Gerber baby second foods
Shop Baby Food Purees | Gerber
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- Supported Sitter 25items
- Sitter 94items
- Crawler 9items
- Toddler 23items
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- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D
- On the Go 43items
- Iron 1item
- Starting Solids 15items
- Expanding Textures 10items
- Probiotics 1item
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
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Probiotic Supplements and Multivitamins | Gerber
- Colic 1item
- Crying
- Fussiness
- Gas
- Mild Spit-Up
- Uncomfortable Poops
- Teething
- Vitamin D 1item
- On the Go
- Iron
- Starting Solids
- Expanding Textures
- Probiotics 4items
- Prebiotics/2’-FL HMO
Price - Low to High Price - High to Low Newest On Sale Top Sellers
Baby food: ✔Gerber ✔Nutrition ✔Baby ✔Nestle
It's amazing, but baby food is a little over 150 years old. No, before that, of course, children were also fed, but not in the same way as today. Modern mothers, if necessary, can replace breast milk with a similar analogue in composition and safely diversify the children's menu. We are talking about mixtures and complementary foods from jars and bags, which, with their appearance, changed the centuries-old diet. And before that, they didn’t feed babies with anything!
In ancient Greece, as a first food, children were given liquid barley stew, to which in Sparta they added bull's blood so that the boys would grow up to be real warriors.
I would not want to make it an absolute custom to feed children food so that they do not scream for nothing, but there is something in it. At least the mouth is busy for a while. Well, if mother's milk. But not everyone was lucky. So the she-wolf raised Romulus and Remus, according to this myth. And the ancient Greek gods, starting with the main one, Zeus, grew up on the milk of goats, although they also claimed the breasts of mother goddesses.
In the Middle Ages, baby bottles were made of leather and wood. At the beginning of the 19th century, they began to produce porcelain teats with leather or suede teats.
In different countries at different times, milk from almost all animals capable of producing it was used, that is, for the benefit of baby food. The babies left without mother's milk were fed by goats and cows, sheep and camels, llamas and donkeys.
It is not documented, but the story that one of the children of Charles Darwin was fed with donkey milk has not yet been forgotten. Apparently, the English naturalist made a natural selection - he chose a donkey as a wet nurse, believing that her milk is closest in composition to human milk.
Drink, children
AG Venetsianov “A nurse with a child” • source: / СС BY Children were deprived of mother's milk not always by nature. Sometimes women themselves refused to feed their offspring. The poor were hindered by work, the rich by whims. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that breastfeeding distracted the mother from the birth of other children, and in modern times - from secular life. A woman of a noble family had to give birth to as many children as possible, and any other woman could feed them. This approach led to the fact that in Europe and Russia, wealthy mothers gave newborns to nurses. In France, this tradition was most widespread. In the second half of the 18th century, the first agencies for hiring wet nurses appeared in Paris.
The authorities united four such agencies into a municipal nursing office, which protected their rights and guaranteed their wages. The bureau survived the French Revolution and closed in 1876. But then dry milk formula was already invented and distributed throughout Europe.
Milk replacement
Henri Nestlé , founder of the Nestlé company • source: / CC BY The loss of a stable income for a breadwinner is due to science. Since the beginning of the 19th century, European scientists have been trying to invent a scientifically based alternative to mother's milk. And the necessary conditions for this gradually developed: they learned how to preserve and disinfect products, and in 1855 the Englishman Grimweid invented powdered milk. But, if not for Henri Nestle, all these discoveries might have existed on their own.
Henri Nestlé's Milk Flour
source: / СС BY
Nestlé's problem of baby food affected Nestlé after the birth of his first child, who was not suitable for mother's milk, and progressive at that time parents did not want to feed cows. A certified pharmacist and pharmacy owner in a Swiss town in 1867 made a mixture of powdered cow's milk, wheat flour and sugar, which he called "Henri Nestlé's Milk Flour". Diluted with water, it became the world's first artificial baby food.
Poster “It is useful for children”, A. Dobrov (1958) • source: / CC BYPost passed
The duration of breastfeeding in pre-revolutionary Russia was established by the church and amounted to three strictest fasts (only Great and Assumption were taken into account ). These terms were not strictly related to age and depended on the time of birth. If a child was born during Great Lent, they were fed from Dormition to Dormition; if after the Dormition Fast (the Great was considered the first, the Dormition Fast was the second, the Great again was the third), then they were fed until almost two years old and were weaned only before the Dormition Fast.
Mixture and only
Martinus van der Hagen ,founder of Nutricia • source: / SS BY
well-fed. The last option is a consequence of a considerable amount of sugar in the first mixtures. This was taken into account by the Dutchman Martinus van der Hagen, who in 1896 invented his own method of drying milk in a bakery.
Its milk formula contained significantly less flour and sugar than that of its main competitor, and therefore received the approval of the then doctors and, largely thanks to them, became popular. Thus began the history of Nutricia. In the US, they also appreciated the charm of a new way to feed hungry children. The production of baby food was put on stream by Clapp's Baby Food and Beech-Nut.
source: / CC BY
Russia was still a few decades before the opening of its own production of baby dry mixes "Malyutka", on which a good part of Soviet toddlers will then grow. And exactly one hundred years before that, in 1872, “milk flour” began to be sold in St. Petersburg, and then throughout the country, the agent of the Nestlé company, Alexander Wenzel. The merchant advertised a new product in the newspapers of that time: a girl, satisfied with life and the taste of milk flour, joyfully licks her finger next to a source of full pleasure - a can of mixture at a price of 1 ruble 10 kopecks. But not everyone was appreciated and not immediately. And even more so where the press was not able to read.
The old fashioned way
The final weaning from breast milk in pre-revolutionary Russia took place in the period from one to two or three years and was expressed in the change of the nickname "sidun" to "hodun". Often it happened "for berries", that is, in the summer months, when berries and fruits ripened, which were given to children "to calm down" - as a consolation.
The farther from the capitals, the less was not only dry mixes, but also knowledge about them. Children continued to be fed by other women for money or thanks, they were given diluted animal milk and they began to supplement them very early. Usually liquid boiled porridges. In Europe - oatmeal, in Asia - rice, in Russia - semolina and semolina. In pre-revolutionary Russia, in addition to cereals, a child already six months old usually knew the taste of potatoes, onions, cucumbers, including pickles.
Some Soviet pediatricians, and after them mothers and grandmothers of that time, believed that it would be good for children to taste salty milk after sweet milk. So often two-three-month-old babies were given to suck on a chicken bone, a crust of black bread, pickles or lard.
It was considered normal to feed him cabbage soup and sauerkraut. Even earlier, they gave "zhevka" - a cloth with wrapped chewed bread, sometimes soaked in sweetened water, kvass or home brew. However, this idea - to occupy a child's mouth with a rag with dubious contents from the point of view of hygiene and pediatrics - was adopted from Europe. It’s just that in our country she stayed longer than in her “homeland”.
And so, when the rag was already taken out of the mouth, but they were not yet invited to the common table, and the children continued to be indignant, they had to somehow get out. More precisely, twist gauze with chopped vegetables and fruits so that they give all their juices for the benefit of children's health. By the way, they just started to take care of him. Enlightened minds have finally traced the connection between what children eat and how long they live without suffering from disease.
Until the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, a horn hollowed out of a cow's horn was used as a pacifier. The contents were knocked out of it and a groove was made at the end for pulling on the "tit" - the nipple of the cow's udder, which was soaked in milk, vegetable oil, sugar and honey water.
And from a can is simpler
source: / SS BYBy that time (1870), Henri Nestle had released a novelty - condensed milk. It was invented back in 1856 by American Gail Borden, but it was Henri Nestle and his company who made condensed milk a popular children's treat. True, the doctors were unhappy: few followed the recommendation to dilute condensed milk with water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and only then give it to children.
They ate condensed milk with spoons, sometimes with jars. And this, of course, led to rapid weight gain. Doctors insisted: it is better to feed children with vegetables and fruits. But twisting the gauze is already pretty tired. And then there were jars.
Daniel Frank GerberChildren and their nutrition were not treated with much trepidation, not only in the dark times of the Middle Ages, but also in the century before last. We already heard something about hygiene and even visited doctors, but, of course, there was no special children's menu.
On the contrary, children in even the poorest families of the 19th century were fed what was worse.
founder of the Gerber Company
source: / SS BY
Michigan manufacturer Daniel Gerber established the first large-scale production of canned food for children. It was again a matter of personal interest—the need for special nutrition for Sally's daughter. Gerber's wife learned how to make vegetable, fruit and meat puree for a sick child, and then convinced her husband to start mass production.
In 1928, baby food from Gerber Foods went on the market. It is still there.
Dairy kitchens and non-dairy rivers
Children in our country also wanted to eat. Especially those who lacked scarce imported food. In the 1920s, dairy kitchens appeared, where milk mixtures, fermented milk products, cottage cheese were made from fresh products, and juices and mashed potatoes were made from fruits and vegetables.
In the 1950s, mass production of baby food began in the Soviet Union: canned juices and purees, powdered milk mixtures, cereals and kissels. Since then, for several decades, dairy kitchens did not prepare food, but simply gave out jars and bags.
In the 1950s, complementary foods were started as early as 2-4 months, and if the child is bottle-fed, then even earlier. And this is not only a Soviet trend.
In the first edition of the well-known book on the upbringing of children by the American doctor Spock (1946), there is this passage:
“Many doctors now recommend giving meat from 2-6 months. Meat for a small child is either turned in a meat grinder several times, or rubbed through a sieve, or rubbed on a grater. Therefore, it is easy for a child to eat it, even while he has no teeth.”
Toddlers of the 1970s owe a lot, if not to everything, to these dairy kitchens, dry mixes "Malyutka", and also to the canned food of the Odessa Cannery and the Moscow Poultry Plant. It was fashionable to eat from jars, boxes and tubes, because the main characters of that time, the astronauts, ate like that.
The glass feeding bottle was patented in 1841 by Charles Windshiel of Massachusetts.
Approximate scheme of complementary feeding "in Soviet style" according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health 1976 years
- 1 month - fruit juices
- 1.5 months - applesauce (grated apple)
- 3.5 months — cottage cheese (from dairy cuisine)
- 4 months - egg yolk
- 4.5 months - vegetable puree
- 7 months - meat
As for today's children, the whole world industry and the conviction, supported by the opinion of pediatricians, that they need special nutrition, work for them. And now there is such an abundance on the children's table that even an adult will envy. Formulas for artificial feeding of infants are produced highly and partially adapted, that is, close in composition to breast milk, and also casein, medicinal, with thickeners and lactose-free, where whey is replaced by no less nutritious soy protein.
The menu of undergrowths of the 21st century includes n-component purees, an unthinkable variety of cereals and a whole line of sour-milk pleasure in bright packages. Only they still find a reason to scream how much in vain. But at least not from hunger.
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Gerber porridge, dairy-free, buckwheat, hypoallergenic, to start weaning, from 4 months, 180 gr
Gerber porridge, dairy-free, buckwheat, hypoallergenic, to start weaning, with bifidobacteria BL, for children from 4 months, weight — 180 gr
It is recommended to start the first complementary foods with cereals that do not contain gluten and cow's milk. Dairy-free dry buckwheat porridge Gerber is a tasty, healthy and safe product to start this important stage in the life of the crumbs.
Dairy-free dry buckwheat porridge Gerber is made from buckwheat grown on farms under the strict control of our company's specialists.
We have added to it microelements important for the growth and development of the baby - iron and calcium, as well as useful bifidobacteria that help improve digestion and strengthen immunity.
Gerber cereals have a simple, clean formula:
- Hypoallergenic, free of gluten and cow's milk;
- Easy to make - just dilute with water, breast milk or formula given to baby;
- Enriched with iron and calcium;
- Contains bifidobacteria to improve digestion;
- Modified atmosphere packaged with nitrogen for long shelf life when unopened;
- Formula without sugar;
- No palm oil;
- Free of artificial preservatives, colors and flavors;
- Non-GMO.
Storage conditions:
Unopened pack should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. The opened package should be closed tightly. An opened pack of the product should be stored in a cool dry place for no more than two weeks.
Shelf life: 15 months. Date of manufacture and packaging, expiration date and batch number are indicated on the bottom panel of the package.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life. Talk to your healthcare professional about when to introduce complementary foods to your baby. After the introduction of complementary foods, breastfeeding should be continued as long as possible. Nestle supports this recommendation. Trademark owner: Societe des Produits Nestle S.A. (Switzerland).
- Wash your hands and take clean utensils.
- Pour 160 ml of 37°C breast milk or infant formula into a clean bowl. If you are using infant formula to make porridge, boil drinking water for 5 minutes, let it cool to 40°C and dilute the required amount of infant formula.
If you use drinking water * to prepare porridge, boil it for 5 minutes and let it cool down to 40°C. Pour 160 ml of water into a clean plate.
- Pour the recommended amount of dry porridge - 23 g (5 tablespoons) into a separate bowl. Gradually add dry porridge to a plate with breast milk, water or infant formula, stirring constantly.
- Stir the porridge until smooth.
* When diluted with water, porridge does not provide the necessary nutritional value of the diet. Consult your doctor for dietary modifications.
Do not boil! Feed your baby with a clean spoon. Porridge should be cooked immediately before each feeding. Do not store diluted porridge left after feeding. Start introducing a new product with 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing the portion to the required volume.
Nutritional value per 100 g of the finished product when diluted with water:
- Proteins (g) - 1.