Bottle feeding baby on side
Elevated side lying bottle feeding — Feed Eat Speak
Infant feedingFeeding difficultiesBottle Feeding
Written By Stacey Zimmels
Elevated side lying is a bottle-feeding position that’s being used more and more for preterm babies and infants who have feeding difficulties. In this blog post I’ll tell you why I like it for all new born babies. I’ve put together a visual step by step guide for you so go ahead and give it a try…
This position is a natural and physiologically normal feeding position just like how a baby feeds at the breast. It means the baby doesn’t have to do any work at all to support its body while it feeds which makes for an easier and more relaxed feed for both the baby and you.
Baby is positioned on a cushion which means that you don’t have to take the baby’s weight on your arms which is more comfortable especially as your baby grows.
You have a hand free if you need it to read to a toddler or have a drink while you’re feeding your baby.
If the flow of milk is too fast - which it often can be at the start while your baby is mastering its suck swallow and breathe co-ordination – this position allows the milk to safely dribble out of your babies mouth instead of coughing or choking.
You are able to clearly see your baby’s face and watch for signs that she may need a pause or a break for winding.
This is a great position for babies who have reflux or who are prone to vomiting. If you place the baby on its left side to feed it increases the space from the bottom of its stomach to the oesophagus making it less likely for them to vomit or reflux.
This feeding position is more typically recommended for formula fed babies, rather than the paced bottle feeding technique. which tends to be recommended for breastfed babies who also take the bottle. However I would suggest that with the horizontal presentation of the teat and the pacing as per the paced bottle feeding technique that this feeding position can be used in both groups of infants.
Step by step guide to elevated side lying bottle feeding
Sit comfortably on the sofa and place your feet on a footstool. This plastic childrens' one from ikea does the trick. Your legs should be sloping from the knees to your hips
Place your baby on its side with her bottom against your tummy. Her legs should be out in front of her. If you're right handed then baby on her left side and visa versa
Your baby will bring her hands together on her chest in a flexed position. Offer the bottle, wait for her to open her mouth and place inside. Note how relaxed and content your baby looks
Chelsey and Jaxon's story
I had my baby boy Jaxson in April 2020 and he was born with a tongue tie which meant he wasn't able to latch comfortably when breast feeding. I could tell this was the issue from day one as his older brother was also born with one and we had the same feeding issue.
Due to the covid19 circumstances I wasn't able to get the tie cut with Jaxson as quickly as I did my 2 year old. So for 4 months I expressed every feed and bottle fed him. His tie was cut privately at 10 weeks old and I chose to continue to bottle feed.
Jaxson was a very windy baby and in the early days he really struggled to feed comfortably, he had lots of trapped wind which would not come up easily. He would cry in pain after most feeds which was very upsetting for both of us. I tried everything I could buy from the pharmacy as us mums do and also turned to social media where I found @feedeatspeak. I was scrolling though Stacey's feed and saw posts of the elevated side lying position. I immediately tried this with Jaxson who at the time was around 4 weeks old and he was a changed baby! He was able to bring up wind much easier and seemed so much more content. He actually started enjoying his feeds and upped the amount he was having quite soon after. I was one very happy Mama with a much happier baby!
So thanks to Stacey and her wonderful page, Jaxson now at 6 months old is still feeding is this position and he is one happy thriving baby!
I am so grateful for Stacey sharing this advice and information especially during lockdown as us new mums didn't really have anywhere to turn. So thank you so much for helping my baby!
I tell all my mummy friends about this feeding position and Stacey's page hoping to help their babies who struggle with bottle feeding. It really made a huge difference with Jaxson!
bottlebottle feedingfeedingbaby feedingsidelyingelevated side lying
Stacey Zimmels
Side-lying Bottle-Feeding – Legendairy Milk
Look in most magazines and you see examples of the most recognized position for bottle feeding your baby. You know the pose, holding the baby in a cradled position lying on their back in the person’s arm with the bottle tilted so milk is filling the entire nipple, and feeding the baby until the bottle is empty.
If we break down what’s going on in that position, it makes more sense why this is not the best position for your baby to have a bottle and what we can do to make bottle feeding better.
Let’s start by considering if we were the baby. Picture yourself lying on the couch reclined in the same way as the baby in our scenario. Your partner or friend comes over with a drink. They hold it for you with the liquid continuously flowing. You keep swallowing because that really is your only option. You may gulp and sputter a little, but you drink it all. Your friend smiles and assumes you are happy, satisfied, and now content.
Side-lying bottle-feeding slows the pace of feeding and follows the baby’s cues. When a baby stops eating when they are full and satisfied and the parent can see that cue more clearly and stop the bottle feeding, the baby is less likely to be overfed. Over time, they have a lower risk of obesity and will develop a healthy metabolism. This method of bottle feeding allows your baby to be an active rather than a defensive eater.
Babies don’t always drink the same amount at every meal, just like we may not eat the same amount of food each time we sit down to eat. Sometimes, we just want a snack, and other times, we want a bigger meal. Babies typically drink between 1.5-4 oz per feeding. If they only had 1.5 oz, they may ask to eat again sooner. Other times, they will take a larger bottle feeding and be content for 2-3 hours. Make sure to talk with your baby’s other caretakers about how to bottle feed and educate them on what is a reasonable amount of milk to expect your baby to take.
- Side-Lying paced bottle feeding gives the baby more control over the feeding
- A slower way to feed the baby
- Reduces the pooling of milk in the baby’s mouth. Instead, excess milk will drip out the side of their mouth
- More baby controlled
- More closely mimics breastfeeding position
- Baby can pause as they desire during the feeding
- Baby’s body is fully supported and has greater postural stability
- Allows the baby to actively feed rather than passively feed
- The bottle is held horizontal to the floor and can be tipped up to make milk available to the baby or down to stop milk flow when the baby pauses their suck pattern
- Supports breathing and swallowing coordination
- Supports digestion
- Very comfortable for the person feeding the bottle
- Sit somewhere you are comfortable and place your feet on a stool, table, couch, or bed with your knees bent and your legs from your hips to your knees at about a 45-degree angle
- Place your baby on their left side on your lap with their bottom against your belly and their head towards your knees.
Your baby’s legs should be in front of them and their ear, shoulder, and hip in a straight line. The stomach’s natural position is on the left side and food is more easily digested when we lay on our left side. Gravity aids waste removal traveling from the small to the large intestine.
- Your baby’s arms can be out in front of them
- With the bottle horizontal to the floor, place the base of the nipple on your baby’s chin and wait for them to open their mouth nice and wide. Waiting for them to open wide mimics how they get a deep latch at the breast.
- When your baby’s mouth is open wide, put the nipple in their mouth with the bottle still horizontal to the floor.
- Follow your baby’s cues, if they stop sucking, tilt the bottle towards you to slow the flow of milk. When your baby begins to suck, after a couple sucks, tilt the bottle away from you for milk to enter the nipple.
- After giving about half the bottle, stop to burp your baby and then switch them to lie on their right side and feed until they show cues they are done.
Don’t believe the marketing! Just because a bottle is marketed as slow flow, that doesn’t mean it actually is. Even among the same bottle nipples, not each one has the same flow rate.(2) In a study of 45 different nipple brands, testing 10 of each, showed there is a range of flow rate from 2 mL/minute to more than 80 mL/minute.(1) Another study of 26 different brands showed similar results with a range of 1.68 mL/min to 85.34 mL/min.(2)
Bottle nipple shape- Choose a bottle nipple shape that has a gradual slope from the tip of the nipple to the base.
- You want your baby to mimic breastfeeding while taking the bottle.
- With a nipple that has a sharp angle from nipple to base, they will slide their lips down the nipple shaft and have a more shallow gape.
- That type of nipple encourages a shallow latch and sucking on the nipple more like a straw.
- A gradual slope from nipple to base encourages the baby’s lips to flange and have a deeper latch using more of the muscles used during breastfeeding.
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How to properly bottle feed
Feeding your baby is not only an important process for healthy growth and development, but also a way to establish close emotional contact with the baby and build trusting and loving relationships. The transition from breastfeeding to bottle feeding should be carried out after the mother and the child are fully prepared for this. We are talking about both the moral aspect, and about choosing the right bottle and getting adults the necessary skills so that eating brings only positive emotions and benefits to the baby. In this article, we will talk more about how to properly bottle feed your baby and where to start.
How to prepare your baby for bottle feeding
If this method of feeding is a completely new experience for the baby, or if parents decide to bottle feed their baby from a very young age, slow flow nipples should be preferred. So you protect the child from the possibility of choking while eating. Over time, you can gradually switch to bottles with nipples, which would provide faster and more intense feeding.
Feeding bottle selection and daily care
All baby accessories should be kept clean and sterilized regularly and thoroughly.
There are several ways to sterilize dishes:
- select the appropriate mode when using the dishwasher;
- or place the bottle and teat in a vessel of boiling water for 5 minutes.
Before using this method of cleaning the bottle, make sure that the material it is made of can be exposed to high temperatures. Since some types of plastic contain various chemicals in their composition, after sterilization they can become dangerous for their little user. For this reason, experts recommend choosing glass bottles.
The need for thorough cleansing of everything that the baby will touch is caused by the fact that in the first months of life, the child's immune system is just beginning to strengthen. Before sterilizing the teat, it can be cleaned with dishwashing detergent. There are special products for washing children's dishes, without a strong odor and with a safe composition.
How to bottle feed your baby
Before starting a meal, mom or dad should wash their hands well with soap and warm running water. Particular attention should be paid to the area between the fingers and under the nails. The hand washing process should take at least 20 seconds. And after carrying out this hygienic procedure, hands should be wiped dry with a paper towel or clean towel.
The next step is to prepare for the meal. If you plan to fill the bottle with formula, then dilute it with water in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. Improper proportions can lead to dehydration or bloating. It should also be remembered that for the preparation of the mixture you need to use only clean drinking water.
Breast milk is the most beneficial for a newborn. Despite this, pediatricians advise breastfeeding babies for as long as possible. Even if the mother is ready to give up breastfeeding, milk can be expressed into a bottle and gradually accustom the baby to the nipple. If, for one reason or another, the mother does not have the opportunity to feed herself, then the only alternative is feeding with a special mixture.
In the first six months after birth, cow's or goat's milk or its substitute in the form of soy milk should not be included in the baby's diet. Valid options for supporting healthy development of a newborn are breast milk or formula milk only.
What temperature should the bottle filler be? Under no circumstances should the bottle be heated on the stove or in the microwave.

- put a saucepan on the stove with a little water;
- bring the water to a boil, then remove the pan from the heat;
- place a bottle of milk in a vessel and heat it up to 37◦С;
- check the temperature with a pre-cleaned thermometer or a special device for measuring the temperature of foodstuffs.
You can also check the temperature of the ready-to-use bottle as follows:
- turn the bottle over;
- drip several times into your wrist area.
In this way, you can check not only the temperature of the milk or formula, but also how well the liquid flows out of the bottle. If you have to shake or squeeze the bottle hard to drip, the nipple is blocked and needs to be cleaned out. If, on the contrary, the filler pours out when the bottle is turned over, this means that the nipple is damaged and another nipple should be used to feed the baby, having previously sterilized it.
How to bottle feed your baby lying down
There are several techniques for feeding your baby. However, it is the feeding of the child lying down from the bottle that young parents consider the most comfortable. It is worth noting that eating in this position will only be safe when the baby's head is slightly raised. Otherwise, the child may simply choke. In the prone position, the child should be placed on his arm bent at the elbow. After feeding, you should place the baby in an upright position, taking him in your arms and putting his stomach to your chest.
Make sure that the feeding bottle is closed correctly: the ring at the connection of the nipple to the bottle must not be too tight. Air must enter the bottle, otherwise a vacuum will be created there, which, in turn, will complicate the consumption of food for the child.
How to bottle feed without spitting up
Since the newborn is not able to fully control the process of feeding, along with milk, he can also take in air. This may be the reason that at one meal the child could not master the planned portion. In view of this, it is recommended to take small breaks during feeding.
As soon as you notice that the baby has stopped sucking on the pacifier, is tired or thoughtful, pick him up and press his face to you, holding his head and back. To help burp excess air, you can make a light massage between the shoulder blades, pat on the back or pope.
The air will quickly rise up and the baby will burp it without any extra effort. However, you should be prepared for the fact that, along with the air, part of the consumed mixture or milk may also return. Therefore, before taking the baby in your arms, cover yourself with a diaper, because it will be easier to wash it than clothes.
Never leave your baby alone with the bottle or let him fall asleep while using it. After eating, mom or dad must help their child burp. This will help to avoid colic, bloating and other manifestations of stomach discomfort.
Where to buy baby accessories
It's safe to say that I Love Mommy online store is one of the best places to buy baby food. Our catalogs feature products from world-famous brands, the quality of which you will not have to doubt for a minute. Bottles, baby dishes, pacifiers, baby bibs - all this and much more you can buy for your son or daughter from us at affordable prices in just a few minutes.
How to bottle feed your baby? Articles of the company "TOO "TD "Gradum""
in line with the spine
Make eye contact with the baby and hug him
Hold the bottle firmly in a horizontal position so that the milk does not flow too much during feeding. When he opens his mouth wide with his tongue pressed against his lower palate, help him to properly latch on to the nipple.0095 When the baby begins to feed, gradually tilt the bottle so that there is always milk in the nipple and not air. During feeding, bubbles will appear in the bottle. The baby may make several quick sucking movements and then rest. Such breaks give him the opportunity to understand whether he is full or not.
If there are no bubbles or the nipple is crumpled, move the bottle gently around the baby's mouth to get air back into the nipple. If the baby won't let go of the bottle, gently insert your clean finger between the baby's gums and pull the nipple out.
Watch the position of the child. If he tries to suck with his head turned to his side or thrown back, he will have difficulty swallowing milk. In this case, gently help the child into a more comfortable position.
At the end of a feed, or if the baby seems full 10 minutes after the start of a feed, he should burp for air. Place the child on your knee with his back to you, with one hand supporting him by the chin, or put the baby on your shoulder. Then gently stroke his back and talk to him to relax. The baby may spit up some milk, so put a tissue or towel on your knees or shoulder.