Frozen baby food coles

Calories in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas Calorie Counter Australia

One serve of Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas contains 46 calories, which is the same as 193 kilojoules. There are servings in a pack. See the Nutrition Facts panel below: to see energy and nutrient values for other amounts


Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Selected Weight
  • Total Fat (g) 0
  • Saturated Fat (g) 0
  • Kilojoules 257
  • Sodium (mg) 2
  • Alcohol (g) 0
  • Cholesterol (mg) 0
  • Total Carbohydrate (g) 7
  • Dietary Fibre (g) 0
  • Sugars (g) 4
  • Protein (g) 5
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About This Food

This Nutrition Information is for Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas. Were you looking for Coles Snap Frozen Brussels Sprouts, Coles Snap Frozen Carrots Peas & Corn, or Coles Snap Frozen Cauliflower Prepacked instead? You can easily search for different foods with calcount’s search box.

Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas is a common food consumed in Australia. It is usually available from Coles Supermarkets nationwide.

Energy in Snap Frozen Baby Peas

There are 61 calories (257kJ) per 100 grams of Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas.

Carbs and Fat in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas

Each serve of Snap Frozen Baby Peas has 5.4 grams of carbohydrates and no fat, and no saturated fat.

Protein and Sodium in Snap Frozen Baby Peas

One serve of Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas contains 3.5g protein and 5mg sodium. See below for ingredients and other details:

Australian Grown Baby Peas.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

These are some frequently asked questions related to this food:

How many Calories are there in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas?

There are 62 calories in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas per 100 grams.

How much Protein is in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas?

There are 5 grams of protein in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas per 100 grams.

How much Fat is there in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas?

There are grams of fat in Coles Snap Frozen Baby Peas per 100 grams.

Compare to Other, Similar Foods

You might want to compare this food's nutrition values with these related foods:

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The calcount team does its best to ensure the accuracy of all of the information published in the Calorie Counter Australia website. However, we do not guarantee that all of the published information is accurate and complete. Please remember to consult your medical professional before you take any action in respect to anything you read on this site. Our information includes copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property such as brand names and descriptions which belongs to the respective owners of said property.

Review- Annabel Karmel frozen meals

When Mylo was first starting solids I made him some basic purees with different fruits and vegetables, he took to food straight away and became a gobble guts. When he reached 6 months I decided that I would start giving him proteins. I started googling for some recipes and ideas. I discovered Annabel Karmel and I downloaded the app. She had so many great recipe ideas that were much more creative and interesting than plain old fruit and veg. I loved making Mylo’s food. I would make up big batches and freeze it, defrosting it as I needed it. I converted all of her recipes so that I could make them in the Thermomix. We have had our challenges with food over the past year, for example when he decided he would no longer eat anything off a spoon and he would only feed himself finger foods. I am very lucky though as Mylo is generally a great eater.

I went back to work full time in February. Suddenly I had a lot less time on my hands and I still had a very hungry baby. My husband stays home with Mylo during the day and let’s just say he is definitely not the chef of the house. At first my husband really struggled with what to feed Mylo for three meals a day. I decided to sit down with the Annabel Karmel website, app and meal planner. I created a seven day meal plan for Mylo that included three meals a day as well as morning and afternoon tea. My husband found this much easier to deal with as he was able to just look at the day and meal that was required, grab it out of the freezer or fridge and ensure Mylo had a meal. This is a great system although it still requires me to find lots of time to do batch cooking and freezing his food. We have since bought an extra freezer to keep in our laundry as we had run out of space!

When I was doing the research for my meal plan I saw that Annabel Karmel had ready made meals and products available in the UK. I was disappointed that we didn’t have them here so you could imagine my excitement when I received an email telling me that her products were coming to Australia! The meals are divided into four stages:

Stage 1: Pop and Peel fruit purees for 4 months and up.

Stage 2: Pop and Peel purees with protein for 6 months and up.

Stage 3: Toddlers meals and finger foods for 1 – 4 year olds.

Stage 3: Ready meals for 3 years and older.

She has also included some tasty desserts for children 1 year and older ( I have tasted them, they are delightful).

Things I love about the Annabel Karmel ready made meals:

1. They are easy and I can keep them in my freezer. If Mylo needs a meal, it is ready in 5 minutes.

2. They are nutritious, there are no added colours or preservatives and they are low in salt and sugar.

3. They are the same Annabel Karmel recipes that I would make at home except I can conveniently buy them pre made and frozen.

4. The Annabel Karmel bites. Protein finger foods that Mylo can feed himself without any mess.

5. If I want Mylo to try a new recipe I can give him a frozen meal first to see if he likes it before putting in a whole bunch of time and effort making him something that he is just going to throw on the floor.

6. If  we are travelling in Australia I know that I will be able to nip into Coles when we get there and grab Mylo some frozen meals that we can keep in the freezer so that I won’t need to cook for him.

To find out more visit

Defrosting and serving baby food. Your baby from birth to two years old

Defrosting and serving baby food. Your baby from birth to two years


Your baby from birth to two years old
Sears Marta


Defrosting and serving baby food

Frozen meals should not be thawed at room temperature for long periods of time. When it's time to use frozen baby food, try these tips:

• For slow defrosting, place one serving or a day's supply in the refrigerator and leave for three to four hours.

• For quick defrosting, use an electric defrost or place a frozen cube or open jar in a heat-resistant small container and place in a small saucepan. Fill the pot with water just short of the rim of the food container. Defrost and reheat over medium heat, stirring occasionally to heat evenly. nine0003

• Before giving baby food to a baby, be sure to mix it thoroughly and taste to make sure there are no areas too hot for the baby. Touch the product with your upper lip each time you load another spoon. Even the smallest amount of food that is too hot can teach a child not to trust what lies in the spoon approaching him. You can better check the temperature with your finger.

• Because microwave heating can create hot spots in food that can burn your child's mouth, we do not recommend this method. If you choose a microwave, be very careful to stir and always try a little yourself to see if the food is evenly heated before feeding your baby. nine0003

• To avoid wasting food, feed your baby with a spoon of the portion you think he can handle. If he wants more, use a clean spoon to place the topping on his plate. You can store the rest of the dish in the refrigerator for two days, but only if saliva does not get into it.

Some babies don't eat "baby food" at all, and all this information on how to make it can be skipped if your baby tolerates a fairly firm texture, refuses solid foods for a long time, can't stand being spoon-fed, or transitions immediately to hand feeding. Some mothers really go into making baby food; others simply cook for the whole family and mash a portion for the child with a fork. nine0003

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How to freeze baby food - Encyclopedia Baby food

Levchuk Victoria ©

Knowing how to freeze baby food, you can cook and store whole batches of homemade food for a child, because this is a real find for busy parents.

Table of Contents:

There are several ways to freeze baby food - they all work equally well - but may take up varying amounts of freezer space. nine0003

By all means …

…it is necessary to prepare homemade baby food and then refrigerate it as quickly as possible to prevent bacterial growth. Any food left at room temperature for more than two hours is not safe for a child to consume and should be thrown away.

To cool cooked food quickly, you can try putting it in a shallow container - you can even dip the container in a pot of cold water to help speed up the process. nine0003

How to freeze baby food - Method 1

Thoroughly clean the ice tray and the spoon that will be used in filling each section. An ice tray with a resealable lid is ideal as it protects food from frostbite or picking up any odors from the freezer. If there is no mold with a lid, you can cover with food-safe plastic wrap. Some people use foil, although we don't recommend it as some of the foil will remain in the food! nine0003

Place the filled ice tray in the freezer, and - after completely frozen - place them in ZIP bags that take up less space in the freezer.

This method produces small portions of baby food that are ideally sized - typically around 30 grams or so. One cube per meal may be enough for a child to start with, but as they grow, you may need to increase the number of cubes at a time or increase the ice cube tray.

You can also make many different flavors of baby food by mixing and matching different fruit and vegetable cubes, for example, the combination of apple puree cube with carrot puree cube, delicious! nine0003

Which ice mold should I choose?

Some ice cube trays are specifically made for baby food and do not contain potentially hazardous chemicals - but you can use a regular ice cube tray, or you might be advised to try a silicone mold, or even stainless steel trays, although the regular plastic version will do. if there is confidence in the quality of the workmanship.

How to freeze baby food - Method 2

Same as method 1, since the process of freezing baby food is the same, only silicone muffin molds are used instead of an ice mold! Their flexibility makes it easy to remove food portions - plus, of course, their use is beneficial when the baby starts to eat more baby food!

How to Freeze Baby Food - Method 3

If no suitable freezer containers are available for baby food, baking paper can be used (although a little more freezer space will be needed initially). nine0003

Simply spoon the cooked baby puree onto the baking sheet to form small mounds (though note that this will not work if the puree is too thin). We cover the baking paper with cling film, freeze, and then mix the servings of food into bags, as before.

How to Freeze Baby Food - Method 4

Another good way to freeze homemade baby food is to divide the puree into freezer glass jars and place them in the freezer. nine0003

However, please note that you should never freeze baby food in glass jars unless the jar manufacturer has specifically stated that freezing is safe and possible.

Jars that are freezer safe must be properly labeled and distinguished from other tins (including commercial baby food tins) that are not strong enough to withstand the expansion of food that occurs during the freezing process. nine0003

This means that the jar may burst or, even worse, there may be small microcracks that cannot be seen with the eyes, but which will allow tiny pieces of glass to get into the baby's food.

How to Freeze Baby Food Method 5

Probably the most popular way to freeze homemade baby food is to use freezer trays or jars for baby food, there are so many options to choose from! nine0003

Manufacturers, recognizing the growing trend of parents to freeze baby puree, offer special forms of baby food that make life easier, well, because there is a lid! What's more, these molds are free of potentially harmful chemicals, which is something some plastic trays for general consumption are guilty of.

Tracking the finished product

Most types of baby food - especially puree - freeze perfectly. Sometimes you will have to experiment with texture, since the freezing process itself consists in the fact that the water in the product expands when it freezes, destroying the cell walls. This is especially noticeable when the whole food is frozen, for example a frozen banana will be very soft when thawed. nine0003

To reduce the hassle of freezing baby food, here are some helpful tips...

- Do not puree too thin before freezing. Keep in mind that many foods become watery when thawed (especially fruits and vegetables), adding extra liquid before freezing will then add too much cereal to thicken!

- Herbs and spices tend to lose their flavor in the freezer. If a baby food recipe calls for them, it is best to add them after after the food is defrosted, just before heating.

- Baked foods - like homemade nuggets or fish fingers - are best frozen when almost cooked but not fully done. This is because the structure of the food when frozen and thawed can behave negatively.

— When freezing yogurt, remember that it may be too thin when defrosted. Sometimes stirring it well is enough to solve this problem - but in some cases, the resulting yogurt is too thin to eat with a spoon, so such yogurt can be used in a smoothie! nine0003

- A good result is obtained from freezing rice and oatmeal, which is good if the morning is like a nightmare and there is no time to organize a full breakfast. Only cereals should not be made too thin before they are frozen .

- Many fruits - especially apples and pears - can look very brown when frozen and thawed. This discoloration is a natural and harmless result of the fruit being exposed to air, but if it's a concern, mixing lemon juice and fruit puree before freezing can solve the problem. Please note that citrus fruits can cause an allergic reaction in babies, so you can use it with a changed color! nine0003

- If you want to make your own stock of vegetable or meat broth, which is convenient, you just need to prepare a large batch at a time and freeze.

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