Does gerber baby food have sugar
WHAT'S IN GERBER BABY FOODS? — Ingredient Inspector
Information updated July 2022
POTENTIAL BABY FOOD TOXICITY: There is significant, current and scary data regarding the presence of ingredients which are not on any ingredient labels >> the toxic components which have seeped into almost all of the manufactured foods + beverages we consume and, by definition, most mass-produced baby foods. This September 29, 2021 report includes several brands including Gerber Baby Foods:
subcommittee report on toxic heavy metals in many baby foods
Here is additional information on toxins in many Baby Foods from Healthy Babies Bright Futures:
GERBER BABY FOODS is owned by Switzerland-based Nestlé.
Here’s a statement from the Nestlé Corporate Web site:
“We believe in the power of food to enhance quality of life. We constantly explore and aim to push the boundaries of what is possible with food, beverage and nutritional health solutions to contribute to a healthier future.”With that declaration from Nestlé in mind, let’s look at what’s in the Nestlé-owned #1 Baby Food in the U.S., Gerber. (Source for Brand ranking: Statista 2022)
STARTING WITH HOMEMADE: For easy means of comparison to Gerber and other manufactured Baby Foods, here is a quick look at what ingredients are in homemade Baby Foods >> any ingredient not in homemade Baby Foods is designated as Not In Kitchen™ >> these are ingredients we would never use at home to make Baby Foods.
Homemade Baby Foods include real and whole foods alone or in combination including Fruits, Veggies, Grains, Fish+Fowl+Beef and possibly Dairy. Although some of these ingredients contain Naturally-occurring Sugars, there is no Added Sugar in homemade Baby Food, so Sugar is designated as an ingredient which is Not In Kitchen as we look at these Baby Foods.
Our goal is to find manufactured Baby Foods which are Closest To Homemade® >> Baby Foods whose ingredients are closest to those we would use at home to make any given item.
ALMOST ALL OF NESTLE GERBER BABY FOODS CONTAIN INGREDIENTS Not In Kitchen: Many Nestlé Gerber products contain FDA-recognized Chemical Preservatives including Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid and Mixed Tocopherols. (Sources: Nestlé Gerber Web site 7/22; U.S. FDA 2022)
Unless specifically noted as ‘Naturally-occurring Citric Acid, Manufactured Citric Acid is made in a laboratory utilizing Aspergillus niger, a.k.a. Black Mold. (Source: National Library of Medicine U.S. Institutes of Health)
Learn more about potential reactions to Manufactured Citric Acid from a study — Potential role of the common food additive manufactured citric acid in eliciting significant inflammatory reactions contributing to serious disease states: A series of four case reports
From the study:
“Citric acid naturally exists in fruits and vegetables. However, it is not the naturally occurring citric acid, but the manufactured citric acid (MCA) that is used extensively as a food and beverage additive. Approximately 99% of the world’s production of MCA is carried out using the fungus Aspergillus niger since 1919. Aspergilus niger is a known allergen.”
The conclusion of this study is:
“We cannot conclusively affirm that Manufactured Citric Acid is the causative factor in the subjects’ inflammatory symptoms. However, our findings demonstrate a significant likelihood that MCA may be the culprit and are suggestive of valid concerns which warrant proper double blind studies to determine presence or absence of harm.”Source: National Library of Medicine U.S. Institutes of Health
The greater issue of concern is Accumulation >> it wouldn’t necessarily be a big deal if we consumed these Chemical Preservatives once in a while, but they are pervasive, especially in leading brands which tend to be from the biggest food companies. Check your pantry and fridge for just Citric Acid and you may be shocked by what you find. Click here to learn more about the study:
MANUFACTURED citric acid
Seen below, NESTLE GERBER CHICKEN & CARROT RAVIOLI IS BANNED AT WHOLE FOODS. Whole Foods cites certain ingredients as “Unacceptable in food” including Bleached Flours and there is Bleached Wheat Flour in this Nestlé Gerber Toddler Food. (Source for banned ingredients: Whole Foods Web site 7/22)
THROUGH THE NOT IN KITCHEN FILTER, THESE INGREDIENTS ARE IDENTIFIED IN NESTLE GERBER CHICKEN & CARROT RAVIOLI: Sugar, Bleached Wheat Flour, Soybean Oil, Carrageenan, Maltodextrin, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Guar Gum, Xanthan Gum, Dextrose, Flavor, Chicken Flavor, Tapioca Dextrin, Dehydrated Carrots, Modified Cornstarch and Modified Potato Starch.
NOTE: The FDA does not allow products which contain the ingredient in this Nestlé Gerber product — Autolyzed Yeast Extract — to say ‘No MSG’ on the package front because they both contain potentially harmful Glutamates.
Many food manufacturers have switched from using MSG — which has considerable negative consumer attitudes and awareness — to
seemingly less innocuous options for Taste Enhancers which naturally contain MSG such as Autolyzed Yeast Extract, which few people have heard of and it has the word ‘Yeast’ in it which we know is in bread and beer (so how bad could it be?).From the FDA Web site 7/22: “MSG occurs naturally in ingredients such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed yeast, yeast extract, soy extracts, and protein isolate . . . foods with any ingredient that naturally contains MSG cannot claim “No MSG” or “No added MSG” on their packaging.”
Nestlé states,
“It is well known that what we eat and drink as children sets the foundation for our adult lives” . . . and then Nestlé adds four Sugar sources to a Main Meal Gerber offering for Toddlers . . . and Autolyzed Yeast Extract.
NESTLE ADDS SUGAR TO MAIN MEAL OFFERINGS ELSEWHERE IN THEIR PORTFOLIO: Here’s another example of a Nestlé product made for the U.S. with 6 instances of Sugars >> Nestlé Hot Pockets Big & Bold Chicken Bacon Ranch which is banned at Whole Foods (all Nestlé Hot Pockets are banned at Whole Foods) and contains multiple ingredients Not In Kitchen. (Source: Nestlé Hot Pockets Web site 1/22)
See the Ingredient Inspector review of Nestlé Hot Pockets:
These Gerber Puffs contain Organic Cane Sugar as their third ingredient plus they have two FDA-recognized Preservatives >> Citric Acid and Mixed Tocopherols. There are also other ingredients Not In Kitchen such as Acetic Acid which is likely there to simulate the tart flavor of missing Cranberries. The Citric Acid may also be included to simulate a fruit flavor >> Oranges >> but, regardless of why Nestlé included the Citric Acid, it is, nonetheless, an FDA-recognized Preservative.
NESTLE ADDS SUGAR TO MULTIPLE GERBER PRODUCTS: If Nestlé truly believes what they say >> “It is well known that what we eat and drink as children sets the foundation for our adult lives” (Source: Nestlé Web site 7/22) >> why do they add Sugar to these Gerber products for Toddlers?
Note about Invert Sugar which is in, for example, Gerber’s Puffs product (shown below) >> this is not the same as Sugar. Invert Sugars are commercial sugars that have been altered by a chemical process to provide a sugar with different properties that are more conducive to being utilized in mass-production products which sit on shelves for long periods of time. Invert Sugars are better at helping the product retain moisture which is why we often see Invert Sugar in items like these puffs which seek to maintain a soft texture.
Nestlé Gerber Peach Puffs are made with ‘Natural Peach Vanilla Flavor’ which includes ingredients such as Citric Acid, Acetic Acid and Invert Sugar.
CLOSEST TO HOMEMADE BABY FOODS: Following are some Baby Foods which are Closest To Homemade . . . and some notes on why others are not . . .
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Demeter biodynamic® certification has zero tolerance for genetic modification including the use of any GMO organisms or ingredients. Biodynamic® products are sourced from biodynamic farms which practice regenerative farming >> items are grown and raised here in a way which helps heal the soil and the earth, so they not only taste great and have optimal nutrition but they help combat climate change >> they remove carbon from the atmosphere and put it back into the soil. Find out more about Biodynamic® farming from Demeter — the only certifier in the U.S. for Biodynamic® farms and products:
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
See the Ingredient Inspector review of Plum Organics Baby Food:
Seen below, Danone-owned Happy Family (Happy Baby, Happy Tot) is currently being sued for the presence of lead in some of their products >> lawsuit issued June 2021; read more here:
happy baby lawsuit
This has now spiraled into the consolidation of 17 individual lawsuits against Happy Baby:
See the Ingredient Inspector review of Earth’s Best Baby Food:
Here’s a handy summary chart of some Baby Food products which are Closest To Homemade:
Neither money nor products are ever accepted to appear on the Closest To Homemade list
Discover more food + beverages whose ingredients are Closest To Homemade in over 200+ categories:
And we leave you with a review of old Gerber Baby Food ads . . .
Dana McCorvie
Dana McCorvie
Does It Offer Complete Nutrition?
Written by Lorraine Bunag, R. N. Updated Oct 07
Medically reviewed by Ruben Macapinlac, MD, DPPS
Is your baby finally starting on solid foods? If that’s the case, you as a parent might be a little overwhelmed on how to wean them off the breast (or bottle). You might have spent some time on the internet about how to prepare baby food at home and also come across options of baby food in jars, like Gerber baby food. If you find commercially-prepared baby food appealing, particularly the Gerber brand, this article will be helpful.
About Gerber Baby FoodGerber has been in the industry of producing baby food since 1927. In the Philippines, they are under Nestle and mostly offer 100% pureed vegetables and fruits with zero added salt, sugar, color, preservatives, and flavors.
On their website, they highlighted that “Every jar of GERBER® is carefully grown using our Clean Fields Farming™ practices. This ensures our purees are not only nutritious but also wholesome and safe for our little ones’ tummies. ”
Gerber baby food can be given to babies 6 months to 2 years old. But, of course, if you plan on giving it to your baby once they turn 6 months, you still have to take into account their readiness for solid foods. You must also consult your Pediatrician for this plan in order to give you proper advice and guidance.
Reminders When Giving Gerber Baby FoodGerber has several products. First Foods offer single-ingredient puree (carrot, banana, squash, etc.) These are great for introducing your baby to the taste of fruits and vegetables ONE AT A TIME. They also offer Second Foods where one jar contains at least two fruits and/or vegetables (banana & strawberry, apple & blueberry, etc.)
You can give Gerber to your baby at room temperature or warmed (just test the temperature beforehand). Once opened, you can refrigerate what’s left but it should be consumed within 24 hours. You must also use a non-metal spoon.
A jar of Gerber is NOT complete nutrition for your baby. Particularly when they are just starting on solids, you must still give them breast milk or formula milk. Gerber can be a good option if you want to introduce the taste of different fruits and vegetables to your baby. As they grow older, they’ll need more. Hence, you need to provide them with a variety of fruits, vegetables, starch, lean protein, dairy, and healthy fats.
Don’t start with solids until your baby is ready to make the transition from breast milk or formula. It’s important to wait until your baby can sit up on his own, has lost the tongue-thrust reflex (the tendency of an infant to push out solid food with his tongue), and shows signs of interest in foods other than breast milk or formula.
A newborn will begin eating solid foods at around 6 months, but every child is different. Some may be ready earlier, while others may not show interest until they are a bit older. If you’re worried that your child isn’t getting enough nutrients from breast milk or formula alone after 6 months of age, talk to your doctor about introducing solids.
If you decide to prepare their food along with Gerber baby food (or other commercially-prepared foods), you can check out this article:
The following reminders would be helpful:
Heat pureed fruits and vegetablesDo not give your baby pureed raw vegetables or fruits. Heat the puree at about 180 F or at a simmering temperature. Let cool and serve.
Don’t add sugar, salt, or honey to your baby’s foodYou should avoid adding sugar, salt, and honey to your baby’s food. Honey CANNOT be given until they are a year old. Avoid artificial sweeteners, too.
If you want to add something sweet, use a small amount of fruit or vegetable puree instead. These can be mixed with breast milk or formula if it suits your child’s taste – but make sure that there is no added sugar in the puree itself!
Wait a little bit longer for foods containing allergensAvoid nuts. If you are unsure of what your baby is allergic to, start with ONE food containing an allergen first. Give them a small amount and just gradually increase as you see that they can tolerate it. Pediatricians now encourage babies to eat eggs and shellfish in order to desensitize them if they have allergies.
It is important to introduce new textures gradually. This is because your baby may not be ready for all foods, so it’s best to proceed slowly and patiently.
You should not give them:
- Food that is too hot or too cold. This can burn their mouth or make them feel sick.
- Spicy and sour food. They don’t give them good experience with solids and can upset their stomach.
- Sugary foods. Remember that your baby doesn’t need extra sugar.
Key Takeaways
Whether you choose to introduce solids by giving them Gerber baby food or home-prepared food, the most important thing is to keep your baby’s first foods simple and healthy. As you introduce new textures and flavors, remember that every baby is unique. Some will take to solids more quickly than others—and there’s nothing wrong with that! If your baby seems ready for a new type of food but doesn’t seem to enjoy it, don’t force them to eat more than they want. Try again in a few days when they might be more receptive or try another food instead.
Learn more about Baby Nutrition here.
Children's vegetable puree: edible or inedible?
/ All materials
GOST not Decree
The tasting of vegetable puree was conducted by specialists who have devoted many years to the development of baby food. Their opinion can be trusted. But we want to warn you: it is impossible to guarantee that the child will like the same puree as the experts (rather, you should rely on your own taste). Much more important is compliance with safety requirements. And most of the samples we tested meet the standards. Most, but not all. nine0003
Let's deal with the quality
Andrey Mosov, head of the expert department of NP Roskontrol, doctor:
“Such characteristics as sweetness, bitterness or “unexpressed taste” are subjective. Parents most often pay attention to the water content of the product. The presence of water in the composition of vegetable puree is not bad for the first feeding. You just need to understand that water is a cheaper raw material than a pumpkin.”
Irina Konokhova, leading expert of NP Roskontrol, doctor:
“Indeed, in most of the tested vegetable purees, the mass fraction of chlorides (i.e. salt) is 0.2%, and in the Babushkino Lukoshko, Heinz and Semper purees it is 0.3%. Perhaps this is due to the higher natural content of sodium chloride in the feedstock, although it cannot be ruled out that salt was added. However, this intake of salt with complementary foods is acceptable, given the physiological need for sodium in children. The permissible mass fraction of chlorides in children's vegetable puree is 0.6%, and this figure is not exceeded in the tested samples. nine0016
How about sterility?
Let's start with the main thing: all samples meet the requirements of industrial sterility. Pesticides were not found in any of the samples, and all samples meet the standards in terms of nitrate content.
In addition, the puree was checked for 5-hydroxymethyl furfural content . It was not found in any of the samples.
All preservatives and sweeteners are prohibited in baby food. We checked the puree for the presence of sorbate, benzoate, sulfur dioxide (these are preservatives) and determined the mass concentration of sweeteners. Parents can be calm: no preservatives or sweeteners were found in the samples. nine0003
One in the jar, another on the label
Andrey Mosov, head of the expert department of NP Roskontrol, doctor:
in pumpkin puree should be 3.6% (in boiled pumpkin - 4.6%).
Summing up and drawing conclusions
Roskontrol experts noted that the manufacturer of puree Semper misleads the consumer about the presence of sugar in the composition. A mark "Bebivita" does not correspond to the actual product name - it is indicated in small print on the back of the label ("Complementary food product - mashed pumpkin and potatoes").
Puree “Spelyonok” has the inscription “fortified with vitamin C” illegally placed: the actual mass fraction of ascorbic acid in this sample is four times less than indicated in the label. Plus, on all samples, except for Bebivita puree, information about the nutritional value in terms of carbohydrate content is distorted. nine0003
Test details
August 27, 2014
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I have read and accept the Rules for the Functioning of the Independent Quality Control System "Roskontrol".
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Arsenic, lead and mercury found in popular brands of baby food
Arsenic, lead and mercury found in popular baby food brands
Arsenic, lead and mercury found in popular baby food brands - RIA Novosti, 05.02.2021
Arsenic, lead and mercury were found in popular brands of baby food
High levels of heavy toxic metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, were found in some American baby food... RIA Novosti, 05.02.2021
2021-02-05T10: 41
2021-02-05T10: 41
2021-02-05T16: 38
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MOSCOW, February 5 - RIA Novosti. High levels of heavy toxic metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, have been found in some U.S. baby formulas that can lead to neurological damage in children, according to a U.S. House of Representatives study. Economic and Consumer Policy Subcommittee experts examined the domestic documentation from Gerber, Nurture Inc, Hain Celestial Group Inc, Beech-Nutrition, who provided data on a voluntary basis in response to a subcommittee request. It was based on reports of the presence of metals a year earlier. Walmart, Campbell and Sprout Organic Foods refused to cooperate with the investigators. "The subcommittee investigation proves that commercial baby food contains dangerous levels of arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium. "metals pose a serious health hazard to infants and toddlers. Manufacturers knowingly sell these products to unsuspecting parents, despite internal company standards and test results, and without any warning labels," the subcommittee on economic and consumer policy said in the text of the study. in the structure of the Committee on Oversight and Reform in the US House of Representatives. It is noted that exposure to toxic heavy metals leads to a "permanent decrease in IQ", as well as a decrease in "infant neurological development and long-term brain function." According to the US regulator and WHO, these four heavy metals are hazardous to human health, "especially for infants and children, who are most susceptible to their neutrotoxic effects." nine0003
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MOSCOW, February 5 - RIA Novosti. High levels of heavy toxic metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, have been found in some US baby formulas that can lead to neurological damage in children, according to a US House of Representatives study.
Experts from the Economic and Consumer Policy Subcommittee reviewed internal documentation from Gerber, Nurture Inc, Hain Celestial Group Inc, Beech-Nutrition, which provided data on a voluntary basis in response to a subcommittee request. It was based on reports of the presence of metals that appeared a year earlier. nine0003
August 15, 2020, 02:05 AM
Sugar in baby food deemed dangerous for adults
Walmart, Campbell and Sprout Organic Foods refused to cooperate with the investigators.
"Subcommittee investigation finds that commercial baby food contains dangerous levels of arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium. These toxic heavy metals pose a serious health hazard to infants and toddlers. Manufacturers knowingly sell these products to unsuspecting parents, despite internal company standards and test results, and without any warning label," the text of the study by the subcommittee on economic and consumer policy in the structure of the Committee on Oversight and Reform in the US House of Representatives says. nine0003
Exposure to toxic heavy metals has been reported to result in a "permanent decline in IQ" as well as a reduction in "infant neurological development and long-term brain function".