Finger foods for baby first birthday party
65 First Birthday Party Food Ideas And Planning Tips
The best party food ideas that will be loved by kids and grown ups alike.
You may be super excited about your baby turning one, and you want to host the best party to celebrate their first birthday. Tiny tots are your most important guests, and so your baby’s first birthday party food ideas must include exciting, colorful, and fancy options on the table. You need to do many things, including selecting a party theme, deciding on the guest list, buying gifts, and planning the food. If you are confused about the food, we can help you with the planning process by providing delicious snack and dessert ideas in this post. These creative ideas are sure to impress children and their parents alike.
What Kind Of First Birthday Party Are You Planning?
Image: Shutterstock
You can come up with the food menu only when you have the basic idea of the birthday party.
- Decide if it is going to be a small snack or high tea party, or you want to host a lavish lunch or dinner.
- If you are planning for a simplistic evening party, then you can make a handful of items at home. Your family members or close friends could help you prepare some delectable recipes.
- If it is going to be a big party, you may have to hire a caterer and plan a mixed menu. Make sure you find a well-known catering agency that specializes in making the best quality kid-friendly food items.
Related: 25 Crazy 1st Birthday Cake Smash Ideas For Your Little One
Who Are The Guests?
Having a guest list ready would make it easier to figure out the quantity and type of food to have at your baby’s first birthday party.
- Will it be a small party with only family or friends?
- Will you invite your close relatives and neighbors?
- How many babies and toddlers would be attending the party?
- How many teenagers or parents or adults would attend?
When you have the answers to these questions, you can plan the food ideas and serving size.
Point to consider
Keep the guest list short and invite only those important to you and your family. An extravagant party can make it difficult for you to make arrangements and welcome all the guests, besides burning a hole in your pocket.
What Food To Include In The Menu?
Image: Shutterstock
You need to think about the food categories based on the guest list. If it is a large party, then you may have to categorize the menu.
- You need to include vegetarian and non-vegetarian items to fit the needs of all the guests.
- In case you are inviting vegan friends, make sure you have vegan items on the menu.
- You should also have a few types of desserts and drinks. Have colorful and delicious food items that please everyone attending the birthday party.
- If there is a theme party, make sure that the food reflects the theme. For instance, if the party theme is “Frozen,” then try to have more blue food items and pictures of “Frozen” movie characters all around.
Related: 20 Best First Birthday Party Games Ideas
First Birthday Party Food Ideas
We have some mouth-watering food choices in every category to delight your guests, including the adorable children and the grown-ups.
Finger food and appetizer ideas
Image: Shutterstock
Appetizers or starters are the first course of a meal. They should be tempting and light to give an excellent start to the party meal. Toddlers and children fill their tummies with starters as they are fond of them. Having a variety of options would be a good idea. We have a few palatable suggestions here.
- Fruits on skewers or fruit salad
- Vegetable and chicken nuggets
- Baby breadsticks with cheese
- French fries or potato smileys or potato wedges
- Cookies with cream or crackers
- Muffins and bagels
- Devilled eggs
- Egg mini muffins
- Roasted or steamed vegetables and dip
- Small sandwiches
- Cheesy garlic bread
- Chips and dips
- Cheerios
- Puffed snacks
- Wafers and pretzel
- Mini pancakes
Savory foods
The savory foods or main meal of the party should be delightfully flavorsome. The main items in the party menu should be filling and appealing to all the guests. There should be items for every guest, be it a vegan, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, or a health-conscious person.
- Pizza – vegetarian and non-vegetarian
- Cheesy macaroni with different toppings such as chicken bites, bacon, and veggies
- Vegetarian and chicken burger
- Quesadilla
- Grilled cheese sandwiches
- Barbecue sandwiches
- Crustless sandwiches
- Pasta with cheese and salad options or meatballs
- Vegetable noodles
- Taco pinwheels
- Casserole
- Small squared pizza bites
- Chicken tenders
- Chicken sliders
- Nachos filled with cheese
- Pizza rolls
- Cheese and garlic bread
- Stuffed or toasted kebabs
- Beef rolls with cheddar cheese
- Stromboli
Related: 6 Easy Summer Recipes For Kids They Would Love To Try
Image: Shutterstock
No party is complete without desserts. Your baby’s first birthday party should have desserts that become the talk of the party. Children and adults love trying out different kinds of sweet items, so we have covered a few delicious dessert ideas for you.
- Birthday cake (your baby’s favorite shape and flavor)
Quick tip
Buy a cake that matches the theme of the birthday party. You may also bake a sugar-free and gluten-free birthday cake as a healthy option.
- Fruit salad or yogurt
- Ice cream of different flavors
- Jelly and custard
- Cupcakes
- Pops and candies
- Mini pies
- Ice cream cone cupcakes
- Ice cream sandwich
- Doughnut holes or baked doughnuts
- Mini s’mores
- Frozen treats or popsicles
- Assorted cookies
- Cheesecake pastries
- Frozen pops
- Honey waffles
- Marshmallow pops
- Fruit pies
- Macarons or ice cream sandwiches
- Fried ice cream
Drinks and beverages
Image: Shutterstock
It’s your baby’s first birthday celebration, so make sure you are not having alcoholic drinks. There are some healthy and fruity options you can try and impress your guests. Remember, the party is more for the children than the parents.
- Lemonade or fruit smoothies
- Hot chocolate
- Vanilla milkshake
- Fruity cocktails
- Citrus punch
- Iced tea with fruit flavors
- Hawaiian drink
- Rose milk
- Yogurt smoothies
Related: 25 Easy And Delicious Baking Recipes For Kids
Tips For Planning Your Baby’s First Birthday Food Menu
The first birthday is a big deal for parents, thus planning would make your job easier. We have some general tips for you here.
- Get child-friendly glasses, plates, and cups made of eco-friendly and high-quality food-grade material.
- Keep fresh, high-quality, and hygienic food only. If you are ordering food, then go with the best caterer or restaurant.
- You can ask the parents if their children have any food intolerances or food allergies.
- Do keep in mind your guest’s preferences, like those related to religious or other food choices.
- Don’t keep choking hazards, including nuts, grapes, hard lollies, popcorn, or hard candies on the table.
- Keep an eye on what the children are sipping and munching on. See that toddlers and babies are not consuming fizzy drinks or caffeinated beverages.
- Choose a cake flavor that is liked by both children and their parents. Try to have an eggless cake so that most of the guests can relish it.
- Make tempting and colorful foods so that children enjoy them.
1. How much should I spend on a first birthday party?
It entirely depends on you. If you want an extravagant party with all your friends and family, you may spend around $1000 or more. If you want a quiet and intimate affair with only your near and dear ones, you can cut the expenses and spend less than $300.
2. What time should a first birthday start?
Consider your baby’s sleeping time and active hours before hosting a birthday party. Depending on that, you can throw a party in the morning, afternoon, or evening. Make sure to pick a time convenient for you and your guests.
3. Can I feed my baby cake on their first birthday?
Yes, a small piece of cake would not harm your baby. However, chop the cake into tiny bits before feeding it to your baby to avoid choking hazards. Also, if you love baking, you can make a homemade cake using healthy ingredients to introduce to your baby.
For every new parent, their baby’s first birthday is one of the most awaited events. While you could be excited to organize a grand party for your little one, it would help if you plan for the event, follow a schedule, and keep things systematized. The variety of food and a delectable menu is a must-have for the party to be enjoyable and remembered. Take cues from these first birthday party food ideas to include the most delicious and exciting food items on the menu. Also, do not miss out on clicking adorable pictures of your munchkin and the event to relish the memories later.
Key Pointers
- Decide on the first birthday party theme, followed by the guest list and the menu.
- You can plan appetizers, main course, beverages, and desserts for a large party.
- You may have different options for your guests’ preferences for vegan, vegetarian, or non-vegetarian food.
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25 Crazy Easy First Birthday Party Foods to Serve
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Wondering what food to serve at a first birthday party? These 25 first birthday party foods make menu planning easy, tasty, and safe for the guest of honor!
The first birthday.
It’s such an awesome milestone, and totally worth celebrating. With our three kids, we’ve done a variety of first birthday parties that ran from big bashes with the whole family all the way to a smaller party decorated almost entirely with supplies we had on hand.
And while I love the freedom to decorate however I want, for our first two kids, I struggled with choosing the best foods to serve at our party. I wanted as much as possible to be safe for the birthday boy or girl, but then again, I also want the adults to enjoy the food too.
The best thing that we did was create an easy framework for first birthday party foods:
- First, identify a main course that is perfect for adults
- Second, fill in with toddler friendly finger foods
- Third, plan the cake smash!
25 Easy First Birthday Party Foods to Serve
Main Course Ideas for a First Birthday Party
The main course is the most difficult to plan. You want options that the adults will love, but you also want to make sure you have foods that are safe for the little ones to grab, too.
I’ve listed below some of our favorite first birthday party foods that are great to serve for everyone as well as foods that are important to avoid due to safety concerns
Adult Friendly Main Course Ideas
- Hamburgers
- Barbecue sandwiches
- Pizza
Toddler Friendly Main Course Ideas
- Mini Pancakes
- Small pasta (eg.
pasta salad, Mac n cheese, etc.)
- Crustless sandwiches cut with cookie cutters
Finger Foods to Serve at a First Birthday Party
Once you’ve got the main course picked out, it’s time to fill in with finger foods and appetizers. Here are some tasty ideas that everyone should enjoy:
Fruit Trays and Fruit Salad:
- Blueberries
- Grapes (halved)
- Cut up strawberries
- Cut up watermelon
- Very thinly sliced apples
Want to avoid spending hours on end preparing food for your party? Click here to download 10 Fast and Easy Party Recipes that don’t take more than 20 minutes of your time to prepare.
Birthday Party Snacks:
- Cheerios
- Goldfish crackers
- Small cheese cubes (with supervision)
- String cheese (with supervision)
- Deviled eggs
- Annie’s bunny crackers
- Yogurt melts
- Toddler puffed snacks
- Animal crackers
- Nilla wafers
- Pudding
- Mini muffins
- Sugar wafers
- Thin pretzels
Foods to Avoid
It’s important to make sure that babies and toddlers are supervised while eating. Please don’t walk away without making sure a responsible adult is watching your child during a party.
You can, however, make life a little bit easier on yourself by avoiding some common party foods that are choking hazards for little ones, such as:
- Hot dogs
- Whole nuts
- Popcorn
- Raisins
- Sticky or chewy foods (like most candy)
- Raw vegetables (try serving small cuts of lightly steamed or roasted vegetables instead!)
More Party Tips You’ll Love
- How Much Food for a Party is Just Right (19 Guidelines to Follow)
- It’s Fun to Be One! Birthday Party
- 5 Fun Birthday Traditions for Families
- S’mores Themed First Birthday Party
- The Best Party Games for Toddlers
Now It’s Your Turn
With these 25 first birthday party foods, you can plan out an entire party menu, and know that your birthday boy or girl will be able to enjoy eating as much as everyone else. Next, you’ve just got to get the cake smash planned!
What do you serve at a first birthday party?
Do you avoid choking hazards for toddler parties?
Join me over at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter,
for more fun ideas and inspiration!
What to cook for a child on his birthday
Recipes 11/14/2020 Anna Lipovskaya
Photo: kazan.
It is always difficult to choose dishes for a festive feast. And if it's a children's holiday - almost a disaster! You need to find something useful, moderately light, and to look prettier. We have prepared for you a selection of 20 delicious recipes for what to cook for your child on his birthday!
1. Salad with strawberries and asparagus beans
Photo: foodrecipeshub.comWhy not start a children's birthday with something very colorful and unusual?
You will need: 200 g arugula, 300 g strawberries, 100 g green beans, 4 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. balsamic, spices.
Preparation: Boil the green beans until they become a little softer without losing their color. Cut the strawberries into slices and chop the arugula. Mix the ingredients and season with balsamic oil and spices.
2. Cheese balls
Photo: preparing solgoilungu.rfA wonderful hot appetizer goes well with any sauces and jams. All kids will love it!
You will need: 200 g cheese, 3 eggs, 7 tbsp. flour, butter.
Preparation: Whisk 3 egg whites with salt until they form peaks, save the yolks for another meal. Add 4 tablespoons to them. flour and mix until smooth. Add cheese grated on a fine grater there, form balls with wet hands and roll in flour. Fry them in oil and put them on paper towels to remove excess fat.
3. Hot egg sandwiches
Photo: detisakh.ruSimple hot sandwiches, but you can make them very effectively for your child's birthday.
You will need: 8 slices of bread, 4 eggs, 3 tbsp. grated cheese, 2 tbsp. butter, salt.
Preparation: Cut out slices of bread nicely and make a round hole in the center of 4 of them. Grease whole pieces with butter, and put the rest on them. Pour a raw egg into each recess, season, sprinkle with cheese and bake on a wire rack for 5 minutes at 180 degrees.
4. Children's snack "Piglets in a blanket"
Photo: It's funny, but this is really the original name of the English snack. It's just an improved presentation!
You will need: 15 short thick sausages, 330 g flour, 1 tsp. sugar and salt, 7 g of yeast, 250 ml of milk, 2 eggs, 1 yolk, 50 ml of vegetable oil.
Preparation: Sift the flour and mix with salt, sugar and yeast, pour in the milk and knead the dough. Add the eggs one at a time, gradually pour in the oil, roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and put it in the heat for an hour. Roll the dough into balls, make a hole in them and insert sausages.
Trim the edges to form a patch, ears and eyes. Lubricate the buns with beaten yolk with a spoonful of milk and put in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.
5. Children's meatballs
Photo: uwworsp.orgIf you need a full-fledged main course for a children's party, then there is no better recipe for a side dish.
You will need: 300 g minced meat, half a carrot, half an onion, 1 potato, 2 tsp. ground oatmeal, spices and herbs.
Preparation: Blend vegetables and herbs with a blender, add spices and mix with minced meat. Add oatmeal to the desired consistency, make small meatballs and stew them in tomato sauce for 20-30 minutes. The sauce can be made from sautéed tomatoes, grated carrots, herbs, spices and sugar to taste.
6. Sesame-peanut halva
Photo: blog.comfy.uaSweet and hearty snack on the children's holiday table, which will be healthier than any candy.
You will need: 100 g sesame seeds, 50 g peanuts, 50 g dates, 1 tbsp. honey.
Preparation: Roast the peanuts with sesame seeds in a pan, peel the dates and grind everything in a blender. Add honey, pack it into a container and refrigerate overnight.
7. Potato casserole
Photo: craftlog.comThis recipe will come in handy if active games are planned for the child's birthday, which require a lot of energy.
You will need: 600 g potatoes, 500 g chicken, 1 onion, 300 ml sour cream, 100 ml cream, 20 g butter, 150 g cheese, spices.
Preparation: Mince chicken, season and mix. Cut the onion into thin rings, and the potatoes into slices. Lubricate the form with butter, put the potatoes, onions, minced meat and potatoes again. Pour in a mixture of sour cream and cream and put in the oven for an hour and a half at 180 degrees. 15 minutes before the end, add grated cheese.
8. Julienne with chicken and mushrooms in tartlets
Photo: kovrovsegodnya.ruEasy, tasty, and convenient to eat! What else do kids need on their birthday?
You will need: 8 tartlets, 200 g chicken, 150 g mushrooms, 70 g cheese, 150 g sour cream, 150 ml milk, 40 g butter, 0.5 tbsp. flour, spices.
Preparation: Boil the chicken and cut into small pieces. Grind mushrooms, fry, add chicken to them and simmer together for a couple of minutes. Melt butter, add flour and stir until smooth. Pour milk into the sauce, and when it thickens, add sour cream and spices. Put the chicken with mushrooms into tartlets, pour over the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.
9. Children's mini cakes
Photo: cookingfor.ruSimple and quick cakes look like cute canapes.
You will need: 300 g flour, 200 g butter, 3 tbsp. powdered sugar, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 250 g of cottage cheese, 1 can of boiled condensed milk, 3 marshmallows, 1 tsp. gelatin.
Preparation: Chop the cold butter with flour and powdered sugar into crumbs, add the eggs and quickly knead the dough. Roll it out on a baking sheet and leave it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, and then bake the cake for another 20 minutes at 180 degrees, cut off the edges and cut in half.
Pour and prepare the gelatin according to the instructions, beat the cottage cheese with condensed milk, and add it there. Cut the marshmallow into cubes and stir in the filling. Put the filling on one cake, cover with a second and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours, and cut before serving.
10. Hot sandwiches "Kaleidoscope"
Photo: koolinar.ruAn even simpler recipe that you can cook for a child on his birthday - you just can't imagine!
You will need: 10 slices of bread, 150 g sausage, 1 tomato, half a yellow pepper, half a bunch of herbs, 120 g cheese, 2 tbsp. mayonnaise, spices.
Preparation: Cut sausage, tomatoes and pepper into small cubes, add chopped herbs and grated cheese. Mix everything with mayonnaise, put on slices of loaf and send for 10 minutes in the oven at 180 degrees.
11. Children's cookies with M&M's
Photo: babymarket116.ruAll children at the party will definitely be delighted with this bright and beautiful cookie.
You will need: 200 g butter, 200 g sugar, 1 egg, 400 g flour, 0.5 tsp. baking powder and salt, packaging of M&M's.
Preparation: Beat softened butter with sugar with a blender, add the egg and gradually add the sifted flour with salt and baking powder. Shape into small cookies and place on a baking sheet. Decorate it with sweets and bake for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.
12. Beef in citrus sauce
Photo: tekhnolog.comDon't know how to cook meat so that children can eat everything? Keep an interesting recipe!
You will need: 450 g beef, 2 tsp. zest, 0.5 cup orange juice, a quarter cup brown sugar, 2 tbsp. rice vinegar and soy sauce, 2 tsp. ginger and cornstarch, 2 green onions, vegetable oil.
Preparation: Cut the meat into small pieces, fry quickly in a pan and put on a plate. In the same pan, add orange juice, vinegar, sauce, zest, grated ginger and starch. Stew everything together for 2 minutes, put the meat in the sauce, mix well and sprinkle with green onions.
13. Multi-colored vegetable casserole
Photo: dailylenta.ruEven if your child doesn't like vegetables too much, he definitely won't resist this dish!
You will need: 250 g dry beans, 400 g each peas and corn, 500 g spinach, 3 carrots, 1 bunch herbs, curry, olive oil.
Preparation: Soak and boil dry white beans in advance, bake carrots and pour boiling water over frozen peas for 5 minutes. Smash the beans with peas in a blender and add spices to them. Chop the greens, lightly sauté in olive oil and lay all the ingredients in layers in a mold. Bake for half an hour at 180 degrees.
14. Chinese cabbage salad
Photo: koolinar.ruIf desired, add chicken, ham or crab sticks to the salad.
You will need: 300 g Chinese cabbage, 1 cucumber, 2 eggs, 150 g cheese, 150 g canned corn, 200 g sour cream, spices.
Preparation: Cut the cucumber and Chinese cabbage into strips, and boiled eggs and soda cheese on a coarse grater. Add corn, mix all the ingredients and dress the salad with sour cream.
15. Lemon curd casserole
Photo: it in portions in small molds - and all the children on their birthday will be delighted!
You will need: 250 g cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 50 g sugar, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 15 g starch, zest.
Preparation: Mix cottage cheese with egg yolks, sugar, starch and lemon juice. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and slowly fold into the base. Add zest and filling to taste, put into molds and bake for 20 minutes at 160 degrees. Decorate the casserole with fruits and berries.
16. Children's kebabs in orange glaze
Photo: dreamstime.comIf there is no grill, you can bake the meat in the oven, but then turn the kebabs more often.
You will need: 500g pork, 1/3 cup barbecue sauce, 1/3 cup orange juice, spices.
Preparation: Cut the meat into small pieces and marinate in barbecue sauce, orange juice and spices. Put the skewers on skewers and grill for about 10-12 minutes.
17. Beet chips
Photo: babymarket116.ruArrange them with beautiful buds and all children will immediately notice such a snack!
You will need: 2 sweet beets, 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. oils.
Preparation: Cut the beets into thin slices and drop them in small portions into salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Put all the slices on paper towels, dry, drizzle with oil and send in the microwave for 2 minutes at maximum power. You can send it to the oven at 220 degrees until dry.
18. Caesar on skewers
Photo: lavie-salon.ruCooking huge salad bowls for a child for his birthday is not at all interesting, unlike such salads on skewers.
You will need: 100 g bread, 1 garlic clove, 200 g chicken, 30 g cheese, 150 g lettuce, 100 g cherry tomatoes, 70 g mayonnaise, 70 g yogurt, 10 g Dijon mustard, spices.
Preparation: Rub bread with garlic, drizzle with olive oil, slice and fry in a dry frying pan. Boil the chicken and cut into large cubes, chop the cheese and lettuce too. Mix dressing, string lettuce onto skewers and drizzle with dressing.
19. Chicken fillet “Like pizza”
Photo: koolinar.
An excellent alternative to regular pizza with dough for a children's holiday table!
You will need: 1 chicken fillet, 3 tomatoes, 2 tbsp. olive oil, spices, basil, cheese, half an onion.
Preparation: Cut the fillet almost to the end, open it into a book and beat it. Fry finely chopped onions with tomatoes, add a little sugar and spices, and simmer everything together for 10 minutes. Put the breast in the sauce so that it covers it completely, and simmer for another 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cheese and garnish with basil before serving.
20. Chicken salad with grapes
Photo: craftlog.comBright and healthy salad, which will be very appropriate for a children's birthday party.
You will need: 300 g chicken, 100 g celery, 150 g grapes, 30 g nuts, herbs, yogurt, spices.
Preparation: Boil or bake the chicken and cut it into cubes, chop the celery, nuts and herbs. If the grapes are large, cut the berries in half. Mix all the ingredients and season with yogurt with spices.
Children's birthday menu: photos, recipes, dish ideas
How to make a child's birthday truly unforgettable? Gather his friends, come up with entertainment and, of course, treat everyone to something delicious. But pleasing little guests is sometimes more difficult than adult gourmets. Our article will come to the rescue. In it, we have collected 10 dishes that will enchant even the most capricious persons. Serve these treats for a kid's birthday party and no one will leave hungry.
Original canapes
Kids will appreciate the unusual serving, and adults will appreciate the ease of cooking. Indeed, among the recipes for a children's birthday, it is important to have at least one option for a quick snack. For canapes in the form of ladybugs, it is better to take unsalted crackers with the addition of whole grain flour. You can grease the products with both pate and hummus or curd cheese.
- crackers - 10 pcs.
- cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.
- leaf lettuce - 3-4 leaves
- olives - 3 pcs.
- pate - to taste
- Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and make a shallow cut in each half.
- Brush crackers with pâté and cover with lettuce. Excess greens can be removed.
- Top the salad with half a cherry and a quarter of an olive.
- Decorate the finished ladybug with a pattern of white dots. To do this, dip a toothpick in Greek yogurt or mayonnaise and gently color the workpiece.
Snack muffins
Children are rarely fans of vegetables. But thanks to such muffins, they will even eat the hated green beans or green peas. It's nice that you can change the toppings to your liking. For example, take corn, ham or some broccoli and cauliflower. It is also better not to forget about the vegetable slices on the table. Serve carrot, pepper and cucumber sticks with yoghurt sauce.
- green beans - 100 g
- green peas - 100 g
- cheese - 100 g
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
- flour - 3 tbsp. l.
- Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
- baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
- salt - to taste
- Defrost beans and peas.
- Pepper and cheese cut into small cubes.
- In a clean bowl, mix eggs with sour cream and salt. Gradually add the sifted flour mixed with the baking powder.
- Add the prepared cuts to the batter.
- Divide the pastry between molds and bake for 15 minutes at 180°C. Then lower the heat to 160°C and bake the muffins for another 15-20 minutes in the oven.
Cheese donuts
If you don't know what to cook, try these donuts. At a children's birthday party, they will definitely become a popular treat. The main thing is to find a good crumbly cottage cheese with a fat content of 5-9%. It is desirable that there is not too much moisture in the mass, gluing the grains together. Otherwise, wrap the cottage cheese with gauze and put it under pressure for 2-3 hours to remove excess moisture.
- cottage cheese - 200 g
- cheese - 80 g
- flour - 70 g
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
- baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
- sesame - to taste
- Mash the cottage cheese with a fork or chop with a blender.
- Add grated cheese, whole egg and one egg white.
- Add the sifted flour and baking powder and knead into a stiff dough.
- On a floured surface, shape the dough into a ball and divide into 6-8 equal portions.
- Roll each piece into a sausage and seal the ends.
- Transfer the blanks to a baking sheet lined with baking paper and brush with the remaining yolk.
- Garnish with sesame seeds and bake for 30 minutes at 180°C.
Mini pizzas
Who would say no to a popular treat? For a children's holiday, it makes sense to make portioned pizzas. It will be easier for kids to hold them in their hands. As a sauce, ordinary ketchup or a mixture of pureed tomatoes boiled with spices is suitable. In addition to cherry tomatoes, you can use bell peppers or broccoli for the filling, and put boiled chicken or turkey instead of ham. When serving, garnish pizzas with fresh herbs, if desired.
For the dough:
- flour - 200 g
- water - 90 ml
- olive oil - 30 ml
- sugar - 1 tsp.
- dry yeast - 4 g
- salt - pinch
- ham - 200 g
- cherry tomatoes - 8 pcs.
- tomato sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
- cheese - 50 g
- Mix yeast, sugar and water.
Cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, a foam cap should appear on the surface of the mixture.
- Sift flour into activated yeast, add olive oil and salt. Knead a homogeneous dough that will not stick to your hands.
- Transfer the workpiece to a clean dish, greased with olive oil, and leave warm for 1 hour.
- Punch down the risen dough and divide into 8 equal pieces.
- Shape each piece into a 8-10 cm round shape and place on a baking sheet.
- Brush base with tomato sauce, top with ham and cherry halves, sprinkle with cheese and place in the oven.
- Bake mini pizzas for 15 minutes at 210°C.
Chicken skewers
Homemade skewers continue the selection of recipes for children's birthdays. When preparing a marinade, remember that the child likes simple and understandable tastes more. A large set of seasonings, especially spicy, he will not appreciate. But vegetables will add benefits and make the meat juicier. For variety, place sliced bell pepper or zucchini between the chicken pieces. Don't forget to prepare wooden skewers. Before stuffing the meat, it is advisable to soak them in boiling water, otherwise the wood may burn in the oven.
- chicken fillet - 800 g
- kefir 3.2% - 180 ml
- onion - 1 pc.
- garlic - 1-2 cloves
- salt - to taste
- Divide the chicken fillet into 2-3 cm pieces.
- Chop the onion into rings, mince the garlic.
- Mix the chicken with chopped onion and garlic, season with salt.
- Pour in the kefir and mix well. Leave the blank in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
- Thread the marinated pieces onto skewers and bake for 15-20 minutes at 200°C.
Fish fingers
Children love variety. Give the kids a choice between several dishes. For example, serve chicken skewers and crispy fish fingers. The appetizer is made from white fish: pollock, cod or haddock. If desired, breading can be supplemented with sesame seeds. Ready-made sticks go well with tartar sauce.
- white fish fillet - 600 g
- vegetable oil - 150 ml
- breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. l.
- chicken eggs - 1 pc.
- salt - to taste
- pepper - to taste
- Cut the fillet into strips 1.5–2 cm thick. Season with salt and lightly sprinkle with pepper.
- Beat the egg with a fork in a flat bowl.
- Place the breadcrumbs in another bowl.
- Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan.
- Dip the fish fillets in turn into the egg and breadcrumbs, and then fry in hot oil.
- Pat the finished sticks dry with a paper towel to remove excess oil.
Cake without baking
When planning what to cook for a child's birthday, don't forget about sweets. What's a holiday without cake? This recipe can be made the day before. Any gelatin is useful, but the rules for working with sheets and powder are different. The layers are randomly poured with cold water, and then squeezed out. For crystals, it is desirable to observe a ratio of 1: 6 (take 6 parts of water for 1 part of gelatin).
For the cake:
- cookies - 300 g
- Butter - 100 g
- cottage cheese - 800 g
- cream 20% - 200 ml
- sugar - 100 g
- sour cream - 100 g
- cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
- gelatin - 40 g
- Grind cookies with butter into crumbs. Spread the mass over the bottom and sides of the form and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
- Soak gelatine in water.
- Beat cottage cheese with sugar and sour cream. The easiest way to do this is with an immersion blender.
- Mix swollen gelatin with cream and heat to 60-70°C. The thickener should dissolve, but the liquid should not be allowed to boil.
- Add the warm mixture to the curd and blend well again with an immersion blender.
- Cocoa mix with half of the curd and cream mass.
- Spread the filling as follows: 1 tablespoon cream mixture, then 1 spoon chocolate mixture. It is advisable to finish the cake with a colored layer.
- Using a skewer, make patterns on the top of the workpiece and send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified.
Funny apple slices
Even ordinary fruits can be served in an original way. For example, make funny monsters out of apple slices. Sweet sprinkles in the form of eyes can be found on the Internet. If there is no unusual decoration, then make it yourself. Melt the chocolate and use a toothpick or skewer to drizzle over the marshmallows. The same melted chocolate or peanut butter will help to fix the marshmallows on the slices.
- apples - 2 pcs.
- strawberries - 100 g
- peanut butter - 8 tsp
- sunflower seeds - 2 handfuls
- confectionery topping in the form of eyes - 8 pcs.
- Quarter medium-sized apples.
- Remove the center from the peel side of each wedge.
- Brush the resulting hole with peanut butter and fill with a strawberry slice.
- Peel the sunflower seeds and stick a few into the apple blanks.
- Seal eyes with peanut butter and serve.
Cake pops
Bright cakes on skewers - why not treat a child's birthday? It is easy to attract even the birthday man himself to their preparation. Or you can make blanks in advance and invite guests to decorate them with sprinkles and icing. For the latter, it is better to choose white chocolate, since dyes can be added to the resulting mass. Let the little chefs cover the balls on their own and show imagination in decorating.
For the biscuit:
- chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
- sugar - 90 g
- flour - 90 g
For cream:
- curd cheese - 90 g
- powdered sugar - 30 g
For glaze:
- chocolate - 200 g
- butter - 20 g
- Beat the eggs with the sugar until fluffy and white.
- Carefully add the sifted flour and knead the dough.
- Bake the biscuit for 30 minutes at 180°C.
- Cool the finished cake and grind into crumbs.
- In a clean bowl, beat the cream cheese with the powdered sugar.
- Add biscuit crumbs to the cream and mix. Form into balls 4–5 cm in diameter and refrigerate for 1–2 hours.
- Melt the chocolate in a water bath and mix with butter. Thread the balls onto wooden skewers.
- Dip the balls in the frosting one by one.
Let the mass take over.
- Decorate each cake pop as you like.
Nut bars
Although a sweet table is an indispensable part of a children's holiday, it is not worth pampering children with a lot of sugar. Instead of store-bought bars or candies, make an alternative treat of nuts and dried fruits. Don't be afraid to change the filling to your liking. For example, make a treat only from almonds or add walnuts.
- pitted dates - 200 g
- almonds - 60 g
- cashews - 50 g
- peanuts - 50 g
- hazelnuts - 50 g
- honey - 50 g
- coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
For glaze:
- chocolate - 200 g
- coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l.
- Crush the almonds.
- Chop the remaining nuts and dates.
- Add crushed almonds, honey and coconut oil to the mixture.