Feed the nine mouth baby
What and When Can Babies Eat at 9 Months?
What food is healthy for a nine-month-old?
A nine-month-old baby is growing rapidly, and complex brain development is taking place. A well-balanced, nutritional diet that fills their belly is critical at this time. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, a nine-month-old should be eating a wide variety of foods. If babies are eating cereal, it should be fortified. This will provide the nutrients that they need.
It’s great to include a rainbow of foods in a nine-month-old’s diet. Their food should be colorful, fresh, and tantalizing. Encourage them to try fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and meats. Wait until they have turned one year old before introducing honey, as it may contain the bacteria that can cause botulism. Along the same lines, unpasteurized drinks or foods can contain E. coli and cause severe intestinal problems.
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What solid foods can a baby eat?
Food for 9-month-olds can be tricky. Many babies at this age are ready to try eating food with their hands. Finger food should be small and soft enough to pick up easily and chew without risk of choking.
At this age, babies’ chewing abilities haven’t yet fully matured. They may not use their teeth yet, instead using their tongue to mash up their food. Some safe options for nine-month-old babies include:
- Soft fruits (e.g., bananas and peaches)
- Bread (without the crust)
- Dry cereal
- Avocado
- Peas
- Green beans and cooked beans
- Tofu
- Meat and fish
- Sweet potato
- Pasta
When offering nine-month-old babies food (especially finger food), size is important. Pieces should be large enough to pick up but small enough that the baby won’t choke. Try to aim for cubes about a third of an inch in size. This is just a little bit bigger than a standard pea.
How much should a 9-month-old eat?
A nine-month-old feeding schedule is not much different than when they were first born. They are still on an on-demand schedule. This basically means that parents should look for signs indicating when the baby is hungry and when they’re full. They might eat a different combination of solid foods, breast milk, and formula every day, depending on their mood.
How much formula is good for a nine-month-old?
Babies at nine months old still require breast milk and/or formula every day as part of their regular diet. Breast milk and formula contain high levels of nutrients that are necessary for proper growth. Cow milk can be introduced when babies get a bit older.
Babies should eat at least five to six times per day to meet their nutritional requirements. As they begin to eat more solid foods, the amount of formula or breast milk needed will likely decrease in frequency and amount.
Sample menu for a nine-month-old baby
The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the following menu and feeding schedule for 9-month-old babies.
¼–½ cup cereal or mashed egg
¼–½ cup fruit, diced (if the child is self-feeding)
4–6 ounces formula or breast milk
4–6 ounces breast milk, formula, or water
¼ cup diced cheese or cooked vegetables
¼–½ cup yogurt, cottage cheese, or meat
¼–½ cup yellow or orange vegetables
4–6 ounces formula or breast milk
One teething biscuit or cracker
¼ cup yogurt or diced fruit
¼ cup diced poultry, meat, or tofu
¼–½ cup green vegetables
¼ cup noodles, pasta, rice, or potatoes
¼ cup fruit
4–6 ounces formula or breast milk
Before bedtime
6–8 ounces formula, breast milk, or water
A nine-month-old baby’s nutritional needs aren’t much different from the nutrients that adults need too. Over the course of a day, offer a 9-month-old foods of different colors. Here are some colorful examples:
- Green — green beans, peas, spinach, zucchini, and asparagus
- Orange — cantaloupe and sweet potatoes
- Yellow — peppers, squash, and bananas
- Red, blue, and purple — beans, cooked tomatoes, red peppers, and smashed berries
These different foods can also be a great diet for new parents to follow when breastfeeding and trying to get back in shape after delivery. This is an exciting time for parents and babies. It’s fun to watch babies explore new things, including textures and tastes.
What To Feed Your Baby | 7 to 9 mths | Weaning
Baby's age
- Around 6 months
- 7 - 9 months
- 10 - 12 months
- 12 months+
7 - 9 months
By now, your baby will have had some good practice learning how to eat! Eat together as much as possible – they learn a lot from watching you.
Your baby will gradually move towards eating 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch and tea). Offering a wide variety of different foods is important to ensure they get enough energy and nutrients (such as iron). Babies don't need salt or sugar added to their food (or cooking water) – salty food isn't good for their kidneys and sugar can cause tooth decay.
Remember, it may take 10 tries or even more for your baby to get used to new foods, flavours and textures. There'll be days when they eat more, some when they eat less, and then days when they reject everything! Don't worry – this is perfectly normal. Just be patient, keep offering a variety of foods, even the ones they don't seem to like, and let them get used to it in their own time.
Babies under 12 months don't need snacks, if you think your baby is hungry in between meals, offer extra milk feeds instead.
Smooth or lumpy?
Hopefully your baby will now be more confident exploring new textures. Offer more mashed, lumpier foods as well as a variety of finger foods. Giving your baby finger foods helps them learn to feed themselves, develop hand-eye co-ordination and learn to bite off, chew and swallow small pieces of soft food.
Babies take different amounts of time to get used to lumps, but it's an important skill they need to learn. Just keep offering them lumpy textures and finger foods and stay with them so you can be sure they are swallowing it safely.
What is baby-led weaning?
Baby-led weaning means offering your baby only finger foods and letting them feed themselves from the start (rather than spoon feeding them puréed or mashed food). You can offer a range of small, finger-sized, pieces of food.
Some parents prefer baby-led weaning to spoon feeding, while others combine a bit of both. There's no right or wrong way – the most important thing is that your baby eats well and gets all the nutrients they need.
Should I still give my baby breast milk or first infant formula?
Yes. Breast milk or first infant formula is still important for energy and nutrients during the first year, and should be their main drink until 12 months. You can continue breastfeeding for as long as you both want. As time goes on and your baby eats more solids, they may naturally want less breast milk or first infant formula.
If you're breastfeeding, your baby will adapt their feeds according to how much food they're having. Formula-fed babies may need around 600ml of milk a day, but just use this as a guide. Remember your baby's tummy is tiny and fills up quickly, so offer milk feeds after solids and don't force them to finish the bottle.
10 ways to feed your baby if he doesn't want to sit at the table
Komsomolskaya Pravda
House. Family Mom and baby start acting up at the table. He does not like everything that you cook, he pushes the plate away. Or he can choose one dish for himself, for example, pasta, and eat them day after day. How to feed a baby? What will help him enjoy tasting adult food? Here are some tips:
1. Try cooking together. After all, a kid can help you sculpt cutlets (from meat, from crushed potatoes), make pancakes (from carrots, zucchini, apples), make cheesecakes, cut cookies with plastic molds.
And after that the question will not even arise: to eat or not to eat? Of course there is, because he prepared everything himself!
2. Make meals beautiful and even fun. There are special knives that cut curly garlands, balls, flowers, etc. from fruits and vegetables. You can make “fun sandwiches” - a whole art workshop can unfold on a piece of bread!
3. Some time before dinner start saying: “What a delicious lunch we're going to have today! Such a surprise awaits us for dinner!” The child will be interested and will look forward to dinner.
4. Have lunch together. The example of mom and dad is contagious! Eat yourself with appetite, and the baby will begin to imitate you with pleasure.
5. Let there always be a calm, friendly atmosphere at the table. Then the child will relax and be happy to try new dishes.
6. Play plate swap. Someone else's food always tastes better. Put what you want to give your child on your plate, put it on the table and get ready to eat. Give him a plate with your food and offer to change. Maybe it will work?
7. It happens that we put too much pressure on the child - all the talk around him is only about food, constant persuasion, coercion. Try for some time not to feed the child and not to persuade. Maybe he wants to make a decision himself, because he is already big, since he is sitting at the table.
8. Tell the smallest stories about small animals that run out of strength as believably as possible and with all the details and dialogues. When a child is interested, the mouth opens by itself!
9. You can draw a plate with meatballs and mashed potatoes. Draw on a piece of paper all the dishes that are in front of the child. After eating, you can invite the baby to decorate the picture.
10. Choose beautiful dishes, maybe with the children's favorite characters - princesses, cars, etc. And then, while eating, start the operation to rescue Cinderella from mashed potatoes.
Helpful Hint
The little ones love to drink through a straw. Invite your child to drink liquid puree or juice through a straw.
And for dessert, promise your baby a FrutoNyanya milkshake with cocoa or vanilla. It can also be drunk through a straw, it is tasty and healthy.
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How to feed a child if he refuses?
For dad, for mom, for grandmother - it is very difficult to stop feeding a child, because in our childhood it was impossible to leave even a small piece on the plate after eating. Olga Baylova, a pediatrician at the Doc+ clinic, tells how to properly feed children so that they are sure to eat, and why it is not necessary to strictly control nutrition.
Question. The child does not eat well. Refuses the second for lunch, does not eat any cereals, except for semolina. Do I need to do something about it, and can it be a symptom of disorders in the body?
Answer. To begin with, it is worth understanding that there are “little kids”. They need very little to eat. To make you calmer, you can show the child to the pediatrician. If the examination shows that he is healthy, do not torture him with food.
In general, there are several important recommendations for feeding children:
1. As soon as the child has learned to sit, he should be fed at the table, preferably with all family members. So he will form a dominant: "I sat down at the table - it's time to eat."
2. Each member of the family should have their own place at the table – this is also a ritual for eating. Show your child how to behave properly while eating. Even if adults do not want to eat, it is better to sit down with a child and drink tea. The child takes an example from adults in everything.
3. You can talk while eating. But in no case do not comment on how the child eats. If the family at the table just communicates and the child is not pulled with the phrases: "It's delicious?", "Why didn't you eat it?", "Why did you leave it?" - He will eat much more.
4. As soon as the child has eaten, be sure to remove his plate (even with half-eaten food) and let go. This is how you let him know that he can decide when he is full.
5. In order for your child to eat with appetite, ask what to cook for dinner. Consider his desire. Also, try to serve your food on a nicely decorated plate.
6. Go shopping with your child. Explain what can be prepared from certain products. The child will be proud when you tell at the table that it was he who chose this food. Praise him for a good choice.
7. It is not necessary to give your child only the food that you think is right. Let him choose what kind of porridge he wants, let there be one of his favorite dishes on the table.
8. Never say phrases like: "Eat soup - I'll give you candy!". Then the child will no longer think about anything but sweetness. There should be no treats on the table until the baby has eaten.
9. A child's appetite cannot always be the same.