Baby sleeping a lot and not feeding well
6 Reasons Why Your Baby May Be Sleeping More and Eating Less – Dreamland Baby
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By the end of the first week with a new baby, frequent wake ups and feeding around the clock has become your new normal. So when your baby starts sleeping more and eating less, you might feel a bit unsettled about why that’s happening. Though you do want to look out for any warning signs that may point to an illness, there’s likely a good (and normal) reason for your baby’s change in sleeping and eating patterns.
Here we’ll cover the top 6 reasons your baby might be sleeping more and eating less as well as when it’s time to reach out to your pediatrician.
6 Common Reasons for a Baby Sleeping More and Eating LessTypically we expect a baby to sleep less and eat more as they grow in their first year. Overall, this is the pattern you will notice. However, there will be times that your baby appears to be needing more sleep and taking in less breastmilk or formula.
More often than not there is a clear reason for this change that’s all part of normal baby development. With that said, we always want to remind you that if you ever feel concerned or have doubts, to reach out to your baby’s doctor. They'll give you the best advice and do a weight check to ensure all is well with your little one.
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Following are the most common reasons (outside of sickness) that your 1 month old or 2 month old baby may be eating less and sleeping more.1.) Your baby just went through a growth spurt.
In our article, “How Growth Spurts Affect Babies,” we discussed how fast periods of growth generally follow a noticeably large appetite from your baby. When you start to see your baby eating more, you may assume that pattern is here to stay. Instead, your baby may guzzle breastmilk or a formula for a few days, and then simply revert back to the calorie needs she had just a few days prior - as if nothing ever happened.
Indeed, something did happen - and you’ll likely notice when you try snapping up her onesie and it’s suddenly too small.
So when you make those big bottles for your baby and they now only finish half, you may wonder what’s up. The truth is that growth spurts don’t last long. As your baby passes through one you’ll likely notice them eat a bit less while sleeping more. Growing is hard work after all! This is a completely normal pattern that you’ll likely see at various times throughout your baby’s first year.
2.) Your baby is teething.
One of the biggest culprits for an extra sleepy baby who doesn’t want to eat as much is teething. If you haven’t noticed any growth spurt signs from your baby and they’re acting fussy and irritable, it’s highly likely that your baby is having teething discomfort that’s affecting their normal sleeping and eating habits.
Did you know that teething can start 2 months prior to ever seeing a newly popped tooth? Just because you don’t see a sign of any pearly whites doesn’t mean your baby isn’t teething.
The most tell-tale signs of teething include:
- Excessive drooling
- Rash around the mouth
- biting
- Refusing to eat
- Ear pulling and rubbing of the cheeks
- More frequent wake ups or sleeping more
Eating less is very common for teething babies. Sleep, on the other hand, can be a mixed bag. You may have a baby who is uncomfortable and is awake all night, or you may have a baby that sleeps a bit more due to feeling “under the weather.” To help your baby stay on track with their eating, consider making milk pops which will also give them soothing relief. As for sleep, we suggest using a Dreamland Baby Weighted Sack to help your baby get just the right amount of zzzs they need.
It’s important however, that you don’t confuse your baby’s teething with an illness. According to Seattle Children’s Hospital, “Teething does not cause fever, diarrhea, diaper rash or runny nose.” So if you see any of these signs, teething is not what is ailing your baby and you should consult a physician right away.
3.) Your baby is experiencing a cognitive leap.
Just as growth spurts can cause your baby’s sleeping and eating patterns to be affected so can those periods of time when your baby goes through a cognitive leap. Though you won’t necessarily see physical growth on the outside, your baby is experiencing mental development, which can be just as exhausting.
This may cause your baby to sleep more and eat less for a few days. You may also find that your baby’s sleep is disrupted even though they’re actually sleeping the same amount - this may look like more wake-ups at night which causes them to take long naps during the day.
The best thing you can do at this time is try to stick to your baby’s routine as much as possible. Though letting them extend their naps a little bit is fine, we suggest focusing on an earlier bedtime instead and helping them relax with a baby massage or using a weighted wearable blanket. This will ensure that they don’t get overtired which can cause more night wake-ups as we discuss here.
4.) Your baby’s sleep patterns are leveling out.
Of course you’ll be able to know if your baby is sleeping more because you can compare it to how many hours they were sleeping in the weeks prior. But there is a possibility that your baby wasn’t getting enough sleep in the first place and is finally on track. It may not be that your baby is sleeping too much at all, but is finally able to connect sleep cycles in a way that makes it seem like they’re snoozing all day long.
Not sure how many hours of sleep your baby should be getting? We have a great chart in our article, “Baby Sleeping Too Much: What’s Normal?” It’s anywhere from 14 - 17 hours in those first few months, and between 12 and 16 hours up to age one is considered typical.
It’s normal to feel a little nervous those first times your baby really starts sleeping in (you’re not at all crazy if you’re peeking in to make sure your baby is still safe and sound). But once you realize it’s because they’re finally sleeping for longer stretches (or even through the night) we know you’ll be singing, “Hallelujah!”
5.) Your baby is getting more nutrients from solid foods.
Though you shouldn’t see much difference in your baby’s appetite when first introducing solid foods, you will likely see a decrease in their liquid calories as they near the age of one. Initially, babies don’t get much nutrition from solid foods and take in very little. This time is more about getting them used to the fact that there is actually more to eating than just breastmilk or formula. But, after 9 months or so, your baby is finally getting the hang of this eating “real food” thing.
By this time they may be eating 3 meals a day plus snacks. They’ll still get the bulk of their calories from their breastmilk or formula, but they will require less. In fact, they may even be starting to self-wean if they suddenly seem disinterested in breastfeeding. Pair this with the fact that your baby is finally sleep trained and sleeping through the night, it will definitely seem like your baby is sleeping more and eating less.
6.) Your baby just had a vaccination.
This one will be easy to pinpoint. If your baby had any vaccinations within the last few days, more sleep and a reduced appetite are normal. The CDC writes, "any vaccine can cause side effects such as tiredness and low grade fever." As you yourself know, eating just isn't as much fun when you're not feeling well.
In this situation, it’s best to let your baby rest up as needed until they're back to their normal selves. If your baby seems extra irritable and isn't getting the sleep they need, an early bedtime If they're not back on track with their sleeping and eating within a few days, we suggest you reach out to your child's doctor.
When Sleeping More and Eating Less Requires a Visit to the PediatricianThough your baby’s increased sleep and reduced food intake is likely a normal part of their development, you do want to be cognizant of any symptoms that might require a visit to your baby’s pediatrician.
If you’re ever in doubt, reach out to them! As a new parent, no question is ever a dumb question, and that’s what they’re there for. Worst case scenario, they tell you your baby is just fine and it puts your mama heart at ease.
The following key symptoms have been outlined by WebMD as the times you need to contact your baby’s pediatrician right away:
- A fever above 100.4 for a baby under 2 months old; an older child with a fever accompanied by irritability, refusal to eat, or constant crying needs to be seen by a doctor. Additionally, a baby with a fever persisting for 3 days or more needs a look from a pediatrician.
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Signs of dehydration such as fewer than 6 wet diapers per day in infants, dark urine, or sunken eyes
- Colds or respiratory infections accompanied by fever
- A rash that doesn’t go away in a few days or is accompanied by a fever
- You have trouble waking your child
This is by no means an exhaustive list. Reaching out to your doctor when you feel concerned is ALWAYS best.
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How do I know when my baby is having a growth spurt?Growth spurts can be frustrating for you and your baby. In the first five days after birth, most babies lose about 1/10th of their birth weight. Fast forward to 3 to 6 weeks and most babies will experience another growth spurt. While not all babies have identical growth spurt timelines, all babies do experience growth spurts. Once your baby graduates to the toddler stage, growth should slow down, but don’t take the slow down for granted. Your baby will be walking and talking before you know it. The days of fussing through growth spurts can be exhausting, but enjoy the process.
There are some signs that your baby is experiencing a growth spurt. If you’re concerned about your little one's development it’s always best to contact your healthcare provider. Charting your baby’s growth and development can help you track development. In the event of developmental issues, tracking can help medical providers get ahead of any issues.
Here are some signs that your baby is having a growth spurt:
- Fussiness: Increased hunger, irregular sleep patterns and growing pains can cause fussiness in a baby.
- Changes in your baby’s height and weight: These are brought on by increases in bone, muscle, and fat.
- Changes in appetite: While many babies show an increase in hunger during a growth spurt, others will want to eat less.
- Changes in sleep patterns: The human brain produces the human growth hormone (HGH) during sleep. Therefore, it stands to reason that your baby may sleep more during a growth spurt.
Teething can be exhausting for parents and their baby. Usually around 6 months of age, the teething stage makes its entrance. In some cases teeth can start as early as four months or as late as twelve months.
While the pain of teething can keep some babies awake, others will develop a low-grade fever requiring extra sleep.
They may also resist food as it can irritate their gums. Babies will be most resistant to solid foods so a liquid diet consisting of breast milk and formula is recommended.
Some babies may have no signs of pain or discomfort as a result of teething. If your baby has no side effects, be thankful. Most babies though will have side effects from teething. While some babies may sleep more, others may sleep less. The pain and side effects may cause them to be extra fussy and fight sleep. To calm your baby down, try using Dreamland’s Weighted Swaddle or Blanket.
How do I know if my baby is going through a cognitive leap?Cognitive leaps are said to happen at 10 points within the first 18 months of a baby’s life. During leaps, babies will become more aware and interactive with the world around them. Motor skills will start to develop and your baby will transform into a toddler right in front of your eyes. Human development is truly amazing. It’s important to note that not all babies will develop the same so you should be aware of developmental stages and pay close attention to where your baby is at. Some babies may need extra support to develop at the appropriate pace. If you feel your baby is developing too slow or too fast, consult your medical provider.
A cognitive leap is defined by the following characteristics:
- Crankiness
- Unpredictable moods
- An improvement in skills
- Changes in sleep patterns
- Changes in health
- Fussiness during feedings
- Separation anxiety
In terms of feeding, some babies will want to feed more frequently while others are fussy or disinterested during feedings. They may also want to eat smaller meals.
If your baby is being fussy during feedings, try feeding them in an environment that is free of distractions.
Sleep patterns can also change during cognitive leaps. Some babies will be resistant to sleep while others will sleep more. This is especially the case if the baby experiences a cold or cough which are common symptoms of a cognitive leap.
You may also find that your baby is sleeping the same amount or more, but that they are doing so in shorter bursts as they are eager to explore the world around them.
Although it may be challenging, do your best to keep your baby on its regular sleep schedule making small adjustments if necessary.
How long does a baby go through a cognitive leap?Cognitive leaps can be frustrating for parents to deal with. Fortunately, they are only temporary. Some last for just a week, while longer leaps can last up to five weeks.
Is sleeping more normal when a baby is sick?Just like adults sleep more when they are sick, so do babies. The illness may also cause them to lose their appetites, so they don’t eat as much.
If your baby is sick, do your best to aid them in getting to sleep and staying asleep. Sleeping helps the recovery process. You may need to try new things to get your sick baby to sleep, as they may fight going down. A weighted sleep sack or swaddle can calm your baby and help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Dreamland Baby specializes in weighted sleep sacks and swaddles to aid in a full night of sleep. Designed by a mom that once tried everything to get her fussy son to sleep, Dreamland is proven to work.
Too much sleep. . . at one time you probably thought there was no such thing. But, now that you’re a parent you may be questioning everything, especially if your baby is sick.
When a baby is sick, they need sleep to recover. While parents may become concerned if the baby is sleeping excessively, there is typically no cause for alarm.
However, the parent may want to wake the child if they are missing feedings.
Feedings provide hydration which is vital when the child is sick. If the baby is not waking often enough to get the hydration they need, the parent should consider waking them for a feeding.
Final Word on Fluctuating Food and Sleep Patterns
It is normal for your baby's sleep and eating needs to ebb and flow throughout the first year. By the time your baby is one, they will require less sleep as well as less liquid calories. However, there will be times that you'll notice they need more sleep and less food, or vice versa. Paying attention to the signs your baby is giving will help you determine if this is a normal period your child is experiencing or if you'll want to reach out to medical professional for advice.
See our other favorite posts for further reading:
- Weighted Sleep Sack Safety and How It Will Help Your Baby Sleep
- How To Stop Startle & Moro Reflex Without Swaddling
- Baby Napping Close to Bedtime and How to Do It Right
- The Best Wearable Blankets
- How to Get Your Baby to Sleep Without Nursing
- Best Swaddle for Newborns
- Signs It’s Time to Stop Swaddling Your Baby
- Are Sleep Sacks Safe for Babies Who Can Roll Over?
- How to Get an Overtired Baby to Sleep
- How to Wash & Clean Your Dreamland Baby Sleep Sack
- How to Stop the 45-Minute Intruder During Your Baby's Naps
- How To Swaddle Your Dreamland Baby
- Cluster Feeding at Night: Why Babies Do It and How to Manage It
- Know the Facts: What's Safe and What's Not for Baby's Tummy Sleep
- How Should A Sleep Sack Fit?
Cluster Feeding at Night: Why Babies Do It and How to Manage It
Best Sleep Tips and a Schedule for Your Newborn Twins
Your Baby is Sleeping More and Eating Less.

Throughout the course of your baby’s growth and development, there will be many changes in their sleeping and eating patterns. Any time there is a shift in the routine, it can cause parents to immediately question the cause of change. Most often times there is no need to worry because when it comes to patterns of sleeping and eating, your little one will experience many cycles. In this article, we will explore the eight reasons why your baby is sleeping more and eating less than usual.
Your Baby is Experiencing a Growth Spurt.Growth spurts can occur at different ages, but the most common are 3 weeks to 4 weeks, 7 weeks, 10 weeks, 3 months to 4 months, 6 months, and 18 months. During a growth spurt, it is very likely that your baby will be sleeping more than usual. In fact, most babies will sleep right through their typical feeding schedules.
Don’t be alarmed if your baby is eating less during a growth spurt, and don’t wake her up for feedings as there are important physiological developments taking place during sleep. Your baby will more than make up for those missed meals when she is ready.
Your Baby is Teething.Beginning at 4 months to 6 months of age, eating less can be a sign of teething. If you think your baby’s teeth are coming in, give him a cold washcloth to chew on and ask his doctor about pain relievers.
Oftentimes, teething babies may develop a low-grade fever, accompanied with extra sleep. If your baby has started solid foods, you may also notice a big slowdown in his eating. At this time, solid foods may be too harsh for your little one’s sensitive gums. Try offsetting the lack of solids with additional breastmilk or formula throughout the day.
You will also want to monitor for dehydration. Signs of dehydration include a dry diaper for more than 6 hours, dark urine, and a dry mouth. Call your pediatrician as soon as you notice these symptoms.
The temperature of the room, the hot season you may be in, and how you dress your baby are all factors that could be associated with your baby becoming overheated. If overheating is the issue, then the lethargic symptoms will not allow the baby to stay awake long enough to eat more.
It is recommended that a baby’s room be cooler, usually between 65 and 70F degrees. If you don’t have a thermostat you can control, you can leave the windows slightly open or use a fan. Keeping the nursery dark in the summer months can also help cool it down.
When dressing your child for either cold or hot months, make sure your baby is wearing breathable fabrics. Babies cannot regulate their own temperature and can easily become overheated. Woolino baby sleep bags made of 100% natural merino wool and organic cotton are able to keep your baby comfortable in a wide range or room temperatures. Merino wool creates a micro-climate around your baby, which maintains a consistent temperature for them.
As always, try to avoid bumpers, extra blankets, stuffed animals, etc. in the crib. Not only are they unsafe, but they can be stifling when it’s warm.
Your Baby is Distracted.Around 3 months of age, your baby will notice more and more of her surroundings. From your shiny earrings to the background noise of a television, everything is new and interesting to your baby. With so much brain development taking place, even the smallest object or slightest sound can cause your baby to lose focus and stop feeding.
If your baby seems to be easily distracted, look for a quiet place to feed her. You can use a fan or a white noise machine to blur out other sounds. You may also want to try feeding your baby in a sling, with the fabric pulled up and around her, so that she is not exposed to additional sights and noises.
Your Baby Wants Solid Food.
You can expect your baby to show an interest in solid foods around 4 months to 6 months of age. This interest can be shown in a number of ways, like refusing a bottle. It may seem as though your little one is all of a sudden uninterested in feeding. In reality, it could just be that he is uninterested in the bottle but VERY interested in your food.
Before introducing solids, your baby should be able to sit up on his own and have control over his neck. Try to start with iron-rich food such as eggs, lentils, pureed meats, or iron-fortified cereals.
Certain foods will cause changes in your child’s sleep habits. As you introduce solids, you may notice that your baby is sleeping more. For more information on how sleep and food are related, refer to “How Certain Food Can Affect Your Child’s Sleep.”
Your Baby Has a Virus.
When your baby has a virus, her overall amount of sleep will increase. Fighting a virus is exhausting, which is why viruses and sleep go hand-in-hand. Let your baby sleep as long as needed. While she is sleeping, her little body will work hard to fight the virus.
A loss of appetite is common with viruses. It’s also typical that with a virus comes a stuffy nose, making breast and bottle feeding more difficult than usual. Let your little one take her time with feedings. It may appear as though she is not hungry, but in actuality, she may be taking “breaks” to accommodate for her extra stuffy nose.
Most viruses will last only a few days, however, if your baby’s sleepiness and lack of appetite seem to last longer than 5-7 days, you should contact your pediatrician as there could be another issue.
Your Baby Has Just Been Vaccinated.It is completely normal if your baby is sleeping more after vaccination. Typically, vaccines will affect your baby similar to the way an illness would. After all, vaccines are effective because they contain weak traces of the viruses they protect against. Your little one will build an immunity to these viruses or infections, but the process can be somewhat draining on their tiny bodies.
For about 24 to 48 hours after a vaccine, your baby will likely be extra sleepy and take longer, more uninterrupted naps. She also may not have much of an appetite. This, too, is perfectly normal.
As your baby begins to enter cycles of sleeping longer and deeper, you will want to be sure she is as comfortable as possible. Dress your baby in lightweight garments, preferably made from all-natural fibers like cotton, linen, or merino wool, which are breathable and absorb perspiration. We suggest Woolino products as they are made with supremely breathable merino wool that has unmatched body temperature regulation properties. This means better, healthier, and safer sleep for your baby.
Your Baby Has Low Blood Sugar.If your baby hardly eats and the excessive sleeping continues, he could have low blood sugar. Signs of low blood sugar may include your baby acting jittery or appearing to be shivering. You can try gently pulling on his arms. If your baby does not pull back, it could be a sign of low blood sugar. If you suspect low blood sugar, contact your pediatrician.
Remember that children will experience many changes in their sleeping and eating habits, and most of the time these changes are perfectly normal. However, if something doesn’t seem quite right, and you are still struggling to find answers, we recommend consulting with your pediatrician or a Certified Infant and Toddler Sleep Consultant.
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A newborn sleeps a lot and eats little - A newborn sleeps a lot and eats a lot
Almost every woman at the stage of pregnancy imagines how her life will change, what her baby will be like and how their joint days will be organized.
And conceived, the expectant mother builds in her imagination a certain “ideal” picture, supported by media images and commercials - a constantly smiling or sweetly sleeping baby.
Undoubtedly, babies really sleep sweetly and smile with the most sincere smile. But this is not always the case.
The first month, and even the first three months of a child's life is called the period of "carrying out" - the stage of adaptation of the baby to the outside world, as well as the young mother getting used to new living conditions, to her new role, to the changed rules of life associated with the birth of a baby.
Many young mothers prepared for the birth of a baby already know a lot thanks to the availability of information about the psychophysiology of the newborn.
And, of course, when a mother has information about how much a small child should sleep, she somehow expects this from her baby too.
Let us remind you that a healthy full-term baby of the first year of life sleeps about 15-18 hours a day. Of these, 8-10 occur at night and 6-9 during the day. In fact, a newborn baby sleeps a lot of the time - most of the day.
The period of wakefulness in a baby from birth is quite short - 20 minutes, increasing by the end of the first month of life to 45 minutes (maximum - up to an hour).
Most of the waking time, especially in the first weeks of life, the child spends with the mother in the process of feeding - when he is awake, he eats.
Breastfed babies need to be fed every 1.5 hours during the day (max 3) and every 3 hours at night (max 5). Such time intervals are due to the small volume of the newborn's stomach and the rapid digestibility of breast milk, the child needs to eat often.
Lack of food for more than 3 hours during the day and more than 5 hours at night is dangerous and fraught with dehydration of the child, and besides, if a small child sleeps without waking up for so long, this is an occasion to more closely monitor his condition and tell the pediatrician about it.
All this information is in the public domain, and after reading it, young mothers experience a whole range of feelings - from surprise to fear and confusion at the slightest deviation from the "norm" if her baby does not fit into them, for example, he is awake a lot and eat a lot or, conversely, eat little.
Let's take a closer look, because often the concepts of "little" and "constantly" are quite subjective criteria.
- It is important to know that the baby on the breast can sleep while sucking - in this case the baby can sleep, although the mother may identify this period as being awake.
- Hour count. In this case, it is better not to focus on subjective feelings. It often seems to tired and sleep-deprived parents that “the child did not sleep at all,” although if you count the hours objectively, you can find out that this is not the case.
To calculate sleep time, you can use programs for smartphones, for example, Baby Tracker or any other adapted for these tasks. Recording the baby's sleep hours will help the mother know for sure how many hours he sleeps.
Baby sleep from 0 to 3 months
A bit of theory about the physiology of breastfeeding. In the first three months of life, lactation is established in a breastfeeding mother. Milk comes on the 3rd-5th day of a baby's life. During this period, the colostrum that the baby ate immediately after birth changes its composition and becomes early (transitional) milk. During this period, the arrival of milk is still completely controlled by physiology - the endocrine system of the woman's body, it will remain even if the mother does not feed. And it is this period that is extremely important for establishing lactation - it is very important to put the baby to the breast as often as possible so that he eats, and that, thanks to sucking, receptors sensitive to prolactin are established in the mammary gland. On the second or third week (6-13 days after birth), milk becomes late transitional and only by 14-23 days - mature. Thus, lactation gradually shifts from endocrine control to autocrine control (controlled by the frequency of suckling). This means that the more the baby will breastfeed and eat, the more milk he will receive and vice versa - the less often he eats, the greater the likelihood of lactostasis and a decrease in milk in the breast.
Thus, the baby, by frequent sucking, stimulates the mammary gland to produce milk - this is the most important process that is absolutely normal and correct from the point of view of the physiology of the postpartum period of both the mother and the newborn.
What to do if, using observations and time-counting programs, it turns out that the baby is awake more than normal and does not stop breastfeeding.
First of all, it is important to consult with the attending pediatrician and possibly a neurologist to make sure that the baby does not have neurological and physiological health problems.
Many children sleep restlessly and stay awake more than the norm if they had some difficulties during childbirth (entanglement, hypoxia), separation from their mother in the postpartum period, and so on. In this case, they especially need constant contact with their mother in order to sleep peacefully.
It is also important to make sure that the sleeping conditions are organized correctly - the sleeping room is sufficiently ventilated, not hot (no more than 22 degrees), humid enough (50-60%), the baby does not overheat during sleep (comfortable pajamas for the season, no cap ).
- Recreating the conditions of the uterus - tightness (sleep in a cradle, in a sleeping bag or in a sling), darkness, motion sickness.
- Feeding on demand. At this age, the baby can be fed as often as desired, without adhering to the feeding regimen. He can eat quite often.
- Maximum contact of the baby with the mother (sling helps the mother to have some freedom of action)
- Sleeping next to mum in side crib with side down promotes closeness between mum and baby and is safe.
Tips for worried moms:
Many new mothers often worry about the “norm” and get scared when things don't go the way they should.
- The first recommendation to all new mothers is to ignore the norms, especially those norms that are inherent in the children of girlfriends. Every baby, like every mother-baby couple, every family is unique and what is normal for her is not necessarily normal for you. You will have your own rules. Sleep standards are a guideline. The main criterion is the well-being of your baby. It is important to help him fall asleep not when "it's time", but when you notice his signs of fatigue. Time limits are just a guideline.
- The same goes for feeding.
There is not and cannot be "too much breastfeeding" in the first month of life. The baby can eat as much as he needs. Establishing lactation is now one of the main tasks. Let nature and the baby make it happen.
- Rest and rejuvenate whenever possible. Fall asleep with the baby, involve relatives, spouse to help.
- Record in memory and on paper your thoughts, emotions, discoveries, impressions The first month of a baby's life will fly by very quickly, even if sometimes it seems that time is slow. Take pictures of the baby, watch his changes, because they happen every day!
If you slightly change the angle of perception of the situation, the newborn period will pass easily and naturally, and the calmer and more relaxed the mother is, the calmer the baby’s sleep will be =)
Bodging IS
90,000 BREET CHILD CHILD ALL AT A LITTLY ASSENT - what to doTo complain
January 25, 2013 12:14
Girls, tell me, maybe this was the case anything. Small 2 months. And she sleeps all the time. I slept through the night from 2 am to 10 am. During this time I did not eat. As soon as we wake up, I put it on my chest. Then 1-1.5 hours of wakefulness and again for 4 hours to sleep. As a result, it turns out that there is every 5-5.5 hours. This was not the case two weeks ago. Ate every 3 hours, well, at night the time could reach 5-6. We went to the doctor. Lost 100 grams in 5 days. The doctor said to feed every 3-3.5 hours. Wake up, force, dance with a tambourine, but for the child to eat. And this is despite the fact that she does not ask and does not want to eat. And then hell began.
The child needs to be woken up earlier than she wants. This is crazy. Breast sucks reluctantly. An hour later, she realizes she hasn't eaten. I do not starve the sea, I feed. Another hour later again. If by this time he does not fall asleep, then sleepy psychos begin. In the flesh until the next hour. And then there is again. If he eventually falls asleep, then after 2 hours you have to wake him up again. Then again the war with food. Vicious circle. At night it was almost impossible to put down. Previously, she herself fell asleep in the crib, but now only with her parents, only with screams and tears. Although up to 2 months I heard a scream only as a requirement to eat. There is less milk because the child eats without enthusiasm. Now the nurse came in and said to supplement after the breast with a mixture of 30-40 grams, because there is not enough milk along the way, and therefore she asks again in an hour. And she doesn’t scream and doesn’t demand food, because she’s used to being hungry. Share, tell, can anyone come across this. How did you cope? How did it go?
Expert answer
July 10, 2019
Natalya Levina
What to do if a newborn baby sleeps a lot and eats little
illness or something. Each baby is an individual, someone sleeps less, someone more, but the need for food usually occurs every 2-4 hours.
What if the baby (especially in the first months of life) sleeps too much?
The first thing to do is to evaluate the weight gain. If the mother has a lot of milk (or an artificial baby), there are no problems with digestion and the nervous system, then a child closer to 3 months old can easily withstand 4-hour intervals between feedings and have 8 hours of full-fledged uninterrupted night sleep. Moreover, with complete well-being, this is exactly how it should be. In such a situation, we will see good weight gain, an active, cheerful and age-developed baby during the wakefulness period. It is not necessary to wake up such a child for additional feedings, he is quite capable of regulating his own needs.
If weight gain is minimal or, even worse, completely absent, then excessive drowsiness is associated with a weakened child's body. The baby simply does not have the strength to actively suck. In such a situation, it is necessary to understand in detail together with specialists.
This situation can occur in premature babies, in children suffering from cardiovascular diseases, in children with congenital thyroid disorders, and in a number of other cases. Here, in addition to eliminating the underlying disease, force-feeding is necessary. If the baby's condition allows, then it is necessary to wake him up as often as possible and apply to the chest. If there is a refusal to suckle, you should not insist: you need to feed with expressed milk from a bottle until the baby gets stronger. If the body weight deficit is significant, then the doctor will prescribe a special medical diet. In critical cases, such children are hospitalized and fed in a hospital.
What other causes of excessive sleepiness and refusal to breastfeed can be?
- mother or child taking sleeping pills
- an overdose of certain drugs (for example, naphthyzinum)
- the debut of an acute illness of the baby (for example, the onset of SARS)
- oral candidiasis (sucking is painful)
- severe runny nose (the baby cannot even suck, and breathe through the mouth at the same time)
- incorrect nipple grip or flat chest in the mother
In all these cases, it is urgent to contact a pediatrician or emergency room in order to understand and help the baby in time.