Feeding baby coconut oil
22 Uses and Benefits of Coconut Oil for Babies!
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You have probably heard of the many benefits of coconut oil by now, but do you know that coconut oil is a healthy replacement for pretty much every baby care product?
That’s right! Surprised?
In this post, I am going to list the many health benefits of coconut oil for babies and teach you 22 practical uses for this amazing healthy oil!
Not only is it healthier for your baby, but you can save some serious money by skipping all the highly-processed, chemical and fragrance-laden baby skincare products on the market today!
Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Known around the world for its amazing health benefits, organic virgin coconut oil is probably the safest skin care product for your baby’s gentle skin.
It is especially known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties! (source)
The molecular structure of the coconut oil allows for easy absorption on the skin. When used for skin conditions, however, the healing properties don’t stop there!
This super-food’s gentle healing is able to penetrate the skin and protect the body against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.
Since everything is absorbed through the skin, it’s really important to use extra caution when choosing lotions, shampoos, diaper creams etc.
Is it especially important when applying skin care products on a tender baby’s skin!
Many parents don’t realize that many baby skin care products such as baby oil, baby washes and shampoos are full of petrochemicals, artificial fragrances, parabens and other nasties!
Please don’t use them! They may smell pretty, but they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing!!
Before we move on to the uses and benefits of coconut oil for babies and children, check out this video to learn more about this health-boosting oil!
*Disclaimer – The information in the post is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. Please make sure that you talk with your baby’s doctor if you notice any skin disorders such as rashes, infections or irritation. Always check with your health care practitioner if you suspect illness in your baby or before giving your baby supplements, medications or home remedies.
22 Uses and Benefits of Coconut Oil for Babies
There are so many amazing uses for coconut oil!
Here are the easy ways to use it for your baby…
1. Diaper Rash
The first thing that comes to mind is diaper rash. Most babies suffer from diaper rash at some point in their young lives.
Coconut oil provides fast relief from the annoying and irritating rash! It nourishes and treats the irritated skin and acts as a barrier to prevent further irritation from developing.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Diaper Rash
- Apply a generous layer of organic virgin coconut oil on your baby’s diaper area after diaper changes.
- Make sure to massage in the groin area and especially in the folds of the skin where the rash first appears.
- The coconut oil will treat and prevent diaper rash with its moisturizing, antibacterial and anti fungal properties.
2. Cradle Cap
Cradle cap is a common newborn condition that affects many babies during the early weeks after birth.
The condition is characterized by a dry, flaky scalp that resembles dandruff. Coconut oil really helps!
How To Use Coconut Oil For Cradle Cap
- Massage organic virgin coconut oil into baby’s scalp, focusing on the area that is affected by cradle cap.
- Allow oil to remain on the scalp for at least 20 minutes. Using a baby comb or baby hair brush, gently comb or brush to remove the flakes.
- Once you have brushed off the flakes, you can rinse your baby’s hair with lukewarm water.
- Repeat as often as needed.

Eczema is a common infant condition where the skin becomes very dry and itchy. The condition is thought to have various causes, and often goes away by itself as the baby grows.
In the meantime, it can be uncomfortable and may even lead to infection due to baby’s scratching the dry, irritated skin.
Coconut-oil is a wonderful hydrating agent, providing relief and protection from infection.
Skeptical? Check out this double-blind study on coconut oil and eczema!
How To Use Coconut Oil For Eczema
- Massage organic virgin coconut oil into your baby’s skin before or after bath time and at bedtime to moisturize and hydrate the skin.
- Regular use of coconut oil can super-nourish baby’s skin and gradually reduce the symptoms of eczema!
4. Dry or Chapped Lips
Like adults, babies frequently have dry or chapped lips. Coconut oil to the rescue!
How To Use Coconut Oil For Your Baby’s Dry And Chapped Lips
- Using a washcloth, Q-tip or clean finger, apply organic virgin coconut oil to your baby’s lips as well as around the area of the lips.
- Repeat as needed.
5. Homemade Baby Wash
Most baby wash brands contain harmful chemicals that are not healthy for your baby’s skin. Not only that, but many babies have skin reactions to the various baby products.
A good general rule of thumb for any skin care product: NEVER APPLY TO YOUR SKIN WHAT YOU WOULDN’T EAT!
Why? Everything gets absorbed! Unfortunately, most people just don’t realize this.
Instead of using a store-bought baby wash to clean your little one, make your own coconut oil baby wash at home!
It safely cleans and moisturizes at the same time!
How To Make Homemade Baby Wash with Coconut Oil
- Take equal parts of organic virgin coconut-oil and organic or chemical-free castile soap and water.
- Mix the ingredients together.
- Gently massage to remove out any dirt and wash off with the regular bath water.
6. Treat Lice
If your baby or young child happens to catch lice, coconut oil can be an effective remedy!
The antibacterial and anti fungal properties of coconut oil help to control the spread of lice and prevent new infestations.
How To Use Coconut Oil for Lice
- Use a little apple cider vinegar to rinse out your baby’s hair. Let it stay in the hair till it dries out naturally.
- Once the vinegar becomes dry in your baby’s hair, apply organic virgin coconut oil making sure to fully cover all the hair.
- If possible, cover your baby’s head with a shower cap or baby hat. Allow the coconut oil stay in the hair as long as possible.
- Wash and repeat as needed.
7. Baby Acne
Another common newborn condition is baby acne.
Believed to be caused by the mother’s hormones, it is usually nothing more than a temporary breakout.
Coconut oil can be used to soothe the skin and prevent infection.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Baby Acne
- Gently massage organic virgin coconut oil over your baby’s acne and allow it to sit for a while.
- You can wash it off later with warm water or just let it remain on the skin.
8. Insect Bites
Use coconut oil on your baby’s (and family’s) insect bites to provide relief from itching and prevent infection. It’s natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties will reduce the risk of infection and help bring down the swelling!
How To Use Coconut Oil For Baby’s Insect Bites
- Gently dab organic extra virgin coconut oil onto baby’s insect bites.
- Leave it on until your baby’s next bath time. You will soon notice an improvement in swelling and redness!
9. Baby Hair Conditioner
Some babies and small children develop dry, unmanageable hair that can be difficult to comb. Yup, you guessed it… Use coconut oil to condition and soften the hair!
How To Condition Baby’s Hair with Coconut Oil
- Wet your baby’s hair during bath time and apply a small amount of organic virgin coconut oil evenly onto the hair.
- Alternatively, you can also massage coconut oil into baby’s hair at night and wash it off in the morning.
10. Chest Rub For Mild Colds
Coconut oil can be used along with essential oils for a safe and effective chest rub.
For mild colds, using a chest rub can be a helpful decongestant for baby’s nose and chest.
Always make sure that you check with your baby’s doctor before using home remedies.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Chest Rub
- Use two teaspoons of any essential oil such as eucalyptus oil and mix with a few tablespoons of organic virgin coconut oil.
- Remember, not all essential oils are safe for baby, so always check with a health care practitioner to know which essential oil can be safely used for your baby.
- Warm up the oil by rubbing it in your palms for a few minutes.
- Now rub it on your baby’s chest as a natural and safe alternative to a cosmetic chest rub.
Coconut oil can work as a natural anti-viral and anti-bacterial moisturizer around baby’s nose when sick.
Chest rub can also be used to relieve croup, a common respiratory problem in babies.
11. Teething Pain
Coconut oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe inflammation caused by teething. The antibacterial effects are also known to prevent mouth infections.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Teething Babies
- Take a little amount of organic virgin coconut oil on your fingers and gently dab on your baby’s gums.
- It can also be directly applied on baby’s pacifiers or teething toys to ease teething pain.
12. Coconut Oil as Body Lotion
Coconut oil is a perfect natural moisturizer! It moisturizes and nourishes baby’s dry skin with vitamins and healthy fat.
It can also be used as a baby massage oil!
How To Use
- Gently massage organic virgin coconut oil into your baby’s skin.
- Leave it until next bath.
13. Baby Tooth Paste
Use coconut oil to massage baby’s gums, easing teething pains and improving oral and dental hygiene.
As soon as baby gets his first tooth, you can start using coconut oil in place of tooth paste to safely clean his teeth and mouth.
How To Use Coconut Oil For Your Baby’s Tooth Paste
- Take a little amount of coconut oil on your fingers and gently dab on your baby’s gums.
- Gently massage in the same way every day in the morning and evening once your baby gets his first tooth.
14. Treating Thrush
Thrush (or candida) is a common infection that shows up as a rash. It can occur inside your baby’s mouth, in the diaper area or in other parts of your baby’s body that are moist, such as areas around the mouth.
It may look like milk spots on your baby’s tongue and mostly affects babies within two months after birth. Use coconut oil to relieve this condition. (source)
How To Use Coconut Oil For Thrush
- If you are breastfeeding, you can eat a spoonful of organic virgin coconut oil each day to help your baby get the benefits through your breast milk.
- Apply a little bit on and around your nipples just before you are about to breastfeed your baby. As your baby breastfeeds, the coconut oil will help relieve the symptoms of thrush.
*Disclaimer – The information in the post is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. Please make sure that you talk with your baby’s doctor if you notice any skin disorders such as rashes, infections or irritation. Always check with your health care practitioner if you suspect illness in your baby or before giving your baby supplements, medications or home remedies.
15. Benefits of Coconut Oil to Remove Meconium
Coconut oil easily removes meconium, the tar-like substance that moves through your baby’s bowels shortly after birth. This is your baby’s first bowel movement and it can be difficult to remove from his skin. Use coconut oil to easily remove meconium during newborn diaper changes.

Yeast infections are usually the most severe form of diaper rash in babies. The infection usually affects the skin around the thighs, neck, diaper area, and armpit.
This red rash with white patches can be irritable and painful.
Again, coconut oil really helps. The anti fungal and antibacterial properties of coconut-oil quickly go to work to heal and prevent skin infections. (source)
How To Apply?
- Add lukewarm water to a small bowl.
- Dip clean washcloth into the water.
- Squeeze out excess water from cloth.
- Clean the baby’s bottom and other infected areas with cloth.
- Let the areas dry naturally for few minutes.
- With clean hands, gently apply organic virgin coconut oil over rash area.
- Let the oil dry as long as possible.
- Use a fresh new diaper. Repeat the process before every diaper change, until the yeast infection is completely cured.
Coconut oil, containing skin healing properties, can even be mixed with other essential oils and be used as a cream to get rid of yeast infections.
In addition to topical applications, it is also helpful for baby to ingest coconut oil when dealing with yeast or other infections. Try rubbing it into baby’s mouth or onto mom’s nipples. Make sure to also include it in the mother’s diet. The benefits can pass from the mother to baby through the breast milk!
*Disclaimer – The information in the post is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. Please make sure that you talk with your baby’s doctor if you notice any skin disorders such as rashes, infections or irritation. Always check with your health care practitioner if you suspect illness in your baby or before giving your baby supplements, medications or home remedies.
17. Benefits of Coconut Oil For Breastfeeding
Research suggests that organic virgin coconut oil has many benefits for breastfeeding mothers and babies as well!
When a breastfeeding mother consumes coconut oil, she experiences an immunity boost that she is able to pass along to her breastfeeding baby!
Additionally, when coconut oil is applied regularly to sore or cracked nipples, it helps prevent infection while relieving pain and itching of irritated nipples. Because it is safe (and good!) for babies, no need to wipe it off before feedings!
Recent Breastfeeding Research
According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, coconut oil supports mom and baby immunity!
Women who consumed coconut oil experienced increased levels of antimicrobial fats. These fats (also called medium-chain fatty acids or MCFA) guard against infection from harmful viruses, bacteria, yeast and parasites.
Lauric acid is one of the medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil. When a lactating woman adds lauric acid-rich coconut oil to her diet, the amount of lauric acid available in her breast milk increases substantially. These rich fats not only increase immunity in mother and baby, but are essential to healthy brain development in newborns. This is why these healthy fats are now added to baby formulas!
According to Dr. Mary G. Enig, PhD, an expert in lipid chemistry and a fellow of the American College of Nutrition, consuming coconut oil provides important benefits to breast milk.
“The milk has increased amounts of the protective antimicrobial lauric acid and capric acid, which gives even greater protection to the infant. If the mother consumes coconut oil every day while nursing, the medium-chain fatty acid content will be even greater.”
In countries where coconut oil is a diet staple, levels of lauric acid in the mother’s milk can be as high as 21% and capric acid can be as high as 6% giving her infant even more protection against viruses, bacteria, and protozoa.
Mothers who regularly consume coconut oil also report an increase in milk supply. This is believed to be caused by the increased healthy fats in the diet as well as all around improved health of the mother.
18. Coconut Oil for Bumps, Burns and Cuts
When your child experiences minor bumps, bruises, scratches or cuts, use virgin coconut oil to effectively treat them.
The antimicrobial property of the oil helps speed up the healing process!

Try adding coconut oil to your homemade baby food!
Not only is the oil a great source of healthy fat and calories for your baby, but it is easy to use.
The warmed, liquid oil can easily be mixed into cereals and purees.
However, avoid warming the oil in a microwave. Instead, use a metal pan or measuring cup over a hot burner. It doesn’t take long to melt!
Pro-Tip: Try setting a small metal dish or measuring cup on your coffee machine’s heating plate to quickly liquefy the oil!
20. Strengthens Baby’s Soft Spot
Coconut oil can also be applied to a baby’s soft spot (or fontanelle) after a bath or massage. Gently applying coconut oil helps in strengthening these bones as they grow and fuse. Be extra gentle while applying!
21. Coconut Oil for Constipation in Babies
The lauric acid in coconut oil eases digestion and may provide relief from your baby’s constipation.
- Try mixing half a teaspoon of organic virgin coconut oil into your baby’s food.
- Rub the oil around your baby’s perineum (the area around the anus) and leave it overnight.
22. Coconut Oil Benefits for Mom Too!
The medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) in coconut oil improve the absorption of nutrients already existing in the mother’s diet!
Moms who consume coconut oil absorb more minerals, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins, fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, K, beta carotene, and amino acids. These nutrients are then passed on to the nursing infant through the breast milk!
The MCFAs in coconut oil also help to regulate blood sugar levels in the mother while providing her with a stable source of energy.
Since MCFAs are not stored and instead are burned off in the form of energy, this will help a new mother to continue losing any unneeded extra baby weight! (Yes!)
A spoonful of organic virgin coconut oil is also a great energy boost for a tired, sleep-deprived mama!
There are so many other great evidence-based benefits of coconut oil such as weight loss and skin care that you should know about for your optimal health and beauty!
Easy Ways to Get More Coconut Oil into Mom’s Diet!
- Use it for frying or sauteing your food
- Warm it to a liquid state and substitute for liquid oil in recipes
- Make popcorn with coconut oil!
- Eat it by the spoonful!
- Stir or blend into coffee drinks
- Melt it over vegetables
- Mix it into hot cereal
- Massage it into your skin.
The health benefits absorb through your skin as well!
Want to learn more about the many benefits of coconut oil for your whole family?
Here is a great book to get you started!
Allergy Caution
Always use caution the first time you use coconut oil on your baby!
Although coconut allergies are very rare, it is always a good idea to watch for any adverse allergic reactions with any new food or product introduced to babies. If your family has a history of coconut allergies, be extra careful.
Also –
Remember, not all coconut oils are created equal!
Avoid processed or refined oils. Many of these products have gone through a refining or bleaching process and may contain harmful chemicals or residues!
Always choose organic, unrefined virgin coconut oil when buying for your family.
*Disclaimer – The information in the post is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be medical advice. Please make sure that you talk with your baby’s doctor if you notice any skin disorders such as rashes, infections or irritation. Always check with your health care practitioner if you suspect illness in your baby or before giving your baby supplements, medications or home remedies.
How About You?
How have you used coconut for your baby? What benefits have you seen? What are your favorite ways to use coconut oil?
3 natural baby food recipes using coconut oil – The Skinny
In one of our recent blogs, we discussed the importance of incorporating good fats into your diet. But, did you know that this is just as important for babies as it is adults? We’ll explain why and offer suggestions on how to get more good fat into their diets.
Good fat is essential for growing babies. It helps with cell repair, provides energy, helps them feel full, and is important for brain development and organ an bone growth. To ensure that children get enough fat to help them develop and grow healthily, approximately 40 to 50 percent of calories in their diet should come from fat, until they stop growing. That means babies need about six tablespoons of healthy fat every day, most of which comes from breast milk or milk. (We’ve got you covered on that topic here, moms.) If you aren’t sure if your baby is getting enough good fat, though, you can add additional teaspoon to their daily intake to ensure guidelines are met.
One of the easiest ways to add good fat to your baby’s diet is by giving him or her coconut oil. You’ll probably have the best luck doing so by adding it to baby food or purees. You can easily do so with store-bought baby food, or you can make your own healthy baby food and snacks to supplement your baby’s diet.
Below, find three recipes that prove just how easy it is to make your own natural baby food with coconut oil. (Some of the recipes even call for freezing, and frozen bites are great to give your baby as he or she starts teething and needs relief!)
Coconut applesauce bites
Recipe found on The Balanced Life.
1 cup organic, unsweetened applesauce (any flavor)
1 tablespoon coconut oil, melted
- Combine applesauce and melted coconut oil in a bowl and mix well.
- Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and drop bite-size drops of your coconut applesauce mixture onto the cookie sheet.
- Place the cookie sheet in the freezer until the bites solidify.
- Given a few frozen bites to your baby as a snack.
- Store the bites in the freezer in an airtight, freezer-safe container or bag.
Fruit or vegetable puree
Recipe found on Deliciously Organic and adapted.
6-7 cups of your desired fruit or vegetable, cut into 1-inch pieces as needed
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
2-4 tablespoons unsweetened coconut milk, mother's breast milk, or organic formula
- Melt the coconut oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Swirl the pan to coat it with the melted coconut oil and add your chosen fruits or vegetables.
Cook the mixture, stirring occasionally until the fruits or vegetables are very soft (about 10 minutes).
- Pour the fruits or vegetables into a blender and add 2 tablespoons of the milk of your choice. Puree the mixture until it’s smooth. (You may need to add another 1-2 tablespoons until the puree reaches your desired consistency).
- Let mixture cool completely before spooning it into an ice cube tray and letting it freeze.
- Thaw individual pieces when you need a meal for your baby.
- Store the pieces in the freezer in an airtight, freezer-safe container or bag.
Apricot, pear, and coconut oil puree
Recipe found on Baby Foode.
6 apricots, fresh or frozen, pitted
2 pears, roughly chopped
1/2 cup liquid (water, breast milk, or stock)
1 teaspoon coconut oil
- Combine the apricots, pears, and liquid of your choice in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cover the saucepan for 10 minutes, but stir the mixture occasionally.
- Let cool the mixture cool slightly before transferring it into a blender or food processor. Add the coconut oil and puree the mixture for one minute or until it’s completely smooth.
- Feed the puree to your baby as you would any other pureed or store-bought baby food.
- Store the puree in an air-tight container in the fridge for four days or in the freezer for four months.
If you have Skinny Coconut Oil in your pantry or cupboards, it’s an ideal choice for these recipes. Another option is Pure Baby, a pure coconut oil product designed with both babies and moms in mind that can be used in a number of ways.
If you try any of these recipes or have any others you’d like to share, leave us a comment below!
Baby Care & Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has long been a popular superfood for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that we are often asked if coconut oil can be used for baby care and included in a child's diet? Our answer: of course you can!
Today we will share our personal recipe for coconut oil infusion, a lifesaver for our two babies. And first, let's look at the types of coconut oil and recall the rules
- Before using coconut products for the first time, consult your pediatrician.
- Even if you don't have an allergy to coconut oil (which is rare), do a small skin test on the inside of your wrist.
- Whether you are tasting coconut oil for the first time or offering it to a child, start with a teaspoon or even half. The product itself is not traditional for our region, therefore, like any new food, it may seem unusual.
- Always go for certified organic virgin coconut oil and preferably labeled “Virgin” – it is the purest. Other coconut oils may contain chemicals and may have gone through a process of refining and bleaching that stripped the oil of its beauty and beneficial natural healing properties.
Very concise guide to coconut oils
Pure coconut oil Pure coconut oil . Dried coconut meat (copra) is crushed, squeezed and cleaned to obtain pure coconut oil. The color of the oil at temperatures below 25 degrees is white. The scent of coconut is intense. This type of coconut oil does not contain any additional ingredients.
Refined coconut oil Refined coconut oil . This oil is odorless and colorless. It is obtained after coconut oil undergoes thermal, chemical and mechanical processes - refining, bleaching and deodorization.
Natural coconut oil / Virgin coconut oil. This coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts. It fully retains its antioxidant properties, has a pleasant delicate smell and taste of coconut, as it was not heated during the extraction process.
Organic coconut oil / Organic coconut oil. When growing coconut palms, only organic fertilizers, manure, if in a simple way, were used for this type of oil. No chemicals are used during the oil pressing and refining process.
Organic virgin coconut oil . The method of fertilizing the coconut palms is the same as the previous type of oil, plus the high quality of the oil due to the fact that it was pressed from fresh coconuts.
For the last two types of oils, a certificate confirming the organic status of the product is required.
Natural Coconut is by far the most nourishing oil you can use to care for your baby. Most creams and lotions are designed for the upper layers of the skin, and the special molecular structure of coconut oil helps it penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis, allowing it to be quickly absorbed, while the effect of using the oil is more noticeable and lasts longer.
And now let's consider in which cases coconut oil will become your reliable friend and helper
1. Seborrheic crusts
Seborrheic crusts or dry scalp is a disease that many newborns are prone to in the first weeks after birth. The condition is characterized by flaky scalp and it looks like your little one has dandruff. This is most often seen in the part of the baby's head that touches the crib and stroller the most.
How it works
- Gently apply a little coconut oil on the baby's scalp, especially in areas of severe flaking.
- Leave the oil on for 10-20 minutes and then use a towel or comb with very soft bristles to remove the crusts.
- After you have removed the dry skin flakes, you can rinse the baby's head with warm water or wipe it with a damp towel.
The same method is great for regular nourishment and smoothing of baby hair. After all, the process of combing is still a hassle. But you can always pretend that you are just stroking the baby, before that, imperceptibly smearing your fingers with coconut oil.
2. Eczema
Eczema is a condition in which the skin becomes very dry and itchy. Eczema often occurs in children, as their skin is very sensitive and dries out quickly. Symptoms usually go away on their own as the child gets older, but eczema is uncomfortable and can lead to infection if the child scratches dry skin
How it works
Use the moisturizing properties of coconut oil as a massage, or simply lubricate the baby's skin with coconut oil before / after the bath or at least once before bedtime.
With regular massage with coconut oil, the symptoms of eczema gradually decrease and disappear.
3. Diaper rash due to diapers
Almost all children suffer from diaper rash at some point in their lives, even if you have taken every possible precaution. As the name suggests, this is a rash that appears in the groin area of a child. Most often, the rash is red and can spread if left untreated. It will probably be enough for you to change the brand of diapers or their size, and even if this is not the case, do not rush to buy antibiotics and hormonal drugs. Or at least alternate their use with coconut oil. It acts as a protective barrier and prevents further irritation while nourishing and healing injured skin. In addition, unlike traditional creams, coconut oil does not damage diapers.
How it works
- Apply a layer of coconut oil every day to the area of diaper rash after bathing and preferably after every diaper change.
- Be sure to massage with oil, paying special attention to skin folds where any rash is noticed.
Coconut oil's moisturizing properties help treat diaper rash, while its antibacterial properties prevent its spread and inflammation.
4. Dry and chapped lips
In hot, cold weather or central heating, your baby's skin is at risk of drying out faster than yours, which can be a serious problem for your baby and make breastfeeding difficult.
How to do it
- Using an available product or just a clean finger, lightly apply the oil to the child's lips and around the lips. Do not apply too much pressure as this can cause pain and more discomfort.
- You can also lubricate your nipples with coconut oil before or after feeding - double care - for your own health and for your baby.
5. Insect bites
Needless to say, insects prefer baby skin to the epidermis of any other family member. Coconut oil has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If you use it to lubricate insect bites, it will reduce the risk of infection and also reduce swelling from bites.
How it works
Just apply a drop of coconut oil on the wound and leave it until the next bath. The oil will speed up the healing process and relieve itching.
6. Home Baby Bath
It's always hard to find the right baby bath that will cleanse your baby's skin without drying it out. Most of these products contain certain chemicals that have a harmful effect on the skin. You may not be aware of any particular ingredient that causes an allergic reaction in a child.
How it works
- Take equal amounts of coconut oil and castor oil and mix well
- Apply the mixture all over baby's body while bathing
- Massage lightly to remove dirt and rinse with plain water.
7. We are treated for lice
Most often, children get lice from each other. Or from you. You can comb out the lice and larvae with a fine comb, but such a comb will definitely damage the baby's scalp. If you are delayed with the treatment of pediculosis, then there is a possibility of lice getting into the ears and eyes of the child. Little pleasant.
What we do
- Use an apple cider vinegar solution to rinse your child's hair.
- Let hair dry, then apply coconut oil to baby's hair and scalp.
- If possible, cover your child's head with a shower cap for at least 20 minutes. If this is not possible and your child (of course!) takes off the shower cap, try to keep the coconut oil in the hair for as long as possible. Then wash it off with plain water and a mild shampoo.
8. The baby is a magic magnet and a casket of all kinds of colds and viruses
Your little one is likely to go through many colds and repeated nasal congestion, which is typical for most children. However, any cold can make it difficult for a child to breathe and affect how they eat and sleep. In addition, if left untreated, ARI can develop into inflammation. Instead of using pharmacy rubbing ointments, or if you suddenly did not have them at hand, use cocoa butter or coconut oil melted in a steam bath.
How to proceed
- Take a few drops of any essential oil (such as peppermint, rosemary, lavender or eucalyptus) and mix it with a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil
- Heat the mixture by rubbing it vigorously in the palms of your hands
- Rub the oils on the baby's chest as a natural safe alternative to chemical based ointments.
Coconut oil is also a natural antiviral and antibacterial drug. Apply oil to and around your child's nose if they get sick.
9. Treatment of thrush (candida)
Thrush or candida is a common infection that often occurs in children; manifests itself in the form of a rash and itching. Symptoms may appear in the baby's mouth, in the diaper area, or around the mouth, for example. Most often, candida looks like milky spots on the tongue, and it mostly affects babies within two months of birth.
How to use coconut oil for thrush in a baby
- If your baby suffers from thrush while breastfeeding, you can drink a teaspoon or a tablespoon of coconut oil daily to ensure your baby gets the extra benefit of your breast milk.
- Apply some coconut oil on and around the nipples just before breastfeeding. This will put the oil directly into the baby's mouth and help relieve the symptoms of thrush.
10. Baby Toothpaste and Oral Care
When your baby is a few months old, you start massaging his gums to relieve the pain of teething. As soon as the baby gets the first tooth, it becomes a question of using a toothpaste that is safe and healthy for the baby and helps with teething syndrome
How you can help
- Gently apply coconut oil to your child's gums using your fingers or by lubricating chew toys.
- Gently massage your gums with coconut oil at least twice a day, morning and evening. If the child allows it, of course.
- Coconut oil also helps relieve pain from teething and reduces the chance of infection
11. Coconut oil as a body lotion
Coconut oil is an ideal natural moisturizer. It helps fight baby's dry skin thanks to the vitamins and healthy fats present in the oil.
Simply rub a little coconut oil in your palms and apply it to your baby's skin 10-15 minutes before or immediately after bathing.
12. Coconut oil for baby massage
Most parents are aware of the benefits and necessity of baby massage. Everything is simple: use pure coconut oil for massage or equal parts of coconut and olive oil heated in a water bath with the addition of a couple of drops of essential oils (chamomile or lavender, for example)
13. Coconut Oil for Meconium Removal
Coconut oil works wonders when it comes to removing meconium, the tar-like substance that comes out of a baby's intestines. This is the first bowel movement of a child, it is difficult to wipe it off the skin, and therefore coconut oil will definitely come in handy.
14. Coconut oil and baby nutrition
- Breastfeeding mothers can use coconut oil in cooking or consume a small amount of coconut oil twice a day as an energizer and dietary supplement, healing their own body, and passing on the beneficial properties of the oil to the child with breast milk.
- Adding butter to homemade baby food is just as beneficial. Hypoallergenic coconut oil contains lauric acid, which greatly facilitates the process of digestion, thereby relieving the baby from constipation.
- Coconut oil will also help babies absorb the vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits from the start of complementary foods: pumpkins, leafy greens, carrots, apples, and more.
15. Yeast infection in children
Yeast infection is considered the most severe form of diaper rash in children. The infection affects the skin around the thighs, neck, groin area and armpits, as moisture has the ability to accumulate in closed parts of the body. It usually manifests itself as red rashes with patches of white spots that cause itching and pain.
The antifungal and antibacterial properties of coconut oil prevent skin infections by weakening pathogenic bacteria.
How we can help
This method is well suited for the diaper change process.
- Pour warm boiled water or herbal infusion into a bowl
- Soak a soft cloth in water, then remove excess moisture (unscrew the towel, in other words, but not dry, of course) skin
- Allow the skin to dry for a couple of minutes or blot the baby with a dry towel
- With clean hands, apply a small amount of coconut oil to the area of the rash and allow the oil to absorb a little
- Use a new diaper
Repeat the process before each diaper change until the yeast infection is gone will be completely healed.
Eating coconut oil for your child will also help fight a yeast infection. If the baby is not ready to eat it, include oil in your daily diet while breastfeeding.
And now the promised recipe for a universal baby care product for all occasions!!
- 200 g coconut oil
- a handful of dried chamomile (flowers)
- Melt the butter in a water bath and add chamomile to it.
- Keep the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or spatula.
- Remove the mixture from the heat, pour into a glass or ceramic dish with a lid and leave in a warm place for 10 days.
- After the chamomile releases its medicinal properties to the oil, heat the mixture again and strain. Use as a universal baby care product.
Stay healthy with MASALE!
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Is it possible to add oil to baby food
— Elena Viktorovna, why add vegetable oil to baby food?
— Fats play a very important role for the body of both a child and an adult.
Some functions of lipids
— The properties of fats depend on the fatty acids in their composition.
- Saturated fats are a good source of energy and cholesterol, which is also needed for the body to work. But unsaturated, in particular, arachidonic (ARA, Omega-6), eicosapentaenoic (EPA, Omega-3) and docosahexaenoic (DHA, Omega-3) acids are very important - they are part of the phospholipids of cell membranes and are involved in the formation of eicosanoids, and therefore, they are of particular importance for the immune and nervous systems.
— What are the health benefits of vegetable and butter?
— Children under one year old need oil in small quantities. This is an additional source of energy and components that we are talking about. But the main source of fat for the baby will be breast milk or an adapted formula.
— Oil in optimal amounts is very beneficial for digestion. It promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, trains the pancreas; the fat component of food stimulates contractions of the gallbladder. Therefore, in the optimal amount of fats are needed in baby food.
— What can be the harm of vegetable and animal fats up to a year?
- Their excess in the diet is dangerous, it overloads the biliary tract and pancreas: their enzymatic activity is formed and increases gradually, the baby's body simply cannot cope with the processing of fats.
— How are the fatty acids in infant formula different from those in vegetable oil and butter?
- Formula manufacturers are trying to adapt the fat component of formulas and bring it closer to the fat component of human milk. For example, there is little linoleic acid in cow or goat milk compared to breast milk: it is added from vegetable fats. Palmitic fatty acid is taken from vegetable palm oil or milk fat from cow or goat milk. Also, the mixtures are additionally enriched with Omega-3, -6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- According to doctors, are there any special indications for the introduction of oil in children's diet?
— Even with insufficient body weight and deficiencies, care must be taken with fats and not exceed their allowable norm in the child's diet, including in the form of oil. Often, parents believe that fat improves the child's stool: supposedly makes it softer. This belief is wrong. As we have already said, excess fat can lead to a malfunction of the biliary tract, which can affect the nature of the stool.
— Is it true that oil improves the taste of complementary foods?
- Butter, especially butter (milk fat), significantly improves the taste of food. But this perception of the product is more related to the taste preferences of the parents. Taste receptors in children develop gradually and may react differently to food than adults.
— When to add oil to complementary foods?
— According to the National Program for Optimizing the Feeding of Children in the First Year of Life, it is allowed to give oil as early as 4-6 months, that is, with the start of the transition to solid food. But complementary foods themselves do not start with vegetable or butter. The first complementary foods are cereals or vegetable purees in their pure form. After the baby gets to know them, you can add butter to porridge, vegetable oil to vegetables.
It is better to start with vegetable oil because it has less saturated fat and is non-dairy. The introduction of dairy products is postponed to a later period.
If your child is obese, overweight, or has bile duct problems, you can delay the introduction of oil into complementary foods.
How much oil to give a baby up to a year
- 4-5 months: vegetable oil - 1-3 g, butter - 1-4 g.
- 6-7 months: vegetable oil - 5 g, butter - 4 g.
- 8-12 months: vegetable oil 6g, butter 5g.
Digestive problems in infants due to too early introduction of oil
- Violation of the stool.
- Overload of the pancreas and biliary tract.
- Indigestion of fats.
- "The wrong" fats can block other substances, such as calcium.
- Loading the body with cholesterol.
- Violation of the receipt of other ingredients.
- Excessive weight gain.
— What kind of oil to give the baby for complementary foods?
- Butter, sunflower or olive oil - the best option for complementary foods. Other oils are not recommended for children. It is necessary to be guided by the following principle: the child should eat what his parents often use. These oils are also the most balanced in terms of the composition of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
— What to look for when choosing a product?
— Trust in the manufacturer is important. Choose an oil that is known and used in your family. Product quality is compliance with GOST, satisfactory results of inspections by Rospotrebnadzor.
- If you can find a product for children, then it is better to purchase it. Butter for children is produced taking into account all the requirements for baby food.
- Is there an allergy to oil?
- As with any food component, an allergy can also occur to oil, since it contains traces of proteins from the main raw material. It is for the prevention of violent reactions that a phased acquaintance with complementary foods and the gradual introduction of oil are recommended. If a reaction develops with the use of oil, an allergy can be suspected. Then, after removing it from the diet, the symptoms usually go away.
If a child is allergic to cow's milk protein, dairy products, including butter, are not introduced to him. You need to use vegetable oils. Butter is given after the expansion of the milk diet. Sometimes there is an allergy to sunflower oil: then a replacement is selected for it, for example, olive oil. If an allergy develops to it, choose a different type of oil.
Fat is a very important ingredient in baby food. When compiling a baby’s diet, it should be borne in mind that oil may already be added to commercially produced complementary foods. Oil can be gradually introduced into homemade complementary foods in the amount allowed by the National Infant Feeding Optimization Program. But you should always remember that in the first year of life, the main source of fat for a child is breast milk or an adapted mixture.