First step baby food
When to Start Baby Food
Starting solids is an exciting and important milestone in baby’s development—one that not only opens them up to a brand-new world of flavors and textures, but also puts them on the right path to growing healthy and strong. Here’s what you need to know about how and when to start baby food for a smooth transition.
In this article:
When to start baby food
How to start baby on solids
Best first foods for baby
Introducing allergenic foods
When to Start Baby Food
Knowing when to start baby food is both crucial and tricky. Starting baby on solids too early means you might increase the risk of choking, obesity and bellyaches, but introducing solids too late means you might slow baby’s growth and encourage an aversion to solid foods, among other conditions. Fortunately, doctors have zeroed in on a sweet spot for starting baby food, which is sometime between 4 and 6 months of age—though, ideally, baby should be receiving their nutrition exclusively from breast milk until the six-month mark, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). How to tell if it’s time for starting solids for your little one? Baby will give you clues, including:
• Baby can sit in a high chair comfortably on their own. This is a major sign in terms of when to start baby food, says Lauren Kupersmith, MD, a pediatrician at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone in New York City. It means baby can hold their head up and doesn’t need to be propped up to stay in the upright position, which is important to avoid choking.
• Baby looks interested at mealtime. Babies likes to mimic what we do, so if your child likes to sit up like a big kid and watch you eat, then by all means let them try eating too.
• Baby can move food to the back of their throat to swallow. But if baby tends to push the food out of their mouth—not because they don’t like it, but because they can’t seem to get the food to where it needs to go—hold off on starting solids.
How to Start Baby on Solids
At 4 to 6 months, most of baby’s nutrition will still come from breast milk or formula, so don’t worry if baby doesn’t like eating food right away. Introducing solids is a gradual process, and every baby learns in their own time. Here are some general guidelines for how to start baby on solids:
• Feed baby with a spoon. Letting your child go at it with their hands may seem tempting (and super-cute), but it’s best that they learn the right way from the get-go. (And even then, be prepared to clean up more than a few messes!) Also, never put cereal (or any other food) in baby’s bottle—it’s a choking hazard.
• Start slowly. When introducing solids, a half spoonful will do at first—you may even want to talk baby through it (“Yummy!”). To make it easier for baby to get accustomed to the idea of swallowing solids, start mealtime with a little breast milk or formula, then offer some food (again, no more than a half teaspoon at a time) and finish off with more breast milk or formula. If baby cries or turns away when you present the spoon, try again some other time. Start off with introducing solids at one meal a day, then slowly work your way up. The morning is a good place to start, since baby is often hungriest at that time. When starting solids, baby typically won’t eat more than an ounce or two in one sitting.
• Try new foods more than once. Since babies’ tastes will evolve, you may need to try a food 20 times before a baby actually likes it, says Kupersmith.
• Stick with the same food for three days before trying another one. This makes it easy to track whether baby is allergic to a particular food.
• Try foods in different forms. If baby doesn’t like pureed food, try it mashed. After all, baby is learning about new textures as well as new tastes. It may be a case of trial and error until you find a winner.
Best First Foods for Baby
Got baby safely strapped into the high chair and bib? You’re ready to finally start feeding baby solids! There aren’t any official food rules for babies starting solids, and there’s no scientific evidence suggesting you should introduce one type of food before another, assuming the foods aren’t choking hazards. Nevertheless, baby cereal (such as oatmeal, rice and barley) is an “easy training food,” says Kupersmith, which is why it’s often recommended as baby’s first food; you can always mix it with more milk to build up to a thicker consistency. Many doctors also recommend starting vegetables before fruits, but there’s no evidence that this would make babies like vegetables more when they grow up—babies innately love sweets, and the order of introducing solids to baby doesn’t change that.
So why not simply start introducing solids with something you think baby will like? Here are a few common first foods for baby that are healthy and easy to eat (and, in the case sweet potato and banana, also easy to digest). Whatever you decide to feed baby, mash it with a fork or puree before serving whenever introducing solids.
- Baby cereal, such as oatmeal, rice, barley
- Sweet potato
- Banana
- Avocado
- Apples
- Pears
- Green beans
- Butternut squash
If your child has been breastfeeding, check with your pediatrician about getting a jump on pureed chicken or beef when you’re starting solids. These foods contain easily absorbable forms of iron and zinc, which baby needs by 4 to 6 months, according to the AAP.
At around 9 months, baby should have already worked their way up to a variety of foods, including cereal, vegetables, fruits, meats, eggs and fish (see below regarding the last two). (Keep in mind, though, that baby will still get the majority of their nutrients from breast milk or formula until age one.) By now, baby will probably settle on three meals a day along with two snacks. Let them consume about 4 ounces of solids at each meal (equivalent to a small jar of strained baby food) and about half that amount for each snack.
Save honey and cow’s milk for after baby’s first birthday—there’s a risk for infant botulism with honey (a type of bacterial poisoning), and baby’s tummy isn’t prepared to digest large amounts of cow’s milk until they’re about one year old. Avoid adult processed foods and foods that are choking hazards (such as sticky foods, like large gobs of peanut butter; hard foods that are difficult to gum, like raw vegetables, nuts, seeds and popcorn; and round, slippery foods that haven’t been cut up, like grapes and cherry tomatoes). Instead, the first foods for baby, and those in the months that follow, should be soft and served mashed, pureed or (once baby seems ready to move up from the really mushy stuff) cut up into really little bits. “There’s pretty much free reign at that point,” Kupersmith says.
Introducing Solids Chart
Hesitant about improvising your first foods for baby? That’s okay too. If you prefer an “introducing solids chart” to help you plan out baby’s path, the guide below can come in handy.
Image: The Bump
Introducing Allergenic Foods
Much of the confusion around when to start baby food stems from questions concerning allergenic foods. These are foods that babies are most often allergic to. The major culprits include dairy, eggs, fish, peanuts and tree nuts. In the past, parents were advised to hold off on exposing baby to these foods, but now doctors recommend introducing them early, often and in age-appropriate format, which means starting off with purees and soft textures.
“Dairy is an easy starting point, given options such as yogurt and cheese,” says David Stukus, MD, director of the Food Allergy Treatment Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. You can also try scrambled eggs in small amounts, although baby may not be too pleased with the texture at first.
As far as peanut products go, the National Institutes of Health issued new guidelines in 2017 that encourage parents of children at high risk for peanut allergies to incorporate them into baby’s diet at 4 to 6 months of age. Giving these babies peanut products before the age of one actually decreases their risk of developing a peanut allergy before age 5 by 81 percent, compared to kids who are introduced to peanuts later in life. Parents of kids without the food allergy risk can start peanut products whenever they’d like, as long as the nuts are in an age-appropriate form: Peanut butter can be thinned out with water or mixed into a fruit or vegetable puree, and peanut powder can also be mixed into cereal and fruits. Don’t give whole peanuts or pieces of peanuts, since they’re a choking risk.
Allergic reactions to food are never just a fluke; they will happen with every exposure. Symptoms can range from mild (such as a rash or vomiting) to severe (such as trouble breathing). If baby has a food allergy, you’ll notice a reaction within minutes or up to two hours after eating the problematic food, Stukus says. If the symptoms are severe, call 911 right away. Otherwise, talk to your pediatrician; she can help confirm whether it’s an allergy or some other type of condition (such as a viral illness).
Expert bios:*
Lauren Kupersmith, MD, IBCLC, is a pediatrician and clinical instructor at Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital at NYU Langone in New York City, as well as a certified lactation consultant. She earned her medical degree from New York Medical College in 2005.
David Stukus, MD, is the director of the Food Allergy Treatment Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, an associate professor of pediatrics in the division of allergy and immunology and a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology. He earned his medical degree from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine in 2002.
Updated January 2020
Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.
10 Baby Food Purees (Stage 1)
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Everything you need to know about making stage 1 baby food, including 10 recipes for tasty purees that are perfect for introducing solids.
Introducing solids to your baby is such an exciting milestone but it can also be an overwhelming time with lots of questions. When is your baby ready for solids? Which foods should you start with? And how do you make homemade baby food?
I’m here to make sure you have all the information you need! Plus sharing 10 baby food purees to give you some ideas of where to start if you’ve decided to make your own baby food.
When To Start Solids
Most pediatricians recommend babies start solids between 4-6 months, but you know your baby best so trust your gut and do what feels right to you (with guidance from your pediatrician)!
I have a great guide for introducing solids to babies where I outline the basics and share my approach, but just to recap, here are some signs that your baby is ready to start enjoying solid food:
- Baby can hold their head up in an upright position without too much bobbing
- Baby can sit up with (or without) support
- Baby has lost the tongue thrust reflex
- Baby puts their hands or toys in their mouth
- Baby has shown interest in food such as leaning forward and opening their mouth or trying to grab food you’re eating
How to Introduce Solid Food to Baby
Once you’ve decided that your baby is ready to start solids, it’s go-time. There are different approaches to this including baby led weaning, where you skip purees all-together and let your baby feed themselves with finger foods from the start and traditional weaning, which starts with pureed (or blended) foods.
With Olivia I did a hybrid approach where the first few foods we introduced where purees and then we started with a few finger foods when she seemed ready. I go into more detail on this in my introducing solids post.
To be honest, if you’re planning to do baby led weaning this post probably won’t be that helpful because it’s focused on how to make a variety of single ingredient purees.
What is Stage 1 Baby Food?
If you decide to use purees, you’ll quickly notice that baby food is labeled by three stages. Here is a breakdown of what these different stages mean:
- Stage 1 (4-6 months) – single ingredient foods that are pureed into a very thin consistency with no chunkiness whatsoever that can be served with a spoon.
- Stage 2 (around 6-8 months) – slightly thicker consistency and typically includes food combinations and the addition of spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, turmeric, mint, basil, etc. See my stage 2 baby food combos.
- Stage 3 (around 9-12 months) – thick blended foods with chewable chunks or small cut up pieces of easily chewed food.
Best First Foods for Baby
Solid foods can be introduced in any order, but most pediatricians recommend starting with a single-ingredient food that is easy to digest like pureed sweet potato, carrot, banana and/or avocado. Other options include pureed meats, poultry, beans and iron-fortified baby cereals like rice cereal or oatmeal.
You just want to be sure the first few foods are pureed super smooth and almost a liquid consistency. You can easily thin purees with breastmilk or formula.
As baby gets more practice with eating you can reduce the amount of liquid and offer purees with a thicker texture.
Food Allergies and Known Allergens
When introducing foods it can be helpful to introduce only one food every three to five days so you can watch for any signs of allergic reactions. A reaction could show up almost immediately or a few days after so it’s recommend to introduce one food at a time when starting out so you can track what may be causing a reaction in your baby. Reactions include: hives or rashes, itching, shortness or breath or more serious reactions like vomiting or swelling of the lips and tongue.
It’s also helpful to be mindful about common allergens. Foods like diary, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy and shellfish should be introduced gradually after less allergenic foods have been tolerated. The previous recommendation was to wait on these foods, but that as since changed and in fact, delaying the introduction of these foods may increase the risk of a child developing allergies.
One food that is off limits until a baby is at least 1 year old is honey because of the risk of infantile botulism.
How to Make Homemade Baby Food
We covered when and what foods to start with. Now lets talk how to make a basic baby food puree! Don’t fret, it’s super easy. Here’s the basic process:
- Prep: you’ll want to start by ensuring your fruit or vegetable of choice is thoroughly cleaned. Even if you’re using organic fruits and vegetables, you’ll want to washed and dry your produce! Once the produce is clean, you’re ready to peel and chop into chunks.
You can skip this step for some fruits or veggies.
- Cook: some foods like banana and avocado don’t need to be cooked, but many do. For cooking, you can steam, boil or roast. I recommend using a fork to test that they’re tender and soft.
- Blend: place cooked food into a blender or food processor and blend until smooth (or the consistency you desire), adding liquid (breast milk, formula or water) as needed.
That’s it! You’ve just made a homemade baby food puree!
Best Tools For Making Homemade Baby Food
You really don’t need any fancy kitchen appliances, but there are a few tools that will come in handy when making homemade baby food.
- Steamer basket – Steaming is one the easiest ways to cook foods for making purees and having a steamer basket is key. I have a really basic steamer basket that fits in most pots, but I also use the steamer basket that comes with my Always Pan.
- Blender – I’ve been using my Vitamix blender and love how smooth it makes the purees.
You can also use a food processor or an immersion blender.
- Silicone ice cube trays – In the beginning I really liked to make large batches of pureed food and pour it into a silicone ice cube tray with a lid to freeze for later. It was perfect when babies aren’t eating big portions because each cube is about 1-2 ounces.
- Freezer bags – Once you have frozen cubes of puree you can transfer them to a freezer-safe bag. I love reusable Stasher bags for this.
- Storage containers – As soon as you start making homemade baby food you realize that you need lots of little containers. A friend loaned me a bunch of plastic storage containers for keeping homemade baby food and I also invested in these glass containers that are freezer safe.
- Permanent markers – When storing and freezing baby food you’ll want to label everything with the name of the food and the date.
- Baby food maker – if you’re looking for an all-in-one solution that steams food and blends it there are some cool gadgets (like the BEABA Babycook) that make homemade baby food a breeze!
10 Stage One Baby Food Purees
Ready to get started making some stage 1 baby food purees? Here are 10 easy recipes to get you started. These are the purees I used in the early days with Olivia. She loved all of these, but there are a ton of other purees you can try including pear puree, apple puree (aka applesauce), bean purees (like chickpea or lentil puree) and even chicken puree.
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are a powerhouse vegetable! They’re packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and babies love their sweet flavor.
4.10 from 10 votes
Sweet Potato Puree
Sweet potato puree is so easy to make. Just bake your sweet potatoes, peel and blend until smooth! It's a great first food for babies, but can also be used in baking recipes, mixed into oatmeal, added to smoothies or served as a side dish.
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Carrots are low on the allergy scale and easily digested by a tiny tummy. They are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in the body, which is crucial for eye health and overall immune function.
4.10 from 43 votes
Carrot Puree
How to make carrot baby food by cooking and blending carrots into a smooth and creamy puree. Carrot puree make a great stage 1 starter food for babies.
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Avocados are high in heart-healthy fats as well as fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants! They’re incredibly nutritious and super easy to prepare.
5 from 3 votes
Avocado Puree
Avocado is great first food for babies. It contains healthy fats, it’s easy to blend and it’s delicious. Make it in your food processor or blender or simply mash!
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A great first food to introduce to babies, bananas are naturally soft and mushy, easy to digest and loaded with vitamins and minerals. The best part? You don’t need to cook them!
5 from 2 votes
Banana Puree
Fresh banana puree is a great first food and baby will love it because it tastes sweet! Easily make it by mashing or blending ripe bananas.
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Peas are naturally sweet and pack a punch with nutrition, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They are also high in protein, with 4 grams per half-cup serving. Fun fact, peas are actually a legume!
5 from 5 votes
Pea Puree
Pea puree is a great first food when introducing solids to babies and all you need is a bag of frozen peas and a blender or food processor!
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Butternut Squash
Technically a fruit, butternut squash is packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals.
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Butternut Squash Puree
Make butternut squash puree at home with this simple recipe! Just scoop the seeds, roast, blend and use in recipes that call for butternut squash puree. It's also a great first food for babies!
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Peaches are naturally sweet and perfect for introducing baby to solid foods. They are rich in many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
5 from 4 votes
Peach Puree
Peach puree is so easy to make using fresh peaches! It's a great first food for babies, but can also be used as a topping or mix-in for breakfast, dessert and drink recipes.
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Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, mango is especially high in vitamins A and C. They also contain a group of digestive enzymes called amylases which help little tummies just starting with solid foods.
5 from 3 votes
Mango Puree
How to make a delicious mango puree out of fresh (or frozen) mango. It's perfect for serving to baby or to use in recipes.
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Small but mighty! Blueberries are known as a superfood. Superfoods are usually plant-based and rich in nutrients that are beneficial to your health such as vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber.
5 from 3 votes
Blueberry Puree
Blueberry puree is full of antioxidants and vitamins and makes for a quick and easy first food for baby! It can also be used as a topping or mix-in for breakfast, dessert and drink recipes.
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Strawberries pack quite a health punch! They are low calorie, taste delicious and are a great source of vitamins, minerals and plant compounds.
5 from 2 votes
Strawberry Puree
Strawberry puree is easy to make and naturally sweet with no added sugar! Use it in baked goods, drinks or as baby food.
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How to Store Purees
Freshly pureed baby food should be stored in the fridge and used within 3-4 days. For longer storage, I recommend freezing purees in an airtight container. I like using silicone ice cube tray or freezer safe jars because they make it easier to thaw smaller amounts for serving to babies.
How to Thaw Frozen Puree
I recommend thawing frozen purees in the fridge the night before you want to use them. In a pinch, you can also thaw it quickly with a warm water bath. It thaws quickly if you’re defrosting a small amount to serve to a baby.
Can I store homemade baby food purees?
Yes! Making large batches of purees and storing them in the refrigerator or freezer makes feeding baby homemade purees a breeze.
Can you freeze homemade purees?
Freezing baby food that has been made with frozen fruit or vegetables is fine, as long as you have cooked the frozen foods first. Do not refreeze foods that have thawed without cooking. I recommend labeling baby food with the ingredient and date before you place them in the freezer.
Can you freeze baby food made with breast milk or formula?
If you are freezing baby food that has been mixed with fresh breast milk you’re fine! However, you should not freeze baby food that has been mixed with previously frozen breast milk. Once frozen breast milk has been thawed, it should never be re-frozen.
If you are using formula, it should be okay to freeze baby food that has been mixed with it. Most formula companies don’t recommend freezing formula, but you’re using such a small amount.
You can also freeze the baby food purees without adding any liquid. You can then thaw the baby food puree in the fridge overnight and then thin the food to the desired consistency with breast milk or formula right before serving.
This post about freezing baby food has a ton of great insight and tips.
Should I use organic fruits and vegetables?
I recommend using organic produce when possible, though I realize this isn’t always in the budget. Either way thoroughly rinsing your fruits and vegetables is an important step whether they’re organic or not.
This list of the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables from the EWG is a good guide if you can only budget for some but not all organic produce.
Is it safe to thin baby food with cow’s milk?
From a nutritional point of view, most doctors recommend waiting to introduce babies to cow’s milk until one year of age. If you need to thin your puree you can use breast milk, formula or plain water.
What is the difference between stage 1 and stage 2 baby food?
Stage 1 purees are very thin with no chunkiness and are single ingredients. Stage 2 baby foods can be more elaborate with food combinations as well as chunkier textures.
More Recipes for Resources
- Baby Pancakes
- How to Make Oatmeal For Babies
- Baby (+ Toddler) French Toast
- Applesauce
- Baby Yogurt Melts
- 6 Baby Food Combinations (Stage 2)
Be sure to check out all of the baby food recipes here on EBF.
Sweet Potato
- ▢ 2 cups steamed and peeled sweet potatoes
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 1 lb steamed and peeled carrots
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 1 avocado
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 1 banana
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 2 cups cooked peas
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
Butternut Squash
- ▢ 2 cups steamed and peeled butternut squash
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 3 ripe peaches
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 2 ripe mangoes
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
- ▢ 2 cups blueberries
- ▢ ½ cup water
- ▢ 2 cups strawberries
- ▢ water breast milk or formula to thin
Add veggies or fruit into a high powered blender or a food processor.
Blend and add liquid until you reach the consistency you desire. You can make the purees smooth and thin for young babies or thicker and chunkier for older babies.
Serving: 1sweet potato | Calories: 75kcal | Carbohydrates: 17g | Protein: 1g | Sodium: 48mg | Potassium: 292mg | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 4g
Nutrition information is automatically calculated, so should only be used as an approximation.
food processor
Additional Info
Course: Baby Food
Cuisine: Baby Food
Keyword: stage one baby food
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Avocado Puree for Babies
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Blueberry Puree
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Strawberry Puree For Babies
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Pea Puree For Babies
About Brittany
Hey there, I’m Brittany, the creator of Eating Bird Food, holistic nutritionist, health coach and personal trainer. Whether it’s for my meal plans, my favorite recipes or just because you want to feel good, I’m so happy you’re here.
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Fruits, vegetables or porridge: when and where to start feeding
The first feeding is an important and very interesting stage in the life of the whole family. For a child, this is the first step towards "adult" nutrition, for parents - a difficult but memorable experience. The FrutoNyanya blog tells how to understand that a child is already ready for the first experiments with nutrition, and what is the best way to start getting acquainted with new tastes.
When and how to introduce complementary foods
Of course, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods is set individually for each child, because there are quite a few factors that affect the age for introducing new foods. Therefore, before adding complementary foods to breastfeeding or formula, talk to a specialist who is observing the baby.
Standard recommendation - if the child is active, healthy, growing and gaining weight, the first complementary foods are recommended to be introduced at 4-6 months. At this age, the innate reflex of pushing out food fades in children, the ability to swallow semi-liquid food is formed, their digestive system gradually matures, immunity becomes more stable, and most importantly, interest in new food is shown.
Important rules for parents:
- Be consistent and gradual when introducing complementary foods. Start with ½ teaspoon and work up to the age-appropriate serving over the course of a week (usually listed on the baby food package or in the materials usually provided by caregivers to parents).
- It is advisable to schedule an acquaintance with a new product for the first half of the day so that you can track the reaction to it.
That is, the first meal is breast milk or formula, and after 2-3 hours you can eat porridge or vegetable puree.
- No need to stop breastfeeding or bottle feeding as soon as the baby starts eating "adult" food. Remember that complementary foods are an introduction to the product, not a full meal.
- Do not introduce two or more products into the diet at the same time. In the event of an adverse reaction to complementary foods, you will not be able to accurately determine its source.
- Do not rush to give complementary foods "out of age". Even if it seems to you that the child is already ready to gnaw apples and chew bananas, do not rush to transfer him from homogeneous puree-like food to pieces.
- With the introduction of complementary foods, you can start giving the baby and water. Better - a special nursery and small portions in between feedings (up to 150-200 ml per day).
- Complementary foods should be postponed if the child is currently teething too actively or feels unwell.
If you are facing events that will affect the life of the whole family, then it is also better to wait with a change in diet: moving, vacation - all this affects the psyche and condition of the baby too much. Postpone the introduction of complementary foods until life becomes stable again, and then take out jars of zucchini.
- It is important to respect the age norms and not to exceed the portion of the new product. For example, if the product packaging says that 150 grams of vegetable puree per day is enough for children at the age of 6 months, it is so. If you increase the portion too quickly when introducing complementary foods, this can result in indigestion, regurgitation, and even an allergic reaction.
One of the main tasks of complementary foods is to teach a child to distinguish between feelings of hunger and satiety and to form healthy eating habits, because the first experience affects a person’s preferences not only in childhood, but also in adulthood.
Vegetables or fruits
Photo: Wiktory / shutterstock / fotodomOne-component vegetable purees or dairy-free cereals are usually chosen as the first food for children. In this case, the choice depends on the characteristics of the child. Usually children with reduced body weight are advised to start with cereals, and with excess weight and a tendency to constipation - with vegetable puree.
Choose dry baby buckwheat or rice porridge to start complementary foods. You can cook porridge not on water, but on a mixture or breast milk, it will be tastier and more satisfying. You can use ready-made dry baby cereals that you can find in stores: they are additionally enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the growth of the child, do not contain sugar and other additives, and, of course, save you time that can be spent on communication with a baby or vacation.
As the first vegetable food, experts recommend choosing green and white vegetables because of their delicate fiber - zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. The first purees should consist of only one type of vegetable. At home, achieving a smooth puree consistency is not so easy, it will take more time and effort to prepare it, and it is also very difficult to check the safety and organicity of the selected vegetables. Therefore, for the nutrition of young children, experts recommend children's industrial products. Their composition undergoes strict control of raw materials, recipes and the preparation process. For example, the FrutoNyanya assortment includes hypoallergenic mashed potatoes from zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, which are suitable for the first feeding of a child.
If the child has taken well one type of vegetable, you can offer another, gradually expanding the diet. As they grow older, other foods are added to complementary foods: fruit and meat purees, cottage cheese, kefir and sour-milk yogurts, baby juices and cookies. The timing of the introduction of these products is also determined individually after a visit to a specialist who will focus on the dynamics of weight gain, height and a number of other important indicators of the child's health.
Experts recommend introducing meat from one-component meat purees - they contain only one type of meat. For the first acquaintance, you can add hypoallergenic rabbit and turkey purees to your child's diet. Meat is very important in the nutrition of young children, it is a source of amino acids, iron and vitamins necessary for proper growth and development. According to the general recommendations of experts, meat complementary foods should be introduced no earlier than 6 months.
Cottage cheese and dairy products are a source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A and B, as well as animal proteins and fats. They help strengthen joints, muscles, promote healthy growth of the child and the proper development of his nervous system. According to generally accepted practice, cottage cheese is recommended to be introduced into complementary foods after 8-9 months or closer to a year. Sometimes a specialist can advise cottage cheese earlier. As the first cottage cheese, it is better to choose a product without flavorings, and when the child grows up, offer him children's cottage cheese with fruits or berries, but without added sugar.
It is better to start acquaintance with fermented milk products with children's biolact and sugar-free yogurt, starting from the age of 8 months. Fermented milk products hold the record for the content of calcium, which is involved in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and is necessary for growth. In addition, dairy products for children contain probiotics (beneficial microorganisms) and prebiotics (dietary fiber) - both of which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestinal microflora. A healthy microflora, in turn, supports the child's immune system.
From 8–10 months, pieces may appear on the baby's menu. One of the best options for switching to an "adult" table would be a combined puree, for example, with pieces of meat and vegetables, which will introduce the baby to a new consistency and help strengthen chewing skills. You can also prepare and introduce vegetable "soups" chopped with a blender or mashed with a fork, steamed vegetables or turkey or rabbit cutlets into the children's diet. It is important to take your time here: if you start to introduce more solid foods into the diet too early, this can lead to digestive problems.
The first solid food is the next stage in your baby's growing up. Of course, I would like to quickly see how he eats mashed potatoes with a cutlet and drinks compote, but in this matter it is better to be patient: add different foods gradually, do not be afraid of vegetables and a negative reaction to any of the products. If the baby refuses broccoli now, this does not mean that in a month this product will remain on the unloved list - choose different ways of serving, consult with specialists, follow the reaction, and also - do not forget about a varied diet for yourself. In the end, in a few months, the baby will become another participant in joint lunches and dinners and will increasingly pay attention to the nutrition of his parents. So, perhaps you will also have to fall in love with broccoli.
Photo: Nina Buday / shutterstock / fotodom
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Introduction of complementary foods "Persona Childhood"
The most difficult and controversial issue for young parents is the introduction of complementary foods. Special journals keep returning to this topic, Internet conferences are full of questions: when, what, how and why?
Domestic and foreign pediatricians are no less actively discussing the topic of complementary foods. Unresolved questions remain about the timing of the start of complementary foods, and the order of introduction of certain foods. Recently, doctors in most developed countries have abandoned the practice of early introduction of complementary foods. From these positions, the timing of the introduction of complementary foods in Russia was also revised (see table). The proposed scheme is suitable only for healthy children who are breastfed.
After 4-6 months of breastfeeding, the nutritional value of milk gradually decreases, and the baby's appetite increases, and his need for basic nutrients is unmet. Sometimes mothers note that a 4-6-month-old baby, even after sucking out enough milk before, begins to act up, show anxiety, wake up at night shortly after feeding. At the age of six months, the baby shows interest in the "adult table": the child's body needs additional sources of nutrition. By this time, the teeth usually begin to cut, and the baby's gastrointestinal tract is fully prepared for the perception of new types of food.
The period of transitional nutrition, that is, the introduction of complementary foods, is the time of a gradual transition from mother's milk to the type of complex nutrition that will support the body of a child, and then an adult, for all subsequent years. This is a very important stage in the life of a baby, because in order to develop mature feeding skills, he must move from breast sucking to more and more complex work: learn to roll food with his tongue, swallow thick food, chew, bite off a large piece. If the child is not taught this in time, then he may have problems in the assimilation of "adult" food, against which even functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract are possible. We can say that the period of introduction of complementary foods is the first step towards growing up a baby.
Basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods
1. The timing and sequence of introduction of complementary foods depends on the characteristics of the child's development, so it is better to discuss them with a nutritionist or pediatrician.
2. Any new product should be introduced little by little (starting with 5-10 g). With good swallowing and assimilation of complementary foods, the absence of an allergic reaction to the product, it can be offered regularly, gradually increasing the volume to the recommended dose in 1-2 weeks.
3. Complementary foods should be given before breastfeeding (with the exception of fruit juices).
4. It is better to use commercially produced baby food, as it is prepared from clean, environmentally friendly products and enriched with vitamin and mineral complexes.
5. You should not enter puree or cereals from several components at once. To begin with, it is better to adhere to the principle of monocomponent, so that, if necessary, it is easier to identify the cause of an allergic reaction. Gradually, the child's diet can be expanded by adding each new component within 4-5 days.
If the child does not have food allergies and intestinal problems, then the first food supplement may be fruit juice . At first they offer, as a rule, apple juice, starting with a few drops. If you prefer homemade juices, use only green apples. Dilute natural juice with boiled water in a ratio of 1:1. Any juice is best given during or after feeding.
When choosing juices, consider their specific properties. Cherry, pomegranate, blackcurrant, blueberry juices contain tannins and have a fixing effect. They can be used if the baby has an unstable stool. For crumbs with a tendency to constipation, carrot, beetroot, apricot, plum juices are useful. It is better not to give grape juice at all, because it contains a lot of sugar, which enhances the fermentation processes in the intestines. You should also be careful with strawberry and citrus juices: they often cause an allergic reaction.
Approximate scheme for the introduction of products and dishes of complementary foods during breastfeeding of children in the first year of life
Name of products and dishes | Age, months | |||||||
0-3 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8-9 | 9-12 | |
Fruit juice, ml | - | 5-30 | 40-50 | 50-60 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90-100 |
Fruit puree, g | - | 5-30 | 40-50 | 50-60 | 60 | 70 | 80 | 90-100 |
Vegetable puree, g | - | - | 10-100 | 150 | 150 | 170 | 180 | 200 |
Milk porridge, g | - | - | - | 50-100 | 150 | 150 | 180 | 200 |
Curd, g | - | - | - | 10-30 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 50 |
Yolk, pcs.![]() | - | - | - | - | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0.5 |
Meat puree, g | - | - | - | - | - | 5-30 | 50 | 60 |
Fish puree, g | - | - | - | - | - | - | 5-30 | 30-60 |
Kefir, other fermented milk products, "follow-up mixtures", ml | - | - | - | - | - | 200 | 200 | 400-500 |
Whole milk, ml | - | - | 100 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200 |
Crackers, cookies, g | - | - | - | - | 3-5 | 5 | 5 | 10-15 |
Wheat bread, premium, g | - | - | - | - | - | 5 | 5 | 10 |
Vegetable oil, g | - | - | 1-3 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 5 | 6 |
Butter, g | - | - | - | 1-4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
Fruit puree is offered two weeks after the introduction of fruit juice.
Of the vegetables , it is better to prefer zucchini or cauliflower for a start. If you are making your own puree, you need to be sure that the products are safe. When the child gets used to the first products, the assortment of vegetables should be expanded, gradually introducing carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, turnips, and beets. In vegetable puree, depending on age, it is good to add yolk, vegetable oil, milk, meat puree. For a week, the amount of vegetable puree can be increased to 100-150 g per day, replacing one of the breastfeedings with it. At the age when vegetable complementary foods begin (4.5-5.5 months), the child usually switches to a five-time diet.
Another breastfeeding is gradually replaced with the start of porridge . Cereals from various cereals contain a large amount of a substance called gluten (gluten). The intestinal microflora in an infant is not yet fully formed, it may lack an enzyme that breaks down gluten. Products of incomplete breakdown of gluten have a toxic effect on the intestinal walls, so preference should be given to cereals that do not contain gluten - rice, buckwheat, corn. Later, you can introduce both wheat (semolina) and oatmeal porridge. In the finished dish you need to add butter. If you are allergic to cow's milk, cook cereals in vegetable broth or dilute them with a special mixture (soy or based on milk protein hydrolyzate).
The introduction of meat puree is also better to start with one type of meat. It is advisable to buy meat puree of industrial production without vegetable additives in order to know exactly the amount of meat eaten by the child. If mashed potatoes are prepared at home, the meat should be subjected to double digestion: boil for 20 minutes, then drain the broth, pour hot water over the meat again and cook until tender. Meat Broth is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.
Approximately one month after the introduction of mashed meat into the child's diet, you can start giving him fish (mashed potatoes).