Food for baby raccoons

What Do Baby Raccoons Eat?

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Raccoons, like most other mammals, are excellent parents. They care for their young with diligence. When raccoon babies are born, the adult female raccoons leave the nest to forage for food to help them produce enough milk to feed their young. The babies are able to leave the nest after approximately 12 weeks of nursing. They’ll learn how to forage for food and where to search from their mother during this time.

After nine months, baby raccoons are totally dependent on their mother for survival. The mother raccoons produce up to nine pups. She will only have two remaining after nine months, and she will look for a new partner in the winter to start another litter.

If you’re thinking about keeping a raccoon as a pet, you should be prepared to begin. So, when you get home with your new raccoon and are eager to care for him, the first thing you need to consider is: what does a newborn raccoon eat?

What Do Baby Raccoons Eat? A Baby Raccoon

Raccoons are omnivores and will consume whatever they can get their hands on. However, baby raccoons are entirely reliant on their moms’ milk. To be able to produce a sufficient amount of milk, she regularly goes out to forage for food.

Baby raccoons are blind and mute for the first three weeks following birth, but they develop quickly. The baby raccoon will consume his or her mother’s milk until it is old enough to leave the nest during this time.

Raccoons make their nests in hollow trees or attics to keep their young safe. Coyotes are one of the most dangerous predators for baby raccoons. The youngsters will continue to reside with their mother throughout the first winter, at which time they will gradually depart.

It is not easy for a raccoon mom to raise their kid. While they generally feed their young on milk, they must be fed at all times. Raccoon mother raccoons feed their young every four hours, which implies they have to feed them five times a day on average. The mother raccoon spends the bulk of her time in the nest caring for her kids. The female has an obligation to nurture her young, and she accomplishes this on her own.

The newborn raccoons are ready to begin eating solid food after around six weeks. They’re introduced to insects, nuts, fish, berries, and frogs while they follow their mother and learn how to find food. Raccoons are very adaptable animals, and after a few more weeks, they will slowly start going their way and will be less dependent on their mother.

What Do Baby Raccoons Eat at Home? Baby Raccoons Should be Fed Powdered Milk in Their Early Days

If you’re new to the challenging job of raising a raccoon, this guide will get you up to speed on what baby raccoons eat. It’s easy to ask and understand what baby raccoons eat. powdered milk with high-fat content is fine. Remember, if you want your little raccoon to grow up healthy, never try to feed whole milk to it.

You must feed a newborn raccoon up to five times a day for the first seven weeks of his life. To feed him at regular intervals, you’ll have to get out of bed during the night and respond to his demands for food.

What exactly do baby raccoons eat? They may easily overeat while they are nursing. Just enough should be given to your raccoon so that he feels satisfied. Wait until he begins to refuse the milk before offering him any more.

Massage the genital region after each feeding, and burp the raccoon at the same time. To assist it to relieve itself, use a cotton ball soaked in warm water to massage the area around his genitals.

You and your new pet raccoon will have an exciting few weeks early on. However, the newborn raccoon will be ready to start eating solid foods after the first few weeks.


It’s not difficult to wean a raccoon, although certain individuals may be more difficult to bottle-break than others. When your pet reaches the seventh or eighth week of age, you can start offering some of the adult raccoon’s meals.

After they’re done playing with the bottle, your raccoon will show his omnivorous side and may start to consume almost anything. Even so, you should gradually introduce the food. You could, for example, add baby cereal to the milk or offer him a soft meal like fruit that he can chew on.


It will still be difficult to feed your raccoon after the weaning period. It may be simpler than bottle-feeding, but you will always have to maintain an eye on your pet’s diet.

Raccoons can eat just about anything in the wild, and their diet is quite varied. The raccoon’s wild food is determined by his natural instincts and the various seasons and habitats he encounters. In contrast, a pet raccoon has no choice but to follow your instructions. It is entirely reliant on you for its nutrition.

It’s difficult to compare your raccoon to a dog or a cat. It is not that simple. Although canned food can sustain these typical pets, it will not support your pet raccoon. It may consume cat or dog food in a can, however only giving him that isn’t good for his health. Make certain to provide your baby raccoon with a variety of meals items on a daily basis and select the finest ones.

Baby Raccoons will eat just about anything you put in front of them, and they can eat a lot. You may select from among a wide range of edibles. Fresh vegetables, uncooked corn on the cob, fish, fruit, poultry, grain-free dog food, and eggs are some popular pet raccoon staples.

Fruits and Vegetables for Baby Raccoons

You must also satisfy his predatory instincts and offer mice, minnows, or insects to him from time to time. If at all feasible, don’t make these goodies readily available to your raccoon. Place them in a plastic container, hide them, or release the minnows into a basin of water if possible. Raccoons like exploring and competitions, which means finding a method to get the food keeps them occupied. As a consequence, your raccoon will be more cheerful, less bored, and less destructive within your home.

How To Feed Baby Raccoons? A Baby Raccoon in The Wild

If you come across an abandoned baby raccoon and believe he is orphaned, you may need to care for him. After it’s moved to a new location or lost, you’ll need to get him warm and hydrated, then feed him with a milk replacement solution. Baby raccoons can be poisonous and carry germs, so handle them carefully and wear gloves.

Step 1:

Make sure it’s not too cold. A baby raccoon can’t stomach food until it’s at the right temperature. If your baby raccoon has been out in the cold, he’ll need to be warmed up before eating. Warming him with a soft blanket and a hot water bottle is sufficient until he feels warm to the touch.

Step 2:

By pinching the baby raccoon’s skin, check for dehydration. When you pinch the skin, or if the eyes are sunken, it may be severely dehydrated and should be taken to a veterinarian immediately. If it appears only slightly dehydrated, offer him a rehydration solution (also known as Pedialyte) right away.

Step 3:

Choose how much to feed it. The quantity you offer your infant raccoon will be determined by its weight, so you’ll need to weigh it first in grams. Plan to give it 5% of its body weight in milliliters at each feeding after you’ve measured its weight.

Step 4:

It’s best to feed it with an eyedropper. It will most likely be best if you feed your baby raccoon with an eyedropper at first since you can regulate the amount of fluid he receives. Express the milk gradually into its mouth while holding it on its belly or slightly upright. It’s normal for the baby raccoon to struggle with the eyedropper at first. You may need to squeeze your hand around its muzzle in order for it to maintain a grip on the dropper.

Step 5:

Put it in a bottle. You may be able to transition from feeding with an eyedropper to feeding with a pet bottle after you’ve mastered the technique. These are readily available at most pet retailers. Lay the raccoon facedown or slightly upright, as with the eyedropper. Massage the raccoon’s back from his neck to his tail base to encourage a purring response and stimulate sucking by inserting the nipple of the bottle into his mouth.

Step 6:

Waste removal should be stimulated. This step is critical to your baby raccoon’s survival. Mother raccoons frequently stimulate their young to urinate and defecate by licking them. As a surrogate raccoon mother, you’ll need to massage the raccoon’s feces with a warm washcloth or a feather. This must be done before and after each feeding until the baby raccoon is able to discharge waste on its own.

Step 7:

Mix the two together. When your baby raccoon’s teeth begin to grow, you’ll need to start including solid foods in its diet. Begin by combining a bit of crushed kitten food with its formula. Feeding canned eggs, soft fruits, and oatmeal soon thereafter is a good idea (just make sure they’re real).

What Are The Natural Predators of Baby Raccoons?

The northern raccoon is a species of mammal that has black masks and lives throughout North America. They are predators and scavengers, and their grizzled black, gray, or brown fur allows them to blend in with their surroundings. They are most recognizable for their dark masks.


Coyotes are powerful and versatile hunters, capable of consuming anything from large prey to rubbish. They will consume raccoons, both adult and juvenile alike. Coyotes hunt in packs, but one coyote is enough to kill a single raccoon.


Great horned owls, according to the Michigan Natural History website, are big birds that range in length from 18 to 25 inches and have wingspans of 48 to 60 inches. Despite the fact that their diet generally consists of little mice and rats, cats will consume larger animals including opossums, raccoons, and skunks. While they typically avoid eating adult raccoons, they have been known to kill and consume them.


Foxes, like raccoons, compete for the same food sources and live in similar climates. If given the opportunity, foxes will devour small, young raccoons. Fox urine is effective as a raccoon repellent. Foxes are high-level predators that prey on a variety of species including rabbits and snakes.


Wolves are predators that subsist on meat, and though they do a lot of scavenging, they are also good hunters. To bring down a large beast species, wolves will hunt in packs, but a solitary wolf can easily kill a raccoon. Wolves prey on raccoons as well as other rodents such as shrews and hares.

Large Cats

Raccoons are hunted by a variety of predators, including lynx, cougars, and pumas. If they have the opportunity, these huge predators assist to control the raccoon population. They can consume both juvenile and adult raccoons.


Raccoons are hunted for their fur and because they are considered pests. Raccoons will prey on chickens, which can lead to the spread of rabies. People will hunt raccoons using dogs and guns, capture them in traps or poison them. Some people will go after raccoons for food; however, others do it for the sake of competition.

How To Protect Baby Raccoons From Predators?

Experienced raccoon parents build insulated and well-hidden dens, such as abandoned burrows of other animals or hollowed tree trunks, to avoid predators. Raccoons are able to get into areas that other animals cannot because of their hand movement and dexterity, which they use to pick up things in their environment and access places that would otherwise be inaccessible to other creatures.

Infrequently maintained places, such as attics, barns, deck spaces, and basements, provide excellent security from virtually all dangers.

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Baby Raccoon - What you Need to Know

Raccoons just like most mammals are excellent mothers; they take good care of their young ones. When raccoon babies are born, they stay in the nest while the adult female raccoons go out to forage for food to help them produce enough milk to feed their young. After about 12 weeks of nursing, the baby raccoons are finally old enough to follow their mother out of their nesting area. During this time, they will learn from their mother how to forage for food, and where to look. 

Baby raccoons are dependent on their mother for up to nine months, after which they will go their way. The mother raccoons give birth to up to nine pups. After nine months she will only have two left, after which she will look for a new mate to make another litter during winter.

What do baby raccoons eat?

Raccoons are omnivorous; they will eat just about anything they get their paws on. However, baby raccoons are entirely dependent on their mothers’ milk. She often goes out to forage for food to be able to produce a sufficient amount of milk.

When baby raccoons are born, they are both blind and deaf for about the first three weeks but they grow very fast. During this period the baby raccoon will feed on its mother’s milk until it is old enough to follow her out of the nest. Raccoons nest in hollow trees or attics to keep their young safe. One of the main threats to baby raccoons is predators such as coyotes. The young ones will stay with their mother through the first winter after which they will gradually leave.

Caring for a baby raccoon isn’t an easy task for the mother. While they typically rely on milk, they have to be fed round the clock. Raccoon mothers feed their babies every four hours, that is at least five times a day. The mother raccoon spends most of her time in the nest attending to her young. The female has a duty of raising her young, and she does this all on her own.

After around six weeks, the baby raccoons are ready to start eating solid food. While they follow their mother and learn how to look for food, they are introduced to eating nuts, insects, fish, frogs, and berries. Raccoons are very adaptable animals, and after a few more weeks, they will slowly start going their way and will be less dependent on their mother. 

Are baby raccoons dangerous?

A baby raccoon looks very similar to an adult raccoon, and the only distinguishing factor is its size. The newborns are deaf and blind for up to three weeks, and they are dependent on their mothers. If you have spotted a litter of raccoons on your property, you are probably wondering if they are dangerous.  

Well, while baby raccoons look cute and cuddly, it is important to note that they are wild animals, and could be potentially dangerous even at an infant stage. Baby raccoons are not yet old enough to be aggressive to bite and scratch, but their mother is. It is important that you only handle baby raccoons when you are certain their mother is not loose. Mother raccoons make awesome caregivers, and will not hesitate to attack humans close to their nests. 

Raccoons are known to spread a variety of harmful diseases that could be transmitted to pets as well as humans. Therefore, when handling baby raccoons, you need to be extra careful. If you are unsure of yourself, contact your local wildlife service to get rid of them for you. However, if you are willing to do it yourself, make sure you wear protective clothing which includes gloves, boots, a mask, and long-sleeved pants. Raccoon droppings often have parasites that can be transmitted to humans through contamination, soil, water, or by breathing dried-up particles of their droppings. 

Baby raccoons could also be carriers of rabies. Raccoons are a vector carrier of rabies, and chances are the baby raccoons you are about to handle are also infected. Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central neural system and is usually spread through the bite of an infected animal. While the baby raccoon is incapable of biting you at a tender age, there have been cases of people going through rabies treatment after handling young infected babies. It is not only what the animals have but also what feces are left behind. Oftentimes feces removal is required after a raccoon and baby removal.

What do you call a baby raccoon?

The correct name for a baby raccoon is a kit or a cub. Both these terms are widely used to describe baby raccoons.

However, a page on raccoons on the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (Washington DC) website refers to raccoon babies as “cubs. ” But the Canadian Wildlife Federation uses the term “kit,” as does the University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine.

So, either kit or cub is an acceptable moniker for a baby raccoon, depending on where you live.

When do baby raccoons leave the nest?

Raccoon breeding season is anytime from December through to June, although most activity usually happens around February.

The mother raccoon is pregnant for between 63 and 65 days, giving birth to two to five babies in April or May. The newborn babies are helpless and blind until their eyes open at about three weeks of age. Between four to six weeks, the baby raccoons begin to stand and learn to move around the den. Sometimes, the mother carries her babies one by one in her mouth until they are fully mobile.

Once they reach eight weeks old, the baby raccoons typically leave the den and follow their mother to a new location. During that time, the mother teaches her family how to forage for food. Raccoon fathers do not play a role in raising their young; that task falls exclusively to the babies’ mother.

How long do baby raccoons stay with their mother?

Baby raccoons are weaned off their mother’s milk when they are about 12 weeks old. Occasionally, the youngsters disperse during the fall or early in the winter of their first year, but it is more usual for the babies to overwinter in a den with their mother until the following spring. Raccoons don’t hibernate, preferring to huddle together as a family in their den until the harsh winter weather abates.

Unlike some species, raccoons raise their young in isolation, and they do not have babysitters for their youngsters. So, that means busy raccoon mothers do have to leave their family unattended for quite long periods of time while they go foraging for food. Older baby raccoons often become adventurous, venturing out of the den while mom is absent. That’s usually when homeowners come across a baby raccoon and assume it’s been orphaned, which is most likely not the case at all.

Once the baby raccoons reach ten months of age, they will be independent. At that time, the youngsters, especially females, will often decide to build dens close to their mother. So, during the spring, many young raccoons are searching for a suitable den site in which to raise their own families, which could include your walls, attic, or chimney.

What does a raccoon nest look like?

Although they do nest in trees, the perfect place for raccoons to nest and raise a family is the sheltered, warm environment of your attic or some other area in your home.

Squirrels also like to take up residence in attics and are just as big a nuisance as raccoons. But how can you tell the difference between a raccoon nest and a squirrel nest?

Raccoons build a bed, rather than a nest, and these resourceful creatures are not fussy about what they use for nesting materials. The most commonly used nesting materials for outdoor-dwelling raccoons are hay and long grass.

However, away from the elements inside the haven of your attic, raccoons are quite happy to use your insulation to create a cozy bed. A mother raccoon can wreak havoc in your home by shredding your insulation until she has a pile of material that’s deep enough to burrow inside. Given that adult raccoons grow to the size of a small dog, that’s a lot of insulation!

A squirrel nest tends to be more intricately constructed than that of a raccoon, but it isn’t very easy to tell the difference if you don’t have a trained eye. For that reason, you are strongly advised to ask a professional wildlife relocation service contractor to take a look at the nest for you.

What to do if you find an injured baby raccoon

It’s not uncommon to find baby wild animals outside, especially during spring going about their business. Most people often find the need to help baby raccoons when they find them alone on their property. However, while they might seem like they need our help, you should not take that step until you are 100% certain.

How will I tell if the baby raccoon is Injured or needs my help?

A baby raccoon needs your help if:

  • It is presented to you by a cat or a dog
  • You can see there is evidence of bleeding
  • You spot an apparent or obvious broken limb
  • The baby raccoon is shivering
  • There is a dead parent nearby
  • The baby raccoon is wandering and crying all day. 

If you find a baby raccoon in any of the above conditions, the first thing you need to do it to keep it contained. This gives you time to figure out how you will help it. It’s important to wear protective clothing before handling any raccoon even at a tender age. If you are unsure of how to handle it, call our raccoon removal Scarborough service to help you out.

Baby Raccoon Removal Process

Approach the baby raccoon from behind and drop a towel on the animal, make sure it covers the body as well as the head and immediately place it in a container. Seal or cover the container to prevent it from getting away.

Smaller baby raccoons

If the raccoon in question is about three weeks old, put it in a cardboard box with a t-shirt or a soft towel to keep it warm and cozy. It doesn’t matter how hot it is outside; baby raccoons get cold, offer it a heat source. 

Larger baby raccoons

Larger baby raccoons can be lured or put into a dog or cat crate. You could also place a laundry basket or cardboard box over them. Reinforce this by placing something heavy on top to reduce movement. Keep the baby raccoon in a warm dark, quiet place. Do not feed it, and call your local wildlife service right away. 

Can I transport the injured baby raccoon?

Depending on where you find the injured raccoon, you could transport it to the nearest animal facility including:

  • A wildlife rehabilitator
  • Local veterinary clinic
  • Local animal control agency

Remember, when transporting the animal, ensure that it is safely secured in a cardboard box or crate. Also, ensure the car is as quiet as possible. Raccoons hate noise, if possible, avoid turning on the radio. We highly recommend that you do not transport or handle baby raccoons on your own. Raccoons carry parasites that could be passed on to you and your pets. Having a baby raccoon in your car or household could potentially expose you and your family to diseases. 

How to reunite an injured baby raccoon and mother

Sometimes, during nursing, a baby raccoon can fall out of its nest and get separated from the rest of the litter. If you spot such a raccoon, first check if it is injured, in case it isn’t, the best possible option is to get it back to its mother. Raccoons just like most mammals make excellent mothers and will come back looking for its baby if given a chance. An adult female raccoon will take care of its baby better than any human or wildlife care center could do. 

Baby Raccoon and Garbage

Wear protective clothing, and safely secure the raccoon into a cardboard box with a heat source. Place it as closely as possible to where the baby raccoon was discovered. In case there is a tree in the vicinity, place it at the base of the tree. Raccoons will rarely nest at trees, placing it next to a building or structure will work too. If you know where the raccoon nest is, place the box near the raccoon trail leading to the nest. During this process, do not wear perfume or have any fragrance that will deter the mother raccoon away. 

The baby raccoon should be left for a full night to see if the mother will rescue it. Raccoons are nocturnal animals, and will most likely come out in the cover of the night to look for its young when it’s most active. Ensure that the box enclosure is warm, and if possible, refresh your heat source. It’s also important that you do not attempt to feed the raccoon. Keeping the baby raccoon hungry is key to getting the mother to find it. A hungry baby raccoon just like a human child will cry when hungry calling its mother. 

If you live in a noisy area, you could leave a sign next to the cardboard box, letting others know that the baby raccoon is waiting for its mother. Alternatively, you could take the baby and place it in a dark, secure location until sunset when everything cools down. Remember, you need to leave the baby raccoon out for a single full night to give the mother a chance to find it. 

In case the mother doesn’t come back for the baby after leaving it outside for a full night, the baby could probably be an orphan. Its rare for a mother raccoon to abandon it’s young, however, if something happens to the mother while she’s out foraging, she might not be capable of getting back to her litter. In such a scenario, contact your local wildlife removal service for advice. All these factors can impact raccoon removal prices.

What do you do when you find an abandoned baby raccoon?

Sometimes, baby raccoons and mothers get separated due to different reasons. If you bumped into a baby raccoon in your property without its mother, the first thing you need to do is access its well-being. Check if:

  • The baby is cold or lethargic
  • Is the baby raccoon coat patchy or matted?
  • Is its head tilted?
  • Is it bleeding?
  • Does it have any broken limbs?
  • Did you find the dead mother?
  • Does the baby raccoon have abrasions?

If the answer to the above questions is yes, then reuniting the baby raccoon back to its mother is no longer an option. The baby raccoon will need to get to a wildlife rehabilitation center immediately. 

What scenario would make a baby raccoon an orphan?

  • Sometimes the babies get trapped inside the nest, and the mother is unable to get to them. 
  • In rare cases, the mother abandons the baby with reasons best known to her; sometimes, she is unable to provide to all her babies.
  • Mother was trapped and relocated or killed, and the babies were found later
  • The mother was in the process of moving the babies to a new nest, but she can only carry one pup at a time. 

When you find the abandoned baby raccoon, regardless of the time of the year, make sure that the babies are warm to the touch before you get to reunite them. You could use a warm water bottle with a sock to keep warm. Make sure the water bottle doesn’t get cold. When the water bottle gets cold, it will suck the warmth out of the babies. Also, do not attempt to feed the raccoons. If you are certain that the mother has abandoned them, and you have left them out for a whole night without rescue, call your local wildlife removal service or animal control. Avoid handling the raccoons with your bare hands, and keep them out of reach from pets and children. Raccoons often have parasites, and they could easily transfer them to you when you handle them. 

what to do if you found a baby raccoon – infographic

Update Articled: January 23, 2020

Baby raccoon: what are the little raccoons called?

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