Bush baby food
Bush babies | National Geographic
A mohol bushbaby, Galago moholi, at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark
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- Common Name:
- Bush Babies
- Type:
- Mammals
- Diet:
- Omnivore
- Average Life Span:
- Up to 16.6 years in some species
- Weight:
- A hundred grams to over three pounds, depending on the species
Bush babies, also called galagos, are small, saucer-eyed primates that spend most of their lives in trees. At least 20 species of galago are known, though some experts believe many are yet to be discovered. Also known as nagapies, which means “night monkeys” in Afrikaans, all galagos are considered nocturnal.
Along with their big eyes, which help them see in low light, bush babies are adapted to nocturnal living with their large, collapsible ears that rotate independently like radar dishes to zero in on prey in the dark. The animals are ace jumpers, using powerful legs and extremely long tails to spring great distances. This allows the primates to move quickly through the forest canopy or snatch flying insects out of the air.
A northern lesser galago, Galago senegalensis senegalensis, poses at the Plzen Zoo in Czechia.
Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark
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Bush babies are found in forests throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Some species, like the South African galago, hang out in acacia trees on the savanna. Other species, like the brown greater galago, prefer more tropical and subtropical forests, while the Somali galago can be found in dry, thorny habitats. From evergreen forests to grasslands, bush babies have evolved to survive in nearly every kind of habitat on the continent.
BehaviorBush babies are omnivores that eat fruit, insects, and the gum that oozes out of certain tree species. Some of the larger galago species will even hunt small animals, such as frogs and birds.
A thick-tailed greater galago, Otolemur crassicaudatus, shows off its impressive tail at the Tulsa Zoo in Oklahoma.
Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark
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Many galago species look so similar, it’s difficult to tell them apart by sight alone. Instead, scientists often use the animal’s distinct calls—which sound like a crying newborn baby, the likely source of their name—to differentiate between closely related species.
Some species prefer to nest in tree hollows, while others hide out in the crooks of trees or tangles of vegetation while the sun is up. The Senegal bush baby has even been known to reuse old birds’ nests or abandoned beehives for shelter.
Family groups of two to seven bush babies will frequently spend the day nestled together in their hollow, but will split up at night to look for food.
Predators include mongooses, genets, jackals, domestic dogs and cats, owls, and snakes. Several other primates have also been observed eating bush babies, such as grey-cheeked mangabeys and blue monkeys. There’s even evidence that chimpanzees fashion spears to kill and extract bush babies from their burrows.
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bush baby | Description, Habitat, & Facts
bush babies
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- Related Topics:
- Otolemur Paragalago Galagoides needle-clawed bush baby dwarf bush baby
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bush baby, (family Galagidae), also spelled bushbaby, also called galago, any of more than 20 species of small attractive arboreal primates native to sub-Saharan Africa. They are gray, brown, or reddish to yellowish brown, with large eyes and ears, long hind legs, soft, woolly fur, and long tails. Bush babies are also characterized by the long upper portion of the feet (tarsus) and by the ability to fold their ears. They are nocturnal, and they feed on fruits, insects, and even small birds, but a major component of the diet of most species is gum (tree exudate). This they extract by gouging holes in trees and scraping the bark, using their toothcombs (forward-tilted lower incisor and canine teeth). Galagos cling to and leap among the trees; the smaller forms, such as the lesser bush baby (Galago senegalensis), are extremely active and agile. When they descend to the ground, they sit upright, and they move around by jumping with their hind legs like jerboas. Gestation is about three to four months; young usually number one or two.
Before 1980 only six species were recognized, but studies since then, especially of their vocalizations, have resulted in the identification of perhaps as many as 20 species. The lesser bush baby and its relatives, which weigh 150–200 grams (5–7 ounces), live in the thornbushes and tree savannahs from Senegal in the west to Somalia in the east and southward to Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, although one species, the dusky bush baby (G. matschiei), is restricted to the rainforests of eastern Congo (Kinshasa). They feed on gum, insects, pods, flowers, and leaves. The larger Allen’s bush baby (Sciurocheirus alleni) and its relatives live in the rainforests of west-central Africa, where they feed on fallen fruits and the insects that they find in them; they may be generically distinct.
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The dwarf bush babies, with their long, slender snouts, are now placed in two separate genera, Galagoides and Paragalago. The Zanzibar bush baby (P. zanzibaricus) and Grant’s bush baby (P. granti) and their relatives live in East African coastal forests from Kenya to Mozambique and Malawi and on the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba. The tiny Prince Demidoff’s bush baby (G. demidoff), which weighs only 70 grams (2.5 ounces), is widespread and common in African rainforests from Sierra Leone to Uganda. Even smaller is the Rondo bush baby (P. rondoensis), first described in 1997, which weighs just 60 grams and is restricted to a few coastal forests in southeastern Tanzania.
The needle-clawed bush babies are classified in another genus, Euoticus. The two species live in the rainforests of west-central Africa. They feed on tree exudate, clinging upside-down to the bark of a tree by digging in their sharp-pointed clawlike nails, stabbing the bark with specialized canine and premolar teeth, and then scraping up the gum that flows out. The final genus, Otolemur, contains the largest species, the brown greater galago (O. crassicaudatus), with an average weight of 1.2 kg, though some weigh up to 1.8 kg. It lives in coastal forests and woodlands in southeastern Africa. One or two slightly smaller closely related species live in Angola and East Africa.
The Editors of Encyclopaedia BritannicaThis article was most recently revised and updated by John P. Rafferty.
That's the president. In what Bush Jr. managed to bypass the pope | In the world | Politics
Oleg Gerchikov
Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
George W. Bush, 2006 / Dmitry Astakhov / RIA Novosti
75 years ago, July 6, 1946, born George Walker Bush , American Republican politician, 43rd President of the United States.
His father George Herbert Walker Bush , who left to fight at 18, was one of the youngest naval pilots during World War II. He participated in dozens of battles, earned numerous awards and personal thanks to Franklin Delano Roosevelt . After the war, Bush Sr. graduated from Yale University on an accelerated program and soon became involved in the oil business in Texas, becoming a millionaire. In the 1960s, he entered politics - he sat in Congress, was a permanent representative to the UN, director of the CIA, and held a number of other positions. At 1989 became the 41st President of the United States. Nickname "senior" received after his youngest son, also George W. Bush , became president.
The younger Bush, like his father, graduated from Yale University. He studied average, but he knew how to get along with people and was very popular. He was the leader of a student fraternity known not only for athletic achievements, but also for drunken debauchery. Bush Jr. was also a pilot and served in the Texas Air National Guard. Following the example of his father, he went into the oil business, but his oil company gradually became less and less profitable, and Bush Jr. slowly drank himself by the age of forty. Biographers name the exact date when the future owner of the White House stopped drinking - July 28, 1986 years old. Since then, by his own admission, he has not taken a drop of alcohol into his mouth.
Funny Walker
Bush became Governor of Texas in 1994. Even some representatives of the Democratic Party admitted to sympathy for him. In January 2001, Bush Jr. was elected President of the United States. When he was the head of the country, he was remembered, first of all, as an ardent fighter against international terrorism. As a result of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, about 3,000 people were killed. Al-Qaeda (the organization was recognized as a terrorist organization and banned in the Russian Federation) and a Saudi millionaire were accused of carrying it out0016 Osama bin Laden hiding in Afghanistan. A few days later, Bush announced a message to all countries: either you are with us or with the terrorists. America managed to create a powerful coalition to conduct military operations on the territory of Afghanistan. Bush said in those days, "We'll smoke them out of their holes... and bring them to justice, or deliver justice to them. "
By declaring a global war on terrorism, Bush invaded not only Afghanistan but also Iraq. During the first presidential term, his rating was very high. And this despite the sometimes funny and sometimes obscure speeches of the 43rd President, in which he often made funny mistakes. Even during his first term, Bush Jr. said: "I admit that I am not one of the great linguists," and added that he would say what he wanted. Sometimes in his ridiculous statements there was a megalomania mixed with religiosity: “The Lord loves you. And I love you. And you can count on both of us as a powerful message for people who are excited about their future, "God speaks through me." Even important political decisions to Bush were prompted not by anyone, but by the Lord himself. So, before the US attack on Iraq, he allegedly received a signal from above: “God told me to attack al-Qaeda, and I attacked them. And beforehand he instructed me to attack Saddam which I did."
Bush Jr. stressed his foresight: "My job is to think beyond my nose." However, about much that is outside the States, he had a vague idea. "Do you also have blacks?" Bush once asked in a conversation with the President of Brazil. Or: “We need to maintain relations with the Greeks” (as he called the Greeks), “Wales? And in which country is it? And he also owns a whole scattering of "profound" observations: "I know that man and fish can coexist peacefully", "Low voter turnout indicates that few people go to the polls", "Frankly speaking, teachers are the only profession, representatives of which teach our children”.
One of Bush's biggest blunders was during his speech at the signing ceremony for the military spending bill. The President decided to clearly explain to fellow citizens why the military budget had to be increased. And this is what happened: “Our enemies have technology and resources. And so are we. They do not stop thinking about harming our country and our people. And so are we. "
Trouble with doors and bicycles
An incident happened to the American President in Australia. By showing the sign of victory "V" with the index and middle fingers, Bush did not take into account that in this country such a gesture is equated with the exposed middle finger. He was also at odds with the doors. During a press conference in Beijing, the president tried to escape from questions from the media and wanted to leave through closed doors.
Bush Jr.'s relationship with vehicles was also complicated. In the summer of 2004, in a month and a half, he fell off his bike twice on his ranch, but both times he escaped with only abrasions. In general, the bicycle often let Bush down. During the G8 summit in Scotland in 2005, on his birthday, he wanted to ride. Having reached the intersection, Bush decided to greet the policemen and raised his hand in greeting. As a result, he lost control of his bicycle and knocked down a law enforcement officer. The American media wrote about minor injuries to the latter, but later it turned out that Bush received bruises, and the policeman was seriously injured and spent more than three months in a hospital bed. Communication with ground equipment was clearly contraindicated for the former pilot.
Perhaps the most ridiculous adventure happened to him on January 13, 2002. The world then spread the news that the American president had fainted, choking on a salty pretzel. On that ill-fated evening, he watched a football match in his apartment in the White House. Everything worked out, but they joked about it for a long time... Having already become the ex-president, Bush Jr. continues to get involved in history from time to time. For example, everyone was shocked by how he danced at a memorial service for police officers killed during riots in Texas.
Many criticize the 43rd President of the United States for blunders and oddities and consider him one of the most narrow-minded presidents in American history. Nevertheless, Bush was loved by many. Especially during his first presidential term, when he gave a tough rebuff to terrorism. Bush's rating began to fall only during the second term - due to the deteriorating situation in Iraq and problems in the American economy.
George Bush Jr. US history
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