Can i feed my baby almond milk
Almond milk for babies: Is it safe?
Almond milk is a common alternative to cow’s milk for adults, but developing babies have different nutritional needs.
Most doctors and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that babies less than 1-year-old drink breast milk or, if breast milk is not available, dairy- or soy-based infant formula unless otherwise advised.
Experts advise only introducing other milk, such as cow’s milk or almond milk, after a baby’s first birthday, as the specific nutrient profile in breast and formula milk is essential for development.
Almond milk can safely be given to most toddlers but is not a replacement for breast milk or infant formula.
Almond milk may be a healthful replacement for cow’s milk in some cases, but there are some nutritional differences to be aware of when making the switch.
Some people may give almond milk to children who are lactose-intolerant or if they avoid dairy for other reasons.
Toddlers can drink almond milk once or twice a day in between periods of breast-feeding or eating their other foods, but only when they are over 12 months old.
Almond milk is made of finely ground almonds and water. Other ingredients may include thickeners, sweeteners, and flavorings, such as vanilla. Many manufacturers also add nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin D, and calcium.
Almond milk may be a safe supplement to a toddler’s diet, but no milk will compare to the nutrients provided by breast milk or infant formula.
Almond milk should not be used to replace breast milk or formula, as developing babies need specific vitamins and nutrients that these kinds of milk provide.
If anyone has any concerns that a child may be lactose-intolerant, talk to the child’s doctor. Lactose intolerance is more common in older children and adults than in babies and toddlers.
If using almond milk to supplement a toddler’s diet, ensure that:
- the milk is low in sugar or unsweetened
- the milk is fortified with calcium and vitamins A and D
- the baby consumes other forms of fat and protein
Ask a pediatrician about added ingredients, such as flavorings or thickeners.
It is also essential to find out whether the baby has a nut allergy. If relatives of the baby have nut allergies, it is best to avoid nuts altogether and ask a pediatrician before introducing any type of nut milk into the baby’s diet.
Share on PinterestDifferent types of milk vary in their nutritional content.
Nutritionally, cow’s milk and almond milk vary significantly. Some doctors recommend using whole cow’s milk for weaning babies from 1 to 2 years old because it has a high concentration of fat.
A single cup of whole milk contains about 8 grams (g) of fat, which the developing baby’s brain needs to grow. In comparison, unsweetened almond milk contains only 2.5 g of fat.
According to the same report, cow’s milk is also higher in protein than almond milk: 1 cup of whole milk contains almost 8 grams of protein, but 1 cup of fortified almond milk contains only 1 gram of protein.
However, if these fats and proteins are supplemented somewhere else in the baby’s diet, almond milk may be an appropriate substitute for whole milk in toddlers.
Cow’s milk is also higher in naturally-occurring sugars when compared to unsweetened almond milk. People should be cautious and look for unsweetened almond milk, as sweetened or flavored brands may contain more sugar than cow’s milk.
The other consideration is the differences in nutrients and vital minerals between the two types of milk. A cup of cow’s milk fortified with vitamins contains:
- 276 milligrams (mg) calcium
- 322 mg potassium
- 205 mg phosphorus
- 105 mg sodium
- 395 units (IU) vitamin A
- 124 IU vitamin D
The same amount of unsweetened almond milk may contain:
- 482 mg calcium
- 176 mg potassium
- 24 mg phosphorus
- 189 mg sodium
- 499 IU vitamin A
- 101 IU vitamin D
After a baby is 1 year old, milk of any kind should only supplement their diet, and it should not take the place of other whole foods.
Neither almond milk nor regular cow’s milk are good substitutes for breast or formula milk for babies under 1 year. At any age, if the child is breast-feeding, no other milk is necessary.
Just as some babies may be allergic to nuts or almonds, some babies may also be allergic or intolerant to cow’s milk. If any members of the baby’s close family are lactose-intolerant, talk to the child’s doctor about what to give them to drink.
If almond milk does not sound like the right option, people who are looking for dairy-free alternatives to give their growing toddler may prefer other plant-based milk, such as:
- coconut milk
- rice milk
- hemp milk
- soy milk
- oat milk
- hazelnut milk
Before buying plant-based milk, always check to make sure they are fortified with vitamins and minerals and are low in sugar.
Share on Pinterest1-year olds should not fill up on liquids too often.
Almond milk fortified with vitamins and minerals can be a safe supplement to a toddler’s diet. However, added ingredients such as thickeners and sweeteners are not ideal for a child.
Almond milk is low in both fat and protein content, and a toddler who is drinking almond milk will need to consume plenty of fat and protein in their diet from other sources.
Babies may have an allergic reaction to nut milks, so always talk to a doctor before adding almond milk to the diet.
Once they are 1 year old, babies should have no more than 16 to 24 ounces of any milk (other than breast milk) per day. It is essential that toddlers over 1 year old get most of their nutrition from foods and do not to fill up on liquids that do not give them balanced nutrition.
Adding one or two servings a day of fortified almond milk to a well-rounded diet is a safe alternative to cow’s milk in developing early toddlers.
Do not give cow’s milk, almond milk, or types of milk to toddlers until their first birthday. Babies younger than this should only have breast milk or infant formula.
Almond Milk for Babies: Can They Drink It?
Almond Milk for Babies: Can They Drink It?Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M. D. — By Lisa C. Baker on January 25, 2016
For many families, milk is the drink of choice for toddlers.
But if you have dairy allergies in your family or you’re concerned about health issues like hormones in cow’s milk, then you might question how healthy milk really is. As a result, many parents consider almond milk as a substitute. But is it an effective substitute?
When can babies have milk?
No matter what type of milk you’re switching to, don’t make the change while your baby is still a baby. When your baby is young, they need all the nutrients in breast milk or formula. Regular milk (of any kind) isn’t an appropriate substitute.
Ideally, you should wait until after your baby hits their 1st birthday to introduce milk. That means that really, they’ll be a toddler when they try their first sip of cow or almond milk.
Do toddlers even need milk?
The main nutritional benefits of cow’s milk are protein, calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin D.
In a 2005 study, school-aged kids who drank milk at lunch were the only ones who met the recommended daily allowance of calcium. Toddlers can get their recommended daily allowance from two or three servings of milk per day.
There’s also such a thing as too much milk. When your baby weans from a diet of all breast milk or formula, it’s possible to replace too many of those calories with another kind of milk instead of a variety of solid foods.
Both you and your child are used to milk being the entire meal, but after age 1, milk should be just a supplement, not the main meal.
Too much milk can mean your child is getting too much fat and not enough iron, which can put them at risk of anemia. Your toddler shouldn’t have more than about 16 to 24 ounces (two to three servings) of milk per day.
Finally, if your toddler is still breastfeeding, then another kind of milk isn’t necessary. Breast milk can also supply the protein and calcium your toddler needs as a supplement to a healthy diet of solid food.
How does almond milk compare to cow milk?
Although almond milk has vitamins A and D, it’s relatively low in protein and calcium, as compared to cow milk or breast milk.
The average toddler diet has various sources of protein, but it usually doesn’t include many sources of calcium. That’s why milk is recommended.
Some brands of almond milk are also high in sugar.
However, most commercial almond milk is fortified with calcium to make it equivalent to cow milk in its calcium content. So if your toddler has a dairy allergy or intolerance, fortified almond milk can be an effective substitute.
Almond milk is also lower in calories than cow milk, so it can be a good source of hydration for older toddlers.
How does almond milk compare to breast milk?
Neither almond milk nor cow milk is a good substitute for breast milk. Breast milk contains a wide variety of nutrients that meet all of your baby’s nutritional needs for the first 6 months and the majority of nutritional needs for the first year.
Until your baby is 6 months old, they should drink only breast milk or formula. After 6 months, solid foods can gradually replace breast milk or formula, but your baby shouldn’t have any kind of milk until after their first birthday.
The bottom line
Almond milk is a healthy milk substitute, but it isn’t a good source of calcium unless it’s fortified.
It’s especially important for children and teens to get enough calcium, since bones build up calcium content until around age 30. Insufficient calcium can lead to low bone mass, osteoporosis, and bone fractures later in life.
If you choose almond milk as a substitute for your child, it’s better to opt for a brand that’s fortified with calcium. Avoid brands that are sweetened with sugar or other sweeteners. In addition, make sure your toddler’s diet includes plenty of sources of protein.
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Last medically reviewed on January 25, 2016
- Parenthood
- Baby
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Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We avoid using tertiary references. You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
- Allen, R. E. (2006, November 1). Nutrition in toddlers. American Family Physician, 74(9), 1527-1532 - At what age babies switch from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk? (2014, February) - Calcium. (2012, March 19) - Feeding Your Baby and Toddler: Birth to Age Two. (2010, September) - Johnson, R. K., Panely, C., & Wang, M. Q. (1998) The association between noon beverage consumption and the diet quality of school-age children. Journal of Child Nutrition & Management, 22, 95–100.
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Current Version
Jan 25, 2016
Written By
Lisa C. Baker
Edited By
Frank Crooks
Medically Reviewed By
Karen Richardson Gill, MD
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Medically reviewed by Karen Gill, M.D. — By Lisa C. Baker on January 25, 2016
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Can I drink almond milk while breastfeeding?
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Not every nursing mother will drink cow's milk due to lactose intolerance, ethical, religious and other reasons. Tasty and healthy almond milk can be an alternative. It is a herbal drink obtained by mixing crushed almond kernels with water. But how safe is it during breastfeeding for a woman and her baby?
Photo: Author: Dream79.
- Composition
- Table of food value for 1 cup
- Benefits for the nursing mother
- Disadvantages
- iodine iodine
- Fitinic acid
- measures to prepare?
- Classic recipe
- Date recipe
- Alternatives
Sweetened almond contains three times less fat and four times fewer calories per glass than cow's (no added artificial flavors or sugar).
Because it's a plant-based product, it's free of cholesterol and health-threatening saturated fats. But the amount of protein is noticeably lower and is only 1 g per glass versus 8 g for cow's milk.
Healthy growth and development of the infant provides a rich composition:
* Homemade milk may not contain the nutritional content shown.
Breastfeeding benefits
- Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are rich in almonds, stimulate the production of female hormones and increase the quality and quantity of breast milk. If you are suffering from low lactation levels, regular consumption of almond milk, in addition to lactogenic herbs, will solve the problem.
- Increases the immunity of mother and child, accelerates the recovery of women after childbirth.
- Calcium and phosphorus in almond milk strengthen and promote healthy bone development in your baby.
- Rich source of vitamin A that fights oxidative stress, prevents aging and macular degeneration.
- Vitamin E provides glowing skin and shiny, life-filled hair without the extra effort.
In addition to the high cost and unusual taste, the drink can be harmful to health.
Iodine deficiency
Unfortunately, the concentration of iodine in almond milk is low: only 2 mcg. For comparison: in whole cow's milk - 70 mcg.
And if manufacturers enrich their products with calcium willingly, then for some reason they forget about iodine. Therefore, a nursing mother who decides to replace regular milk with almond milk needs additional nourishment.
Iodine deficiency in the female diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding (HB) leads to inhibition of the development of the baby. This factor is often associated with the low intelligence of the child.
Look for foods rich in iodine:
- white fish such as cod;
- eggs;
- seaweed.
Phytic Acid
It is important for breastfeeding mothers to consume no more than 0.5-1 glass of nut milk per day.
The reason lies in one of the components of almonds - phytic acid. It interferes with the absorption of iron, zinc and other minerals; inhibits the activity of enzymes: pepsin, amylase and trypsin.
Long soaking of nuts before making a drink and subsequent rinsing removes phytic acid only partially.
Safety precautions
When not to? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfeeding mothers whose babies have a high risk of developing allergies (there is a family history of the disease) eliminate all possible allergens from the diet: dairy products, nuts, eggs and fish.
But there is still no evidence that the mother's diet in breastfeeding affects the development of hypersensitivity in the infant.
On the contrary, many scientists believe that by eliminating allergens from the child's environment, we increase the risks.
Symptoms in infants that should lead to immediate hospitalization:
- cough;
- runny nose;
- diarrhea;
- vomiting;
- rash.
Attention! Before including almond milk in your postnatal diet, ask your doctor for approval.
What kind of goats are useful for HB?
How to cook?
Classic recipe
- 2 cups raw almonds;
- approx. 6 cups of water + more for soaking.
- Soak the nuts for 18 hours. During this time, rinse them at least once and change the water.
- Mix the swollen almonds with water in a blender in a ratio of 1:3.
- Filter the liquid through a paper coffee filter or several layers of cheesecloth.
Life hack: leftover pomace can be used to make desserts or sauces.
Date recipe
- 1 cup raw almonds;
- 3 cups of water;
- 3 dates, pitted;
- a pinch of salt.
- Soak raw almonds in water overnight.
- In the morning, drain excess liquid and rinse the nuts thoroughly.
- Add all ingredients to a blender.
- Grind to a uniform consistency.
- Filter.
Keep almond milk in the refrigerator for no more than three days.
Interest in vegetable milk analogues is just emerging in Russia. Whereas in Europe and the USA their popularity is beyond doubt.
Suitable for drink:
- rice;
- oats;
- cashews;
- hazelnuts;
- coconut flesh;
- soybeans;
- hemp seeds, etc.
There is a boom in coconut water in the USA, which has not bypassed breastfeeding mothers. It turns out that the drink contains the same lauric acid found in human milk.
Tip: Mix equal parts coconut water with almond milk for maximum benefits.
We drink kefir while breastfeeding.
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Author: Ogareva Victoria
🎖▷ Why you don't have to worry about weight gain with Lamictal
4,532 2 minutes read
If you're worried that taking Lamictal (lamotrigine) might cause weight gain, there's good news. It probably won't affect your weight much. If anything, you're more likely to lose weight due to Lamictal than gain weight, but either way, the changes are likely to be pretty small.
The effect of Lamictal on weight has been little studied, and various clinical trials have found minimal effect. In fact, some researchers even considered the drug as a possible remedy for obesity and as a remedy for overeating. This information should be reassuring for people with bipolar disorder, as many of the medications used to treat this condition can cause weight gain.
Lamictal findings and weight gain or loss
Lamictal is an anticonvulsant that can be used to treat seizures such as epilepsy. It is also used as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder.
In the first clinical trials with the drug, 5 percent of adults with epilepsy lost weight while taking Lamictal, while 1 to 5 percent of patients with bipolar I disorder gained weight while taking the drug. The researchers do not disclose how much weight patients have gained or lost.
Meanwhile, a 2006 study comparing the effects on weight of Lamictal, lithium, and placebo found that some Lamictal-treated patients gained weight, some lost weight, and most remained about the same weight. Weight changes are usually not many pounds anyway. Obese patients taking Lamictal lost an average of four pounds, while the weight of non-obese patients remained virtually unchanged.
Relationship between weight gain and other bipolar drugs
Weight gain from medications used to treat bipolar disorder is unfortunately quite common. Some mood stabilizers commonly used for bipolar disorder, especially lithium and Depakote (valproate), carry a high risk of weight gain.
In addition, the atypical antipsychotics Clozaril (clozapine) and Zyprexa (olanzapine) tend to cause significant weight gain in people who take them. Finally, some antidepressants, notably Paxil (paroxetine) and Remeron (mirtazapine), have been associated with weight gain.
Therefore, if you are already overweight, you and your psychiatrist may want to consider additional weight gain when determining your bipolar medication regimen. Based on this, Lamictal may be a good choice.
Lamictal as a possible treatment for obesity
Lamictal has also been studied as a possible treatment for obesity in people without epilepsy or bipolar disorder.
In a small 40-person clinical trial conducted in 2006, researchers randomly assigned participants to receive either lamictal or placebo for up to 26 weeks. Each participant in the study had a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40, placing them in the obese group to the level of severe obesity.