Feeding baby two different formulas
Can I Mix Different Baby Formula Brands For My Baby?
Often new parents are nervous about mixing and matching infant formula they offer their babies. They worry if they switch from one formula brand to another, they may cause their baby fussiness, stool changes, upset or worse–that they could put their baby at risk.
It’s safe to mix and match infant formulas if you are following standard mixing instructions. Really.
Although spitting up or gassiness is usually not due to the protein in formula (cow’s milk versus soy versus hypoallergenic), sometimes changing formula helps new babies and their parents who worry. Switching them up can even help clarify worries in some scenarios when a parent worries about excessive gassiness, intolerance, or significant urping or spitting up.
Experimentation with formula brands in an otherwise healthy newborn is okay. But it’s not necessary at all, either.
It’s fine to make a bottle that is ½ formula from the blue can and ½ formula from the yellow one. Fine to serve Simulac one week, Enfamil the next, Earth’s Best or Goodstart followed by Soy formula the following day. Fine to buy one brand that’s on sale only to buy the other brand next week.
However, all this being said, I usually recommend families don’t switch often. Let time unfold and give your baby a chance to settle in. Don’t react to every single poop. Give your baby a week or two on a formula before you give up or reach for a new can.
Recently one of my best friends found that when she served her baby organic formula he got constipated but when she used non-organic, he didn’t. She was determined to provide him as much organic food as possible but really hated seeing him strain to poop.
This is where Goldilocks come in. She texted me one night assuming that she couldn’t mix and match formulas, but “just wanted to check and see.” I felt she could. Viola! She found that making the “just right” formula (1/2 organic mixed with a ½ conventional) provided a bit more balance for her newborn son. She found that when she fed him the Golidlocks bottle, the hard stools and potential constipation improved.
Fine by baby. Fine by pediatrician. Mama Bear felt better, too.
Parents often want to buy the formula on sale; they wonder can they switch it up and save money? I say yes. There is no danger in providing your baby differing formulas from one day to the next.
Think of it this way: babies who are breast-fed have a slightly different milk each and every meal due to mom’s variant diet. Although fat, calories, and protein count remain constant, flavor and variety changes. A slightly different recipe at every feed.
Goldilocks Infant Formula Rules:
- Never add sugar or juice or cow’s milk to infant formula.
- Don’t fix what isn’t broken. No need to switch formula if no concerns.
- Don’t dilute or concentrate the formula you make for your baby. Standard powdered formulas usually mix 1 scoop to every 2 ounces of water. Follow directions and use the scooper that comes with the formula.
- In the US, in my opinion it’s safe to use tap water to mix infant formula. However, some families may want to avoid excess fluoride consumption from tap water for babies exclusively formula fed. Here’s info from the CDC on fluoride for formula feeders. No need to purchase distilled water (in plastic bottles) and no reason to boil water prior to mixing either–if you want, you can remove fluoride with a reverse osmosis filter system.
- If your baby is super cranky, doesn’t react well to a change in the formula you offer, or you’re worried about a potential intolerance or allergy, talk with their pediatrician about a plan for selecting the best infant formula for your baby.
- Continue to feed infant formula until 12 months of age.
No Goldilocks mixing with cow’s milk or other milk-substitutes prior to that 1st birthday.
Here’s some physician-reviewed information on infant formulas from the NIH:
Standard milk-based formulas:
• Almost all babies and infants do well on these formulas. Fussiness and colic are common problems. Most of the time, cow’s milk formulas are not the cause of these symptoms and parents do not need to switch to a different formula.
• These formulas are made with cow’s milk protein that has been changed to be more like breast milk. Lactose and minerals from the cow’s milk, as well as vegetable oils, minerals, and vitamins are also in the formula.
Soy-based formulas:
• These formulas are made using soy proteins. They do not contain lactose. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends soy formulas for parents who do not want their child to eat animal protein, and for infants with galactosemia or congenital lactase deficiency.![]()
• Soy-based formulas have not been proven to help with milk allergies or colic. Babies who are allergic to cows’ milk may also be allergic to soy milk.
Hypoallergenic formulas (protein hydrolysate formulas):
• This type of formula may be helpful for infants who have true allergies to milk protein, and for those with skin rashes or wheezing caused by allergies.
• Hypoallergenic formulas are generally much more expensive than regular formulas.
Reader Interactions
Switching baby formula: Possible side effects, when to do it, and more
Like so many other baby products, different baby formulas tend to develop their own devoted followers. Once you find one that checks off the right boxes (it's affordable for you, comes in bulk, and hey, your baby likes it!) you probably couldn't be paid enough to voluntarily switch to another brand.
Unfortunately, you might not have much of a choice right now: Formula shortages in the United States have sent parents scrambling to track down their baby's preferred formula brand, and many of those parents have been faced with the task of switching formulas as they come up empty-handed in their quest. (Note: Here's an updated list of available formulas that are in stock online now.)
Whatever your reasons for wanting or needing to switch formulas, it might take a little finesse to get your baby on board. There are also a few things to look out for and keep in mind for a smooth transition. Here's what you need to know about making the change.
What kinds of formulas can be switched?
In most cases, it's fine to change formulas, as long as you stick with the same type. For instance, the ingredients in all cow's milk-based, iron-fortified infant formulas (recommended for most babies) are essentially the same.
Likewise, if your baby is on a pediatrician-recommended partially hydrolyzed infant formula (a type of formula given to babies who are sensitive to cow's milk), switching to a different brand of partially hydrolyzed formula won't harm them. But if your baby is on a special type of formula, such as a formula designed for premature babies, and you're considering switching formula types, check with your pediatrician first.
And don't switch from a cow's milk-based formula to an extensively hydrolyzed formula without talking with your pediatrician first, since they may not need to be on that type of formula, which is hard to come by in the shortage.
Formulas made with goat's milk are also becoming more popular. If you're currently feeding your baby cow's milk formula, talk with your pediatrician before giving your baby goat milk formula, which may not be necessary.
How to introduce a new formula
If you're ready to switch your baby to a different formula, it could be as simple as opening up a new can and diving right in (again, assuming you're switching to the same type of formula). Most of the time, you can just stop using your old formula and begin using a new one without any drawn-out transition.
Just because it's safe for your baby to switch formulas cold turkey, though, doesn't mean your baby will like it. The taste may vary slightly – some formulas are sweeter than others, for example, and your baby will probably have gotten used to the flavor of their previous formula. Some formulas are also made with added nutrients, like fatty acids and probiotics, and that can also affect the taste. Switching from a ready-to-feed to a powdered formula, or vice versa, may also take some getting used to.
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You won't harm your baby by changing brands, but if your baby balks when you switch (by showing a sudden disinterest in this new formula or refusing to finish their bottle) you may be able to introduce them to the new formula gradually rather than all at once.
Can you mix different baby formulas?
Yes, you can mix different baby formulas, as long as one hasn't been recalled and you're preparing it safely in terms of the ratio of formula to water. If you're worried about mixing correctly, try preparing both formulas separately, and then mixing them together after they've been prepared.
If your baby is resisting the switch to a new formula, mixing some of the new in with the old – a little at a time – can help them get used to the change without giving them too big of a surprise at feeding time. Of course, this may not always be possible (for instance, if you've run out of the old formula).
There are different methods when it comes to combining the right amounts of a new and old formula brand. But generally speaking, you can start by mixing two parts old formula and two parts new for a couple of days until your baby seems used to the new flavors. Then you can switch over fully.
More sensitive babies, though, may need a more prolonged approach. In that case, start with three parts of your old formula and only one part of your new formula, then switch to 50/50, and finally to one part old, three parts new before using the new formula exclusively. If you have enough of the old formula, you can give your baby a few days on each one of these steps to adjust more slowly.
Remember, though, that this isn't necessary unless your baby is struggling with the adjustment.
How to mix and store formula
Watch a pediatrician demonstrate how to make baby formula and store it safely.
Side effects of changing formula
You may be worried that switching formulas will cause side effects, especially tummy-related ones, but the good news is that side effects are uncommon (and any that do pop up should be pretty temporary, resolving within a few days). The most common side effects of switching formula are fussiness after feedings and changing stool patterns, either looser or less frequent.
It's not a sign of trouble if your baby's poop changes in frequency or color. Remember that formula makes up a big part, if not all, of your baby's diet when they're young. If you changed your entire diet overnight, your bowel movements would probably change, too! Your baby's stomach may need some time to adjust to new or different ingredients.
Some parents worry that excessive gas or other bowel oddities indicate a difficulty tolerating a specific kind of formula. But the truth is that all babies have gas – a lot of gas – so gas alone doesn't mean your baby can't handle whatever kind of formula you're giving them.
It also doesn't mean they have an allergy to cow's milk. (Incidentally, many children who are allergic to cow's milk-based formulas are also allergic to soy-based formulas, so if you think your baby is allergic to milk, switching to soy isn't recommended.)
If your baby's stool suddenly becomes very firm after starting a new formula, they may be constipated. This isn't an immediate cause for alarm, and can happen when switching formulas, since your baby's stomach is sensitive to changes.
Try these basic remedies for easing constipation at home:
- Give your baby a warm bath.
- Move their legs in a "bicycle" pattern.
- Give them a small amount of 100-percent prune juice once a day. While babies aren't supposed to have juice before they're a year old, a little bit is okay and might help relieve their constipation. If your baby is younger than 4 months old, talk to your pediatrician before trying this.
- If your baby has started eating solid food, give them pureed pears or prunes, or whole-grain cereal like cooked oatmeal.
If your baby still doesn't poop after trying these tips, if they've gone five or more days without a bowel movement, or if trying to pass stool seems to cause them pain, call your baby's pediatrician. They may advise you to use a suppository or another medication, but only do this at their recommendation.
Of course, there is always a chance that your baby won't tolerate their new formula well. Don't ignore side effects like rashes, itchy or irritated skin, frequent diarrhea, fatigue or lethargy, and vomiting. If there's blood in your baby's stool or in their vomit, call your baby's doctor immediately. These are signs of a true formula intolerance.
📌 popular questions of pregnant mothers and answers to them
Is it possible to combine two mixtures of the same company?
22 March 2014 13:20 at we have a lack of weight, the doctor advised us to feed a little formula for premature babies, we eat nan, is it possible to give both nan and pre nan, or should we switch from one to the other?
0 101015Is it possible to combine Nutrilon ANTIREFLUX + COMFORT + PREMIUM
July 27, 2017 11:57 pm at Personal Journal
Hello. The child is 2.5 months old. Was born prematurely. From birth to 1 month, I ate PRE Nutrilon. From 1 month to now he has been eating PREMIUM 1. Almost immediately, when switching to PREMIUM 1, regurgitation appeared. The pediatrician said that adaptation is underway and stay on this mixture. But for a week now, regurgitation has acquired the character of a fountain and, as a result, a lack of weight. After spitting up where I was wet, the child and everything was half a meter in diameter, without waiting for the pediatrician's consultation, I urgently bought ANTIREFLUX and diluted the full portion. The child ate and slowly calmed down. Also, when switching to PREMIUM 1, we had a difficult stool with white lumps and colic appeared. For these purposes, I also bought KO ...
About mixtures. Is it possible to combine?
October 31, 2011 09:03 am at Personal Journal
We are in the NE and suffer from constipation and regurgitation. Yesterday we tried the mixture of Babushkino Lukoshko Antireflux - in one feeding, once, at night, a little bit. And - O MIRACLE! The child did not burp and poop in the morning! I'm shocked! In joyful shock, of course. So, I wanted to ask - now we can only buy mixtures of Babushkino Lukoshko? Because we will not always use antireflux. Or maybe others? Ato, we recently switched to Nutrilon, from Semper I spit up very much and had constipation, it is easier with Nutrilon. now, it turns out, it will be necessary to change again? Or can Babushkino Lukoshko Antireflux be combined with Nutrilon? In general, we do not supplement so much - about once a day and at night, but still ...
Can I feed two different formulas?
March 20, 2014 2:33 pm at Personal journal
we are switching to sv, there is still nano and they will give a baby in the dairy kitchen. Is it possible to combine them giving through time somehow?
0 41164About mixing mixes!!
February 20, 2017 15:18 at Blog
Hello girls)) We went to our pediatrician to vaccinate, and at the same time asked her about the mixture. We are in SW. Those who read me remember that we have a chair 1-2 times a week since birth ... Nothing has changed ... But the baby feels good. We feed Nutrilon Comfort and Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. So I asked her a question that I want to switch from Nutrilon Comfort (since it is very fat and we eat it with difficulty) to regular Nutrilon and + Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. To this she answered me - Yes, go to the wise, go to the baby and + Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. I say - Is it possible to combine different mixtures (baby and nutrilon)? The doctor said that they are all from cow's milk ...
about mixtures, vegetables and constipation!!! Many questions!?
December 5, 2013 00:18 at Baby health and nutrition that we eat the mixture by 80%, there is less and less milk, but that’s not the point, they fed Nutrilon 1 premium, ate normally, with the introduction of complementary foods, I began to eat the mixture less often, I also think it’s normal, then it became worse and worse to eat the mixture, according to the recommendations and the reviews decided to buy a baby with buckwheat flour, I liked it very much, ate it on both cheeks (probably because it’s sweet and tasty, I liked it myself) but, but, but we were constipated by the PPC like, just like sheep’s poop, the chairs he himself didn’t poop out could, in the end they switched back to Nutrilon, the stool returned to normal, but now he eats it without any desire at all . .. QUESTIONS ??? 1. Can ...
Are the mixtures compatible?
September 29, 2014 18:53 at Personal journal
Someone had a similar practice - I was advised to combine mixtures so that the baby had a normal stool. We eat Similac. And to normalize digestion, it was advised to give fermented milk Nutrilon once a day. Does anyone know if different mixtures can be combined?
0 29486Medicinal mixtures!!!
6 December 2016 15:35 at Health and nutrition of the baby … It’s just that in terms of material possibilities, we can’t pull it off purely on medical mixtures ((I don’t know what to do ... tell me who came across?
0 8374Can I mix two different mixtures?0005 Complain
11 November 2021 21:59 at Personal Journal We are now eating nan triple comfort, but we have constipation from it . . we don’t poop or microlax without a straw They prescribed acipol, since it normalizes the microflora and stool, we drink the second day of the result 0. Although everyone on the forums writes that acipol helps awesomely. Is it possible to combine nan with fermented milk nutrilak admissible Or buy all the same company sour milk?
GV and IV
16 October 2013 15:09 at Personal Journal
Is it possible to combine formula and breastfeeding? (Baby is 1 month old). It’s just that during this time he has already bitten my nipples so much that it hurts terribly, even sometimes to tears, to breastfeed him. It will probably be easier for me to express with a breast pump and give breast milk through a bottle, alternating with mixtures. And which blends are best?
0 20472is it possible to feed only Nan fermented milk?
September 19, 2010 23:53 at Baby health and nutrition
Hello! Daughter from 3 weeks on IV, they began to give NAS fermented milk. But I read a lot that it should not be given all the time, but only a couple of times a day and combined with regular nan. They began to give the usual Nan and the allergy went. We started eating sour-milk NAS again for a couple of days, everything was fine. I think to introduce NAn hypoallergenic. So here is the question: Is it possible to give NAN fermented milk as the main mixture and it must be given with some other mixture 50 to 50 ???
Breastfeeding or not breastfeeding - is it a real choice?
October 2, 2015 2:38 pm at Personal Journal
“You chose to be poor and sick” A woman's right to control her own body is a key principle of feminism. Important aspects of this principle are the right to abortion and the right not to breastfeed after childbirth. It would seem that the freedom of choice, to feed or not to feed, will give women the opportunity to finally enter the world of men on an equal footing, work without interruption, build a career, achieve a higher economic and social position. In fact, history shows that not breastfeeding does not improve women's economic well-being. The mass choice of formula feeding in the 1950s did not create equality in the workplace or free women from maternal work. Regardless…
2 mixtures
21 March 2012 18:59 at Personal journal
Tell me! how to combine it? for example, instead of one feeding with Nutrilon, give a baby, or is it impossible to do this?
0 4470can you combine 2 mixtures at once???
23 September 2012 12:09in Personal journal
Hello everyone!!! I have such a question… my daughter spit up a lot… it happens like a fountain… but sometimes nothing at all… the doctor said to try the antireflux mixture… but when I started to dilute the mixture in the bottle… I see that it dissolves very badly… I have such a question… is it possible to dilute 50/50 mixture of antireflux nan and mixture of nan regular. .?????
2 mixtures at the same time??!!!
14 November 2018 18:09в Personal journal
Hello girls! We eat Nutrilon Premium and there are suspicions of lactase deficiency, light carbohydrates 0.7%. I don’t want to translate into completely lactose-free, they advised Humana anti-colic in the special food store, there is 0.4 lactose. Is it possible to combine them, a couple of human feedings, the rest Nutrilon ???? I read that you can’t immediately give lactose-free, and gradually began to introduce everything 30 and 60 and vomited up
0 6107A mixture of colic regurgitation and which puree is better
July 26, 2014 6:10 pm at Personal Journal
share your advice/experience with the use of mixtures, which one suits you, what was constipation? Is it possible to combine different brands of mixtures? let's say one from regurgitation is another ordinary dairy? What industrial purees do you think are best for children? firm? Is it necessary to give any cauliflower/broccoli? I tried it myself, didn’t give it to the child, because I almost vomited (((
0 30402Not enough milk?!?! How to feed?!!
3 September 2017 17:52 at Personal journal
The situation is like this. My son is 4 months and 10 days old. feel hungry, literally pounce, and often ask for breasts. Whether it’s another growth spurt, maybe because of a forced diet (it began to pour on everything), milk became less satisfying, in short, he began to eat more often. Usually he didn’t take bottles from me, and a pacifier , no matter how I tried. I even gave water to drink from a syringe in the corner of my mouth. I didn’t take any substitutes.0 ml, Nutrilak, I decided to try again. He took the bottle so willingly, ate everything to the bottom willingly, then more breasts, yes ...
June 17, 2019 09:23 at Complain
Girls such a question - we are very tormented by the tummy, the child can cry all day. I used to give bifidumbacterin, it seemed to help, but then the doctor told me not to give it, but rather to give a fermented milk mixture 2 times a day. I don't think it suits my child. Is liquid stool with a sour smell normal after sour milk? And is it possible to combine bifidumbacterin with fermented milk formula? 0 072HW + TW overnight =?
23 September 2011 20:09 at Good evening mamas!!! We are on GW! Sometimes my mother sits with her daughters when my husband and I need to go on business. When we do not have time to arrive, and the daughter is already asking for food, we give her a mixture, but this happens once every 4-5 days. But I began to notice that after the mixture my daughter sleeps for 3-4 hours. And so after my milk we sleep 1.5 well a maximum of 2 hours. So the thought crept in, what if I give my daughter a mixture at night? At least get some sleep! What do you think, is it possible to combine HW and IV only at night? Thanks to everyone for the replies! I love! Kiss!
GV and IV
8 July 2017 17:23 at Personal log
Girls who breastfeed and formula?! How do you deal with this and why did it happen? I go to the pediatrician on Tuesday, I want to consult ... My son eats once an hour and does not eat up in the end, then he throws his chest, then he falls asleep that you won’t wake him up. When a hungry person can’t stand it for a minute, he screams as if he’s being killed… It’s a pity for him, I can’t do this anymore… I decided to find out if it’s possible to combine . .
9 questions about mixtures…
6 March 2013 23:11 at Personal journal (sharing!) :) 1 When is artificial feeding necessary? A child should be transferred to artificial feeding only on the recommendation of a pediatrician observing the baby. The doctor regularly evaluates the weight gain in the child and the amount of milk in the mother and makes his conclusion. If there is not enough milk produced, the doctor explains to the woman how to increase its amount. However, there are cases when it is still not possible to restore lactation, and then the child is transferred to mixed or artificial feeding. Another reason why babies start to be fed issu…
0 0924Baby products you can do without
February 6, 2015 11:13 am at Personal journal
The economic crisis is in the yard, which has already forced many of us to redraw the family budget. And if experienced parents are more or less clear on what they can save on without compromising the health and comfort of children, then this may seem like a daunting task for young parents. Let's try together to make a "crisis" version of the children's dowry. Of course, the list of necessary baby supplies cannot be the same for everyone, because “necessary” and “unnecessary” are relative concepts. The difficulty also lies in the fact that the necessity and uselessness of certain things is checked only in practice. So, for example, during pregnancy, you can https://deti.mail.ru/baby/1-6/effekt-kenguru-7-mifov-o-slingah/, and p…
Baby items you can do without!!!
August 20, 2015 2:01 pm at Personal Journal
The economic crisis has already forced many of us to redraw the family budget. And if experienced parents are more or less clear on what they can save on without compromising the health and comfort of children, then this may seem like a daunting task for young parents. Let's try together to make a "crisis" version of the children's dowry. Children's goods, without which you can do without Of course, the list of necessary children's accessories cannot be the same for everyone, because "necessary" and "unnecessary" are relative concepts. The difficulty also lies in the fact that the necessity and uselessness of certain things is checked only in practice. So, for example, during pregnancy, you can feel the philosophy ...
Are wraps effective for weight loss
October 24, 2014 14:14 at We put ourselves in order
? I think few people will answer that she doesn’t care.) Every second person struggles with being overweight all her life, often even when it’s practically non-existent, but we always don’t have enough. More precisely, there is always a lot of fat.) And so we live, sitting on diets, coupled with trips to beauty salons, a gym, fitness, a swimming pool and others like them. But what to do when there is no opportunity, neither temporary nor financial, to go to all sorts of spas, massages and other procedures? After all, diets are especially productive if they are combined not only with sports, but also with personal care. In this case, there are a large number of all kinds of body wraps at home ...
The introduction of the mixture against the background of guards - help with advice experienced in this matter, please!!!
June 26, 2013 12:10 pm at Girls - hello! I didn’t think that this would affect me, but ... there is enough milk exactly to the edge now. I feed expressed - because I work. with slippers - by - this is a separate topic for conversation. there is less milk, I kiss often and really almost to the point of fainting - the body can not cope. I express 1300 ml per day - the mask eats up EVERYTHING to the drop, that is, another week and she needs to increase the norms - but I have nothing to offer. I’m in a panic of course, because I don’t want to do sv at all, let it be better guards and one feeding of porridge or vegetables, and both tried to give 10-30 grams each - there are no side effects from the gastrointestinal tract and allergies, only from a spoon we have not yet we’re especially good at it, well, I was so happy, but just in case ...
Mild lactase deficiency - can I have sour-milk Agusha?
19 May 2012 12:17 at Baby health and nutrition
***Girls, LN 0.5-0.75, eat MD Mil goat 2 + introduced broccoli. I would like to diversify the menu already, cereals are shown to us in a month. So I think, but you can, for example, sour-milk Agusha (when mixed with goat protein, you can combine cow protein only in sour milk, as it is written on the official website of MD MIL). And do I need to add baby lactase there, I add it to 4 feedings out of 5? 9Mom goes to work Psychologists dealing with women's issues unanimously believe that the mother's return to work is the second strongest stress for her after childbirth. But do not panic - all problems are completely surmountable and completely depend on the degree of your willingness to solve them. Ideally, a woman should think through the situation with her future work during pregnancy. Life today is such that we do not have the opportunity to rely on anyone but ourselves. Obviously, the state is not able to support mothers either morally or financially. At least for now. Any, at first glance, a stable situation (a good salary for a husband, support from parents, relatives) ...
Medicines and breastfeeding
23 June 2012 13:05 at Breastfeeding
* Breastfed babies get sick less and are better nourished than formula babies. Breastfeeding protects young children from a number of dangerous diseases, such as some forms of childhood cancer, diabetes, poor vision, and the risk of developing malformed teeth. If all children received breast milk in the first 6 months of life, then every year in the world it would be possible to save 1. 5 million children's lives. However, in practice, not all parents and health workers understand the importance of maintaining breastfeeding during illnesses of the mother and child. After all, diseases that are incompatible with breastfeeding can be counted on the fingers - these are very rare congenital ...
system minus 60 everything is listed according to the points
why the hated kilos do not go away, subject to all the rules: The cause of excess weight can be any disease in which metabolism and other body functions are disturbed. Sometimes people who suffer from diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular or respiratory systems are treated only with medications, completely forgetting about their body. As a result, due to low physical mobility, an increase in adipose tissue gradually occurs. The cause of excess weight can be various hormonal disorders in the body. For example, a disease such as diabetes mellitus can cause…
10 8312227 System minus 60. Basic and Questions about it. For those who are interested.
April 22, 2013 09:16 am at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! If a product is not on the list of allowed foods for lunch or dinner, this does not mean that it has been forgotten, it means that it cannot be eaten for lunch and dinner! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Attention!!! This is the foundation! Details and nuances, about which there is not a word in the lists, can be found in Katya's books, in the recipe book, in the tips under the recipes. But do not expect that under each recipe the same thing will be written in the advice. For example, in the recipe for meat with vegetables for dinner, it is written in detail why it suddenly became possible to combine vegetables and meat. But do not think that the same thing will be written under another similar one ...
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different mixtures
October 21, 2015 20:42 at Personal journal
There was such a question. We eat NAN on the IV, introduced complementary foods. In the dairy kitchen, purees, porridges and 2 mixtures of Malyutka and Agusha sour-milk are given out. Because I breed porridge on a mixture, then I decided to try to breed on Baby, because. we eat porridge poorly, I do several at once and in different properties in order to save money, otherwise the mixture leaves a lot. We ate like this for a week, everything is in order with the tummy (ttt). So I thought, since there is no reaction to different mixtures, can I give Agusha sometimes? We eat sour milk, but NAN as well as the main mixture. I know that changing mixtures without reason is not desirable. But I don’t change, but sometimes I just give another one. What do you think? I asked the pediatrician, she pro...
different mixtures
12 April 2013 12:11 at Personal journal Day 4 Nutrilon fermented milk!but it costs almost a whole jar of frisolac!Can I give my daughter two different mixtures a day?Or is it necessary to buy regular Nutrilon?
0 13454Can I give different mixtures?
0004 Complain
May 5, 2013 11:42 am at Personal Journal
Good afternoon! substantive question. Is it possible to give different mixtures per day ... well, or alternate? the fact is that we are on breastfeeding, from six months I began to supplement the sour-milk Agusha-2 ... and now there is very little milk left, for one feeding, and we still won’t really introduce complementary foods to the end. Now, on average, I warm up 2-3 packs of Agusha -2.Accordingly, we lack what they bring from the dairy kitchen)) But for not having the opportunity to leave the house, I now gave the dry mix Malyutka. Surprisingly, my son liked it) But he really likes Agusha-2 ... but if you go only for dry mix, what do you do with fermented milk?
Mixed two different mixtures.
January 4, 2011 11:17 pm at Personal Journal
Went to the store for formula the other day, the saleswoman asked for two packs of HIPP formula for formula feeding. This chuchundra gave me one pack for CB and another for IS. But Yana paid attention, came home and poured both packs into a large tin can. In short, I mixed them and immediately noticed that the empty packs from the mixture were slightly different from each other. Do you think it will be necessary to throw it out now, yes?
different mixtures
Complain My milk suddenly disappeared, and this mixture was advised by a relative. I breastfed my first, so I don't know much about formulas. They began to give “Baby” on milk, gradually, as the doctor advised, they introduced it, they screamed like that for two days. After that, they switched back to Nutrilak. And today they gave Bellact on milk. Also, the reviews are different: who says that g ..., and who started to poop normally, so I think to try it. We don’t poop anyway, and with Nutrilak we don’t poop ourselves, and the belching is terrible. girls, share your feeding experience
0 25432can two different mixtures be given?
January 22, 2013 15:28 at Personal Journal
we have been breastfeeding a little for two and a half months and supplementing with Similac Premium. began to poop badly. Well, that is, once a day, or even a day and a half, we don’t go. before we go, we do exercises and massage, but there is no other way! Is it possible to give 1-2 times a day, for example, instead of the usual mixture of fermented milk, in order to solve problems with the stool? or just change the mixture, although we like it! what to do please tell me!!!
about various mixtures, supplementary feeding
Complain , so I feed my radish with a mixture. We switched from frisolak (which gave us allergies) to Karbita (based on goat milk), but this did not remove the problem of constipation, the baby still poops once a day (today I haven’t had a gift in a diaper yet), I want to introduce supplementary feeding with a milk formula that relieves colic and constipation, but there is cow's milk whey. i.e. you get 30 ml with cow + 60 ml goat. Who knows if this can be done?
0 0275about different mixtures, supplementary feeding
Complain 6 hours, so I supplement my radish with a mixture. We switched from frisolak (which gave us an allergy) to Karbita (based on goat milk), but this did not remove the problem of constipation, the baby poops once a day (today there was no gift in my diaper yet), I want to introduce supplementary feeding with a milk formula that relieves colic and constipation, but there is whey cow's milk. i.e. you get 30 ml with cow + 60 ml goat. Who knows if this can be done?
Can different formulas from the same manufacturer be given on the same day?
November 10, 2017 5:45 pm at Personal Journal
I supplement my baby with Nutrilak premium formula, since we started having constipation, we also bought antireflux and fermented milk. I think in the morning and in the evening to give antireflux and fermented milk once a day. The rest of the time only milk (we try to refuse the mixture, reduce its consumption). So is it possible to do this? Or if I give antireflux, then only they should be fed?
0 1160Is it possible to give different mixtures
July 12, 2019 22:06 at Personal journal
On this mixture, the child has constipation, but there is no allergy. I don’t want to change this mixture (before that, they ate Nutrilon pepti gastro and Nutrilon ha. There was a chair, but there was an allergy). I am still afraid to introduce kefir, as there is a suspicion of lactose intolerance. Is it possible to replace one feeding with a mixture of the same Similak Comfort brand? . It is low-lactose and protein-cleaved, plus supposedly fights constipation. Or can't it be done? Yesterday I was at the pediatrician and forgot to ask a pancake 🤦🏻♀️
who gives several different mixtures???
May 13, 2012 19:42 at Baby health and nutrition
nutrilon comfort. I want to cancel nan and try Nutrilon. tell me how to alternate ... just don’t tell me, ask the pediatrician, she doesn’t know anything ... now she is actively looking for a good pediatrician.
0 14658Girls help!!! Is it possible to give a child (1.5 months) 2 different mixtures ???
September 19, 2012 09:48 at Personal journal
We have a problem with the stool. I pooped, and today I gave sour-milk NAS in the morning and lo and behold, we went so well !!!!!!! Is it possible to give a child (1.5 months Nan fermented milk + similac) tell me ????
Can I feed two different formulas?
May 29, 2020 00:43 am at Personal Journal We are now eating a mixture of Hipp Combiotik. Everything is fine on her: no allergies, good stool 3-4 times a day, the child farts without problems, gains weight well. But! The baby is not eating. Now we are almost 1.5 months old, she eats 130-140 grams at a time, she tried more - she doesn’t eat up or spit up. And he starts asking for food after 2, sometimes 2.5 hours. I would like it to be stable enough for 3 hours already. Only sometimes enough for 3 hours. An hour and a half after feeding, the child begins to worry, he can spit up air. I offer water, drink. I read a lot of positive reviews about the Ballakt Premium mixture, including satiety and deliciousness. I tried our Hipp, not very nice…
Can different mixtures be combined?
17 February 2013 07:15 at Personal Journal
We ate nutrilak. the doctor said buy any other fermented milk mixture and drink it. nutrilak we have only the usual, I had to drink nan. now the doctor says for constipation and colic, take nan comfort instead of sour milk. the question is, is it probably worth taking a simple mixture of nan? Perhaps it is harmful to combine different brands?
0 71224May 15, 2015 19:18 at Personal Journal
9How do I introduce new formula into my baby's diet? If for some reason it turned out to be necessary to introduce a new mixture into the child’s diet, then this must be done gradually. Often, the mother herself decides to change the mixture to “some better” and introduces it in one day at once in full. A few days later, she learns of the existence of a "more modern" mixture and, again with the best of intentions, quickly changes the old mixture to a new one.
18 September 2014 20:40 at Personal Journal
… It so happened that my child and I tried many different mixtures. I have long wanted to share my experience with you. Maybe someone will come in handy. I will say right away that I did not compare the composition. I evaluate according to external data. I note that my son had no allergies to any mixture. Anyway, here's some food for thought: — The first mixture I bought was Nan. My mother fed all three of them (that is, he was familiar to me) and therefore I bought it home FOR EVERY CASE. But in the RD, the son was in the NE and they fed him Similak in the RD. Therefore, when I left the hospital, the first thing I did was buy a jar of Similak Premium. Nan spent about a year on the shelf in the closet, waiting in the wings. Briefly speaking. Once I opened it and began to give it to my son. Tepe…
About mixing mixes!!
February 20, 2017 15:18 at Blog
Hello girls)) We went to our pediatrician to vaccinate, and at the same time asked her about the mixture. We are in SW. Those who read me remember that we have a chair 1-2 times a week since birth ... Nothing has changed ... But the baby feels good. We feed Nutrilon Comfort and Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. So I asked her a question that I want to switch from Nutrilon Comfort (since it is very fat and we eat it with difficulty) to regular Nutrilon and + Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. To this she answered me - Yes, go to the wise, go to the baby and + Nutrilon fermented milk once a day. I say - Is it possible to combine different mixtures (baby and nutrilon)? The doctor said that they are all from cow's milk ...
Tell me!!! Question about mixtures!
September 3, 2013 06:41 at Personal Journal
Does anyone know if it is possible to give a child two different mixtures, that is, from different manufacturers! We have a problem of regurgitation, we are on the IV, I feed the NAN mixture, it completely suits us, but still my daughter spit up very often and a lot, I don’t want to give the anti-reflux mixture of this manufacturer because the reviews are very mixed, but I want to try to give the mixture to Frisovoy, that’s very much about her good feedback. But since she is curative, she cannot be constantly fed, so I want to alternate with Nan 1. Can I do this? If not, why not?
0 23882Tell me about mixtures
13 April 2014 15:28 at Personal journal
Not long ago I learned that you can not give 2 different mixtures. We have such a situation. Partially on HW, but I make porridge on the Simelak mixture (the child likes it and I'm glad, besides, without palm oil). I want to start giving a fermented milk mixture in the evening, but since Simelac does not have such a one, I bought Nutrilon. So they say that you can not 2 different.
Tomato marinade - in all its flavor! Recipes for juicy marinades from tomato paste and juice for various meats, fish, poultry
5 August 2016 17:49 at Culinary
Tomatoes perfectly complement any dishes and not only fresh. On the basis of pasta, ketchups and tomato juices, delicious marinades are prepared. They will transform any dish, be it from meat, fish, poultry. Tomato Marinade - General Cooking Principles For marinades, you can use fresh or processed tomatoes. In any case, the product must be of good quality and without the slightest trace of damage. Otherwise, during pickling, bacteria will multiply exponentially, leading to rapid sourness. What are the marinades prepared with? • different vegetables; • lemons; • soy sauce; • sugar or honey; • greenery; • vinegar; • seasonings. …
Tomato marinade - in all its flavor! Recipes for juicy marinades from tomato paste and juice for various meats, fish, poultry
5 August 2016 17:51 at Culinary
Tomatoes perfectly complement any dishes and not only fresh. On the basis of pasta, ketchups and tomato juices, delicious marinades are prepared. They will transform any dish, be it from meat, fish, poultry. Tomato marinade - general principles of preparation For marinades, you can use fresh tomatoes or processed ones. In any case, the product must be of good quality and without the slightest trace of damage. Otherwise, during pickling, bacteria will multiply exponentially, leading to rapid sourness. What marinades are prepared with: • different vegetables; • lemons; • soy sauce; • sugar or honey; • greenery; • vinegar; • seasonings. The choice of additives depends on the main product that you need ...
Doesn't eat hypoallergenic formula who has had it
August 2, 2012 08:05 at Personal log
Has anyone had a problem eating formula. We were at Guards, but there is not enough milk, we need to supplement the mixture, but Ga of the mixture he just spits out even when he is very hungry and starts to cry! I'm already in shock, they spent a lot of money on different mixtures and the same story with everyone! Who had it, what did they do!?
0 201760Dairy-free mixes.
2 August 2016 10:20 at Personal Journal we have constipation, colic and bloating. There was a little swelling of the face and peeling of the skin. As far as I know, all these are symptoms of intolerance to cow protein, which is included in all mixtures based on cow's milk. They put the tube in. However, they didn’t even say that it was possible that I was allergic to a component of the mixture.) We can’t go without a mixture. I want to try to give dairy-free. Another question, who feeds children with goat milk? - how to breed ...
Looking for the right formula...
September 15, 2016 2:23 pm at Baby health and nutrition
Good afternoon everyone! We are 2 weeks on the NE ... I immediately warn the opponents of the NE and the ardent fans of the GW, it is better to pass by. If it was in my power to maintain a full-fledged GW, I would do it ... so, we tried Nutrilon Premium. My supplement is 100 ml after breast 1-2 times a day. The result is not comforting - after two weeks, side effects came out - frequent profuse regurgitation, flatulence, an allergic rash appears, despite the fact that my child is far from allergic, and by the 2nd month I introduced almost all products into my diet, including allergens. I still found the only plus from the mixture - the stool became more frequent (with our constipation - this is a big plus). conclusion - from today I will gradually switch to ...
Who feeds Agusha Mix????
1 April 2012 07:47 at Health and nutrition of the baby P advised Agusha Gold to us because it contains hydrolyzed protein (to prevent allergies), and my husband bought Danish production and there it’s just a protein concentrate and skimmed milk!!! I got confused!!! It turns out two different mixtures in composition with the same name, or how to understand this ??? I called the hotline there and they said that everything is the same; simply in the Danish mixture, the composition is not fully deployed !!! But I doubt something ...
0 0414Infant formula.
September 21, 2012 10:35 am at Personal journal
Well, we switched to artificial nutrition No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t save milk . .. Yes, I don’t know, it seems to me in my situation it’s not possible ... I practically don’t sleep, I don’t have time to eat, the high school started, after school training, after training lessons, washing, cleaning, well, however, like many mothers with many children, well, as for mixtures: initially they ate similak, but we suffered with constipation, then tried nutrilon, the same thing ... After we were given a referral for free baby food (since we are a large family))) at first my husband and I were somehow skeptical, we thought you never know what mixtures there are, 100% the cheapest, but all the same, they decided later ...
How we suffered from constipation when switching to infant formula
December 12, 2013 6:19 pm at Personal journal
he immediately began zhudnye constipation! What I just didn’t do: I inserted the sich, and the gas outlet tube, and gave the mild laxative “Duphalac”, and changed a bunch of different mixtures. And all to no avail ... It's time to go to the doctor and she prescribed us all only 3 mixtures ... NAN, NAN fermented milk and NAN comfort, give everything in order and in no case touch the ass ... And lo and behold, after a few days everything went away ... began to poop steadily every day ... then she moved to Nestagen ... And everything is fine with us so far !!!
Question about the mixture Nutrilon
4 June 2014 12:56 at Personal journal
Girls, tell me about Nutrilon mixture. My daughter has been completely on IV for a week now, we eat the Nutrilon 1 Premium mixture, problems with the tummy started, the pediatrician advised Nutrilon Comfort 1, saying that these mixtures can be combined, since their composition is almost identical. But as for me, these are two different mixtures.
0 81220Fermented milk mixtures
September 28, 2015 11:24 am at Personal journal
Today the pediatrician advised me to change our mixture Nan 1 GA in a month . .. I asked about mixtures that are expensive in goat milk - she does not advise, she says that in goat milk milk is more difficult to digest than in cow's milk, and that goat's milk mixtures are only for children with an allergy to cow's milk .. In order for the baby not to have constipation, she recommends a sour-milk mixture ... She says that she likes NA sour-milk .. But I'm looking there are different fermented milk mixtures ... Advise which fermented milk mixture is the best, which one did you like?
Mix selection
8 October 2015 08:20 at Baby health and nutrition
Hello everyone! I want to write about our mixture, which came up. Since birth, we have been artificially fed, in the maternity hospital we tried different mixtures (the nurses pointed us). At first they were fed with Nutrilon, there were abundant regurgitations, then with Bellact (the same thing). They began to feed with anti-reflux nutrilak, regurgitation stopped. Upon returning home, the baby began to eat little of this mixture (it is thick), as a result, she gained almost nothing in a month. We decided to switch to Nutrilak Premium, the usual adapted mixture. At first, everything was fine, she ate with appetite, ate the prescribed norm, pooped regularly, the stool was of a good, yellow color. A month and a half later, during and after feeding, she screamed a lot, writhed. ...
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