Ball baby food jars
Ways to Store Homemade Baby Food
Now that you have made your baby food, you want to store it in the most sanitary yet convenient way possible.
Should you bother with ice cube trays, store it in the refrigerator, drop it on wax papered cookie sheets for freezing or use glass jars?
After you have made the decision on how to store your baby food, how will you organize it? Outlined below are the varied methods for storing homemade baby food along with their pros and cons.
Storing Homemade Baby Food Using the Ice Cube Tray – Freezer Bag MethodUsing this method, you spoon or pour your purees into regular ice cube trays and then cover with plastic wrap. Prior to using your ice cube trays, you want to thoroughly cleanse them with warm soapy water and/or run them through the dishwasher on the sanitize setting. Some parents have even submerged their ice cube trays in boiling water for sanitizing (note: please make sure that the manufacturer of the trays indicates it is ok to boil the trays. )
The ice cube tray method offers you many advantages:
Each cube is approximately 1+ ounces, allowing you to have an idea of the amount of food your baby is consuming.
Another advantage is that you probably have ice cube trays on hand and will not need to go out and buy them.
Further, there is minimal waste as you use only 1 cube at a time and will not have to toss away much food; such as you toss away when using commercial foods.
Using the ice cube tray method to store homemade baby food also allows you to make several trays at a time so your time spent in the kitchen making baby food is decreased.
Once the purees have been frozen in the trays, you simply pop out the cubes and use as needed. If you’ve made big batches, pop out the cubes and store them in freezer bags. You simply transfer the baby food cubes into freezer bags, freeing up your trays for the next batch of food as well as freeing up some freezer space.
If using the freezer bag method for your food cubes, be sure to label the bags with the type of food and also date the bags. This will help you to quickly grab a cube from a bag of veggie and a bag of fruit without having to guess what you have in the bags. It also allows you to keep track of the length of time the food cubes have been in the freezer.
Storing Homemade Baby Food in the Refrigerator
Storing your baby food in the refrigerator is probably one of the least convenient and safe way to store homemade baby food. It is recommended that baby food be stored no longer than 48 hours in the refrigerator so as to reduce the risk of (bacterial or other) contamination on the food.
If you choose to store your baby food in the refrigerator, please be sure to take individual servings from the container. NEVER feed your baby directly from the original container and then re-store. Saliva may contaminate the food.
Using the Wax Paper/Cookie Sheet Method to Store Homemade Baby Food
This method involves dropping your purees into “clumps” on a cookie sheet that has been covered in wax paper; much like you do when making cookies.
This method requires a lot of freezer space and would also require that you transfer the frozen food into another storage item.
Should You Use Glass Jars or Recycled Baby Food Containers to Store Homemade Baby Food?
You should NEVER freeze anything in glass containers unless the glass container is specifically labeled for freezing.
Freezing in glass may cause bursting. It may also cause tiny fractures in the glass and may leave behind microscopic glass shards that you may never see. Freezing homemade baby food in the plastic containers that some commercial baby food makers now use is a better choice. However, some plastics are made specifically to withstand heat and freezing temperatures so ensure that your recycled plastic containers are labeled as “ok to freeze”.
BALL, makers of home canning products, manufactures 4 ounce jars specifically for freezing as do other manufactures.
All things considered, freezing in ice cube trays and then transferring to freezer bags is to me, the easiest, most time-saving and convenient method of storing homemade baby food – even when you have twins!
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
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Choose freezer safe glass jars to store homemade baby food! These Ball canning jars are freezer safe – use plastic wrap between the lids to help protect baby food.
Photography by Chelsea Foy
ball baby food jars? | TreasureNet 🧭 The Original Treasure Hunting Website
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- Thread starter blugotti1
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Bronze Member
- #1
hey guys. I heard that some baby food jars are worth more money than others and today I found an old Ball mason baby food jar. I was just wandering if it's worth more than others? thanks,David
Silver Member
- #2
Hello blugotti1,
I've not "heard" this myself, so don't know of what you speak. "Baby food" didn't really become a major commercial product until the late Twenties.
""By the late 1920s, commercially canned baby food was introduced and quickly adopted by American consumers. Conditions were favorable: advertising had become widespread, the cost of canned foods had fallen, and experts recommended the addition of fruits and vegetables to the infant diet. The Gerber Company initiated this revolution in infant feeding by expanding the scope of the canned foods industry. According to the Gerber company history, in 1927 Dorothy Gerber laboriously hand-strained vegetables for her seven-month-old daughter, Sally, and urged her husband, Daniel, to consider manufacturing stained baby food a the Gerber family's Fremont Canning Company. The next year, the company introduced strained peas, prunes, carrots, and spinach to the market. The Gerbers launched an advertising campaign featuring a sketch of an infant known as the Gerber Baby that ran in such publications as Good Housekeeping, The Ladies' Home Journal, the Journal of the American Dietetics Association, and the Journal of the American Medical Association. The Gerber Baby icon, drawn by Dorothy Hope Smith, became the company's official trademark in 1931.
---Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America, Andrew F. Smith editor [Oxford University Press:New York] 2004, Volume 1 (p. 58-9)" The Food Timeline--baby food history notes
Earlier infant / invalid "foods" like the Mellin's Food are most common and of meager 'value."
Please post some photos so we're all on the same page, if you would...
Gold Member
- #3
does baby food still come in glass jars?.... I have a great screw and bolt wall holder that my dad made for me decades ago that I keep in the barn. ..all made from baby food jars.
Silver Member
- #4
Yes, unclemac, I believe it does. Seems to have some new variety, too.
Gold Member
- #5
surf said:
Yes, unclemac, I believe it does.
Seems to have some new variety, too.
Click to expand...
Harry Pristis
Bronze Member
- #6
Here's one of the Mellin's jars for food "for infants and invalids."
Silver Member
- #7
Hello Harry,
That's a fine example, sir. Is that a foil cap on the stopper? Thanks for showing it. The Executive Staff approves.
Harry Pristis
Bronze Member
- #8
The Mellin's jar has a hard rubber (vulcanite?) stopper that is embossed (as you see it). The stopper seals inside the cork ring (original) inside the mouth of the jar. In my early image, the isolated stopper appears more yellow than it actually is . . . the putty color of the stopper in the jar is a better rendition.
Silver Member
- #9
Thanks, Harry,
This is the first hard rubber Mellin's stopper that I have seen. I've dug several of the plain stubby glass stoppers with them. I wonder when they used these...
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Crafts from baby food jars
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The kid ate the puree with pleasure, smearing its contents on all surfaces. And the jar was carefully washed out and sent to the shelf to its fellows. What to do with her?
There are a lot of ideas for using glass baby food jars. Website "Mom can do anything!" collected the most interesting of them.
- Needle cases. It is easy to make such cute needle beds from glass jars that will fit buttons and other small handicraft things.
- Houses for fairies. If you are fond of modeling, then you should try to make such a delightful house for fairies.
- Aquarium. A jar is a small aquarium for a toy fish. Pour soil inside, install algae - the craft is ready. You can also mold plasticine fish together with your child and place them in a jar.
- Terrarium. Plant moss and other small, low-maintenance plants inside.
- Decorations for the holiday. Decorate the jars with glitter, make holes in the lids and install decorative elements, letters and numbers. A very original decoration is ready.
- Bird feeder. Few people realize that such delicious drinkers and bird feeders are obtained from an ordinary baby food can.
In the sun, they will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow and delight the eye.
- Storage for small items. From cans, not only beautiful things are obtained, but also very practical. Screw the lids to a wooden surface and you will get very convenient containers for storing small things.
- Candlesticks for the garden. Buy a lot of small candles, put each one in its own jar and hang them by ropes on tree branches. A beautiful setting for a romantic evening is ready.
- Container for growing onions. Green onions are a storehouse of nutrients that are so lacking in the cold season. Growing such an onion is not difficult. Pour water into the jar, put the bulb on top, in a few days we will get the first shoots.
- Pots for seedlings. It is convenient to plant parsley, dill and other herbs in small jars.
- Crafts from baby food jars. Such beautiful flowers in pots are easy to make yourself with your children. We circle the palm on a green sheet of cardboard, cut it out, gluing a flower on each finger.
We put it in a pot-jar - a beautiful craft is ready. Such flowers will be a great gift for mom or grandmother by March 8th.
- Storage containers. In puree jars it is very convenient to store buttons, beads, beads.
- Pencil holders.
- Night lamps.
- Snow globe. A can of baby food makes a delicious snow globe. Just stick the figurine on the lid. Pour the baby oil and glitter into the jar, close the lid tightly and shake.
- Gift-treat for guests or children.
- Original frames. Just place photos inside the jar.
- Spice storage. Glass jars with screw-on lids keep spices fresh for a long time.
- Vases for flowers. Just dip the jar in the paint and get unusual vases for small flowers.
- Jelly mold. Small jars are great for making jelly. It looks beautiful and appetizing in them, one jar holds one serving, and the screw cap will help keep it in the refrigerator for a long time.
- Portion desserts. In small jars it is convenient to make portioned desserts.
- Refreshing cocktail in a jar.
- Candles. You can read how to make these candles here.
- Crafts. Small glass jars are a great base for crafts.
- Rubber storage. The advantages of transparent jars are obvious - it's easy to find the right one.
How do you use jars?
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options for using waste containers (120 photos + video)
All young mothers with the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods are faced with the question - where to put the small jars from the baby's food? They are usually used for further storage of food (very convenient, for example, to cover jam or jam in small portions) or as a container for spices.
To make them not banal and boring, you can decorate them. Just look at the photo of crafts from jars and understand that such crafts cannot be boring.
Brief content of the article:
- Painting with bright colors
- Other ways to use jars
- Educational games with jars
- Photo of crafts from baby food jars
Painting with bright colors
Glass jars can be painted with stained glass paints or special paints used for painting on glass. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores for creativity.
In order to apply a beautiful design on a glass jar, you need to carefully work with paints so that they do not spread over the rounded shape of the workpiece.
If it became clear that the pattern is not to your liking, you can wash it off as soon as it is applied. To do this, use plain tap water and a cotton pad. If the paint has already hardened, then you will need a special solvent.
To give a background to the design, the glass surface can be painted in a single color. In the case of working with stained glass paints, the background can be omitted.
Special stencils can be used for beautiful painting on glass surfaces. Thus, you should get original crafts from jars.
Other ways to use jars
There are quite a few options where empty jars are used:
- Needle box. To do this, you need to make an additional pad with soft filling on the lid, where it will be convenient to insert needles.
- Fantasy houses for fairies. If you have a desire and imagination, you can make a wonderful house for a fairy. If desired, you can insert a small candle inside the jar and light it in the evenings. Your kid will be just delighted with this idea!
- Small aquarium for toy fish. If the baby wants to have fish, but the parents do not allow it, you can find a compromise and start such a cute aquarium for a toy fish.
- To do this, it will be necessary to pour some soil inside the glass jar, place algae there - the aquarium is ready! Fish can be made together with the baby from plasticine.
- Terrarium. To do this, you can use moss and plants that do not need care.
- Candlesticks or coasters.
- Cans can be used to feed migratory birds in winter.
- Storage of various small things. If the metal covers that are unscrewed are screwed to the locker with screws, you can get excellent containers for storing various little things.
- Few people guess, but in such jars you can grow green onions! To do this, you need to pour some water into a glass jar, place the bulb there and wait just a few days!
- If there are a lot of pencils and pens in the house, you can store them in baby food jars.
- A wonderful craft - a snow globe! Instructions on how to make the craft are very simple. To do this, you need to glue a small figure on the lid, pour some glitter into the jar and add regular baby oil. Close the lid very tightly and shake the jar! Your snow globe is ready.
- Jelly molds. The capacity is just the right size for one person.
As you can see, there are so many options for making old baby food jars. The main thing is to connect your imagination.
Educational games with jars
If your baby is still very small, you can use his empty baby food jars for educational games. To do this, you need to stick a few multi-colored pieces of paper on a jar and arrange the necessary colors according to the colors of the pieces of paper.
You can stick pictures with letters on the jars. Use them instead of developing cubes. Then try to put simple syllables and words together with the child.