Dried apricot puree baby food
Apricot Homemade Baby Food Recipes and Introducing Apricots to your baby with Homemade Apricot Baby Foods
Apricots for Baby Food – Learn About Feeding Your Baby Apricots and the Age to Introduce Apricots
Introduce Apricots to Baby between 6-8 Months Old
The Goodness of Apricots
Apricots are high in Beta Carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin C and Lycopene. Just 3 apricots contain approximately 30 % of the USRDA for Vitamin A. This combination of nutrients is one of the best defenses against heart disease and some cancers.
Apricots for Baby Food – When can baby eat apricots?
Apricots are another great source of nutrition for baby. As with several other fruits, you may typically introduce them anywhere from 6 months old and older.
If you will be using Dried Apricots, try to find those that do not contain sulphurs such as sulphur dioxide. Some people are allergic to sulphurs and sulphurs tend to be high in sodium.
Nutrients in 1 cup of Apricots | |
VITAMINSVitamin A – 674 IU Vitamin C – 3. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – .04 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) – .01 mg Niacin – .21 mg Folate – 3 mcg Contains some other vitamins in small amounts. | MINERALS:Potassium – 91 mg Phosphorus – 8 mg Magnesium – 4 mg Calcium – 5 mg Sodium – 0 mg Iron – .14 mg Also contains small amounts of manganese, copper and zinc. |
Your baby will love apricots served fresh and homemade. View some apricot baby food recipes and learn about the nutrients in apricots too.
How to select and store Apricots for baby food
Hooray! According to the EWG, apricots are not one of the “dirty dozen” foods that are most highly contaminated with pesticides – purchasing organic apricots is a personal choice.
Look for plump, fairly firm apricots with an orange-yellow to orange color. Fully ripe apricots are soft to the touch but not squishy. Apricots tend to be juicy and should be eaten as soon as possible.
Keep apricots cool to prevent over ripening. Store ripe apricots in the refrigerator where they may keep for up to a week. You may place hard apricots in a paper bag and let ripen for a day or two but keep in mind that apricots have are a greenish color will not ripen. To freeze fresh apricots, simply half the fruit and place on baking sheet until frozen. Then pack in a plastic freezer bag.
The best way to cook Apricots for baby food
You may bake apricots by halving, pitting and then placing in a shallow baking dish with water. This method brings out their natural sweetness and also helps retain nutrients.
You may also steam or boil apricots using a blanching method – add apricots to boiling water for a few minutes then take them out, run cool water over them and slip the skins off; you will still need to pit them.
Tasty Apricot Baby Food Recipes
Apricot Baby Food Recipes – Apricot Puree (using dried apricots) for babies 6 – 8 months
- 1 pound dried apricots
- 2 c.
white grape juice or apple juice
(plain water is ok but the puree may be a bit bitter-consider using ½ water or ½ juice is you disagree with the juices or if baby cannot have juice)
Step 1: Bring juice (or water or the combo) and fruit to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Reserve any left over liquid to use for the puree
Step 2: Place into your choice of appliance for pureeing and begin pureeing.
Step 3: Add the reserved liquid as necessary to achieve a smooth, thin puree or
Step 4: Add cereal (if desired) to thicken up
NOTE: puree will not freeze solid, but into slightly soft/slightly frozen cubes.
Apricot Puree for babies 6 – 8 months
Using Fresh apricots (fresh apricots for baby food is best.)
Baking Halve the fruit and remove pit, place “open” side down in a pan filled with 1 inch of water, bake at 400F until soft and tender or puckering of the skin appears.
Steaming Halve the fruit, remove pit and steam in an open pan of water until soft and tender – remove skins
Blanching Drop whole, cleansed fruits into a pan of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, until fruits are soft
Place fruits into a bowl of cold water and slip off the skins then cut and pit the fruit
To puree, follow Steps 4 through 7 above
Apricots & Naners for babies 6 – 8 months
Add pureed apricots to baby’s mashed bananas – you can then add this mix to baby’s cereal if you wish. Try this with meats or yogurt too.(when age appropriate for your baby)
Apricot Cereal for babies 6 – 8 months
Add pureed apricots to baby’s homemade rice, oatmeal or barley cereal
Chicken and Rice with Apricots for babies 8-10 months
- 1/2 cup (Brown/or Jasmine) Rice
- 2 cups water
- 1/4 cup apricots – sliced into small dices or slivers
- 1 boneless chicken breast
Step 1: Combine all of the above ingredients in a medium saucepan.
Cook over medium-low heat for 30 minutes or until rice is soft, fragrant and a bit soupy.
Step 2: Take out the chicken breast and cut into small pieces, transfer back to saucepan.
Step 3: Add more water if needed and stir frequently to stop sticking to the pot and add more milk or water if necessary. Cook an additional 15 minutes
Step 4: Once the mixture is fully cooked, allow to cool for 10 minutes and then transfer to a blender or food processor. Puree or chop as needed for your baby’s age and texture requirements.
This makes a great finger food meal for older babies and toddlers alike.
Apricot Purée – Substitute for Oil in Cooking
Apricot purée is on the rise as the new substitute for oil or
water in many high-calorie, high-fat recipes. Simply purée canned apricots in a blender or food processor until smooth. Unlike prunes (which can darken some baked goods) or applesauce (which may cause recipes to be watered down), apricot purée reduces the fat content and adds a touch of added flavor. From http://www.apricotproducers.com
Foods Good to Mix With Apricots:
- Rice, Oatmeal, Barley and Mixed Grain Homemade Baby Cereals
- Bananas
- Avocado
- Blueberries
- Pears
- Peaches
- Sweet Potatoes
- Carrots
- Summer Squash – Zucchini, Yellow (Crooked Neck)
- Chicken
- Beef
- Yogurt
Do Apricots need to be cooked or peeled for baby food?
Many doctors suggest cooking fruits for babies under 8 months old. Apricots have skins that are relatively easy to digest and cooking and/or peeling them may not be necessary at all. If your baby has shown any signs of having tummy troubles with foods and is under 8 months of age, you may want to consider cooking and/or peeling apricots.
Visit our Combinations page to see more Homemade Baby Food Combination Ideas
Resources and Learning More:
California Apricot Council
Apricot – Horticultural Info. Southern Australian Research & Development Institute
WholeHealthMD – Apricots
Remember, always consult with your pediatrician regarding introducing solid foods to your baby and specifically discuss any foods that may pose allergy risks for your baby.
This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here.
Apricots for Babies and Beyond
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Are you concerned about what may or may not be in the jarred baby food you find in the store? Worry no more, and make your own!
A few fun facts to start with: Apricots are rich in iron, vitamin A, and especially potassium. Apricots are also a great source of dietary fiber, antioxidants and minerals, which are perfect for a baby’s diet.
As a mom of three, I know what it is like to worry day in and day out about my precious angels. Am I feeding them well? Are they getting enough? Is this healthy?
Well I am here to help alleviate some of those worries, and help you be the best mom that you can be!
Also, MOMables has a great post on the worry that many moms experience. Is your child eating enough?
Apricots can be one of the first foods given to babies! For this reason, if you choose to feed your child baby cereal you can just mix it in.
After 6 months you can mix the apricot puree into organic grains such as oats, brown rice and barley.
Apricots are also perfect with winter squashes such as butternut and acorn squash. A simple addition to the fall season recipes!
Now if you have an older child don’t think this recipe isn’t for you! Making an apricot puree is perfect to mix into oatmeal, quiona, yogurt, smoothies,granola bars, even as a topping for ice cream.
Many of you know how much I love the versatility of foods! One of the most important skills I have learned as a mom is being able to use leftovers in a variety of ways. This apricot puree is right up my alley, the possibilities are so vast!
Apricots for Babies and Beyond
1 package of organic Turkish apricots Water
- Author: MOMables.com
- 1 package of organic Turkish apricots
- Water
- Place apricots in a saucepan and add enough water until it barely covers the apricots
- Bring to a boil then place on simmer until apricots look plumb and soft
- Take from the saucepan and place in a glass bowl and let cool for a bit
- Once cooled add 1 cup of water and begin to blend with a immersion blender or another device that would blend the apricots into a smooth mixture
- Continue to blend and add more water until you have reached the right consistency. It will take more water than you might think and only you know when it’s the right consistency.
Babies will need it to be thin and very smooth and older children eating solids foods can have it a bit thicker. It also depends on what you are using it for.
- Once the puree is done you need to place the mixture into ice cube trays, cover and place in the freezer.
- When frozen (takes 24 hours) take out of the freezer and place frozen cubes into a freezer baggie and place back into the freezer until you are ready to use the cubes.
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Note: Each cube is 1oz and can be defrosted naturally on the counter or place a few cubes in a container the night before you need to use them and let defrost in the fridge. If you are running out of time you can defrost on low using a pan or in a glass container in the microwave.
Trina O’Boyle, founder of the O’Boy! Organic offers parent cooking classes, baby food personal chef services and kids cooking parties in the Philadelphia area. Trina has been passionate about healthy foods and eco-friendly living for over 20 years. Trina strives to be a role model for her two boys by cooking fresh foods and working on their back yard garden together. She is also the Social Media Editor for Happy Family Brands. You can follow Trina at O’Boy! Organic and on Facebook and Twitter.
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Dried apricot puree. Children food. Rules, tips, recipes
Puree from dried apricots. Children food. Rules, tips, recipesWikiReading
Children food. Rules, tips, recipes
Lagutina Tatyana Vladimirovna
Dried apricot puree
Dried apricots - 50 g
Rinse dried apricots thoroughly in warm water, then pour cold water over and leave for 4-5 hours.
Boil swollen fruits in the same water in which they were soaked until soft, then rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.
If the puree tastes too sour, it can be slightly sweetened by adding sugar syrup.
This text is an introductory fragment.
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From dried apricots
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Dried apricot puree recipe - European cuisine: Breakfast. "Food"
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003* The calorie content is designed for raw products
200 g
Apple juice
200 ml
9000 9000 9000 9000 1PO PROTED dried apricots in a saucepan, pour apple juice and cook until soft.