Cheap baby food pouches
The Best Baby Food Pouches: 2022 Guide
By Anjali Shah on · Last Updated on
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This is your guide to the healthiest and best baby food pouches on the market today! Learn what to avoid, what to buy, and what to look for on the label!
When your little one transitions to solids, a common question is: should I buy pre-made baby food pouches or make baby food at home? While it doesn’t necessarily have to be an either-or, many of you know that I’m a huge fan of homemade baby food because it’s so easy and you can control all of the ingredients your little one is getting. I shared all of the recipes I used for Layla and Ayan in my baby food cookbook and put many on my blog here!
But there are those times when you’re on the go, or pressed for time, and you don’t have any homemade baby food on hand. Which is when baby food pouches can be a quick and convenient meal for your little one! But there are SO many baby food pouches out there, and not all of them are healthy. Many are filled with processed ingredients and added sugars. This can set your baby up to only appreciate sweet foods and reject vegetables as they get older. So what should you buy? And what should you avoid?
This is your guide to the best baby food pouches available today!
Can Some Baby Food Pouches Really Be That Unhealthy?
The food industry knows that babies shouldn’t be having added sugars when they first start solids, right?
As you have probably heard when it comes to buying pre-packaged food, what’s on the front is often misleading. This is also true when it comes to baby food pouches. The front may say spinach and kale, but when you turn it over you’ll find less expensive fillers such as fruit purees, or even fruit juices like apple juice concentrate. Sometimes in a “spinach” pouch the first 3 ingredients are fruits! That’s because, while there may be spinach, the manufacturer is not required to list the percentage of ingredients on the label.
This basically means that your baby is only getting a sweet taste when eating that pouch and isn’t getting exposed to the actual taste of a vegetable. And in those early months of developing tastebuds, getting exposure to all kinds of flavors and tastes is essential to having a baby who doesn’t become a picky eater (who rejects veggies) later on!
Why Is It So Confusing To Find The Best Baby Food Pouches For Your Child?
Ingredient labels are confusing, packaging is misleading. I remember when I first gave Layla a baby food pouch and she devoured it. It was a pouch that said “organic super greens” on it. And I remember thinking: “Yeah! She loves greens!” When I turned it over, the ingredients were: bananas, pear, apple, spinach. What??
It has always really bothered me that most baby food pouches (even the ones promoting veggies) contain fruit. Like why add bananas or pears to a carrot & sweet potato pouch? Carrots and sweet potatoes are already naturally sweet – there is no need for fruit purees to make it even sweeter! Since breast milk is naturally sweet, it’s so important that babies learn the other tastes: bitter, sour, pungent, etc. when they start solids. All the fruit purees are essentially taking over your baby’s taste buds, making them think that if food isn’t sweet it’s not worth eating.
On top of that, many pouches that are fruit-forward and look healthy actually have a ton of unnecessary processed ingredients added. Take a look at Gerber’s Fruit & Yogurt Strawberry Banana Pouch.
Sugar, Carrot Juice Concentrate, Natural Flavor, Gelatin, Two different types of coloring…
These are all major red-flag ingredients in baby food. What in the world is gelatin doing in a pouch that looks vegetarian-friendly? And for a pouch that is supposed to have apples and strawberries (both of which are rich in fiber), there is less than 1g fiber in the entire pouch because of all of the fillers added. AND this pouch has 14g sugar. That’s as much as 1.5 Fun Sized Milky Way bars, or 1/3 of a can of Coke.
That’s why reading labels is so important to finding healthy, packaged baby food! So how do you find those pouches? Skip to the end of this post for my list of the healthiest baby food pouches! But first…
Top 5 Tips To Find The Best Baby Food Pouches
- Look at the sugar content: Stick to pouches with less than 8g of sugar, but ideally you’ll want to find pouches between 4-6g of sugar. For example, if you look at the front of Ella’s Organic Apples, Green Beans, Raisins pouch, you might think, “green beans are in here, this is great!” But the pouch actually has 13g of sugar from the apples and raisins, while the green beans are a very small addition. 13g sugar is equal to a fun sized milky way bar.
- Look to see if the ingredient listed on the front of the package is the first ingredient listed on the back. If you’re buying “spinach and apples,” it’s likely that apples are the dominant flavor.
Some companies are more transparent than others on the percentage or amount of each ingredient in the pouch.
- Stick to pouches that ONLY have vegetables. These are harder to find, but they do exist. And they actually taste like vegetables! If you do buy one with veggies & fruits, make sure there is <8g sugar, that vegetables are first, and fruits are last on the ingredients list. Beware of labels that make it seem like the pouch only has veggies: there are some deceptive pouches such as Veggie Blends, and Plum Organics Mighty Veggie pouches. These veggie blends also contain fruit, and often has as much or sometimes more sugar than those labeled as fruit blends.
- Fiber matters. A good sign that a pouch is either mostly water or fillers is when the fiber content is 1g or less. Aim for pouches with 2g fiber or more.
- Avoid ingredients likely to be contaminated with heavy metals. Pouches that have apples, pears, carrots, sweet potatoes, and rice are particularly at risk.
(For more details: A study done by the Clean Label Project in 2017 found that 65% of baby food products had detectable levels of arsenic, 36% detectable levels of lead, and 58% contained detectable levels of cadmium. A more recent study done by Consumer Reports in August of 2018 found that out of 50 nationally distributed baby food products, every single one of them had trace amounts of at least one of the heave metals which included arsenic, lead, or cadmium. Two-thirds of those tested had worrisome amounts of heavy metals, and 15 of the foods could pose potential health risk. The pouches that included rice and/or sweet potato were more likely to have higher amounts of heavy metal, and organic foods were just as likely to contain heavy metals as their non-organic counterparts.)
There are pouches out there that are organic, vegetable-forward, and don’t have any added sugars or fruit juices in them.
So here it is: the healthiest baby food pouches on the market today, the brands I love, and which pouches to buy.

A special shout out to Alison Corey from Keeping the Peas who helped me with some of the research for this post! If a pouch is not listed on this list, it’s likely either high in heavy metals (per the Consumer Reports and Clean Label Project studies) or too high in sugar/fruits/processed ingredients, and should be avoided. But if you have a question about a particular pouch, don’t hesitate to ask in the comments of this post!
What Makes These the Best Baby Food Pouches?
- They contain between 0-8g of natural sugar; and 0g added sugar
- They have 2g fiber or more
- They are all organic
- They don’t carry a risk of heavy metals
The Best Baby Food Pouches (Organized by Brand)
Holle Organic Baby Food: Holle’s baby food is made in Europe and is certified both Organic and Biodynamic, which means that their farming practices go above and beyond just regular organic standards. All of their baby food is unsweetened, I love these flavors from this brand:
- Veggie Bunny: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, and Peas
- Power Parrot: Pear, Apple, Spinach
- Zebra Beat: Apple, Banana, Beetroot
Cerebelly Organic Custom Pouches: All of Cerebelly’s pouches are super healthy and made with 100% organic ingredients. All of their pouches were developed by their founder – a neuroscientist and mom who is dedicated to creating the highest quality baby food possible. The way it works is super simple: you fill out a quick survey that tells Cerebelly your child’s age and what they’re up to. Cerebelly recommends a personalized pack of organic purees with the right blend of nutrients, and it gets shipped right to your door! The best part – they offer 20% off your first order + free shipping with the code: FIRSTORDER20!
Yumi Organic Baby and Toddler Food. Yumi prides itself on creating custom blends for your baby that are 100% organic, made with real food, customized based on your baby’s stage of eating (from Stage 1 purees all the way to snacks and mini meals!). Their food comes in little jars – not pouches – as it’s made fresh and delivered weekly, straight to your door. You can also be confident that Yumi’s food contains no heavy metals, as they partner with trusted farms that are USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO Project Verified and follow rigorous food safety testing. They look at federal data on soil contamination to find the best farms. Lastly, you get to choose from their range of 60+ unique organic meals you won’t find anywhere else, handpicked by nutritionists to support every milestone! Yumi is also offering 50% off your first order with the code: PICKY50!
Serenity Kids
I love Serenity Kids because ALL of their pouches are under 5 grams of sugar! They’re 100% organic, made with super clean ingredients, has no added preservatives or sugars, and were created by a husband and wife team trying to find a better option for baby food for their daughter. Here are all of hte pouches I love – use the code PICKY to get 15% off your first order!
- SK – Kabocha Squash, Butternut, Pumpkin, 2g Sugar
- SK – Butternut Squash + Spinach, 2g Sugar
- SK – Carrot, Spinach and Basil, 3g Sugar
- SK – Chicken, Beef, Pork or Wild Salmon (choose your variety here), 2-3g Sugar
- SK – Carrots, 4g Sugar
- SK – Sweet Potato + Parsnip, 4g Sugar
- SK – Mixed Root Veggies, 4g Sugar
- SK – Sweet Potato + Spinach, 4g Sugar
White Leaf Provisions: WLP is a family business run by a husband and wife team who are bringing the first 100% regeneratively farmed, biodynamic, organic & GMO-Free baby food line to retail in the US! I love their pouches because the ingredients are so pure, and the majority of them have less than 8 grams of sugar per pouch! And, they are offering all of my readers 10% off your purchase by using the code “PICKYEATS” at checkout! My two favorites are:
- WLP – Pumpkin + Nectarine, 5g Sugar
- WLP – Peach + Oat, 7g Sugar
- WLP – Pumpkin + Nectarine, 5g Sugar
- WLP – Peach + Oat, 7g Sugar
Amara Organic – Note: these do not come in a pouch that is ready to serve – they need to be mixed with water or milk and served in a bowl. But these are still a good option if your baby is ok eating from a bowl/spoon and you need an option that saves you time!
- Amara – Black Bean and Sweet Corn, 0g Sugar
- Amara – Peas, Corn, Carrots, 2g Sugar
- Amara – Potato Kale Mash, 2g Sugar
- Amara – Pumpkin + Pear, 2g Sugar
- Amara – Sweet Potato Raspberry, 5g Sugar
- Amara – Oats and Berries, 5g Sugar
Ella’s Kitchen Organic
- Ella’s Kitchen Veggie Bean Feast, 1g Sugar
- Ella’s Spaghetti and Meatball, 1g Sugar
- Ella’s Beefy Stew, 2g Sugar
- Ella’s Vegetable and Lentil Bake, 3g Sugar
- Ella’s Pears, Peas, and Broccoli, 8g Sugar
Beechnut Organics
- Beechnut Peas & Spinach, 2g Sugar
- Beechnut Peas, Green Bean and Avocado, 4g
- Beechnut Corn, Kale, Quinoa, 4g Sugar
- Beechnut Veggies, Squash, Peas, Pear, 6g Sugar
- Beechnut Apple, Kiwi, Spinach, 6g Sugar
- Beechnut Pear, Pumpkin, Cranberry, 7g Sugar
- Beechnut Veggies, Carrots, Zucchini, Pear, 7g Sugar
- Beechnut Apple, Black Bean, Raspberry, 8g Sugar
Sprout Organic
- Sprout – Green bean, peas, butternut squash, 1g Sugar
- Sprout – Butternut squash, chickpea, quinoa, dates, 4g Sugar
- Sprout – Butternut Squash, Blueberry, Apple, with Beans, 5g Sugar
- Sprout – Mixed Berry Oatmeal, 7g Sugar
Plum Organics
- Plum – Hearty Veggie, Pumpkin, Spinach, Chickpea and Broccoli, 1g Sugar
- Plum – Hearty Veggie, Corn, Kale, Carrot and Tomato, 1g Sugar
- Plum – Hearty Veggie, Butternut Squash, Carrot, Chickpea and Corn, 1g Sugar
- Plum – Hearty Veggie, Carrots, Beans, Spinach and Tomato, 2g Sugar
- Plum – Stage 3 Meals, Carrot, Spinach, Turkey, Corn, Apple, Potato, Celery, Onion, 2g Sugar
- Plum – Stage 3 Meals, Carrot, Chickpea, Pea, Beef, Tomato, Celery, Date, Onion, 4g Sugar
- Plum – Eat Your Colors Red, 5g Sugar
- Plum – Eat Your Colors Orange, 5g Sugar
- Plum – Pear, Green Bean and Greek Yogurt, 6g Sugar
- Plum – Pear Spinach and Pea, 6g Sugar
- Plum – Pear, Purple Carrot and Blueberry, 7g Sugar
- Plum – Eat Your Colors Green, 7g Sugar
- Plum – Mighty 4 – Guava, Banana, Black Bean, Carrot, Oat, 7g Sugar
- Plum – Mighty 4 – Pear, Cherry, Blackberry, Strawberry, Spinach, 7g Sugar
Happy Family Organics
- HF – Hearty Meals, Root Vegetables, Turkey and Quinoa, 2g Sugar
- HF – Hearty Meals, Harvest Vegetables, Chicken and Quinoa, 2g Sugar
- HF – Hearty Meals, Vegetable Beef Medley, 3g Sugar
- HF – Green Beans, Spinach, and Pears, 4g Sugar
- HF – Zucchini, Pear, Chickpea, Kale 5g Sugar
- HF – Purple Carrots, Banana, Avocado, and Quinoa, 6g Sugar
- HF – Zucchini, Apples, Peas, Quinoa, and Basil, 6g Sugar
- HF – Pear, Green Beans, Peas + Super Chia, 6g Sugar
- HF – Pears, Kale, and Spinach, 7g Sugar
- HF – Black Beans, Beets and Bananas, 7g Sugar
- HF – Pears, Pumpkin, Peaches, and Granola, 7g Sugar
- HF – Pears, Peas, Broccoli, 7g Sugar in the new formulation
- HF – Pumpkin, Apples, Peached and Cinnamon, 8g
- HF – Pears, Squash, and Blackberries, 8g Sugar
- HF – Pears, Zucchini, Peas, 8g Sugar
- HF – Pears, Pumpkin, Passionfruit, 8g Sugar
Earth’s Best
- EB – Broccoli, Red Lentil, Oat, 1g Sugar
- EB – Spinach & Potato, 1g Sugar
- EB – Carrots & Broccoli, 2g Sugar
- EB – Winter Squash, 2g Sugar
- EB – Summer Vegetable Dinner, 2g Sugar
- EB – Corn & Butternut Squash, 3g Sugar
- EB – Peas & Brown Rice, 4g Sugar
- EB – Zucchini & Broccoli Medley, 4g Sugar
- EB – Spring Vegetables & Pasta, 4g Sugar
Note: If you are in Canada, Baby Gourmet has a couple of good options (e. g. their roasted squash and fruit medley has only 6 grams of sugar!), and their savory meals are low in sugar as well!
I used many of the pouches on this list (prioritizing the flavors listed in bold since those contain only veggies) for my kids when I needed a meal on the go. One thing to note on these pouches is that even if you use them regularly, it’s still important to incorporate a variety of finger foods so your baby becomes familiar with the different textures and flavors of non-pureed food.
I know the baby food aisle can be overwhelming at times, but I hope this post helps you find the healthiest baby food pouches with confidence! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave me a comment on this post or contact me here! I respond to every single message I get! 🙂
For more information about the best products for baby, check out these posts!
- The Best Probiotics for Kids
- Best Baby Cereal Brands
- 80+ Healthy Road Trip Snacks For Kids And Toddlers
- Best Organic Baby Formula
- Healthiest Children’s Multivitamins (see my top pick here)
Organic Baby Food Pouches | Walgreens
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- Gerber 2nd Foods 2nd Foods Organic Pouches Carrot Apple Mango (3.5 oz )
Gerber 2nd Foods
2nd Foods Organic Pouches Carrot Apple Mango -
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- Happy Baby Nutty Blends Organic Banana & Peanut Butter Baby Food Pouch (3 oz )
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- Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Banana Raspberries & Oats (4 oz )
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Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Banana Raspberries & Oats -
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- Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Apples, Sweet Potatoes & Granola (4 oz )
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Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Apples, Sweet Potatoes & Granola -
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- Happy Baby Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Bananas, Plums & Granola (4 oz )
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Clearly Crafted Organic Food Pouch Bananas, Plums & Granola -
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Happy Baby reusable pouches Bags for storing baby food - “Save on pouches, take them with you on the road, tell you how to sterilize and care! + ideas where else you can use these pouches”
time we walk, most often very far from home, naturally I take snacks for children with me, mashed potatoes in spiders are an integral part of a walk or a trip with a small child. Now there is an opportunity to save (to some extent), take care of the environment thanks to reusable bags for baby food from happy baby.
Why them?
- I arranged the price, 299₽ for 5 bags and 5 caps;
- Optimum volume 180 gr;
- Ease of use;
- Consuming smart, using a more convenient container for feeding my baby does not harm the environment and does not produce more waste.
The bags are very thoughtful in use, from filling to care. It is possible to purchase an additional nozzle in the form of a spoon, I did not buy it, because I do not see the point in it.
There is a place to sign what kind of product, for whom and date of preparation. The design is quite nice, more neutral, a convenient viewing window and a measuring scale.
Of the whole set, I actively use one bag for fruit purees and one for vegetables, after using mine as soon as possible, sterilize and dry. It can be used for cereals, vegetable purees, for self-made purees, for freezing food. For those who are afraid that the packages are not sterile enough, I suggest just taking a jar of sterilized food, this food bag, and pour everything just before use. So you will be calmer about the freshness of the product.
In the future, I plan to store berries mashed with sugar in these doypacks (first I freeze, then the reverse process and, accordingly, eating), homemade sauces, a small amount - the product will not have time to deteriorate and will be quickly eaten! The main thing is you can indulge, your own, homemade?
Many people have difficulties with washing, they don’t happen to me, everything is quite easy, it’s allowed to wash in the PM, but I do it with my hands using a bottle brush, I need the smallest one for the nipple. Many people think that since the ban on the use of a microwave oven means that it cannot be sterilized. I sterilize the bag in the good old "grandmother's" way - with boiling water and hot steam, then dry the bag using a bottle dryer, everything is straightened and dried out there, I douse it with steam and pour puree before use.
It closes quite tightly, and the lid and lock, for a month of active use, there were no embarrassments. It does not absorb odors from food, the only thing is that if you wash it with a very vigorous dish detergent, it will smell a little, but this does not affect the taste.
Putting mashed potatoes or porridge into it is quite simple, but at first you need to get used to it, the neck is quite narrow, it is not very convenient to scoop with a spoon, over time I somehow got used to pouring mashed potatoes without spilling and without a spoon. But I repeat, you need to adjust when you poured it for the first time from a spoon, wanted to spit and take a funnel?
Today I “loaded” an afternoon snack, vegetable puree to take with me for a walk. And today we don’t have cans, but all our own, made with our own hands?? It looks something like this
Overall, I'm very happy with the purchase of reusable baby food bags! It is incredibly convenient on the road, on a walk and helps to protect mother nature, as well as teach children to consume wisely by example.
Baby food on board, or how not to leave your child hungry on the plane
Many families indulge in the pleasure of traveling with their children. If you are going to fly on a plane with a small child, you need to properly prepare for the flight, because the baby needs regular and nutritious food.
Often the question arises whether it is possible to take baby food with you on the plane, will it be taken away during the pre-flight inspection, is the menu offered by airlines suitable for a child?
Our article will tell you how to get ready for the journey so that your child is not hungry on the plane.
- What can I take on the plane?
- How much food should I take?
- Hand luggage weight
- Children's menu on board
- How to transport canned food and drinks?
What can I take from baby food on a plane?
First of all, let's determine that is allowed to take baby food in hand luggage.
It is necessary to prepare food for the child if you have transfers and a long journey from the airport to your destination, as well as if you are flying on a low-cost airline (low-cost) airline. So, for a child, you can take:
- baby food jars, drinks, milk formula;
- suitable snack foods: fresh and dried fruits, nuts, crackers, corn sticks;
- basic food (needed while waiting for a transfer or when flying with a low-cost airline): it is advisable to take such food that the child is used to and which is convenient to eat in "marching" conditions, without cutlery;
- sour-milk drinks or products (with climate change, it is important for children to receive such food).
When planning to take food with you, calculate the amount based on the fact that airlines also offer baby food (see below).
Perishable products must be carried in a cooler bag. However, we remind you that for the safety of air travel , most of the items are checked in before boarding the plane in luggage .
What if you need to take baby food with you not only for the duration of the flight, but also for the entire holiday?
If the food is in a cardboard or metal package, then it will not be damaged in luggage, but if you have to carry mashed potatoes in glass jars or fermented milk products that need to be stored in the refrigerator, then it is clear that you cannot check them in luggage - fragile packaging can simply break .
You will most likely be asked to pack the food jars separately and hand them in at the front desk. They will not be transported in the baggage compartment, but directly in the cabin, and you will be given them before leaving the aircraft.
How much baby food should I take with me?
The need to carry a large supply of jars with you (for the entire holiday period) may arise if the baby has allergies and other food simply does not suit him, or if you go, for example, to resorts Egypt or Thailand , whose hotels are often remote from supermarkets and it will be difficult to quickly purchase baby food.
In this case, we recommend that you call the carrier in advance and consult about the possibility of carrying a certain amount of food in the cabin, in addition to hand luggage.
Usually, in such a situation, the airlines meet halfway and do not refuse the request.
If you are planning a vacation in European resorts (for example, at Austria, Germany, Bulgaria and others) or your vacation is associated with visiting large cities ( Vienna, Munich, Prague and others), then you should not worry about the supply of baby food: you can buy it at any time in a nearby supermarket or pharmacy.
What additional questions should I ask the air carrier during travel planning before arriving at the airport?
How much hand luggage can I take on a plane?
The weight of carry-on luggage varies from airline to airline. Usually it ranges from 5 to 10 kg per person. When flying in business class, hand luggage can carry much more weight than in economy class.
If you are flying with a low-cost carrier, you should definitely find out from the carrier whether hand luggage is included in the ticket price - some budget companies take separate, very significant money for carrying hand luggage.
Traveling with a child by plane:
What are the best places on the plane to choose if you are flying with children
The good news is that many major Russian carriers offer this service free of charge, regardless of flight class.
Children's menus can be ordered free of charge on all long-haul flights of the German airline Lufthansa and on some European flights when booking tickets, or by calling the Lufthansa Service Center no later than 24 hours before the departure of your aircraft.
The airline's children's menu is designed by renowned chef Stefan Marquard. Food for children is a topic close to the heart of this master, who is the author of a children's cookbook. With his out-of-the-ordinary ideas and fun recipes, he excelled in creating dishes that were both healthy and appealing to children.
On the other hand, every Austrian Airlines flight has a limited amount of baby food for babies under 2 years of age. Pre-order is not necessary - just ask the flight attendants.
The Ukrainian airline UIA also offers meals for children (from 2 to 10 years old) on its flights, the need to provide which must be reported at least 50 hours before the scheduled departure of the flight. This service has recently been paid, the children's menu will cost parents 8 euros.
Aeroflot and Rossiya have baby food and nutrition for infants (soft chewable food for children from 2 years old and portioned milk and baby food in assortment (Aeroflot) or puree in jars (“Russia”) for children under 2 years old
Special meals must be ordered no later than 36 hours before departure One important nuance: ordering special meals on Aeroflot flights in Economy class is available on flights over 3 hours, in JSC Rossiya Airlines it is possible in Economy class on flights lasting more than 4 hours, in Business class - on flights lasting more than 1 hour.
Ural Airlines is ready to provide baby food if ordered at least 24 hours before departure. You should check with the carrier directly about what offers for baby food international companies have.
The Turkish airline Turkish Airlines also always takes care of its young passengers. A set of baby food is served in a colorful design with a toy. Usually the menu includes a salad, a second course (potatoes and meatballs), sweet pudding. Drinks to choose from: tea, ayran, juices, water.
You can make an order for special meals (any) in advance, at least 24 hours before the departure of your flight, by phone at the call center or the nearest office of the airline.
For reference. Nutrition codes: infant (for children under two years old) - BBML, children's (for children from two years old) - CHML.
How to transport canned food and baby drinks?
The rules for conducting pre-flight screening in force in the Russian Federation contain a list of items that are allowed to be carried in hand luggage subject to special requirements.
This list includes: medical mercury thermometer, liquids in containers up to 100 ml with a total volume of up to 1 liter (they must be packed in a separate transparent plastic bag), medicines, special dietary needs, baby food, including mother's milk, in the amount required for the entire duration of the flight.
In order to avoid a conflict at the airport during the screening over the number of jars of baby food required for the flight, it is advisable to agree on the procedure for their transportation in advance.
We also recommend purchasing special baby water to avoid disputes about whether it is liquid or baby food.
In conclusion, I would like to note that sometimes airlines publish on their websites far from the entire list of services that they provide to passengers with children.
Don't be afraid to call the carrier's representative to find out everything you need to know and what extra help you can get if you're traveling with a child.