will probably think it’s a game at first – every time he goes near the dog bowls, he gets a free ride!

You need to be attentive and expect to repeat this hundreds of times, and even then, your baby may not listen.

But if you can teach your little one that mommy or daddy doesn’t approve of him playing with the dog’s bowl and he stays clear on his own accord, then the battle is won.

If you don’t have the patience, or your cheeky little toddler just won’t listen, then don’t despair – I have plenty more solutions for you…

2. Separate your baby from the dog bowl

The easiest way to protect your baby from dog bowl danger is to prevent him from reaching it in the first place.

And the easiest way to do that?

Create a designated doggy feeding area in another room – one with a door, like your laundry room.

Simply keep the door closed, and your little one will be unable to reach your dog’s bowls.

Alternatively, use a baby gate to restrict your child from reaching your dog’s feeding area.

The only downside to this method is that every time your dog wants to eat or drink, you have to open the door for him.

However, if you have a small dog, then consider something like this…

A baby gate with a built-in doggy door!

Your dog can come and go as he pleases, through the door. Your baby, on the other hand, will be blocked from getting near your dog’s bowl.

Admittedly the pet-door is designed for cats. However, if you have a particularly small dog, such as a Chihuahua or a tiny Pomeranian, your dog can freely come and go as he pleases.

3. Buy a baby-safe dog bowl

While no dog bowl is specifically designed with childproofing in mind, there is no arguing that certain dog bowls keep your child safer than others.

The following bowls have features that make it safe to leave out while your baby is roaming around.

Baby-Safe Water Bowl

Made right here in the United States, the Ray Allen No-Spill Bowl is nothing short of amazing. Its unique three-piece design only allows a certain amount of water into the bowl at a time – your baby couldn’t drown in this if he tried.

Best of all, if your baby flips the bowl upside down, all the water will remain inside. Yep, once assembled, this dog bowl locks the water inside. Even if your toddler throws it across the room, it won’t spill a drop.

Baby-Safe Food Bowl

Food bowls, on the other hand, are a little more difficult to baby proof.

At the time of writing, only one style of dog bowl was available to stop your baby – RFID dog bowls…

Simply attach a tag to your dog’s collar and the bowl. As your dog approaches, the bowl will read his tag and open the lid. Once your dog finishes his meal and walks away, the lid closes.

Because your baby doesn’t have this tag, the lid will remain locked, preventing your baby from reaching inside and stealing food.

4. Change your dog’s feeding time

When a baby comes along, we all have to make changes to our daily routine – even your dog!

Is your toddler safely secure in his highchair, distracted by his meal, and making a mess?

That’s the perfect time to feed your dog.

Give your dog his meal and remove the bowls before your baby finishes eating.

Try not to feed your dog in view of your baby – you don’t want him becoming interested.

5. Feed your dog throughout the day

If you leave kibble and water out for your dog, then your four-legged friend is probably used to grazing – eating small amounts whenever he wants.

In this case, swapping out to one meal a day is going to come as quite a shock to him.

The best solution in this instance is to keep your dog’s food and water bowl on a table, out of your baby’s reach.

Offer these bowls to your dog multiple times per day, returning them to the table once he is finished.

Being a busy parent with a baby is hard work. In fact, you might forget to offer food to your dog at first. For this reason, I suggest setting multiple alarms on your phone to remind you to feed your dog until you get into the habit.

6. Distract your baby

I’m sure you’ll agree with me when I say:

Your baby can only focus on one thing at a time.

When it comes to baby proofing, we can use this to our advantage.

As soon as your baby shows interest in the dog’s bowls, pull out their favorite toy, book or anything else that captures your baby’s attention – you know your little one best!

By the time the activity is over, your baby will have forgotten all about the dog bowls.

7. Use an elevated dog feeder

Okay, so this method only works if you have a large dog and a crawling baby.

But if you have tried everything else on this list and still can’t keep your baby away from the dog bowls, then it’s worth a shot, right?

At 12 inches tall, this elevated dog feeder will keep both of your dog’s bowls out of reach from your curious infant.

Just be mindful that once your baby can pull himself up or toddle around your home, this will no longer be a viable solution – your baby will be able to reach the dog bowls.


Who would have thought that a dog bowl could be so dangerous to your baby?

Fortunately, using the tips in this guide, it isn’t too difficult to keep your baby safe from this hidden hazard.

How do you baby proof your dog’s bowl? Let me know in the comments below!

Plus 12 Tips for Safely Child Proofing Dog Food and Water • My Mom's a Nerd

Is your baby’s favorite toy the dog food bowl? Is keeping your toddler out of the dog water bowl a never ending race? There are several options for baby-proof dog bowls to keep your baby safe and your house tidy! 

Dog food and water are a safety hazard for young children. Babies can drown in as little as 1 inch of water, like in the water bowl or choke on the food. And pets may be food aggressive and react poorly to someone messing with their food.

And of course, there’s the germs. Plus, any child loves making a mess splashing in the water and throwing kibble everywhere! 

This is where I started scratching my head. Anywhere I can think of putting my dog’s food bowl will be accessible to my baby. Fortunately, there are several solutions to keep your baby safe and your dog fed and watered!

Table of Contents

  • Can I teach my toddler to stay out of the dog water and food?
  • Best solution for baby-proofing any dog food bowl
  • Keeping your toddler out of the water: The best baby proof dog water bowls
  • How to baby proof dog bowls if you have small dogs
  • How to baby proof dog bowls if you have large dogs
  • Child Proof Dog Food Containers
  • Other tips to baby-proof your dog bowls
  • Conclusions

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Can I teach my toddler to stay out of the dog water and food?

Possibly. Some parents pick up their baby whenever they get near the dog food, say “No,” and repeat until the baby understands. 

This may take hundreds of attempts. And it may be frustrating since your baby might enjoy getting a ride around the house when you pick them up. And you’ll always need to be vigilant! 


  • Costs nothing


  • High effort

Best solution for baby-proofing any dog food bowl

Do you leave food out for your dogs all day?  Try feeding the dog at certain times like while your baby is in their high chair or after bedtime. As a busy parent, however, you may not have time for this. An automated pet food dispenser is a great baby proof dog bowl!

The PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder (available on Amazon) is a great option for families with kids and pets. Use the smartphone app to program feeding times or feed “on demand” by simply pressing a button. Or ask one of your smart home devices to feed the dog!

So in the morning and evening, you can simply use the PetSafe Smart Feed to automatically dispense food to your pets while your baby is in the high chair or in bed! You’ll only need to refill the food reservoir once a week or so. 

It can dispense up to 4 cups of food, so is a great option for small, medium, or large dogs. A special splitter attachment lets you feed multiple pets at once.

The main downside is the button on the top of the container that you can use to manually dispense food. Smart pets may figure out how to press the button themselves. If you have a pet that figures this out, you can tape the lid of a soda bottle or something similar over the top. Not the greatest looking answer, but it gets the job done. And it’s still a baby proof dog bowl!


  • Totally automatic
  • Dishwasher safe bowl
  • Has a slow feed option to prevent pets from gulping down their food
  • Attachment allows you to feed multiple pets at once
  • Optional battery backup


  • Cannot dispense wet food
  • May have to refill hopper frequently (every 3 days) for large dogs
  • Smart pets may figure out that they can dispense food by pressing the button on top themselves. Cover it to prevent them from doing this

Related post: How to prepare your dog for a new baby!

Keeping your toddler out of the water: The best baby proof dog water bowls

Keeping a toddler out of a dog water bowl is a difficult task. Fortunately, a spill-proof dog bowl will do the trick!

The Ray Allen Buddy Bowl (available on Amazon) is hands-down amazing. Your toddler can turn this bowl upside down, throw it, stand on it, or carry it around, and it won’t spill! Dogs with or without snouts (like pugs) can drink from this bowl. (The Ray Allen Buddy Bowl is no longer available on Amazon, but you can buy it at the manufacturer’s website here.)

Since the bowl is plastic, it may slide around a bit. I recommend putting it on a mat or against a wall. 

As an added benefit, it helps prevent messes with dogs who are sloppy drinkers or get their ears in the water.

You can purchase the Buddy Bowl directly at rayallen. com .


  • Dogs find it easy to drink from
  • No water present for children to play in
  • Very difficult for kids to get water out of
  • Available in several sizes


  • Can be difficult to open for cleaning. Run it under hot water to loosen the lid.

Related post: Looking for a babyproof water cooler? Read my reviews and tips here!

How to baby proof dog bowls if you have small dogs

Option 1: RFID dog bowl

The best way to child proof dog food containers for small or medium dogs is an RFID dog bowl. The SureFeed Microchip Pet Feeder (available on Amazon) is the best way to keep babies out of the dog food!

The food bowl responds to your dog’s microchip or the microchip that comes with the kit, and only opens when they are nearby. 

Gracie the chihuahua eats from the Sure PetCare baby-proof dog bowl

If you have multiple dogs, you can use the same feeding dish by programming in their microchip, or purchasing extra tags for their collars.

Related post: Learn about babyproof dog doors!

Click the image to see more details on Amazon


  • No need to set timers or train your dog to eat on a schedule 


  • May be difficult with several small dogs sharing the same bowl
  • A determined toddler may be able to find a way to get into the food

Option 2: Baby gate with a small opening

If you have small dogs, I recommend a baby gate with a cat-sized opening that your dog can fit through but your baby cannot!

Put the food bowls in the bathroom, laundry room, or other area you can block off. Then place the gate across the doorway. You won’t need to climb over the gate, just push the button and swing it open. In addition to having a baby proof dog bowl, your pets may also appreciate having somewhere to go where the baby can’t get to them!

Click the image to see more details on Amazon


  • Easy
  • You can use it for any number of small dogs
  • Works for crawlers and toddlers


  • Gate may be in your way 
  • Only pretty small dogs will fit through the opening 

Related Post: Baby-proof your house with cat-friendly baby gates (they also work for small dogs!)

How to baby proof dog bowls if you have large dogs

Option 1: Elevated dog bowls

An elevated dog bowl may work, but it depends on how tall your baby is and how tall your dogs are. Once your child starts standing or walking, they will probably be able to get into the food and water. 

This elevated dog feeding system is 12 inches tall and weighs seven pounds, preventing kids (or the dogs) from knocking it over. The bamboo feeder looks nice in any home, and the large bowls can hold 32 or 48 oz of food or water

Click the image to see more details on Amazon


  • Simple to set up, no programming or ongoing maintenance required 
  • Also reduces bloating and neck strain, which are both common in big dogs


  • Only an option while your baby is crawling

Related post: Find 8 simple tips on how to help your sensitive dog when he reacts to a crying baby here

Option 2: Barrier

With large dogs, consider a high barrier that the dogs can climb over, but the baby cannot. Put up a box or other barrier and see how it works!

This may be a very simple path to a baby proof dog bowl if it will work with your home’s layout, and your child’s determination to get at the dog food.


  • Simple and cheap to set up


  • Only works until your baby is big enough to crawl or climb over
  • May be annoying for adults to climb over the barrier

Related post: Full review of the Avalon A4 baby-proof water dispenser here!

Child Proof Dog Food Containers

The best child proof dog food containers have lids that are difficult for children to open, and easy for parents to open.

Keeping your child out of the dog bowl doesn’t do you any good if they play in the dog food storage container!

I recommend the Vittles Vault (available on Amazon). The lid is difficult for a child to turn, and it holds up to 40 or 60 pounds of dog food!

Click the image to see more details on the Vittles Vault child proof dog food container on Amazon


  • Childproof
  • Airtight
  • Holds 40-60 pounds of food
  • Prevents any dog food smell
  • Fits into most kitchen cabinets
  • Insect proof


  • The manufacturer claims they are stackable, but they don’t stack well
    • The top container may fall off the lower one
    • If you fill up the top container, it distorts the opening on the bottom container making it difficult to close
    • If you fill up the top container, food may spill out of the bottom container when you open it

Related post: Can having a dog prepare you for having a baby?

Other tips to baby-proof your dog bowls
  • Put your dog’s food behind a door or gate or outside. For example, feed them in the laundry room or a bathroom with the door closed. Open the door to let them out after they are finished eating, pick up the food bowl, and put it away where your baby can’t reach it.
  • You can also keep a very small amount of water in the bowl and refill frequently
  • Vigilant parents can pick the dog bowls up when the baby is in the room, and put them back when the baby leaves.
  • If you live somewhere warm, consider feeding your dog outside. Beware that pet food may attract pests, like insects, possums, raccoons, or stray cats.

Related post: Keep your baby busy and out of the dog food with 22 things to do with a newborn in the winter.


In conclusion, we’ve explored child proof dog bowls, like the PetSafe Smart Feed Automatic Dog and Cat Feeder from Amazon that automatically feeds your dog at scheduled times and can be controlled from your smartphone.

And the best way for keeping a baby or toddler out of the dog’s water is a spill proof bowl. I recommend The Ray Allen Buddy Bowl from Amazon.

Finally, to keep your child out of the dog food container, use the Vittles Vault child-proof kibble storage container from Amazon.

However, there are also options you can easily do yourself without spending a dime, like feeding your dogs behind closed doors in a bathroom or laundry room at scheduled times. Or being very watchful and picking up the dog bowls whenever your baby goes into the room.

I’d love to hear any solutions you have for baby-proof dog bowls or other pet-related items in the comments!

Related post: Read about the best baby gates for stairs with banisters here!

Related posts
  • How to childproof cat food and litter boxes
  • Cat-friendly baby gates: Reviews and Buying Guide
  • Easy ways to childproof dog doors
  • Should you put a dog bed in the nursery?
  • Best tips to babyproof with a rabbit in the home

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Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 48. 5 cm


7 40 / month 152 00

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Saddle height: 48 cm

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Set quantity: 1

Seat height: 43 cm

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 1

Seat height: 47 cm


30 29

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Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium is a special women's. ..

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Set quantity: 2

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 46 cm


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Number per set: 4

Saddle height: 50 cm

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 48 cm

11 60 / month 310 00 662 00

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Type: Living room chairs

Number per set: 2

Seat height: 48 cm

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Set quantity: 1

Seat height: 41 cm

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 46. 5 cm

9 40 / month 251 00

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 48 cm

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Number per set: 4

Saddle height: 49.5 cm

9 80 / month 261 00 442 00

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Chair Cap, gray

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 48 cm

7 30 / month 117 00

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Seat height: 41 cm

7 30 / month 117 00

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Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 48 cm

7 20 / month 115 00

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Set of 2 chairs Actona Louise, dark gray

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 45-47. 5 cm

7 10 / month 189 00 302 00

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Chair Lav, blue

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 48.5 cm

7 90 / month 210 00

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Set of 4 Signal Meble chairs h204, black

Type: Living room chairs

Number in set: 4

Saddle height: 47 cm

8 10 / month 130 00

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Set of 2 chairs Halmar K440, dark grey/blue

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 51 cm

6 60 / month 50 00

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Dining chair BRW Robi, grey/white

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 1

Seat height: 47 cm

9 60 / month 256 00 399 00

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Bench Arco, 155 cm, gray

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Quantity per set: 1

Saddle height: 48 cm

6 80 / month 182 00

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Set of 2 chairs BRW Aka, black

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 47 cm

7 60 / month 122 00

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Set of 2 chairs BRW Patras, gray

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 48 cm

7 30 / month 150 00

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Set of 2 chairs Notio Living Astor, green

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 45 cm

6 50 / month 49 00

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Stool Mondeo, brown

Type: Stools

Quantity in set: 1

Saddle height: 45 cm

8 50 / month 136 00

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Set of 4 Dumo chairs, gray

Type: Living room chairs

Number per set: 4

Seat height: 45 cm

9 30 / month 89 00

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4-osaline toolikomplekt Smart II, pruun

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: - cm

7 10 / month 170 00

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Chair set (2 pcs. ) Fnsc, white/grey

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 46 cm

7 80 / month 208 00

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Type: Living room chairs

Number in set: 4

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Set of 4 Kato chairs, black

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 45 cm

7 70 / month 158 00 205 48

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Chair For, gray

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 45 cm

7 30 / month 174 00

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Chair Nug, gray

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 2

Seat height: 48 cm

7 10 / month 147 00 178 00

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Set of 4 Lago chairs, blue

Type: Living room chairs

Number per set: 4

Seat height: 45 cm

7 10 / month 188 00

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Chair Kooko Home Marimba, dark blue

Type: Living room chairs

Number in set: 1

Saddle height: 43 cm

7 60 / month 202 00 240 29

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Set of 4 chairs Turin, black

Type: Living room chairs

Set: 4

Seat height: 48. 5 cm

8 50 / month 136 00 161 00

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Set of 4 chairs Mark, transparent

Type: Living room chairs

Set quantity: 4

Seat height: 47 cm

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New Flea market

Size: 50 ml

Women's perfume w180 An oriental floral fragrance for a bold woman. Black currant and s…

November 17, 2021

Narciso Rouge Narciso Rodriguez

1850 R

New Flea market

Size: 50 ml

Women's perfume w163 A seductive, intoxicating fragrance for an elegant woman. Cheerful and gentle ...

November 17, 2021

Black Opium Yves Saint Laurent

1850 rub

New Flea Market

Size: 50 ml

Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent is a Oriental Gourmand fragrance for women.

17 November 2021

Escada Moon Sparkle Escada

1850 R

New Flea market

Size: 50 ml

Women's perfume w130 A floral fragrance for the ambitious woman who does not forget her natural…

November 17, 2021

Chance Chanel

1850 rub

New Flea Market

Size: 50 ml

Chance Chanel is a Chypre Floral fragrance for women. Chance Eau de To…

November 17, 2021

Coco Mademoiselle Chanel

1850 rub

New Flea market

Size: 50 ml

Perfume for women w117 A fresh oriental fragrance inspired by the modern woman. Top notes…

November 17, 2021

Perfume D&G L”imperatrice 3

1850 rub

New Flea market

Size: 50ml

Perfume women w153 The unique fragrance very skillfully combines exotic fruits and delicate summer…

November 15, 2021

Fur coat

20 000 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 42-44

Mink fur coat with silver fox hoods, worn very very little. Excellent condition. Possible…

Nov 3

1/03-02 black artificial leather women's boots (O-Z 2022)

2798 R


Size: 40-1

Good boots, full size, stretch leather, suitable for any instep, came in leather form

November 3rd


6120 rub


Size: 50

Stylish, beautiful, long coat. The color of the sea wave, it is very large, at 52-54 ...

Nov 3

Incredible Sweater

5000 rub

Used Flea market

Size: Oversize

It's incredible! I did not have time to redeem this color 2 times. They came one at a time and they took it right away. But ur…

September 14



New Flea market

Size: 46-48

Knitted pants with elastic band and sequins on the edge of the pockets. Length 92cm, inseam 68cm.

November 3,

Carnival costume Snowflake Snezhana 5238 r.122-64

800 r


Size: 116

Worn twice. A little small, at 122 the dress will be very short. Better at 116. In general, very…

April 18,


500 rub


Size: 38

New, true to size, selling over.

November 3,

Shoes made of soft openwork genuine leather.

1500 rub


Size: 38

Shoes made of soft openwork genuine leather. Lightweight, very soft leather. On the insole 25 cm. On the leg medium

May 2, 2017

Semi-overalls jar

245 rub


Size: 40/62

New bodysuit . .needed for a boy...came for a girl

November 3rd

Rooman boots. Autumn. Genuine leather

4909 RUB


Size: 44

Very soft and stylish. On the insole 28 cm. On the leg of medium fullness

November 3

Great! Slip-ons J.Berkovich genuine soft leather

3888 р


Size: 44

All in leather, for a medium-sized leg. Insole 28 cm

November 3

NEW! Jeggings SPRINT-2 black

1159 р


Size: M

They did not sit on my figure as in the picture. It needs a girl with a neat guitar figure.

November 3,

Selling Wi-Fi router

1200 rub

New Flea market

Sell Wi-Fi router TP-LINK TL-WR841N

November 3,

Office dress (44 or 46)

3070 rub


Size: 44

The dress fully matches the photo in color and style. Double-breasted. .Completely unzips like ha…

October 25

Women's ultra-light blue hooded jacket…



Size: 2XL (50)

Gorgeous color!!!

November 3,

PANTS (bouffant) 52-54

1256 р


Size: XXL 98-170/176

Excellent quality and even true to size. But my (50 years old) did not like that the pants were slightly lower…

November 3


3000 rub

New Flea market

Size: M

Imperial. Large knit, soft. Back length 62 cm, sleeve from neckline 73 cm, pg 49see Stretches.

November 3,

Disposable gas stove for cylinder, piezo ignition NaM…

2100 rub


Description in SP: Disposable gas stove for cylinder, piezo ignition, strong case, burner Ceramics…

3 November

Leather shoes DISCOUNT

1000 rub


Size: 38

Worn a couple of times, 24 cm larger, fit 24.5-25 cm. Top and inside genuine leather.

November 3,

Ready glasses Vostok 6614 Burgundy 2 pcs

150 rub


Size: -3.50

I have extra ones. There are two couples.

November 3,

Overalls "Fairy"

500 rub


Size: 52 (26)

Good condition. I'll send a photo if needed. I answer whatsapp.

November 3

Charutti Vest DISCOUNT

800 rub


Size: 56

New, I sell overhap, in size, but can be adjusted by lacing.

November 3,

Bazalini dress 4035 black flowers

2603 р


Size: 48

Wonderful dress, suitable for the office and for a holiday. Size for 50-52. Bolshemerit.

November 3,


622 rub


Size: 38-39

New did not fit. Size 38

November 3

Antilopa winter boots


Used Flea market

Size: 26

26rr, warm, there are signs of wear, but the quality is good. I'll give it for 2 small packs of barney. Walnut Hill or…

November 3


9500 rub


Size: 46it

Too big for me, customs

November 3rd

Swimming slippers with rubber sole

699 rub


Size: 40

Great swimming shoes. Size 40-41, wide leg. To me, unfortunately, wide.

November 3,

Down jacket

RUB 17,214


Size: 42

Cool jacket, synthetic winterizer, 44.46 pp

November 3

Stretch corduroy jeans

RUB 2909


Size: 48

Excellent quality corduroy trousers. Color as in the photo. On my parameters (from 90, about 100) a little bit ...

November 3,

New Scarlett blender 850W

1500 rub

New Flea Market

Size: 850W

New Scarlett Blender 850W

Nov 3

Strong hairpin machine with rhinestones

400 rub

New Flea market

Strong hairpin machine with rhinestones. Packing plastic bag.

July 3

Large size romantic dress

3450 rub

New Flea market

Size: 60-66

Elegant large dress by Marina (Novosibirsk). Elasticated waist, for any figure. Mo…

July 6

Beautiful Capor raincoat fleece cheaper Sp

2250 rub

New Flea market

Smart hood raincoat fabric fleece. The color is beige. Corresponding to the photo. Will not blow out and will decorate any clothes, with you ...

September 16,

High boots felt DISCOUNT

1800 rub


Size: 38

New, I sell rehap. Will fit size 38 with tights or size 37 with a sock.

November 3,

Set of containers for bulk products ❗️VIDEO REVIEW❗️

700 rub


Size: 2. 5 l

Available in 2 sets of bulk containers large capacity4 and smaller4. This is the price for 1 b…

July 1,

PU leather winter coat AL-7635

10000 rub


Size: 58 (black)

Worn for 1 winter, perfect condition. The second zipper will fit up to size 60. Now the price in the joint venture is 152…

November 3rd

Adamant Bra 167 white

1730 rub


Size: 95D


Nov 3


397 rub


Size: 54-58

Nice black hat with inserts. Didn't fit in size. Production Russia

November 3

Set with snood DISCOUNT

800 rub


New. Now in the joint venture it is much more expensive.

November 3,

Tom&Miki shoes DISCOUNT

400 rub


Size: 38

Worn once, model did not fit.

November 3,

Boots (5202-R044 SIYAH fur)

3758 р


Size: 40-1

Super boots, excellent quality, natural fur. Turkey. They go to size 40, I'm 39 rubles. turned out to be b…

November 3,

Jumper for a boy

546 р


Size: 72-140

Bought for school. Not needed

November 3


600 rub


Size: 36

Wrong size. Insole 23.5. The color is dark blue as in the photo, the inside is very soft. Affordable price…

December 18, 2021

Women's jacket

6000 rub


Size: 48

Loose fit size 50 Fabric composition: PA 100%, lining PE 100%. Stylish quilted jacket…

November 3

Karl lagerfeld silk blouse

7000 rub


Size: 40it

KARL lagerfeld blouse, 100% silk, rose smoke color, pleated back with mother-of-pearl, back length…

September 27, 2017

White Italian T-shirt

3000 rub


Size: 40

T-shirt white Ermanno Scervino, super quality, but very small! Absolutely white, on the collar called…

March 16, 2020

Quilted warm vest with stand-up collar short

951 р


Size: L

Quilted warm vest with a stand-up collar, short, filler down Lightweight, warm. Approach…

Nov 3

Men's boxers 2pcs

645 rub


Size: XL

Men's boxers. Didn't guess with the size. Go to size xl. New in packaging.

November 3,


1700 rub


Size: 36

The boots are really good.

February 10, 2017

Women's pajamas

1508 rub


Size: 36 (S)

Comfortable and pleasant to the touch suit Didn't fit me

November 3

Women's pajamas

RUB 1860


Size: 36/38(S/M)

The suit is very pleasant to the touch, the quality is just super🔥 But it didn't fit me, it's too big. ..

3 November

Winter boots

1800 rub

New Flea market

Size: 28, 28.5

Quilted winter boots. New! Dark-blue colour. Without membrane. Very warm! Size 28…

November 3

Boots FRU IT autumn.

4000 rub


Size: 39

Beautiful, in excellent condition, not my size 39, worn at most 10 times with an insole, so…

March 1, 2021

Parka demi-season LIU JO Italy (discount)

13 000 rub


Size: 40

As pictured. Demi-season. Brooches and fur are detachable. She took off the tag, wore it once, hangs in the closet without ...

February 24, 2019

Ankle boots for women 40 rub fall

4500 rub


Size: 40-2

Soft. look expensive. For size 40. Front lock is decorative. Working on the side.

March 11

SHOES for women AT 37-38r. natural suede. Below SP


Size: 39

Excellent classic black pumps go for about 37-38r. upper-natural suede, lining natural to ...

July 18, 2013

Instantaneous water heater

2800 rub


New . packed

June 28, 2017

DRESS 50 rub

3650 rub


Size: 50

Very beautiful dress for a celebration. Rose is just gorgeous. The fabric is great, a little stretchy. Size…

May 8, 2020

Dress 46-48r Below cn

900 rub


Size: 48

Beautiful festive dress. Fits 46-48

March 4, 2020

Absolute perfection dress, new

2828 р


Size: 54

The style did not fit.

November 3,

Winter down jacket ADD black

31 000 rub


Size: 44

I will sell ADD down jacket, if you want in over style, you can measure it on Russian 46-48, if you want to pro…

October 25

Black down jacket

31 000 rub


Size: 46

I will sell ADD down jacket, if you want in over style, you can measure it on Russian 48-50, if you want simple…

October 25

Women's sweatshirt

1050 rub


Size: 50 green

Fabric: footer 2 thread Composition: 95% cotton, 5% polyester Stylish women's sweatshirt with a zipper and a . ..

January 18

Hat for girls

500 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 52

Excellent hat, Shark company. Size 52. Worn a couple of times, too small.

November 3,

Footer suit 3-thread bouffant Oliva (M-817)

2900 rub


Size: 50

I'm big, the suit is cool

November 3

Jeans Italy Anna Rita N

2500 rub

New Flea market

Size: 27

Italian brand jeans, light blue. Style: boyfriend. New, never worn

November 3rd

Levi's 501 jeans model

2000 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 27

Levi's jeans, perfect condition. Size: 26-27. Model Number: Boyfriend

November 3,

T-shirt for sports

450 rub

New Flea market

Size: 44 - 46 , S/M

T-shirt for sports. Length - 60 cm. Bust - 45 cm. Stretchy. New, without tag.

November 3,


1856 р


Size: L

BEST SELLER! Warm and soft, fitted sweatshirt - you will look forward to a moment of relaxation ...

November 3,

Winter jacket

3260 rub


Size: 54

Winter coat. Size, full 54.

August 9, 2021

Women's demi boots

2500 rub


Size: 38

Very comfortable boots. Big on foot 24.5. Probably a size 39.

March 11

Mattress-cocoon "Nest" with a pillow for…

500 rub


Size: mint

Excellent mattress, very comfortable for crumbs.

November 3,

Coat/down jacket

3000 rub


Size: 140

Down jacket for girls, in excellent condition, fox fur,

November 9, 2020

Women's winter jacket Kiro Tokao

2500 rub


Size: L

Light jacket up to -20 For size 50-52

November 3

Set 8pr. d/newborn "Velvet", demi-season ...

2000 r


The envelope is very nice, used from maternity hospital to home to wrap the baby. Perfect match…

November 3,

Warm jeans "OSTIN"

1000 rub

New Flea market

Size: 158-164

Tri-lined jeans! For now and until the winter is the most it! Washed, but not worn, because ku…

November 3,

Winter boots F*R*U*I*T

RUB 14,180


Size: 37. 5

Chic winter boots, fur to the middle of the leg. No lock. I'm a little cramped. Possible exchange for…

September 11, 2019

SALE! Sweater MONK beige

3900 rub

New Flea market

Size: One size (40-44)

Beige sweater MONK with a neck, hand knitted "braids" is on sale due to the closing of the store. Special price…

November 3rd

Set "Luxury" overalls + bonnet

1245 р


Size: 56

The most delicate set for crumbs. Very beautiful. Was bought and forgotten.

November 3,

Skirt, R 46

2964 R


Size: 92

Cool skirt with lining, size 46, with buttons, corresponds to the photo. I am attaching because it is a little short . ..

November 3,

Set "Butterfly" jumpsuit + cape

1200 rub


Size: 56

The set was worn at birth, very beautiful in color with an envelope. Your daughter will be luxurious)

November 3,

Bag, pink

2500 rub


Size: 27*31*12 cm

Has been idle. New.

August 18,

Panama hat, black

500 rub


Size: 56-58 cm

Corresponds to the photo. Size 56-58

November 26, 2021

Suit + VEST

3780 rub


Size: 48

Color as in the photo, fits 50 size, Phyllis brushed fabric

November 3

Women's shoes

500 rub


Size: 38-3

Fit to size. In good condition, never thought of what to wear. Artificial leather. Additional…

February 8,

Overalls with a skirt

1333 rub


Size: 56

The jumpsuit is new and very beautiful, I just forgot about it and we grew up)

November 3

Demi-season boots

500 rub


Size: 38-1pcs

Beautiful and neat. 38 size. Suede leather. INARIO company. The condition is perfect. Heel 10 cm. With growth ...

January 31, 2019


3400 rub


Size: 38

Wuppy sneakers size 38. Sneakers are comfortable and practical, the nose is unkillable, the color is delicate, but not brand…

18 March

Down coat ODRI, size 42

10000 rub


Size: 42

Winter down coat. Size 420003

November 6, 2017


3962 R


Size: 16A

Autumn jacket, height 170 cm. Not very light. The jacket is warm, for temperatures from +5 to -5. Tr…

January 2,

Kiara dress

1794 р


Size: 42

The dress corresponds to the photo, color is black.

February 22, 2021

SUPERFIT winter boots used

900 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 31

Winter boots SUPERFIT size 31. They do not slip, the foot does not freeze and does not sweat. Good condition.

November 3,

Fur coat

20 000 rub

Used Flea market

Mink coat, transformer sleeve, color gradient: from gray to dark. Length for height 170 a little higher ...

November 24, 2021

Tommy Jeans sundress

3500 rub

New Flea market

Size: 42-44

New sundress of a well-known brand. 100% viscose Size S

August 18,


5000 rub

New Flea market

Size: 42-44

Trousers are new. But without a label, as I planned to wear. They've been in the closet for a year. I bought on Lamoda ...

October 10,

Autumn boots 37 size

1500 rub

New Flea market

Size: 37

New suede shoes for autumn, very good quality, comfortable, soft, 37 Size, the stocking can be raised…

November 3

New winter boots SUPERFIT

6000 rub

New Flea market

Size: 32

Winter boots, do not slip, feet do not get cold and do not sweat. Size 32. SUPERFIT one of the best winter…

November 3,

Pompa coat with membrane

6000 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 42-44

Pompa coat Size 44 Perfect condition, no signs of wear. Like new. Manufactured from membranes…

October 13


3500 rub

New Flea market

Size: 26

New Calvin Klein denim skirt. Size 26 99% cotton Length 90 cm On one side, a highlight - r ...

April 18,

Backpack Karl Lagerfield

4500 rub

Used Flea market

Karl backpack in perfect condition. No signs of wear. Clean lining.

October 13,

Korean Collagen BOTO

650 rub

New Flea market

Application: 1 sachet per day for 90 days. It can be eaten directly or added to drinking water...

October 17

School vest

900 rub

Used Flea market

Size: 44-46

School vest, in good condition. Have grown up. For 6 schools or MSU college. Suitable for a boy…

November 3

I will sell women's low shoes.

1600 rub

New Flea market

Size: 40

New shoes for 39Russian size.

November 3

Top for sports

700 rub

New Flea market

Size: 44-46

Sports top. On size S. On 44-46. The fabric and elastic under the bust stretches.NEW

November 3

204451-3/Women's boots Reversal

6000 rub


Size: 38-39

As pictured.

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