Feeding for 5 months old baby
5-Month-Old Baby: Milestones, Sleep, and Feeding
The months have flown by, and your baby has been growing rapidly—at 5 months old they may be twice as big as they were at birth. It’s not just their little body that is growing, but their whole world, too. They may show an interest in complex shapes and patterns, and perhaps even try to babble to you in their early attempts at conversation. Enjoy the ride as you watch your little one grow and develop this month and read on to see what exciting things your baby will learn to do!
Baby Development MilestonesLet’s see what exciting and sometimes challenging changes await you and your baby this month.
Growth and Physical Development: Twice the SizeEach baby is different and will develop at their own pace, but once your baby turns about 5 months old, you may notice that they’re about double their birth weight. On average, babies this age will gain around 1 1/4 pounds and grow 0. 8 inches in length per month. Your baby’s healthcare provider will use baby growth charts to make sure your baby's growth is steady and on track.
Your baby’s eyesight keeps on improving. So, how far can a 5-month-old see? By now they can see much farther than before—think yards. You might notice reds and blues are their favorites as they may prefer to look at those colors. Your little one will likely enjoy staring at more complex patterns and shapes; they will find these interesting as their sight matures, so don’t shy away from showing them picture books and posters with bold and intricate patterns.
Movement: Building Stronger Core MusclesYour baby is getting stronger, and they’re working on building those all-important core muscles. By now, they can raise and hold their head and chest when lying on their stomach. They’ll continue to strengthen these muscles as they push their head and chest further up. Perhaps they’ll enthusiastically move their legs and rock back and forth on their tummy. This developmental milestone isn’t just your 5-month-old baby being cute—it’s how they’re building the strength to eventually roll over and to start crawling.
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*Input details of your baby’s last measurements. **Source: World Health Organization
Personality: Your Baby Gets Experimental
Babies are fast learners, and each experience will teach your little one so many things. At around 5 months old, your baby will start to learn that each action has a reaction. Perhaps they will kick their mattress and notice the crib rocks, or they’ll drop something and see that you pick it up. This will encourage them to become curious and they will test out how they can influence the world around them.
This “experimentation” may get frustrating for you as a parent—it’s not fun to pick up a dropped rattle for the umpteenth time—but indulge them so long as it’s safe. Make sure they don’t play with anything they can choke on, or that’s breakable, sharp, or toxic. Experimenting helps their brain develop and will also help them better understand how they can impact their environment.
As your 5-month-old baby’s intellectual development progresses, you’ll be fascinated by their ability to soak up information like a sponge. Engage them by taking them for walks around the neighborhood, talking to them, and showing them new things. They will love looking at books with large, brightly colored pictures.
You can also help your baby develop their language skills by calling out the names of the new things they see. They may even babble back in “baby talk” as if they’ve understood you. When you talk to them, pause for a second to let them give you an “answer.” These are your first conversations together, and although your little one may not make much sense at 5 months old, isn’t it lovely to communicate with your baby? The more you do it, the better they become, and they’ll be ready to say their first words in a few months’ time.
Activities for Supporting Your 5-Month-Old Baby's DevelopmentYour baby has been working hard to develop strong neck and shoulder muscles. Over the coming months, they will use these muscles to stay sitting up, roll over, crawl, and eventually walk. So, what “should” a 5-month-old be doing this month? Continue with providing daily tummy time sessions two or three times a day to help your little one build these skills. As your baby gets used to tummy time, you can do it more often to help them gain strength and confidence. Make sure they’re awake during tummy time and never leave them unattended.
You may have a list of questions this month when it comes to your baby’s eating/feeding schedule, such as: How much “should” a 5-month-old eat? How many ounces “should” a 5-month-old eat or drink? In general, at 5 months old, your baby may be taking in four to six ounces of breast milk or formula at each feeding, or perhaps even more.
Your baby may need to eat more when they go through a growth spurt, which can happen at any time after 5 months old but more likely when your baby turns about 6 months old. So, how often “should” a 5-month-old eat? Whenever they seem hungry. Follow their hunger cues and feed them on demand.
Wondering what can a 5-month-old eat besides breast milk or formula? Experts recommend that between 4 and 6 months of age is the right time to start introducing solid foods into your baby’s feeding schedule. That’s around the time your baby starts losing the tongue-thrust reflex, which is what helps them breast- or bottle-feed.
Traditionally, single grain infant cereals have been among the first foods to be offered but you could also begin with pureed vegetables and fruits. Wondering how much to give your baby? Start with a few spoonfuls and gauge your baby’s reaction. You may need to go back to breast- or bottle-feeding. Consult your baby’s healthcare provider before starting your baby on solid foods.
What goes hand in hand with feeding? Diaper changes! Although diaper changes may not be exciting, they can be rewarding! Download the Pampers Club app and turn diapers and wipes into rewards.
How Much Sleep Does a 5-Month-Old Baby Need?Wondering about your 5-month-old’s nap/sleep schedule and how much sleep they “should” get or need? Around this time your baby will sleep 12 to 16 hours a day. This includes an extended stretch at night with perhaps only a few brief awakenings. Each baby is different but with any luck, they won’t need feeding in the middle of the night by this age. Five-month-old babies still need a couple of naps and will sleep around three to four hours during the day.
If your baby’s struggling with sleep, check out the Smart Sleep Coach app by Pampers. Cocreated by pediatricians and sleep experts, this easy-to-use app features a sleep tracker that automatically recommends bedtimes and advice to help you navigate your baby’s sleep challenges.
A Day in the Life of Your 5-Month-Old BabyBy now you may have settled into a routine that works well for you and your baby, but in case you’re still wondering what things to do with a 5-month-old baby all day, here’s an example of how your baby’s daily schedule may pan out on any average day:
Your Baby’s HealthIt’s upsetting to see your baby unwell or hear them cry when they feel pain or discomfort. You try everything as a parent to make sure your little one is safe and healthy, but there are times when they feel ill, no matter how careful you are. Some common health concerns that may affect a 5-month-old baby include:
Teething. You may notice your baby is drooling, cranky, or crying from discomfort this month. Between 4 and 7 months old, many babies start to get their first teeth. Your baby may get lucky and not feel any pain when they’re teething, but they may still have swollen or tender gums. Ease their discomfort when teething by giving them a teething ring made of firm rubber or rubbing their gums with a clean finger. If you notice they’re drooling, just wipe their mouth with a clean cloth to prevent a teething rash.
Conjunctivitis. This is when the white of the eye and the inside of the lower eyelid become red and inflamed. Also known as pinkeye, conjunctivitis is itchy and painful, and tends to last a week or two. Conjunctivitis is usually caused by an infection but can also be provoked by an allergy or an irritation to something like smoke.
Take your baby to their healthcare provider if you think they may have an eye infection because treatment will likely be required. Conjunctivitis is very contagious, so wash your hands before and after administering any eye drops. If your baby is in child care it may be best to keep them at home until they’re better.
Here are some ways to encourage your 5-month-old baby’s development:
Play with your baby every day. Wondering how to play with a 5-month-old? It’s simple: Make faces, make sounds, play peekaboo, or hold up toys or interesting objects. You can play with your little one on the floor and incorporate tummy time, and you can also play while you're changing their diaper, bathing them, or strolling in the neighborhood
Talk with your baby. If your baby babbles, mimic them—they may even mimic your words. Talk or sing to them. Narrate what you’re doing.
All these actions are how they learn language.
Read to your baby. Daily reading entertains your little one and also helps with their visual, cognitive, and language development. These moments are also important in strengthening the parent-child bond.
Introduce your baby to people. Let your baby meet other parents and their babies. But watch your baby’s cues in case they’re overstimulated and aren’t ready to meet new people just yet.
Give your baby toys to play with. Your 5-month-old baby will enjoy toys that can make sounds and those with interesting textures.
Here’s a list of baby gear that you might like to buy this month, if you haven’t already:
Teething rings. Your little one may start sprouting teeth around 5 months old, although the timing varies from baby to baby. Be prepared by purchasing a few teethers for them to chew on.
These should be made of firm rubber. Avoid necklaces and teethers that are attached to strings or plush toys, as these can become a safety hazard.
Play mat or activity gym. Make tummy time even more enjoyable by using a play mat or activity gym to encourage your little one to reach, swat, and play during their daily tummy time sessions.
Baby books. Unpack those children’s books from your parents’ attic or find some new books at the library or bookstore.
Diapers, wipes, and diaper rash cream. Stock up on those diapers and wipes (and diaper rash cream), because you can never have enough.
Child-proof cabinet locks. Before your baby begins crawling, it’s a good idea to start babyproofing your home, which means gathering cabinet locks, outlet covers, and other items you’d need to make your home safer for your little adventurer.
Baby gates. You'll want to place these at the top and bottom of any stairs in your home.
A baby gate can also serve to block off a room that you want to keep off limits for an active crawler or walker.
Now that a few months have passed since the birth of your baby and you’re settling into a routine, you may be starting to think more about yourself. Good for you! Taking care of yourself is important, and as a new parent, it can be easy to overlook your own needs. You can get started by adding healthier habits to your daily routine.
As the mom, you may be quite eager to return to your prepregnancy figure, but it does take some time to achieve healthy weight loss after having a baby. The key is slow and steady. Remind yourself that although your body may not look like it used to, it has done something truly incredible by giving birth to a new life. Look at how strong you are! Here are some ideas to help you feel good, or even great, about where you are right now:
Healthy eating.
Eat more fiber-filled fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; add proteins like chicken, eggs, or fish to meals; limit desserts and treats like chocolate, chips, ice cream, candies, and cookies; and watch your portion sizes.
Exercise. Once your healthcare provider gives you the all-clear, add some gentle exercise back into your daily routine. You’ll have to slowly work back toward your prepregnancy fitness levels, so aim to gradually build up your physical strength and endurance over time.
Me-time. It might be challenging to set aside time for yourself, but it’s important to find balance. Make plans to go to the movies with friends, or on a date night with your partner, or indulge in a spa treatment for a little well-deserved “me time.” Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Get your partner, family members, or your babysitter to come to your aid when you’re feeling overwhelmed or just need a break.
Now that your baby is becoming more mobile, take another look at babyproofing your home to make it as safe as possible for an active baby who’s ready to explore and soon crawl. It could help to get on your hands and knees and crawl around your home to see from their eye level what hazards need to be eliminated:
□ Remove or hide any cords or electric cables your baby could become entangled in
□ Secure any heavy objects that could topple over once your baby starts to pull themselves up on them
□ Babyproof edges of furniture like bookshelves and coffee tables
□ If you have stairs, it may be time to install baby gates.
□ Take a moment to look ahead to what could be coming for your little one when they’re 6 months old.
□ Download and print these milestone cards to celebrate and share the news with friends and family when your baby turns 6 months old.
□ For even more information, sign up to get our emails:
5 month old feeding schedule: Timings and food types
A general feeding schedule can help parents and caregivers organize their day. However, feeding on demand — when the baby shows signs of being hungry — ensures that the baby gets enough food.
At 5 months old, a baby should get the majority of their nutrition from breastmilk or formula. Most babies do not require solids at this stage. Anyone considering starting a baby on solid food before they are 6 months old should talk to a pediatrician first.
Share on PinterestAll or most of a 5-month-old baby’s diet should comprise of breastmilk or formula.At 5 months, breastmilk or formula is the most important ingredient in a healthful diet.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommend exclusively breastfeeding for about 6 months. However, for those who are unable or choose not to breastfeed, formula milk is available for babies of all ages.
Most 5-month-old babies should not be eating solids. Even when a baby shows signs of readiness for solids, this should only be a small portion of their diet. Always check with a pediatrician before starting a baby less than 6 months old on solids.
Parents and caregivers should not try to restrict a baby’s food intake, regardless of a baby’s growth. Instead, devise a loose schedule and then feed babies when they are hungry.
According to one source, this means getting to know a baby’s hunger cues, which might include licking their lips, rooting, or sucking hands.
A 2013 analysis of more than 10,000 children compared children whose parents or caregivers fed them on demand with those who received food according to a predetermined schedule.
The analysis found that parents and caregivers who followed a feeding schedule had higher confidence and better sleep. However, the study revealed that schedule-fed babies went on to do less well at school than demand-fed babies.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most babies need to eat at least every 2–3 hours, which is about five to six times per day. At 5 months, some babies sleep through the night. Others still wake to feed.
Parents and caregivers who follow a schedule should try to remain flexible. A baby who is hungry an hour before snacktime needs to eat, just as a baby who is tired early should go to sleep.
Formula or breastmilk
Formula or breastmilk is the most important ingredient in a 5-month-old’s diet. According to Infant Nutrition and Feeding, babies should get five or more nursing sessions per day or 26 to 39 ounces (oz) of iron-fortified formula.
Some babies nurse more during growth spurts or when they do not feel well. Likewise, people who use a combination of formula and breastmilk may nurse slightly less often and give less formula.
Some research suggests that doing a “dream feed,” which involves the parent or caregiver feeding the baby relatively early in the evening before going to bed, helps babies sleep longer at night.
Other liquids
Do not give 5-month-old babies juice, cow’s milk, or water. Babies get water from formula or breastmilk. The World Health Organization (WHO) explain that giving babies water to drink increases the risk of diarrhea and may cause them to drink less breastmilk or formula.
Most parents and caregivers should breastfeed or formula-feed the baby for at least 6 months. The CDC indicate that a baby might be ready for solids a little earlier if:
- they have good control over their head
- they can sit on their own without support
- they lean forward or open their mouth when a caregiver offers food
The American Academy of Pediatrics warn against introducing solids before 4 months as this can lead to increased weight gain.
Most babies do not need solids at this age. Some people may use solids as a supplement to formula or breastmilk but never give a baby solids without talking to a pediatrician first.
According to the Sleep Foundation, most 5-month-olds take two to four naps a day. Some naps may be longer than others. For example, a baby might take a short early morning nap, then a longer nap late in the morning and in the mid-afternoon.
Some people feed the baby right before they go to bed, hoping this will help them sleep longer. Others use an eat, play, sleep schedule. Neither is “right.”
Instead, people should choose the approach that works for them. Some babies need to nurse just before sleep. Others are eager to fall asleep after a play session.
Some tips that can help shape a schedule around a baby’s eating and sleeping routines include:
- Be prepared to feed a baby when they awake. Expect babies to be particularly hungry and need more food after long naps and in the morning.
- Each person must consider which schedule works best for them and the people around them. Some people choose to play, then feed, then put the baby to sleep, while others adopt a feed, play, sleep approach.
- Know that a child’s napping needs may change when they are unwell, growing, or stressed. Similarly, many babies nurse for comfort during challenging times. Allowing a baby to nurse when they want, even if it is not feeding time, may help soothe them.
- Do not put solid foods in a bottle, including before naptime.
All babies and families are different. Most babies eventually develop a rhythm that parents and caregivers can slowly shape into a schedule.
While some people prefer a fairly strict schedule, others take a more relaxed approach. Neither approach is right.
As long as babies get enough food and eat every 2–4 hours, it is fine to experiment with different schedules.
what foods can be given to a child
Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna
August 19, 2022
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Complementary foods are any foods other than breast milk and infant formula. Often they are introduced into the baby's diet after the fourth, fifth or sixth month of life. Is this approach correct and how can I feed a child at 5 months?
When do complementary foods start at five months
Current research shows that the optimal age for introducing complementary foods for all children is four to six months. This period is even called the "critical window". It is then that the foundations of the tolerance of different types of food are laid in the body and the need for new nutrients arises. The baby may already lack the nutrients that he receives from mother's milk or formula. The baby needs vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, additional sources of energy and other important nutrients. It's time to introduce him to a variety of taste sensations and form taste habits for life. And of course, learn important chewing skills.
The age of 4-6 months for the introduction of complementary foods is also recommended by the European Nutrition Committee ESPGHAN, the Union of Pediatricians of Russia and other specialists in nutrition and health of children. At the same time, the terms are individual, and you should always consult with a specialist. But for a healthy child, in the absence of additional indications, the best age to start complementary foods is four to five to six months.
It used to be thought that exclusive breastfeeding should introduce complementary foods earlier. But recently, scientists have found that at this age, breast milk no longer always fills the need for micronutrients, especially iron. Thus, the age of 4 to 6 months for the start of complementary feeding is now recognized as the “gold standard” for both breastfeeding and formula feeding [1] .
What foods to introduce into the baby's diet
The best first complementary foods that will complement the diet of a child at 5 months, experts consider children's vegetable purees or children's dairy-free cereals. In this case, the choice depends on the characteristics of the child. For children with reduced body weight or frequent stools, porridge is more suitable, and for babies with excess weight and constipation, mashed potatoes.
The first vegetable purees should consist of only one type of vegetable. Frutonyan's assortment includes mashed marrows, cauliflower and broccoli. It is these vegetables that experts recommend because of their delicate fiber. The composition of products is not allowed the presence of flavorings, dyes, preservatives, added starch, sugar and salt.
The first porridge for feeding should also be one-component. Start with gluten-free cereals: buckwheat, corn or rice. Pediatricians insist on cereals of industrial production, which are enriched with useful components.
Buckwheat, rice and corn porridge "FrutoNyanya" correspond to all recommendations. They contain a complex of vitamins (C, E, PP, pantothenic acid, B2, B1, B6, A, folic acid, D3, biotin, B12) and minerals (iron, zinc, iodine).
It is far from always possible to supplement the nutrition of a child at 5 months with complementary foods the first time. Sometimes it takes 10-15 attempts for the baby to accept a new product. Parents must be calm and consistent, and then everything will definitely work out. And from six months, you can offer your baby several different cereals or mashed potatoes.
It is best if by the year the child’s diet contains 3-4 types of vegetables and the same number of cereals. And you can not delay the introduction of baby meat puree after six months, as these products supplement the diet with essential nutrients.
Complementary feeding rules at five months
Understanding how you can feed a child at 5 months, you can move on to how to do it.
- Use a spoon to feed porridge or puree. Don't give food on your finger.
- A new product is introduced into the diet gradually. For the first time, the portion should be minimal, no more than 1/5 of the recommended rate. Then the amount is gradually increased and brought to the required level within a week.
- Each time after feeding, closely monitor tolerance. To make it easier to control the possible reaction of the body, complementary foods should be introduced in the morning.
- Complementary foods should not be introduced during infectious diseases, and should not be combined with vaccination. After the next vaccination, at least 3-5 days should pass.
- Complementary foods are given to a child who is hungry - that is, before breastfeeding or formula. When breastfeeding, it is important to keep it for the entire duration of the introduction of different types of complementary foods, that is, at least up to a year.
- Complementary foods contain less water than breast milk or infant formula. Therefore, babies are offered water in small portions between feedings. In addition to complementary foods, a child needs 150-200 ml of water per day. It is better to use special bottled, but boiled is also suitable.
Sample menu for a 5 month old baby
- Vegetable puree: 150 g daily + 1–3 g vegetable oil;
- porridge: 150g daily + 1-3g butter.
Once the complementary foods have stabilized, its tentative five-month schedule looks like this:
As they grow older, other foods are added to complementary foods: fruit, meat purees, cottage cheese, kefir, yogurts, baby juices, baby cookies, and so on.
How to feed a baby at 5 months: which porridge and puree to choose
Experts advise not to cook cereals on your own, but to start complementary foods with industrial-made cereals. By choosing a responsible brand, parents can be sure of the quality and safety of the product.
What about puree? In this matter, pediatricians are also on the side of finished products. Purees produced at the factory have a number of advantages:
- high quality raw material;
- compliance with strict hygiene requirements;
- laboratory-tested chemical composition, including vitamin content regardless of the season;
- optimum degree of grinding.
It hardly makes sense to cook mashed potatoes on your own, which is inferior in quality to the factory one. It is better to devote this time to communication and games with the child, so that he grows up not only healthy, but also the happiest.
List of sources
1. Union of Pediatricians of Russia. The program for optimizing the feeding of children of the first life in the Russian Federation. Guidelines: 2019. // URL: https://www.pediatr-russia.ru/information/dokumenty/other-docs/nacprog1year_2019.pdf#page=46 (Accessed 03.12.2021).
Reviewer Kovtun Tatiana Anatolievna
Scientific adviser to PROGRESS JSC, Ph.D.
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