Fast food baby bbc documentary
What Are We Feeding Our Kids? review – junk food exposé will leave you queasy | Television
Maybe we will come to measure out the pandemic in Tulleken time. The identical twin brothers – and practising doctors – Chris and Alexander (Xand) van Tulleken have had a busy year; they have rarely been off our screens for long. Respectively, they are a virologist at University College hospital, London, and an experienced public health doctor with years of experience on the frontline of disaster zones. The pair would doubtless have been commissioned to educate us on Covid – even if Xand hadn’t caught the virus and brought a personal view to the gig (Surviving the Virus: My Brother and Me). Their series Operation Ouch, and other online contributions, helped parents desperately trying to home school, in between fending off unemployment, sourcing supermarket deliveries and caring for shielding parents.
Alone or together, the Van Tullekens are very good at what they do. They turn potentially dark, heavy subjects – primarily, but not always, medical – into lighter, brighter fare, still informed by their in-depth knowledge, but delivered without ego and accessible to a mass audience. In What Are We Feeding Our Kids? (BBC One), we have Chris as a solo act, looking into the health effects – particularly for children – of our increasing consumption of ultra-processed food.
The statistics are as unwholesome as a microwaved lasagna: childhood obesity has increased tenfold globally over the past 50 years, while 21% of UK children are obese by the time they leave primary school. It costs twice as much to get 100 calories from fresh fruit, vegetables and fish in the UK as it does to get them from readymade food. In 1980, our food spending on scratch ingredients versus convenience food was split 58% to 26%. It is now virtually reversed.
Van Tulleken takes us through the science parts with his customary cheery aplomb and some help from various experts, notably Rachel Batterham, a professor of obesity, diabetes and endocrinology at University College London. The specialists explain the hormonal signals that tell us when we feel full, the brain mechanisms involved in eating and, crucially, how little research has been done into the effects of the very new, profoundly different kinds of food we have started putting into our bodies over the past few decades.
The good doctor goes on a four-week diet that matches that of 20% of the population, containing 80% ultra-processed food. Lyra, one of his children (who, sadly, is not a twin, but how brilliant would that be? I think we have earned it after the year we have had), looks on enviously as dad wires into the junk. Van Tulleken’s eyes glaze over with happiness, even as he reads up on the endless research by industrialised-food companies and the precision engineering behind “hyperpalatability”, “mouthfeel” and “bliss points”. Unable to stop eating the deliciousness even when he wants to, he begins to realise that we are all essentially self-feeding foie gras geese at the mercy of big salt/sugar/fat comestible blends.
In essence, it is hard to overeat natural foods for long. With processed stuff, you can do it within six chicken nuggets. Its ability to bypass the gut/brain messaging service is remarkable and still fundamentally unexplained. The brain changes revealed by Van Tulleken’s post-diet MRI – lit up like an addict’s – are significant enough to be published and may yet secure Prof Batterham funding to investigate further.
Little of this, perhaps, will come as news to – if I dare posit such a figure – the average Guardian reader, who tends to be interested in this sort of thing. But – again, if I dare say so – most people aren’t Guardian readers, aren’t interested in this sort of thing and, beyond a vague understanding that, in an ideal world, we would all be eating salad for main and apples for pudding, tend to assume that food is basically food and nothing sold openly on supermarket shelves can be that bad for you. It is these viewers who are Van Tulleken’s intended audience.
A showdown in the final minutes with Tim Rycroft, the chief operating officer of the Food and Drink Federation, is the touch of extra rigour that is the Van Tulleken hallmark. Rycroft gives the standard line about needing to ensure people are empowered to make “good choices”. Van Tulleken pushes back about how much choice there is in an environment where everything – availability, price, marketing and so on – is designed to push the consumer one way. The killer moment comes when he asks which is the priority: profit or public health? “The priority is profit,” Rycroft says. A delicious moment and bitter truth at once.
What are we feeding our children? Dr Chris van Tulleken explores in his latest BBC documentary
The consistent lockdowns that had become the norm last year and early this year across the globe threw our routine out of gear. Not just adults, even children bore the brunt of it. From lesser physical activity, more screentime to unplanned diets, most of us ended up leading an unhealthy lifestyle. However, feeding the right foods to children has been a significant challenge not just for parents but also for nations across the world. Dr Chris Van Tulleken, the infectious diseases doctor at UCLH and one of BBC's leading science and TV presenter most well-known for the BBC One documentary Surviving the Virus: My Brother & Me, is back with a new documentary on children's eating disorders and obesity. In an exclusive interview with Indulge, he throws more light on the issue and tells us what to expect from his new production titled, What Are We Feeding Our Kids?
What prompted you to think of investigating and exploring this idea of what we are feeding our kids?
In the UK child, obesity is the most important health problem in the country. As my children grow older, they are at risk and their friends are at risk and it's going to cost everyone a lot of money because it’s an incurable problem. Children with obesity become adults, and life as an obese person is very hard. This is not just a moral problem but also an economic problem as we spend huge chunks of our budget on it. And that's terrible.
Is this entirely focused on children in the UK or have you approached it with a global perspective and looked at children from other countries?
It is very important to look at a global perspective through this program. We travelled to Brazil where scientists discovered ultra-processed food and we follow an international food company's trucks all over the country. This particular company has made a floating shop that goes up the Amazon River and sells sweets and candy to the poor people living in this region. These are people who live in the forest and we see terrible rates of obesity in the Amazon rain forest as a result of the actions of this company. It is happening in India too. Major food corporations are taking over the diets of the middle class and increasingly low-income families. This has happened a long time ago in the UK and is happening in Africa and East Asia as well. Hence this is a global problem.
Is the focus only on fast foods - because this is something that has already been explored in documentaries like Super Size Me?
The focus is on a category of food called ultra-processed foods. There's a long, formal definition of these foods that are recognized by the UN food and agriculture organisation. But to put it across in a simple manner, any food wrapped in plastic that has an ingredient you don't find in a domestic kitchen is ultra-processed food. In the UK all our sandwiches are made of bread that's made with our cereals. It's food that is around us and is not just burgers and chips. This is a problem. Many of us think it is healthy and this is the important thing that we are exploring on the show.
What topics and issues do you cover in the show?
We were going to cover a lot of different topics about exercise and genetics. But research says that there is only one cause of childhood obesity and that is ultra-processed food. Research says that there is only one cause of childhood obesity and that is ultra-processed food. What Are We Feeding Our Kids? is a documentary exploring this subject. It looks at how this food is made, how it's marketed, and why it drives obesity. This food is very easily digested. It's very calorie-dense, and it's marketed to children with colourful and "friendly" boxes and with health claims about it being very good for the body. But none of this is true.
Michelle Obama has been a big advocate of feeding American children healthy and wholesome food. She even started the garden in the White House, which she has vividly described in her autobiography. She's even started her own TV show. Have you taken any cues from her initiative?
I think that what Michelle Obama is doing is so powerful and good. She's such a force for good in the world, but there is one thing that I think no other voices say, which is that the food industry is like the tobacco industry. The only food that's available is ultra-processed, and the only food most people can afford is ultra-processed. When people are told that ultra-processed food is healthy for them, by the companies that make it, there is no choice. And so, for decades doctors like me and health promoters, like Michelle Obama have been saying, look, eat vegetables, eat dairy, eat healthy foods, eat fruit, but that is simply not a choice that many people can make, and these ultra-processed foods are addictive. Unless people take an explicitly anti-industry stance where you say this isn't an industry that needs regulation and these foods need warning labels on them, and they must not be sold to children, the problem will not go away.
How do you think the pandemic has impacted children's food habits and eating patterns? Do you discuss this in the show?
A little bit, I published an article in The Lancet about how, food companies have used the pandemic to market, infant formula, which is ultra-processed. And this happened a lot in India, South Asia, and East Asia. The pandemic has been a great opportunity for food companies. Everyone's been at home, everyone's been bored, everyone's wanted something comforting. And so, we, prefer ultra-processed foods because they're cheap and available and they make us feel well. Actually, they make us feel very bad, but they give us a brief moment of joy a bit like alcohol and cigarette consumption.
What are you working on next?
A bigger project about the food industry. I'm writing a book about ultra-processed food, and I’m trying to look at setting up a not-for-profit food company that will supply cheap, good food, which will not be incentivised in the same way as products by major food corporations.
Premieres on September 24, 8 pm. On Sony BBC Earth in India
[email protected]
Who is to blame for the fact that we are fat? (2018, film) - “Mass obesity due to fast food and sugar is not a worldwide conspiracy.

I'll tell you about the film Who is to blame for the fact that we are fat? 2018.
Obesity already exists in Russia as a massive health problem.
Impressions were mixed. Installation in the style of Ren TV, in the style of "Inexplicable, but true." The film is structured as if it would be searched for by keywords.
They even inserted obesity of seals!
On the screen above, the YouTube star is the cat Boris. The video went viral, based on which there are jokes and memes about a carbohydrate-free diet. Yes, only cat Boris is not a fat man. He does not experience any obesity and cravings for loaves, but simply hunts for a package. The film "Who is to blame that we are fat" so cut the video, as if a cat cannot live without white flour.
But fat seals are common. A friend had a fat man of 12 kg. Even his back was broad and his skin stretched like a drum. And there was such a thick chest. He still jumped on the sofas, no matter what the film says about it.
★ Fentol monsters. Kirill Tereshin from Pyatigorsk.
These are jocks who got volume in their arms not by building muscle mass, but by injections of oil-based synthol (85%). That is, people voluntarily injected oil into their bodies.
Why do this is not clear. I heard about the bazooka hand guy, he's popular. I also heard about his medical problems.
It turned out that all this was not in order to earn likes, but because the guy himself sells synthol.
I didn't read anything about the experimenter, but the interview given in the film put everything in its place. It is the desire to hurt yourself. And how did he get silicone followers?!
I plan to put fangs. Tattoos will be on the whole body. I will also fill the apples with paint. one eye will be blue, the other eye will be yellow.
The plot about the bazooka's hands and the boy's health is indirectly related to the theme of the film. The hero of this story does not need to lose weight. Inserted to get more attention.
The blogger, by the way, went to the operation and removed his own synthol from the body due to deteriorating health. Repeat after him should not be in pursuit of the volume of the biceps.
★ How to lose weight?
The film is supposed to consider this issue, but I never saw the specifics on this topic.
Walked on top. Discussed mono diets. The results were announced, but they did not say about the dangers of such a diet.
No mention was made of the benefits of proteins in the diet, although there were shots of breaking eggs.
There was not a word about a balanced diet.
★ Proteins, albumins, globulins. How are they digested? What percentage should be?
Topic raised, but again no replies. And it would be interesting. I would love to watch this part.
Types of proteins, protein quality are not considered. If hype was needed, it would be cool to see the results of an independent study of whey protein content in various brands of proteins.
And it would also be interesting to know how to take vitamin C for better protein absorption.
I already know different options from collagen with vitamins to brewing rose hips for better absorption of protein along with vitamin C from a decoction, but I would look again with pleasure.
★ Is fast food bad for your figure?
They are all in the food truck ring
I liked this part of the film about losing weight. A few years ago, I was amazed by the research of an Australian about the role of sugar in weight gain in the film of the same name, later I watched an experiment where the hero sits exclusively on McDonald's products.
I completely agree with the phrase that was thrown in the film in passing. I would like to know more about how the sugar lobby defeated the supporters of fats in food. The idea is simple, the buyer will buy products with a high fat content less often than fitness muesli, fitness bars and so on. The latter may contain sugar or even corn syrup, from which the body gains weight, and it is more difficult to get enough of such food.
In the study on the causes of weight gain, another lobby is mentioned:
White flour and sugar lobby, and healers lobby
Liked the interview with Nicholas Corot. Interesting, in fact, I didn’t know much, but it was shown so little!
A couple more experts confirmed that the economy would collapse if we stopped sitting on McDonald's products / Delicious, period.
how money is made from the destruction of humanity
If the population of countries refuses sausages, sauces with sugar, pizza and burgers with soda, then this area will bring little taxes and the beauty industry with the cult of a thin ideal body will not generate income for states. So they will continue to push us to eat fast food.
In America there are even professional eaters. I've been watching one of them for almost 10 years! This one is in a eating contest.
It is beneficial for the state that we eat a lot and unhealthy, and fast food is made very attractive.
Warren Buffett, Walmart and many others make money on human instincts. The screenshots show the capital of some of the richest people.
Here are the words carved in stone for the following generations:
The population of the Earth must not exceed 500 ml of people.
★ Causes of obesity.
In addition to eating disorders, research on the tln 9 gene is described, but nothing is said in the research, nor what kind of gene it is. The impression that the viewer was offered to google. And, you know, there is nothing concrete in the first lines of Yandex. The investigation is very top notch. When studying chromosomal abnormalities, they allegedly mentioned it just to insert DNA graphs! And what? Then you can glue a beautiful promo video!
I only knew about T3 and T4 and about BMI, I never heard about any TLN gene in analyzes and examinations!
The most dangerous morbid obesity when the body mass index exceeds 40
But it was interesting to know that the blue screen of a smartphone leads to obesity. And about the dust so generally unexpected! I will definitely read more. I hope that this was not taken from a study by British scientists who are sung in memes and jokes.
It was also said about people who work with paint and varnish products. I am convinced that working with paints is harmful in any case. I didn’t know about obesity from contact with paint substances, I didn’t meet fat people in this area, but I know about the health problems of babies in couples where repairs were made during pregnancy, nails were done to clients or hair was dyed in a salon or at home for clients.
★ What should not be done when losing weight? What is possible?
Of course, the film does not give an unambiguous answer to these questions, but you can guess from interviews with coaches and scientists.
✔️ Giving up sugar will help you lose weight.
No corn syrup required. It is good that it is not yet added to most products in Russia. This is still a feature of American industry.
You can learn more about corn syrup when viewing.
✔️ Avoiding monosodium glutamate will help you lose weight.
I always thought that the supplement was harmful, but over the past few years, reading articles and studies, I realized that glutamate does not lead to weight gain or health problems when used in moderation. Yes, it is usually added to oversalted dishes, yes, it leads to edema, but this is not an increase in fat mass. So it's all good, I thought.
It turned out that the flavor enhancer makes us overeat. And it's not just that the taste of food becomes more attractive with the E621. No, the E621 supplement itself makes us eat more and more by acting on the body from the inside, and not just on the taste buds.
Glutamate blocks the production of the hormone liptin, which is responsible for feeling full
✔️ Replacing sugar with fructose and fruits will not lead to weight loss. That is, replacing sweet fruit will not help anything. And here it makes sense to recall the diet of Pierre Dukan. I read a lot about fructose, but it’s still wild that you have to lose weight on Dukan without apples. How so?
Of course, the timing of the film did not allow us to consider the benefits of fiber when eating fruits.
Well, on Dukan it is offered to drink bran. You know, those with blueberries, which cost about 200 rubles in a store for a huge jar.
✔️ Compliance with the norm of protein helps to lose weight.
The movie doesn't talk about it directly, but thematic pictures about it are constantly flashing.
Either meat or peas in the frame.
★ Heroes of stories about weight loss or excessive obesity.
Sergey is 46, and his weight is more than 200 kilograms.
The man looks terrible, but he walks, unlike similar big people in America.
Our waist circumference is 181 cm
I love ginger very much. Burn fat.
On the scales 218 kg, by the way!
The difference of 18 kilograms in weight is significant. Can you imagine carrying another 18 kg in excess of a lot of weight?!
Ginger is great, but the hero of the story gets pickled ginger out of the fridge. The one with sugar! It is one thing if this is a favorite dish of an overweight man, and quite another if a person eats ginger with sugar specifically to lose weight! Here it is, advertising, and the lack of a systematic approach to losing weight.
There is a wonderful ginger water.
There is Sassi water, invented by Cynthia Sass. Drink and lose weight is called a diet that includes, in addition to ginger, cucumber and a few more components! But not sugar!
Hero from Britain.
Briton Carl Thompson has been living on social benefits since the age of 17, which he completely spent on food movie about celebrities or just characters with a large number of subscribers. The characters are overweight, but this is accepted by their fans.
Lisey Howell
The mermaid already has more than 100 thousand subscribers
Here I think that the photos are beautiful, and the absence of complexes is a positive example. You don't need to gain that much weight, but if you've gained it and can't seem to lose it because of hormonal issues, advertising, and nutritional misconceptions, then don't lie down to die!
to improve the quality of the photo, click on it
Stas Baretsky, hero from 90-x
A girl who accepted her weight and does not want to lose weight.
Andrey Knyazev, who was so carried away by sports that he hit the study of martial arts, but never lost weight.
Insta star, famous for dancing, gaining weight on purpose.
Ballet, if overweight.
Fashion for heavy weight surprises. There is usually a lot of talk about body positivity.
To respect the filmmakers, I note that there was not a word about body positive. Only pictures and stories of YouTube and Instagram stars.
Weight loss result.
So-so consequences of dropping 70 kg. I would immediately begin to gain back when the skin sags, since I don’t think I should go through an extra anesthesia, unless it is needed to preserve health or life.
I myself do not tolerate intravenous anesthesia very well, namely, it is done during an operation to excise the skin, when it is 20 kg! I wrote more here.
I really liked the results of losing weight and the path to a beautiful body, as the fitness trainer says:
❏ Description: documentary special project.
❏ Is it worth watching a movie with children?
Yes, there is nothing terrible in the shots, except for fat people and talk about a decrease in potency with excess weight in men.
❏ Duration: 47 minutes
❏ Country: Russia
✔️ Plus:
- voiced how much we are influenced by advertising
- a lot about the dangers of fast food
- it's scary to look at huge people
- there are shots of hospitals, operations, facts about the cost of treatment for obesity
- finally started talking about sugar lobi against fat forehead
- look very interesting
- brightly
- short timing
⛔ Cons:
- on the top, they didn’t even talk about new studies
- little is said about the dangers of beer alcoholism and the dangers of the effect of phytoestrogens on the male body
❏ Final opinion:
Cinema is attractive, on this get stuck changing channels.
Only everything is on the run, even about the connection of dust and an increase in fat they say without details, but it would be curious.
I didn’t know about the dangers of smartphones in terms of weight loss, and I didn’t know about glutamate, oddly enough.
The video motivates you to eat healthier, keep your health healthy and go in for sports.
And I really didn't like the fact that the mistakes of the heroes of the plots are not sorted out. For example, one of the participants in a film about obesity eats a sandwich with cheese, sausage, and also likes to add butter there, in the hands of an interview with fat people, loaves. The ones that are cheap to cut! And pickled ginger for weight loss just killed!
It is not stated specifically how it is better to go to weight loss, at what speed it is better to lose weight, it is not clear. What to eat to lose weight is not mentioned. Good thing we were at least scared!Recommended.
See my other reviews on various topics in the profile.
Thank you for reading my review. I hope you liked it, and if you know how to make such reviews better, what to fix, write in the comments.
Why is fast food dangerous? - Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg
June 11, 2015
The term of Western origin - Fast food (fast food) has long been established in the everyday life of a Russian person as a synonym for harmful and unhealthy food. In addition to the fact that this food is quite affordable, it is also liked not only by adults, but also by children, who, due to their age, do not at all think about the dangers of such food. In our country, this industry is young and still the harm of fast food is not strongly felt, but with current trends in its development, everything goes to the fact that in a few years the consumption of such unhealthy food will become a completely ordinary food for any resident of Russia, and of course this will most of all affect the health of the younger generation.
There is almost no fiber in this food, which means that it stagnates in the intestines, ferments and rots there, leads to bloating, abdominal discomfort, and contributes to constipation. In addition, the absorption of vitamins and iron is disturbed - this leads to anemia and a decrease in immunity. Gradually, due to overstrain of the pancreas, pancreatitis and diabetes develop.
Such products are very high in calories, because they contain a lot of fat and sugar, the recipe for their preparation is aimed directly at winning the love of the buyer and does not care at all about the usefulness of the product, and therefore all the calories that we get along with this food, are completely empty, and rather quickly deposited in the form of excess fat, primarily in the abdomen and buttocks, and after a very short period of time we feel hungry again, despite the fact that the past food has not yet been digested. As a result, we get an overloaded stomach, which should work in an enhanced mode, hence bloating, heaviness, discomfort and other digestive problems, from all this the stomach stretches over time, which leads to the need to eat more and more, respectively, an enlarged stomach and a lot of excess weight we get in the end.
In addition to excess weight and a large round belly, there is another harm of fast food, this is a high cholesterol content, which over time can cause a number of problems with the heart and blood vessels. The increased content of cholesterol is due to the fact that a large amount of oil and fat is used in cooking, which is also used more than once, and with repeated use of vegetable oil, carcinogens and toxic substances are released from it into food, which can affect the formation of malignant tumors in the stomach and intestines.
Fast food and kids
Children love the excitement and anticipation of the new and different, and manufacturers of all children's products, including food products, are well aware of this. Therefore, favorite cartoon characters appear on packages and labels, packages are full of games and entertainment, and many promise a prize inside the pack. Seducing this baby is not difficult. In addition, manufacturers carry out quite active advertising, positioning the product as one of the best in its category, approved by one or another organization that inspires confidence - the Institute of Nutrition, the Association of Pediatricians, etc.
This inspires confidence in parents, they offer these products to children.
In addition to bright advertising, the composition of products also has an impact - they usually contain a lot of flavor enhancers, flavors, dyes - all of which are designed to affect the receptors and senses of the child and cause excitement. Against the background of chocolates, crackers and chips with their satiated taste, ordinary products with their natural taste - soups, cereals or goulash - seem almost tasteless.
Another important factor is the universal availability and low price of "harmful" products, while proper and nutritious nutrition is much more expensive.
From the point of view of children's nutrition, these dishes should be banned until about school, when the enzyme system of the liver and pancreas will be more or less able to digest them. What's wrong with them?
A ruddy crust on a roll, frying on a cutlet or meat are potential carcinogens (substances that promote the transformation of cells into cancerous ones).
Such food often contains special substances - flavor enhancers, they stimulate the receptors of the tongue and give these dishes a pronounced taste and attractiveness. Monosodium glutamate is most commonly used, which is very harmful for children - after it all ordinary food seems tasteless, it causes addiction and affects health - it causes gastritis or colitis (inflammation of the colon). Flavorings and preservatives, which are abundant in fast foods, and colorings, especially in sodas, can cause a change in the immune system in children - children become allergic. In addition, these products often cause problems with stools, abdominal pain and disorders of the nervous system - sleep is disturbed, and children become excitable.
Fast food products usually contain the cheapest raw materials, they are usually seasoned with spicy, fatty or spicy sauces - mayonnaise, mustard or ketchup with various additives that irritate the child's digestion, can cause heartburn, nausea and even diarrhea.