Born baby food chart
Baby teeth chart: What order do teeth come in?
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Teething chart: Which baby teeth come in first?
As you can see from the teething chart above and the illustration below, it's usually the two front teeth on the bottom (the lower central incisors) that come in first.
Even before your baby was born, tooth buds were developing under their gums. Babies typically sprout a tooth between 6 and 12 months, but it's perfectly normal for your baby's first tooth to show up at 3 months – or after their first birthday. (Some babies are even born with teeth!) It's also fine if your child's teeth come in or fall out in a different order than what's outlined here.
Lower central incisors: 6 to 10 months
Teething begins. Your baby's gums may be swollen and red where the teeth are coming through, and your little one may have other teething symptoms. The two middle teeth on the bottom (lower central incisors) are usually the first to erupt, often at about the same time.
Fast fact: Girls usually get their teeth before boys do.
Upper central incisors: 8 to 12 months
Upper middle teeth (the upper central incisors) emerge.
Fast fact: Baby teeth, or primary teeth, have wavy edges that smooth out with use.
Upper lateral incisors: 9 to 13 months
Top teeth right next to the middle teeth (lateral incisors) appear, giving your baby a row of what look like four little Tic Tacs.
Fast fact: Teeth usually emerge in pairs – one on the right and one on the left.
Lower lateral incisors: 10 to 16 months
The lateral incisors appear on the bottom. Now your baby can flash quite the toothy smile.
Fast fact: Baby teeth hold space for permanent teeth developing under the gums.
Upper first molars: 13 to 19 months
Your child's first molars – the wider teeth toward the back of the mouth – erupt on the top. They won't have much to do until the ones on the bottom show up.
Fast fact: Baby teeth are whiter and smaller than permanent teeth.
Lower first molars: 14 to 18 months
The companion molars on the bottom emerge. Now your toddler can really do some serious chewing.
Fast fact: Sometimes the first molars on the top and bottom will erupt on one side before they erupt on the other side.
Upper canines: 16 to 22 months
Also called a cuspid, the upper canine fills the gap between the incisors and first molars.
Fast fact: These teeth are sometimes called dog teeth.
Lower canines: 17 to 23 months
The lower cuspids appear.
Lower second molars: 23 to 31 months
The second molars, or very back teeth, emerge on the bottom.
Upper second molars: 25 to 33 months
The final teeth – the rear molars on the top – work their way in.
By age 3, most kids have a full set of 20 baby teeth and can give you a brilliant grin.
Growth of jaw and facial bones: Ages 4 to 6
The bones in your child's face and jaw grow and develop, creating space between the baby teeth for permanent teeth to come in.
Tooth loss: Ages 6 to 12
Photo credit: Thinkstock
Your child starts losing teeth. During these years, their grin features both baby teeth and permanent teeth as one type starts to replace the other.
Your child's teeth can fall out in any order, but baby teeth are often lost in the same order they arrived. If your child's baby teeth came in later, they may lose them later too.
The middle teeth are usually the first to go (at 6 to 7 years), followed by the ones on either side (at 7 to 8 years). The molars can be lost any time after that but will likely fall out between 9 and 12 years. The bottom canines will probably fall out between 9 and 12 years, and the top canines will come out between 10 and 12 years.
A full set: Age 13
Photo credit: / PeopleImages
Your child will probably have all 28 permanent adult teeth at around age 13. (Their four wisdom teeth will come in when they're 17 to 21 years old.)
If you have any concerns about your child's teeth, talk to your child's dentist.
Learn more:
Taking care of your baby's gums and teeth
How to handle tooth accidents
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Karisa Ding
Karisa Ding is a freelance health writer and editor with expertise in preconception, pregnancy, and parenting content. A mother of two, Ding finds great joy in supporting new and expectant parents by providing information they need for the life-changing journey ahead. Ding lives in San Francisco with her family.
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Baby formula feeding chart: How much formula by weight and age
Is your baby getting too much or too little formula? It's an important question that worries many new parents, especially those with newborns. When deciding how much formula to give your baby, it's important to watch their hunger cues as well as looking at guidelines based on age and weight. In general, before they're eating solids, babies need 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight each day.
These guidelines are for babies who are exclusively formula-fed for the first 4 to 6 months, and then fed a combination of formula and solids up to age 1. If your baby is getting a combination of breast milk and formula, talk to their doctor for separate advice.
Your pediatrician can tell you where your baby falls on the growth charts, make sure they're growing steadily on their own growth curve, and help you ensure that they're getting a healthy amount of formula. If you're ever worried about your baby's growth, behavior, or development, talk with their doctor.
How much formula for a newborn
For the first few days, offer your newborn 1 to 2 ounces of formula every 2 or 3 hours. (At first, newborns may only take a half ounce of formula at a time.)
After the first few days, give your newborn 2 to 3 ounces of formula every 3 to 4 hours.
Initially it's best to feed your formula-fed newborn on demand, whenever they show signs that they're hungry. Because your little one can't tell you when they want a bottle, you'll need to learn to read their hunger cues. Crying is often a late sign of hunger, so if you can, try to catch the earlier signs that it's time for a feeding.
Here are some hunger cues to watch for:
- Smacking or licking their lips
- Rooting (moving their jaw, mouth, or head in search of food)
- Putting their hands to their mouth
- Opening their mouth
- Fussiness
- Sucking on things
- Becoming more alert
- Crying
As time passes, your newborn will begin to develop a fairly regular feeding schedule. You'll become familiar with their cues and needs, and knowing when and how much to feed them will be much easier.
Formula feeding chart by weight
During the first 4 to 6 months, when your baby isn't eating solid foods, here's a simple rule of thumb: Offer 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight every 24 hours, with a maximum of about 32 ounces.
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Weight | Ounces of formula |
6 pounds | 15 fl oz every 24 hours |
7 pounds | 17.5 fl oz every 24 hours |
8 pounds | 20 fl oz every 24 hours |
9 pounds | 22.5 fl oz every 24 hours |
10 pounds | 25 fl oz every 24 hours |
11 pounds | 27.5 fl oz every 24 hours |
12 pounds | 30 fl oz every 24 hours |
These numbers aren't rigid rules. They offer a rough estimate for what your baby may need. Some babies will grow well while taking less than the recommended amount, while others consistently need more. Your baby's daily feedings will also vary according to their individual needs – in other words, they may want a bit more on some days and a bit less on others.
Formula feeding chart by age
Here are typical amounts per day based on age:
Age | Ounces of formula |
Full-term newborn | 2 ounces per bottle every 3 to 4 hours |
1 month old | 3 to 4 ounces per bottle every 3 to 4 hours |
2 month old | 4 to 5 ounces per bottle every 3 to 4 hours |
3 month old | 4 to 6 ounces per bottle every 3 to 4 hours |
4 month old | 4 to 6 ounces per bottle, 4 to 6 times a day |
5 month old | 4 to 6 ounces per bottle, 4 to 6 times a day |
6 month old | 6 to 8 ounces per bottle, 4 to 5 times a day |
7 month old | 6 to 8 ounces per bottle, 3 to 5 times a day |
From 8 months old until their first birthday, you can expect your baby to have 7 to 8 ounces per bottle, 3 to 4 times a day.
As your baby gets older – and their tummy gets bigger – they'll drink fewer bottles a day with more formula in each. It's important not to overfeed your baby so they'll stay at a healthy weight. Your baby shouldn't have more than 32 ounces of formula in 24 hours.
When they reach their first birthday, they can stop drinking formula and transition to cow's milk in a bottle, sippy cup, straw cup, or open cup. Limit your toddler to 16 to 24 ounces (2 to 2.5 cups) a day of whole milk, so they have room for other healthy foods.
Here are signs that your baby's getting all the formula they need:
- Steady weight gain. They continue to gain weight after their first 10 days and follow a healthy growth curve during their first year. (Most babies lose up to 7 to 10 percent of their birth weight in the first few days and then regain it by the time they're about 2 weeks old.)
- Happy baby. They seem relaxed and satisfied after a feeding.
- Wet diapers. They wet two to three diapers a day in the first few days after birth. Over the next few days, the amount should increase to at least five to six wet diapers a day.
Babies are usually good at eating the amount they need, but bottle-fed babies can drink too much at times. Here are the signs that they're getting too much formula:
- Vomiting after a feeding may be a sign that your baby had too much. (Spitting up is normal, vomiting isn't.)
- Tummy pain after a feeding can also be a sign of overfeeding. If your baby draws up their legs or their tummy seems tense, they may be in pain. (See other possible reasons for stomach pain in babies.)
If your baby seems to want to eat all the time, even after finishing a bottle, talk to your pediatrician. Using a pacifier may help soothe their need to suck.
Formula-feeding tips
- In general, babies eat when they're hungry and stop when they're full, so resist the temptation to encourage your baby to finish each bottle.
Overfeeding during infancy can contribute to obesity later in life.
- Don't respond to your baby's every cry with a bottle. They may be crying because their diaper is wet, they're cold or hot, they need to be burped, or they want to be close to you. (Learn more about why babies cry, and how to soothe them.)
- Your baby may be hungrier than usual during growth spurts. These typically occur 10 to 14 days after birth and around 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months of age.
Read more:
- Formula Feeding Problem Solver
- How to safely store and use formula
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Scheme of the first feeding of a child (table) with artificial and breastfeeding, what can be given to a baby
The need for the introduction of complementary foods in modern mothers has long been beyond doubt. Pediatricians, pediatric nutritionists and other graduates unanimously say that at some point both mother's milk and formula are not enough to satisfy the growing needs of the child's body for useful trace elements and vitamins. That's when it's time to introduce complementary foods. The fact that your baby is ready to get new experiences and try tastes so far unknown to him is indicated by the presence of the following signs:
• doubling the initial weight of the child,
• ability to sit with support,
• child does not push food out of his mouth,
• curiosity and desire to try something from the common table.
Signs of malnutrition in a child, constant feeling of hunger and anxiety associated with it, and weight loss can also be important signals for the start of complementary foods. In these cases, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist and share your observations with him.
Contents: Hide
- When to start the introduction of complementary foods
- with which products start the introduction of complementary foods
- We avoid errors
- Table of complementary foods by artificial feeding
- Power feeding table when storage is
- start introducing complementary foods
The timing of the introduction of complementary foods is still debated.
But if we bring scientific reasoning to a common denominator, then the conclusion suggests itself that complementary foods can be introduced from about six months, and for children with certain medical indications - from 3-5 months. Many experts believe that half a year is the ideal time for complementary foods, when the first colic is over, and the digestive system has matured enough to try new foods. The exact answer to the question of when to introduce complementary foods in a particular child can only be given by a pediatrician. In some situations, it may be necessary to introduce new dishes into the baby's diet as early as 4 months, and someone will be ready for this only after six months.
What foods to start complementary foods with
Fruits, vegetables or cereals? Which of these foods are best for starting complementary foods? Experts have long answered this question as follows: if the baby is underweight, suffers from frequent loose stools, it is advisable to start with cereals (of course, gluten-free and dairy-free), and if everything is fine with weight, then vegetables will be the first in line.
Also, vegetable complementary foods are recommended for breastfed babies with constipation problems, rickets, or premature births who are normal or above weight.
Why not fruit? Everything is simple. Fruits have a bright and sweet taste, and after trying an apple or banana first, the baby is likely to refuse zucchini or broccoli, which do not have the same rich taste. Therefore, the introduction of fruit purees and juices into the diet is postponed until vegetable purees become a familiar dish on the menu. As for cereals, buckwheat, rice and corn are first introduced, as they are characterized by the absence of gluten, saturate and are well digested.Read also: How to properly teach a child to different tastes
Avoiding mistakes
In order for the introduction of complementary foods not to become a test for either the baby or the mother, you need to follow some recommendations. Most importantly, be patient and don't get too upset if things don't go according to plan.
Each child is individual, as are their taste preferences and needs.
• Start complementary foods if the baby is perfectly healthy. Contraindications for the introduction of new products will be teething, colds, stress associated with separation or moving, recent or planned vaccinations.
• New foods are introduced gradually, starting with half a teaspoon. In the absence of allergies or digestive problems, the amount of the product is approximately doubled the next day. Sometimes the introduction of a new product stretches up to a week. Do not rush, give the child the opportunity to "taste" this dish. If the baby flatly refuses the offer, postpone the acquaintance for at least a week.
• Do not force your child to eat. After all, your goal is to introduce your child to new tastes and help develop good eating habits.
• The best time for the first feeding is after the morning feeding until 12 noon, when the baby is already hungry and ready to eat something else. In case something goes wrong, you will know about it during the day, not at night.
• In the event of an adverse reaction to the product, such as an allergy, seek medical advice immediately. Then, in agreement with the doctor, offer this dish after a certain period of time.
• Gradually increase the amount recommended by your pediatrician. If you don't fit within a week, don't worry. Listen to your child and act accordingly.
• Always start feeding with complementary foods. Only then offer breast milk or formula.
• Stick to a 5-meal schedule. Feed your baby at the same time every day.
• Food offered to the baby must be thermally processed - boiled or steamed. The dish should be at a comfortable temperature - about 37 ° C.
• Purees and cereals should be of a liquid consistency so that a child who does not yet know how to chew can comfortably eat them. Thicker dishes with lumps and pieces are introduced into the diet by about a year, when there are already several teeth.
• Do not use salt, sugar or spices when preparing complementary foods.Also, do not add them in order to force the child to eat something. Let the baby get used to natural tastes.
• Complementary foods are prepared at one time and should never be refrigerated until the next meal. Everything should be only the first freshness.
• If you prefer ready-made baby food, carefully study the top manufacturers, pay special attention to the shelf life when buying.When introducing complementary foods, be guided by the data in the tables, which indicate which products, in what quantity and in what months experts recommend giving. 6 months
7 months
8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
180 g
200 g
200 g
50–100 g
150 G
180 g
180 g
180 g
200 g
200 g
60 g
70 g
80 g
100 g
100 g 9000
100 g
50 g
60 g
60 g 9000 9000
70 g
70 g
70 g
Cottage cheese
9000 9000
10-30 g
30 g
40 g
50 g
50 g
30 g
50 g
60 g
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
9006 8 months
9 months
10 months
11 months
12 months
Silent porridge
10–150 g
150–180 g
150–180 g
180–200 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g
200 g
200 g
200 g
10–120 g
80–120 g
150 g
170 g
180 g
200 g
200 g
160-200 ml
5–60 g
50–60 g
60 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g 9000 g.
100–120 g
100–120 g
100–120 g
10-30 g
30–70 g
60–70 g
60–70 g
9000 9000 9000 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 9007 19 cottage cheese -
5–10 g
40 g
40 g
50 g
½ 9000
½ - 1
069 -
10–40 g
50–60 g 9000
Vegetable oil
1 ml
3-5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
5 ml
Cream oil
1-3 g 9000 9000
3-4 g
5 g
5 g
5 g
, as you can see, the schemes for the introduction of feeding and artificial feeding do not differ too much.
In any case, starting to introduce new foods into the baby's diet, you will have to give the baby milk or formula for a long time, which are still the basis of his nutrition.
How to introduce solid foods by month
3 months
If your doctor advises your breastfeeding or formula-fed baby to introduce complementary foods at 3 months, start with what the specialist has recommended to you. If these are vegetables, start with the classic - zucchini puree. This vegetable contains many beneficial nutrients and fiber. Start with half a teaspoon, carefully observing the reaction of the child's body. Be sure to supplement your baby with breast milk or formula afterwards. In case the child does not like the zucchini, try giving broccoli or cauliflower. Well, if the doctor advised porridge, feel free to choose buckwheat or corn.
4-5 months
After your baby has tasted zucchini, broccoli and cauliflower, it's time to add other vegetables: carrots, potatoes, green peas.Do not overdo it with carrots, give it no more than 2 times a week. It is even better if this root crop is combined with other vegetables. It's porridge time! Gluten-free, water-cooked buckwheat, rice or corn. If the baby refuses to eat such cereals, add some breast milk or the usual mixture to them.
6 months
Time to pamper your baby with dried fruit compote, and formula-fed children start giving milk porridge. You can use a milk mixture to prepare such cereals, and in some cases, milk diluted with water. But in general, pediatricians do not advise introducing cow's milk into a child's diet before 8 months, as this can cause allergic reactions.
7 months
After the baby gets used to vegetable purees, you can try to give fruit purees and, if desired, juices, which should be diluted with water. There has been a lot of negative talk about juice lately. There is no fiber in them, but there are a lot of acids, which may not be completely safe for the stomach and have a high sugar content.So consult a pediatrician and think carefully about whether to give the baby juices or still prefer mashed potatoes and compotes. An excellent alternative to juices is children's herbal teas. Start introducing your baby to fruits with apples (preferably green varieties), bananas, and pears. The baby's menu is replenished with a new product - meat. Rabbit meat, turkey meat are best suited. Chicken and veal are also considered a good option. Low-fat pulp without streaks is taken. It is boiled or brought to readiness for a couple, then crushed in a blender or meat grinder. Meat with a gradual increase in its quantity is given as part of vegetable purees. Also at 7 months, it's time to give the baby a pumpkin.
8 months
An important moment in the introduction of complementary foods during artificial and breastfeeding occurs exactly at 8 months. It's time to give the baby a yolk. Watch the reaction of the body very carefully: if there are any manifestations of allergies.In case of a negative reaction of the body to chicken yolk, exclude it from the menu and try quail. It is best to give this product in the morning feeding from 9 to 11 hours. Along with vegetable and butter, gluten cereals are also introduced: oatmeal, millet, barley, pearl barley. It's time to give your child a taste of light vegetable soups. The components of the dish should be familiar to the child. Do not experiment by introducing dishes into the diet even with one unknown ingredient. Meatballs, boiled or steamed, are added to the meat in the form of mashed potatoes.
9 months
At this age, the baby should be introduced to the diet of low-fat fish: pollock, hake, perch, cod. For these purposes, fillets are taken and steamed, stewed or boiled. For the first time, fish are given in very small quantities. Start with once a week, gradually increasing to two. Remember that either fish or meat is given on the same day, without mixing these 2 products. If at the age of 8 months there were no prunes on the menu of the child, it's time to fix it.Dried fruit compote is also an excellent option, which at first is best diluted with water. However, you definitely shouldn’t get carried away with dried apricots, it’s better to wait until the baby reaches the age of one.
Months 10–12
The diet characteristic of this period is characterized by an increase in portions to their maximum values indicated in the scheme. Also, it is at this age that the last feeding is gradually replaced by milk or kefir.Now that you've come across a set of essential tips, you're ready to start weaning. Once again, consult with a specialist, be patient, not forgetting to listen to the baby's body. We are confident that you will succeed. The main thing here, as in any other business, is a positive attitude. It all depends on you and your desire to raise a healthy and happy baby with competent eating behavior. Don't stop if you fail and don't get frustrated if things don't go according to plan. Everything will definitely work out.
#Nutrition for children up to a year #Complementary foods
Complementary foods by month, what foods to introduce into complementary foods for a child from 6 months old
≈ 6 min read time
- When to introduce complementary foods to a child?
- Why is complementary foods included in a child's diet?
- The sequence of introduction of complementary foods
- Complementary foods at 4-5 months
- Complementary foods at 6 months
- Complementary foods at 7 months
- Complementary foods at 8 months
- Complementary foods from 9 months to 1 year
- Table of complementary foods by months for breastfeeding and artificial feeding
Not only a lack of nutrients, but also their overabundance can interfere with the proper development of the baby.
Pediatric nutrition studies how specific micronutrients affect the functioning of organs and systems, cells and metabolism. For example, in accordance with new scientific data, complementary foods have been adjusted by months in the past few years.
It is important that it should be administered against the background of ongoing breastfeeding, if possible. According to WHO experts, breast milk remains the best food for the baby in terms of composition, in many ways it serves as “health programming” for many years. Therefore, it is ideal to breastfeed for as long as possible.
Complementary feeding of children up to a year is food, in addition to mother's milk or infant formula, which is additionally introduced into the baby's diet in the first year of his life.
Children develop individually, so pediatricians do not specify a specific “age of start”. But there is a time interval, the so-called. "critical window". This is not just the most favorable, but an extremely important period for "acquaintance" with new products and textures.
Introduction of complementary foods The European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition ESPGHAN advises to start between 17 and 26 weeks of a baby's life. Approximately these terms are also called by domestic experts: from 4 to 6 months.
Before 4 months, introduce complementary foods early:
- the mucosa of the small intestine is too permeable;
- digestive enzymes are not ripe;
- the level of immunity is still insufficient, so the risk of an undesirable reaction is increased.
After 6 months, introducing the first complementary foods is somewhat late:
- possible risk of nutritional deficiencies;
- it will be more difficult to develop food tolerance; ability to tolerate products well;
- there may be a delay in mastering the chewing skill, and it is also needed in order for the speech apparatus to develop correctly;
- in order for food to cover the deficiency of essential substances, new products will have to be introduced faster.
This will create an unnecessary burden on the body.
The optimal time to start introducing complementary foods is 5 months, but you need to focus on the baby. The fact that he is ready to try something other than mother's milk or infant formula can be understood by the following signs:
- the child holds his head, he can be fixed in a sitting position;
- teething begins;
- subsides so-called. spoon ejection reflex - an evolutionary mechanism that prevented an infant from accidentally swallowing an object;
- baby looks at new food with curiosity;
- a child can reach his mouth with his hand, and, taking a pacifier or a toy in his mouth, makes chewing, champing movements.
By 4-5 months, the baby already weighs twice as much as at birth, and moves much more actively. He needs more energy and nutrients. Per 1 kg of body weight, this need for a baby in the first year of life is higher than in all subsequent periods.
But her mother's milk can no longer provide. Not only because the growing child already lacks the vitamins and microelements received - iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, etc. In the women's milk itself, there is gradually less protein, amino acids, fatty acids. Children who feed exclusively on their mother's milk, from six months already are at risk of the so-called. iron deficiency states.
From how adequately the diet of a child up to a year is made, his health depends “not only during this period of time, but throughout his life,” says the National Program for Optimizing Feeding. This is the main document developed by leading domestic experts who are guided, incl. including WHO experts.
Monthly feeding schedule
Taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby, the doctor may recommend offering some products a little earlier - or, conversely, a little later than indicated in the scheme. But most products are quite strictly "tied" to a certain age - more precisely, to the degree of maturity of the body and the baby's readiness to get acquainted with them.
And readiness in each specific age is different.
Complementary feeding rules - universal:
- we offer a new product from 1/2 teaspoon, gradually increase over 5 days-a week to the volume recommended at a certain age;
- we monitor tolerance - for this we introduce a dish in the 1st half of the day;
- porridge is introduced first from 1 type of cereal, dairy-free, gluten-free, diluted with breast milk or infant formula. When different types of such cereals have already been “tested” separately, cereals from two types of gluten-free cereals can be introduced. In the same way, we “acquaint” the baby with cereals from gluten cereals. Porridges remain dairy-free, diluted with breast milk or infant formula;
- we offer mashed potatoes to start with single-component ones - from one type of vegetable. Then - from another, and after that you can switch to mashed potatoes from several familiar types;
- introduce only one new product at a time;
- do not sweeten dishes and do not add salt;
- prepared meals of industrial production are preferred, because they have passed the security check;
- spoon-feeding before breastfeeding/formula feeding;
- an unfamiliar product should not be offered in acute infections; wait at least 3 days before and after vaccination;
- at 9–10 months, gradually replace the puree-like texture with a finely ground one.
Five months of age is the best time to start weaning. 4 months is usually too early, and only a doctor, taking into account certain indications, can recommend this.
We start with mashed vegetables or porridge. Why exactly - depends on the health of the baby, his nutritional status, the development of the digestive system. If the body weight is lower than expected, the stool is quickened - it makes sense to choose ready-made dairy-free cereals with a complex of micronutrients as the first dish. If the mass is excessive, frequent constipation - vegetable puree is suitable.
Products should be as neutral as possible, easily digestible.
Rules for introducing vegetables into the diet
The first puree should be from only one type of vegetable with tender fiber. Zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli will do. After making sure that the child tolerates it well and eats the dish with appetite, after a week feel free to introduce the second type of vegetable.
You can separately give mashed potatoes from the second vegetable at the end of feeding familiar mashed potatoes. You can also immediately add a little bit of puree from an unfamiliar vegetable to an already familiar vegetable.
Whichever method you choose, in any case, the second puree is also introduced gradually over 5-7 days. At the same time, every day it is necessary to increase the share of the new puree in the diet and proportionally reduce the amount of the already familiar one. For example, gradually add broccoli puree to mashed potatoes from an already familiar zucchini, or vice versa.
By the same principle, over time, you need to introduce other vegetables: cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin.
When the volume of vegetable puree reaches 100 g, flavor it with a drop of vegetable oil.
Rules for the introduction of cereals
You need to start with gluten-free dairy-free porridge from only one type of cereal: rice, buckwheat or corn.
Be sure to cook porridge with breast milk or infant formula. Cow's milk cannot be used for making porridge up to a year, and porridge "on the water" has a low nutritional value - the child will not receive important nutrients that he usually receives from breast milk or formula, will not eat up and quickly get hungry.
Gradually, an unfamiliar one is mixed with an already familiar type of cereal, turning porridge into a multicomponent product.
It is advisable to choose an industrially prepared dish: it has added micronutrients that are key for growth and development. For example, much-needed iron.
By six months, the baby already eats several types of vegetables and cereals. We continue to expand their “palette” and gradually introduce new products. For example, we give dairy-free gluten-containing porridge - for example, oatmeal. It must also be diluted only with breast milk / infant formula. From six months we begin to "get used" to mashed meat.
Rules for the introduction of meat
Meat is a source of heme iron.
Unlike non-heme from plant foods, it is better absorbed. You need to introduce meat from dietary species: turkeys or a rabbit. Then gradually add other types of meat.
Beef is the richest in iron: if women's milk contains 0.04 mg of iron per 100 g, then beef contains about 3 mg per 100 g. But if the baby does not tolerate beef, we replace it with lean pork, lamb.
Important: finished products differ in the amount of raw meat. In canned meat it is 40-65%, in meat and vegetable - 10-20%, and in plant-based canned food with meat - less than 10%. When compiling a menu for a baby, you need to compare these volumes with those recommended in the table for months. In addition, mom must definitely check that there is no salt in the composition.
We continue to vary the types of vegetables, cereals and meat puree. Already confidently trying fruit puree. In addition, there is another fundamentally new "serious" product - egg yolk.
Rules for introducing fruit into the diet
Fruit is one of those foods that experts' opinion has changed in recent years.
Previously, fruits were introduced at the earliest stages, but now experts recommend giving them to the baby only after meat. The fact is that love for the sweet taste, unlike other tastes, is innate in us. Fruit can become such a clear favorite that it can be difficult to introduce your baby to savory foods.
You need to start with puree from non-exotic fruits for Russia: apples or pears. Gradually add puree from other fruits to them.
Rules for the introduction of egg yolk
The egg belongs to highly allergenic products, so it is administered when the body is already sufficiently prepared. However, egg intolerance is still observed in 2% of children.
You need to feed the baby only with boiled yolk: most of the vitamins and minerals are concentrated in it, but the allergen proteins are found mainly in the protein.
We begin to give the yolk literally from a crumb, mixing it into morning porridge and gradually increasing the volume of the yolk to a quarter.
An eight-month-old baby is mastering the remaining new staple foods. Do not forget to gradually increase the portion size and variety of dishes in accordance with age recommendations. A growing baby also has an increased appetite, so you need a little more porridge, meat, and other products. However, it is important not to "get carried away" and not overfeed. For example, a portion of the yolk can be increased to half.
Children's non-adapted sour-milk dishes are introduced from new products - kefir, yogurt, biolact. etc. If cottage cheese has not been introduced before, then now is the time for it. It is imperative to start with the unsweetened tastes of fermented milk products, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to “convince” to try, for example, unsweetened cottage cheese. And at this age, the child already needs to “get acquainted” with another unsweetened and most important dish - fish.
Only after 8 months you can give the baby fruit juice - and then, you need to offer it quite a bit and at the end of feeding, after the main course (for example, meat).
Rules for introducing fish
Fish puree is introduced as an alternative to meat, once or twice a week. If we usually give meat puree in the middle of the day along with vegetable puree, now we simply offer fish instead of meat. Remember that this product can cause allergies, so we carefully monitor the reaction of the body.
The best for a child is mashed ocean white fish: hake, sea bass, cod. From red varieties it is better to choose salmon, from river varieties - pike perch.
By 9-10 months, the baby got acquainted with all the main products. The diet continues to expand, now due to a different texture of the product. From a puree, we gradually move on to a finely ground texture, and then coarsely ground. For example, meatballs can be a meat dish.
Complementary feeding of an infant for months should be accompanied by supplementary feeding - breast milk or mixtures. According to the recommendations of the ESPGHAN Nutrition Committee, when to introduce complementary foods and in what sequence does not depend on the type of feeding.
Therefore, feeding a child by months with breastfeeding is exactly the same as feeding by months with artificial feeding.
There is one difference, but it does not apply to the complementary foods themselves. Women's milk itself "adjusts" to changes in the body of the baby, and milk formulas are adapted in the same way by manufacturers. Therefore, the mother must ensure that the mixture is appropriate for the current age of the child.
Lure. Table by month to year (in g/ml)
4–5 months
6 months
7 months
8 months
9–12 months
Vegetable puree
Meat puree / boiled meat
5–30/ 3–15
Fruit puree (not as first food)
Cottage cheese
Fish puree
Fruit juice
Kefir, other non-adapted dairy drinks for children
Wheat bread, crackers
Vegetable oil (for vegetables)
Butter (for porridge)
Feeding menu by months can be found on the website of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia.
Each product has its own deadline, but in some cases there are exceptions. For example, it is better to introduce fruit puree after meat, i. from six months, but you can add quite a bit to the porridge earlier - if the baby has a poor appetite or constipation. Cottage cheese should be introduced from 8 months, but in some cases, on the advice of a pediatrician, from six months.
Your doctor can help you adjust the chart to your baby's needs.
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- S.G. Makarova. Practical recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods. Pediatric pharmacology. 2015
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