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Baby Supplies to Buy at Dollar Tree » I'm Busy Shopping
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Being a mom means being wise on a lot of things especially, budgeting. Fortunately, there are awesome Dollar Tree baby supplies that make our ‘mom life’ a little easier. And to help you out on this journey, I’ve listed some of the best Dollar Tree baby essentials here! Want to discover more Dollar Tree shopping guides? Check out this post!
We all know that raising a baby can get quite expensive so finding safe and affordable baby supplies is a must. Our babies are the most precious to us, but this doesn’t mean that we have to overspend on baby essentials.
Whether you need Dollar Tree baby supplies for your upcoming child or a baby shower event, this list is here to guide you.
This post contains links for items to purchase. I make a commission on any sales.
Must-Have Dollar Tree Baby Supplies
Dollar Tree offers a lot of affordable stuff. From kitchenware to craft needs to home and party decorations, everything is here. And baby supplies are not an exception.
But did you know aside from the amazing Dollar Tree baby supplies from the baby aisle, you can also find a lot of hidden gems perfect for your precious little ones and for you as well from the other sections of the store.
Make sure to take note of this list so you won’t miss any of them!
Best Items You Can Find at the Dollar Tree Baby Aisle
There are Dollar Tree baby supplies from the baby aisle you just can’t ignore. Here are some of them.
Branded Wipes
Baby wipes are now very essential (even for adults). To make sure that it’s safe for your little one, choose the branded wipes like Huggies at Dollar Store.
Disposable Diaper Bags
Disposable diaper bags are convenient in disposing of dirty diapers especially when you’re traveling with your baby. It has tie-close handles and baby powder scents that neutralize the odor of stinky diapers.
Baby Washcloths
Washcloths are a must-have for newborns. It’s perfect for washing and keeping your baby clean. Luckily, you won’t need to spend too much on them because you can find them at the Dollar Tree baby aisle as well.
Baby Socks
Dollar Tree baby socks are not only comfy and soft for the babies, but they are quite stylish too. You can find several kinds of baby socks with different designs and sizes at your local Dollar Tree store and even online.
Bottle Cleaner Brushes
Bottle cleaner brushes are great for cleaning baby bottles and sippy cups. Why would you spend more on this item when it’s very affordable at Dollar Tree?
Baby Bibs
Baby bibs are a must to keep your baby clean during mealtime. These baby bibs from Dollar Tree are affordable and practical and, at the same time, soft for your baby’s skin.
Door Knob Covers and Safety Corner Guards
You won’t notice it day to day, but babies grow up so fast. Keep them safe during playtime by putting doorknob covers and safety corner guards at home.
Children’s Plastic Hangers
Keep your closet neat and tidy with the help of these cute plastic hangers. These hangers are sturdy and sized to fit children’s clothing.
Huggies Diapers (3 pack)
Most Dollar Tree stores have Huggies Diapers in stock. It’s branded and more affordable at Dollar Tree so it’s a win-win situation for you.
Fleece Baby Blankets
These fleece baby blankets are soft, cuddly, and perfect for newborns. They measure 30×30 and come in different styles.
Soft Polyester Animal Bath Puppets
These bath puppets are ideal for babies 18 months and up. It’s an excellent toy to make bath time more fun and exciting. Plus, it also encourages your child’s imagination.
Baby’s First Photo Frames
Make sure to keep and preserve your most precious moments with your baby! Save your memorable first-time experiences in this cute baby photo frame. Include your baby’s first photo, handprints, and footprints and display them for everyone to see!
More Baby Supplies to Check Out
Dollar Tree offers too many affordable and useful items. You will also find baby and mom essentials in the other sections of the store! Take a look at this!
Storage Containers
The plastic storage containers with lids are perfect for organizing diapers, wipes, toiletries, and other baby items. They will keep the items safe and dry, and always in place when you need them. Since they come in an assortment of colors, you should be able to find what matches your color scheme.
Color-Coded Labels
Check out the craft section for these color-coded labels. This item is great for labeling dresser drawers, storage containers, homemade baby food, or even writing the dates on breast milk bags.
Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers are a must-have for every household. Always have a stock at home to make sure your hands are clean and germ-free before you play or bond with your baby angel.
Hand Towels
When you have a new baby, you can never have enough towels! You will want them for milk spills, spit-up clean-ups, cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, and more. Grab a handful from your local Dollar Tree, so you have plenty on hand for these instances and others.
Hand Soap
Choose a hand soap that will not only keep your hands clean but will help you moisturize and soften your skin as well. So both you and your baby have great skin!
Children’s Books
Like I’ve said earlier, babies grow up so fast. Getting your little one a children’s book as early as now will expose them to learning. Plus, it can also encourage them to love books as they grow up.
Placemats are also useful to avoid messy dining tables and kitchens. Dollar Tree has a huge selection of placemats. Choose a child-friendly design so it will be entertaining for the kids as well.
Clear Plastic Reusable Carrying Bags
Clear plastic bags are advantageous when traveling with your baby. Since it’s clear, you can easily get whatever you and your baby needs with just one look.
Cosmetic Bags
Small pouches and makeup bags can also help you organize your baby’s stuff before you stash them in the diaper bag. Here you can put small items such as baby socks and hair ties.
Got Your Complete Lists of Dollar Tree Baby Supplies?
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New Mom Gift Ideas
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What Not To Buy at the Dollar Store-Part 2:Baby and Toys |

Baby clothing:Pass
My dollar store has a whole section with onesies and dresses.
They are so cheap and flimsy and not made of good quality materials
I know our children's consignment shop resells baby onesies that are much heavier and nicer for $1 each
Baby clothes are such a great deal at garage sales or at a thrift shop.
You can pick up such great quality and not spend that much money.
So don't waste your money on these.
Brand name socks: Snag it
I found several 2 packs of Fruit of the Loom socks hanging at our store.
They felt thick and are comparable to what you would buy at a department store.
If you can look past some of the colors that probably don't match anything in anybody's wardrobe,
these are a great buy for little feet.
Mens socks: Pass
Just down the aisle are men's socks.
You can feel the difference in quality.
These wouldn't hold up.
Skip 'em.
Scarves: Pass
Scarves are still very much in style and it seems like you can find them everywhere.
However, pass on these.
They are so thin.
See them hanging there like little limp noodles.
So not worth it.
Brand name t-shirts: Snag it
Sometimes our store carries brand name t-shirts
The sizes are hard to come by (mostly large kids sizes), but sometimes you get lucky
And if you are making t-shirts for an event, you might get lucky and find them here.
Diaper cream: Snag it
My babies are long past the diaper stage
(do you hear the hallelujah chorus?!)
But Amy said...
I buy the diaper cream. It is the same as butt paste, but $1 instead of $6!
It's mom approved, so it's worth a shot!
Spray on Detangler: Snag it
I have a daughter who either has a sensitive head or just likes to scream so loud that the authorities become aware that she's being groomed.
Either way, this stuff seems to help her brush out her hair without too much tugging (and screaming).
Combination Lock-Snag it
When school started this year, my oldest son in middle school needed a lock for his gym locker.
I had no idea the Dollar Store had them.
I ended up spending $7 for a lock when I could have bought the same thing here.
My youngest son loves locks, so anytime he has a dollar to spend, he will buy one.
We have about five or six of these locks and they work great.
Kids purses and backpacks: Pass
I have no idea what this particular fabric is but it is nasty.
There is an aisle that is filled with cheaply made purses and backpacks that is worth passing over.
If you aren't sensing a trend yet, you really should pass on anything that is "fabric" at the dollar store.
Before I get started talking about toys, let me just tell you what my criteria is for a "good" buy for a toy at The Dollar store.
You always have to go into buying toys at the Dollar store with the intention that the toys aren't made to last.
My kids love to spend their chore money at the dollar store and sometimes the toy they buy doesn't even last until we leave the parking lot.
I rarely buy a toy for my kids that isn't going to get played with for at least a dollars worth.
I know a toy is a snag it if the kids are able to play with it and stay occupied with it for more than a half an hour. Sometimes we get lucky and the toy lasts for several hours worth of play.
The toys also have to not frustrate them when they use it.
Some toys just aren't made well, so they need a lot of adult help getting them to work at all, not to mention to just work properly.
So with that in mind, lets get started down the toy aisle.
Board Games:Pass
This nicest thing about this game is the box.
The game board is made of cereal box cardboard that doesn't lay flat
and the pieces are cheap and don't stack.
I find board games at garage sales for $1 a piece and there is no comparison.
Stay away from board games at the dollar store.
Glow Sticks: Snag
If you have kids, at some point in time they have had a glow stick.
These are a great buy for anytime of the year.
But particularly if you are camping, going to a concert or on Halloween
Kids think they are having fun with glow sticks but for parents it's like a lighted collar on your children (without getting CPS involved), even in the dark.
It's a win win!
Puzzles-Snag it (cautiously)
I give my snag it seal of approval on puzzles, but only on puzzles under 150 pieces.
There are many big name character puzzles that would cost you much more at the regular store.
I found that anything more than 150 pieces gets flimsy.
So stay away from the 500 piece puzzles.
Also, the board puzzles made for toddlers should be avoided.
The pieces just don't fit together well and are just plain frustrating.
If it's made by a big name company like Marvel or Disney, snag it, it will make for hours of fun
Magic Kits: Pass
My boys have tried on more than one occasion to buy their magic kits
They are cheap and rarely end up working
Don't waste your money
Fake Mustache: Snag it
If you didn't notice, mustaches are all the rage now.
I could have used these when I made the kids valentines
Kids books: Snag it
I love our library
It's such a great free resource when you have kids.
When I do buy books for the kids, I usually pick them up for a quarter at garage sales, but some of you love the books and the selection at the Dollar store.
I have found great toddler's age books at the Dollar Store! Sesame Street or just plain colors/numbers theme books too!
Here are a few I saw on the shelves at my store.
Kids Workbooks: Snag it
When the kids are little, they like to test out their skills and do worksheets
I bought these to occupy my 6 year old when he sits with us in church
Fuzzy coloring posters: Snag it
I really like these fuzzy posters because
a) kids can't really color outside of the lines
b) they are so much cheaper at the dollar store than at regular stores
c) they provide hours of fun if you have a kid who likes to color
The markers that come with the posters are another issue all together though.
I usually bring one of these posters along with us on a long plane ride,
but I always pack Crayola markers for the kids to use with them.
Stickers: Snag it
Talk about a lot of bang for your buck!
1000 stickers for only $1!
Sometimes they are hard to get off of the page if you have a very young child
but they are great for pre-schoolers on up and kids will spend hours making up scenes with the stickers.
Balloons: Snag it
My kids love balloons.
These are great for anything from playing balloon volleyball
to making water balloons with.
More balloons: Snag it
These are a new item that I thought I would try.
The pump broke in about 2 seconds of use, but the kit still had 25 balloons with it that provided about 2 hours worth of sibling play time.
The younger kids made snakes, eels, and swords and tried their hand at making puppy dogs and candles too.
They are on their way to some real skills in balloon making.
Glitter Glue: Snag it
Tales of a Trophy WIfe said she buys the glitter glue.
It's great for projects with kids who want a little sparkle without having the mess of glitter.
Cuz as my husband says, glitter is the herpes of the craft world.
Gazz-it: Snag it
I'm not quite sure how to describe this stuff, but I bought it for my kids to take with them on a plane trip and both of them loved it for several hours.
It molds like play doh, but doesn't get hard.
It's compact, not messy and easy to travel with.
The perfect distraction for long plane or car rides
Beach Pail: Snag it
We live by the beach and spend a lot of our summer there
These buckets are great for hauling shells and sand dollars
but also for digging and making sand castles
I also use them when I am weeding around the yard.
Kites: Pass
Our old neighbor used to buy these by the dozen and never once did we get them to fly in the sky
They take time to put together and once they are together, they are so cheap that they just fall apart the moment they touch the ground.
And they rarely fly. Such a disappointment
Pool Floats: Snag it
I buy these when I see them and store them away for beach vacations
You have to be mindful of the dimensions but for $1, they are worth packing and hauling with you to your resort and when you are ready to leave, you just leave them there.
If you were to pick this up in the lobby of your hotel it would set you back at least $15!
This particular size is great for wave riding
Nothing says relaxation on vacation like floating like a pool princess
Swim Goggles: Snag it
These big name goggles will set you back at least $10 at the department store
Little kids love the characters on them and they hold up until your child loses them
which, lets be honest, doesn't take long.
Bubble play set: Pass
In my original post I talked about how I stock up on bubbles at the dollar store.
These bubbles however, should be passed up.
They are frustrating to use and never make shaped bubbles
and the bottle of bubbles that comes with the package is so small.
Buy the large pack of bubbles and stay away from these smaller prepackaged sets.
Batteries: Snag it
Kids toys use a lot of batteries.
While you can expect that these batteries won't last as long as the big name brands, you are paying so much less for them, so I think it's worth it in the end.
That is, if you are using them for kids toys.
There are lots of conflicting reports and studies done on "cheap" batteries, but we use them quite often and find that it's nice to have something on hand if a toy runs out of batteries, than nothing on hand.
So what do you think.
Are these baby and kids items things you have experience with?
Did I miss anything?
Come back tomorrow to take a stroll down the personal and food aisles.
You will be surprised what items are snag its and which ones are a pass!

home care, photo, varieties, transplant, flower diseases
Found in the tropical forests of Africa, the handsome Zamioculcas attracted the attention of botanists with its juicy fleshy leaves. In recent years, it has become very popular, especially after it became known that, according to Feng Shui, this flower brings good luck and financial well-being to the owners. Then he was quickly nicknamed the dollar tree and began to give for birthdays, holidays, decorate offices.
The genus Zamioculcas belongs to the Aroid family (Araceae). And it has only one view - s Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) (1). However, other species can be found in the literature. For example, Zamioculcas lanceolate (Zamioculcas lanceolata) - in 1929 it was described by the German botanist Gustav Peter, but at the moment it is classified as Zamioculcas zimyelous. And Zamioculcas Boivin (Zamioculcas boivinii), which was described in 1870, is now generally attributed to a different genus - gonatopus (Gonatopus boivinii).
This plant was first described in 1829. However, it became widespread quite recently - in 1996 (2), when Dutch nurseries actively began to propagate it.
With good care, the dollar tree reaches a height of 1 m or more. It blooms quite rarely, besides, its cob of light pink or light yellow color is not particularly decorative. But the fleshy dark green leaves are able to please all year round. Tatyana Zhashkova, chairman of the Moscow Flower Growers club, collector of ornamental flowering plants, told us about the features of this plant.
Lighting | Bright multiple light |
Temperature | in the summer - 18 - 25 ° C, in winter - about 16 ° C | irrigation | 2 times a week, excess water |
Humidity | High, requires daily spraying |
Soil | A mixture of leafy, soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.![]() |
Feeding | April-September, 1 time in 2 weeks with complex liquid fertilizer |
Transplant | annually, in March-April | only dry |
Dormant period | October-April |
Reproduction | Tuber division, cuttings, leaves |
Pests | A spider mite, aphid, shield |
Diseases | root rot |
dollar wood
Zamioculcas were very fired not only in flower growers, but also by the seats - they were awarded somewhat interesting grades.
Big Leaves yellow (Big leaves var. yellow). This is a very rare variety of Zamioculcas with yellow leaves. At first glance, it seems that the plant is sick and is about to shed its leaves. But no - this is its varietal feature. But its petioles are light green in color with a purple tint, which makes it even more exotic.
Bug (Bug). This is the smallest of all existing varieties - its height does not exceed 30 cm. Its petioles are leafy from the very base, the leaves are dark green in color.
Zamicro (Zamicro). The very first undersized hybrid obtained by breeders in 2007. The height of the bush is about 60 cm. The leaves are much smaller than those of species plants.
Zenzi (Zenzi). Another undersized variety - its height also does not exceed 60 cm. The petioles of the leaves are strongly thickened at the base, and the leaves themselves have a dark green color. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging - it must be watered very carefully.
Lucky (lucky). Its main feature is the perfectly rounded shape of the leaves. A plant up to 55 cm high, grows very quickly - with good care, it reaches the size of an adult plant in just a few months.
Lucky White ( lucky white). This is the most famous variety from the variegated series. Its leaves have a beautiful marble color - cream and yellow spots and strokes are scattered over a green background. The plant is compact, 30 - 40 cm high.
Super Nova (Super Nova). This variety is a luxurious giant up to 1.5 m high. Its petioles are powerful, with an abundance of emerald green leaves.
Black Raven. Photo: shutterstock.comBlack Raven. Its leaves and shoots are so dark in color that they appear black from a distance. At the same time, young leaves are painted in light green color. The plant looks very extravagant! The bush reaches a height of 75 cm.
Care of the dollar tree at home
In general, Zamioculcas is an unpretentious plant, but there are several growing features that need to be taken into account.
Zamioculcus is a succulent plant, so soil marked “for cacti” is suitable for it.
But you can prepare the soil yourself. The ideal option is a mixture of leaf and sod land, peat and sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. It is useful to add small pebbles and pieces of charcoal to it.
During active growth, the air temperature should be at least 18 °C, but optimally - 25 °C. But in winter, the plant has a dormant period, and at this time it needs coolness - around 16 ° C.
Dollar tree loves plenty of light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight - they can cause leaf burn. In summer, this plant feels great on a glazed loggia, provided that the sun does not shine directly on it.
Zamioculcas has a tuberous root, it is able to store water, therefore it easily tolerates underwatering and drought. Quietly lives without watering for up to 2 weeks - you can safely leave it when going on vacation, or leaving the office for a long vacation.
But he does not like overflows. If the water is in the pan, the tuber root may rot. Therefore, drainage and moderate watering are very important. Water only when the top layer of soil is very dry.
But at the same time, the dollar tree loves moist air very much, so it needs to be sprayed every day. Better yet, if it will be in a room where there is a humidifier. This is especially true in winter, when the plant is above the radiator.
Fertilizers and top dressings
Zamioculcas need top dressing only during the period of active growth - from April to September. It is best to use complex liquid fertilizers. During dormancy, it is not necessary to fertilize it.
Propagation of the dollar tree at home
There are three ways to propagate the dollar tree (Zamioculcas).
Tuber division. The dollar tree is most easily propagated by dividing the tuber. When transplanting an adult plant, the tubers are divided and planted in different pots. The pot for the separated tuber should not be very deep and not very large - about 3 - 4 cm wider than the rhizome.
Cutting. Cuttings are more labor intensive. First you need to find a kidney on a bare branch. Using a sharp knife, cut off the stem with a bud and shorten it slightly - there should be at least one leaf and a bud on the stem. The cut should be sprinkled with activated charcoal to disinfect from possible diseases. Dry the stalk for 5 - 7 hours (you can leave it overnight on the windowsill).
Pour vermiculite (a special mineral-rich substrate) into a small pot and deepen the cutting slightly. Water it every day for 2 to 4 weeks, during which time the cutting should give good roots. And then it can be transplanted to a permanent place.
Sheet. An easy way, but not always giving a 100% result. Moreover, it is very long. Separate a few small leaves from the branch, slightly deepen them in loose vermiculite, peat or other substrate. Moisturize it a little.
These "leafy" seedlings need good lighting. You can create a greenhouse effect for him by covering with a film. The tuber from the leaves is formed within a few months.
Transplanting a dollar tree at home
The roots of Zamioculcas are strong and powerful, they can easily break a plastic container, so it is better to plant it in a ceramic or clay container. The pot should be slightly larger than the previous one. Be sure to put a good layer of drainage on the bottom.
Transplantation should be carried out using the transshipment method, planting the plant in a new pot along with the old clod of earth. But make sure that the top tubers are slightly exposed, about 1 cm.
Important! The sap of the dollar tree is poisonous and can cause skin burns, so it should be transplanted with rubber gloves.
Dollar tree diseases
Root rot. The main problem of zamiokulkas is watering - with excess moisture, their roots rot. You can recognize the problem by withering shoots and yellowing leaves.
You can save the plant if you start treatment at the very beginning. The first step is to remove the plant from the pot and remove the rotten roots. After that, the rest must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried and planted in a new pot with fresh soil.
Dollar tree pests
Spider mite. At the initial stage, the infection is not easy to detect - the pests are very small. But if numerous light dots began to appear on the leaves, this is clearly a spider mite. With severe infection, the plants are covered with cobwebs.
Kleschevit and Fitoverm will help to cope with the pest (3).
Aphid. This pest is highly visible on plants and cannot be confused with anyone. With a large population, it can do much harm, up to the death of Zamiokulkas.
Biotlin Tanrek, Karate or biopreparation Fitoverm will help to cope with aphids (3). Apply pesticides as directed.
Shields. These insects are covered with a strong shell, settle on all frequent plants and are not easy to deal with.
The first thing to do is remove the insects with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Then wash the plant with soapy water. And then treat the bush with Aktellik (3).
Popular Questions and Answers
Growers often have typical questions when growing Zamioculcas. We asked agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova to answer them.
How to choose a dollar tree?
The most important thing is that the plant be healthy - without spots on the leaves and signs of insect pests. If possible, remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots - it is important that they are not rotten.
Does the dollar tree bloom?
Yes, under good conditions, Zamioculcas blooms even at home. But his flowers are inconspicuous - an inflorescence of an ear with a green veil. As it is, it appears in the spring.
Why does Zamioculcas stretch?
He lacks light. You need to move to a well-lit place.
Why do spots appear on the leaves of the dollar tree?
The plant may be too crowded and needs to be repotted.
Faded spots may appear from sunburn when direct sunlight falls on the leaves.
- Zamioculcas // The Plant List - Catherine Horwood. Potted History: The Story of Plants in the Home // Frances Lincoln Ltd, 2007 - p. 173
- State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Permitted for Use on the Territory of the Russian Federation as of July 6, 2021 // Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation /
Dollar tree.

Zamioculcas is an ornamental leafy plant with very beautiful shiny dark green leaves. Zamioculcas, or the more common name of this plant among the people - "Dollar Tree", is a member of the Aroid family, along with such popular domestic species as Spathiphyllum (female happiness flower) and Anthurium (male happiness flower). Why is this beautiful plant called the Dollar Tree and can this celibacy flower (the second common name) really interfere with happiness with its "soul mate"? Below you will find answers to these popular questions, as well as learn how to properly organize the care of zamiokulkas at home. Photo and video materials will help beginner gardeners to transplant correctly, choose a method of reproduction, and also effectively get rid of pests or diseases of this indoor plant.
It is important to note that many interior designers very often choose the Dollar Tree along with Benjamin's ficus tree and Marginata palm dracaena to form a phytodesign in a home space or to decorate a winter garden in a glazed room. Twigs growing straight up from a tuber in a flowerpot with a substrate are decorated with glossy pinnately dissected leaves close to each other. When developing a phytodesign of a room, against the background of lush dark green zamiokulkas bushes, such small indoor flowers as homemade saintpaulia violets, cyclamens with bright butterfly flowers, beautiful pelargoniums, graceful phalaenopsis orchids with delicate flowers are often placed.
So why is Zamioculcas called the Dollar Tree?
This beautiful houseplant is often confused with the famous Money Tree, which is placed indoors along with homemade coffee topiaries to bring financial luck and wealth into the home. According to the theory of the symbolic organization of space according to Feng Shui, the Dollar Tree is able to attract wealth into the house and helps to successfully increase currency savings. Despite the similar symbolic meaning, the Money Tree is the Crassula (which belongs to the Tolstyankov family, like the flowering or medicinal Kalanchoe), and the Dollar Tree is the Zamioculcas discussed in this article. To enhance the magical properties, it is recommended to hang additional “leaves” on each branch of the Dollar Tree, twisted in the form of small figures from one-dollar bills so that the top of the pyramid is directed upwards. And under the pot with a plant, you can put a few dollar bills. 9_
And why do some women think that Zamioculcas can bring celibacy on them?
Just want to reassure the lovely ladies who decided to grow this beautiful indoor plant at home. According to the sign, you can’t buy zamiokulkas on your own in the store, since only in this case the “Celibacy Flower” can complicate the search for a loved one. It is desirable that zamiokulkas be presented to you by relatives or friends. Having accepted the gift, you must "pay off" with a few small coins.
There is a sign that Zamioculcas (as well as Spathiphyllum) brings female happiness. If you constantly take care and properly care for this plant, then sooner or later, among the branches with leaves growing from the ground, you will see an elegant oblong-shaped inflorescence on a peduncle, framed by a light green veil. It is believed that blooming zamiokulkas brings harmony to the family and understanding with her man. Caring for the Dollar Tree does not cause difficulties even for beginner flower growers, since growing a plant at home is much easier than, for example, indoor azalea (with the formation of a bonsai tree from it), tuberous begonia or decorative potted rose. Below is a photo of the Dollar Tree flower.
Location and lighting.
The optimal location is the south side, but the western and eastern sides of the room are quite suitable for placement next to the window on a flower stand. In late autumn and winter, it is advisable to place a pot with a plant on a windowsill, closer to sunlight. In the summer, it is advisable to shade the windows a little, as direct sunlight can harm the plant. Starting from mid-spring and summer, you can place the plant in partial shade (on a stand or on a table), not far from the window. Periodically rotate the pot around its axis in one direction so that the shape of the Dollar Tree is symmetrical and the leaves do not stretch in one direction.
Temperature control.
Zamioculcas is a very hardy plant and tolerates even strong temperature fluctuations. In spring and summer, the plant will feel comfortable at a temperature of 19-29ºC, and in autumn and winter (with the heating on and sufficiently dry air) - 14-22ºC.
Air humidity.
The plant thrives in moderate humidity, but
tolerates dry air well. It is not necessary to spray the Dollar tree, but in the summer periodically wash off the dust and dirt from the leaves under a warm shower.
The most important thing is not to overmoisten the soil, especially in winter! If moisture often stagnates at the level of the roots, the plant will die. In winter, in general, you can only lightly water the zamiokulkas, when the whole earth is almost completely dry. In spring, summer and autumn - moderate watering with a slight drying of the earthy coma.
Earth mix and top dressing.
The desired level of soil acidity is pH 6.0. The earth mixture is done almost the same as for cacti and other succulents: leafy soil, soddy soil, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1 (you can add, but not necessarily - a very small proportion of rotted humus). The mixture in the pot should not be too heavy, but well drained. Be sure to sterilize the mixture before planting the plant to kill pathogenic viruses and fungi.
During the growing season, you need to feed Zamioculcas once every few weeks, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. Concentration - half of the recommended dose for indoor flowers.
The dollar tree can grow large (up to 1 meter high), but grows very slowly. It is advisable to transplant it no more than once every 3 years, picking up a pot a few centimeters larger in diameter and about 10% higher. At the bottom of the pot there is a hole for draining excess water. Before planting the plant, a drainage layer of expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot. Immediately after transplanting, place the plant pot in partial shade for a week.
Cutting. Cut off the stem with a sharp knife, and then shorten the stalk so that the leaf and bud remain on a small piece of the stem. The cut point can be sprinkled with crushed activated charcoal and then the cutting can be dried for several hours. Now we need to prepare a container filled with vermiculite and slightly deepen the cutting into it. Water the substrate daily. Roots will appear after 2-4 weeks.
Tuber division . During transplantation, you can divide the plant into two parts by carefully cutting the tuber. We plant each division in a shallow pot, which should be 3-4 cm wider than the rhizome in diameter. The earth mixture is used exactly the same as for the whole plant.
There are two main reasons for this phenomenon.
First - the leaves of Zamioculcas turn yellow for natural reasons. In this case, old leaves begin to turn yellow, but at the same time, a natural growth of young leaves is observed. In this case, you should not worry, as the old leaves gradually dry out and fall off. By the way, it is impossible to remove yellowed leaves on your own, despite the fact that they slightly spoil the aesthetic appearance of the plant.
The second common cause is external factors caused by improper care of the houseplant. In this case, against the background of yellowing leaves, the appearance of young leaves is not observed. Usually, a violation of the irrigation regime (waterlogging) leads to yellowing of the leaves. Constant drafts can also cause leaves to turn yellow. If in winter only the tips of the leaves dry and turn yellow, then most likely the plant is very close to the elements of the heating system.
Despite the fact that in the Aroid family there is only one type of home plant Zamioculcas, in different sources you can find several options for the names of the same species: Zamioculcas loddiges (Zamioculcas loddigesii), Zamioculcas zamyelistny (Zamioculcas zamiifolia), Zamioculcas lanceolate (Zamioculcas lanceolata), Caladium zamyelistny (Caladium zamiifolium).
♦ VIDEO. How to care for the dollar tree at home:
How to properly transplant the dollar tree at home:
Tips for transplanting Zamioculcas:
Tips for Caring for Zamioculcas at House:
Putting Zamiulkas - step -by -step master class:
Propagation of zamiokulkas division of rhizomes - a step-by-step master class:
Dear lovers of indoor plants! If you already have experience growing and propagating this wonderful houseplant, please share your tips and ideas with beginner growers in the Comments. If you want to place your video and photo materials on the site, please write us an email to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
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