Heinz dried baby food






There are so many wonderful milestones in a baby’s life. Feeding is right up there with walking. Guiding your baby to good food is one of the ways you share your love. At Heinz, we share ours with delicious options rooted in goodness. From cereals and pouches to snacks and desserts, making it nutritious, yummy and convenient is how we help you along with this adorable and ever so important journey.

Stage 1Beginner

Stage 26+ Months

Stage 38+ Months

Stage 412+ Months

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Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pea, Pear & Broccoli Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Mango, Apricot & Banana Purée

Heinz by Nature 100% Natural Baby Food - Organic Green Beans & Sweet Corn Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Strawberry & Raspberry Purée

Rice Cereal with Milk

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear, Butternut Squash & Kale Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Spinach, Kiwi & Quinoa Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Sweet Potato & Carrot Purée

Pear Purée

Wheat Oat Cereal with Milk

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Carrot, Prune & Quinoa Purée

Sweet Potatoes Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Banana Purée

Peas Purée

Oatmeal Cereal

Mixed Cereal

Strawberry Banana Cereal Bars

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear, Sweet Potato & Plum Purée

Heinz by Nature Baby Food - Chickpeas & Pumpkin Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear & Blueberry Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Beef in Broth Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Banana, Brown Rice & Quinoa Purée

Oatmeal Cereal

Apple Cinnamon Cereal Bars

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Mango, Apricot & Kale Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Banana, Berry & Beet Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Broccoli, Peas & Brown Rice Purée

Pear, Spinach & Kiwi Purée

Heinz by Nature 100% Natural Baby Food - Organic Peas & Spinach Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear, Mango, Apricot & Oat Purée

Heinz by Nature 100% Natural Baby Food - Organic Carrots Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Prune Purée

Heinz by Nature Baby Food - Potato & Hake Fillet Purée

Beef & Carrot In Rice Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Mango Purée

Mixed Cereal

Acai Cereal Bars

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear Purée

Heinz by Nature Baby Food - Custard

Creamed Corn Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Pear, Raspberry, Oat & Yogurt Purée

Multigrains Cereal with Mango, Pineapple & Pear

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Apple, Squash, Carrot & Prune Purée

Oatmeal Cereal with Apple & Cinnamon

Oatmeal Cereal with Milk

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Blueberry, Apple & Oat Purée

Heinz by Nature Organic Baby Food - Blueberry, Mango & Yogurt Purée


NEW YORK — Marsha Berkowitz and Wayne Kabak cannot imagine feeding instant baby food flakes to their new son, Benjamin.

''No way,'' Berkowitz said. Even if she thought it would taste good, she added, ''how can anything be more convenient than opening a jar?''


Penny and Bernard Zweig disagree. ''We`d let our child eat it,'' Bernard Zweig said. ''It could come in handy, and it`s probably just like the food in jars.''

Parents today have some new choices in what they will feed their babies. Where once they might have only reached for a jar of strained peaches, they now can feed their babies 23 varieties of Heinz`s fruits, vegetables and dinners that come in dried-instant flakes.


That`s not all. For parents who still like baby food in a jar, they can choose between the traditional variety or Beech-Nut`s ''Stages,'' with four levels of food that supposedly matches a baby`s development.

The new look in baby foods reflects the jockeying taking place as the three traditional producers--Gerber Products Co., Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. and H.J. Heinz Co. --seek to defend or widen their shares in what has been a mature but possibly expanding market as the post-World War II baby boomers begin to have children of their own. According to the Federal National Center for Health Statistics, the number of births in the United States showed a 2 percent increase for the first 11 months of 1984, compared with the same period in 1983.

Gerber dominates the $650 million baby food market with 68 percent of sales, while Beech-Nut holds a 17 percent share, and Heinz follows with 15 percent.

Heinz hopes to carve a niche in the market with its dried-instant baby food. The product is not a new idea; both Heinz and Gerber tested dried-instant baby food several years ago, but neither company chose to pursue it then.

Last fall, after more tests, Heinz, a Pittsburgh-based company, decided to try again, backing the product with an $18 million advertising and promotional campaign. They color-coded the dried-food packages, expanded to 23 varieties from the 17 they had tested, and began distributing the product nationally. Now, the company has accelerated its national campaign and is expected to spend $25 million before the first year is over.

''Heinz is doing this on a very large scale,'' said William Leach, a vice president at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette Inc. ''The $25 million that Heinz is spending on this product is more than the $20 million that Gerber spent last year, for all of its advertising and promotion.''

Gerber officials are watching closely. They noted that in their tests, sales simply did not justify continued production. However, John Whitlock, director of public relations for Gerber, added that if consumers had changed and seemed to want the dried food, Gerbers was ''ready to meet that challenge.''

Beech-Nut`s new marketing approach, ''Stages,'' was introduced nearly a year ago. ''Stages'' has four levels of food. Stage 1 is single-ingredient foods, intended to aid in detecting allergies. Stage 1 also features brand-name fruits and vegetables, such as ''Golden Delicious Applesauce'' and


''Chiquita Bananas. '' The brand-name food makes the Beech-Nut foods in jars slightly more expensive than other foods in jars.

Stage 2 has more than one ingredient. Stage 3 is also multi-ingredient, and includes ''mini-bites,'' for a baby`s new teeth. ''Table Time'' is Stage 4, designed ''for children who have outgrown baby food.''

The new Heinz dried baby foods are made with no salt, sugar, preservatives or modified starch. Heinz company officials are also quick to add that dried baby food is ''less wasteful'' and ''more convenient'' than jarred food, an important selling theme.

''People don`t like to toss food,'' said Ida Laquatra, a Heinz nutritionist. With food in jars, she said, what was left in the jar when the baby was full would go into the refrigerator and often go to waste. With the dried product, ''you make only as much as you need by adding water.''

Most analysts say the new Heinz product will probably find a niche in the market, though it may be small. In Britain and Canada, dried instant baby food has become quite popular. Heinz has 34 percent of the British baby food market, which includes its dried instant product. The company has 85 percent of the market in Canada, where the dried food is offered in only 14 varieties. Despite Heinz`s success in foreign markets, analysts say it will encounter stiff competition in trying to reduce Gerber`s stronghold in the U.S.

Leach of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette offered a similar view: ''It`s difficult to introduce new products in this market,'' since they`re aimed at such a small segment of the population, he said. ''It`s not like trying to sell a new beer. It`s not as easy to advertise.''


Alan S. Greditor of Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. said the Beech-Nut product should not be placed at the same level as the new Heinz product. Heinz, he said, ''will create an important market position.''

While analysts speculate, it is the parents who must finally be convinced. Although some parents may find the new products fit well into their modern way of living, others, such as Elisabeth Vazquez, a mother in Manhattan, may feel that the new varieties of baby food are no better than any from the past. ''I have a pressure cooker,'' Vazquez says, ''and that will always get my carrots as soft as I need them.''

Heinz Baby Cookies (60g) - 8001040092460

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Delivery on the day of order

Delivery works 7 days a week across the Crimea from 10:00-20:00

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children under 5 years old.

Quality Assurance

All items in my Lvenok stores carry a manufacturer's warranty.

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Convenient self-delivery

You can pick up the order yourself in one of the stores in Simferopol.

Own warehouse

All goods are placed in moy Lvenok's warehouse equipped for storing children's goods.

Payment methods

You can pay for the purchase in any way: cash to the courier, bank card to the courier, card according to the details.

  • 70 p
  • 55 p

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Promotion Item

When your doctor recommends expanding your baby's diet, offer Heinz Baby Cookies. It will provide your baby with substances that are useful for the growing body and will add variety to his diet. Heinz baby biscuits contain only natural ingredients, additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals, quickly dissolve in milk or in the baby's mouth. And most importantly, the cookies have a very delicate taste and aroma that children like.

Ingredients: Wheat flour (contains gluten), sugar, palm oil, malt, skimmed milk powder, ammonium bicarbonate, potassium tartrate, sodium bicarbonate, mineral salts (calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate), vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, vanillin.


This was the first cookie we gave our little one to try. He was 8 months old. And, immediately dry, not soaked. By that time, our front teeth had already come out. We were a little worried about how he would manage to cope with the new food. It turned out that all fears were unfounded. The cookies dissolve quickly. We take with us for walks and visits. The cookie itself has a convenient shape, it is convenient to hold it with a small handle.
Very convenient and tasty


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Heinz Baby Cookies (60gr)





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from 5 months

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Our advantages

Delivery on the day of order

Delivery works 7 days a week across the Crimea from 10:00-20:00

Wide range

and children under 5 years of age.

Quality Assurance

All items in moy Lvenok stores come with a manufacturer's warranty.

Promotions and discounts

Be the first to know about promotions, discounts and special offers from moy Lvenok store.

Convenient self-delivery

You can pick up the order yourself in one of the stores in Simferopol.

Own warehouse

All goods are placed in moy Lvenok's warehouse equipped for storing children's goods.

Payment methods

You can pay for the purchase in any way: cash to the courier, bank card to the courier, card according to the details.

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Palm oil in baby food - questions and answers from Heinz Baby

Healthy food is exactly what all parents want for their babies! In the first 4-6 months of a child's life, everything is clear and simple. Breast milk is the gold standard for baby food. But then the introduction of complementary foods begins, and with it the questions. For example, why is palm oil/palm olein added to complementary foods?

Khavkin Anatoly Ilyich, pediatric gastroenterologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Gastroeterology, NIKI Pediatrics named after A.I. Academician B.E. Veltishchev RNIMU

1 I bought a milk porridge from a well-known manufacturer, I began to read the composition, and there was palm olein. Why is it added to milk porridge?

First, let's look at what most baby cereals are made of. The basis is usually cow's milk. However, some manufacturers partially or completely replace cow's milk fat with palm oil, since in terms of production it has several advantages compared to whole milk powder: it does not require additional processing, can be stored for a long time and helps companies partially optimize costs.

2 Why do many parents try to avoid palm oil products?

Palm oil is very rich in saturated fatty acids. If there are too many of them in a person's diet, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and diseases associated with excess body weight increases. That is why the World Health Organization has called for a reduction in the use of solid animal and vegetable fats, including palm oil.

Often, parents who are concerned about constipation in their baby turn to pediatric specialists. Palm oil can form strong bonds with calcium in the intestines, which are excreted in the stool, giving it a firmer texture. This can contribute to the formation of constipation in babies. At the same time, part of the calcium is excreted from the baby's body, and it is calcium that is necessary for the formation of strong bones in the crumbs!

3 Are there any health benefits of palm oil?

Both palm oil and human milk contain palmitic acid. Palmitic acid is the predominant saturated fatty acid in breast milk. Fats provide from 30% to 50% of the daily needs of the child's body, are involved in the formation of the brain, organs of vision and in the synthesis of hormones. But it is important to note that the palmitic acid in palm oil and breast milk is different, which affects the ability of the baby's intestines to absorb it.

4 Do all baby cereals contain palm olein
Is it possible to do without it?

On the baby food market there are milk porridges with the addition of palm olein, and there are porridges exclusively on whole milk powder.

For example, Heinz milk porridges are based on whole milk powder, 100% natural cereals and no palm oil. For optimal growth and development, Heinz cereals are additionally enriched with vitamins, minerals and prebiotics.

5 How do I know if baby porridge contains palm olein?

Manufacturers are required by law to list all ingredients in baby food. Therefore, if the porridge contains palm oil or palm olein, this component will definitely be listed in the product. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of porridge for your baby, read the information on the packaging carefully.

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