Beech nut naturals baby food reviews
Beechnut Rice Cereal Baby Food Recall 2021: Reviews On What You Need To Know
Two disturbing Congressional baby food safety reports were released in February and September 2021, revealing that many of the most popular brands of baby foods were selling products that were tainted with dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals.
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Among the brand names mentioned were Gerber and Beechnut, well known for their baby and toddler food items.
The reviews and results of these reports are concerning because even low levels of heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium can be detrimental to babies and growing toddlers.
Exposure to these heavy metals can cause permanent damage to your child’s brain development. It may lead to IQ decrease and behavioral issues. (1)(2)
New parents, and even unsuspecting seasoned parents, have enough worries on their plates regarding their children’s well-being to have to also think about issues of food contamination such as these.
In light of these recent findings, it’s becoming increasingly harder to trust big-name brands and the quality of their products.
Lawmakers and parents alike are now putting pressure on the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) to introduce stricter testing policies for companies such as Beech-Nut.
One of the main changes being pressed is to require baby food manufacturers to test the finished products for heavy metals rather than testing individual components before formulations are made.
Is There A Recall On 2021 Baby Food?
Despite the Subcommittee report showing that several products had high levels of heavy metals, Beech-Nut only issued this cereal recall:
Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal
- Date Recalled: June 8, 2021
- Company Name: Beech-Nut
- Reasons For Recall: High arsenic levels
- Affected Products: UPC Code# 52200034705; Product codes 103470XXXX and 093470XXXX; Expiration date of 01MAY2022 (3)
- Return or Refund Processing: www. or 1-866-272-9417
Statement from Jason Jacobs, Beech-Nut’s vice president for food safety and quality: (4)
“The safety of infants and children is Beech-Nut’s top priority. We are issuing this voluntary recall because we learned through routine sampling by the State of Alaska that a limited quantity of Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal products had levels of naturally-occurring inorganic arsenic above the FDA guidance level, even though the rice flour used to produce these products tested below the FDA guidance level for inorganic arsenic.”
Beech-Nut In Subcommittee Congressional Report On Toxic Baby Foods
Which Baby Food Brands Are Toxic?
In a detailed Congressional Report on toxic products released last February 2021, the US Congress Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy asked the following baby food manufacturers for the test results of products reported to have high levels of toxic heavy metals: (5)
- Beech-Nut Nutrition Company (Beech-Nut)
- Nurture, Inc.
(HappyBABY and HappyTOT)
- Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Earth’s Best Organic)
- Gerber
- Campbell’s Plum Organics
- Walmart Inc. (Parent’s Choice)
- Sprout Foods, Inc. (Sprout Organic Foods)
Of these seven baby food companies, only Beech-Nut, Gerber, Nurture, and Hain submitted test results and internal testing policies to the Subcommittee. The rest refused to cooperate. (5)
Despite complying with the Subcommittee’s request, the four companies remained under fire. Their test results showed heavy metal levels in their ingredients and baby food products were several times the FDA’s maximum allowable levels. (5)
Instead of meeting FDA’s standards, the baby food manufacturers created their own internal standards with increased limits that make it appear as if their products passed. In reality, their results are several times higher than the FDA standards. (5)
Is Beech-Nut Baby Food Safe?
According to the first Congressional Report, Beech-Nut declared that all its raw materials passed internal standards. But the company set very high internal maximum levels, so the ingredients actually failed government regulations. (5)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- 300+ ppb in additives (used in different products)
- 913.4 ppb in raw materials
- The company doesn’t test products or ingredients for mercury.
- Up to 886.9 ppb (raw materials)
- Up to 344.55 ppb (raw materials)
Second Congressional Report
In September 2021, the Subcommittee submitted a follow-up report. It announced that the state of Alaska independently tested Beech-Nut baby food products and still found dangerously high levels of inorganic arsenic. (6)
Despite Alaska’s test results, the second Congressional baby food report revealed that Beech-Nut failed to notify the public or pull all those affected products from the market. (6)
Beech-Nut Rice Cereal (product codes 103470XXXX and 093470XXXX; expiration date of May 1, 2022) were recalled on June 8, 2021. (3)
But to date, no further Beech-Nut recalls have been announced, despite at least four other products also having high levels of arsenic. (6)
Does Beech-Nut have heavy metals?
The FDA sets the maximum limits in ppb (parts per billion) for infant rice cereal to 100 ppb inorganic arsenic, but the Beech-Nut rice cereals have more than this limit.
Three samples associated with the two recalled products tested by Alaska had the following inorganic arsenic levels: (6)
- Product code 103470XXXX: 125 ppb
- Product code 093470XXXX, sample 1: 122 ppb
- Product code 093470XXXX, sample 2: 116 ppb
Aside from these samples from recalled products, Alaska reported four Beech-Nut rice cereal product codes that also tested over the FDA’s arsenic limits: (6)
- 013470XXXX
- 013351XXXX
- 243470XXXX
- 113470XXXX
Notably, there were two different samples for 243470XXXX from the same lot. Both showed high levels of inorganic arsenic. The Congressional Report stated that these results are proof that Beech-Nut should have issued a recall on this product code, too. (6)
Reducing Heavy Metals in Baby Food Products
Heavy metals could greatly affect the body and brain development of young children. So, Consumer Reports, the US PIRG (Public Interest Research Group), and other concerned groups call for the approval of the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021. (8)
It will require baby food manufacturers to test and disclose their results to parents and regulators. It will also direct the FDA to create and implement stricter heavy metal limits for baby foods. (8)
In response to public outcry, the FDA announced its action plan called “Closer to Zero.” It aims to reduce toxic elements from foods of babies and young children by lowering the allowable limits. (9)
If implemented, this could lower the limit to 15 ppb for infant cereal and 10 ppb in other baby foods, as proposed by the Baby Food Safety Act. (6)
If that happens, then Beech-Nut will need to pull more products off the shelves. Because even the rice cereal samples (product code 193470XXXX; arsenic level 52.2 ppb) with the lowest inorganic arsenic content have at least three times the allowable limit. (6)
What Is The Healthiest Baby Food Brand?
The following may be healthier alternatives to the unsafe products in the report:
- Little Spoon (subscription-based organic baby food)
- Yumi (subscription-based organic baby food)
- Little Journey Organics
- Once Upon A Farm
- Serenity Kids
Preparing Healthier Alternatives At Home
You can also prepare fresh, organic baby foods at home using appliances you already have in your kitchen. Products like a Baby Brezza Small Baby Food Maker Set – Cooker and Blender can also help.
But a blender or simple food processor will also do the trick. No need to buy any new gadgets.
You can prepare healthy, fresh baby food at home using:
- Whole or puréed vegetables and fruits
- Raw yogurt or coconut yogurt
- Quality meats, poultry, or fish
- Bone broth
- Healthy fats such as ghee, olive oil, or coconut oil
- Quinoa
- Eggs
- Oats
Although sweet potatoes and carrots can also have high lead and cadmium levels, they are also important sources of vitamin A and other nutrients. Include these in your child’s diet in moderate amounts. (7)
It’s also best to avoid using rice and rice flour because they might have high cadmium, lead, and arsenic levels. (7)
Other Companies In Congressional Report On Toxic Baby Foods
The following companies were also listed on the Congressional reports: (5)(6)
Gerber Products Company
The company submitted test results for raw materials only, acknowledging that it doesn’t test finished products for heavy metal content. (5)
- No test for mercury.
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 90 ppb (rice flour)
- Up to 48 ppb (sweet potatoes)
- Over 5 ppb in 75% of raw ingredients (carrots)
- Up to 87 ppb (some carrot batches)
- No test for cadmium in other raw materials or ingredients.
Nurture, Inc. (HappyBABY And Happy Family Organics)
Nurture regularly tests both ingredients and finished products for heavy metals, unlike the other baby food manufacturers in the Congressional Report.
But despite knowing that their finished products had high levels of heavy metals, Nurture continued to release them without any corrections. The company admitted that the heavy metal test results aren’t the basis for product release. (5)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 100 ppb (over 25% of Nurture finished baby products)
- Up to 160 (Strawberry & Beet Puffs)
- Up to 160 (Banana & Pumpkin Puffs)
- Up to 180 ppb (Apple & Broccoli Puffs)
- Up to 9.8 ppb (Banana Sweet Potato)
- Up to 10 ppb (Brown Rice Cereal Canister)
- Up to 10 ppb (Nurture vegetables and rice products)
- Up to 560 ppb (Multi-Grain Cereal Canister)
- Up to 641 ppb (Blueberry Purple Carrot)
- Up to 5 ppb (65% of Nurture products)
- Up to 36 ppb (Strawberry Raspberry)
- Up to 49 ppb (Multi-Grain Cereal Canister)
Hain Celestial Group, Inc.

Hain admitted that it doesn’t test for actual heavy metal content but only makes “theoretical calculations” from ingredient results. (5)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 309 ppb (ingredients)
- Up to 129 ppb (finished products)
- No test for mercury.
- Up to 352 ppb (raw materials)
- Up to 260 ppb (ingredients)
Campbell Soup Company (Plum Organics)
The company refused to provide the Subcommittee with their actual test results or internal standards, insisting that their finished products “meet criteria.” (5)
But data from Healthy Babies Bright Futures showed the following results for Just Sweet Potato Organic Baby Food: (7)
- Less than 0.142 ppb
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 3.1 ppb
- Up to 5.
6 ppb
- Up to 2.3 ppb
Walmart Inc. (Parent’s Choice)
Walmart also refused to submit results or internal standards to the Subcommittee. These are data from the Healthy Babies Bright Futures report: (7)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 108 ppb (Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks)
- Up to 56.1 ppb (Little Hearts Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Snack)
- Up to 2.05 ppb (Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks)
- Up to 0.941 ppb (Little Hearts Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Snack)
- Up to 26.9 ppb (Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks)
- Up to 5.2 ppb (Little Hearts Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Snack)
- Up to 26.1 ppb (Little Hearts Strawberry Yogurt Cereal Snack)
- Up to 2.4 ppb (Organic Strawberry Rice Rusks)
Sprout Foods, Inc. (Sprout Organic Foods)
The company never responded to the Congressional Subcommittee. So, these results for Organic Quinoa Puffs Baby Cereal Snack – Apple Kale also come from the Healthy Babies Bright Futures report: (7)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 107 ppb
- Up to 1.31 ppb
- Up to 39.3 ppb
- Up to 41.5 ppb
(6) gov/files/ECP%20Second%20Baby%20Food%20Report%209.29.21%20FINAL.pdf
Beech-Nut Vs. Gerber: Which Baby Food Brand Is Better?
As many as 90% of parents in the US may turn to commercial baby foods for children below three years old. The baby food industry is expected to reach over $76 billion in sales in 2021 alone. (1)
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Beech-Nut and Gerber are among the most popular baby food brands you can easily buy from grocery stores. Both offer a variety of flavors and may be good options as your baby’s first solid food.
But which is the best baby food brand for your little one? What products do they offer? Do they use organic ingredients with no preservatives? Do they have toxic metal content?
Continue reading to find answers to these questions below.
Beech-Nut and Gerber: Similarities & Differences
Main Similarities
- Both baby food brands are readily available in most grocery stores.
- Both offer a variety of flavors for different stages of your baby’s development.
- Both may be good options as your baby’s first solid food.
- Both have been producing baby food for decades: Gerber since 1927 and Beech-Nut since 1931.
- Both claim to do extensive research and regular tests on their products to ensure quality and safety for your baby.
- Both are Non-GMO Project Verified. It means that both brands produce baby foods without GMOs (genetically modified organisms). GMOs may cause antibiotic resistance, allergic reactions, reduced immune system function, and cancer.
- Both use BPA-free packaging. BPA (bisphenol-A) is a toxic industrial chemical used in plastic production. (3)
- Both brands may also have products with high levels of toxic heavy metals, based on tests conducted by Consumer Reports and HBBF (Healthy Babies Bright Futures). (1)(4)
- Both were called out in the 2021 Congressional Reports for their heavy metal content. They provided the Subcommittee with their test results and internal standards. But their results show high levels of heavy metals in ingredients and/or finished products. (5)(6)
- But both also claim that their products are safe and within the FDA’s limits.
Here’s part of Gerber’s statement:
“100% of our foods meet all FDA requirements for our products and our own strict standards. We developed these standards based on the very latest health and safety guidance from organizations like the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, the European Food Safety Authority and the World Health Organization.
In fact, we have among the strictest standards in the world.”
Beech-Nut also assures customers that their products are safe:
“Our foods are and have been below the proposed FDA arsenic limit for rice cereals.
Even the highest quality, organic and non-GMO fruits and vegetables contain trace amounts of lead because this contaminant commonly occurs naturally in soil.”
Main Differences
Is Beech-Nut Brand Good For Babies?
- The brand claims that they use infinitely-recyclable glass jars to reduce their carbon footprint.
- The brand also claims to produce “real food” with no artificial ingredients.
- Its Organics line is certified USDA organic.
- The brand claims that it tests for 255 pesticides, toxins, and heavy metals.
- None of their products contain soy allergens.
- Beech-Nut has eliminated salt and sugars in most of its products since 1977, except for foods that “require sweetening to balance natural acids.
” (7)
What Makes Gerber Better
- The brand offers various products for kids up to preschool age, including multivitamins and probiotic supplements.
- The brand has a subscription service for its organic line at $69.99 per month or around $1 to $2 per meal. These baby foods are delivered to your doorstep.
- The brand also has products for pregnant moms and infant formulas.
- Both brands test their products, but Gerber claims they have a panel of 2,000 babies or “tiny taste testers” who help ensure that their foods taste good.
- Gerber is also part of FITS (Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study), an ongoing research to understand children’s diets and behaviors since 2002.
- The brand claims that its products go through over 100 individual quality checks.
Beech-Nut Baby Foods
Products Offered
Beech-Nut offers a variety of foods that can suit your baby’s nutritional needs when you start weaning them.
You can follow the feeding suggestions by choosing foods from the 4+ Months line if you’re feeding your baby for the first time.
But make sure to ask for your pediatrician‘s advice if you’re planning on giving solid foods to a kid less than six months old.
4+ Months
- Infant cereal canisters
- Classics (single-ingredient pureed baby food jars with broth)
- Naturals (single-ingredient pureed baby food jars)
- Organics (single-ingredient pureed organic baby food jars and cereal canisters)
Flavors can include the following:
- Multigrain cereal canister
- Naturals Sweet Potato Jar
- Organics Pumpkin Jar
Beech-Nut discontinued its rice cereal product line in 2021 after expressing concern about its ability to consistently obtain rice flour that passes the FDA requirements for toxic heavy metal content. (8)
6+ Months
- Infant cereal canisters
- Classics (multi-ingredient pureed baby food jars with broth)
- Naturals (multi-ingredient pureed baby food jars)
- Organics (multi-ingredient pureed baby food jars and cereal canisters)
- Fruities (pureed baby food in a pouch)
- Naturals Pouch (pureed baby food in a pouch)
Flavors can include:
- Harvest Dinners Chicken, Pear, & Zucchini Jar
- Apple, Pear, & Banana Jar
- Naturals Banana, Blueberries, & Green Beans Jar
- Carrot, Zucchini, & Pear Veggies Pouch
8+ Months
- Baby Food Jars
- Baby Food Pouches
- Melties (freeze-dried snacks with fruits, vegetables, and yogurt)
Flavors can include the following:
- Pear, Mango, Spinach, & Yogurt Melties With Probiotics
- Naturals Banana, Cinnamon, & Granola Pouch
- Naturals Carrots, Sweet Corn, & Pumpkin Jar
12+ Months
- Naturals Pouches
- Fruities Pouches
- Veggies Pouches
- Veggie Crisps
- Oat Bars
- Fruit & Veggie Bars
- Melties (freeze-dried snacks with fruits, vegetables, and yogurt)
Flavors can include:
- Apple, Carrot, Mango & Yogurt Melties With Probiotics
- Strawberry Fruity Oat Bars
- Sweet Potato Baked Veggie Crisps
Nutritional Values
The nutritional values differ among various baby food products. But here’s an example from one of Beech-Nut’s bestsellers on Amazon:
Naturals Butternut Squash Jar
- Butternut squash
Nutrition Facts:
- Calories: 35 calories
- Sodium: 0 mg
- Fats: 0 g
- Carbohydrates: 8 g
- Total sugars: 3 g
- Added sugars: 0 g
- Fibers: 1 g
- Proteins: <1 g
- Calcium: 28 mg
- Iron: 1.1 mg
- Potassium:188 mg
Beech-Nut Recall
Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal Recall (2021)
Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal (universal product code# 52200034705) was recalled in June 2021 due to high arsenic content in tests conducted by the State of Alaska. (8)
The recall included the following product codes, with an expiration date code of “01MAY2022”: (8)
- 103470XXXX
- 093470XXXX
For return or refund processing, you can reach them through:
- www.
- 1-866-272-9417
Beech-Nut CLASSICS Sweet Potato & Chicken (2015)
Beech-Nut CLASSICS Sweet Potato & Chicken was recalled in April 2015 due to possible contamination with glass. (9)
Products with the following codes were called (all have an expiry date code of “DEC 2016”): (9)
- 12395750815
- 12395750821
For return or refund processing, you can do the following:
- Return the recalled product to the store
- Call (518) 839-0300
Gerber Baby Foods
Products Offered
Gerber offers a wide range of products, from infant formulas to preschoolers over 24 months old.
It may be ideal to start with the products for Supported Sitter (4-6 months) as your baby’s first food while weaning from breast milk or formula.
But make sure to ask for a pediatrician’s recommendation before giving solid foods to a baby below six months old.
Supported Sitter (4-6 months)
- 1st Foods (single-ingredient puree in jars)
- My 1st Veggies (single-ingredient puree in jars)
- Single grain rice cereals
- Single grain oatmeal cereals
Flavors can include the following for the 1st Foods line:
- Butternut Squash
- Natural Apple
- Natural Green Bean
- Natural Sweet Potato
Sitter (6-8 months)
- 2nd Foods (multi-ingredient puree in jars)
- Incredipouch (multi-ingredient puree in a pouch)
- Multi-ingredient rice cereals
- Multi-ingredient oatmeal cereals
Flavors include the following for the 2nd Foods line:
- Mac & Cheese with Vegetable Dinner
- Turkey Rice Dinner
- Vanilla Custard Pudding with Banana
- Carrot Tomato & Basil with Balsamic Vinegar
Gerber used to offer Organic Whole Grain Brown Rice Cereal but has discontinued the product.
Crawler (8-12 months)
- Puffs (baked puffed snacks)
- Lil’ Crunchies baked (puffed snacks)
- Melts (freeze-dried fruit and vegetable snack)
- Whipped melts (freeze-dried fruit and egg white snack)
- Teethers (gentle teething wafers)
- Teether Wheels (wheel-shaped teething snacks)
- BabyPops (puffed snacks)
- Puffs To Go (cereal snacks)
- 3rd Foods (baby food jar)
- Grain & Grow Morning Bowl (multigrain cereal with fruits or veggies)
- Lil’ Bits (cereal with fruit bits)
- Yogurt Blends
Flavors can include the following:
- Very Berry Blend Fruit & Veggie Melts
- Strawberry Apple Puffs
- Veggie Dip Lil’ Crunchies
- Strawberry Apple Spinach Teethers
- Organic Banana Raspberry BabyPops
- 3rd Foods Pasta Marinara
Toddler (12+ months)
- Grain & Grow Soft Baked Grain Bars
- Oat Milk Smoothies
- Lil’ Crunchies
Flavors can include the following:
- Organic Lil’ Crunchies White Bean Hummus
- Organic Grain & Grow Soft Baked Grain Bars (Banana, Mango, and Pineapple flavor)
- Organic Banana, Squash, Mango, and Pineapple Smoothie
Other Products
The brand also offers the following:
- Probiotic and vitamin drops
- Probiotic supplements
- Multivitamins
Nutritional Values
The nutritional values vary among the different baby food products. But here’s an example from one of Gerber’s bestsellers on Amazon:
Gerber 2nd Foods Hawaiian Delight Dessert
- Pineapple juice (water and pineapple juice concentrate)
- Fully ripened bananas
- White grape juice concentrate
- Rice flour
- Whey protein concentrate (from milk)
- Water
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
Nutrition Facts:
- Calories: 120 calories
- Sodium: 50 mg
- Fats: 0 g
- Carbohydrates: 28 g
- Total sugars: 20 g
- Added sugars: 5 g
- Fibers: 0 g
- Proteins: 2 g
- Calcium: 21 mg
- Iron: 0.2 mg
- Potassium: 240 mg
- Vitamin C: 23 mg
Gerber Recall
Gerber Pasta Pick-Ups Cheese Ravioli (2017)
Gerber Pasta Pick-Ups Cheese Ravioli (universal product code #159070) were recalled in March 2017 for undeclared egg components (allergens) on the product label. (10)
This recall affected all the batches/lots without the correct label.
For return or refund processing, you can call 1-800-510-7494.
Gerber Organic 2ND FOODS Pouches (2016)
Gerber Organic 2ND FOODS Pouches were recalled in March 2016 over packaging defects that may cause product spoilage during handling or transport. (11)
These products were affected: (11)
Carrots, Apples & Mangoes
- Batch 51955335XX, with best before date: July 13, 2016
- Batch 51965335XX, with best before date: July 14, 2016
Pears, Carrots & Peas
- Batch 51945335XX, with best before date: July 12, 2016
- Batch 51955335XX, with best before date: July 13, 2016
For return or refund processing, you can call 1-800-706-0556.
Congressional Report On Toxic Baby Foods
Which Baby Food Brands Are Toxic?
According to the Congressional Report released in February 2021, several popular baby food brands may have products with alarming levels of heavy metal content. The brands are: (5)
- Beech-Nut Nutrition Company (Beech-Nut)
- Gerber
- Nurture, Inc. (HappyBABY and HappyTOT)
- Hain Celestial Group, Inc. (Earth’s Best Organic)
- Campbell’s Plum Organics
- Walmart Inc. (Parent’s Choice)
- Sprout Foods, Inc. (Sprout Organic Foods)
Is Beechnut Baby Food Bad?
Beech-Nut declared that all its raw materials passed its internal standards. (5)
Yet, the company apparently set exponentially high internal maximum levels, so these ingredients actually failed the regulations. (5)
Here’s the FDA maximum limit for bottled water (in ppb or parts per billion): (12)
- 10 ppb inorganic arsenic
- 5 ppb lead
- 5 ppb cadmium
The FDA maximum limit for infant rice cereal:
- 100 ppb inorganic arsenic
Here’s the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) limit for drinking water, which may also apply to food: (13)
- 2 ppb mercury
Instead of complying with these regulations, Beech-Nut created internal standardswith increased limits: (5)
- Arsenic: 3,000 ppb
- Cadmium: 3,000 ppb
- Lead: 5,000 ppb
The following are some of the results for Beech-Nut products: (5)
Inorganic Arsenic:
- 300+ ppb (additives)
- 913.
4 ppb (raw materials)
- Up to 886.9 ppb (raw materials)
- Up to 344.55 ppb (raw materials)
- The company doesn’t test for mercury.
In September 2021, the Subcommittee follow-up report released test results of Beech-Nut baby food products that still contained dangerously high inorganic arsenic levels. (6)
Three samples of Beech-Nut Single Grain Rice Cereal had the following inorganic arsenic levels: (6)
- Product code 093470XXXX, sample 1: 122 ppb
- Product code 093470XXXX, sample 2: 116 ppb
- Product code 103470XXXX: 125 ppb
Beech-Nut later issued a recall on these lots and discontinued its rice cereal line. But other products weren’t recalled. (6)(8)
Other Beech-Nut rice cereal product codes that also have results over the FDA’s arsenic limits: (6)
- 013470XXXX
- 013351XXXX
- 243470XXXX
- 113470XXXX
Notably, there were two samples from lot #243470XXXX that showed high levels of inorganic arsenic. According to the Subcommittee, these results prove that that brand should have issued a recall on the other product codes. (6)
Is Gerber Baby Food Bad?
Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, head of the Congressional Subcommittee, issued the following statement regarding Gerber and the other baby food companies: (5)
“My Subcommittee’s investigation has pulled back the curtain on the baby food industry, and each revelation has been more damning than the last.
I’ve released a new report on toxic metals in baby food, including popular brands such as Gerber’s Infant Rice Cereal products containing dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic.
We trust these companies with our babies, and they have failed us.”
Gerber admitted to the Subcommittee that it doesn’t perform heavy metal tests on finished products. Only the raw materials or ingredients are tested. (5)
Here are some of Gerber’s heavy metal test results:
Inorganic Arsenic:
- Up to 90 ppb in rice flour (67 batches)
- Up to 48 ppb in sweet potatoes
- Over 5 ppb in carrot ingredients (75%)
- Up to 87 ppb (some carrot batches)
- No test for other raw materials or ingredients.
- The company doesn’t test for mercury.
Consumer Reports On Toxic Baby Foods
As many as 90% of US parents choose commercial products over homemade baby foods for children below three years old. So, it’s alarming to learn that many products contain toxic heavy metals. (1)
Consumer Reports showed that 68% of baby foods might have at least one heavy metal in worrisome levels. (1)
Baby Foods That May Have High Levels Of Toxic Metals
The study also identified fifteen baby foods that may pose potential health risks if your child eats several servings a day. (1)
These include foods from Beech-Nut and Gerber: (1)
- Complete Rice Single Grain Baby Cereal
- Organic Oatmeal Whole Grain Baby Cereal
- Complete Oatmeal Whole Grain Baby Cereal
- Classics Sweet Potatoes
- Graduates Arrowroot Cookies
- Graduates Cinnamon Graham Animal Crackers
- Graduates Banana Cookies
- Graduates Waffle Wheels Puffed Grain Snack, Banana Cream
- Oatmeal Single Grain Cereal
- Organic Oatmeal Cereal
- Graduates Lil’ Biscuits Vanilla Wheat
- Graduates Cereal Bars, Strawberry Banana
- Turkey & Rice
- Carrot, Pear & Blackberry
- Carrots Peas & Corn With Lil’ Bits
- Lil’ Meals flavor White Turkey Stew With Rice and Vegetables
Baby Foods With “Less Concern”
But not all their products have alarming levels of toxic metals. (1)
The same report identifies the following as baby foods with “less concern.” You may give as many servings as you want to your baby: (1)
- Naturals Carrot, Broccoli, Apple & Strawberry
- Classics Apple, Pear & Banana
- Quinoa Crispies, Vanilla
- Organic Just Apple & Green Beans
- Organic Peas, Green Beans, and Avocado
- Breakfast Buddies Hot Cereal With Real Fruit, Apple Cinnamon
- Graduates Puffs Cereal Snack, Strawberry Apple
- Grabbers Strong Veggies, Broccoli, Carrot, Banana, Pineapple
- Lil’ Beanies Baked Snack Made With Beans, White Cheddar & Broccoli
- Lil’ Crunchies Baked Corn Snack Mild Cheddar
- Lil’ Crunchies Baked Corn Snack Vanilla Maple
- Lil’ Entrées Chicken & Brown Rice With Peas & Corn
- Organic Puffs, Puffed Grain Snack, Apple
- Organic Peas, Carrots & Beets
What Is The Healthiest Baby Food Brand?
Considering these worrisome toxic metals in Beech-Nut and Gerber products, these may be healthier alternatives to give your baby:
- Little Spoon (subscription-based)
- Yumi (subscription-based)
- Little Journey Organics
- Once Upon A Farm
- Serenity Kids
(1) https://www.
(9) https://www.fsis.
Beech-Nut Baby Food Made in China?
Many Beech-Nut baby foods are organic. Puff products to be made in China are Gerber's star products, including organic and inorganic puff products, with a total of 8 flavors.
Moreover, is oatmeal with nuts safe?
Lead, arsenic, mercury found in food products. According to a Congressional study, heavy metals have been found in baby food from Beech-Nut and other companies. ... Beech-Nut in a public statement said that "We want to reassure parents that Beech-Nut products are safe and nutritious .
Second, is baby food made in China?
All Gerber products made in China comply with China's food safety standards for infant and infant complementary foods,” the Swiss conglomerate said in a statement. … Food safety warnings in China are only allowed to be published by the State Council. However, Nestle said it had reported the association to the authorities. nine0005
In addition to the above What is the safest baby food? Safer alternatives for young children include rice-free snacks, rice-free cereals (such as multigrain and oatmeal), and teething soothing rice-free foods (such as frozen banana or chilled cucumber).
So what kind of baby food is produced in the USA?
Baby Food USA
Heinz Baby – A food manufacturer offering a complete range of products to meet the needs of a 4 to 6 month old baby. Nature's One - Offers organic infant formula and manufactures organic pediatric health products in the United States. nine0005
What is the safest brand of baby food?
- Beech walnut. This widely available brand offers both organic and natural options, all of which are rigorously tested to ensure they are free of pesticides and heavy metals. …
- cerebellum. …
- Baby Gourmet. …
- The best organic product of the Earth. …
- Small spoon. …
- Happy baby food. nine0045
- Best Baby Food Jar: Beech-Nut Naturals Stage 1.
- Best Organic Baby Food Pouch: Plum Organics Stage 1.
- Best Budget Baby Food: Gerber Organic 1st Foods.
- Best Baby Food for Constipation: Gerber Natural 1st Foods (Pear)
- Best Organic Canned Baby Food: Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Stage 1.
- Best Baby Food Jar: Beech-Nut Naturals Stage 1.
- Best Organic Baby Food Pouch: Plum Organics Stage 1.
- Best Budget Baby Food: Gerber Organic 1st Foods.
- Best Baby Food for Constipation: Gerber Natural 1st Foods (Pear)
- Best Organic Canned Baby Food: Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Stage 1.
- In 68% of samples, experts found "alarming" levels of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and/or inorganic arsenic).
- 15 out of 50 products tested were generally dangerous to the health of a child consuming 1 serving per day or less.
- Rice and/or sweet potato products contained the highest amount of heavy metals. nine0034
Does Earth's Best contain heavy metals?
Do you have heavy metals in your baby food? Heavy metals occur naturally and are present in the soil, air and water around us. Small amounts of these metals can be absorbed by food as it grows. As a Certified Organic brand, Earth's Best does not use any pesticides that increase metal levels.
Does Beechnut contain heavy metals? nine0050
Our heritage of testing
We have been testing our ingredients for contaminants such as heavy metals and pesticides since 1985. Beech-Nut is proud to partner with farmers to make sure they understand and can meet the quality levels we require.
Is Gerber food made in China?
"All Gerber products made in China meet Chinese food safety standards for infant and infant complementary foods," the Swiss multinational food and beverage conglomerate said in a statement to Reuters. nine0005
Are Gerber baby products made in the USA?
Gerber Baby Food
Once an American company based in Michigan, now owned by the Swiss company Nestle (OTC:NSRGY). While it has a few American factories—for infant formula, for example—the majority of Gerber's baby food is made outside of the United States.
Why is Gerber baby food harmful?
According to a new report, arsenic, a toxic metal found in baby food, including brands like Walmart, Gerber, Beech-Nut. A Congressional study found that levels of arsenic, lead and other toxic metals in many popular baby foods, including organic brands, can harm brain development. nine0005
Do sweet potatoes contain heavy metals?
Plant roots are in close contact with the soil and have higher concentrations of heavy metals than other vegetables. Switching from carrots or sweet potatoes to other vegetables can reduce your total heavy metals for that day by about 73%.
Is there a review for baby food 2021?
June 09, 2021 — Beech-Nut Nutrition has announced a voluntary recall of one batch of Beech-Nut Stage 1 Single Grain Rice Flakes.
Which baby food brand is the healthiest?
Best Baby Food
Is the best thing on earth made in the USA?
Earth's Best® Organic Infant Formula is manufactured and packaged in the USA.
Does Cerebelly contain heavy metals?
Cerebelly makes nutrient-rich baby food free of harmful toxins and heavy metals. Teresa Purzner, MD, carefully tests every ingredient in her line of baby food and baby snacks to make sure they are free of toxins or heavy metals. … nine0005
Do sprouts contain heavy metals?
Fifteen foods tested may pose a potential health risk to children who regularly eat just one serving or less per day.” The complaint alleges that Sprout "knew or should have known that its baby formula contains significant amounts of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury."
Does Yumi have heavy metals?
No questionable additives. Our dishes are not enriched and do not contain artificial additives. A 2021 government report notes that some supplements, such as poorly tested vitamin blends, can lead to high levels of heavy metals in baby food. nine0005
Is baby food safe 2021?
Under the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021, within a year of the law going into effect, manufacturers of infant formula and baby food for children under 36 months of age will be required to comply with maximum levels of: inorganic arsenic (10 ppb, 15 ppb ppb for cereals) lead (5 ppb, 10 ppb for cereals)
Is there heavy metals in a small spoon? nine0050
100% USDA certified organic and non-GMO project verified ingredients. We only work with trusted farms that carefully test products for the presence of various organisms and heavy metals. Result? We have never had cases of heavy metals.
Gerber is toxic?
A recently released Congressional report that found heavy metals in popular baby food is causing concern among parents across the country. Major baby food manufacturers such as Gerber and Beech-Nut are among the brands that "tolerate dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals" in their food, according to the report. nine0005
Which brand of baby food is best?
Best Baby Food
Where is Beechnut baby food made?
Most of our products are manufactured at our headquarters in Amsterdam, New York. We are proud to have lived in upstate New York since 1891. Some products, such as our snacks and bags, are made elsewhere.
Editors. 23 - Last updated. 21 days ago – Authors. 9
Beech-Nut and Gerber found heavy metals in baby food
Everyone knows that certain types of fish, such as bigay tuna, king mackerel or swordfish, contain mercury and are therefore undesirable on the menu of children and pregnant women. As well as arsenic in certain grains, most notably rice. And what about baby food based on them? Is it really that safe?
Today, US baby food sales are about $53 billion, and by 2021, according to Zion Market Research, they will exceed $76 billion. And because children are more receptive to food than adults, Consumer Reports (CR) decided to check for the content heavy metals namely the range of baby food. nine0005
In the spring of 2018, CR experts tested 50 popular children's products: cereals, canned fruits and vegetables, packaged meals (for example, turkey and rice dinner), packaged snacks (cookies, crackers, chips, waffles, rice crackers, etc. ), by purchasing 3 samples of each product from retailers across the country.
B o Most of the products were from the 2 largest US baby food manufacturers, Beech-Nut and Gerber. Also purchased were Baby Mum-Mum, Earth's Best, Ella's Kitchen, Happy Baby, Parent's Choice (Walmart), Plum Organics and Sprout. nine0005
Inspection has shown that some popular baby products on the US market are best avoided:
Of the 50 products, only 16 contained heavy metals that did not exceed the safe limit.
The test results table is shown below.
Consumer Reports test data for each product:
N/A | Product name | Serving size | Test score | Daily limit |
Meals and Entrées | ||||
1.![]() | Gerber Lil' Entrées Chicken & Brown Rice With Peas & Corn | 1 tray | + | Unlimited |
2. | Earth's Best Organic Chicken & Brown Rice | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | – | < 1 serving |
3. | Earth's Best Turkey, Red Beans & Brown Rice | 1 doypack | – | < 1 serving |
4. | Gerber Chicken & Rice | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | – | < 1 serving |
5. | Gerber Turkey & Rice | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | – | < 1 serving |
6. | Sprout Organic Baby Food Garden Vegetables Brown Rice With Turkey | 1 doypack | – | < 1 serving |
7. | Gerber Lil' Meals White Turkey Stew With Rice & Vegetables* | 1 tray | – | nine0002 < 0.![]() |
Fruits and vegetables | ||||
8. | Beech-Nut Classics Apple, Pear & Banana | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | + | Unlimited |
9. | Beech-Nut Naturals Carrot, Broccoli, Apple & Strawberry* | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | + | nine0002 Unlimited |
10. | Beech-Nut Organic Just Apple & Green Beans | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | + | Unlimited |
11. | Beech-Nut Organic Peas, Green Beans, and Avocado | 1 doypack | + | Unlimited |
12. | Gerber Grabbers Strong Veggies, Broccoli, Carrot, Banana, Pineapple | 1 doypack | + | Unlimited |
13.![]() | Gerber Organic Peas, Carrots & Beets* | 1 doypack | + | Unlimited |
14. | Happy Baby Organics Purple Carrots, Bananas, Avocados & Quinoa | 1 doypack | + | Unlimited nine0220 |
15. | Gerber Carrot, Pear & Blackberry | 1 container, 4 oz (113 g) | - | < 1 serving |
16. | Gerber Carrots Peas & Corn With Lil' Bits* | 1 container, 5 oz (140 g) | – | < 1 serving |
17. | Plum Organics Just Sweet Potato Organic Baby Food | 1 doypack | – | < 1 serving |
18. | Beech-Nut Classics Sweet Potatoes | 1 can, 4 oz (113 g) | – | < 0.5 servings |
19.![]() | Earth's Best Organic Sweet Potatoes, 1st Stage | 1 can, 2.5 (70 g) | – | < 0.5 servings nine0220 |
Flakes | ||||
20. | Gerber Breakfast Buddies Hot Cereal With Real Fruit, Apple Cinnamon*
| 1 bowl | + | Unlimited |
21. | Beech-Nut Complete Rice Single Grain Baby Cereal
| 0.5 cups | – | < 3 servings nine0220 |
22. | Happy Baby Organics Organic Probiotic Baby Cereal | 4 tbsp. l. | – | < 3 servings |
23. | Beech-Nut Complete Oatmeal Whole Grain Baby Cereal | 0.5 cups | – | < 2.5 servings |
24. | Beech-Nut Organic Oatmeal Whole Grain Baby Cereal | nine0002 0.![]() | – | < 2.5 servings |
25. | Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Oatmeal Cereal | 4 tbsp | – | < 2.5 servings |
26. | Gerber Oatmeal Single Grain Cereal | 0.5 cups | – | < 2.5 servings |
27. | nine0215 Gerber Organic Oatmeal Cereal 0.5 cups | – | < 2.5 servings | |
28. | Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Rice Cereal | 4 tbsp. l. | – | < 1 serving |
Snacks | ||||
29. | Beech-Nut Quinoa Crispies, Vanilla | 1 block | + | Unlimited |
30. | Ella's Kitchen Apples + Strawberries Nibbly Fingers | 0. | + | Unlimited |
31. | Gerber Graduates Puffs Cereal Snack, Strawberry Apple | 0.5 cups | + | Unlimited |
32. | Gerber Lil' Beanies Baked Snack Made With Beans, White Cheddar & Broccoli* | 26 pcs. | + | Unlimited |
33. | Gerber Lil' Crunchies Baked Corn Snack Mild Cheddar | 16 pcs. | + | Unlimited |
34. | Gerber Lil' Crunchies Baked Corn Snack Vanilla Maple | nine0002 16 pcs. | + | Unlimited |
35. | Gerber Organic Puffs, Puffed Grain Snack, Apple | 0.5 cups | + | Unlimited |
36. | Gerber Graduates Arrowroot Cookies | 1 cookie | – | < 6 servings |
37.![]() | Plum Organics Little Yums Organic Teething Wafers, Pumpkin & Banana* | 1 wafer | – | < 5.5 servings |
38. | Gerber Graduates Cinnamon Graham Animal Crackers | 2 crackers | – | < 4.5 servings |
39. | Gerber Graduates Banana Cookies | 1 cookie | – | < 4 servings |
40. | Baby Mum-Mum Banana Rice Rusks | 4 crackers | – | < 3 servings |
41. | Baby Mum-Mum Vegetable Rice Rusks | 4 crackers | – | < 3 servings |
42. | Gerber Graduates Waffle Wheels Puffed Grain Snack, Banana Cream | 4 pcs. | – | nine0002 < 3 servings |
43.![]() | Gerber Graduates Lil' Biscuits Vanilla Wheat | 1 biscuit | – | < 2.5 servings |
44. | Gerber Graduates Cereal Bars, Strawberry Banana | 1 block | – | < 1.5 servings |
45. | Parent's Choice (Walmart) Little Puffs Cereal Snack, Strawberry Apple | 0.5 cups | – | < 1.5 servings |
46. | Plum Organics Mighty Sticks Whole Grain Snacks, Berry Beet* | 1 pack | – | < 1.5 servings |
47. | Sprout Organic Quinoa Puffs Baby Cereal Snack, Apple Kale | 0.33 cups | – | < 1.5 servings |
48. | Earth's Best Organic Sunny Days Snack Bars, Strawberry | 1 block | – | < 1 serving |
49. | Happy Baby Organics Superfood Puffs, Apple & Broccoli | 0.5 cups | – | < 1 serving |
50. | Happy Baby Organics Superfood Puffs, Purple Carrot & Blueberry | 0.5 cups | – | < 1 serving |
(+) - good results
(-) - poor results, alarming
Organic doesn't mean safe
Many parents will be surprised to find products labeled 9 in a poor results table0049 "organics"
. Yes, USDA certified organic products are better than conventional products in many ways (environmental impact, pesticide levels, etc.). However, 20 out of 50 samples tested with this label still contained heavy metals. As Consumer Reports food label expert Charlotte Wallai explained, organically banned arsenic and lead have been used in pesticides in the past and remain in soil today. Therefore, even raw materials grown according to strict modern standards cannot be completely free from these substances. nine0005
How heavy metals get into food
All of them are part of the earth's crust and therefore naturally occur in the environment. However, most of the heavy metals in food come from soil or water contaminated by agricultural or industrial production, in particular from the use of pesticides, and also during the extraction and processing of minerals.
Plants absorb heavy metals from the ground and water, as well as nutrients. However, the "suction" capacity of some crops is much higher than others. Thus, rice absorbs about 10 times more arsenic than other grains. nine0005
How heavy metals affect the body
Iron and zinc are also heavy metals, but in a reasonable amount they only benefit the human body. But cadmium, inorganic arsenic, lead and mercury (especially methylmercury) are toxic in any concentration and pose a particular danger to young children. The longer you consume foods containing them, the more harm will be done to the body. Among the most serious problems are impaired cognitive development and, as a result, a decrease in IQ, behavioral problems (hyperactivity, attention deficit, autism), reproductive problems, the development of bladder, lung and skin cancer. nine0005
Steps parents can take now
According to James Dickerson, Chief Scientist at Consumer Reports, a child's consumption of foods containing heavy metals may not cause health problems right away, but it increases the risk of future problems.
To protect both children and yourself from the accumulation of heavy metals in the body, Dr. Dickerson advises to adhere to the following rules:
1. Eat less rice and products from it. nine0050 Cereals are often a baby's first solid food because they are easy to swallow. However, both the Food and Drug Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend giving babies different types of cereals that do not contain large amounts of inorganic arsenic, such as oat and barley-based products.
2. Choose the right rice and cook it right. Brown rice has been shown to contain more inorganic arsenic than white rice. Prefer Basmati from California, India and Pakistan. You need to cook it in a large amount of water - from 6 to 10 parts of water to 1 part of rice. When the rice is ready, drain off the excess water. nine0005
3. Limit your consumption of packaged snacks. Many of them contain rice flour and generally do not represent any nutritional value for a growing organism.
4. Be careful with chocolate: cocoa powder may contain cadmium and/or lead.
What is being done at the legislative level
Today, the baby food market is not properly regulated by the state, according to Consumer Reports. Many parents are unaware of the presence of heavy metals in the foods they buy for their children because they believe that baby food is produced to stricter standards than other packaged foods. nine0005
However, this is not the case. Although the FDA recognizes that heavy metals pose a danger to children's bodies, there are still no regulations governing food safety for children.
In 2016, the FDA proposed limiting the allowable content of inorganic arsenic in rice used in children's products to 100 ppb (parts per billion), and in 2013 to limit it in apple juice to 10 ppb (the federal standard for the concentration of arsenic in children's products). drinking water). However, no limit has yet been set. nine0005
Based on the results of the Consumer Reports study, the Food and Drug Administration has promised to issue guidance to manufacturers by the end of 2018: metals - USA .one ) for the most vulnerable category of the population - children.
Also FDA stated that "plans to consider a wide range of strategies and actions to reduce the impact" of heavy metals on Americans' health. In particular, consumers will be informed about how to reduce the risks associated with toxic metals, and manufacturers will be encouraged (and forced) to minimize their content in their products.