Food chart for 1 to 2 year baby
Sample Meal Plan for Feeding Your Toddler (Ages 1 to 3)
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Need some ideas to feed your toddler? Use these sample meal plans and tips on healthy eating to help you feed your little one.
What should I feed my toddler?
Toddlers aged 1 to 3 are able to eat a variety of healthy foods. Offer your toddler the same foods that the rest of the family eats. Offer foods with different tastes, textures and colours according to Canada's Food Guide.
How much should my toddler eat?
Let your toddler decide how much to eat from the foods you offer. Do not force your toddler to eat or restrict the amount of food you allow them to eat. Some days they might eat more. Some days they might eat less. A toddler’s appetite can change from day to day. Use the sample meals below as general guidelines only. Start with small serving sizes and give more if your toddler is still hungry.
Sample Meals for Feeding Toddlers (1 to 3 years old)
Sample Menu 1
Breakfast | Mini oatmeal pancakes with sliced bananas and nut butter Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Morning Snack | Ripe melon pieces Plain, vanilla or fruit yogurt Water |
Lunch | Meatballs (cut into small pieces) Plain macaroni or penne pasta Cooked sweet potato Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Afternoon Snack | 100% whole wheat unsalted crackers Cheese cubes Water |
Dinner | Baked risotto with salmon Carrots and parsnips Breastmilk or water |
Bedtime Snack | Fruity Tutti muffins with applesauce Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Sample Menu 2
Breakfast | Mini mushroom omelette Berries with plain yogurt Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Morning Snack | Apple slices with nut butter Cheese cubes Water |
Lunch | Tofu Vegetable Soup Potato patties Ripe pear slices Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Afternoon Snack | Hummus with 100% whole wheat pita Cherry tomatoes (cut into quarters) Water |
Dinner | Turkey or vegetarian chili 100% whole grain bun or roll Water |
Bedtime Snack | Banana yogurt wrap Breastmilk or milk in a cup |
Tips for feeding your toddler (1 to 3 years)
- Continue to breastfeed your toddler until the age of two and beyond.
- If your toddler uses a bottle, wean them to a regular cup. Bottles also make it easy for your toddler to drink too much. This may leave less room for other healthy foods.
- Serve full fat milk (3.25%) milk until age two. You can offer cow’s milk in an open cup. After age two, you can switch to skim, 1% or 2% milk or fortified, unflavoured soy beverage.
- Fortified soy, rice, almond or coconut beverages do not contain the same amount of nutrients as cow’s milk. Do not use them instead of breastmilk or cow’s milk before 2 years of age.
- Offer water between meals. Sipping on milk or juice between meals can decrease appetite. If you give your toddler juice, offer 100% fruit juice and limit it to 125-175 mL (4-6 oz) a day.
- Offer meals and snacks at the same time each day. Offer a variety of familiar foods as well new foods at each meal.
- Let your toddler decide what and how much to eat when introducing solid foods.
It is normal for toddlers to refuse to eat new foods, change their minds about foods they ate before, or want the same food every day.
- Eat meals and snacks prepared at home more often. Prepare healthy homemade recipes such as cheesy chicken crunchie quesadillas, mini pizza sandwiches, hummus and pita and mac and “squeese”
- Always supervise your toddler while eating. Cut foods into bite size pieces to avoid choking.
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Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby: Safety Tips
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Last Update – May 16, 2022
12-18 Months Baby Food Chart - GKFoodDiary
12-18 Months Baby Food Chart -Now your tiny little bundle of joy is one year. I am sure you have thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful journey with your baby:) You have watched as your baby grows from first smiles to first steps. By now, your baby is ready to enjoy a variety of family foods.
You can give all the foods you cook for your family with fewer spices. Offer a variety of food each day. Your child may have few front teeth now, can chew some foods. But it is still a good idea to mash or cut into small pieces (½ inch or less) while giving the meat or any hard foods if it is tough to chew.
Now your child is one year, she can drink cow's milk. Cows milk is a readily available source of calcium, and it also provides essential vitamins and proteins for your child. Also, you can continue breastfeeding as long as you and your baby are comfortable.
How to introduce cow's milk to my baby?Prefer whole milk until three years as toddlers need fat in their diet for growth and development. Give only 200 - 300 ml (at the max) of cow's milk (in a cup) per day. Anything beyond the recommended amount of cow's milk leads to less appetite in toddlers. Also, don't dilute the milk with water as it reduces its nutrition content.
If your baby is not interested in taking plain milk, you can try to flavor the milk with natural homemade flavors, or add milk to porridge's/kheer/desserts or include dairy products such as curd/yogurt, paneer, cheese, etc.
Should my 12-18-month-old feed herself?By now, your toddler might be ready for self-feeding, though she might not be able to do it perfectly. She should be able to hold and drink from a cup with little help and may be interested in eating with a spoon/fingers. Foods can be cut into pieces so she can feed herself with her fingers. Encourage self-feeding if your toddler is ready, and eat as a family whenever possible. It helps in developing good eating habits.
What finger foods can I give to my toddler?Finger foods such as chunks of soft-cooked vegetables, fruits, cheese, toasted paneer, homemade cookies/crackers, and boiled eggs are easy to prepare and loved mainly by children of this age, and they can experiment on feeding themselves.
After one year, your baby's growth rate naturally slows down, and hence, your baby's appetite might have decreased than before. Also, your toddler might be interested in exploring the world around than eating. The quantity of food consumed on each day may vary from large to small amount depends on the appetite of your child. Be assured that your child knows when she is hungry, and they won't stuff needlessly.
How to encourage my fussy eating toddler?Here are some tips for the fussy eating toddler
- Never force your baby to finish the meal. Let them take their own time and enjoy the food. If your baby refuses food, try again a little later on.
- Encourage self-feeding by offering plenty of finger foods.
- Let your baby experience the food even it is more of playing and a mess.
- Offer a variety of nutritious small meals.
- Reduce sugary foods and avoid processed/junk food as much as possible.
- Be an example for your child in food habits.
For a 12-18 months baby, you can offer three meals, two snacks, and cow's milk. If you are a breastfeeding mom, You can continue breastfeeding whenever your baby demands. Choose the timings for meals and snacks according to your child's preference. Try to give food at regular intervals. If your child refuses food, try again a little later on.
How much quantity for a 12-18-months baby per day?To ensure your child gets a balanced meal, aim for a variety of foods from four primary food groups, as listed below. For the quantity of food, always be guided by your child's hunger as appetite varies from baby to baby, and most babies change from day-to-day. Here is an approximate amount. Offer a serving from within these portion size ranges at each meal and snack.
- Whole Grains, Cereal & Carbohydrates - ¼ cup to ½ cup
- Fruits & Vegetables -¼ cup to ½ cup
- Milk & Dairy Products - 1 cup
- Meat/Protein/Meat Alternatives - ¼ cup
Here is a sample food chart with recipes (please click on the hyperlink to get the recipes) for a 12-18 month old baby. Please consider the below points before using this food chart:
Notes:- Never introduce more than one food when adding new food to your baby.
- Check for allergy symptoms when introducing new food to your baby, and stop feeding your baby if you find any signs.
- This food chart is prepared to give an idea of what foods can be included in a baby's diet.
It should not be considered medical advice.
- Always check with your pediatrician before introducing any new food.
Check out various recipes for babies that are suitable for babies from 6 months to 5 years!
- Baby Food Recipes (from 6 months to two years)
- Toddler Food Recipes
- Healthy Weight Gain Food Videos for Babies
Union of Pediatricians of Russia
Nutrition for children from 1 to 3 years of age
The period from 1 to 3 years of life is a crucial stage in the transition to an adult type of nutrition, which has certain features. In order to ensure that all the necessary nutrients enter the child's body and at the same time prevent an excess of individual nutrients, nutrition should be balanced and varied.
The daily amount of food for children aged 1 to 1.5 years should be 1000-1200 g, from 1.5 to 3 years - 1200-1500 g, the amount of food in one feeding should not exceed 300-350 ml. The diet consists of three main meals per day and two snacks. It is considered optimal when breakfast is 25% of the total energy density of the diet, lunch is 30–35%, dinner is 20%, and additional meals are about 10%. In general, the child can eat the same food as the rest of the family.
In the diet of a child of 1–3 years of age , must be present daily: meat of animals or poultry, dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, bread, cereals, vegetable and butter; fish and eggs are included in the diet 2-3 times a week.
Cereal products: bread - 2-3 servings per day, cereals and side dishes - 1 time per day
Fruit and/or vegetables: at least 5 times a day
Dairy products: at least 3 servings per day (including those used to make cereals, yoghurts, fermented milk drinks, cottage cheese, infant formula or breast milk).
Domestic pediatricians recommend, when compiling a diet for children aged 1–3 years, preference should be given to specialized children's dairy products of industrial production that meet high quality requirements and safety indicators for this age. Most children's dairy products are additionally enriched with vitamins and/or minerals and other biologically active components, taking into account the physiological needs of children of this age. At the same time, in foreign recommendations, children over 1 year old are offered the gradual introduction of whole cow's milk, which is rich in fats necessary for proper growth and development, the absorption of vitamins A and D, the development of the child's brain and nervous system.
Meat dishes: 2-3 times a day
Fish dishes: 2-3 servings per week
Eggs: 2-3 per week
Dietary fats: 3-4 teaspoons of butter and/or vegetable oils per day
When cooking, use the minimum amount of salt and sugar, and do not add them to industrial products.
Offer your child a variety of foods and let them choose for themselves. Children love to eat on their own, so if possible, offer food that the child can eat with their hands.
It is important to remember that a baby can choke on pieces of food, so whatever you give your baby should be crushed or cut into small pieces that can be easily chewed.
Do not give to a small child: nuts, whole grapes, cherry tomatoes (unless quartered), whole carrots, seeds (such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds), round candies, legumes, raisins, because a child can eat them choke.
Also in the diet of children of the first 3 years of life should not be present:
Mushrooms; canned snacks, pickled vegetables and fruits
Home canned food
Dry concentrates for side dishes
Hot sauces, mustard, horseradish, pepper, vinegar, mayonnaise
Natural coffee
Juices and drinks in the form of dry concentrates; sweet carbonated drinks
Products containing food additives (flavorings, dyes of artificial origin, including chewing gum), popcorn
Combined fats; cakes and pastries
It is important to remember that children of this age should not be given too spicy and spicy foods.
Menu for a 2 year old child with recipes
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Menu author: Natalia Dik — pediatrician.![]() |
By the age of two, most babies are able to eat many foods and dishes on their own, there is no need to grind food in a blender or knead with a fork. Rejoicing at such changes, some parents want to give the baby to try more new dishes. Some, on the contrary, are afraid to introduce something new, and they are in no hurry to transfer it to the general table. There is some common sense in both approaches. Although the digestive system of a two-year-old baby is already much more mature compared to a one-year-old, nevertheless, it is not yet strong enough. Therefore transition to adult food should be gradual .
The sample menu for week below is suitable not only for feeding a two-year-old child, but also for the whole family.
Do not worry if one of the days the child has not eaten all the dishes you have prepared. Our ideas about how much a two-year-old baby should eat often differ from reality in the direction of overestimation. In addition, children may have their own characteristics and preferences. Everything new is best offered in small portions. Often, babies carefully try unfamiliar or otherwise prepared foods, but if they are offered the same dish next time, they can eat it with pleasure.
Breakfast: Porridge made of oatmeal with caramel apples
Lunch: Pumpkin puree soup with chicken+SULLET “SUNNIAN”
SUBMICA: Smoothies with sheepskin coat
Dinner: Stunk Vegetables with Facelics
Pediatrician's comment: As with all ages, it is very important to diversify the diet of children, including different types of foods . Recommended norm of milk and dairy products - up to 600 ml (of which at least 200 ml are fermented milk products), vegetables 300-400g (of which potatoes - no more than 150g), fruits - 130g, meat (red or poultry) - up to 90g per day , bread - up to 90g (of which black - no more than 30g). It is advisable to eat fish 2-3 times a week (weekly norm 175g), eggs - no more than 3 times a week. |
Breakfast: Kindergarten-style omelet
Lunch: Borsch-mashed potatoes + Potato casserole with vegetables
Snack: Baked apples with cottage cheese
Dinner: 9003 stewed vegetables
Pediatrician's comment: Make sure your child drinks enough liquids. |
Breakfast: Millet porridge with pumpkin in a slow cooker
Lunch: Borscht puree + White cabbage salad with apple
Afternoon snack: Banana smoothie with cookies and nuts
Dinner: Buckwheat porridge + Braised liver
Pediatrician's comment: In the diet of two-year-old children, there should not be such things as fast food (in addition to hamburgers and french fries, these are various chips and store-bought crackers), smoked meats, semi-finished products (sausages, sausages), canned and pickled foods, mushrooms and seafood. |
Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole with apples
Lunch: Soup with fish meatballs + Carrots and dried apricots
Power pound: yogurt+milk cake
Pediatrician's comment:Of course, it is best to prepare baby food from natural products. If, nevertheless, there is a need to purchase finished products (yogurts, curds, etc.) - , be sure to read the information on the composition of on the labels, since at present, even in products intended for baby food, you can often find various flavors, thickeners and preservatives. Manufacturers use many tricks to confuse customers (for example, they write "No preservatives" even if the composition contains citric acid, a powerful preservative). |
Breakfast: Sweet pilaf with dried fruits and nuts
Lunch: Soup with fish meatballs + Vitamin salad
SUPPORT: Yogurt+milk cake
Dinner: Potato potatoes with an indocation and damp
Pediatrician's comment:At the age of two, it is already allowed to introduce a small amount of fried , nevertheless, try not to abuse this cooking method, preferring boiling, stewing or baking to it. |
Breakfast: Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin in a multicooker
Lunch: Ratatui soup in a multicooker+beetroot salad with prunes and feta
Polorotnik: Kisel from cherry
Dinner: Potato potatoes with an indocation and damp
Pediatrician's comment: The diet of children at two years old remains 5 times a day: three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two intermediate ones. |
Breakfast: Pancakes with carrots Some experts do not recommend introducing sugar and confectionery into the diet until the age of three , or even for life. If you are already giving your child sweets, remember that the daily intake of sugar for a two-year-old child is up to 50g per day, and the less, the better.
Lunch: Ratatouille soup in a slow cooker + Beet salad with prunes and feta
Snack: Cherry jelly
Fish casserole 803 9006
Pediatrician's comment: