Feed baby mice

How to Take Care of Baby Mice

By Lee Parker | Updated September 26, 2017

Caring for orphaned baby mice is not easy; many infant mice don't make it through the first week due to heat loss, lack of nutrition or sickness. If the baby mouse is a pinkie; that is, without any fur, raising him to adulthood is difficult, but not impossible. With feedings every one to two hours and plenty of warmth, he has a decent chance of survival.

Supplies to Have on Hand

Being prepared is the first step in the successful raising of an orphaned baby mouse. Items to have on hand include Pedialyte, a small syringe, a heating pad or hot water bottle and soft nesting material such as old T-shirts, blankets and small stuffed animals. Puppy milk replacement, found at most pet food stores, is also important, as this is the closest option to mouse milk available.

Where to Start

Inspect the baby mouse first for any wounds or signs of illness such as blood around the nose, or labored breathing. You also will need to stimulate the baby mouse to go to the bathroom; he cannot do this on his own. Mimic the mother's natural way of licking his genitals by using a damp cotton swap, or the tip of your finger. You will need to do this after every feeding until the baby mouse is able to void on his own.

Full Bellies Are Important

Feed the baby mouse by filling a small 1 cubic centimeter syringe with puppy milk replacement and slowly administering it into his mouth. Be careful not to press too hard on the syringe or the mouse will aspirate; you will see milk come from his nose. Position the baby mouse upright and belly down for his feedings. For the first three feedings, dilute the puppy milk replacement with a little water and watch for diarrhea. If the stools are mustard yellow, everything is normal.

Warm Nests Make Happy Babies

When using a heating pad for your baby mouse, never place the mouse directly on the pad and always keep the pad setting on low. A too-warm pad can dehydrate a baby mouse quickly. If he has other orphaned siblings, keep all the baby mice together and ensure one does not wander off on his own. Fill the mouse's enclosure with plenty of bedding, both under and above the baby mouse. Do not cover the mouse in an airtight container, but do keep him under wraps to trap heat.

Tips and Tricks

Warm the formula for the baby mouse by placing it in warm tap water for a few minutes. The baby mouse will indicate when it is full, but a helpful trick for expected formula amounts is to weigh him first. The mouse's weight in grams, divided in half, equals the amount of cc's he should be eating. If the mouse refuses to drink, try using Pedialyte before attempting formula again.


  • The Fun Mouse: Orphaned Mice
  • Rat and Mouse Club of America: Orphaned Rats and Mice
  • Rat Fan Club: Raising Orphaned Rats and Mice
  • Fancy Mice: Baby Care
  • The Complete Care of Baby Animals: Expert Advice on Raising Orphaned, Adopted or Newly Bought Kittens, Puppies, Foals, Lambs, Chicks and More; C. E. Spaulding, Jackie Clay

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What Do Baby Mice Eat?

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It’s not easy to care for abandoned newborn mice; many newborn mice die in the first week owing to heat loss, nutritional deficiency, or disease. Raising baby mice is difficult since it has no fur but it isn’t impossible. It has a reasonable possibility of survival if fed several times each day and given enough warmth.

What comes to mind when you hear the term “mouse”? This may be the kind of small, grey animal with a chunk of yellow cheese in its paws that many people are familiar with. A mouse could also be running around your home, opening cereal boxes.

This is why it’s important to be aware of what baby mice eat in the wild. It will assist you in learning how to keep these pests out of your home. So, let’s look at what baby mice eat in the wild and how our homes have become attractive dining halls for mice.

What Do Baby Mice Eat?

Baby mice will suck on their mother’s milk for the first two weeks of their life. After that, baby mice can start eating solid foods, such as cooked rice and beans, cooked carrots, soft vegetables, and fruits.

If they are still without parents, give them kitten milk formula with a syringe or pipet. Remember to feed them every two or three hours. This may mean getting up at night, but it is necessary if you want to keep the kittens alive.

The newborn mice will not have developed their teeth, so they won’t be able to chew on the food at first. After three or four weeks, you should consider adding some solid meals. When the mice begin opening their eyes and growing, this is one of the signals that it’s time to exterminate them. You should also note when their teeth begin to develop.

Begin by offering them high-quality, nutritious foods to encourage growth. Fruits, seeds, vegetables, greens, and rodent diets are examples of these items.

What Do Baby Mice Eat in The Wild? A Baby Mouse

Mice are not picky. A mouse’s diet is surprisingly broad, and a mouse will do just about anything to get its hands on it. They’re natural foragers who enjoy consuming a wide range of foods in the wild. Although they have their likes and dislikes, they do have certain tendencies.

Mice, like most other rodents, prefer insects to meat. These creatures will also consume smaller snails, larvae, centipedes, cricket eggs, and worms as a source of nutrition.

What Do Baby Mice Eat At Home? Cheese for Baby Mice

Mice, like in the wild, will take what they can get. While mice aren’t fussy eaters, they do have their favorite foods. Here’s a list of some of the things that mice enjoy eating.

You may be shocked to learn that mice dislike cheese more than other foods if you grew up watching cartoons of mice chewing on a massive slice of Swiss. That being said, a mouse would not leave an excellent chunk of cheese behind. They will still consume any cheese they discover.

Mice are omnivores, so they eat both plants and animals. They may munch on any leftovers or insects that they discover around your house.

How Much Do Baby Mice Eat? Baby Mice Love Insects!

Mice are curious animals, and their food preferences reflect this. Instead of consuming a large chunk of food all at once, they like to nibble on many different things they’ve kept.

Mice are also hoarding animals. They enjoy rummaging through cupboards and pantries, gathering what they find, and bringing it back to their nests when food is in short supply.

Not only is this an annoyance in and of itself, but it also attracts pests like beetles, weevils, and other insects. This food storage may attract additional pests such as cockroaches, ants, and mice, causing a simple mouse infestation to rapidly develop into a full-blown pest issue.

Mice are generally unwilling to eat non-food items. If chew impressions are on cables, cords, wires, boxes, fabric other objects, this is due to the existence of a mouse nest rather than food consumption.

How To Feed Baby Mice?

Step 1:

Give your baby mouse some liquid nourishment. Baby mice drink mother’s milk. Instead, you’ll need to give your newborn mouse the milk it needs. Cow’s milk should be avoided. You may, instead, try soy formula, kitten formula made of goat’s or cow’s milk, or goat’s milk baby formula.

Step 2:

Every two hours, give them a good meal. Your newborn mouse will require feeding around the clock until it opens its eyes. You must feed your newborn mice every two hours for those between 0 and 2 weeks old. They only need to eat every 3-4 hours after that. They shouldn’t eat during the night once their eyes are open.

Warm the milk first. Check a drop on your wrist to see if it’s cold or hot enough. Using a syringe, eyedropper, or pipette, add milk to a mouse. With your non-dominant hand, firmly grip the mouse. With your other hand, hold the pipette and try to shimmy the probe into the mouse’s mouth. Warm milk should be used instead of cold water. This resembles stretching out and squirming

Step 3:

Solid foods should be introduced gradually after your mouse’s eyes are open. It may begin to eat solid food when its eyes are open. Continue feeding it formula until the 4 to 6 weeks old, at which point it will be weaned. Hamster or kitten food, baby food, or soft vegetables can all be offered.

Step 4:

To help a mouse go to the toilet, stimulate it. Baby mice can’t urinate or feces on their own because they’re babies. The mother would generally lick them to encourage them to eliminate them. Place a cotton ball or your finger in lukewarm water and gently move it over the mouse’s genitals until it has eliminated itself.

What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Mice?

What are the most dangerous animals for mice? While it is not uncommon for some of the larger tarantulas to consume a mouse, most spiders do not consider mice to be a common meal, and instead may appear on a mouse’s menu. Where a substantial amphibian may occasionally capture and consume a mouse, the bulk of their diet is composed of tiny animals, such as insects.

There are several animals that consume mice as part of their regular diet in order to maintain the rodents’ populations in check. These are the creatures believed to be the mouse’s natural predators, and they may be found across a variety of species.


Hawks, eagles, and owls consider mice a welcome change of pace to be hunted and snared. The heron, crow, and blue jay are non-raptor birds that will eat rodents if they find them.


Although larger lizards are known to consume mice, snakes are generally the primary food source for them. People who keep snakes as pets are aware of the snake’s preference for a rodent dinner, but they are more frequently provided with frozen rodents rather than live mice because of their personal preferences or fears that their pets will be injured by food trying to defend themselves.


Cats are commonly thought of as the mouse’s greatest adversary, but once they’ve finished playing with them, house cats will not eat mice. Their feral counterparts and wild cat relatives, however, actively seek out mice for food. Cats, like other species, will consume mice to fill their stomachs. Tigers, lions, and jaguars require more substantial meals, but they will still nibble on them to keep their hunger satisfied. Dogs are not as fussy about eating mice as cats are; nevertheless, they are just as ready to do so in order to survive.


There is another rodent-eating creature that has been observed. It’s a mammal, but it differs from the others in several respects. This species differs from the other mammals listed above because it does not eat mice. Locals avoid members of these societies because they are located in certain countries and are often shunned by those from throughout the rest of the globe. The human is one of the mouse’s greatest foes, and it is a member of this distinctive species.

Humans, as a species, are perhaps the pickiest eaters on the food chain. Humans’ tastes have evolved to the point where we are repulsed by certain foods, particularly those that are known to be parasite-carrying plague transmitters.

Mice are eaten on a regular basis in certain areas of the world, where circumstances demand that food be acquired where it may be found. Though many of the countries that offer mice on their menu no longer struggle financially, traditional dishes are still served, albeit as cultural delicacies for visiting tourists with strong stomachs. In Vietnam, Korea, China, Zambia, and Malawi, rats are known to be eaten in many ways.

Are Baby Mice Healthy To Eat?

Mice are now a trendy source of protein, according to the Austrian Times, having been proven that there’s nothing edible that hasn’t been transformed into a delicacy somewhere in the world. It should be prepared similarly to other meats, just in smaller mouse-sized portions.

It’s possible to eat sewer rats. While you can eliminate many of the pathogens by cooking at a high temperature, rodents still feed on waste and human/animal remains. It is possible to eat cooked rats, although doing so might cause various illnesses and even death if not properly done.

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Food for rodents: food for mice rats

Mice are traditionally considered to be omnivorous animals. They are familiar to many as terrible gluttons who eat no less than 20% of all products that a person produces.

For many centuries poor mice were disliked for this. But today, good owners are wondering if mice are really omnivorous, and how to properly feed rodent . Let's try to figure it out together.

When buying a decorative mouse, do not console yourself with the hope that you can feed it with scraps from your table.

Such a treat can cause unpleasant illnesses in a pet, since excess salt is not indicated for mice, and spices are completely contraindicated.

How to feed a rodent at home? Don't reinvent the wheel. The best option is a balanced food for rodents, which today is easy to find in any pet store.

"Native food" for rodents.

100% quality

Among the wide range of food on the shelves it is difficult to choose a particular brand. An excellent option for your pet will be the universal food for rodents "Native feed".

The name of the brand was not chosen by chance. With love for Russian traditions and native culture. "Native feed" is made exclusively from Russian raw materials. The composition of the feed includes the best varieties of grain crops: oats, wheat, barley, grass granules, red and yellow millet, flax, corn, sunflower seeds, and carrots. Nutritious and tasty, the food will surely appeal to your pet, and most importantly, it will be useful for his health.

The Native Foods line includes food for guinea pigs, hamsters, and chinchillas. All feeds are adapted to Russian conditions for keeping pets and are distinguished by their original recipe.

Russian food is gaining more and more popularity among pet owners due to its high quality and reasonable price.

In our online shop you will find a wide range of rodent food and treats.

We collect food for rodents ourselves

Whatever food you choose, remember that mice need roughage: plant seeds (primarily sunflower), as well as cereal grains, which are good to combine and give in mixtures.

Wheat grains contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats necessary for the pet, as well as a small amount of calcium. That is why wheat is considered one of the most nutritious cereals. Decorative mice are recommended to give peas, but not more than twice a week.

If you offer your pet bread, it is better to choose rye crackers or very dry black bread. Remember that white bread causes adorable mice to become obese. Do not abuse such a treat.

Juicy food, which includes root crops, is also very useful for rodents. Vegetables contain a large amount of vitamins. In particular, carrots are very rich in carotene.

Animal protein must also be included in the diet of a rodent. You can offer the mouse some milk, lard, or a small bone.

To take care of your pet's teeth, offer your rodent twigs to grind down teeth. Branches of rowan, willow, hazel or apple tree are well suited. In cold weather, decorative mice gnaw pine and spruce branches with pleasure, receiving additional vitamin C.

In addition, in winter, you can offer your pet germinated oats, hay, cut before the flowering period. Sometimes a piece of chalk can be a real delicacy for a rodent.

Add your pet and fruit to the menu. Not a single mouse will refuse a piece of an apple.

Organize the nutrition of the decorative mouse correctly, and your pet will be active and cheerful. And how to properly feed a hamster, read our article on the diet of a fluffy pet.

Features of feeding ornamental mice

Unlike other rodents, ornamental mice are considered almost omnivores, so there are no particular difficulties in compiling the diet of a small pet.

Feed adorable mice with ready-made cereal mixtures, which can be purchased at any pet store, and also indulge in some food from your table. The main thing to consider is that the diet was varied and contained enough nutrients and vitamins for an active life and good health of the rodent.

When feeding decorative mice, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • size of the animal;
  • age;
  • weight;
  • features of the species;
  • general health;
  • season.

Decorative mice in the diet should include not only plant foods. Small rodents also need food of animal origin. The animal must receive in sufficient quantities the main components of any diet - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

The main feature of feeding decorative mice is the special structure of the esophagus and digestive tract of the animal, due to which the fiber contained in plants is never completely digested, so animals need to eat more food per day so that the body is provided with enough beneficial nutrients.

The main food for ornamental mice is a grain mixture. When independently compiling such mixtures, it should be remembered that mice eat seeds of herbaceous plants or woody plants, millet, wheat, oats, barley, oilcake, pea groats, sunflower seeds, flax, nuts. As for oilseeds, their seeds are added in a percentage of 20%:35% of the grain mixture in summer and winter, respectively, so that the animals do not have obesity and disruption of the digestive tract. If it is not possible to monitor the correctness of the diet, it is best to buy ready-made grain mixtures at the pet store.

Legumes should be included in the diet of ornamental mice, but their excessive consumption causes obesity in mice.

Decorative mice are offered berries, white bread, a piece of boiled meat or bacon (unsalted), cheese, cottage cheese, butter, as well as egg white, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes, cucumber and dandelion as treats. Various fruits are useful to mice, especially apples. It is not forbidden to treat small pets with dried fruits.

Although mice eat sweets, chocolate, sweet, spicy, smoked, salty or fatty foods with pleasure, this is extremely harmful for them, and in some cases even deadly.

For grinding incisors, it is useful to give mice twigs of mountain ash, apple, willow, currant, etc. But remember that lilac is extremely poisonous for decorative mice. You can not give them branches of coniferous trees. It is also useful to give croutons for grinding teeth.

When preparing porridge for decorative mice, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • mice can be given millet, rice or oatmeal porridge;
  • before cooking, the groats are carefully sorted, foreign impurities are removed and washed several times in clean water;
  • porridge should be cool.

Pasteurized or boiled milk is given to pregnant, lactating mice or young animals, little by little, so as not to cause indigestion, sometimes a piece of bread is soaked in milk.

Mice are given yeast and fish oil as sources of vitamins, and chalk as a mineral supplement.

Decorative mice are fed 2 times a day (morning and evening), preferably at the same hours.

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